
Young Writers Society

SAW (second film) (RPG)

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:23 pm
Emmzziee says...

Spoiler! :
I've got a bit of an over-obsession with the SAW films at the moment :D But you don't have to have to be a SAW fan to understand this.
A man named John Kramer (or JIGSAW) is suffering from brain cancer, and after a failed suicide attempt, Kramer experiences a new 'lease' for his own life and sets out to force others through deadly trials, or 'rehabilitation methods,' to help them to appreciate their own lives by testing their will to live through self-sacrifice.
The tests are typically symbolic of what Jigsaw perceived as a flaw in each person's moral character or life.
(It's an 18, so that it can be as gory as possible :D)
I'll be Jigsaw, and I'll also be a victim so that I can start everybody off. But I'll die early on, if you want me to :D
Now you can either choose to be a real character from the original movie, such as Xavier or Amanda (Amanda is awesome :D) I'll wait and see whether people would rather do this, or create their own characters, before I post my own character profile.

So who wants to play?

*History: (optional.)
Why has Jigsaw chosen you?

(Oh, oh, you can merge the 'History' section with the 'Why has Jigsaw chosen you' part, if you think that it'd sound better that way) :)
I want to play a game.

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:21 pm
Emmzziee says...

Sooo... Does nobody want to join? :D
I want to play a game.

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:27 pm
Sassafras says...

Oh, I call a spot for a male! I just read this story and I have the perfect idea for a character. It'll be brutal, so be prepared.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:32 pm
Emmzziee says...

YAY :D thank you!
I want to play a game.

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:49 pm
gleek456 says...

Okay, I'll join! But, I might not be very good. I don't really watch any of the SAW movies, so I have NO CLUE. I'll try! I'm going to post a female now!

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:02 pm
Sassafras says...

Name: Ten Sauna

Gender: Male. He's also twenty-four.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Ten may comes off as a normal person upon first meeting him - depending on which side he's showing -, but if you sped more that even ten minutes around him you will start to notice his little quirks, and they're not good. Ten suffers from schizophrenia and is bi-polar, it's evident in the little things that he does. He also has a phobia of spiders, small spaces, eyes, and the dark. When he talks to you he won't meet your eyes, instead he'll look down, up, around, anywhere but directly into your eyes. Sometimes Ten will talk to himself and can one minute be sickeningly sweet and the next be the worst person you've ever met.

He even gives himself whiplash with the rapid changing of his emotions.

History: Ten was involved in the mafia from an early age, ever since he was thirteen when he witnessed a killing while sleeping over at his best friend's house. His best friend, Dill, was the son of "The Boss" Gio Rivanni and heir to the throne. One night Ten woke up from his spot next to Dill's bed and got up to use the bathroom and get a glass of water. He does this most every night and it was nothing out of the usual, but today, while he was walking down the staircase, he heard begging and pleading coming from the main room below. Ten peaked over the staircase and saw Gio and his wife, Penny, standing over a bleeding and crippled man. Gio had three men in black suits waiting behind him, each of them holding a giant gun. Ten wanted to turn away, knew he should turn away, but instead watched as Gio beat the man into submission before forcing a gun of his own into the man's mouth and blowing his brains out.

Dill caught Ten watching and had to report to his dad that someone saw the Mafia in action. Gio Rivanni treated ten as a son, he was always over at their house because his mother would constantly beat him and blame him for her divorce. One day she even filled his room with spiders, creating his phobia. Gio didn't want to kill Ten because he loved him like a son, so instead he gave Ten a chance. He trained him to be a hit man. While going through training Ten had to witness many "hits" and the overexposure to blood and gore at such an early age messed with his mind, turning him slowly insane. He developed a paranoia that morphed into schizophrenia.

One day while Ten's mom was beating him he snapped, the last of his sanity going out the door. He grabbed her by the throat and bit hard into her shoulder, fighting down with his sharp teeth until he pulled a chunk out of her skin. Ten chewed on the lump of meat and any hopes of him being even remotely okay again were shot. He ate his mother alive and the Mafia was there to clean up the mess.

Once Gio died Ten was hurt more than he thought he would be. Gio, Penny, Ten, and Dill were walking through park, like any normal family would. They didn't have guards around because it was the anniversary of Ten being in the Mafia, they wanted special time alone. They were on their way home when a black van sped around the corner, coming fast towards the family. Gio knew instantly what was happening and ordered for everyone to get down, not even a second after he uttered the last word gunshots rang in the air and Gio was dead.

Ten and Dill crawled over to their father, crying over the body. Gio's eyes were open, starring blankly at the sky. Ten made the mistake of starring into them and developed a fear of eyes.

His fear of dark and small spaces came from being captured and held for ransom by the Rivanni's number one enemy. He was trapped in a small, cold, dark, and damp basement that was crawling with bugs and spiders. He lost his mind in that basement and every time someone would open the door to feed him Ten would grab their ankle from under the staircase, drag them down, and eat them alive. This only worsened his condition.

Once Ten got out he had to be committed to an asylum where he got shock treatment. He was showing signs of getting better, no longer eating the other patients and killing the staff, but it was just Ten's bi-polar disorder rearing his head. Anyway, Ten got out a year later only to return to the Mafia, even worse off than when he left.

:) I just fell in love with Ten for some odd reason. I think i'll write a novel about him.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:39 pm
OnigiriChan says...

Reise, that was brutal! I call a spot for a female!
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:26 pm
gleek456 says...

(I think you missed the age part, so I'm just going to slip that in. :) )

Name: Lucy Vileroy

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Lucy has dark, brown hair that she usually has straight or curly. She has deep brown eyes to match. Lucy has side-swept bangs, and streaks of light brown. Lucy has a tall, slender figure and is pretty skinny. Lucy usually wears light makeup, and a Cross necklace.

The girl on the right is Lucy:
Spoiler! :
g-10.jpg (55.89 KiB) Viewed 100 times

Personality: Lucy is intimidating and cruel. She is very sarcastic and rude. Lucy likes to pick on those who she doesn't really think belongs in the world. She usually judges by beauty and all. To the people who she does like, she is sweet and often vents and shares her judgements with them. Lucy likes to keep her thoughts to herself.

History (Why has Jigsaw chosen you?): Lucy was always the "Queen" of her highschool. Whenever she was in the halls with her friends, you would most likely expect her picking on the first victim she sees (you can probably tell that she's bullying in the picture above). Her mother disapproved of this, and always sent her to therapy, hoping someone would make a change. Therapy never worked, so her mother gave up. Lucy's father loved the fact that Lucy has her own judgements, and she took it out on other people. Lucy's mother and father got into a heated argument about Lucy's behaviour, her father always saying, "that's how us Vileroys are!" Lucy snapped at her mother, pretty much defending her father. That lead to divorce, and hatred for the woman who gave birth to her. Everything went downhill from there, but she still remained the Queen of her school. Jigsaw chose her because she thinks that mostly everything shouldn't exist. Lucy thinks life is just a game, and has made people suffer, thinking about life as a game.

(Hope this is okay!)

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Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:30 pm
OnigiriChan says...

Name: Raetei "Rae" Lee

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Rae is sneaky and conniving. She can't be trusted with anything but will lead you to believe you can tell her your darkest secrets with no worries whatsoever. Rae is an expert liar, she can get anyone, even a random stranger, to believe her and do absolutely anything for her. Her charm is deadly. Her skills of pursuation and lying got her far in the idustry she works.

History: Raetei is an expert drug dealer and she's even a pimp or sorts. She has a house full of prostitutes which she actions off to wealthy business men and powerful figures of the underground. She deals drugs to everybody that wants them, the youngest person she'd ever dealt too was fourteen and he wanted crystal meth. Rae didn't care who was taking the stuff as long as she was getting the money. Rae will do anything for money.

She goes crazy when she loses money and will even steal to bring back up her funds. If you double cross Rae expect to starring down the barrel of a gun within twenty-four hours. She will kill you with no remorse and a smile on her lips.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:34 am
Emmzziee says...

Thank you so much :D
All of your posts (posts?) are awesome!
I want to play a game.

My spelling is wobbly. It's good spelling, but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.
— A.A. Milne