
Young Writers Society

No Redemption

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:11 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

All credit is owed to IshaThePirate who created this SB first.

The criminal situation is getting too far out of hand. The citizens are living in terror, kissing their loved ones good-bye rather than good-night before drifting off into restless sleeps. They are begging their king to do something about it.

The king and queen of Sarla have decided upon a solution. Tomorrow they will release one hundred elite soldiers and trackers into the land to track down the country's most feared criminals. What they're doing is for the love of their people and the safety of their son and daughter. Their peoples' needs are what comes first, and safety is one of those needs. If only they could somehow see the other side of things....

The criminals have lived lives of fear and torment. What they do is all they know. It's survival. They've seen things that nobody could ever wish to see, their lives have been void of love and acceptance by society. The way they see it, they have nowhere else to turn. They may or may not realize the pain and fear they're causing Sarla, but they need to survive just as much as the citizens.

It's a battle for survival, a battle for peace and a battle for the fate of Sarla.

Good luck to you all.

-No godmodding/creating perfect characters
-Keep romance at a 16 level. (No descriptive sex scenes)
-No killing other people's characters without their permission
-Create and kill off NPC's at will
-Cussing is definitely allowed, but try not to over-do it
-Posts should be kept above 550 characters. Please use proper capitalization and paragraphs and all of that stuff....
-Weaknesses need to be REAL and need to affect your character in a way that matters (illnesses, physical disadvantages, ect...)
-Keep other peoples' characters in-character
-If you want to drop out of the SB PLEASE PM ME
-You can have up to 5 characters (for those of you who are insane ;)) But please keep the boy-girl ratio EVEN.

--gleek456-Penelope Hart
--IshaThePirate--Shanaela Marz
--Array-Ruka Blackforest
--RainyDay-Taylor Morning
--forsakinshadow-Leda Rose
--Fictionfantic-maid-Clarissa Keel

--IshaThePirate-Marroe Dez'pen
--phantom of the potter-James Tiggin
--IshaThePirate-Redward Winsal
--phantom of the potter-Alexander Tiggin
--Synnoev-Marcus Wright
--ScarlettFire-Aarin Basir
--ScarlettFire-Casimir Vidar

Spoiler! :









Up for love:

Last edited by ForsakenAngel on Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:21 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:29 pm
eldEr says...

*under construction, another profile coming soon*

Name: Marroe Dez'pen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Usually messy, medium-brown hair and lighter brown eyes. His bangs tend to hang over his eyes at odd angles, and yes, his hair does stick up in funny directions. He attempts to make this work for him, though. His skin is extremely tanned, having lived the majority of his life in the great out-doors. Tall; around 6'3''.
Spoiler! :

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Criminal (Thief/part-time assassin)

Personality: Marroe is, in short, a very dark and morbid human being. He has very sadistic tendencies, laughing at others' pain, especially if he's the one inducing it. He has a fascination with mind-games, and he definitely plays them well. Another unusual quality about Marroe is that he seems to have a different laugh, snicker or chuckle for all situations. There's his sick-fascination snicker, his dark I-love-how-much-you're-hurting snicker... along with the sarcastic and unamused snicker, genuinely amused chuckle... he laughs at the worst of times. It's his coping mechanism. You hold a knife to his throat, and he gives a breathy laugh. You have his head in a noose, he laughs like a maniac.

He loves strange phrases, foreign words and saying things that make no sense to anybody but himself. Be warned, these things usually have a darker meaning than one would expect.

Another important thing to note about Marroe is his... fondency for women. Why yes indeed, Marroe is as charming as they come... he knows his way around words, and he uses them very well. Including lies. Of course, he never fails to rob a woman after he's grown bored of her company. One thing works to his advantage in all of this, and that is; what adventure-seeking woman wouldn't want the thrill of having one of the most wanted criminals in Sarla as a lover? (At least, he assumes that this works to his advantage. It truely does in some cases.)

On the other hand, Marroe does have a soft, very protective side. If you manage to break through to that side, consider yourself an extremely fortunate human being. It means that a) he won't kill or rob you, and b) you have a shiny new body-guard. He is still tempermental and rough with these people on occasion, but the difference is that he is sweet to you, and any coldness is unintentional. He doesn't want you to hurt.

Skills: Excels in hand-to-hand comment. He's also extremely skilled with short blades, such as daggers and throwing knives. Excellent aim. He's also extremely stealthy, good at being silent and graceful, anything that involves climbing, and he knows how to think his little schemes through. Charming when he wants or has to be. Lies like it's the most entirely natural thing in the world. (He's also talented with wood-whittling... but that's beside the point.)

Weaknesses: His right leg is has a weak spot just below the knee-cap. Hit it hard enough and at the right angle, and he goes down. He's also a very arrogant person, though he's not vain. (In fact, he doesn't find himself handsome at all) He has too much confidence in his own abilities, and won't think twice about rushing into a fight with a man twice his height, weight age and experience. It's how he got his little leg injury in the first place.

History: He grew up living with his uncle and his uncle's wonderful friend. (Note how that statement drips with sarcasm.) Both of his parents were dead long before he was old enough to have any memory of them, and quite frankly, he got over it a while ago. (Or at least he thinks that he has.)

The only reason his uncle and his uncle's little friend kept him around was the fact that the boy could work. And by work, of course, I mean steal. The men were wealthy as it was, and definitely power-crazed. Marroe's sure that his fascination with women was their fault.

In other words: His entire child-hood was "steal that or you get beaten," and "you failed, time for a beating." (Usually it was his uncle's friend who beat him, not his actual uncle). Long story short, Marroe killed them both at age 12, stole what he could before the soldiers arrived and bolted. Now? Well... now he's been getting himself into fights, trouble, sticky situations and, as he sees it, a heck of a lot of fun.

Up for love: Yes; though be warned- he does have that aforementioned player trait.

Other: He has a pet monkey named Bobo. Bobo's quite the pick-pocket, so watch your things around him. (Not even kidding)


Name: Shanaela Marz (Nae or Naela, if she likes you enough to let you shorten her name)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Shanaela has very long, very bright red hair and equally bright green eyes. Her body is all muscle- almost every single inch of it. Not bulking, huge muscles, but she's very, very toned. She's definitely not short, being about 5'7", with long, graceful legs. One thing that most people notice about Shanaela is that she rarely smiles. Ever. Her expression is one that's always cold and calculated, usually unreadable as a general rule.
Spoiler! :

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Criminal (thief- no assassinations, but she's gone through with some serious robberies that also involved murder)

Personality: Shanaela is, as her indifferent expression implies, a very cold person. There's a rule she has about her profession, and that is that she isn't going to allow herself to get close to anybody. You never know when you might lose them; especially dodging elites and rivalling thieves and assassins. Her trust issues only aid in her inability to make friends or form alliances. Nobody can be trusted, and everybody is a traitor.

Don't get her wrong, she really does crave human company and companionship... she's just terrified of it. Terrified of being betrayed, or of losing that one person she finally feels that she can trust. Getting to her will be tricky, but if you do, she'll treat you well. Be warned, though, she's more loyal to her friends than she acts. (In other words, even if she still acts cold, she'll surprise you when the moment arises)

On the other hand, when Naela's set her mind on something, she will not stop until she's accomplished what she needs to. If she has her sight set on something, believe that she'll get it-- at any cost. She's murdered before, not because she was paid to do it, but because these people either posed a threat or were in the way. If she's labeled you as prey, have no doubt that she will take you down.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, swords, knives, bows and arrows... anything weapon or fighting related, she knows. Her strongest points are martial-art-style fighting, rods and swords. She's fast, stealthy, has a sharp mind and even sharper reflexes. Can climb like there's no tomorrow and is very strong.

Weaknesses: Trust. In her mind, everybody's out to get her, and she's constantly suspicious of everybody else. She's convinced that they're all going to bite her head off or turn her in. Shanaela also has one of the most fiery tempers you'll ever see. You make her mad- truely mad (it's not hard), and she'll act without thinking. She's learned not to underestimate her opponents, but most of her judgements are made on physical appearance. If somebody looks weaker than she is, she'll fight without a second thought. She can't stand being beaten, probably because she's so used to winning. (It's pushed up her ego tenfold.) She can get haughty, more about her skill than anything else, and tends to act snobbish every so often. Holds grudges like there's no tomorrow and hasn't heard of the word 'forgive.'

History: Shanaela was born completely mute- she can't use her voice in any way, whether it be screaming, talking, or even laughing. She can whistle, she can sigh, she can grunt. Her mother died in child-birth, and she was reared by her criminal father and uncle. Ever since she was a little girl, they've but her through extensive, and somewhat cruel, training. They've taught her almost everything she knows, everything if you count teaching her how to make up her own tactics and battle skills.

Both her uncle and her father beat her on a regular basis- not to be abusive or cruel, but to bring up her pain tolerance. It's not any different than what the soldiers have, and Shanaela never hated either of them for the beatings. In fact, they were the only two people she's ever really trusted. Ever. She understood that they were trying to help, however twisted their methods, and now-- well, now it's just paid off.

She was ten when she learned about the bounty on her father's head, and about the band of rogues that were bent on his destruction. The odd little family was constantly on the run from the aforementioned bounty hunters, and at the same time, Shanaela was creating quite the name for herself. By fourteen, she was above her father on the "Most-Wanted" list.

Two months after she turned fourteen, the bounty hunters caught up to them. Her uncle hid her in the forest- they weren't after her father anymore. They wanted her. Her uncle had tied her to a tree, and when she finally untangled herself, she returned to find both man dead- brutally murdered.

She ran, and she's been looking out for herself ever since. She's been with a few bands of criminals before, leaving each one within a few days. Trust nobody, get nobody hurt. The bounty hunters are still after her- and they weren't bounty hunters hired by the Sarlans. They're from another kingdom all together-- yes, they have a history. A very, very personal one. Nobody knows about the bounty hunters, and she prays that nobody ever will.

Currently, she's number one on the Elite's list.

Up for love: Yes, but it'll be hard. And she'll have a lot of doubts.

Other: To communicate, she uses either a leather-bound book and charcoal pencil or sign language. Unfortunately, not a lot of people know sign language-- and the only two men that could ever comminucate with her in that way are both dead. Another thing: Do not call her by her nicknames unless you're sure she's befriended you. She hates it- claims that it's disrespectful.
She's also top-wanted on Sarla's list for a few... reasons other than her crimes.


Name: Redward Winsal

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: Redward, in contradiction to his name, has very, very blonde hair and hazel eyes. He's tall, around 6'3", and of course, being an elite, has a very muscular build.
Spoiler! :

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Soldier, trapper/tracker

Personality: Redward is a patient man; one who would much rather wait than jump into things. He thinks things through, and he refuses to delve into situations without planning ahead. Carefully. He does his research, and usually doesn't talk to people outside of being "undercover" and/or gathering information on his criminal. To him, life revolves around work. His work. If he isn't tracking a criminal down, he's designing and building his own little traps wherever he's found a "criminal hotspot" to be.

On the other hand, Redward isn't a heartless oaf. Everything he does is in loyalty to his king and Sarla- he cares deeply for his homeland, and all he wants is for the people to be safe. Though he's entirely blinded to a criminal's side of the story, he knows how much Sarla's been suffering for the trouble that countless thieves and assassins have caused, and he plans to stop it.

Just don't expect him to stop and smell the roses along the way. Not without a very good debate on the subject of duty and a few dozen relaxation tonics.

Skills: Redward is extremely skilled at what he does; he's studied everything there is to know about tracking, and he can tell a story just by looking at a set of footprints. To avoid him, a criminal will either have to be extremely fast-moving, or extremely intelligent. (His intelligence is on a high level itself) His second passion is building his traps; nets, pits, spikes, weapons, rocks, arrows, ambushes... anything and everything. He can build huge contraptions in a matter of a couple of days, and set them up where he needs to in a very short amount of time. He has everything planned down to a T, and he knows how to do his research. He'd never go into battle without first knowing the skill level and secrets of his opponent. The only weapons he can really use are rods and bows and arrows, but he uses them well.

Weaknesses: Redward needs to have everything planned out in advance. He may do well under pressure, but shock-situations are hard for him to handle. Because of this, he is in need of a constant companion, somebody with a sharper eye and reflexes than he has. If he doesn't know at least the fighting-style, he panics. And a panicking Redward is never a good thing. He can't function, can't think, and he more often than not ends up getting himself hurt. Another tendency of Redward's is one that annoys whoever he's stuck with for "extra protection." He has a tendency to ramble on and on about his latest contraption, or about what it means when the toes dig in that deep to the moss. If he's talking about something, it's about his work, and if he's talking about his work, he doesn't shut up. He's known to be a bit essentric at best, and some people assume that his obsession with his work has driven him just a little mad.

History: Redward was born into a family with a major military background. His father was general of the king's army twenty years ago, waiting to have children until his duties to his kingdom were complete. His mother was a wealthy nobel-woman, married for her beauty and, of course, her financial security. Redward was born third, after two sons, who both have jobs as lower-class military men.

His adoration for traps and tracks was noticeable from a very early age, and as soon as he turned 14, his father enrolled him into training. Even before that, his father had hired a private tutor to give him lessons, and he was already fairly skilled when he enrolled. Over the years, he impressed his trainers more and more, and by sixteen, was promoted to Elite class.

Both he and his parents were thrilled. Though exciting, Redward rarely saw his family, and turned to creating his own traps to fill a certain kind of hole that was there. This, of course, only impressed his superiors even more. The training was hard and brutal, and still, this boy was excelling and finding time to create his own little thingamabobs.

It didn't take long for him to complete his training, even despite his slightly insane attitude.

Up for love: Yessiree; so long as you can endure work-ramble long enough to actually break him down and convince him to think and speak of other things.

Other: N/A
Last edited by eldEr on Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.

got trans?

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:46 pm
RainyDay says...

Dibs on the queen, a female soldier, and a male criminal XD

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:47 pm
RainyDay says...

Dibs on the queen, a female soldier, and a male criminal XD

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:47 pm
RainyDay says...

Dibs on the queen, a female soldier, and a male criminal XD

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:50 pm
RainyDay says...

Dibs on the queen, a female soldier, and a male criminal please

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:50 pm
gleek456 says...

Hi! Save me the criminal for girls please!

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:16 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Name: Leda Rose


Gender: Female

Appearance: She's tall and slender with long locks of brown hair. Her eyes are a light brown almost golden color. She's beautiful in the eyes of most men but doesn't see much in herself.
Spoiler! :

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Royalty

Personality: She's a kind heart, strong willed but often scared for others. She's not scared to put her life on the line to help the people she loves. She's a fighter at heart and would do anything to be in battle with her father and brother, but that's not a woman's place and she knows it. She's never been the stuck up princess type and often times she just wishes she was normal like the other children she knows. She makes friends with people quickly and spends most of her time in her garden, tending to her flowers.

Skills: She's amazing at combat and talking people into doing things for her. She's amazing with a sword but would kill herself with a knife.

Weaknesses: She's a fool sometimes and falls for lies more often than not. A knife in her hands does more damage than good.

History: She was born into royalty and grew up with only the finest children in Sarla. Her parents got her everything she ever wanted. It's a wonder she's not spoiled but she's just not the type. Her parents are rarely around so she's left to talk with her maid or her best friend. Though some would disagree, she doesn't think she has much. Of course she's got all of the riches but what does that count when your family is a broken puzzle?

Up for love: Yes as always

Other: She's best friends with a thief.


Name: Savannah

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She’s kind of short with long blond curls. She’s kind of skinny and tan with blue eyes. At first glance you wouldn’t think she was a thief.
Spoiler! :

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Criminal (and occasional assassin like the rest of them.)

Personality: She likes to talk back and often can’t hold her tongue. She doesn’t make friends that easily. Savannah is honorable and doesn’t lie to her friends--the very little friends she has. She’s sweet once you get to know her but not many people know the fun side of her. She loves to be dangerous and she knows all of the other thieves in Sarla.

Skills: She’s not bad with a sword and knife, but she’s amazing with a bow and arrow. Hand to hand combat may be one of her greatest skills and she can knock out a man twice her size.

Weaknesses: Her words are often what get her into the most serious situations. She’s got a smart remark for everything and when it comes into her head she just has to say it.

History: She grew up in a rich family, but when she was around ten years old her life took a turn for the worst. Her parents died and her family lost all of their money. She began stealing at an early age but no matter what, she’s always kept her best friend. She’s been an assassin for a while now and does odd jobs. If you need someone dead, she’s the one you go to.

Up for love: Of course.

Other: She’s friends with the princess.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:43 am
fictionfanatic says...

Forsakin, you mentioned a maid in Leda's profile. Can I be the maid?...as well as a female criminal?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:48 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Of course! That's perfectly fine with me:)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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82 Reviews

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Reviews: 82
Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:04 am
gleek456 says...

Name: Penelope Hart

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Penelope has long, curly, brownish- reddish hair. She has haunting grey eyes. Penelope was always a bit skinny, but not anorexic skinny. She has a figure fit for a female volleyball player, since she's been running around stealing. (I'll post a picture later).

Spoiler! :
Penelope Hart
medium-auburn-214x300.jpg (21.94 KiB) Viewed 257 times

Criminal/ Soldier/ Royalty: Criminal- Theft

Personality: She's kind, but at points, she can be cold hearted. She is vigor, but sweet. Violent, but gentle. She's both opposites of everything. She loves to have fun and be lazy. People tend to stay away from her, since she likes to cause trouble.

Skills: She is very good at hand to hand combat and sword fighting. She is smart an wise. Penelope is very good at manipulating people and deceiving others.

Weakness: She is good at manipulating people, but it becomes a habit sometimes. Penelope likes to show her tough and
fierce side, but becomes gentle and kind sometimes.

History: Her mother married a man that wanted boys to carry the family name. Her mother gave birth to her instead.
Penelope's father was furious that he left her on the streets to die when she was 13. Fortunately, she lived and fended on her own. She started pickpocketing which led to stealing from extravagant houses and such. She is still trying to find her birth mother.

Up for love? Yes

Other: Best friends with Savannah ( if that's fine with you)
Last edited by gleek456 on Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:06 am
ForsakenAngel says...

I'm sorry but I'd like to keep it down to only one criminal that's friends with the princess. You can be friends with Savannah if you'd like.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Gender: Female
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Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:24 am
gleek456 says...

That's totally fine! Sorry!

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Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:28 am
Array says...

Name: Ruka Blackforest

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :
*Her eyes are light blue*

Criminal/Soldier/Royalty: Criminal (informer/pickpocket)

Personality: Ruka tends to be a very cold, merciless, and ruthless person. She is very good at getting information, no matter what. She is a very manipulative and she knows how to get you to do what she wants. When hired to get information for someone, she does not mess around. If you are in her way, she will not hesitate to get rid of you. She is a trickster and knows to play games with peoples lives. She is hard to gain the trust of, but once you do it is worth it. She is a loyal friend if someone needs her. She will not hesitate to help if you need it. She is kind towards you and will not play games with you or your loved ones. But if you break her trust, you will wish you were never born.

Skills: Interrogation, quick, acting, barter, agile, charismatic, knives

Weaknesses: She is blind her her left eye. Therefore that side is typically one second slower than her right side.

History: Ruka's father was an Informer when he was alive, he taught her the basics of what she know's today. Basically, she followed in his footsteps.

Up for love: Yep.

Other: Has two hidden knives with her at all times.
Last edited by Array on Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Gender: Female
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Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:47 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Array wrote:History: Ruka found out her loves of guns when she was very young. Her dad was a hit-man and had all kinds of guns and knick-knacks laying around in there basement. Her dad died when she was 16, so she needed a way to make money. At first she only did sniping, but then she found out that she could get information too. She does both jobs equally, but finds that she likes getting information more than sniping.

I'm sorry but they didn't have guns when this SB takes place. :)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

We do have funerals for the living. They're called birthday parties.
— Jill Biden (fictitiously), Hope Never Dies