
Young Writers Society

Walls are Falling

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Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:35 pm
SisterItaly says...

Gale-Myst is more of a trading kingdom than anything, and for that it’s one of the richest kingdoms in Flangiá. Many of an adventurer comes roaming through here on a daily basis. Alchemists, archers, knights in training, crafters. You name them, they have come through here.

Recently, a horrible incident has occurred in Gale-Myst. The walls that once protected the city fell. Trapping those inside. The city launched a rescue mission, yet the funding was withdrawled once the international commerce was halted by the disaster. With virtually no money left, the city dissolved into a wasteland for brigands and thieves.

The survivors are from hundreds of different backgrounds, either trying to make the best of the pillaging, or staying out of harm’s way. There is said to be a way out... but no one knows where it is or how dangerous it may be.

To escape, you may need to lie, cheat and work together. But it’s either that or dying in this barren city.

Town Map

Character Profiles

Name: [Both first and last]

Age: [16+ (sixteen was about the age a teen would leave home in these times)]

General physical description: [Both written and picture, Anime is allowed, no Scene]

Hometown: [Make it up!]

Profession: [Adventurer, Athlete, Mage, Archer, Ect ect]

Species: [No Demons and Angels]

Personality: [Flaws, Strenghts ect]

History: [Nothing more than a paragraph is needed]

Up for love: [In other words, have you made plans with another writer for your character's love life?]

Other: [Did I forget something]

Character Slots

- Béyta - F - Cursed Elf
-Seal "Sketch"- M - Human
- Nerii - F - Mistling
- Scarlet -F -Human
- Jahn - M - (???)
- Lilura - F - Sorceress
- Ristel - M - Lidor'ky'ses

Other Stuff

- These people are from all over the place, they come from different cultures and religions
- Not everyone can be an Elf
- I like even Gender Ratios
- There is no 'easy' way out of the city. Climbing the rubble is dangerous.
- Most travellers traveled in Caravans


- You know the normal rules
- What I say goes
- Break the rules and you end up with a very angry SisterItaly, who will kill you from the SB then judge you silently.
- Posts must be over 850 characters
- Have fun
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:36 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Béyta (Bay-Ta) Jal'mar

Age: 17

General physical description: Betya is a short and dainty girl, but don't let her appearance fool you. She's mighty strong for her size, as are most elves. She has three piercings in her left ear. Read the history for an explanation of her 'rabbit form'.

Spoiler! :


Hometown: Dav'ör

Profession: Adventurer - Amateur clothes designer (makes all her own clothes)

Species: Elf

Personality: Bay isn't one to be trifled with, when you hurt her or someone she's close to she'll bite down hard. Getting close to her is another story, after the Mage incident she's learned to trust no one. She's always been a helpful person, though. She has a strong moral compass, so if she sees a person in need she will try her best to help them. She has a huge soft spot for children. Despite her appearance, she's very lady like and well behaved, and she will demand to be treated as such.

History: She was raised in a small town, and from the day she could talk she would tell everyone she wanted to go out and explore when she was older. Her father never supported her, but her mother did. Over her years working on her family farm she and her mother saved up money, and when she was sixteen she left home. During her journeys she came across a caravan being harassed by a mage, when she helped them out she found out she made a dire mistake. The mage turned her into a rabbit, and every now and then she switches between forms. She has no control over which form she is in or how long she is in them.

Up for love: She's still available!

Other: [Did I forget something]
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:19 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Nerii Dawnlight

Age: 19

General physical description: Nerii has a waif-like build, looking almost translucent at first glance. She shifts often between her natural and solid forms, becoming little more than a shadow in her natural form.
Spoiler! :

Hometown: Lanuine

Profession: A craftswoman of perfumes and incense.

Species: Mistling - A creature that at first glance appears to be human, but is able to shift between solid and gas forms, able to move through solid objects and become invisible.

Personality: At first glance, Nerii is extraordinarily quiet and dreamy, her thoughts rarely in the present. She places a lot by superstition, often looking to the stars or the clouds to provide her with answers. She often appears to be quite distant and detached from reality, but beyond her layer of superstition and eccentricity she is quite insightful into the emotions of others, and usually offers sound advice to others whether they seek it or not. She has quite a soothing presence and is often lingering in the background, little more than a breeze on the wind.

History: Nerii has lived her life guided by fate, watching the sky to tell her in which direction to next go, and for how long she should stay. She has lived her life close to nature, most at ease amongst the wilderness and in the fields, and made her trade by crafting natural perfumes and incense powders which she sells in town markets to make a living.
Once she became trapped in the city, she looked to the stars to know whether to leave, and has read from them that she should stay. Whilst much of the city is in panic, she remains calm that fate has judged it necessary for her to stay, and does not seem at all worried for her future.

Up for love: Yes

Other: Although she can travel through most objects, she cannot move through impermeable substances such as metal, and can only move through porous objects or in the minute gaps between objects. Her form could theoretically be contained in a glass or metal casing, although the actual process of containing is ... difficult, to say the least.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:57 am
eldEr says...

Name: Ristel Hsh/tele Ragogh (Rist-ell Hesh-tee-lee Row-gah)

Age: 26

General physical description: Ristel stands at an intimidating height, around 6'10" (which is fairly average for his race), and very muscular (also normal for his race). His hair is cut very short to the scalp, a way at cooling his head a bit. (He's used to colder temperatures) His hair is very dark brown, thought it's bleached a bit in the sunlight since he arrived. His eyes are a grey color, always distant and a bit on the sad side, though he tries his best to keep up a half-smile at all times. Thanks to an incident involving war and inprisonment, Ristel only has one wing. The other is just a stump, cut very near to the joint. Stub and wing are a pale yellow color.
Spoiler! :

Hometown: Shoian, Aquariazzi
Spoiler! :
Shoian is a city, located on the platuea in the Shoian mountains. The mountain range itself is located in north-eastern Aquariazzi, a land that probably isn't very well-known this far away. (It's a bizarre land; Ristel claims that he still feels the need to return someday and face what he left there) Shoian itself is cold, and being so far south and so much closer to sea-level, Ristel finds the weather stifling.

Profession: Adventurer (he's searching out new allies, crafts and possible trade routes for the Azzian empire, under the seal of High Empress Shanazel)

Species: Lidor'ky'ses
Spoiler! :
Liddies are native only to Ristel's homeland; Aquariazzi. They are very tall peoples, muscular by blood, and winged. Their civilization lies mainly to the north-east of the land, in the Shoian mountains, and ontop of the Shoian platuea. They are some of the most feared warriors in Aquariazzi and out. Their wings are strange, surprisingly very light, though very large (many touch the ground unless folded back), and very thick. The outer layer is extremely tough, though very flexible, elephant-textured skin. The exact anatomy of the inside of the wing is unknown, but they don't question it. There are certain abilities that run through the blood in the Liddie race, though the only particularly strong abilities are within the royal family.

Personality: Ristel is what most of the elderly call 'such a dear!' He's quiet, reserved, patient, gentle and over-all a very kindhearted man, if not a bit distanced from the rest of the world. He's quiet, usually sticking to the background until he finds purpose in making himself noticed, or somebody else calls upon him to say something important. He isn't forceful by any means, and domination just isn't in his vocabulary. (Any more, anyways) He's always been more of a listener than a speaker, and doesn't mind being an audience to somebody to tends to ramble on endlessly. Though he may act unatentive, he really does grasp every word that's being said (most of the time).

Underneath the sweet demeanor, Ristel is both depressed and unsure of what to do next. He longs to return home, but he knows that if he does, he'll only hurt more. He has slumps, and during one of these slumps, the kind-hearted and gentle Ristel is gone. This is one of the only times in which his temper becomes well-known. Though he won't simply lash out, if you pry or push him too hard- or say the wrong things- he will lash out, not necessarily physically, but definitely verbally. He's also been known to drink on occassion, though he feels as irked by it as anybody else would. It gets rid of the pain- a few moments when he just doesn't have to think.

Aside from depression slumps, the only time Ristel would ever hurt another being is if they are threatening the ones that he truly cares about. He is still a seasoned warrior, and he does know how to use his fists and any weapons you throw at him-- just pray he never catches anybody threatening somebody he feels obligated to protect. (He does tend to get over-protective, but he has his reasons)

History: [will add tomorrow]

Up for love: Yes, but he'll be slightly hesitant, and he'll make sure that whoever it is knows that there will always be a part of him that wishes his wife was still alive, and a part of him that will love her, no matter who else comes along.

Other: [Did I forget something]

got trans?

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:52 am
ScarlettFire says...

I'm in. XD

Profile coming soon; She's a sorceress.

Edit; Profile.

Name: Lilura Nazzalin.

Age: Looks 22. Real age unknown.

General physical description: Lilura is a beautiful young lady with waist length hair that is almost white in colour, very pale skin, pale blue eyes and is about 5'10 in height. She is slim, athletic and much stronger than she looks. She dresses in the usual Sorcerer wear; a long tunic, usually a dark colour, with a black hooded cloak over the top. She has no armour and only a knife/dagger and her magic for a weapon.
Spoiler! :

Hometown: Myrddin, Curuwen. (Home of the Council of Nine.)

Profession: Travelling 'Mage'.

Species: Sorcerer/Sorceress.

Personality: Lilura hides her rebellious nature behind a quiet yet serene facade while plotting how next to toy with others. She often has a nice, pleasant facade that swiftly turns nasty if she's upset when she actually speaks and a sometimes too confident attitude. Lilura often gets in trouble and has done so one too many times. Though she's smart and talented, her downfall is her temper and her smart mouth. And she sometimes doesn't think before speaking, especially if under pressure. She often acts before thinking and is often kind but cunning, using that initial spark of trust to quickly turn on you if she feels the need. When She is not getting into trouble, she's often trying to avoid fights as some of the others highly dislike her ways, be they kind or otherwise. She cares for little other than her Sorcerer family and lifestyle. She may be young in many ways and old in others, but she doesn't know everything and she's not good at everything either. She tends to panic under pressure, and she's sure to be under pressure at the moment.

History: Lilura was born to two great Sorcerers who died when she was only a child. She grew up within the Sorcerer community and rose swiftly through its ranks to become an junior member of the Council of Nine (Not yet an Elder, still under 150 years). She's been on many journeys since her introduction to the Council at the age of nine after cursing one of the other non-Sorcerer children in the village of Haven. Over the years, Lilura has studied magic, trained in it, practiced it and applied it to a hundred or more different situations and succeeded in becoming someone very important to the Council. No one is sure of her exact age, as she looks no older than 22, although she acts oddly at times, ancient and wise or young and ignorant if one is watching carefully. Recently, within the last few decades, Lilura has taken to wandering through the world in a so-called quest for peace, wisdom and knowledge. According to the Council, her parents were killed by a group of Sorcerers the Council refers to as the Unfading.

Up for love: Sure, if you want her.

Other: Her Dagger is simple; silver and white. It is hidden up one of her sleeves, but you can't be sure where it is at all. She's tricky like that.
Spoiler! :
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:54 pm
emoticon220 says...

Will finish later! Spot saved!

Name: Scarlet D'Akari

Age: 17

General physical description: Scarlet is short, 5' even. She has dark red hair that is short.
Spoiler! :
picsss.jpg (48.85 KiB) Viewed 267 times
she is wearing a black jacket and pants.

Hometown: [Make it up!] Ering in the Marian Pass of the mountains

Profession: [Adventurer, Athlete, Mage, Archer, Ect ect] Seamstress

Species: [No Demons and Angels] Human

Personality: [Flaws, Strenghts ect] Shes shy and mothering and deathly afraid of hights. Shes loving and a hardworker. She may seem sweeter than she is, she has quite the bite and holds up well in a fight.

History: [Nothing more than a paragraph is needed] Living in the mountains, the men worked the rock to sell to constructos and women learned to sew, spin and cook. Scarlets parents were good to her and her brother and overall nice hardworking people. It surprised everyone when Scarlet left for town. She figured she could make money sewing and making quilts when winter came.

Up for love: [In other words, have you made plans with another writer for your character's love life?] no plans, thus, no love for dear Scarlet unless I am contacted first!

Other: [Did I forget something] In the beginning she had just gotten into town, about a day before the walls fell. she is trying to find a safe haven.
Last edited by emoticon220 on Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:31 pm
SisterItaly says...


I shuffled through the street, towards the inn. The rain wasn`t going to let up and I wasn`t going to allow myself to stand out in this rain. Rain made mud, and mud was... dirty. The streets only had a few souls wandering about, those who had been unfortunate enough to get caught in the city. They all searched for cover in nearby stands and abandoned homes.

The inn was about three stories high, one would say judging from the outside appearance. A tavern on the first floor, and rooms on the other two floors. Perfect for a little traveler's city. I approached the door cheerfully when a feeling came over me, a feeling I knew all too well.

Extreme vertigo rushed through me and set me off balance, then everything blurred for a moment before the world itself began to grow before my very eyes - only, it wasn't the world growing. It was me, shrinking. When the nausea finally passed I looked down at my furry body. Unfortunately, in a city like this, they didn't have a curse expert. Those could only be found in the big cities.

I grumbled and patted my foot on the ground. There was no way they'd allow a bunny in the tavern, and now my fur was getting all muddy. Oh woe is the girl who travels alone.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:46 am
emoticon220 says...

It was raining and I had nowhere to stay. I sighed. I should have stayed in the mountains. There were no rock flowers down here, no rocks glittering in the morning. Just mud and pushy people and plenty of it all. I walked and walked.I headed straight and hoped someone would see me. Not many people stayed in the streets after the rain started, I'd be easy to spot. I kept walking and sending though signals.

Find me...find me...find me...
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:32 pm
Synnoev says...


I adjusted my basket in my grip as I made my way down the street in solid form, the few people around me walking with an air of suspicion and distrust - people had resorted to desperate measures to survive since the walls fell, and it was rare for anyone to trust those around them any more.

As I walked along, a strange sight caught my eye. A rabbit, or more significantly, a live rabbit, sitting at the side of the road with what could only be described as a disgruntled expression on his features. I made my way over to it, staring down towards it for some time before crouching to look it in the eyes.

"Hello, bunny."

The rabbit flinched, one ear twitching in response as it met and held my eyes for some time, it's gaze unblinking. The shadow of a frown flickered across my face as I continued to examine the rabbit, and eventually a deep frown settled upon my features.

"You have very old eyes for a rabbit." I informed the creature softly, and it tilted it's head with apparent interest, the ear flicking again after I spoke. "May I have your paw?"

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:12 pm
SisterItaly says...


I blinked and stared up at the girl. 'Give me a paw'... really? Did I look like some sort of household pet? Perhaps that was a stupid question, after all I was a rabbit. I shook my head and turned away from her. Even if I was a rabbit I still expected to be treated like a lady.

Then, she picked me up.

I flailed my paws and jerked my way out of her arms. As soon as my paws hit the ground I jerked away and dashed off into the ally like a bat out of hell. My heart was pounding at a mile a minute. I turned my head over my shoulder and let out a low giggle at the girl who stood confused at the opening of the ally. As I turned my head around again I ran into a wall and fell back.

I wanted to groan in disgust at the mud that covered my beautiful black fur, but unfortunately rabbits lack the ability to groan. I heard a chuckle and looked up to see a single winged being looking down at me. Oh my holy being he was huge.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:44 pm
eldEr says...


Ristel crouched down beside the rabbit, head cocked to one side. It flinched, but as far as he could tell, it wasn't going anywhere. He reached out and, ever so gently, scratched between its ears with one finger. His hand pulled away full of mud and short strands of fur. Poor little thing...

He scooped it up gently, cradling it in his arms and moving his wing over their heads to keep the rain off. "How'd you like a towel bath and something to eat, hm?" he said softly, starting to head out of the alley way, wing still in a bit of an akward position, curled around half of his body, positioned over the little animal. He would have his own head covered, too, but he was off-balance as it was, and part of his wing could still touch the ground; the extra support was always welcome.

He smiled at one familiar face outside of the inn- Marie... Neira?- he couldn't remember- before making his way inside. The rabbit went into his over-sized pants pocket, (he doubted he'd be allowed to bring a wet and muddy animal into the inn) and his wing came down. Ristel gave it a slight shake, shrugging at the inn-keeper's scowl. Hand inside of his pocket to keep the fluff-ball from being crushed, he lumbered over to the staircase, pulling the rabbit out half-way up.

"Sorry about that," he murmured, chuckling to himself. He was talking to a rabbit... they didn't even have rabbits back home, and here he was, apologizing to one of them. "He wouldn't have let me carry you in otherwise, and I couldn't just let you stay out in the rain."

Sweet Eidonias, Ristel. You're talking to a bloody rabbit. Yes, he had already accomplished that, thank you very much inner voices.

He pulled a key out of the opposite pocket, jamming it into the lock on one of the doors along the hall-way he had come to. The key came out, the knob twisted and the door swung open, revealing a semi-decent room. Nothing compared to what he had in the last town, but it had been all he was able to afford.

Ristel closed the door, set the rabbit down and wandered over to a night-stand near the bed, picking up a worn-out satchel that had been resting on top of it. A dwindling food supply... and chances were that food would be hard to get in the coming days. Still, he had a few fresh vegetables, two crystal berries (they had survived the entire journey, surprisingly. Ristel was saving them for a special occasion), and some dried meat. A carrot and a stick of something a man had called celery was set on the ground for Ristel's new friend.

"You need a name if you're going to stay..." He couldn't very well walk around calling the thing 'bunny' or 'rabbit.' It just wouldn't seem proper. "Chellite Esko suits you. Means Little Feet in Azzian... not that you know what that is."

He chuckled, moving towards a pitcher of water and a clean linen. He'd have to get that mud out of her fur once she was finished eating.

got trans?

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:24 pm
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SisterItaly says...


I curled my nose at the mud in my fur, it was so icky. So dirty. A chill ran down my spine at the mere thought of it. The man had walked into the little bathroom, leaving me in the main room. The carrot and the celery sure looked appetizing. I attempted to pick up the carrot, note: attempted.

I missed my thumbs.

I resorted to eating it off the ground. Dirty dirty ground. He came back into the room and praised me for eating. I looked up at him, clearly unimpressed with him. He gave me a quizzical look and wrapped the towel around me, wiping the mud from my fur and roughing it up.

As soon as he set me down I started straightening it out and making it look presentable again, craning myself in awkward positions to make sure not a hair was out of place. She could have sworn the man was laughing. She shot him a quick, disapproving look before finishing up her task.

"Alright, now what are we going to do with you, Chellite Esko?" he asked as he sat beside me on the ground and pressed his thumb between my ears. I shot him another look and shook my head.

I felt a sensation in my chest and let out a hiccup. The man laughed again, "Does a little bunny have a case of the hiccups?" I let out another, louder hiccup and glared at him. Then another, and another. Another feeling of Vertigo passed over me, and I looked down to see myself in my own flesh and blood again. I smirked, then looked up and glared at the man with bawled fists.

"My name is Bétya!" I scowled before even thinking.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:48 am
Camulaeus says...

ACK! So sorry, I'm late : (

Name: Seal "Sketch" Talis

Age: 19

General physical description:
Spoiler! :

Hometown: The Otizachi Isle

Profession: Tattoo Artist; regular tattoos, as well as charmed ones that empower the body and sharpen the mind.

Species: Otizachian (Human)

Personality: Seal is the cold and calculating figure on the sidelines, using deceit to help him pursue knowledge: his overwhelming desire. The only thing that keeps him from being totally emotionless is his love of art, which is often overshadowed by his grim intellect. Logic is his only true friend, or at least that's what he's been taught. Somewhere, deep inside though, he can be very sensitive.

His lack of empathy, and his reckless desire for wisdom are his main flaws, which are counter-parted by his massive intellect and his logical perspective.

History: The motto of the Otizachi is "The bonds of flesh are imperfect, Wisdom is not" Raised by a devout school teacher father, and a tattoo artist mother, Seal's path was very pre-decided. His capacity for knowledge exceeded most of his generation, so as such he was taught the secrets of the Tattoos at a very early age. "Flesh is imperfect, but it makes a good canvas" is what his mother raised him to believe. Now, at only nineteen, Seal was released from the Otizachi isles to pursue enlightenment in Flangiá. Logically, his first stop was Gale-Myst. Naturally, he was in the library when the wall's collapsed.

Up for love: If the person is willing to really dig deep and work at it.

Other: His tattoos give him advanced vision into the real world, and the minds of others. He can see base emotions in people, but not too much complexity. Sometimes a memory would flitter in and out of his sight.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:24 am
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Camulaeus says...

Seal- The Library

Luckily, even though the rubble had demolished every bone in his body, the librarian's key still functioned. To not disturb the repulsing, muddy inhabitants of the town, silence had become my aim. Hood pulled up tight around my head, I slowly crept into the library. Rows on rows of books sat on wooden shelves, mostly based on various crafts in the city. I could spend an hour learning how to become a Carpenter, but the more logical option was to continue into the Librarian's office.

The key did the trick, and soon I was in a cramped dark room. I whispered a few comforting words to my tattoos and gently stroked them. As they always did for me, they lit up in a fury of blue light. The room contained naught but a desk and a circular staircase. The desk was bare except for a few book-binder's tools, scraps of parchment which contained bad poetry and a list of rented books.

Guided by my tattoo's light, I slid up the stairs. The flimsy iron creaked under my weight, but my tattoos murmured that they would hold. They led to yet another dark room, this one filled with a leather chair, a foot rest, and window onlooking the city. The smell of mead lingered still, how revolting. A drink of no great taste that does nothing but dim the mind? These people were imperfect in both flesh and soul. Even their most knowledgable figure; the librarian, knew nothing but of other crafts.

His house had been ransacked before I had the opportunity to search it. Nothing but ash was in the place where his private life once was. This office had been my last hope to learn in this god forsaken city.

Logic had been trumped by ill fate. Despite this, I was not one to succumb to despair. Gripped with a new determination I scoured the librarian's den once more, and to my immense surprise found a single ripped piece of in the cushions of the chair. Nearly illegible by mortal eyes, even my tattoos could barely perceive their meaning.

.......climbing is death.........rumors.....exit.....

Well, nothing I didn't know. The librarian knew nothing more than the brigands. Anger is a dangerous thing, and I tried to overcome it by thinking of another logical thing to do. Then something amazing happened.

A short, red haired woman had appeared in the streets below, and her mind was broadcasting one message: Find me. A dangerous message, because more than a teenage Tattoo artist will pick that sort of thing up.

Stuffing the note into my robes, I exited the library, and started walking behind the girl. Logic said talking to her was irrational, and right now the streets were to dangerous to follow strangers, but I couldn't help it.

I reached her in a few more minutes and gently said to her "It's not the most logical option to be saying "Find me" in a city of cutthroats"
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:59 pm
eldEr says...


Ristel sprang to his feet, bracing himself against the wall with his wing. Never, not once in his life, had Ristel witnessed something quite as bizarre as that, and living in Aquariazzi for the majority of his life, he had seen some... interesting things happen. Rainbow waterfalls, a purple forest, five-foot man-eating butterflies and a serpant that was well over three hundred feet long.

Nope. Nothing even relatively similar to a rabbit turning into a girl. Or was it a girl turning into a rabbit? Technically... it would be both, wouldn't it be?

Ristel pulled in a deep breath, resting a hand over his heart in an attempt to calm the pounding. "Good Rielo- what..." he shook his head, blinked a few times and stared at the girl for a moment longer. The fact that he had just towel-bathed her a few minutes ago... Well, that wasn't an akward thought at all. And what had she thought about that? Ristel's stomach twisted. The idea that she might have felt violated made him feel guilty; and he had stuffed her into his pocket on his way up.

And named her, which she didn't seem to like much.

"I'm... sorry, Nessa Bétya." Now your manners come into play. Nicely done, Ristel, nicely done. You sound like her servant- that's how you talk to the Empress.

"What does Nessa mean?" she asked, almost with an air of... authority? Wonderful. Maybe adressing her as a servant would adress a master was a good idea, after all.

He managed a polite smile. "Lady, in Azzian. Or is that too formal?"

got trans?

See, we could have been called The Shoes.
— Paul McCartney