
Young Writers Society

The Ancient | Started *dead*

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:54 am
SisterItaly says...

The king paced along side his bed, looking down at the floor and stroking his chin thoughtfully. For a moment, his eyes glanced over to the figure in the corner. It stood in the shadows, out of sight but definitely not out of mind. His shoes made a quiet scuff noise as he came to an immediate halt and looked down at the picture of his son, riding on his shoulders.

“So you’re saying, that this girl could take everything from us?” He picked up the wooden frame and turned it over in his hands as he looked over to the shadow. His eyes never met the frame again.

“Exactly, old friend.” The shadow’s eyes seemed to glow in the dull light, even as they narrowed into threatening slits. “But we mustn’t dispose of her yet, she may be of use to us. The time may come soon, though, that you’ll have to accept me and let us become whole. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your son, would you?”

The king dropped his graze to the picture in the frame once again. His fingers tightened around it as he tensed, holding back tears. “Of course not but-” The shadowy figure quickly stood straight up, just as the king’s head turned to meet him in the eyes head on.

“But nothing, you’re in too deep to turn back now- my king. If she becomes too much of a threat only I will be able to stop her. I have no doubts she’ll target those closest to you, and let’s face it. You don’t even trust me, he’s the only one left.”

War is eminent. In the world of Ecarsis, many countries are fighting for power and land. Some are taking drastic measures to achieve this. Assassinating rulers, unorthodox invasions, spies. Most of these war crimes coming from Ugya, a place that was once known for being the most peaceful country in all the world. The emperor seems to be driven with hunger for power, and his guards have reported that he’s been heard talking to himself at night, sounding rather frustrated and mad.

Several countries have surrendered to Ugya, others have been their allies all along. Regardless the rulers, ambassadors and generals are invited to the palace to help plan their next move and for a ball afterwards. People from all over Ugya are invited to attend the ball, no matter their age or social class. Mind you, Ugya is a rich country and so are most --if not all-- the people who live in it.

That’s not all, several weeks ago a young girl washed up on the shore, near the fisher men's dock. She still hasn’t woken up, but the king has been keeping a suspiciously close eye on her. He’s even gone as far as placing a couple of his personal guard at her door, and ordered them to send for him the moment she wakes up-- no matter what he’s in the middle of.

There are many rumors as to why he’s so interested in this girl. Some hope she’s the princess who suddenly went missing when she was just a babe, but it’s unlikely. She shows little to no resemblance to the king. Others worry she’s an assassin, sent to take out the country that was quickly taking over the world. Little do they know, she’s a much bigger threat than that. She’s contracted to one of the ancient.

The ancient were legends of great animals with close connections to the earth and the universal power. Thousands of years ago they were said to have nearly destroyed human kind, but luckily the power of three ancients who were for humanity made their kind fade from existence itself. Of course, humans thought these were only legends, and nothing more. The very last of the ancients still roam the earth, and they all have different intentions. Some seek to destroy, others want nothing more than to be human.

The king made a contract with one of the Ancients. Sasari, the black wolf. Sasari is power hungry, and he has close ties with lightening and storms. Unfortunately for him, the human is still having doubts. Therefore, he cannot take over the king’s body. The girl is also contracted, but to Linza, the snake. And her contract was successful.

The Ancients

Spoiler! :
The Ancients can form agreements with humans, these agreements allow the humans to use the Ancient’s power, as long as the ancient gets to share their body with them until they die. Once they die, the Ancient can keep the body until they die, or they can move on and have their life extended by making another agreement.

Sometimes, the human needs a little encouragement. Ancients can’t enter a human’s body without the human’s full consent. If the human even doubts slightly, the ancient can’t enter. If the human allows the Ancient full entrance to their body, the Ancient can take over when their body is threatened. Only to protect it, of course.

Normally, when an ancient takes over there is some sort of sign. Sometimes the voice changes, sometimes their eye color changes. It varies from person to person. Once an Ancient is in contract with a human, they are stuck with each other until one of the two die. Only those contracted can see and hear the ancients all the time, but ancients can hide and show themselves to the general public as they please.

Sasari - Wolf - Lightening and Storms - Sasuri is power hungry, which explains why he’s attempting to trick the king into giving him his body. Sasuri has enough power that if he got into the king’s body he may manage to completely take it over without the king’s consent. He doesn’t seek to destroy human kind, but to own it. If you asked him why, he’d tell you that life as an ancient is boring, and he needs entertainment. He’s interested in the connection Linza has with Alice.

Linza - Snake - Plants and Fresh Water - Linza genuinely wants to be a human being. Like all snakes she is sneaky and deceitful, but it almost always benefits both her and her host. When she found out that Sasari was behind this world wide war, she decided to investigate. She’s being awfully careful about it, and trying not to harm Alice in the meantime. Over time, she’s learned Alice’s story. Which she is keeping from Alice.

Kumari - Black Bear - Fire and Stone - Kumari doesn’t mean to harm anyone, he’s more of a blubbering idiot and pyromaniac than anything. He’s prone to destroying his host with his careless behavior, and is currently uncontracted. He would rather stay an immortal than become a human, and he could care less when it comes to human affairs, but he has a strong tie with Sasari. If Sasari called on him, he would contract so he could help his friend.

Isis- White Jaguar - Snow and Wind - Isis likes to be pampered, and therefore likes to trick rich brats into contracting with her. If the general public would embrace her as the ‘Goddess she is’ she would have no problem with staying in her anthropomorphic form. If she had to choose a side, she’d choose Linza. She may like tricking snobby brats, but she has seen the good in humans and dislikes it when others treat them like toys. (Yes, she’s a bit of a hypocrite.)

Shri - Crow - Illusions and Shadows - Shri is a trickster, and he loves toying with any living thing -- Ancients and humans alike. He likes to contract with thieves and gypsies, and yes, he does want to be human. There isn’t much you can do to trick people when you’re a big crow. He would side with Sasari, because he too likes to seek entertainment in their never ending life cycle.

- King Ravenaus - M - EloquentDragon
- Prince Xavier - M - ThePowerOutage

Palace Servants/Guards/Commoners

- Palace servant - Abigail - F - IshaThePirate
- Sarah - F - Calligraphy
- Kestral - F - PrincessOfDarkness
- Zaiden - M - Skins
- Fyn - M - Dreamwalker

Other Royalty

-[Prince's Fiancee] Zaira - F - Synnoev
- Sofia - F - gleek456
- Niewén - F - Scarlettfire
- Mircea- M - Scarlettfire
- Hael - M - EloquentDragon


- Alice - F - SisterItaly

Slots may be added and/or removed as needed.

Character Profiles

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First, last, and title if they have one.)

[b]Age:[/b] (16 or older, please.)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Obvious much?)

[b]From:[/b] (If you’re from one of the visiting countries, make up a name. I was too lazy to.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description and picture. Anime is allowed, but no scene.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.)

[b]Flaws:[/b] (If you have one/any. Which you should.)

[b]History:[/b] (At least two paragraphs.)

[b]Up For Love?:[/b]



-The people running this Storybook are always right.

- Absolutely no Godmodding, sex scenes, out of character posts, heavy violence or language, or Mary/Gary Sues. You will be PMed about any offence, and forced to edit. If you don’t, then your character will be killed.

- No arguing with the people running the storybook. We won’t make that big of a deal out of it, but you will be silently judged because of your childish behaviour.

- No fantasy creatures (I.e. unicorns, elves, dragons, dwarfs, centaurs ect.). The only ‘magical’ creatures would be the Ancients.

- Make posts at least 250 words. There are plenty of good online word counters, don’t be lazy and use them.

- No ch@tsp3k or bad Grammer pleasez and thank youz. (Hint: If you could read that without cringing, you may want to check over your grammar twice before posting.)

- No, you cannot have one of the Ancients as your character. They’re non-playable-characters and if you want to make a contract with one, PM SisterItaly directly.

- If you doubt anything you're about to post-- even for a second --PM someone and ask for help. Namely SisterItaly or IshaThePirate.

- This Storybook is run by SisterItaly and IshaThePirate, please listen to them. If you ever have the feeling they’re wrong, refer to rule one.

DT can be found here.
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:20 pm, edited 16 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:07 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Name: Kestral Storm [Commoner]

Age: 18

Gender: Female

From: From Ugya, but spends some of her time in the woods, or doing nothing around town.

Spoiler! :

Light blonde hair with brown highlights. She has amber eyes with brown flecks. Average height, slightly on the skinny side.

Personality: Very overbearing, competative and dark. She can come across as bossy, and slightly power-hungry and driven. She aims high and won't let anything stop her. She despises losing and people who boast. She loves winning, adrenaline and speed. (As in FAST, i.e, running, fast cars, e.c.t(I was using cars as an example, I know it's a different era) She is a natural leader, and doesn't mind solitude, or hanging around in a group.

Flaws: Basically what I wrote above. Competative, bossy, overbearing, dark.

History: An Orphan. Kestral doesn't remember much about her parents. She doesn't know if they are still alive. She lives in the village orphange but despises it. One of the earliest memory she has is has is working in her Uncle's farm, harvesting crops and generally helping out. Her Uncle died when Kestral was 15, and she has lived in the Orphanage ever since. She is a thief, and usually scrapes a living by stealing.

The few memories she has of her parents are of a happy family, not rich, but not poor, but she remembers vividly how they were seperated.

One night, thieves broke into the house. Her parents were taken, but Kestral managed to escape, seeking safety at her Uncles farmhouse.

Kestral doesn't care much for the war, but will probably side with the one most likely to win.

Up For Love?: YES

Other: /
Last edited by PrincessOfDarkness on Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:31 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Alice Joyce

Age: 18

Gender: Female

From: Cathsia - A land not yet affected by the war, mostly used for raw resources like minerals and wood.

Appearance: Alice stands at 5’2” with a strong back and a weight of 125lbs. She almost always wears her hair in an updo, but when she doesn’t it still manages to look good. She has soft green/gray eyes that always look like they can see right through you, making it hard for the weaker man to lie to her face. She has a scar under her chin from a past incident, but it’s hardly noticeable, besides that her skin seems flawless.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Alice has a small obsession with games, and she likes to treat everything like it is one. She refers to life itself like a game, and Linza is her trump card that she likes to keep hidden. Alice would never give up a challenge, no matter how much is on the line. So, while her ambitious integrity seems like a good thing, it has a habit of turning around and biting her.

People say she has a horrible judge of character, which she does. The way she chooses her allies seems so random, seeing as she befriends even the most questionable people. The way she sees it, is that if they haven’t done anything to show they’re untrustworthy then they deserve a chance. Even so, she always has more allies than friends. She’s not one for socializing and wasting time on something like friends.
There’s nothing Alice loves more than to be left alone with a good book. She’s a true introvert at heart, and her pursuit of knowledge drives her. Linza is her closet friend, and the only one that has one-hundred percent of Alice’s trust.

Flaws: Jumps into things, trusts too easily.

History: Alice was born on the small island country of Cathsia, and thrown over board by the S.S. Catherina. The island itself is named after one of their old queens. Nowadays, the island is governed by law of the jungle. Luckily, the people living there are humane enough not to go around thieving and killing.

Alice can’t remember a thing from her past, which she doesn’t seem to mind very much. She has a feeling she’d be disappointed by what she found out. Alice’s parents were extremely poor, and they loved their daughter to death, but they couldn’t afford to take care of her. They packed up and left one day, leaving a note for Alice that told her to go into the town and find someone who could take care of her.

Alice was quickly turned into a street child, who thieved and lied to get what she needed to survive. One day, an older man handed her a small pendant and told her to wear it always. A few weeks later, she was approached by Linza. Linza was intrigued with the fact the girl wasn’t even slightly afraid of her, and offered to make a contract with her. Alice accepted, but didn’t let Linza in right away. Eventually, the two girls became close enough to allow them to become one.

The girls ended up hearing something they weren’t meant to hear, and thrown off the side of a boat-- left to drown. Alice was too weak to stay awake, and ended up fainting. Linza managed to get her to land.

Up For Love?: Sure

Spoiler! :
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:39 pm
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gleek456 says...

I noticed there were a lot of female servants, so I'll change my character to a Princess from a visiting country. :)

Name: Princess Sofia Armani III of Mendolia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

From: Mendolia (I made up the name.)

Appearance: Sofia has long, brown hair which sometimes appears red, and she usually has it curly or straight. Sofia has big, bright blue eyes and long eyelashes. She is pale and has slightly rosy cheeks. Sofia is average height for her age, and a slim figure. Whenever she's seen, she is wearing regal clothes in certain colors, such as light pink, baby blue, or yellow.

Spoiler! :
tumblr_ljatmzRdZq1qgcy18o1_500.png (124.42 KiB) Viewed 741 times

Personality: Sofia is a very quiet and reserved girl, but she's not timid. Sofia doesn't talk much, she believes that she should say things worth saying. Sofia mostly communicates with her eyes and gestures, and she knows that people will understand her when she's not talking. She is a kind, hard-working, and polite girl, and she appears and is innocent. Although, Sofia can show signs of insincerity, like when she actually talks. Whenever Sofia does talk, at first, she may say something hypocritical and cruel, to give off an aura of how she's feeling. Sometimes, Sofia may be flirtacious without talking, such as gazing with her eyes. Sofia is described as "sugar and spice and all things nice".

Sofia likes to escape being a Princess and do whatever she wants, which sometimes lead to trouble. She likes sweet and fun things, and not talking. Sofia absolutely despises her new mother (Queen Aidrianna), being unable to defend herself, and she seriously hates it when people don't understand her when she communicates with her eyes and gestures.

Flaws: Sofia rarely talks, she only communicates by her eyes and gestures. Whenever she does talk, the first thing she says tells everyone how she's feeling. Sofia is aboslutely defenseless, she can't defend herself and can get hurt easily.

History: Sofia was born to Queen Lyra and King Aislir of Mendolia. King Aislir was expecting a boy to take the throne when he dies, but he accepted having a daughter take over the throne. Sofia wasn't born with manners or ettiquite, so Queen Lyra hired an Ettiquite teacher to teach Sofia how to be a lady. Later, Sofia learned the importance of manners, and how it affects her role as Princess and Heir to the throne.

Sofia sometimes sneaks out of her parent's grasp and does whatever she wants when she's alone. She sometimes gets caught, resulting in lectures as punishment. Later, Sofia's mother died from a plague, resulting in King Aislir remarrying Lady Aidrianna, a woman whom Sofia despises. Sofia was forced to do a congragulating speech for the couple, but Sofia decided to participate in sponsered silence. Sofia didn't really talk since then.

Up For Love?: Of course, she is straight.

Other: Sofia has a sort of British accent, but no one really hears it since she doesn't really talk. The only memory of her mother is her mother's chain that has her parent's wedding rings hanging.

Spoiler! :
jen-weddingring.jpg (18.52 KiB) Viewed 741 times
Last edited by gleek456 on Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:46 pm
Calligraphy says...

Name: Sarah Coppenbarger

Age: 22

Gender: F

From: Dregovia, but she only remembers living in Ugya. (Note: I just made up this name...)

Appearance: I hope this isn't considered a background...
Spoiler! :
She is like the picture, but she has brown eyes, and she is considerable beautiful. No one could call her just pretty. Men certainly notice her though she has never been overly interested in them. She also has very clear smooth skin that really adds to her beauty.

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.) She is shy by nature, but once she gets to know someone she can have very in-depth conversations with them and give many opinions. But you really have to work to get her to open up. She loves to learn and try new things. She likes to listen to people and she always knows what is happening with the people in the castle, she loves gossip, though she doesn't join in herself. She also likes being by herself most of the time and sewing. She doesn't like being the center of attention, crowds, or reading. She hated the part of school where she just had to sit, she loved learning about the different countries though. She is a very hard worker and she knows every inch of the castle. When put on the spot or when someone is watching her though she usually falls apart. And when she gets upset she cannot hide her emotions very well. She is also very strong considering all her work in the castle.

Flaws: Her flaws are mostly her lack of confidence. She also refuses to ever silk things over or brown nose to get her way. If you ask her to give an opinion she will, not that she is rude, but she tells the truth nonetheless. She is a horrible liar. She doesn't know how to use her beauty to her advantage.

History: As a two-year-old Sarah's parents were immigrating from Dregovia to Ugya. But somehow she got lost among all the chaos of getting off the boat and going through security Sarah was separated from her parents and siblings. At the end of the day when everyone was gone a young man found her and brought her home to his wife. The couple took in the baby.

But it wasn't easy, Sarah soon had 7 stepbrothers and stepsisters. As soon as they got old enough everyone had to work. It wasn't that they ever went hungry, or even that they didn't have money to spare. But to pay for the nice middle sized house and so that they could give themselves treats sometimes more than the parents had to work. Being a hard-worker was very important to the couple. Most of the younger children's money went to their savings.

So when Sarah turned 10 her stepmother took her up to the castle where she worked in the laundry room and started to train her in. Since then Sarah has done many different jobs around the castle.

Up For Love?: Yes

Other: The only thing she has left of her true parents is this ring:
Spoiler! :
It was in the pocket of her jacket when the couple found her.
Last edited by Calligraphy on Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:48 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Reserved. Two chars; male/female.

Edit: Profiles. Yes, the Heron (A bird) is Asyra's Royal Emblem (As shown on the blade of Mircea's sword).

Name: Mircea Sanaz, Prince.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

From: Asyra.

Appearance: Mircea is tall, about 6" with long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He's slim, athletic and stronger than he looks. He's also gorgeous--or so the servant girls say. He doesn't believe it, though. He generally wears darker clothes and intricly embrioded belts and cloaks.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Despite his somewhat cold impression, Mircea is actually kind, loving, caring, and smart, determined and sometimes easily distracted. He hates to see those he cares about hurt and often gets really defensive if someone he likes is harmed, but be warned--he doesn't like people who pry. He can get mad—really mad. And a mad Mircea, who has a few interesting talents, is not a good thing. And although he’s talented, his downfalls are his somewhat short temper and the grudge he holds against men who harm women. He’s quiet more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something.

He likes to plan things out, if he can. Especially battles and the like. And highly dislikes when his plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And he has made a lot of mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. It's not his fault; he's just a prince. He can't do everything. He also hates being called a coward—it’s another downfall of his. He likes nature and everything about it and he likes a pretty woman (or man, but that's a secret--one he's not likely to share). He highly dislikes fighting, war, destruction and everything that comes with it, but he isn't opposed to doing what he thinks is right, even if that's joining a fight he probably shouldn't have.

Mircea often has a blank, cold and uncaring edge to his expression, like he’s lost all emotion or just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the world. This is his mask, to hide the pain he goes through. Not that he'd ever tell you what, exactly, that pain is.

Flaws: Mircea has a bit of a guilt complex. As to why, no one is sure. And they definitely won't be finding out anytime soon if Mircea can help it. He hates being called a coward and he has a tendency to check out guys he likes... He's been caught out at that way too many times--mostly by his sister. He normally claims he was 'admiring the armour'.

History: Mircea and his sister grew up in the nearby kingdom of Asyra. They were born to King Maverick Van Sanaz the Third and his wife, Queen Amalia of Quiana. During his childhood, Mircea had everything he could hope for; the best tutors, the best clothes, horses, etc. He's a prince and he definitely lives like one.

Over the years, Mircea has grown into a fine young man. Life in the palace was turning out to be boring, so Mircea asked his father for something to do. Maverick sent his son out on an errand of some kind, presumably as an ambasodor for something. Niewén insisted on going with him and eventually the two ended up on the far side of the country. While there, they were attacked and Mircea got seperated from his sister. He spent four days in the hands of some not-so-nice thieves until he managed to escape.

When they were finally reunited, Mircea told his sister what had happened and they decided to return home. By the time they got there and saw the state the palace was in, they knew something was wrong. Mircea led his sister into the palace and found the king and queen in the Throne Room. They had been murdered where they sat--on the their thrones. Mircea could only stare while his sister ran from the room. He didn't know what to do; he was technically King now, but he was scared. His parents had been attacked in the palace. Who would do that? Eventually, he came to his senses and went to find his sister. She'd locked herself in her room for several hours. He had to coax her out of it.

A few months later, they recieved a messenger from the Ugyan King. He had heard about their parent's deaths and now requested an Alliance with Asyra. He also suggested removing the new King and his sister from a palace that did not seem safe. Thinking it was a good idea, Mircea agreed and then moved himself and his sister to the king's palace in Ugya, since their own seems to have been breeched. His sister didn't like the idea, but Mircea thought it was better than living in a palace that may or may not be full of thieves and assassins.

Mircea and his sister are now in Ugya, waiting for a search of their kingdom's palace to ensure it's safe. So far, they've recieved no reports at all, which is very strange.

Up For Love?: Sure. He has no protests over who or what gender approaches him, but might get nervous if it's a guy. (Just ask me first)

Other: Mircea carries a sword, but it's mostly for show;
Spoiler! :

Name: Niewén Sanaz, Princess.

Age: 21.

Gender: Female.

From: Asyra.

Appearance: Niewén is tall-ish (around 5'4) and, like her brother, she has long, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and pale skin. She's athletic yet slim and is usually seen wearing long, sweeping brightly coloured dresses. She always appears to be happy, but she ruins it with her attitude. A smile isn't unusal for her.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Niewén seems timid, kind and naive at first but she's not shy or afraid to speak her mind, even if she gets hurt because of it. She often gets her in trouble for speaking her mind and luckily someone has always seemed to be there to get her out of it. Fierce and loyal, if brattish and more than a little selfish, Niewén can't stand to see those she cares about hurt or threatened. Although, she can be incredibly selfish/brattish and completely forget about that sometimes. She's not timid, but she is kind of blunt and sometimes comes off as cold and uncaring. Even incredibly selfish on occasion. She has a tendency to be snobbish and forget about those she cares for. Surprisingly, she does have a fiery temper, but she'll only lose it when she's been pushed too far.

She panics when backed into a corner and tends to cause trouble. A lot. Either by general brattish behaviour--throwing fits when she doesn't get her way, treating others as disposible and unimportant--or begging tactic designed to get under someones skin and get exactly what she wants. She really has an obsession with herself, almost to the point of being unhealthy. But she does dislike violence, fighting, death, bullies and rules. She never did like rules. Afterall, weren't they made to be broken? Likes sunrise, the stars, the moon, the sun, life, getting her own way/whatever she wants and/or likes and her freedom. She'dhate it if she didnt have her freedom. She's good at sneaking around, but it's kind of pointless--her brother and her parents always know when she is. She does has a tendency to daydream, mainly about things she doesn't yet have and would like and often forgets about what it it is she's supposed to be doing. She won't stand down when confronted about something she doesn't want to do or thinks is wrong.

Flaws: Niewén is a Brat. She's selfish, sometimes a little snobbish and she's sometimes way too obssessed with herself for her own good.

History: Niewén and her brother grew up in the nearby kingdom of Asyra. They were born to King Maverick Van Sanaz the Third and his wife, Queen Amalia of Quiana. During her childhood, Niewén had everything she could hope for; the best tutors, the best clothes, horses, etc. She's a princess and she definitely lives like one.

Over the years, Niewén has grown into a beautiful young woman. Life in the palace was turning out to be boring for Niewén, so she asked her mother about what to do to fix that. Amalia told her daughter to be a good princess and stick with what she knew, but when Niewén heard that Maverick had sent her brother out on an errand of some kind (presumably as an ambasodor for something), Niewén insisted on going with him and eventually the two ended up on the far side of the country. While there, they were attacked and Niewén got seperated from her brother. She couldn't find him for the next four days and ended up hiding out on a isolated farm.

When they were finally reunited, her brother told her what had happened and they decided to return home. By the time they got there and saw the state the palace was in, they knew something was wrong. Mircea led Niewén into the palace and found the king and queen in the Throne Room. They had been murdered where they sat--on the their thrones. Niewén had to from the room, leaving her brother standing there. She locked herself in her room and refused to come out until her brother came to get her several hours later.

A few months later, they recieved a messenger from the Ugyan King. He had heard about their parent's deaths and now requested an Alliance with Asyra. He also suggested removing the new King and his sister from a palace that did not seem safe. Thinking it was a good idea, Niewén's brother agreed and then moved her and himself to the king's palace in Ugya, since their own seems to have been breeched. Niewén protested most vehemently, but didn't succeed. Niewén's brother thought it was better than living in a palace that may or may not be full of thieves and assassins, as he told her. Niewén tends to disagree with him. Especially on this. She thinks the palace is perfectly safe, even after the murder of their parents.

Niewén and her brother are now in Ugya, waiting for a search of their kingdom's palace to ensure it's safe. So far, they've recieved no reports at all, which is very strange.

Up For Love?: Sure, if you can get under and/or over/used to the brattish exterior.

Other: She'll probably end up attraching the attention of Isis.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:47 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:50 pm
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Sins says...

((I'm using a character that I've used a few times before, but have never had the chance to use properly because the SBs he's been in have died too soon. Therefore, some of you might recognise some of his characteristics. Hopefully, I will be able to use him properly in this SB. Also, sorry if the profile is about 3873973 paragraphs long... y'all know what I'm like.))

* * * * *

Name: Zaiden (unknown surname)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

From: No one knows where Zaiden's from originally, but most of his life was spent in Vlintox (made up place). He's recently moved to Ugya.

Appearance: Zaiden's looks are incredibly important to him, and partially because of that, he's a good looking guy. He can't exactly dress that impressively due to his lack of money, but he still tries, nonetheless. He has dark, messy hair, and most of the time, he wears it off his face. His eyes are a striking green colour, and his skin is quite pale. Oh, and he also always has a bit of stubble on his face.

Spoiler! :
Image Image

Personality: Zaiden is outgoing, loud, and has no idea when to shut up. He's very sure of his sexuality, despite the attitude towards homosexuality during the time period. (Yes, another gay character by Skinsy. I have a fetish for them, m'kay?) Zaiden is very conscious of his looks, and if he even suspects that he looks the slightest bit bad, he starts panicking. He loves people and loves socializing because it means he can talk as much as he likes, and not to himself which he does a lot. To others, he can come across as annoying, but he's always good if you want cheering up.

Zaiden doesn't fear a lot either, so he's pretty much willing to try anything, especially things that are new to him. Despite his confidence, he can sometimes seem as though he's shut up for no apparent reason. He hates discussing his past, and even if it's mentioned briefly, he shuts his mouth. If he's comfortable with what's being discussed, all he does is talk, but if he becomes even the slightest bit uncomfortable, he'll say nothing.

Flaws: Due to a poor education, and just a lack of general common sense, Zaiden's pretty stupid. He never thinks about the consequences of his actions, which can lead him into a lot of trouble. He also behaves unsuitably in serious situations. Sometimes it's good because people need cheering up, but he often makes jokes when he really shouldn't. He's pretty easy to get annoyed with too, especially if you have no patience.

History: Zaiden has an unclear early history. To begin with, no one has any idea what his surname is, and no one knows where he's originally from. Zaiden can't remember the first six years of his life either because at six years old, he was found barely alive in an alleyway. He'd clearly been beaten. He'd hurt his head badly, and he suffered amnesia as a result, which is what made him so forgetful about the beginning of his life.

He was taken in by a family who lived in Vlintox, and it was there he spent his next eleven years. The family he was living with were rather poor. The mother was always too ill to work, so the father of the family was often away making money. The family had four biological children, who were all older than Zaiden. He was taken care of by these most of the time, so he was often alone with them. The majority of them treated him horribly, which included both violence and emotional abuse. Most of his childhood memories include this abuse, so this is where his disliking of talking about his past comes from. He did grow extremely close to the youngest of the four children, Sawyer, though.

The father of the family came home one day to find Zaiden being very 'intimate' with Sawyer. Days later, he was kicked out of the house. Despite this, the father didn't have the heart to report Zaiden or Sawyer to the authorities, who could have had them both killed. Homosexuality ain't exactly encouraged... After that, Zaiden decided to try his luck in Ugya, and that's where he is now.

Up For Love?: With a guy, yeah. I suppose Zaiden would maybe be willing to go for a girl though because he's never even tried being with one, so maybe he'll like it, and hey, he likes trying new things.

Other: When he's bored, he does this thing with his eyes where he basically just moves them from side to side. He finds it incredibly amusing, and does it to see how long it takes for him to start laughing. It can literally entertain him for hours. It looks like this:
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Sins on Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:19 pm
ThePowerOutage says...

Name: Xavier Deathridge [Prince]

Age: 23

Gender: Male

From: Born and bred in Ugya, Xavier has never set foot out of the country's boarder

Appearance: Jet Black Hair, Extremely pale. Deep purple eyes. Tall and lanky.
Sorry for the terrible description.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Xavier is extremely intelligent. He has a deep interested psychology, and reads and uses people to get whatever he wants. As he has been taught all his life that he is superior to everyone apart from his father, and even though on some level he acknowledges that he isn't, he has developed a superiority complex. He cares for others, but believes that the war is needed so the world can achieve peace under one leader, that leader preferably being him.

Flaws: Xavier is extremely emotional, and his feelings towards people, especially his fiance Zaira, can cloud his judgement. Though he isn't physically inept, he has never been able to hold his own is had to hand combat.

History: Born to *insert the king's name here*, the King of Ugya. As the first in line to the throne and the Kings only son, the King has doted on Xavier, especially since Xaviers mother died. Xavier received the best educational available, and is know by all to be exceptionally smart. He is know for hosting elaborate balls, and it was at one of these parties he met Zaira, the love of his life. He uses his infinite resources to continually try and impress her. He is infuriated that he can't take her to a lot of the romantic locations he has heard off in case he is assassinated.

Up For Love?: Engaged

Other: His only memory of his mother is her priceless wedding ring
Spoiler! :
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:00 pm
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Dreamwalker says...

Name: Fyn Gosford (servant)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

From: A little colony bordering Ugya. Pretty much seen as Ugya territory, though.

Spoiler! :

Fyn is rugged. Before becoming a servant, he had been a farm boy so he was never very good a social graces. That being said, he's never really well kept, always unshaven, with short cropped hair not for aesthetics but because its easier to keep. He's blond haired, brown-eyed, and tan, though his tan-lines are quite noticeable.

Personality: Fyn is quiet. Used to being alone with the animals or to his own devices, Fyn knows hard work but social graces were never something he got the hang out. Because of this, he keeps his mouth shut.

He likes books. Something he got the chance to like because of his mother who had also known how to read. She taught him which made him love it. Of course, he's not an exponentially fast reader nor is he very bright as he is uneducated in everything other than written word. One of the few things he likes, though, is books.

Fyn doesn't like being pointed out. His lacking of social skills make it very hard for him to talk in front of anybody, let alone a group of people. In that, he keeps his head low and his shoulders slumped. As long as he's submissive, people tend to leave him alone.

Fortunately, though, because of his work as a farm boy, he is strong. Capable of heavy lifting and such things. In that, he is useful.

Flaws: Fyn's weakness is his lack of social skills and his clumsiness, especially when armed with something expensive and fragile. He trips over his feet, never seems to be in the right place at the right time, and always ends up falling on his face during the worst of moments. The only time he's not a danger to the people around him is when he's alone, which he prefers altogether.

History: Fyn grew up in a family with five other boys and one girl. His father was a farmer so it was expected that they all do the same. Of course, he was the youngest of the boys so any chance of inheriting land was slim to none. Because of his clumsiness, his father usually brushed him off. His mother, though, took a liking to him. Taught him how to read and write. Told him of the world outside their village.

When his mother passed, he took it upon himself to search for bigger, better things. Not that he had expected much. He was uneducated and very little money to his name. In that, finding his place in the world had become the only thing he really cared to think towards. When he achieved a position as a servant at the palace, he felt rather accomplished. Of course, the work had been harder than he expected. He was expected not only to do as was told but to answer when asked and to be around people so that they could call for him when they needed it. This left him even more awkward and out of place.

To this point in time, he is still merely trying to get used to be around people for extended periods of time.

Up For Love?: Yes. He's awkward, though. Really, really awkward. That and he's never really had any interaction with girls so he's not really sure what love is nor is he sure if he even likes the thought of it all.

Other: He trips a lot. Feel free to make him fall on his face whenever you should feel the whim to do so!
Last edited by Dreamwalker on Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:47 pm
eldEr says...

Name: 'Servant' Abigail Seresh

Age: 17

Gender: Female

From: Alshata

Appearance: Abigail is from a land far overseas, and her appearance obviously portrays it. Her skin is dark, and her hair is a mop of stunning almost-black curls. Her eyes are a deep amber color, and most who gaze into then have a hard time looking away. It isn't a color that Agyians are used to. Abigail is definitely not a shirt girl, standing at around 5'7", though she has been noted to have a slim waist. She's thought to be pretty, foreign and fascinating by some, and rather the opposite by others. One thing is certain, and that is that she looks older and more mature than she really is.

She prefers to wear traditional clothing- traditional as in Alshata traditional. Flowing skirts, wrap-around tops and bright colors that compliment her eyes and her dark skin. When she can afford it, she often treats herself to jewelery that is as close to Alshtan jewlery as possible- thick golden armbands and bracelets, necklaces and chokers encrusted with gemstones and large hopped earrings.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Outwardly, Abigail is quiet, so much so that she's often mistaken for mute, mild and submissive. She has a gentle exterior and a soft hand, always one to comfort those who need it most. She never whines about her chores, and unlike most servants in the palace, very rarely, if not never, has to be told what to do or when to do it. She is independent in that way, doin what needs doing without having to be ordered to do it. She anticipates her employers' needs and wants, and recognizes what the palace is lacking with great ease, and makes haste to take care of these things quickly, silently and efficiently. In the six months that she's worked at the palace for, she ha made a decent name for herself and has earned the trust of her employers, even despite the emotional (and occasionally physical) abuse from her co-workers, guards and visiting royals or nobles. (given the time era, yes, this would actually be happening to her)

Abigail does not, however, retain or hold back her tears. In Alshata, the people are taught that crying is good for the soul and that, when one cries, the spirits will take either take their sorrows or give the opressed human a foundation on which they can continue to stand. It isn't a rare sight to see Abigail going about her chores with a shaky hand and years rolling down her cheeks. She never makes a sound, and if anybody asks her what's wring, she simply states, "This kingdom is cold," and nothing more.

Of course, in Alshata, the only three "clean" emotions are joy, love and sadness. To feel anger is natural, but only under the worst of circumstances may a person express it verbally or physically. Irritation an disgust are both in The same category. Though Abigail feels all three almost as often as she feels sadness, it never shows- not on her face, not in her body language and not in her tone of voice. Her thoughts are circled around angry, bitter and vengeful remarks, though none- not a person in the world outside of Alshata would ever be able to guess at her true emotions.

Flaws: Abigail is silent because she is ashamed. Ashamed of her past, ashamed of her present and where she stands. Her accent is so thick that it's nearly not understandable, and she has a stutter when she tries too hard. The accent, in her mind, makes her sound oafish- or at least unintelligent. So she chooses not to say anything at all. On top of that, she really barely understands Agyan, and it is important to use only simple words around her- nobody cared to teach her much in her old line of work.

The emotions that she bottles up- shame, regret, anger and bitterness never come out, and it's making her depression all the worse. Since it's so impossible to guess that she feels what she does, and because she rarely speaks to anybody, she has nobody to lean on or somebody to help her. It's driving her half-mad. (so much so that she may actually literally lose her mind at some point)

History: Abigail was born in Alshata, and raised in Alshata. Her Mama and Papa had already had four children before her, all sons. She was the first female child to be born in ten years, and when the villiage discovered that the two had conceived and given birth to a baby girl, a celebration of thanks went up to the Alshatan gods and goddesses. They named her at the ceremony, Teshani'philasah, meaning 'The First Gift' in their language. And The First Gift seemed an accurate and meaningful name to give her; following her birth came ten more baby girls. (In Alshata, women are equal, and in some aspects, superior to males. They are what many of the villiages call 'Life Givers,' and the moment a woman is with child, there is a celebration in which she is quite literally worshipped.)

Teshani'philasah was a very celebrated girl in her villiage, and although she claimed that she would never marry, many of the villiage boys had attempted to court her to no avail.

When she was fourteen, her villiage was raided by a group of men from over-sees. Everything was burnt, everybody was killed, and Teshani'philasah was kidnapped from her home with three other little girls. The four were smuggled onto a ship for a three-month voyage, during which the other three girls (being young of age and not well-suited for travel) died of disease or abuse by the shipmates. Teshani'philasah was gravely affected by this, and remains so silent as a means of respect to them and the villiage she had once loved and been a part of.

Once docked in Agya, the girl was battered, hurting and weak. It took one month to bring her back to a stable position, and she was forced in a line of... undesirable work. She was trafficked illegally, and worked under her master, who had long since dubbed her name as ridiculous and impossible to pronounce, gracing her with the much more simple 'Abigail.' She stayed in this line of busniess from the age of fourteen and a half to six months ago. One who walked into her work-place had no intention of taking what they offered, but freeing the women and the odd man who worked there. Somehow, the man took a liking to Teshani'philasah-turned-Abigail, and though she never felt particularly close to him (she never even knew his name), he managed to secure her a safe and steady position in the palace. She has been working there every since, ashamed of her past and worried about her future. She finds the fact that while working in that horrible place, she was never at least gifted with a child- something to make it worthwhile, something worth the pain and torment, and something to live and care for. It is a greater burden on her than anybody who is not Alshatan could ever hope to understand.

Up For Love?: She is, but it will take a lot of effort and a very understanding heart, as well as somebody who's willing to take a 'ruined' woman.

Other: She has managed to wiggle her way into being allowed to wear her traditional dress while on-duty, rather than the typical garb and uniform of the other palace servants. She uses the excuse that it's for religious purposes, and that she would be disrespecting the spirits, gods and goddesses, as well as her people, if she did not dress according to their code. It is, of course, completely true.

Nobody knows of the darker side of her past; only that she watched her villiage destroyed, and somehow ended up here.

She is currently Zaira's maid.
Last edited by eldEr on Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

got trans?

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:05 pm
EloquentDragon says...

King and a General/ambassador from somewhere else.

(Thanks SisterItaly!!!)
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:59 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Skagawyn-nuuk Hael (goes by Hael)



Island country of NorFafnir, land of ice and snow

Sorry, don't have a picture.
Slightly short, with a strong, sturdy build. Has light curly hair that is graying at the temples and a short beard. Blue eyes.
Dress is similar to that of your typical “ranger,” even though he is technically a “noble” from where he comes from.

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.)
Has the heart of a lion. He is loyal to his friends, but a fearsome warlord and skilled in battle. He loves the sea and his ships, although he is currently travelling by land. He is quite fond of children and has 11 of his own back, and many grandchildren, who call him “Bear.” (Note: no connection to the Ancient “Bear,” it’s just his personality type.)
Has strong convictions and knows what’s right and what is wrong.

Has a fondness for drink.

History: (At least two paragraphs.)
Hael was part of a rebellion as a young man to overthrow oppressive raiders who tried to take control of his native country. He was aided by has friend, Aldric, but after a crushing defeat Aldric left. Hael stayed and eventually, under his leadership, the “rebels” drove the invaders from their land.
Hael settled down to a comfortable life with his wife, Nirna, and went on many exploration adventures, both on sea and on land. There is a legend that he killed both a great bear and a great narwhale with his bare hands. (Legends, of course)
Hael recently learned of the trouble of the southern lands and, deeply saddened, came to see what had been done.

Up For Love?:

He is one of the leaders of his country, but not a “noble.” NorFafnir is small and simply has a council of tribal leaders that governs their few political and military affairs.
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Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:05 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Obviously, he’s the villain. But I tried to make him more sympathetic and believable.
I also took some liberties with his past, so he’s not so “clichéd” as the “Dark Lord.”
I hope this is okay.
Also I read the profile for Xavier, but some of the facts didn’t really fit with his personality type (such as, being an overprotective father) but he still doesn’t allow Xavier a lot of freedom because he doesn’t trust him. He’s not very involved and rarely speaks to his son. Is that okay with you Power?
Hey SisterItaly,
Is it okay if I change some details for Sasari—I think it would be cool if he (Sasari) was under a curse and needs someone/something to break it, and that is why he wants Aldric and Aldric’s political power. (As opposed to just being bored and so causing a ton of trouble.) This could also tie in with Alice somehow.
What do yah think?

King Deathridge Ravenaus, the conquerer
(Subjects refer to him as "my lord" frequent bowing also :wink: )

His real name is Aldric Halbringer, but no one knows this and he hasn't used his real name in a long, long time.
(Sasari knows it, though)

Late 40-ish, maybe 50. Appears old and young at the same time.


The island country of NorFafnir, the “land of ice and snow”
(I’ll explain in “History”)

Long-ish black hair with streaks of gray, dark eyes. Bony features and pale skin. Tall and well built, with broad strong shoulders. Calloused and scarred hands. Has two symmetrical silver scars running from directly below his eye to his jaw (one under each eye-so four scars total)

Dresses rather plainly, but has good taste. Although he does like silver and purple as colors.
Only wears a crown for ceremonies, and it is unadorned and simple, made of silver.
Wears a long cloak.
Note: he does NOT wear all black.

Does not attach himself to others, reserved and cold, a man of few words. Slow to any emotion, but when aroused he is hard to calm. Extremely dangerous when angry, but never reckless. He has many regrets, but is not held back by his past. He hates the attitudes of the nobles below him.
Has a tendency to play mental games with those beneath him, and he likes riddles.
Doesn’t have a second thought about killing someone. Very different from his son.

Obsessed with weakness/strength. Wants to become stronger and stronger.
Afraid to love.

Born impoverished to parents who died when he was a child. As a young man he joined a band of rebels who attempted to chase out the sea raiders who controlled the natives of the country at that time. He became fast friends with Hael during the rebellion. The uprising was crushed, however, and he left the country dejected and defeated. His friend Hael stayed. During his travels in exile, he became hardened after he saw the misery of the land, mostly inflicted by those who wanted power. He swore he would never be like them. His convictions slipped, and his conscience became hardened. He killed for survival, and so became insensitive to killing at all. In one of his adventures he became trapped on a glacier high in the mountains. Near death, he formed a contract with what he believed to be a NorFafnir demon, who was of course, Sasari.
A few years later he found himself in the land of Ugya, which was at the time torn by civil war. A group of anarchists enlisted his service, and they succeeded in overthrowing the government. However, he double crossed them and became the new ruler of Ugya. He was able to unite the country by claiming that he was their long lost prince, and with his young age and charming appearances, quickly won the people over. They accepted him as their ruler.
Soon after he started a war against an oppressive neighboring country, overthrowing the tyrant who ruled there and restoring the land to peace and good leaders. One of the leaders had a daughter, whom he gave in marriage to show his gratitude. Even though it was arranged, they came to love each other deeply. Soon after she had a son. But she died an assasination attempt on the baby prince while protecting his life.
He was never the same. He ignored his son, treating him coldly, as he believed it was his fault that his wife had been killed. He had always been a “gray” character before her death, sometimes good and sometimes evil, but now he grew dark, and his judgement became clouded. At this time of weakness Sasari began to council him, causing him to go to war against the surrounding countries. His confusion was replaced by strength, and he grew very strong indeed. Sasari was content to sit back and allow the ruler of Ugya to do as he pleased, and as such they have not spoken in many years.

Up for love:

Later becomes “possessed” by Sasari, with whom he made a contract.
Also, I have no idea how he got his trademark scars. :?
His heraldic symbol is the raven, by the way.
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Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:35 am
Mickixoxo says...

N- Not accepting? B-... But... WAA!! X'C
If there's a 50/50 chance of getting something wrong go for it anyway because there is also a 50/50 chance of getting it right

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ~Edgar Allen Poe

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:40 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Lady Zaira Ciaharn

Age: 21

Gender: Female

From: Ugya

Appearance: Zaira is beautiful, and she knows it, taking great pride in her appearance. She wears elaborate fanciful dresses, often gifts from her fiancé, and is rarely seen by anyone but her closest servants in anything less than splendour.
Spoiler! :

Personality: As calm and caring as she may appear to those around her, Zaira is an incredibly deceptive and manipulative character. She wants little more than to further herself and her family, holding loyalty only to those who can bring her power. She uses her beauty and feminine wiles to her advantage whenever necessary, and has a very persuasive nature, weaving her way in and out of the political rivalries of Ugya with relative ease. Whilst there are some who catch a glimpse of the person beneath the façade, to most she is the sweetheart of the palace, with very few visible cracks in her persona.

Those who know the person beneath better than anyone are her personal maids; the ones who are responsible for crafting her image each day. Whilst Zaira occasionally makes an effort to maintain her persona around them, they are often the victims of intense rages and temper tantrums unbecoming for a woman of her age. Although she both bribes and threatens those who have seen the other side of her, rumours still spread amongst the servants of the castle, and her maids look upon her with some trepidation, knowing how quickly her mood can change.

Flaws: She is used to getting her own way, and is prone to anger if things are not going as planned. She is exceedingly selfish and vain, only acting otherwise in order to maintain her aura of perfection and hold her claim as future Queen of Ugya.

History: Five years ago, the Ciaharn clan was one of the lesser noble families of Ugya, one that remained on the outskirts of political dramas and held little influence within the court. That is, until Zaira became the Prince's favourite, and later, his fiancé. Trained from her teen years how to bewitch and seduce the lords of the court, Zaira entertained several relationships before setting her sights on the Prince, and the crown. Since then, she has held his favour and humoured him in his extravagant attempts to impress her. Although it is highly unlikely she feels anything more than mild affection for him, she has managed to convince him that her feelings run deeper, and uses this to her advantage where she can. Already her family is growing in power and becoming a larger force in Ugya, although Zaira is more than aware of how quickly this situation could change until the wedding is over.

For the last few months her sole aim has been to accelerate the organisation of the marriage, helping where she can and pushing people to work faster, unable to rest until her position as future ruler of Ugya is secure.

Up For Love?: Not love as such, but she is likely to show an interest in anyone remotely powerful.

Other: n/a

Why do we only rest in peace? Why don't we live in peace too?
— Alison Billet