
Young Writers Society

Search of the Lost Sparrow(Closed/Started)

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32 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 671
Reviews: 32
Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:49 pm
Redfang18 says...

Spoiler! :
Long ago, when the world was full of humans, a young deity descended from the Pearly Gates and began to forge creatures of myth and legend. This young deity was known to the Winged Folk of Angelus and few creatures as the Creator. From the Lands of Endless Night up to the Pearly Gates, the Creator made their supernatural residents and gave them free reign of their homelands. Upon returning to the Pearly Gates, the Creator vowed to all of its creation that a warrior will be born to ensure the peace among both the supernaturals and the humans. Since that day, weather of any kind was taken as signs from the Creator. Before returning home to the Pearly Gates, the Creator gave humans and supernaturals cities to roam and trade in - humans and supernaturals of the land roamed Gaea and the Molten Steppes, merfolk and creatures of the sea reign in the City of the Deep and Aquatica, demons and creatures of the dark roam the Realms of Endless Night, Winged Folk and people of the wind live in the city of Angelus, and all who are of Light roam at the Pearly Gates. For centuries since the day the creatures were created, war was among them, yet peace came and gone as well.

Many generations after the Day of Creation, in the city of Angelus, the King Raven was about to celebrate the birth of his heir - a son born of a human mother. The little 'sparrow' - a term of the Winged Folk used to call newborns - was newly born when his mother died, and it devastated the King Raven very much that the little sparrow was his only child, yet he knew that he would have to do his best without a Queen Hawk to rule at his side. The sparrow was a week old when something dreadful happened. At the sound of a cry, the King Raven tried to reach his sparrow in time, but when he came to the cradle, the little one was gone. The next day, it was decreed that all available Winged Folk must search for the lost Prince Raven. The search went on for weeks, but the sparrow was never found and most of the search party has given up by now, twenty-one years later. Broken-hearted yet not defeated easily, the King Raven resumed the search, growing embittered with each passing year. Even now, in his old age, he still continues in vain.

Meanwhile, in Gaea, a strange young man has roamed with many questions going through his head, but habors a secret that many people around him never knew of. Here in this world, everyone has secrets that can either do good or harm to those who know of them. What kind of secret does the young man in question have is a mystery very few had tried to solve. However, the journey for answers about his past is a rather deadly one, for war still rages on land and in sea and the search for the lost Prince Raven is still going on in the winds. Many in the City of the Deep have placed the blame on the Kingdom of Aquatica and vise versa, but war raged on in the sea as well as on land and air. Down below in the Realms of Endless Night, demons ally together or rival against other residents at the sound of war. All in short, war is upon the earth in all but the Pearly Gates. There, residents watch from on high as the earth becomes plagued with war on no end. What caused this all-out war in the first place, nobody in any region of this world seems to know. The original perpetrators have either died out or faded away in the shadows, forgotten. Each kingdom blames the other, while they still fight. Only the Pearly Gates remain untouched, the inhabitants relying on a single prophecy, that of a warrior, Endorsed by the Creator himself, that would restore peace to the world.

Now, in his final, desperate attempt to find his son, the King Raven, unable to seek the Sparrow on his own, has summoned great adventurers and explorers to find the lost prince, in exchange for an exorbitant reward.

Spoiler! :
There are many mythical and otherwise supernatural creatures (such as dragons, unicorns, leviathans, phoenixes, etc. Refer to ItalianIlluminist for more examples) that live in different parts of the world. Some live on land and in the forests or mountains, some live in the sea, and others live in the sky. Humans also roam the earth, but some humans are as mystical as they can be, thanks to a process called Endorsement. Mythical creatures are wondrous things, and each possess a magic of their own. However, they can be categorized into six different elemental categories: Light, Darkness, Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. There are a few exceptions, but scholars are still studying those. A mythical creature can, if it feels moved enough, for one reason or another, bestow a human mortal with some of its powers. This procedure is called Endorsement, and varies from creature to creature, as do the reactions by the human. When a human is Endorsed, he or she develops his or her own magic, although still based on the element the creature Endorsed with. Some may even alter their appearance to match the traits of the creatures that Endorse them. A human can learn traits of other elements, if they don't clash with one another, but may never master multiple.

Endorsements are more geographically limited. For example, in mountainous regions, Earth and Fire Endorsements are more common. Creatures such as golems, dryads, thrulls, elves, and forest fae can only Endorse the element of Earth while dragons, phoenixes, djinn (no relation to wish-granting genies), salamanders and others only Endorse the element of Fire. Golems, however, and a few other exceptions, can Endorse either Fire or Earth when in the location of their element. Dragons, for example, can endorse any one element, depending on their location, as can fae, and unicorns Light or Earth.

The realms on land are numerous, but those with the element of Earth live under a democracy, of sorts. The major cities are ruled by themselves, in which each man has the right to vote. The largest are Gaea, famed for it's larger-than-life architecture and the impressive three sets of walls guarding it, and Ourouborous, notorious for it's complex politics and frequent assassinations. Rumor has it a powerful Darkness Endorsed is part of its Council of Five. Those who follow the philosophy of Earth are (usually) patient and or stubborn, understanding, and implacable. Also among residents of the earth are beings called Ancients - people or creatures that lived during the time of the Creator and never age a day. These beings are a rarity at this day and age, since the majority of them are dead and only four are still alive and in hiding. Ancients have powers almost as similar to that of the Creator - since they were on the earth during the time of the Creator - but they're not as powerful. Ancients can have any element in the world, but only one specifically is their specialty. Think of an Ancient as the first Endorsed human being or creature.

Separated by mighty mountains where rebellions and small skirmishes are common-place (both between rival Earth and Fire clans, as well as warmongering goblins and nomad marauders), cut off from most other civilizations, lie the Molten Steppes, a harsh, arid landscape, nearly devoid of water. Here, only the strong survive, the weak cut down and out. Cruel warlords have set up powerful yet small kingdoms, constantly at war with one another. Chaos reigns, yet from chaos the mightiest warriors are made. The Steppes are known for the most capable and fierce mercenaries and wandering knights, there is little time for literature or the arts, and so over-all, those of the Steppes are brutal people, who believe in the inherent law of the jungle, and place Numero Uno above anyone else.

Deep in the depths of the sea roam the merfolk, leviathans, sea serpents, sirens, nereids and the occasional kraken. Any and all of these creatures can Endorse the element of Water (leviathans, sea serpents and some kraken can also Endorse Darkness), but some of the creatures can aquire a human form to walk on land for a certain amount of time. The merfolk is ruled by a powerful merman commonly known as the Oceanic King and his heir - known as the Sea Prince/Princess. The royal family can be out of the sea for an unlimited amount of time, but have a tremendous weakness of Fire - since merfolk are half fish and half human along with being able to breathe underwater. There are only two places in the sea that are under the rule of the royal family of merfolk and nereids - the City of the Deep (ruled by the royal family of nereids) and Aquatica (ruled by the royal family of merfolk). The two cities once were united in marriage, but soon was seperated after a dispute between a couple priests (reason remains unknown to this day). Water people are as unpredictable as the sea, unreadable, fickle. Their moods can change with devastating speed. They can be gentle as naiads or as furious as the mighty leviathans.

And, deep in the darkest, less-known corners of the continet lies a secret land known prophetically as the Realms of Endless Night. This is because this land is encircled by some of the most dangerous volcanos and magma chasms known, some erupting constantly, filling the sky with ash and blocking out the sun. It's physically impossible for a human to live there, and usually (except some very, very rare specimens) they don't, the Realms being populated by demons and all kinds of nasty species and aberrations. Their government is unknown of, as most of everything else, but oh how the rumors fly.

High in the sky is a very old city ruled by a monarchy almost as old as the city itself. The city is called Angelus - a city full of people know as the Winged Folk. These people appear as humans at first glance, but their wings (which vary as much as the creatures on land and in the sea) appear from their backs the moment it's time to take flight. Other residents of the City of Angelus are dragons, phoenixes, and sometimes humans from other cultures. Like Water, Wind is also a very fickle philosophy, though somewhat more scatter-brained. Those who follow Wind will move from idea to idea, there being always greener grass. Here in the city of Angelus reigns a ruler known to all as the King Raven, who once was known to be a kind ruler until the disappearance of his only heir (the Prince Raven, as the 'sparrow' was called).

Even higher up than Angelus lie the Pearly Gates, a series of small towns built on magical clouds interconnected by rainbows (actually bridges). The people of the Pearly Gates have a strong sense of community, and greater good. They will always band toghether to make decisions, and place the well-being of the whole before their own. Few humans live here, mostly great spirits that have transcended the chains of mortality, who also act as spiritual chiefs. And, of course, the mythical creatures, the most common being fae of all kinds, and a few Light variants of other creatures (like dragons, unicorns, elves, and so on).

Spoiler! :
•Violence is allowed, but keep the gory scenes to a minimum.
•Keep swearing to a minimum - that means no F-bombs at all. Keep it mild around here.
•Romance is also allowed, but keep it as far as kissing and holding hands. If it gets beyound that, do a time-elapse.
•No god-modding or else you're exiled from the SB.
Nobody kills a character without the player's permission. Violation of this rule has the connsequence of exile from the SB.
•This SB's modded by Redfang18 (yours truly), LoyalHeart, and ItalianIlluminist, so what we say, goes.
•Put the name of your character and location on the top of every post, that way nobody's mixed up.
•Keep the gender ratio even. This is important - and we do mean important.
•Have fun.

Profile template:
Spoiler! :
Name: (First and last names required)
Nickname: (As in personal title, if any or what people call you)
Age: (Age range is from 16-40, no younger or older than what's in the limit)
Appearance: (Pics are optional. Anime pics are acceptable.)
Personality: (Minimum 50 words. Be descriptive.)
Race: (as in human, creature, or a cross-breed of some kind.)
Skills: (Tell us your capabilities - as in what you're capable of.)
Endorsement: (if any, by whom, and what you're capable of):
History: (Details, we want details. At least two paragraphs in lenght, and none of this "don't remember" nonsense. Even if they don't, explain why, and besides, each character has a story.)
Up for love: (Yes, no, and what orientation.)
Other: (Anything forgotten.)

Character Slots:
Spoiler! :
Darius Angelus (Redfang18)
Silver Aerialis (Redfang18)
Ethedren of the East (Aldiv)
Arenque le De’Savor (Aldiv)
Isabelle Greene (Trinity9001)
Morrigan [Selkie] (Shadowlight)
Braic [Centaur] (Shadowlight)
Morgan Volf (ItalianIlluminist)
Argo (ItalianIlluminist)
Beatrix Kovacs (LoyalHeart)
Aberdeen (ReisePiecy)

Here be the DT.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:26 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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32 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 671
Reviews: 32
Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:57 pm
Redfang18 says...

Name: Darius Angelus
Nickname: Darius has two nicknames - Stripes (called by friends and companions) and Night Flier (self-made title)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Darius is moonlight pale with dark brown hair and natural golden blonde stripes as long as to his shoulderblades. His eyes are light green and he himself stands a good six-feet-one-inch. In his human appearance, he wears dark blue jeans and matching shirt to blend in with the night during nighttime travels. When flying, he has what appears to be black angel wings. Always on his person is a dragon chakram, which is his pride and joy. He also has a small sack with him, which carries a flute - his personally prized instrument and one of the two things he has that connects to his original birth (the second thing being the chakram).
Personality: He's hard outside because of his time as a soldier of war, but deep down he's a real softy with many questions on his mind. He's very much a hard nut to crack when it comes to secrets, considering that he harbors a secret that even his adoptive family doesn't know about. He has a love for music and plays the flute like a master, although he does this in private because he doesn't like it when someone's watching him. His music often expresses his emotions and he tends to lose himself in his music while playing. He doesn't like it when people ask him for something they're capable of doing themselves.
Race: Appears human, but believes he might be a hybrid of some kind.
Skills: He's capable of using what's around him, which can happen at any time there's a problem nobody else can fix. He's also known not to quit on something he just started (this is believed that he takes it after his birth parents). He's also capable of using a chakram - his most prized and signature weapon of choice. Also a master of stealth, hence the self-made title Night Flier.
Endorsement: Born with black angel wings and the ability to cause a twister while either on land or in the air. He's known this his whole life, but never shared the secret of flying with anybody. This power over twisters require some energy to be spent and it would make him a little dizzy and pass out for as long as three days if too much energy is spent. He's also Endorsed by a forest fae with the element of Earth, allowing him to be capable of making plants grow at the sound of his flute or snap of his fingers.
History: Darius barely knew himself. According to local gossip in Gaea, Darius was adopted by a couple who found him at their doorstep as a baby. The couple were humans who were Endorsed by the element of Earth, but had no children of their own until they discovered an infant Darius in a basket at their doorstep. They raised Darius as their own until he was five. Someone tried to steal him from the house that time, but he was already out of his room before then. He was protected by the forest fae for five years and six months, then reunited with his adoptive family afterwards. Upon his fifteenth birthday, he was being trained for war, but couldn't part with his chakram (which was with him for as long as he can remember and his adoptive father believes that Darius is greatly attached to the chakram). He spent five years trained by a mysterious woman who showed him how to properly use his chakram and secretly taught him how to fly. He went to war at twenty years old, but was left for dead after a few months at war. He found himself revived by a group of wanderers and hasn't been going back to war since his new friends restored him to full health.
Up for love: Yes and bisexual.
Other: He's taken a journey among the group to find out the truth about himself. Since he learned that he was adopted before he went to war, it was after he was restored to health when he decided to search for answers about who and what he may be. Even after being asked - along with several other individual travellers - by the King Raven of Angelus to find the long-lost Prince Raven, Darius is still looking for answers on his own past.

Name: Silver Aerialis
Nickname: Silver has two nicknames - White Hawk (personal title) and Silverwings (called by friends)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Silver is moonlight pale with hair as long as past his waist. His hair is dark brown with near-platinum blonde (naturally) stripes (which are small yet visible to the naked eye). His eyes are light green and he stands six-feet-one-inch. He wears light blue jeans and matching shirt always. Whenever in flight (which happens often), he has silver angel wings. Always with him is a chakram, his only weapon and one of the two items that he has which is connected to his original birth. He also carries a lyre with him in a small sack on his right hip, an instrument that has a connection to his original birth and he had mastered on his own.
Personality: Doesn't know when to quit. He'll go as far as possibly kamikaze to finish what he started, although he's not as insane as a frog or toad is ugly. Although he's a good listener at a degree, he never really obeys orders and prefers to do things his way than anybody else's. His greatest weakness is his ability to fly. If his wings are ever broken - accidentally or in battle - he's grounded until one or both wings are fully healed.
Race: He's born of the Winged Folk, but was raised by dragons in the mountains.
Skills: Highly capable of using the chakram and quite the lyre player. Not very much of a quitter for a man his age, but keeps a few secrets and is hard to break in the terms of secrets. One of his best of skills is evasive maneuvers, which is best when in the air or during the daylight. He's also an herbal healer, so he's able to heal by the means of herbal medicine.
Endorsement: Born with silver angel wings and the ability to create whirlwinds. Due to being raised in the mountains, he's been able to fly since he was four. He's able to use his whirlwind power as an alternative way to fly if his wings are ever broken, but it requires more energy to use whirlwinds for flight. Use up too much energy and he'll be passed out for three days tops. He's also Endorsed by his adoptive mother with the element of Fire, allowing him to use flames as a boost of power to his chakram and distraction to give any friend a chance to escape. Also allows Silver to tolerate the heat, which makes him capable of flying over the crator of a volcano.
History: Silver was adopted by a rather odd couple - a male phoenix and a dragoness (forbidden lovers) - in the mountainous region known as the Molten Steppes. They found him as a baby during a search for food. He was in a basket and hanging from a branch at the time. The phoenix and dragoness raised him as their own and taught him how to fly when he was four years old. At the age of twelve, he discovered the ability to create whirlwinds and uncovered his chakram two years later from the basket he was found in. War was among the people of the mountains, so Silver was sent away from the mountains at fifteen for his protection. After four years learning how to use the chakram properly by a mysterious woman, he's travelled on his own to find his original parents and hopefully unravel more about his past. His trainer told him that he had a twin alive in the world, so he's hoping to reunite with his long-lost twin as well as their birth parents. It's been known by his trainer that he's the eldest twin. It's been three years since his training ended and he's still travelling the earth, but he's among a group of close friends to keep him company.
Up for love: Yes and bisexual.
Other: He's not much of a singer when playing the lyre, but it's not stopping him from playing it anyway. He's also willing to search for the long-lost Prince Raven, but he's in it for the position as a private musician for the King Raven - who's rumored to be a real sucker for music.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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6 Reviews

Gender: None specified
Points: 1325
Reviews: 6
Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:26 pm
Aldiv says...

Name: Ethedren of the East

Nickname: Wander, East, Edren

Gender: Male

Age: Looks to be 34, but is thousands of years old

Appearance: Ethedren has long brown hair that he sometimes ties up, but usually he likes to let it hang free. He wears a simple robe and pants, and has his sword at his side. He is around 6’2”, strong, with piercing grey eyes and a silver pendant around his neck.

Spoiler! :

When he is fighting or upset his form can change a bit, getting whispy and windy like this.
Spoiler! :

This is the appearance of the curse on his body
Spoiler! :

Personality: Ethedren is a kind hearted man and truly cares for mythical creatures and beings. He isn’t a massive fan of humans, but likes some and tolerates others. He tends to make connections fast, and loves a good laugh, but also is serious, and will be honest when needed. The past few centuries haven’t been kind to him, and he has become embittered and lonely, losing some companions to death and age he is struggling with the value of connection, and if he should even bother.

Race: Ethedren used to be a Great Wind Spirit, specifically the Spirit of the East Wind. He lived in the Pearly Gates, but had a disagreement with his siblings and was kicked out and cursed to inhabit a mortal, human body.

Skills: He is a very skilled sword fighter, and cares for his blade very much. He uses less power when he fights, but is quite acrobatic and aims for weak points, tendons and muscles to cripple people. He has good survival skills, can hunt easily, and find water where there is little. He is also a good cook, able to use what is on hand. The one thing he appreciates about being a mortal is food.

Endorsement: He still holds a lot of his ability for wind, and it is the only element he can use. He can call it up and use it to fly if needed, knock people back, and summon twisters. He can also turn into the wind for short periods of time, and if he is touching someone he can turn them into the wind as well, much like a wind spirit, but if he uses this ability to much it will exhaust him to the point where he will pass out, especially if he uses it on other people. He also possesses the ability of Wind Sight, which allows him to see and hear from long distances by looking at the wind. It’s almost like he can see pictures and images of things a breeze has touched. He also used to be able to use Light, but lost almost all of that ability when he was cursed to this mortal form. The only thing he can do is a little bit of healing on others, nothing major though.

History: Ethedren has a bitter and long history, and it is something he does not talk about or share with anyone he doesn’t trust. Few know that he used to live up in the Heavens, one of the Spirits who watched the world. Fewer still know that he had a disagreement with his siblings and was kicked out by the North, South, and West wind. They forced him into a human shell, stripping him of almost all of his powers, and cursing him to wander the earth for days as penance for what they saw as crimes against their position.

Ethedren spent the first few decades of his life in mourning, wandering through the cities of earth and weeping for his loss. As time went on he moved past his sorrow and began to search for a way to get back home. He sought out wise men and sages, people and beasts of knowledge and power, anyone who might be able to help him return to his Spirit Form, and to reclaim his lost power. Few had answers for him, and fewer still had ever heard of such a curse. The powerful magic worked by his siblings had left a mark of sorts on his shoulder, and though many could sense the magic within it, few could touch, or even knew what it meant.

Fed up with mortals and their lack of knowledge he began to seek others. Going to Dragons, Phoenixes, and Faes of different types as he sought knowledge and help, but he could find little. In his anger and frustration he found himself in the Realm of Endless Night, seeking those who possessed the Dark Arts. No one he found could help him, and those he heard of who might be able to refused to help the cursed spirit.

Almost a Century later Ethedren found himself in the Molten Steppes, a Wander, lost, alone, and not caring whether he lived or died. A Warlord and his band wandered upon him, and the warlords sorceress, Lethlina, looked on Ethedren and saw he was no normal human. She urged her Master to get Ethedren to join the Warlord’s band. The Warlord offered him a choice, fight his champion, if he won he could join, if not he would be dead. Ethedren slew the champion without even breaking a sweat, and immediately became the warlords knew champion. Ethedren found solace and peace in the life of a warrior; he honed his fighting skills, and fell in love with the sorceress Lethlina. There was something familiar about her, and for once, he felt peace. Eventually him and Lethlina broke away from the Warlord and formed their own band, riding across the planes and battling their way from place to place.

As the decades past Lethlina grew old, and eventually passed away. Ethedren passed on his band and men to his second in command. He took with him a memory he would cherish, a large sum of money, and the knowledge that there was someone out there who might be able to help him, the King Raven.

Up for love: Yes, anyone

Other: He is helping to look for the King Raven's son because someone told him the King Raven possesses a rare book, and maybe even knowledge that could help him break the curse.

Name: Arenque le De’Savor
Nickname: Lady Arenque
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Appearance: When she is in her mermaid form she looks like this
Spoiler! :

And when she is in her human form she looks like this

Spoiler! :

Picture of her weapons
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: Arenque is somber a lot of the time, and takes everything a little more serious then she needs to. She has trouble loosening up and having a good time, especially when there is a mission and something that needs to be done. If there was ever a girl with a stick up her butt, it would be Arenque. If she can lighten up a bit, she does a lot, and can go to the extreme in not carrying about anything and simply wanting to party. She tries not to drink, but when she does she can get a bit crazy and her morals a bit… loose. She tries to avoid alcohol altogether for this reason.

Race: Mermaid

Skills: She is a great swimmer and breathe underwater. Besides that she has been taught how to fight with a type of three pronged boomerang, as well as a trident and net. She has a couple three pronged boomerangs, and can use them up close or far away, and her net and trident are always on her. She has a passion for jewelry, or more like a weakness, and just by the touch and feel can tell the value of most diamonds, necklaces, and rings. She can hold her human form as long as she needs to, but she is very weak to fire and does no handle the heat well.

Endorsement: Being a mermaid she can use water, and she was also endorsed by a Leviathan, and therefore can use a little darkness.

History: Lady Arenque le De’Savor is the Niece to the current Oceanic King. She was raised and brought up in the palace, and was given the task of watching over her younger female cousin. The King’s nephew’s and nieces are often paired with his children as body guards and companions, and from a young age she was taught how to be watchful, and a fighter. She grew up with the King’s daughter Leneqeus, and the two were fast friends.

War however between the City of the Deep and Aquatic came into full force a few years ago, and since then there have been numerous assassination attempts. One night, while Leneques and Arenque were out they were attacked by Assassins and the young princess was murdered and slain. Angry and shameful of her, the King sent Arenque to the deep, and told her not to return without a sign of favor. She did so, and few know what happened, but what is known is that she came back endorsed by a Leviathan, which few have ever done.

Taking this as a sign, the King has sent her onto Land, to the King Raven, to help him find the Sparrow. In hopes that it will help bring some peace and end confusion, and maybe even win the favor of the King Raven. She was told not to come back until the boy was found, and if that meant she was never to return, then so be it. This mission is everything to her, she must succeed to return home, and she will stop and nothing to do that.

Up for love: Bring it on whoever

Other: She takes this mission very personally, so you try to stop it… she will kill you… that’s all
Last edited by Aldiv on Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:11 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:04 pm
Trinity9001 says...

Can I reserve a spot for a female?

Gavin: "I wanted us to bond over a common problem."
Michael: "But Gavin, you are the common problem"

"We are the things you see out of the corner of your eye"
-Mother Maiden

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Reviews: 42
Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:41 pm
Shadowlight says...

May I please reserve a Female Selkie?

Okay I'm REALLY sorry about this but the Banshee and the Dragon profiles as I was trying to write them weren't working AT FREAKING ALL.

SO, I've written up another profile for a Male Centaur named Briac.

And my Selkie's name is Morrigan

I am SO sorry about all this. but I think I'm all set now. XD

Profiles will be up shortly.
Last edited by Shadowlight on Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:36 am
Redfang18 says...

To all who asked for reservation, that has been done on sight.
To Aldiv: More likely ask for a list of options.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:20 am
Caesar says...

Reserve two spots under my name, please.

And yes, ask me for a list, and also specify what they can do in the case of more -- or less -- obscure ones.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:29 pm
KingLucifer says...

Name: Beatrix Kovacs

Nickname: Lady Beatrix, Honorable Knight Beatrix, Holy Knight Beatrix

Gender: Female

Age: Appears 23 but is really eons old.

Spoiler! :
This is Beatrix Kovacs

Personality: Beatrix is crual, hateful even. But kind and sweet when it comes to children, she's seen history unfold before her eyes and right now seeing it all makes her wish she didn't have the will to live. But she does, her heart has blackened over the eons, to her love is nice when it comes, but will never stay forever.

Race: Ancient

Skills: She's a well trained knight, the only thing she needs with her to survive is her blade, she is also trained in the ways of Knight Magic which allows her to use Knight exclusive magic stuff known as Shock, Shock Break, and other stuff. She also capable of summoning magic, but of only one beast, her dragon Bahamut.
Spoiler! :
Her dragon Bahamut
Her sword

Endorsement: Light Endorsement, given to her by the creator, her light endorsement is by far stronger than anyone else. Because of so she is able to heal at higher rates than most people in the world these days.

History: Beatrix is an Ancient, one of the first female humans to ever walk the planet. She grew up knowing the golden age of the creator, and the brilliance he had brought unto the world. Beatrix spent most of her life walking the earth and watching as the world around her changed continually without pause, she's seen comrades die at times of war, life had beaten Beatrix and blackened her heart. She's been alone most of her life due to never being able to die, now in this day and age, Beatrix is an accomplished knight who known for being the most powerful knight to ever live.

Offically Beatrix is no longer a knight and has left the kingdom on her own accord, but with the coming war, she feels the need to return to the kingdom to bring peace back to the world. But she knows there is something more out there that is causing the war, she knows another Ancient is behind this, for only an ancient would have lived long enough to cause this war.

Up for love: Yes, she doesn't mind lady companions at all.

Other: Nay.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:34 pm
Sassafras says...

Save me a male spot? Profile in a bit.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:43 pm
Caesar says...

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Also, guys. This is just as important as gender ratio -- keep origin equal. As in, I don't want to see six characters from the same kingdom. As the events im the SB will involve multiple kingdoms, it'd be nice to have at least one character familiar with each. Furthermore, if they could occupy different social statuses, from the royal family to a guard, would be nice.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:25 pm
Sassafras says...

I'm so excited for this.

Name: Aberdeen [ Abe-er-dean]
Spoiler! :
(See 'History' for meaning behind the lack of last name)

Nickname: Abe

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: Abe's merfolk form reaches a length of 3 meters, about ten feet, down to the tip of his tail. In human form he only reaches a height of 6 feet. Aberdeen's hair is golden brown, with lighter, almost white, highlights. His eyes are a bright, nearly transuclent blue, the color of sea water. In both human and mer-form he has the markings of the royal family on his face in the form of three small circles in line underneath his left eye, markings he's been ordered to cover at all times. When around other merfolk.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Aberdeen is erractic and conniving by nature. He flips from two extremes at the snap of a finger and his charisma has reached the point of suspiciousness. Abe is nice, though, for the most part, and when he's not scheming a way to wage his war he can be funny and pleasant to be around, however, he thoughts rarely stray from his plans to get to the top. He's a master at concocting plans and being sneaky. He knows how to get what he wants and will do anything to ensure that what he wants is what he gets.

He has a horrible temper when things don't go the way he wants and a strong hatred of all merfolk.

Race: Merman/Siren

Skills: He can walk an unlimited amount of time on land. Influnce over water. Ability to manufacture illusions of someones greatest desire and, if neccessary, take the form of that desire in the person's eyes.
Downsides: He an only hold illusions for a limited amount of time, any longer and he passes out from exhaustion and if he takes the form of someone's desire he has to stay in that form until the next sunrise (Abe has spent many nights walking around as women) and has no influence over water during that time.

Endorsement: None (?)

History: If you were to ask the King of Aquatica he would not be able to recall anyone by the name of Aberdeen, Abe, or the like. In fact, he would deny ever laying eyes upon a blond, blue eyes merfolk that was not himself. This, of course, is a lie. Aberdeen was born out of the King's affair with a Siren. Usually, the King is immune to all siren charms, but this Siren was special, the first siren and very powerful. She tempted the King into her bed and, in turn, got nearly half of his riches (he covered the sudden loss of money by saying it went into peace transaction with the other ruling kingdom). When the Siren found out she was pregnant, the first thing she did was summon the King and tell him of his new heir. The King would not have it. A battle resulted of the Siren's and King's refusal to raise the child. Surprisngly, the Siren won and the King swore to keep the child, but refused to raise it as his kid, but instead a servant.

Aberdeen was not informed of the manner of his conception, only told that he must always wear black dye in his hair and mud on his face to mask his resemblance to the King and the royal markings. One day Abe was going to fetch something for the Queen when the Siren spotted him and recognized him immediately. She, slipping into her trouble-making ways, told Abe of his background. He returned to the castle and confronted his father about it and was promptly banished and deemed a traitor for conversing with the siren folk, outcasts of the mer-society.

Ever since then Aberdeen has been plotting his way onto the throne. In the outlands he learned how to use his mixed heritage to his advantage and on land used his powers to become rich. He's strong, fast, sneaky, and manipulative, everything a person needs to be succesful. He hopes finding the King's son will revoke his banishment in his own country among other things.

Up for love: Yes, and he's bisexual. He is part siren, after all.

Other: His weapon is a trident stolen from his father.

Spoiler! :
Last edited by Sassafras on Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:49 pm
Trinity9001 says...

Name: Isabelle Greene

Nickname: Belle

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :
Skyrim Nightengale Armor.jpg
What she wears most of the time

Spoiler! :
Her in griffin form

Personality: Isabelle hasn’t had many friends so she doesn’t know how to socialize very well. She might come off as rude at first, but once you get to know her she is very caring and considerate. She is merciless towards her enemies. She thinks the only person you can trust is yourself and she doesn’t like to depend on others.

Race: Griffin

Skills: Isabelle possesses a human form and usually only turns into a griffin when she needs to fly somewhere or if she’s in battle. Her element is wind. She is very handy with a bow and has two daggers strapped to her belt and one in each of her boots.

History: Isabelle grew up in a small village in the mountains. Everyone in her village was a Griffin and she had a peaceful life until she was 16. She was accused of killing her parents and was forced to flee. She lived in the forest at the base of her mountains ever since. Searching for her parent’s killer, but finding no trace of him/her, she finally gave up.
Her life in the forest always bored her and when she found out about the kings summoning she jumped at the opportunity to leave. She always wanted to leave the forest, but she’s never seen the outside world and didn’t know if she could survive on her own. Working for the king might be her chance to escape her past and start a new life.

Up for love: yes, straight.

Other: none

Gavin: "I wanted us to bond over a common problem."
Michael: "But Gavin, you are the common problem"

"We are the things you see out of the corner of your eye"
-Mother Maiden

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Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:51 pm
Trinity9001 says...

Spoiler! :
images (1).jpg
Isabelle's bow
images (1).jpg (3.93 KiB) Viewed 1617 times

Gavin: "I wanted us to bond over a common problem."
Michael: "But Gavin, you are the common problem"

"We are the things you see out of the corner of your eye"
-Mother Maiden

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Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:03 am
Caesar says...

Spoiler! :
A written description would be nice. Also, I'm sure you can edit in the bow into the main profile, to avoid cluttering up things. Thanks.

Name: Morgan Volf.
Nickname: the Crow.
Gender: male.
Age: looks 30, is several millennia old, in actuality.
Appearance: Morgan stands at little under a meter eighty, but the first thing that you'll notice when seeing Morgan for the first time is he's pale. Very pale. His skin and hair have been long bleached of all color due to lack of sunlight. Plus, after he was Endorsed, his eyes took on the distinctive red glow of demons. Despite, ah, controversial events in his past, Morgan still wears his Lieutenant's uniform, in fact, he's made it his trade-mark. It consists of a military green trench coat with a high collar, decorated by innumerable brooches, badges, and strings, tied toghether in a way that attests his rank. The coat is held in place by a black belt with a golden clasp. Under that, Morgan wears a darker green shirt and a black tie, to which another brooch is fastened. He wears camo pants that match his coat, and black knee-high boots, a spiked riding crop in his left. The outfit is topped off by a hat.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Morgan is calm, cold, and logical, emotionless even. He's lived through many battles in his time, and has served at court in the world of intrigue -- he knows how to think on his feet, as well as how to get out of a tight spot. Due to his extended age, he's also very patient -- because of his different perception of time. He can create plans that only unfold centuries after they've been issued. Because of his age and intelligence, however, Morgan can also be arrogant, underestimating those he deems 'below him,' a flaw which he does not recognize in himself.
Race: Daemon Ancient.
Skills: he can wield a variety of ranged weapons, knows his way around poisons, and is quite good at managic people. He can also talk his way around most problems, something he learned very quickly in his life at court.
Endorsement: Morgan was Endorsed by a powerful demon mage when he was a Lieutenant, for 'good services.' He's a necromancer and a sangromancer, though he can cast other, more complex spells with the aid of 'other energies,' in his case obtained via sacrifices, preferably humans.
History: Morgan was born in the city of Ourouborous, though he does not remember everything with clarity. He's forgotten the sound of his mother's voice and his father's face, and vaguely recalls having a sibling, but that's about it when it comes to his earlier memories. Unlike all other Ancients, Morgan is the only one who gained his status, through a powerful black magic spell he stumbled upon in his line of work -- Morgan, when he was a young adult, worked as an architect and runesmith in the city, deciphering ancient scrolls and mapping out abandoned tunnels, learning how to get to any place in Ourouborous via the underground.
The city was invaded by a horde of savage Vulcan mongols, and Morgan was forced to run. He made his way to the Molten Steppes, where he served as a warlord's liege until said warlord died and Morgan took over. For around ten years, he headed the most successful tribe in the area, systematically annexing other lands and trying to create a stable kingdom. However, one night, other warlords led a sortie and 'assassinated' Morgan.
He was forced to fake his own death, and left, venturing even further north into the Realms of the Endless Nights. He moved in an out of the Abyss, the seemingly infinite realm of the demons where time moves infinitely. He there met a demon prince that went by Rex Luciferii, who taught Morgan black magic in exchange for services. From there, Morgan moved to the surface, where he served in the army, progressing to rank of Lieutenant. He there earned his nickname, the Crow, for picking off survivors and stragglers after a battle, augumenting his dark aura with the strenght of death, agony, and carnage.
Around a century ago, Morgan was exiled from the army, the kingdom rulers no longer being able to close a blind eye to Morgan's foul necroalchemical experiments, and so Morgan returned to his homeland, Gaea. While the city had changed completely, the underground was still pretty much the same, and Morgan quickly set up an effective field of movement, operating in the underworld in drug dealing operations, kidnappings, and extortion. He was then able to cast a powerful spell and integrate himself as part of the Council of Five, silencing all those who would oppose him. There he remains to this day.
Up for love: Up for flings more like, but yes, bi.
Other: nothing at the moment.

Name: Argo
Nickname: Lord of the Seven Seas, Stormbringer, Skullcrusher, Fist of the Void, etc etc. More simply known as A by those whom he calls friends.
Gender: Male
Age: looks to be in his mid-twenties, is also several millenia old.
Appearance: Out of his armor, Argo is a very big man, standing at something over six feet, very wide-chested and ridiculously buff, but not somebody you'd call threatening. His face is broad, forehead wide, nose flat, and he has big lips. His skin is deeply tanned, his eyes a startling blue, his hair dreadlocked and black, often unkempt. He has a beard around his mouth, covering a scar that runs from the left corner of his mouth to his nose, a lucky strike by an opponent. He usually wears a vest with the sleeves ripped off, revealing a tattoo of a heart with 'Vox Ankasulomos' inscribed under it, and pants, though he usually likes to walk barefoot. Nobody particularly scary.
Inside his armor, on the other hand... it's made of steel plate, stained dark green, huge around the shoulder-pads, thickly embellished with skull-and-wing motifs, a memento of the beast who Endorsed him. The armor has mild magical protection. It comes with a matching sword: a six-foot greatsword, capable of channeling his magical powers. He also weilds a pistol, which is usually slung to his belt, as he needs both hands to weild his sword.
Personality: Argo is a jolly, easy-going chap, always ready to crack a joke or poke fun at a situation. He loves to party and drink, preferably both at the same time, and will often go out with his 'mates' to the nearest town. When he's fighting, however, nothilg else matters to him, nothing else exists. He's one-hundred-ten percent attentive, focusing only on combat. He doesn't think in 'middle-distances', and isn't really one for planning or forethought, doubly so when in combat. He's very methodical and diligent like that.
Race: Human Ancient.
Skills: He can weild his greatsword with devastating strenght and speed, and also isn't a bad shot with his pistol. He can light a campfire with incredible ease, as well as set up camp in general, he can cook, and swim tirelessly.
Endorsement: He was endorsed by a mighty kraken, notorious as the bane of the seven seas, under mysterious circumstances. Argo has no recollection of the surrounding events. He wields his water magic like his Endorser -- brutally, with devastating power, attempting to overwhelm all others as quickly as possible. He's a master at creating natural cataclysms.
History: Like many of his age and species, Argo has no recollection of his early days. This goes doubly so for Argo, being the last remaining Primeval Ancient, viz, a personified force of nature, in Argo's case, the ocean. He had no permanent family, instead wandering around from town to town, making use of his prodigious strenght and sea-skills wherever he could. He trained his body whenever he could, having nothing better to do. He's come into contact with civilization before, having been to the realms of the deep after, but didn't find crowds and upper-class life to his liking. He did, however, on a holiday in the coast, meet a certain Morgan Volf, whom he identified as an Ancient fairly easily. The two have struck an odd partnership since, Morgan being the brains of the situation. Not wanting, however, to be idle as his comrade schemed, Argo, with Morgan's help, found a small island he could move into, and from there built a modest hut. It's known as the most infamous battleground in the continent, to those who have heard. Many great and mighty warriors come challenge Argo, none succeed.
Up for love: Yah, straight.
Other: He was never taught how to read and write, and has no patience to learn when Morgan tries to teach him.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sun Nov 18, 2012 5:36 pm
Shadowlight says...

Spoiler! :
Here is the first profile- I will add Morrigan in later on today. if anything is amiss Redfang just Pm me and I will be happy to edit.

Name: Briac
Nickname: his herd nicknamed him Mouse- because of his coat color an how he wasn't as striking as his brothers.
Gender: Male/Stallion
Age: 25
Appearance: Briac stands at the junction of his horse and human body about seventeen to eighteen hands- all in all this centaur is around ten feet tall. His horse half is a ruddy chestnut that changes to a nutty tan on his muscular torso. His hair and tail are both a deep bay color. His eyes an equine- meaning they are dark brown with sideways pupils. His hair he keels long- very long and tied in a high ponytail. Like his people Briac wears simple tribal jewelery in the form of beaded armbands, and simple wire bangles. Like all Stallions he wears a long pendent about his neck, it is a protection charm to ward off evil spirits. On his torso he has a series of whitish lines- these are scarification marks, Only Highland Centaur Stallions get these, the more scars the more pain- and the stronger the stallion. And the Mares apparently find them very sexy. All in all this young stallion gives a very intimidating first impression. http://th05.deviantart.net/fs40/PRE/f/2 ... Elvire.jpg

Race: Centaur, a highland Centaur to be exact, they live on the high mountain ranges and are a very hardy creatures. They are very tribal creatures that live very connected to the land and in tight knit herds- they are very horse like in their social behaviors.

Personality: Briac is actually a very good-natured and easy going for a centaur- this is mostly caused by his lack of his own herd- Bachelor Stallions tend to be more relaxed then the stallions with mares and foals to look after. He is an easy going cheerful male- who loves peace. Briac in a word is peaceful. Now for other creatures this is a blessing having a “nice” Centaur about, but it has not served Briac well. His innocence and trusting have cost him much. Firstly mares don't give him the time of day- writing him off as juvenile and unmanly. Secondly his good nature rarely lets him show off his prowess in matches with other stallions- Briac needs to have a reason too attack someone. Briac desperately wants a herd, both want and need are driving him. He wants the security of a family unit, the love of a mare, and to prove he's not weak. Briac like all Stallions has a very rigid warriors code that he lives by, Honor is precious to Centaurs. To dishonor oneself is considered a tragedy- to dishonor ones Sire and Dam is considered a offense worthy of death. Protecting ones herd, even unto death is considered a noble thing, and protecting ones race- even if they are not your herd is considered the ultimate act of honor.

Skills: Briac possesses all the sharp senses of a horse, sight, smell hearing. He also physically is dangerous- inhumanly strong- one kick from his hooves can shatters your skull. His skills with his spear are also nearly unmatched in his own kind. He is a hardened warrior who can kill without mercy if he thinks you are a threat to his kind. Briac's skills at hunting and tracking are unmatched- for once his insatiable curiosity served him well. He's highly intelligent, both by human and animal standards, he has a thirst for knowledge. Briac also possesses a telepathic ability and a weak gift of foresight- this is rumored to be from his Dam- who was said to have Unicorn blood in her.

Endorsement: N/A

History: Briac was born into a small but respected herd, Briac had a good childhood as Centaurs go, it was secure, it was innocent, and it was wild. When he became of age- that is when young Centaurs become sexually mature (usually 14-16) he was released from his birth herd and sent away. Fillies tend to find homes faster, as Stallions are always willing and eager to get more females. Young stallions however do not find herds right away, they form bachelor herds- made up of differing age groups and in these they learn and mature until old enough to strike out for their own herd of mares. Most stallions stay in a bachelor herd until they are physically mature- between the ages of eighteen and twenty. Briac was unable to win a herd when he reached maturity, and even wandering herdless mares ignored his advances- Something very damaging to a young stallions self confidence. He threw himself into training and learning, trying to become worthy of being a her Sire. He was accepted into the Bachelor herd called the Borderlanders- a warrior band of Stallions with no connections, who are willing to fight and protect the Centaur homeland- the wild places of the world. Briac has served in this herd, this band for nearly six years now, and as such he is one of the more elder members of the group- the others serving for a time before going off to become herd sires.

But now Briac was given another task by the Elder of the Herd sires (the only organized government the centaurs have) this council of elders has sent him to help the Raven king find the Sparrow- in hopes of a reward, the reward of their land. The wild places are shrinking and more peoples are wandering into the centaur uplands, bringing war and slavery. The council is praying if the mission is successful the Raven will grant them their land as their own, gift them the wild places so they may live in peace and not fear lowlanders coming in to drive them out of the highlands.

Up for love
: Very much so, he is a stallion after all. He is straight.
Other: Briac has a love of music and the verbal history of his people. Briac also has a Israeli sounding accent.


Name: Morrigan Winterborn
Nickname: Skippy (Her father named her that)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Morrigan is TINY- only 4'9”. she's petite by even Selkie standards. Her seal tail is a light mottled white/gray with darker gray rosettes. Her eyes are unnaturally large and are a dark almost black liquid brown. Her human like torso continues with the color of the tail- her skin is a whitish color with darker gray rosettes. Her fingers end in sharp claws and her canine teeth are larger and more defined then a human's. Her nose is small, and her face is childlike. Her hair is long- reaching her hips and is a white/gray- in it she's has braided tiny shells and beads shes gotten off wrecks of sunken trading ships.

http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... 2yne9r.jpg
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/ ... djenny.jpg
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/ ... 316ysg.jpg

Personality: In a word- Innocent. Morrigan knows very little about the world around her, and has no street smarts at all. She trusts way to easily and thinks everyone is a friend to be made. She is ungodly optimistic and cheerful- sort of the female version of Curious George. She loves to laugh and make new friends. She is innocent and sweet- very childlike. She's the kind of person who can make people want to take care of her- she can wriggles under the hardest of armors and carve out a little place in your heart for herself to cuddle up in. she is doggedly loyal, and if fiercely protective of those she considers her friends.

Race: Northern Selkie. (Selkies are half human and half Seal). They live in tight knit family groups-several generations of males (bulls) their small harem of females and their pups. They live off the frigid northern coast in some of the most bountiful fishing grounds. In ancient times they lived off most coastlines, but they were hunted near to extinction by the Mer-peoples who considered them trash. Only in the frigid northern waters, where the mer-people cannot go, do they survive.

Skills: Morrigan has very little fighting ability besides her claws and teeth and speed in the water- but she's able to speak to all water dwelling creatures. She hasn't yet discovered her ability to shift to a human form, but when she does she will have this as well.
Endorsement: N/A

History: Morrigan was born into a rather large family- her Grandsire had seven sons who all still lived near him with their Harem's and pups- Morrigan had dozens of cousins to play with growing up. Her Father Balthor had three females and Morrigan's mother was the chief of these. She was the youngest of Balthor's pups and was very sheltered by her father. She had a wonderful childhood- exploring the waters and coastline where she lives, finding sunken wrecks, making friends wherever she went- including an old salty grump of a sea serpent who lived in a grotto.

When she became of age Female Selkies are able to breed (14-16) she was attacked by a rogue Bull while she was sunbathing, and he tried to force her to become his mate- but she fought him off and fled into the water. He chased her for leagues but finally stopped when Morrigan in a panic swam into what the Selkies call the forbidden reef- where the human fisherman hunt. In her blind fear she swam right into a net and nearly drowned herself getting tangled tightly in it- the poor fisherman who found her nearly died of fright when he pulled her on board along with the fish. He would have thrown her back- knowing the Selkies folklore siad had command of the fishes and not wanting their vengence- but his son who was on the boat with him convinced him to keep her- saying she was a pretty prize for them.

The son took the terrified Selkie to the market and sold her to a passing Nobleman- who was a collector of fantastical creatures. And then she was in turn given over to a lord in payment for debts. And this lord has sent her across the country as a present for a king, a peace offering. Morrigan is locked in a glass box full of water- barely enough air to breath and is slowly wasting away- and can only last a few more days of this rough treatment on the roads before dying.

Up for love
: of course she's waiting for her future mate to come and carry her away someplace safe, and she is straight.
Other: Morrigan can sing, selkies like Sirens have very enchanting voices, but Selkies rarely use theirs for gain. Morrigan just loves music and will often try to repeat songs she's heard.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

Writing is the geometry of the soul.
— Plato