
Young Writers Society

The battle of happiness. (accepting)

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Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:46 am
enjoyinginsanity says...

Can you survive?

Plot: Waking up in the middle of nowhere, all you have is a backpack, with the tools needed to survive, and a weapon of choice. You have no recollection of how you got to this place, but you remember what they told you. You are here to prove your people are worthy of this land. As you journey deeper and deeper into this place , you come across more people, around your age. Some you know , others you don't. You and your group must prove to the authorities that you have what it takes to survive, and that your race deserves the freedom in Terranon more than the others, Even if it involves killing people in the mix. You cannot leave until one group is decided winner. Once the provided resources run out, there are no more.

Where you are:
Spoiler! :
Each blue part has a class from each group. Example: In one corner there are all three high class. Image

Background: You once lived in a small country , Called Terranon, where three races of people coexisted in harmony, but now, the three groups have gotten to each others throats. Each one wants to thrive in Terranon's land, but they refuse to share it. A large battle has threatened to break out between these people, the Rakals, Palshan and the Dreanic. The authorities have concluded that , to avoid war , each race will pick someone(two from middle class since middle class has the most people.) from each class to represent them in a survival test to choose who will occupy and control the land of Terranon. Each race has been told horrible aand decieving information about the other races, they each believe that the suffering in the land of Terranon is because of the others groups.

Spoiler! :
Rakals are part human, part animal. They are kind of like a shape shiftier in a way. Every Rakal has one animal form, one fantasy form (as in elf, ork, dragon, etc. Nothing too fancy.) and one human form. if form is killed the others will not act as a life line. The Rakal race is very quick and good at relying on resources of the forest. Their known for their combat with knives, claws, and swords. They do not have very good aim and they have moderate defense.The Palshan's are their most hated foe.

Spoiler! :
Palshan's are known for their quiet nature and hidden traps, they have nearly profected the art of camouflage. Palshan people are Elfs, tall and nimble. Each person of this race grows up with an amulet, and when they reach the age of thirteen, they receive a mythical "pet" that had been pre-chosen for them. These "pets" are like another part of them and can act as a life line in desperate measures. They have amazing aim , but low defense.The Rakals are their most hated foe.

Spoiler! :
Dreanic's are the most underestimated group , but their power is just as strong as the others. Their bodies have been modified and have an incredible defense, but they do not have as much attack power. Dreanic's have a power with music, they can make you see things as reality by playing a simple tune on their instrument, but the effect is downgraded when harm is inflicted. This effect can work on up to three people at a time. This race has mastered the art of medicine and poison, they usually carry around a vial with their instrument. they are also the most hostile race.

Your backpacks include:
Spoiler! :
One canteen.
Weapon of choice.
Small ziplock bag of dehydrated fruit.
Small ziplock back of dehydrated meat.
Either a tarp or net.
1/3 of a map.( each class in the race has another part.)
one item only for your race. ex: Dreanic's could have a vial of poison or medication.

Spoiler! :
Age(15- 19):
Race(include details on what your other forms are ,pet or instrument is.):
Weapon of choice:
Personality(include strengths and weaknesses)
History(before they got here):
Up for love?:
Theme song(optional):

Spoiler! :
High class-
Low class-
Middle class-
Middle class-

High class-
Low class-
Middle class-
Middle class

High class-
Low class-
Middle class-
Middle class-

Spoiler! :
NO godmodding.
Normal YWS rules.
your posts must be at least 100 words.
Please make decent profiles(not short).
No killing people off without asking me.
Nothing to sexual in detail.
I'll add more if i think of them.

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Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:42 pm
PixieStix says...

Can I reserve a middle class Rakal?
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:25 pm
PixieStix says...

Name: Sam West

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Class: Middle class

Race Rakal. Is part black wolf.

Weapon of choice: A small dagger she keeps in her boot. Maybe a mini sword by her belt.

Personality Sam is very playfull and silly. She likes to get in trouble and likes the rush. Sam is also very over-protective of her friends or people she loves. When she's trying to be serious, she usually ends up laughing and has to the start the speech all over again. She's good at handling swords, daggers and sometimes spears. She isn't good with the bow and arrow at all and ends up mkssing her target completely. She likes to read, is very smart and the cute-nerdy type. She's always smiling. She also likes to watch the sunset.


Spoiler! :
selena gomez hairstyles 0 (4).jpg

In human she has brown/black ringlets with red highlights. Has deep brown eyes and tan skin.

Spoiler! :

In wolf form she's pitch black with perky ears. Like the picture but with a curled tail.

History: Sam was born in a small village just off the line of Terranon. She has two brothers. Her parents were poor, unhealthy. On day, Sam went out to find food and came back, reaizing her parents and her brothers died in a fire. She descovered her wolf when she was around five, and used that in defense ever since. She trained with her grandparents, learned amrtial arts and how to use weapons correctly at around the age of ten. When she turned sixteen she set off to live on her own and one day, woke up in the middle of no where and that's where it begins.

Up for love?: Yeah, sure.

Theme song(optional): Eyes open- Taylor Swift

Other: N/A
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:11 am
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Nook says...

Hi! I'd like to reserve Middle class Palshan.

Name: Mellisa " Mel" Wither
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Class: Middle class
Race: Palshan - Pet- a Manx cat
Weapon : Bow and arrow
Personality: She's calm and collected and doesn't freak out at times when most sane people would. Even though she acts nice all the time, she has an underlying dark side to her that no one notices. She loves her cat, Smaky, as she calls it because it smacks it's lips a lot. She also loves her brother and mom and resents her dad. Even though she grew up traditionally, tradition is still a taboo subject for her.

Appearance: She has flowing light blue hair and slightly pale skin. She has dark, brown eyes. She is 5 " 2". She also has a thin, wiry figure complimented by the loose clothing she always wears.

History: Mel grew up in in a middle class economy, though she was still forced to learn tradition by her father. He taught her to behave like a high class elf and learn other things like sewing and pottery making. She hated him for that and one day, 10 years old, she went out, bumped into a wise old elf woman and learned archery. She has been practicing ever since and is now an expert. She loves her ten year old brother and her mother although she was sick most of the time. Once she went out on her own to practice arch again and when she came back, her neighborhood was in wrecks and she found her mom dead , her brother missing and her father had fled.

Up for love?: Wants nothing else in the world, so often daydreams about every cute guy she meets.

Theme song: Shake it Out-Florence and the Machine

Other: NA
"People's feelings are memories that transcend time[that's why they're so hard to forget]." - Steins;Gate(Makise)
"I'm not stupid. I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am." -Hyouka(Oreki)

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Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:38 am
cm57105 says...

Name: Phoenix Alyasan

Gender: Female
Age(15- 19): 17

Class: I am not really sure as there is another middle class rakal please comment.

Race(include details on what your other forms are ,pet or instrument is.):
Rakal - Part Snow Leopard

Weapon of choice: Saber or BroadSword as she uncanny ability with the sword

Personality(include strengths and weaknesses)

Phoenix is smart, though not a geek, and can be the worst practical joker of all time, she is most known in her personality to make jokes, most at her own expense. She is one of the best fighters in the Rakals though and she has a fierce and cold side to her personality that you don't want to mess with. She can be deadly serious when she wants to, but is great at making jokes.


Phoenix has waist length mahogany hair, that she often runs her hand through with an open pretty face that attracts a lot of the guys, she uses her pretty girl look to in capitate her attackers. She wears her trademark hoodies and sneakers and has no tattoos. The weirdest bit of her appearance is, her eyes are a bright grey with blue flecks.

History(before they got here):

She grew up in a high class Rakal economy but despised her parents for that and she left home when she was 16 sick of the pampering of a high class person. She lived in the forest for week killing game with a small hunting bow until finally she started work in a small in called the dry leaf.

Up for love?: YES

Theme song(optional): Don't know

Other: She likes guys who are good fighters and don't shy away
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:41 am
cm57105 says...

Sorry, about Phoenix, umm okay she killed game fin the forest for a week and then worked brutally for a low income at the Dry Leaf which is a small inn
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


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Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:03 am
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SirTobes says...

Can I reserve a Palshan please.
Low Class.
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby

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Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:59 am
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passionatelyme says...

Name: Lacey St. Claire
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Class: High
Race: Palshan
Mythical "Pet": Himalayan Cat
Weapon of choice: Dagger
Personality: Southern and preppy, but kind-hearted. She's used to getting what she wants, as she has a very wealthy family. Goes to a private school, and is top in her class. However, she struggles with depression, and self-harm.
Appearance: Tall, slim, bony, and extremely flexible. Pointy, elf-like ears. She has fair skin and yellow-blonde hair. Her blue eyes are the color of the ocean, and she wears preppy, high-end clothing, and wears a uniform to school. She has a short, spiky pixie cut which compliments her sharp features.
History: Lacey's biological mother was Rakal, as was the man she was married to. She had an affair with a Palshan, which ended up being the dominant gene for Lacey. Lacey's mother died giving birth, and her husband knew immediately that it was not his child. He abandoned her on the street. Only a few days old, she was close to death when a Palshan woman found her. She hurried her home to her husband, who was a wealthy businessman who worked high-up in government. She was told about her biological parents the day of her 15th birthday. She is a passionate dancer, but struggles with self-worth and severe depression. Since her schoolmates found out about her Rakal mother, she was deemed a social outcast, shunned by her piers and friends. Only her Himalayan cat, Cricket, stayed by her side.
Strengths: Since she is a dancer, she has keen reflexes, flexibility, balance, and body-awareness. She was taught how to wield a knife at a young age.
Weaknesses: Aim and control
Up for love?: Yes
Theme song): Breathe Me by Sia\
Other: Has a horrible fear of spiders and darkness
I'm just a little girl, Alone in my little world

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Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:40 pm
megsug says...

Name: Noah Avril

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Class: High

Race: Dreanic - ocarina:http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/texto/ocarina.html

Weapon of choice: poisoned throwing knives

Personality: Noah is used to getting what he wants. He comes off as abrasive, loud, and disrespectful. For the most part he is. You can scare him into submissiveness, for a few moments at least, if you can be louder than he is. He is, however, a natural born leader. His gut instincts (what he bases most of his decision on) tend to be spot on. He is always wary of trusting people. He figures everyone has an agenda. He always has an opinion and is very willing to share it. If you can gain his trust he's fiercely loyal and won't desert or betray you. Otherwise, he's willing to stab a 'friend' in the back. He doesn't face conflict head on.He's very chivalrous towards girls. That doesn't mean he likes them, but he does go out of his way to make them comfortable. He's going to use his music or his poison to take care of an enemy. He's also very observant. He'll find a weakness by just watching someone and will use it against them. Even if he's sorry he did something (which isn't normal) he won't apologize but will accept punishment nobly if he is caught doing a wrong.

Appearance: Noah is lanky and tall with long blonde hair pulled back in a stubby ponytail and sharp green eyes that don't miss much. His left eye is modified so he can see almost perfectly in the dark, see farther than natural, and notice tiny things like a person's pulse and if it has quickened or not. (It may be I have read the Dreanic description and their 'modifications' wrong. Correct me if this is so.) Because of this modification, he often shuts his right eye out of mere habit. His face his hard for his age. He has a scar that goes at an angle across his left eye.

History: His father is a politician. His mother is a high society woman. His father has taught him how to win and how to not like losing. He also taught Noah ruthlessness. His grandparents, the ones who have loved him in his childhood, taught him the art of music and medicine which he is more skilled at than poison. Though his mother is rather dull and superfluous, Noah loves her. His father was beating her once, and Noah defended her, using his superior music skills. His father gifted Noah with what would be his scar. Noah doesn't know how he got to the where he is, but he's pretty sure his father's behind it.

Up for love?: Yes

Theme song:

Last edited by megsug on Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:01 pm
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KatKage says...

May I reserve a spot? ^^ Female Palshan? Mid. class? ^^
I am a Leaf on the Wind,
Watch me Soar
Kyrie Eleison down the road that I must travel,
Kyrie Eleison through darkness of the night

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Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:34 pm
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Nook says...

Um, is this storybook ever gonna start? :|
"People's feelings are memories that transcend time[that's why they're so hard to forget]." - Steins;Gate(Makise)
"I'm not stupid. I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am." -Hyouka(Oreki)

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Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:29 pm
megsug says...

I'm kinda thinking the same thing... I was really interested...

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Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:16 am
tgirly says...

Name: Clarity Opal
Gender: Female
Age(15- 19): 16
Class: Low
Race(include details on what your other forms are ,pet or instrument is.): Dreanic, violin which she carries on her back
Weapon of choice: Axe due to its multiple uses
Personality(include strengths and weaknesses) Clarity is quiet but definitely not shy. She can't stand people being silly during high-stress situations and if she thinks that someone is making fun of her, even in the slightest way, she'll bite their head off. However, if she's not mad or annoyed at you, she can be a deeply caring and fiercely loyal person. Sometimes, she can be too single-minded for her own good. If things are turning catastrophic, she'll just focus in on one task and completely ignore everything else around her. It's a coping mechanism.
Appearance: She has hair the color of pure darkness; blacker than the night. Her lips are raspberry colored and her eyes are like melted-teal-color crayon. There's a slight pink coloration to her cheeks, but other than that she's as pale as ice. She's on the short side.
History(before they got here): Clarity was born into a tiny Dreanic village at the border of Terranon to perfectly law-abiding Dreanic citizens. The town was crawling with rebels who wanted to overthrow the leaders of the Dreanics, so rather than pick out each and every criminal, interegate them, sentence them, and forever be paranoid of missing one, the Dreanic leaders decided just to get rid of the whole entire town. It was a small town.
Clarity was four. She still has nightmares.
Clarity was taken care of by a homeless half-crazy Dreanic woman until the age of ten when the crazy lady died. After that, Clarity kept herself alive and prided herself on her independence, resourcefulness, and survival skills.
Up for love?: Yes
Theme song(optional): Paradise by Coldplay maybe. If I think of a better one, I'll edit.
Other: Clarity's racial item is a necklace with a chrystal, arrow-shaped vial instead of a pendent filled with a golden poison.
Last edited by tgirly on Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:12 pm
summergrl13 says...

Reserving a spot as a high class rakal
I will review for you! PM about it if you need one!

Come check out my new story at topic53543.html

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:28 am
cm57105 says...

Can We start?
If you don't have a trophy case that spins into a secret room with a press of a button, then your an idiot.

Need a review? You've come to the right person.


They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.
— Kurt Cobain