
Young Writers Society

Savage Extinction *Dead*

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:49 am
ScarlettFire says...

Welcome to a world that's gone mad. This is Savage Extinction.

Plot: In 2032, Humanity created a virus. It was supposed to make people relax, to make them less violent, but instead it made them angry. It was deadly, dangerous. The Salicin Corporation tried to correct the situation, but they failed and only made it worse. The virus became contagious, and deadly so. Not only did those infected slowly go insane, but they started attacking others and forced them to watch, eventually driving them insane as well. They started to hunt down and eat their own. Soon enough, it was an epidemic.

And the men and women behind this virus? The ones who created it? Dr. Helen Archer, Dr. William J. Moore and Dr. Alan Schulyer. They called it the Salicin Virus. Or Sv-1. There was a series of seven. One through six were relatively harmless, but seven? Virus Seven made the subjects smarter, faster, stronger and angrier. They could not be controlled, and eventually destroyed the labs that had created them. Eventually, they ended up amongst the populace.

Ten years on and over forty percent of Earth's population have fallen to the Salicin Virus, driving those who are not infected into fortifed towns and cities, armed to the teeth with strong caliber weapons. Raids are often and now a part of daily life. One town on the fringes of what was once known as America is under attack. The stronger, angrier percentage of the population have breached its walls, dragging men, women and children out into the desert.

There's just one problem with the virus--it wears out those infected exetremely fast, speeding up their metabolisms and their minds, causing their bodies to deteriorate at a much faster rate than any human normally would. Combined with a diet that consists of mostly human flesh, and their health isn't too good either, making them suspectible to disease and infections. But it only makes them even more dangerous--their will to survive is much stronger than normal.

And there's something else the Salacin Corporation forgot to mention; Sometimes, chaos is only the beginning.

•- All Normal YWS Rules.
•- Fully Human, fully Robot, Cyborgs and other hybrids are encouraged, but please be reasonable.
•- Romance is allowed, keep it PG. That means no sex scenes.
•- Swearing is allowed. Don't make it a second language, and F-bombs are allowed, just don't overuse it.
•- Please No Mary/Gary sues and Godmodders. This is highly discouraged.
•- Please try to keep it to one character, although if you'd like a second, just ask.
•- Keep posts about 1000 characters (or 200 words): Use this http://www.wordcounttool.com/ if you're not sure.
•- No Double-posting unless there have no new posts for 24 hours.
•- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as
Name | Place OR, for example; Mia | Town.
•- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning, godmodding. We really don't like that.
•- All NON-SB posts to the DT please people.
•- Lastly, this SB is co-run by
Me (ScarlettFire) and Em (SisterItaly).

Character Spots:
- Scarlett - Female ~ Amara.
- Scarlett - Male ~ Han.
- Isha - Female ~ Anna-Rose.
- SisterItaly - Female ~ Cora.
- Sandvich - Male ~ Alex.

Character Template:
Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] (First AND Last name, please)

[b]Age:[/b] (15 and older)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Male or Female---obviously)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture AND Description! NO Scene and NO Anime!)

[b]Personality:[/b] (General Personality: include strengths/weaknesses)

[b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b] (This is obvious.... At least two likes and three dislikes, please)

[b]Flaw/s:[/b] (At least ONE, please)

[b]Skills:[/b] (What is your character good at? At least two or three, please)

[b]History:[/b] (More than one line or a four-line-paragraph, please. I want details! The Juicy bits are always appreciated)

[b]Up For Love?[/b] (Yes or No, and orientation)

[b]Other:[/b] (For anything that was missed)

Link to DT: topic85459.html (Check it often!)
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:08 pm, edited 10 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:32 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Coralinna (Cora) Macdoline

Age: 17

Gender: female

Spoiler! :
Cora has long red hair that drapes below her shoulders. Sometimes she'll get it cut short, it depends on her mood. She has Bi-colored eyes, a brown and a blue. Her skin is pale, and she's fairly skinny. Image

Personality: She's the perfect enemy. At a first encounter she seems rather aggressive and moody. Untrusting. She's her own leader and she refuses to listen to anyone. If she feels threatened, she will attack.

She's not much of a talker. She's more of an observer. She watches to see how you'll react before she'll even think about talking to you or answering you.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Warm days, Hiking. Dislikes: Rain, feeling uneasy, chocolate.

Flaw/s: She has a bad temper, pride.

Skills: She's an extremly fast runner, terrific at mind games.

History: Cora is a cyborg, she just doesn't know it. She figures she's aging like everyone, just taking the aging better. As far as she's concerned she's 21. She was a cyborg built for incredable physical action. Her body was the body of a great business man's daughter. When she died she wanted her body to go to science.

Her father wouldn't allow it, he bought the cyborg and he and his wife continued to raise her like she was any normal child. But she was different now. She could never sit still or behave herself. Schooling became impossible. They all began fighting. One day, she just got up and left. She's lived on the road ever sense. All she has is the bag on her back, and her instruction manulet. She just doesn't know it.

Up For Love? If you could love a cyborg, yes.

"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:02 pm
eldEr says...

--if I don't finish it now, I'll try to by my time tonight/tomorrow morning as soon as I can get on >>--

Name: Anna-Rose Elee

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has long, though fairly thin, black hair that comes down to just below her shoulder blades. She often keeps it tied up in a messy bun or what looks like just a pile of hair on the top of her head. Her eyes are a blue-grey color and always focused on something. She's tall, around 5'7'' and is very thin in a hollow sort of way. (She refrains from eating, claiming that she's never hungry)
Spoiler! :

Personality: Anna seems to be a very calm person at first glance, and second glance, and probably third glance as well. Her eyes are always focused, though somehow serene, and her features don't usually show much emotion. She likes people to think that she is at total peace with her life, at least until she gets to know and trust them, which tends to take a while. Somehow, she keeps up her calm composure despite her tendancies to make snarky and sarcastic comments- her tone is almost always the same with little variation.

got trans?

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Reviews: 212
Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:40 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Placeholder for my profiles until WFP is back up so I can copy/paste and edit them. x.x

Edit; Profiles.

Male Char:

Name: Han Liu Foster.

Gender: Male.

Age: 22.

Appearance: Han is tall, dark and hansome--that's often the way others describe him, regardless of the fact that he's a mostly human cyborg. He's strong and capable and stands at a little over 6 feet tall, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin. He's slim and athletic, and much stronger than he looks. He has muscle, but only if you look closely--not that you'll see it under all that clothing, or under all that skin. He is part robot, you know.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Han is usually kind and caring, though he's toughened up a bit since the world went completley bonkers, and can come across as really harsh and cruel. But don't be discouraged, it's just a mask. He tends to hide everything, and since the world went mad, hiding your emotions has became a standard. Those who are not still somewhat sane tend to torment their victims with emotional distress; in other words, the torture, abuse and kill your loved ones before turning on you--especially if you fail to 'convert'. Because of this, Han has developed a kind of Polycrates Complex or guilt complex, where he thinks it's his fault the world went mad and that he should fix it, and if he can't, he feels he should be punished for it. Anna tries to counteract this.

Han does have a temper, but doesn't lose it unless something goes seriously and/or dangerously wrong, as it tends to do when one makes mistakes. When Han freaks out a lot, especially over something that was out of his control. He then tries to make up for it, only snapping out of it when Anna consoles him.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes peace, the forest, his friends and his weapons. Dislikes violence, the government and the mess that the Salicin Corporation has created---and refusing to clean up.

Flaw/s: Polycrates Complex or Guilt Complex (Mentioned above); thinking it's his fault that the world's gone bonkers and that he should be punished for it.

Skills: Stealth, Martial arts, can use a sword/katana. Sharper sight than normal.

History: Han was born before the Fall, as many people call it now. He doesn't remember any of his younger years--but that's only because he was in the Corporation's labs before and during the time the virus escaped. He vaguely remembers a blur of lab equipment, men and women in white coats and, well, the lab. He was strapped to a table when he woke up with sharper sight than he'd ever had before, having previously worn glasses. He has no memory of before waking up in the lab, though he's certain he's still, well, mostly human. He's stronger than he was, too--not that he can remember what he was like before. He also can't remember how long he was in the lab for or whether or not they did anything more than fix his sight and make him stronger. They probably did, but he's not sure.

Not long after he escaped from the Corporation's labs, he met Anna-Rose. There was a little bit of an awkward scuffle unto they both realized the other wasn't infected and/or worse, Corporation staff. They spent the next few years wandering, never staying in one place too long and mainly by themselves.

Up for Love? No, and he's bisexual. But he's with Anna....so he's taken. XD

Other: Han believes his sight is/was a result of tampering by the Corporation.

Female Char:

Name: Amara Sinclair. (Known as Experiment Six by the SC scientists.)

Age: She looks around 19, but no one is sure of her true age; according to the people she overheard in the labs, she hadn't aged a day in decades... However, exactly how many decades they meant is beyond her knowledge; she was never told that information.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Amara still looks human; lightly tanned skin, dark, red-brown hair and almost human-looking, dark brown eyes. She stands at about 5'9 and is actually rather slim and atheletic--for a Cyborg. She tends to be seen wearing jeans and a black tank top, regardless of the weather; she doesn't really feel it like someone who was more human would. She also has a black, leather jacket she likes to wear and always has a black backpack with her. She wears chunky, knee-high, high-heeled black boots.
Spoiler! :

Personality: As an almost completely robotic Cyborg, Amara is almost emotionless and relies heavily on logic. She may still look human, but she sure doesn't act like it. She's incredibly smart, but doesn't like like to show off to much, preferring to act less intelligent than she really is to decieve others. And she's good at that, too. Manipulation and Deception is what she was created for. She's essentially the perfect spy---she just doesn't know it. Or that she's being used.

Amara also has a deceptively dormant temper that she barely even knows about, let alone understands. The Scientists used to say she had a temper that was quick and fiery, but now, according to the 'test results', they have effectively neutralised it. For a Cyborg, Amara is incredible curious--not that she'd ever knowingly and/or openly show her curiousity. One could say her 'mask' is cracking.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes running, jumping, fighting, logic, manipulating and decieving people and challenging herself. Dislikes emotions; especially anger, fury, hate--the negative ones. She can't comprehend them like a human could--she's been disconnected from her emotions for so long, she's forgotten what more than half of them are, what it feels like, etc.

Flaw/s: Amara is unable to comprehend human emotions, especially the negative. Sometimes her curiousity gets her into more trouble than warranted.

Skills: Manipulation and Deception, mainly, and Fighting (guns, swords, anything she can use, really). Amara is also much stronger than a human, thanks to the tampering the Corporation has done; she's mechanically/robotically and genetically engineered thanks to them, which makes her age hard to pin and it very hard to determine if she's really a robot or not, or even if she's still got human qualities. She does bleed and can break bones she still has, so it'd be wise to keep an eye on her; she doesn't understand why she bleeds and could therefore bleed to death and not notice it.

History: Amara was created in one of the labs at the Salicin Corporation's secrect headquarters, right along side the virus that's made everyone more violent. Although she was exposed to the virus for years, she never contracted it; a part of her Cyborg nature. She grew up in the labs, although she doesn't actually remember being younger than fourteen or fifteen, which is when her 'memories' begin.

Throughout her life in the SC labs, she has recieved training in a variety of weapons and defensive arts, including boxing, karate and fencing. And espeically with firearms. She has a high pain threshhold, thanks to all the agonising surgey she's been through and the rigorous training the Corporation put her through. Recently, they've sent her out on a mission; she's not even entirely sure what the obejective is, though.

Up For Love? No. She's mostly a machine now; she doesn't exactly believe in love, but maybe you could change her mind? She has no prefence for gender.

Other: Amara did have a sister named Kate, but she has no idea where she is, what happened to her or even if she's still alive. Her memories of Kate are almost completely 'erased'.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Reviews: 32
Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:00 pm
Sandvich says...

Name: Alex Id (Known as Subject Twelve to Salicin Employees)

Gender: Male

Age: The model is made to look around 25 years old, and does not age; however, Alex has only been active for about eleven years.

Spoiler! :
(I apologise for the giant Stockphoto text.) Alex is tall and slim, with a bald head and a pronounced brow. His eyes are dark yellow, the eye colour of his specific model of robot-human hybrid. He has bony features; this is because he is a hybrid; his movements are strongly supported and enhanced by a layer of bone-like pistons near the surface of his skin, which also act as a form of very weak armour from projectile weapons. His skin is of a strange, pale hue. This is due to impotent pigments in his model.

Personality: Due to the fact that he was an experiment whose only real human contact was Salicin scientists, Alex does not have very highly developed social skills. He is cold, calculating, intelligent and totally unempathetic. This will alienate him from the group at first, as he makes comments that he doesn't understand may upset people. One of the strengths his robot status gives him, though, is that certain 'detrimentary' emotions are not programmed into his system. He is incapable of feeling dispair and sadness. He can not be crippled by pain like humans. He does not have favourites, and he does not discriminate, even subconsciously. He is Salicin's idea of a 'perfect human specimen' in these respects.

Likes/Dislikes: Alex only has a very rudimentary understanding of pleasure and displeasure. He dislikes loud, high pitched noises, as they mess with his hearing system; he is also afraid of bright lights shone directly into his eyes. Another thing he doesn't like is people being angry at him. Alex likes mathematical and logical problems, and Terminator 2. His favourite character is the Terminator.

Flaws: As mentioned above, Alex can be disabled for a few seconds by high pitched noises and bright lights. He also sunburns very easily, but this doesn't really affect him at all as he does not feel pain like humans do, and cannot be killed by cancer because he is mostly robotic.

Skills: Alex, as said previously, has a basic resistance to projectile weapons; think handguns from medium distances. Alex can also solve many problems, due t his increased intellect. He will not stop fighting until either he or his enemy is killed; he is incapable of feeling fear or pain. This, however, can also work to his detrement...

History: Alex awoke a year before the Salicing outbreak on a cold, metal table. He was strapped to the table and confused. He didn't know what anything was, who anyone was.
Over the first few weeks of his existence, Alex learned that he was a robot-human hybrid, and that 'he was the future of humanity'. Alex was never told why this was the case.
He underwent rigorous physical training, which he excelled in, then he was subjected to three months of constant logical and mathematical problems, which he enjoyed immensely. He was eventually told, a day before the Salicin outbreak, that although he had performed admirably in all his training, that his model was being scrapped in favour of a newer, sleeker and 'sexier' female model. It was then that Alex's instinct for self-preservation kicked in. The next day, he broke from his bonds during his destruction operation and inadvertantly slaughtered the scientist's operating on him. Guards watching over the subjects of Virus Seven were re-assigned to kill him, leaving the cells less defended. This decision would prove disasterous for humanity. A subject escaped and opened the cells. Alex, who had accidentally triggered the apocalypse, and the subjects escaped from the lab. Alex spent the next ten years fighting the strange nasty people who were stalking him, while the world fell apart around him.

Up for love: Love is not programmed into Alex's brain, but he is a learning machine and given time (read: if I eventually feel comfortable with writing a love interest) he could achieve the emotion.

Other: Alex prefers to keep his origins from others.
The Fear Contest - Winners

1st Place - Hit the Black by mikeypro
2nd Place - Makeshift Calamity by jcipriano1
3rd Place - Ashes and Blood by HaydenSmith

"And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!" - Dimentio

"Do not try to be pretty. You weren't meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don't let anyone ever simplify you to just 'pretty'"
— Suzanne Rivard