
Young Writers Society

The Mutants That Got Away (come one, come all)

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:35 pm
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eldEr says...

Spoiler! :
This is pretty much just an X-men spinoff. It is by no means original, but it is also not actually X-men. And yes, Heidi is basically a nonparalyzed, female version of Xavier. Sue me. no don't

Forty years ago, Heidi Alderson started Alderson Academy, a school with two faces. As far as the families of the students and the public were aware, the school was nothing more than one more private boarding school. The only notable difference was that, as opposed to accept application letters, the school would recruit their students. In forty years, the school gained an impressive reputation. They recruited children from all over the world, brought in on student visas.

Heidi was a wealthy woman- a multibillionaire to be precise, with her money safely invested in multiple chain companies across the USA, Canada and Europe- and when school let out in the summer, or during their month-long holiday in January, the students' trip back to their families, and then back to the school was paid for in full. The children were allowed to keep in contact with their parents through letters, phone calls, the world-wide web, or all three. Tuition was paid for by sponsors, accumulated before the recruiting letters were sent out, and through fundraisers that happen year-round. It was free, it was upscale, it was tipping the lines of unrealistic.

The population of the school, however, never exceeded three-hundred students. And, to these three-hundred students, the school held an entirely different meaning. You see, each and every one of these students was special. They were mutants. Are mutants.

The 'powers' (so to speak) gained by these mutations manifest at the start of puberty for most, with a few very rare exceptions. They vary drastically, and at first, often seem very difficult to control. Some are easily hidden, and others are far too physical.

A Bit About The School
Spoiler! :
- Your family probably does not know about your mutation, and your family would not have known to contact the school even if they did know about the mutation. The school would have contacted your family through a letter, email or phone call, and, once that was responded to, one of the teachers (or, in some cases, Heidi herself) would have come to visit you in person. They'd have given false reasons for the child's recruiting- your mutation is a secret, and to ensure your safety, no, not even your parents would have been told about it.

Which means that your family and friends are all pretty sure that the school's just some ordinary academy.

Your trips to and from the school are paid in for summer holidays, and for the January holiday. Christmas holidays are there, from the December 24th to January 2nd, but those are not paid for. Either your parents would had to have paid for you to come home, or they would have come to see you (all things indicating that this is a school for mutations would, in this case, be hidden). Heidi can only afford to send so many children to so many places so many times out of the year.

The school is out in the middle of nowhere, presumably somewhere in the state of Arkansas. It's a large, mansion-ish building, five stories tall. The top story is where Heidi stays in the master suit, and, in smaller suites, the teachers live there full-time. The fourth and third floors are the students' rooms (students are split into groups of three. Your rooms are simple, but not at all lacking in space. Beds, dressers, televisions, and whatever you can afford/fit. And yes, all of the rooms have their own private- but rather small, Heidi's afraid- bathrooms). The second floor is all classrooms. The first floor is mostly classrooms, with three lounges, the lobby, the community kitchen/dining area, the community washrooms/showers, a rather massive gymnasium, and to one side, an indoor pool. The basement's expansive, has multiple hidden corridors, and is changed almost weekly to be a different kind of training area. Outdoors, you've got your outdoor sporting goods, a playground, more easily-excused training stations, and other such things.

Classes begin at 9am sharp, with a one-hour break for lunch (everyone as a community) between 12:30pm and 1:30pm. Classes typically end at 3:30pm, but occasionally drag on until 4pm. After classes are over, you're free to do whatever your little heart desires, so long as it's not destructive.

Our Story Begins...

A day from today marks the 80th birthday of our very own Heidi Alderson. A team of fourteen students and four teachers (all of whom constitute as our temporary decorating committee) have been setting up and cooking food for the past week. The other 130-or-so (it's a smaller year) students have been going about their business as usual. After finishing ahead-of-schedule, the four teachers decided to take the students back to the grand old city for ice cream-- an added celebration and a thank-you for their hard work.

Meanwhile, a plot is being hatched. Mutations are blocked via a concoction of chemicals, temporarily disabling mutations and creating a fog around the minds of the students and remaining teachers, rendering them incapable of defence. The school is invaded, the students are taken captive, the teachers disposed of. The missing decorating committee has not been overlooked.

On the way back, one car narrowly escapes a traffic-jam by taking an alternate route. The driver of this car, a certain Professor Brazil Heyton-Liu, is a telepath, mentored directly by Miss Alderson. His mind's hazy, and somehow, he was oblivious to driving his carpool right into the hands of the baddies. This crew is kept together, and Brazil is the only teacher to be kept alive-- he's a key player in unwillingly tracking down the escapees.

Just before Brazil's telepathy was disabled completely, he squeezed out a warning to the other three teachers to stay away from the school.


~ All regular YWS rules apply.

~ No godmodding, folks. People do not appreciate when their character is completely taken over. Keep everyone's character in-character, and please don't make them do anything they wouldn't normally do. If you want to initiate a big scene with another person's character, shoot them a PM and plan it out, first.

~ Keep your cussing to a minimum. It's allowed, most certainly, but try to keep it mild. F-bombs are massively frowned upon.

~ Romance is so, so totally okay. Sex scenes, on the other hand, are not allowed.

~ Please don't randomly walk around killing characters. It's not very nice. Always PM the player of said character asking permission before this happens.

~ Mary/Gary-Sues are also mostly frowned upon. Chances are, you're playing a student. Which means that they can't be insanely powered and simultaneously insanely good at wielding said power. Also, there is no such thing as “the most powerful kid in the school.” Personality flaws are also rather welcome things.

~ The character spots are first come, first serve for the most part. Anyone and everyone is welcome until the slots are no more.

~ Please mind the SB mods (which is mostly just me as far as this singular SB goes, I suppose). If I shoot you a PM asking you to tweak something about your profile/a post, please don't be too discouraged. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen on occasion, and at some point, it happens to everyone. Heck, it happens to me, still! The chances of this happening are, as I mentioned, probably very slim.

~ Make sure that you read all the profiles before the SB starts, and all of the posts, once it does, before posting. Just so that you know where everyone is, and what's going on. And don't be afraid to shoot me a PM if you need a little guidance along the way. c:

~ The posts must be a bare minimum of two seven-lined paragraphs. No one-liners.

~ Correct grammar, punctuation and other such writing nonsense, please.

~ All out-of-character (OOC) posts are to go in the DT. Profiles go here, in the SB proper.

Character Slots

Spoiler! :
~ Prof. Brazil Heyton-Liu - M - Isha
~ Prof. Parker Heyton-Liu - M - Isha
~ Prof. Kaya Ombrero - F - Rydia
~ Prof. 4 - ReisePiecey

Prof. Brazil's Carpool:
~ Alex Grönqvist - M - Alvarin
~ Hella Schrader - F - Shino
~ Mickey - N(eutral) - ReisePiecey

Prof. Parker's Carpool:
~ Yvette Bi - F - secondhandjoy
~ Ford Brennerman - M - secondhandjoy
~ Bob - M - LouisCypher
~ - M - ScarlettFire

Prof. Kaya's Carpool:
~ - F - ScarlettFire
~ Evelyn Adams - F - Pencil2Paper
~ Gaia Sanchez - F - kayfortnight

Prof. Easton Harris:
~ - F - GroobyGrub (aka JabberHut)
~ - M - GroobyGrub (aka JabberHut)

The Baddies
~ Patricia Levern - RoseyUnicorn
~ Demetris Vaughn - Threnody
~ Baddie 3 - reserved
~ Baddie 4 - reserved

Character Profile Templates

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (first and last)
[b]Age:[/b] (between 11 and 19 for students, and 25-ancient for teachers & Baddies)
[b]What are you?[/b] (Teacher, student or baddie? If you're a student, please specify which carpool you're with)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written is mandatory, a photo is completely optional)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Likes, dislikes, personality strengths and weaknesses, what makes you tick? Please be as detailed as you can, here)

[b]Mutations/Skills:[/b] (Students and teachers all have mutations. Baddies do not. What is your mutation? How does it work? What are its strong points and short-comings? If you don't have a mutation, what are you good at?)

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (For restating personality weaknesses, or adding in physical weaknesses. And yes, every character is going to have a weakness or two)

[b]History:[/b] (If you're a student, where are you from? What corner of the world? What was your family life like before? You wouldn't have known about your mutation until puberty, and chances are that by then, you were scooped up by the school. How did that impact your life? What do you have to go back home to, if anything? If you're a teacher, how were you employed? Were you a former student? If you're a baddie, well, why do you do what you do?)

[b]Other:[/b] (For anything that doesn't fit somewhere else, or for anything that I missed.)

[b]Up for Love?[/b] (Yes, no? Stating your character's/s' orientation is optional)

[b]Theme Song:[/b] (This is totally optional, but come on, it'd be pretty fun. Just make sure it's not explicit- no strong or constant cussing, and no explicit sexual themes)

got trans?

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:02 pm
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Alvarin says...

Could I reserve a spot in Professor Brazil's Carpool? :)
Do tell me if I need to change anything.

Name: Alexander "Alex" Grönqvist | Sanguine
Age: 18
Gender: Male
What are you? Student, Professor Brazil's Carpool.

Appearance: 5'10. Thin, sickly pale, bags under his eyes. Looks frail. Has a mane of black hair that keeps falling into his deep blue eyes. (Looks quite a bit like L from Death Note.) His arms and hands are covered with scars. Would probably be really handsome, if he didn't look so thin and weak, so instead he has a kind of frail beauty. Bruises very easily, so he always has a bunch of bruises. Always wears converse (the color doesn't matter much), dark jeans and a light (since he thinks he looks like a ghost otherwise) sweater of whatever model. Tries to avoid t-shirts or anything that will show his scared and (most often) bruised arms.

Personality: Very kind and gentle. Smiles and laughs a lot, but only when he's hanging out with someone. A good listener who prefers listening to talking, but that doesn't mean he's quiet. If you get him fired up about something (for example politics) he can go on and on for hours until he either runs out of energy or you ask him to shut up. That being said, he can be a bit shy sometimes, especially with people he doesn't know. He's easy to like, which results in him being on friendly terms with almost everyone he knows. He's the kind of guy you'd turn to if you needed advise. He's a good observer and very intelligent, but far too credulous. Very calm (since he doesn't have much energy) and spends most of his time reading, writing or drawing. Can be very stubborn at times and does not fully understand his own limitations, which can lead to him coughing up blood or fainting out of exhaustion.

Likes: People in general, being treated like everyone else, warm days, being outside, comfortable clothes, converse, helping people, anything sweet, studying, reading, writing, drawing.

Dislikes: Being alone, having to lie to his parents, judgmental people, not being able to do the activities he wants to, being tired (which he is most of the time), when he's treated like he's fragile, cold long winters.

Mutations/Skills: Blood Manipulation. He can manipulate his own blood, both inside and outside his body as long as it is still connected to him. He can harden and sharpen it, making all kind of sharp weapons, shoot it out like long spears or use it as ropes or wire. His power makes him highly resilient to diseases and poisons. He can also stop himself from bleeding. It's limited by how much blood he has, and his range is highly dependent on how thick he makes the spear, rope, wire or whatever he shapes it as.

Weaknesses: His body regenerates blood very slowly, which makes him treasure each drop. Also heals very slowly, so if he gets a major wound he needs to keep the bleeding at bay with his power until it heals. Although his power is strong, his body is very weak and he doesn't have much energy.

His powers demands a certain amount of concentration, the grander stuff he does, the more he needs to concentrate and the more energy he uses. He therefor has to stop, and focus on keeping himself from bleeding, if he has used his powers for more than a couple of minutes. If he doesn't he'll faint and won't be able to stop himself from bleeding out.

History: He's originally from Sweden, but when the doctors there couldn't do anything more for him (they couldn't even diagnose him) his parents decided that they should move to California, in hopes of finding another doctor or at least get him away from the harsh climate. He kept getting worse, and when he was thirteen the doctors told him that he would probably die in a few months.

He accidentally cut his hand one day, and as usual the bleeding wouldn't stop. He was home alone and started to panic when he suddenly realized the he could make the blood go back into his body and stop it from bleeding. After that he got better with the help of his powers, but is still sick. He didn't dare to tell his parents about his powers, and they thought his recovery was a miracle. Not long after that he was contacted by the school. He told his parents that it was a school for gifted kids that would have difficulties going to a normal school. His parents didn't want him to go at first, but then they realized that keeping him locked up at home wouldn't do him any good, and let him go. His mother still calls every day, checking that he's feeling okay and not pushing himself too hard. He's very close to his parents and hates having to lie to them about his power.

Up for Love? Yes, bi.

Theme Song: Resan till dig (the journey to you) - Alexander Rybak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpcAz8yHI4g
Last edited by Alvarin on Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:32 pm
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secondhandjoy says...

Name: Yvette Bi; nicknamed "Ghost" or, more commonly, "Yvi"

Age: 16.5

Gender: Female

What are you? Student; Professor Parker Heyton-Liu's carpool

Appearance: Yvi is of South Korean descent, and genetics have provided her not only with her mutation, but with strong cheekbones, almond shaped, very dark eyes, fuller lips, and thick, dark hair that she keeps tied back for convenience. She stands at just above 5'5", and weighs just a bit less than she should, with long legs (at least in proportion to the rest of her), arms, and neck. She tends to wear mostly white or pastel characters; bright and flashy isn't really her style. She tends to have her head down, and speaks quietly.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Yvi isn't necessarily shy, which comes as a surprise to many. She just tends to be rather soft-spoken and reserved. She often takes the role of wallflower, or general supervisor. She has a maternal streak and you will often find her making sure her friends are happy before herself, whether through giving them food or letting them borrow blankets or sweaters. Excellent secret-keeper, though she won't often tell her own. Can come off a bit snobbish because of her rather introverted nature and tendency towards high amounts of pride.

Likes: white; pastel colors; instrumental or indie music; cats; white orchids; cloudy or rainy days; tea; being with Ford; vanilla, both flavor and scent; organization; familiarity

Dislikes: wearing bright or dark colors; obnoxious hip hop or screaming rock; snakes and bugs; roses; the beach; black coffee; overconfidence; cherry, both scent and flavor; disorganization; new situations; touching people/being touched by people

Strengths: loyal (if earned); trustworthy; responsible; intelligent; caring; calm; speaks Korean and English fluently

Weaknesses: can be judgmental; untrusting; unwilling to ask for help; impatient; low self-esteem; internalizes issues; not athletic

Mutations/Skills: Can pass through solid objects of a certain density, occasionally through people and animals. This gives her the nickname 'Ghost,' along with her quiet nature and affinity for white. Yvi's mutation allows her atoms to shift and separate much easier than normal, and without ill effect (so far). However, she has only been able to do this with solid materials so far. She also has very little control over this, and generally, if her body is unfamiliar with an object, the atoms of whatever body part is touching it will separate to allow it to pass through. For this reason, she often will only use/wear items that she has been in contact with or a while. Whenever things pass through her, she describes the feeling as the way it feels when a certain part of your body moves through water.

While this mutation often prevents serious injury and can be a cool party trick, Yvi sees more disadvantages in it. For instance, when sleeping in a bed she hasn't slept in before, she will often wake up underneath it, or if she was sleeping on a higher level, on the first floor. She has to focus very hard to try on new clothes, or handle objects she hasn't handled before. Shaking hands upon first meeting is impossible. Even hugs can sometimes turn very awkward. Everyday tasks like eating can be challenging, so she often carries her own silverware and other items that would otherwise be provided by others. And sometimes passing through things can be painful, especially when these things are weapons, or roughly textured surfaces. If her body attempts to move through an object with too high a density, it can make her seriously ill. And a major problem she finds with this mutation is that even if she does pass through an object that would have caused harm, she will still feel the pain. For instance, if she were to fall through a floor she could pass through, she would not break any bones, but she would feel the pain of impact and may even bruise.

She cannot move through thick metal or concrete foundations, or things of that nature.

Weaknesses: Again- can be judgmental; untrusting; unwilling to ask for help; impatient; low self-esteem; internalizes issues; not athletic

Also- sometimes must focus intensely to not pass through objects, uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations, nervous around girls she does not know well, sometimes will unintentionally self-inflict harm because her mutation will allow the cause to pass through

History: Yvette is originally from Koreatown, Los Angeles, where her parents settled after immigrating from South Korea. She was raised as an only child in a strict, reserved environment, with heavy emphasis on academic and financial success. Relationships with boys were discouraged, friendships were seen as distractions, and individuality was never priority. But Yvi never felt miserable; this was all she knew. She found comfort in having a set schedule, in patterns and rules that she could use over and over until their edges were worn smooth.

Her mutation was not made obvious immediately when puberty struck, when she was eleven, almost twelve. Because she was exposed to the same things for so long, her body could maintain its structure. But on a trip back to Seoul for the summer, everything was new and different, and Yvi couldn't touch or hold most anything unless she was wearing gloves, and even then it was often difficult. Her parents, once they caught on to why this was happening, were quick to return home, putting her back in an environment where she wouldn't pass through things. Now, she truly was miserable. The way her parents were treating this -isolating her, refusing to let her see anyone or go anywhere- sealed her belief that she was unworthy of anything good. Sometimes, she would be allowed to play in the yard, and if a neighbor's child ever saw her pass through something -which she was prone to do, since she wasn't often allowed outside- she would be called a freak, or a monster. This, and the lack of trust her parents showed to her, can be seen as the reason she trusts very little.

Professor Brazil Heyton-Liu found her soon before she turned thirteen, much to the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Bi. Yvi was eager to go away to the academy, and her parents were eager to tell everyone they knew that their only daughter was going to 'an elite school' for 'the gifted' that was so prestigious that students couldn't even apply, they had to be sought out instead. Everyone who was told, including Yvi's parents, could believe it, since Yvi's unassuming and responsible ways surely meant she had potential to be genius. The academy proved to be very possibly the best thing for Yvi. It opened her up, and put her in a place where she felt safe. However, the year she spent confined to her home and her restrained childhood have somewhat shackled her down into the reserved young woman she is. Meeting Ford allowed her to find a balance, seeing as she brings out the maturity and calm in him, and he brings out the child and energy in her.

Ford is currently the only classmate and friend that knows of her orientation, which was a difficult thing for her to come to terms with, and why she feels uncomfortable around girls. Her parents don't know, either- just like they don't know many things about her. She dreads going home for holidays; she can handle her parents for a few days, and of course she misses and loves them, but after three days, tops, she just begins to feel trapped and pressured. She much prefers spending time with Ford and her professors.

Other: Is actually quite good at piano, and has a rather angelic type of singing voice, but playing is difficult with the mutation, and she's very self conscious about her voice. Best friends with Ford Brennerman; they're practically inseparable.

Up for Love? Yes. Lesbian; closeted. If you want a romantic relationship/friendship, or want to write anything that may somehow out Yvette, PLEASE PM ME FIRST!

Theme Song: Dead Hearts, by Stars


Name: Ford Brennerman, nicknamed "Engine," though this is not commonly used

Age: 17

Gender: Male

What are you? Student, Professor Parker Heyton-Liu's carpool

Appearance: Ford's hair is plain brown and usually quite messy, with some lighter locks in his fringe. He has a sharp jaw and reddish lips, and strong lips much like his best friend Yvette. His smile often comes out a bit lopsided, and his cheeks are just a bit ruddy. He has just a couple of freckles along the side of his face. His eyes are either dark gray or dark blue; no one is quite sure which. He stands at maybe a half inch below six feet, definitely taller than Yvi, and in proportion to his body, has a longer torso. He has a dancer's body, all lean muscle and elegance. He prefers to wear closer-fit clothes. He's constantly in motion, bouncing his legs or drumming his feet or fingers, and talks a bit quickly, but not entirely too fast.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Ford is in many ways Yvette's complement. Where she is quiet, he is outgoing. Where she stands in the background, he draws attention to himself. Where she has excellent work ethic and is responsible, he is the self-proclaimed king of procrastination. The one thing they share is the need to make others happy and safe and comfortable before themselves. He's a natural people-pleaser. Ford's a ball of energy, and cannot stand still for the life of him. He can keep the movements to a minimum, but they will always be there; this is partially because of his mutation. He pretty much always wears his heart on his sleeve.

Likes: bright colors, especially orange; indie pop and dance music; dance; dogs; orange daylilies; sleeping in; mocha anything; being with Yvette; lemon, both flavor and scent; improvisation; hugs (he is one of the very few who is allowed to hug Yvi)

Dislikes: gray; country music (with a passion); being forced to stay still; monkeys; extremely rural areas; waking up early; alcoholic drinks; everyone from his hometown; the smell of roses; boy bands (surprisingly); small spaces

Strengths: friendly; fast runner; agile; very good dancer; quick-thinking; loyal; kind

Weaknesses: can be overemotional; not necessarily physically strong; not good fighter; like Yvi, can be secretive; has difficulty focusing; once trust is broken, cannot be regained; somewhat stubborn

Mutations/Skills: Can absorb and redirect energy. This gives him the nickname "Engine," as well as his constant energy and being named for a truck. Ford's mutation has less to do with ATP and more to do with the immediate absorption and release of kinetic, chemical, or various other types of energy. However, Ford cannot control what he absorbs or releases, or when. Any time he absorbs or releases, his eyes flash white. Sometimes, if Ford doesn't release the energy (because sometimes, he does have a choice), it will transfer into ATP and give him actual usable energy. For this reason, you will sometimes see Ford grabbing onto live wires and lightbulbs and the sort instead of eating, simply for convenience. He is also good at sports for this reason, but prefers dance to any team sports.

Ford's mutation keeps him energetic and lively, but sometimes the energy can be too much, and he has, at this point, no way to filter it out to a healthy amount. Because of the mutation, he has a tremor in his hands, sometimes nearly invisible, sometimes obvious. This is also why he can't stand still, and why his mind can't stay in one place for very long at all. It also takes the energy completely out of whatever he absorbs- he has no way of choosing what is absorbed, and how much he absorbs. This often leads to small power outages, and if he absorbs the energy from a person, that person may pass out. On the opposite end, if he doesn't touch or come into contact with anything with energy at least once an hour, he himself will pass out, even if he's fed and slept well. Like Yvi, he will typically absorb energy from things that his body is unfamiliar with, but this doesn't have the same disastrous effects it does with her. It merely means that it may be best to hold back when meeting new people, and is the reason he prefers dancing alone to doing any physical activity with strangers. And, like Yvi, his body can only absorb so much. If his body continues trying to absorb past its limit -which it often does- he can very easily be seriously harmed.

Ford can absorb kinetic energy from moving small to medium sized objects, and moving people, as well as electric energy in small to large doses, and full energy blasts, as long as they aren't large.

Weaknesses: Again- can be overemotional; not necessarily physically strong; not good fighter; like Yvi, can be secretive; has difficulty focusing; once trust is broken, cannot be regained; somewhat stubborn

Also- can get way hyperactive, faints easily, forgets to eat, sometimes throws up due to energy overload

History: Ford is originally from a small town in Texas, and has the slight drawl to prove it. He was born as the youngest of four boys. The only one of his brothers that he ever got along with was the eldest, John (after John Deere, of course). His father was most definitely the head of the household, and this couldn't be worse for Ford. His father liked football and was a clear homophobe. Ford hated football and knew he was gay from the second he learned what the word meant when he was eleven.

He was twelve when his mutation first showed signs, when boys from school threw him against an electric fence on the way home (because he was feminine and liked to dance and was only friends with girls, why else?), and he sent the electricity right back at them. He left them unconscious and ran, and when they saw him the next day, they gave him a wide berth. Word quickly spread that he could kill people, and that he was a freak, a monster. He was alienated even more than he already was, and added to the stress of being closeted in a mostly-homophobic household, he began trying to take on more energy, seeing how much he could take before he broke. Many times, John would find him passed out, or hunched over the toilet throwing up energy that had converted itself into waste product because it was simply unusable. Ford began eating much less, and drew into himself much more. He lost focus in all areas of his life, and instead of focusing on school or socialization, started dancing in his room whenever no one was around. It was an escape that was actually healthy, a good way to take and redirect energy. But it didn't stop the puking or the blackouts, or even slow them down. Even the brothers didn't like him could realize that he needed some sort of help.

Before any of them could take action, Professor Parker Heyton-Liu got into contact with the Brennermans, when Ford was almost thirteen. Like Yvi, Ford was eager to leave, though that didn't make him better right away. To this day, he has issues with eating and still throws up often. There are several rumors circulating that he has an eating disorder. There was some disbelief in his hometown that Ford would go to a private boarding school, and now the entire town believes that he was sent away because he had capital-I Issues. He, like Yvi, hates going home.

Ford is pretty open about his orientation, but Yvette was the first person he ever told outright. He doesn't go home for Christmas, unlike Yvette, because he just can't stand his family, or his town, or anything that reminds him of his past. His brother John is the only relative he's in close contact with, and John will often try to come up to the school to visit him when he's not busy with college. Ford looks forward to these visits more than he looks forward to the times when he can dance.

Other: His secret ambition is to a) become a dancer and b) open a gay bar in a southern state, preferably Texas, or provide support for gay youth in the South somehow. Best friends with Yvette Bi; they're practically inseparable.

Up for Love? Yes. Openly gay. If you want a romantic relationship/friendship, PLEASE PM ME FIRST!

Theme Song: Starry Eyed, by Ellie Goulding

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:59 am
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eldEr says...

Name: Brazil Heyton-Liu
Age: 31
Gender: Male
What are you? A teacher, of course. Literature and religions, and advises students who have mutations relating to mind and emotion. 

Appearance: Braz is a smaller creature, standing at roughly 5'8," just barely matching the medical definition of a "healthy weight for a small frame." Physically opposing, he is not, and physically imposing, he has no desire to be. He is of Asian ancestry, Thai and Korean, as far as he knows, and has learned to brush off any and all 'short Asian' jokes. 

His head is a mop of black hair, with bangs that he quite often has to push out of the way of a pair of constantly-dreamy brown eyes. His lips are more pale than one might expect to see against his particular skin-tone, and are surprisingly inexpressive. They always have a slight twist to the corners, but unless he's laughing, or nearly bursting from the seams with joy, that's the best smile you'll get from him. No, he smiles with his eyes, and his brow- the majority of his expression is held in the upper half of his face. 

Personality: Star-eyed, dreamy, constantly fascinated by the things around him, and, perhaps, a tad on the eccentric side. He's the type to set up camp on the front lawn, with nothing under him but the grass, supplied with a cup of tea and his own thoughts, and just watch. Observe every single detail, and be amused in doing so for hours on end. Everything fascinates him. Everything. His whims and whiles are many, and he can often be caught roaming the halls, or the hills, or anywhere his feet decide to carry him. There are days when Parker returns to their suit to find him sprawled out on the dining room table, eyes closed, doing absolutely nothing. And, where he is a little strange, he is still (mostly) in his right mind. He knows what he's doing, he knows why he does it, he knows that it's a little bit odd, and he just doesn't care. He wouldn't give up his child-like antics for the world. The excitability, the enthusiasm, fascinations, willingness to play games at the students after class. He just never grew up all the way, and he's perfectly okay with the fact. Life's more fun that way, anyway. 

Aside from childlike tendencies, his whims and his little oddities, Braz is also a pacifist. He refuses to induce physical harm on anyone, friend or enemy, or in his own defense. The only way you'd catch him hitting another human being is if they raised a fist to one of his students, or to his husband. He genuinely loves people, despite needing alone time and respite to recharge at the end of the day, and honestly meshes well with just about everyone. He enjoys spending time with both those younger than himself, and those who are older, and never fails to be a safe place. He keeps secrets well- has to, since he knows most things about the majority of those he comes into contact with, anyway- and has yet to turn someone down based on who they are. He's the loving, inviting, nurturing sort. 

However, he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Sky-diving, bungee-jumping, water skiing- the list of antics goes on, and it goes on for a rather long time, for someone who's not very physically inclined. Suspense ruins him, drives him absolutely up the wall. For someone who can see the recesses of other peoples' minds, a surprise that is kept a surprise can drive him almost stark-raving mad. He can be impulsive, is easily distracted, and tends to retreat into his own mind once his train of thought changes tracks. It's been the cause of multiple pauses in the middle of lectures, and many more important things. Of course, once he's focused on something, snapping him out of that focus is a chore to end all chores.

And all of that, aside from constant fascination and corkiness, is in light of a bigger thing. If he hasn't had something exciting thrown at him, he's one of the most calm, laid-back individuals you'll ever meet. He's quiet, isn't quick to anger (and even when he is angry, he makes a point of making sure nobody that doesn't need to know about it, doesn't know about it),

He likes... almost everything, and almost everyone, actually. He dislikes the vast majority of crude jokes, being forced into too much rationality, having money in his pocket and not being allowed to spend every last cent, the action of judging other people (not so much the people who do it as the action itself), too much commotion, too much noise all at once, lighters, when he runs out of tea and hot dogs. 

Mutations/Skills: Braz is, rather simply, a telepath. Not nearly as powerful as Heidi, but he's not exactly weak-minded, either. He can turn it off, he can turn it on, he's learned to tune into certain people and tune out others. He can control how deep he travels into a person's mind, and can actively ignore certain aspects while paying all due attention to others. He's got a wide berth, and nobody's entirely certain where "out-of-range" lies, at this point. All he knows is that he can't contact his mother or his sister from where he is, and he has to be aware of a person's existence before he can tap into their mind. When it's turned on fully, it is, in a sense, a little like walking through a busy mall while you're half-asleep and completely lost to your own faults. You're aware of your surroundings as a whole- of the fact that there's activity around you, but not of everything, or even anything, individually. When he's in this state, a thought addressed towards him, a surge of panic from someone else, or a particularly loud or out-of-place thought is about the equivalent of running full-tilt into someone who's carrying a hot cup of coffee. 

He is, however, much more prone to being overwhelmed. You can invoke headaches on him simply by leaving your thoughts a loud mess, and is prone to migraines and dizzy spells. He's gone as far as fainting, on more than one occasion. And, whereas he can manipulate a person's train of thought to an extent, he cannot do anything extensive. He can't make people see things, although he can make his own voice very, very present in their minds. He can plant pictures and ideas, words- dangerous things that he dislikes doing.

Mutations aside, Braz is (usually) good with people. He's willing to spend time with the students, and although he gets tired (physically, mentally and emotionally), he's an active part of their life. He's understanding, not judgmental, and is an excellent keeper of secrets. 

Weaknesses: He can be impulsive over certain things (and not at all with others, but that's beside the point)- especially with money. The second you put the stuff in his pocket, he's gone, and then it's gone shortly after. He's easily distracted from designated tasks by his own thoughts, and the migraines and dizziness magnify this, more often than not. And once he's focused on something, it is the only thing he is focused on. Which is a good thing, if there isn't anything going on that he should be paying attention to. If there is, a nuclear bomb could go off, and he'd hardly even notice. He exhausts himself with his late-night wandering and early-morning wake-ups, and can't really seem to help either. He shows up for class with shadows under his eyes and tousled hair at least three times a week, and when he's tired, all of his little quirks are much easier to take note of. 

He isn't physically imposing, and although he's good with a gun, couldn't use his fists to fight for the life of him. He would rely solely on dodging. He also seems much more susceptible to colds and flus, which probably has something to do with the lack of sleep lowering his immune system's efficiency, and has a knack for forgetfulness. He just has so much to think about at any given time. 

He's also easily exhausted in other manners, even when he does manage to sleep for eight or nine hours for a few nights in a row. He tends to hide it from the students, but the teachers and staff are all well-aware of it. Emotionally, mentally, and physically, he just doesn't have that much stamina. 

History: Braz hails from a small city just east of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was born into a family that could just barely be considered financially stable, and had the potential to dip below poverty lines at any given moment. He never had much, and he never really asked for much else. Not until he got a little older, and the pressure to have this and have that was thrust upon him by school. Things started shaping up financially when he was around seven, and the announcement was made that his parents were going to have another baby. This delighted little!Braz, and he played a very active part in making plans for the new arrival. 

He was eight years old when his mother gave birth to his little sister, and yes, she was also named for one of the countries his mother had wanderlust for- little France Emma Liu. And, for a while, things were looking up for the Liu family. 

It was four months after France's first birthday when Mr. David Liu was shot in a drive-by. The town was notorious for gang activity, and Braz's father was one of the few still brave enough to call people out on it. He passed in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. With a one-year-old daughter and a nine-year-old son to raise, the widowed Mai Liu began job-hunting. With the reputation her family had, it was no easy task. Braz went into childhood counseling early on, paid for due to legalities, and that's how he met his best friend. Nichole Brice, who he still keeps in touch with rather extensively. From then on, school consisted of alienation and bullying. He was ten when he caught the first whiff of his telepathy, but it came in sparks, and died down often. Every now and then, he wondered if he wasn't losing it. 

By twelve, depression and anxiety set in, and he turned to darker thoughts and darker things. His telepathy was manifesting in far greater doses, and he was positive that he was going crazy. The outbursts, the answering of questions that hadn't yet been asked, the knowledge of other people- it only added to the torment. He was abused emotionally and physically on a day-to-day basis, with his mother, his sister and Nicky's family being his retreat. Nicky's father was his counselor, and never turned the boy down. 

He was thirteen when it finally started getting out of control. He was also thirteen the second time Parker Heyton approached him. The two had been friends, when Braz was in kindergarten and Parker was in first grade. They spoke four times total before Parker was said to have been sent away to a school for the elite. One month later, Heidi (she found travel easier, when Braz was a kid), herself showed up to whisk him off. He's been trained directly by her ever since. 

He and Parker started a romantic relationship as students, when Braz was 17, Parker 19. They were friends right from the start, and virtually knew each other inside and out. The wedding was Braz's 21st birthday present. 

Other: He cross-stitches, writes prose, has an affinity for rock and orchestra, and has a Thing for owls. 

Up for Love? Nein. He is a happily wed little chap. 

Theme Song: Alligator Sky by Owl City. 


Name: Parker Riese Heyton-Liu
Age: 33
Gender: Male 
What are you? Teacher, bro. Teaches a lot of math, and advises students with appearance-related mutations. 

Appearance: Parker is, in a word, groomed. To top off his 6'3” self (yes, he's a tall one), he has a head of dirty-blonde hair that's always done, and it is always done in a way that doesn't look over-done, if you know what I'm saying. Gelled, but not gelled back, kept neat without coming off as pretentious. A bit on the spiky side, and depending on the year you've caught him in, he either has bangs that he keeps elaborately styled, or a bare forehead (this year, it's a bare forehead). He's already got himself a nice set of laugh-lines, and the corners of his eyes are almost constantly crinkled in a smile of some sort. The eyes themselves are a shade of blue that's both very noticeable, but not overly remarkable- no, the remarkable thing about his eyes is how bright they are. If you catch Professor Parker without a twinkle in his eye, you've got him on a bad day, indeed.

Personality: Parker is an energetic soul with a colourful sense of humor and an affinity for being the center of attention. He laughs a lot, and smiles even more often. He's a people-person, and it doesn't matter what kind of a people you are, he can and will hang out with you if you let him. He, like his husband, is a very active part of his students' lives. He'll play sports with them, or do the girls' hair and makeup (or the boys', if they ask), chat with them after classes are over- he's a friend as much as he is a professor. Or, he tries to be, at least. 

He's outgoing to the point of being loud, takes fashion risks, and has enough sass for an entire army of eleven-year-old girls. "Leaning camp and dam-danged proud" is something he often says. He's notorious for his flirting, and it has become the object of many bets between him and Braz (the most well-known being the bet over how many numbers he could get written on his chest one year at Toronto Pride). 

On the other hand, the man has a very, very nurturing, responsible side. All it takes is a scrape on the knee, or crying because you're homesick, and he switches from clown-mode to dad-mode. He does everything in his power to ensure that the people around him are happy, healthy and feel safe. He's protective to the point of being self-sacrificial, and would just as soon die as see the people he loves get hurt. Every joke he cracks, every laugh he gives for someone else's joke, it's all to ensure that the people around him are enjoying themselves. 

As a professor, Parker's well-known as That One Teacher Who Jokes Around for Half The Class And Tells Stories Instead of Gives Lectures At Least Once A Week. He's got his own little I-didn't-grow-up-all-the-way streak, and still has the energy that he had when he was 19. Not that he's very old, mind you. If his students sass him, he sasses right back. He's creative in how he teaches, and considering he got stuck with the maths side of things, a little creativity goes a long, long ways in holding the interest of his pupils. 

Mutations/Skills: Camouflage. Well-known to the world of superheroes and comic books (nearly as much so telepathy), Parker has the uncanny ability to take on the forms of different people. He's gotten rather extensive in methods and shapes, and, after much toil and headache, has figured out how to mix and match features from different people and become a completely customized human being. He can only, however, take on traits that he has seen and studied tirelessly, and whereas he can appear to be another gender, no, he cannot actually switch between the two. Staying in a body that isn't his own for too long is a very physically taxing thing, and has been known to result in anything from fainting, to spastic switching (that one hasn't occurred since his late teens, thankfully), to high fevers, chills and catatonia. And once he reaches that state, it takes a fair amount of time to come out of. The more traits he adapts, the more physically taxing it is. His limits have gotten somewhat extensive, thanks to hard, hard stamina training exercises, but too much is still too much. 

The mutation adds a bit of a sheen to his skin when he's in his original form. He's got a metallic feel to him, if the light hits just right. 

He has an excellent mind for math, and, luckily for Braz, is excellent in all matters financial. 

Weaknesses:  He has a much harder time understanding particular lifestyles than his husband does. He just does not understand why people would be embarrassed about PDA, or why it bothers people to watch it. People with strict routines that last an entire day drive him nuts, as do people who spend all day studying. And those are just the examples. He can be vocal about it, and has offended people over it at times- it's one of Those Mistakes that he's actually willing to apologize for. 

The vast majority of the time, owning up to mistakes is very, very hard for him. He doesn't like being wrong, and he doesn't like having to come to terms with the fact that he's done something wrong- guilt always follows, and guilt always throws him back into a dark place. A dark place that he'd much rather avoid. This is probably what causes the most conflict for him. 

He's prone to worry. He had taken anxiety medications in years, and is pretty okay without them, but leave him to his thoughts for too long, and chances are, he's going to get paranoid about something. 

He's also reputed to have a short attention span, at times- although, he would like to make it very clear that this is only after ingesting too much coffee (caffeine addition? Who, him? Never!). 


Other: He likes glitter and basketball, took a hairdressing/beautician's course before being offered a teaching position at the school, and gives the students free haircuts as often as they want. Also, willow trees make him giggle for reasons that are completely personal. 

Up for Love? He's married, dude. Although, he will flirt. With adults. For fun and amusement only. 

Theme Song:

got trans?

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:05 pm
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Rydia says...

Name: Professor Kaya Ombrero | Phantasm
Age: 27
Gender: Female
What are you? Teacher

Appearance: Most times you can pass a mutant on the street and not know any different, but Kaya? She's one of them souls you just know aint right. Her eyes are a pale shade of green and almost luminescent, somewhere between being the prettiest pair of eyes you ever have seen and a cat's in the dark. A predator.

If you can get past that, then she's smoking. A tumble of dark hair and cheek bones as high as the mountains. Her lips could use some colour but you wouldn't hear me complaining. That is, if she wasn't a mutant of course.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Kaya's a very serious cookie. I keeps my distance from her but you gotta respect the woman for that. She's a no-nonsense, one of a kind fighter, not sure if she even knows the meaning of fun. Or at least not my meaning if you know what I mean.

Naw, I'm only kidding with yer. Kaya's kind of fun is throwing a dagger at a wall and scoring a bullseye. She's the athletic kind, likes to keep in shape. I heard she's been teaching self defence classes at that school. You know the one I'm talking about.

She throws the punches and she hits you when yer down. Not the kind of girl who asks questions first, let me tell you. I'd stay out of her way if you've been a bad person.

It's hard to say what she likes. I'm not sure Kaya's been sane long enough to decide for herself. Oh, did I miss that part out? Yeah, she had a rough time of it as a kid and never could get a grasp on what was real and what wasn't. She often used to say it wasn't a matter of reality, but which reality, or some such nonsense like that. These days she's a lot more together and I guess she likes physical activities and art.

She doesn't like flowers. She doesn't like drinking or practical joking either. I don't suppose she's much fun for the students.

Mutations/Skills: Kaya's mutation is something in the way of illusions or mirages. Phantasms. She makes you see things that aren't there, often things that you want to see. She hasn't much control over what she shows a person, but it's something they want and sometimes she can adapt that to her use.

If she's hiding, then they want to see her and her eyes will flash green and the fantasy will come alive. Whoever's after her will be so focused on what it is they think they're seeing that they don't see anything else. Then she's likely to hit them over the head with something heavy.

It doesn't always work the way she wants it to. Sometimes the person won't have a strong enough desire to work off or they will realise too quickly that the phantasm isn't real and it only lasts while their mind believes it does, drawing on the other person's strength instead of her own. This can be good as it means it weakens them so even if they're able to break out of it, they'll find themselves in a bit of a muddle. It also means using her power doesn't drain her so quickly and she can use it on multiple people at a time, making a whole room see what they want to. But people aren't likely to be fooled twice in quick succession and if somebody's prepared for it, there's less chance it's going to work.

On the other side, if they truly believe, then the phantasm can become tangible. Someone who fantasises about vampires might regret that once they find one sinking its fangs into their flesh. At its extreme a phantasm might drain so much of a person's energy that they die and the phantasm takes life instead. This happened just once for Kaya and was enough to scare her for life.

Weaknesses: She's very uncertain of herself, or uncertain where others are concerned at least. Kaya doesn't know much about taking care of others. It's always just been her. She's learning though and she's not quite so crazy and insecure as she used to be. Kaya's progressed a lot during her time as a student at the school so I guess it's only natural she'd want to give something back.

Like I said before though, she's deadly serious and doesn't have much of a sense of humour or bubbly social skills. She's not cold, but she's not overly welcome either.

History: Kaya grew up in Phoenix and had it pretty tough from the start on account of being born to a mutant. Her mum was grade A human but her dad was a human glow stick. His skin gave off an effervescent green and he was a walking plague man. Lived down in the sewers. Not many went close to him when he was a kid, let me tell you. They used to throw rocks down at him and everyone knew of the monster that lived in the sewers.

As the guy grew up though, he got it under control and by the time he met Kaya's mother, they were able to have a relationship without her catching anything nasty. Then the kid came along, now that was a nasty surprise. Kaya's mum was all about the rebellion but when she got pregnant, it came out that her parents were well-to-do and they didn't want nothing to do with mother or daughter. It's just as well really, maybe if they'd been around at the time of our green eyed beauty's birth, there would have been trouble.

So Kaya was born and the whole family lived underground. Not in the sewers anymore, but in a house, but her folks never went further than the mail box. Kaya went to school like anyone else and was introduced as having a rare eye condition, but when she went home to eat her greens with her green father, the little girl knew she was different. But nothing could have prepared her for how different.

Kaya's power was explosive. Her illusions erupted in little spurts at once but then there was a day at school where a couple of classes of people were effected and there were knights running rampant around the school, doing real damage with their swords; one child's fantasy was another's nightmare.

Kaya had no control over the incident and in the end it came to a finish when most of the victims had been rendered unconscious and Kaya had fled the scene. She got picked up that same day and quickly agreed to go with the mutants to their school.

Kaya struggled to adapt but eventually found a measure of control and peace, though there were set-backs along the way. When she was invited to teach at the school, Kaya was uncertain but could imagine herself doing nothing else and she passes on the control and serenity she has learned through physical exhaustion. Often she teaches classes in the danger room, but also takes the children whose abilities make it difficult for them to form close relations with others.

Other: Kaya is protective of and encouraging toward the children, but her idea of fun tends to be a challenging obstacle course or a survival expedition.

You're probably wondering where I come in to all of this aren't you? Well tough. You'll not see me around so you don't need to know that part of Kaya's history. Let's just say, she doesn't go to bars for the drinking and leave it there shall we? And I'm not implying anything filthy. Alright, I suppose I'll have to say it, she's beat me up a time or two, alright? And then sometimes we sit in the gutter and talk about our lives. You've got to understand, you can't do romantic with Kaya, she's too messed up.

Up for Love? She's not available, alright? I'm not saying she's taken but you can't get Kaya to love you, don't even try.

Theme Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r03Q3gglV8
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:17 pm
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Sassafras says...

I'd like to reserve a spot. Two if I may, one for a student and one for a teacher.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:52 am
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Threnody says...

*I'll have to finish this later, sorry. I'll have it done ASAP.*

Name: Demetris Vaughn

Age: 33

Gender: Male

What are you? One of the Bad Guys


Spoiler! :

Personality: He makes very good first impressions and is often described as charismatic, clever, and with an electric personality. He is extremely enthusiastic and passionate and will engage in a project with never wavering intensity until the end. He is very intelligent and enjoys playing with people's emotions. He sees himself as a born leader, but in actuality, he is more of a loner with a superiority complex. He really sees no use for people as friends or teammates unless he manipulate them to serve his cause. He also likes money and plays an aggressive corporate personality which allows him access to pursue his true motives.

Likes: Birds, Rain, Money, Lime Jello, Antarctica, Merriam-Webster's dictionary, and the map of the New York Subway System.

Dislikes: Itchy fabric, disobedient people, Sudoku, and cold tea.

Strengths: Intelligent, practical, aggressive, and powerful.

Weaknesses: He often disregards the human factor, he has hubris, and often moves so fast that he misses important details.

Mutations/Skills: The effects of his mutation are extremely subtle in that he has the power to alter people's memories and opinions and sway their loyalty towards his respective cause. He does this simply by talking to them with that intent although public speeches also have this affect. Though this could perhaps be caused by his excellent persuasive skills and mediagenic personality, his ability to persuade and alter the opinions of people are a little bit too good to be natural.

Weaknesses: One weakness of his mutation that the effect does not last very long, two days at most, and thus he must always be reinforcing and ensuring that people's loyalties don't evolve.

History: He was raised in a household of very powerful political people and thus is used to the fast paced and cut-throat nature of politics. However, his parents never paid him much attention and thus he grew up in near isolation. Though he was tutored privately at home, he got his first taste of power, and first recognized his ability, when he persuaded his parents to buy him a parrot. From this point on, he was able to persuade people to do anything, from hand them all the money in their cash register to admitting him to a prestigious military academy and then law school. He is used to getting what he wants and sees people as clay to be manipulated and shaped into whatever he wants them to be.

Other: He is very skilled at wielding modern weapons and hand-to-hand combat. However, it isn't often that he needs to employ these things as he can usually talk down anyone who wishes him harm. He also enjoys hawking and can be seen with a large brown hawk who acts as his eye in the sky.

Up for Love? Probably not, but anything can happen.

Theme Song: The Imperial March
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
~ The Little Prince~

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:33 am
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Rosendorn says...

Name: Patricia Levern
Age: 36
Gender: Female
What are you? Head of HPH— Humans Preserving Humanity, an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in cities and across the globe through charity efforts and, if you read the fine print of files hidden behind three types of lock, eradicating mutants. She has keys to all three locks.

Spoiler! :
If that wasn't clear, she's a baddie.

Appearance: Brown hair, just enough of a tan to show she gets out of the office, brown eyes and red lips made redder by lipstick. Her figure hasn't had a chance to put on weight yet, despite looking in her early 30s. She's most likely to wear a suit, unless she's out doing something. In that case, there are two priorities: comfort and deadliness.

Personality: Charismatic, optimistic, but, above all, persistant. She knows what she wants and how to get it, with a steady confidence it'll all turn out right. Helping your own and protecting them from outsiders is at the top of her list— and mutans are considered "outsiders" to humanity's family. They are a minority that are taking away from regular humans, because soon mutants will be preferred for jobs because of their special abilities. She sees herself as being in the ideal position to stop that from happening.

She also knows that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Therefore, don't be surprised to see her on missions.

Mutations/Skills: Fully human and proud of it, Patricia has no particular inhanced skill. She has enough business acumen to run HPH successfully, and a smile that'll make you sign your life away if she's talked to you long enough. Also a fair hand with a gun and specialty bullets, because she never does know when her chain of command will fail.

Weaknesses: Anger. It can take a lot to make her blow a fuse, but once she does, blinders go on and you are about to get unbridled rage. The fastest way to get her into this state is harming somebody. She has quite the protection instinct.

She also prefers ranged weapons, not having the time to pick up a physical fitness regime. Get her in a physical fight, away from her half dozen anti-mutant tricks, and she would go down.

History: She grew up in a regular neighbourhood, with quite a few people getting what they wanted far more easily than she did. This drove her very ambitious nature to be better than them, which got her straight A's in college and set to graduate at the top of her class.

It was also in college that she found out about 'mutants' and their enhanced abilities. Old jealousy sprung up, and, by this time, she already had the idea of founding a company. Technology, because that's where the money was. A little bit of digging revealed some technologies could very easily be turned into anti-mutant weapons.

The company branched off into humanitarian efforts. A select few sponsors know about its anti-mutant policy, mostly to prevent any word from going to a psych ward or politicians who believe mutants are human.

Other: Patricia can and will drop almost everything at the drop of the hat when they find evidence of mutants. The rest of the time, she dedicates her time to the charity portion and some of the new technology coming out.

Up for Love? Married to her work with a fiance at home.

Theme Song: I've Got My Spies on You, The Pills.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:43 am
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Paracosm says...

Name: Hella Schrader
Age: 16
Gender: Female
What are you? Student, Prof. Brazil's carpool
Appearance: Hella has jet black hair, cut so when she hasn't fixed it, it falls just above her brow. Normally she spikes it and colors it red. She has a stud piercing on her nose, and three on her brow. Her ears are pierced at the lobe, and in several places in the cartilage. Hella is pale because she is forced to avoid sunlight, a fact she loathes. She likes to wear black, and leather. She normally wears a black hoodie and skinny jeans, or leather tights. She has heterochromatic eyes, one brown, and one green.

Likes- Rainy, dark days so that she can go outside comfortably. Obsessively collecting make up. Walks on her own. Even if she never admits it, there is nothing more satisfying to her than making a new friend.

Dislikes- Socializing, it scares her. Her mutation, it tempts her to steal too often. Her eyes, she normally wears a colored contact lens over the green eye. She doesn't want to look like a freak.

Personality: Hella is not personable. She tends to be distant and jaded. If she is part of a group, she tends to cling to the edge and avoid giving any input. While she avoids giving input, she does not hesitate to take action. She is very impulsive. Although she is antisocial, she empathizes with the underdogs. She tends to bully and manipulate, but she does not let others bully people she has grown close to. You could say she is a mama bear. Hella tends to be over reactive to criticism and name calling, and she is easily drawn into fights. On the other hand, she is sympathetic to people she grows to respect.

Mutations/Skills: Hella has the ability to teleport in darkness. She has higher than average agility and reflexes. In normal light, she is limited to teleporting from shadow, to light, but not from light to shadow. She is also sensitive to bright light.
She is better at responding with her reflexes and agility than she is at teleportation. Her quick reflexes are natural, but her teleportation takes focus and wears her down over time. If she uses it too much, she will strain her body, and it will start tearing itself down.

Weaknesses: Teleporting too much will cause her body to start tearing itself down, or cause her to 'hibernate' to avoid any more warping. Although she can see better in darkness, she is very sensitive to bright light. If she stays in it too long, she can get sunburn on her eyes. (Yes, this is a real thing, and it is very painful...) Her teleportation is limited to shadows, and from shadow to light. Hella tends to be over reactive and impulsive.

History: Hella was born in Rothenburg, Germany. Her parents moved to America when she was seven, to run from loan sharks. Hella grew up dirt poor and hopeless. She spent her days at school, learning to bully other kids for their lunch money and stealing clothes from lockers to sell to thrift stores. She learned that if you wanted to get ahead in life, you had to cheat.
When she hit puberty at twelve she started to learn about her abilities. Hella found out she had quicker than average reflexes at a field trip to the museum. In the aviary section they had a game that measured your reflexes compared to a falcon's. Hers were a fraction faster.
She did not figure out she had the ability to teleport until she started waking up in strange places. At first, she figured she was sleep walking, until one night she teleported onto the roof, the window shut behind her. From there, she started to realize that there was something strange about herself.
Prof. Alderson prevented her from using her new found gift to sneak into a bank and naturally, rob it. She took her home and gave her a brochure to give her parents. Alderson seemed trustworthy to Hella, which is a quality she does not see in many people.
When she was offered the opportunity to go to a school for 'very talented children', her parents jumped on it. It was just the boost she needed to start climbing out of poverty and the past. But, he still carries bad habits, and before she can change where she's going, she has to change her behavior.

Other: She has a nervous habit of playing with her stiletto blade. Even though it usually only manifests itself when she's afraid, it can be quite intimidating.

Up for Love? Yes, heterosexual.

Theme Song: Doesn't Remind Me -Audioslave
Review unto others as you would have others review unto you.

Don't panic!

Also, Shino!

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Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:19 pm
Caesar says...

reserving for prof parker's carpool.
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Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:37 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Placeholder for profiles~ ISHY, I am here. Always. <3
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:52 am
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Pencil2paper says...

Reserving a spot in Kaya's carpool.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:58 am
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Sassafras says...

Spoiler! :
I sweated over these profiles for hours!

Name: Easton Harris
Age: 35
Gender: Male
What are you? Teacher

Spoiler! :
6"2, lean, with broad shoulders that are always squared. Everything about him is long and elegant, long arms and legs, long fingers, big hands and feet. He wears slacks and dress shirts.

Personality: To say it best, Easton is very cautious about his emotions. He has to monitor how much he's putting out and when. He's, in a way, scared of his emotions. He doesn't like having them. He's not stoic or cruel, but he doesn't go above a certain level of care or concern when it comes to those around him. He's guarded, the wall around him is up and barbed. Others know where the limits are and he's not afraid of showing them again if they forget.

This works both ways. He's inclined to neither love nor hate. He keeps everyone in a circle of comfortable acquaintanceship. Offering friendly smiles and lighthearted jokes but never more.

Mutations/Skills: Clumsiness: The ability to remove the enemy's sense of direction and orientation through various effects. For example:

-Removing all balancing function.
-Reversing nerve pathways - making it so that, for example, when they try to move their right arm, they'll move their left leg, ect.
-Removing any kind of reflexive action.
-Cutting off certain parts of the body to the brain, I.E: Temporary (or permenant) disabling.
-Cause opponents to be dizzy.

Weaknesses: Whatever he does to his opponents immediately happens to him, because of this he must stay immobile while using his power in order to concentrate. The power also dizzies his mind, it's hard for him to decipher between reality and imagination on certain days and practically impossible for him to remember anything the day his powers were first used.

History: Easton has always been a romantic, a bit overemotional, and outgoing. It only made sense for him to fall in love at an early age, when he moved out with his girlfriend Addie at the age of eighteen his parents were not surprised. Addie's parents were at first skeptical, but Easton was rich, handsome, and honest, he exceeded the expectations for their poor family, they could let their daughter go under certain conditions. They lived happily together for two whole years, and then one night everything changed. Easton remembers coming home to Addie cooking in the kitchen and waking up to an empty house, all of her clothes cleared out of the closets, every evidence of Addie gone. He went nearly insane, he tore up the town looking for her, but she was long gone.

Easton doesn't remember, but the night before Addie announced her pregnancy, and not happily at all. Her family ran morals, and running off with Easton was fine to an extent, but pregnancy before marriage was a big disgrace in the eyes of her family. She was ashamed. She wanted to go back to her family. Easton didn't understand why. She left anyway. Easton's near crippling confusion manifested itself into his developing powers. He got the letter a few weeks after that night and decided to go since his love was gone and there was nothing else to do.

Easton excelled in all of his classes, became bright, but grew further into himself as the years went on. He can't forget the heartbreak that Addie's absence gave him, and he can't let anyone in with the hole still in his heart. When he graduated he immediately applied for a teaching position at the academy.

Other: Easton is the parent of a child he doesn't remember.

Up for Love? Not really, for obvious reasons.

Theme Song: Troubled by Land of Talk


Spoiler! :
It was really hard to write this without using him or her. I don't want Mickey to reveal their gender in any way at all. And I don't want to call Mickey an 'it'. They were so hard to write, you don't even know. Haha :) So please forgive me if their name appears a lot in this profile in the place of pronouns. I will be writing their posts in first person anyway so it won't happen like this again.

Name: Mickey Flores
Age: 17
Gender: Unknown.
What are you? Student, carpooling with Brazil Heyton-Liu

Spoiler! :
5"6 1/2, lean, their muscles don't show, but the strength is there. Their hair is shorter than depicted in the picture and is always messy and wild. Mickey usually wears sweaters, cargo jeans, and boots. Has "I Am Mickey" tattooed on their wrist.

Personality: Mickey loves the idea of wearing a new face every day, being whoever they want to be whenever they want to be it. Instead of being sad over the fact that they're forgetting their past, they accept it and make the best out of it. However, they like being this anonymous figure. They like being whatever gender they want to be, they like having a shroud of mystery around them. Mickey is adventurous, outgoing, and secretive. They thrive on secrets, they know how to create and keep them. Mickey is spontaneous and a bit reckless, but nice and generally harmless. They like to smile and joke and laugh, they like being around others. Mickey hates being alone.

Mutations/Skills: Ability to erase someone's mind, make them forget what they were doing, why they were doing it. Mickey can create temporary amnesia in the victim.

Weaknesses: Every time the power is used it erases part of Mickey's mind, causing them to slowly forget their past. Mickey doesn't remember anything before the age of eleven and that age-cap is steadily rising to the point where Mickey will forget things immediately as they happen if the power continues to be used. Even when the power is not used it's very slowly wearing away at Mickey's memory.

History: Mickey's memories, at this current point at seventeen, start at the Flores orphanage at the age of eleven, waking up on a Thursday morning to the sound of an alarm clock and the smell of eggs and burnt Pop-Tarts. No name, no recollection of the bed they lay in, no memory of the body they fit, or the hair on their head. They sit up in bed until someone walks in, says "Mickey, we made you your favorite and Mrs. Mattie is worried." And only then do they get up, remembering little details one by one until they can come to a semi-solid conclusion - "My name is Mickey, I like Pop-Tarts."

The loss of memory is alarming, and a search for answers doesn't provide any. Instead Mickey works on regaining each memory little by little. They find out information about their life little by little, day by day, until they can reason that they've been at the orphanage since before they were able to walk, they were adopted six timed but sent back each time, the people who adopted them had no recollection of signing any papers. Mickey knew something wasn't right, but never had cause to investigate until they hit puberty and unknowingly erased the memories of everyone in the orphanage, causing them to be assumed an intruder and kicked out. Shortly after they were invited into the academy.
Once Mickey found out what their power was and learned how to control it they became fascinated with the idea of being anybody, of being able to put on a different pair of shoes every day. They also became obsessed with remembering, they keep a detailed journal of everything that happens, and treats it like a treasure.

Other: Mickey is Easton's child. No one knows this, not even them. Make any assumptions you want about Mickey's character, you may call them a him or a her, whichever one you think they are, but don't base your assumptions off of things like "I could see Mickey's breasts through her sweater" or "I could see the start of a beard on his chin." If Mickey was a girl she would have the knowledge to keep her chest strapped down and if Mickey was a guy he would know to shave his facial hairs.

Up for Love? Sure. If you want to try and find out what they are, or if you just don't care, be my guest and take a crack at it.

Theme Song: Sleeping Lessons by The Shins
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:33 pm
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Caesar says...

Name: Bob. Just Bob, pleaseandthankyou. He's called the 'Grasshopper' by those that know him better.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
What are you? student, Prof. Parker's carpool.

Appearance: Bob is… Bob is, well. He's pretty ordinary, the type you'd overlook in a crowd easily. About 1'62 meters, shaggy raven hair, fair complexion, not too skinny but not plump either. His eyes are chestnut brown, his nose small, lips thin, brow not particularly wide and cheekbones not particularly high, nor his jaw that strong. He walks with a slight slouch when he's musing, sometimes bumping into others or not paying attention to his surroundings. When he's latched onto an idea, however, his eyes shine almost feverishly, and he bounces around energetically, like a puppy that senses a gift from its master. He doesn't have a particular style or taste in fashion, any old pair of jeans, a shirt and a hoodie will do. So long as they're comfortable and don't impede his movement. But they'd better not be leather. Leather is annoying.

Personality: Bob likes lots of things! Everything! Playing the cello is nice, but so is piano… the trumpet looks pretty cool too, he's gotta admit. Who has time to play instruments though?! Drawing, that's real fun! Watercolors, oil-paint (especially that style favored by the Italian style in the late 15th century. Or was it 16th? Both? Hmmm), charcoal sketches too! Then again, learning languages is fun too. Japanese would be great, ancient Greek is nice too… Japanese to watch anime quickly, of course (who has time to wait for Netflix to upload them, seriously?), and Greek to read Plato and Herodotus. I mean the English translations are okay, sure, but they don't quite cut it. Speaking of Plato, philosophy in general is pretty cool. Roseau and the Illuminist period was pretty neat. Occult stuff too. Oh, oh, and metaphysics! Astronomy too! Too bad he can't focus on anything for long due to his problems with his att --

Hm. Oh… where were we? No idea, quite frankly. Wasn't there like, an assignment he had to work on? Or was that due yesterday? Professor Brazil is going to kill him one of these days… crap, there was that… thing he had to bring in! Alsjfhdkakdhdksla;; Oh gosh. Assignments, those aren't fun. Any kind of pressure, really. He needs time, and freedom, to be able to think properly! Hnnng, that reminds him of those dolts that don't seem to understand anything ever, or worse, take aaaaages to process anything. They ask those stupid questions that catch him off-guard. Wait, who's questions are we talking about again? The teachers or just people in general? The latter seems to be a safe bet. Oh andandand those people who act all bossy all the time. Bleh. That's another form of pressure, right there! But enough of that, he should go read a book or something… this is why people call him Grasshopper.

Mutations/Skills: Bob possesses a discreet control over time. However, he's rarely bothered to push this power to any particular extent, and thus doesn't have a sphere of influence much greater than his own person, and even then only for a few minutes in the past, tops. He's never tried experimenting with what has yet to come. As far as Bob knows, he's the only one in the school with such a power. He can also, however, influence other's perception of time. He likes this one quite a lot, as he's convinced time, beyond hours and seconds, doesn't actually exist, and uses his power to prove it.

Weaknesses: His permanent distraction, attention problems, and general restlessness, coupled with a very selective nature make him quite a challenge. It's also left curious and sometimes ridiculous gaps in his skill-set (how the hell do you make a bow knot? And how does one actually divide? What's the deal with the number zero, anyways? And fiery noxious explosionscooking). Bob can be obsessive and a chatterbox when he gets fired up on a topic, which annoys some people. He's also not physically strong, and not very patient either.

History: Bob was born in Nowhere. It might also be known as Rammstein, Germany, if you ask nicely. Does he speak German? Nope! But he's learning. Sort of. Ish. His family moved to Arizona (talk about an improvement) to visit his great aunt Heidi when Bob was 11. Unlike most mutants, Bob's family knows about mutations (well, that on his father's side. His mother does, a little. It's a subject best avoided), and were expecting a manifestation of Bob's mutation soonish, and Germany was not the place to be when that happened. His sister is a teacher at the Academy (half-sister, actually), so they were already well-connected at the start.

Bob's power had actually been functioning perfectly since he became capable of rational thought, but nobody else -- let alone him -- realized. Bob simply knew he could be very alert during a long, boring class or make it last forever. There were other, more marked incidents (that dodgeball in 5th grade? Let's just say Bob is very fortunate his face is intact), but again, he didn't realize at the time.

In fact, Bob would have never realized (because who pays attention to trivialities like that, really?) were it not for Heidi. One day, about a month in after they'd moved, the headmistress announced she would be visiting, to meet lil'Bob in person for the first time. Bob found Heidi nice enough, albeit a tad secretive and eccentric (he didn't explicitly know of the Academy until a few hours later). So they were having lunch, and they were serving pie. Bob still remembers that pie because CHERRY PIE GIMME. There was also cranberry juice to go with it. Heidi had asked for some juice, and Bob leaned over to pour Heidi some. But the horror! His hand slipped and the woman was positively doused in cranberry juice! Bob was so terrified that he willed time itself to reverse. There was also cranberry juice to go with it. Heidi had asked for some juice, and Bob leaned over to pour Heidi some.

Oh, wait. What the actual f--

After unclenching her mind, Heidi realized something odd has just happened. Employing psychic powerz (you'd be surprised how Bob can corrupt that 'z' there), Heidi realized Bob was the one responsible. He was promptly whisked away to the Academy the very evening. There were many goodbyes, relatively tearless one because ACADEMY (no, wait, stahp the car! My sketchbooooook!!).

Bob has been spending his time at the Academy happily (to the exasperation of Braz during philosophy classes some teachers) ever since.

Other: Bob has a series of useful quirks: he's ambidextrous (one hand alone can't get anything done after all), has a sharp eye, and an ability to multitask effectively. You also DO NOT want to get in a debate with him regarding the existence of time. He likes mathscore. Oh! And sugar. But not the brown kind. Coffee too, but only if his grandmother makes it. Asparagus aren't nice under any form though. Dogs. Those are cute. 'Specially terriers. He can play the violin too. And piano. Not often. Lookit a RAINBOW.

Up for Love? He's never actually thought about love for a minute. There are much more important things to do! So maaaybe. Either orientation would not be a problem for him. Maybe. He's not sure. ANYWAYS. Back to the Higgs Boson.

Theme Song: (insert song by the Algorithm).
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:54 pm
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kayfortnight says...

Name: Gaia Sanchez.
Age: 12
Gender: Female
What are you? Student; Professor Kaya's carpool

Appearance: Black, wavy hair that reaches her shoulders, dark brown eyes, olive skin, small, delicate features. She prefers to wear natural clothing instead of things with plastic in them.

Personality: She loves to garden and volunteers at an animal shelter. She spends a lot of time out in the wild when she can.She likes to make her own clothing so she knows the animal or plant didn't feel anything, to hike in the woods, and to just be outside. She doesn't have much of a problem with leather, suede, fur, meat, and other materials that came from animals, as long as she can find out if the animal was killed without pain, considering it the same as taking from plants. However, she's really not much of a people person. She also absolutely hates technology because she doesn't understand it and it frightens her, so she's pretty annoyed whenever she has to ride a car, plane, you name it, pretty much anything except a horse. She doesn't like cities. She's a contradiction with her personality. If there are more plants than animals around, which would be most of the time, she's patient, calm, quiet, and yielding to others' desires. But in a few cases, when there are many animals around, such as at an animal shelter or zoo, her empathy for them takes over. She's more reckless, impatient, excited, and often more stubborn. If there's no natural life around or a area is poisoned or blighted and everything's sick, something that's only happened to her once, she would become depressed, pessimistic, tired, and possibly suicidal. She has no idea what she'd be like without her powers, as she's not sure exactly when she got them, only when she discovered them.

Mutations/Skills:She can control some animals and plants, but this has some weaknesses put in the other section. She also can sense if there is something wrong with the Earth, such as pollution or blight.

Weaknesses: Well, she's completely awkward near people. Too much time in a "dead zone" (someplace with either lots of sick plants and animals or nothing at all) makes her weary and depressed. She can only control completely natural plants and animals (no genetically engineered tomatoes) and she can't make them do anything that would be against their nature. (She can't make a moose attack with his teeth; that's simply not natural behavior.) Also, even a single hurt animal can make her have issues, because of her empathy.

History: She came from her family's small farm in Mexico. They were poor, but happy. Her parents had been schooled up to high school level, so she was taught basic skills. She was an only child, so in a way she was spoiled attention-wise, though she didn't have much stuff. When she was eleven, they took a trip to the city. There was major pollution going on at the time, with heavy smog, and they could only afford the cheapest hotel in the worst part of town. Gaia got sick quickly because of her power. Her parents brought her to the hospital, but she kept on getting worse. Finally they took her home, expecting her to die soon. The clean world of their farm (they couldn't even afford pesticides) healed her. Not too long after that, a representative of the school came and asked her to come to his school. She was at first reluctant, but her parents wanted her to have a better life then them, so they urged her to go to this prestigious American school. She's been at the Academy for less than six months so far, so she still has limited control over her powers.

Other: She has a hard time explaining complicated concepts in English or understanding them in that same language. She's also considered the baby of the group due to her young age.

Up for Love? Sure.
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I wondered why we put villains in our stories when we have plenty of them in real life; then I realized that maybe we wanted stories where the good guy wins.
— nogutsnoglory