
Young Writers Society

A Dance for the Wounded Butterfly STARTING/ACCEPTING

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Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:00 pm
emoticon220 says...

Deep into the heart of 1800s Europe, a cirque is travleing. Not A circus, but, a dark theatrical dance troup with acrobats, dancers and contortionists called "A Dance for the Wounded Butterfly". You are new to this caravan and attempt to find your place among the crowd. Beware, it is little known the secrets kept behind the thin tent walls.

Your Profile Should Look A Bit Like This:


Age (16+)

Part (acrobat, Dancer, contortionist):


How you came to the Cirque: (can be part of history, doesn't have to be separate)




Up for love?

Parts Available:

-Rakhan Shiroi

Acrobats (fliers)
Acrobats (silks)
-Natalia Romerto
-Adaline Martin
One spot, by application ONLY. If you would like to be the ring master send me a PM

You are the super flexible ones. You bend yourselves into different shapes and make the crowd oohh and aahh and sometimes eeww. (think folding to fit in a suitcase)
You guys are the equivalent of clowns, you do dances instead of tricks and jokes. Ballet mostly, however “contemporary” is also a big one that is done.
Acrobats (fliers):
You are the ones doing dangerous things, tightrope walking, swinging etc. if you’ve ever seen a circus, or a cirque these are fun people.
Acrobats (silks):
You are the people who climb up the long silk drapes and do crazy things. Not much else I can say here, youtube them, they’re crazy.

Im setting this at “16” so be a little crazy and have secrets, but, be mindful of the rules.
1. No god modding
2. NO SEX, it can be implied but don’t go too far
3. Stay in character
4. 2 characters per person
5. Try not to fight too much
Thanks and have fun!
Last edited by emoticon220 on Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:23 am, edited 6 times in total.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:24 pm
emoticon220 says...

Name: Adaline Martin

Age (16+): 17

Part (acrobat, Dancer, contortionist): Acrobat (silks)

History: Adaline comes from a tiny village in France called La Bourboule. Her mother taught dance at a boarding house and since she could walk Adaline was forced to dance. Adaline loved dancing but her mother strict rule and constant disappointment in her daughters work made adaline leave the gates of the school for the first time in her life and never wants to come back. Her father was a buisness man and rented out the boarding house stage for shows so he was hardly seen. the girls in the house were clique and cruel, gossiping about the head mistresses daughter.

How you came to the Cirque: After running away Adaline hides in a building, still in her dance gear. It turns out that it was not a building but a tent for the cirque and she falls in love immediatly. The silks dancer ran away and she was offered the job if she could do it.

Spoiler! :
balletSB.jpg (45.41 KiB) Viewed 379 times

Personality: Shes Bright, quiet and strong. Shes constantly afraid of failure because of her mothers pressure on her. She wants to have friends but shes never been good at making them. She loves to dress up and learn dance choreograpy. Dance is her life.


Up for love? yes
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:41 pm
Redfang18 says...

I like to be the first to be twins

Name: Max and Morgan
Part: Acrobatic fliers
Age: 19
History: Morgan is the eldest sibling by half an hour. These boys are the twin sons of a rich man and a librarian. Both boys are different prodigies in certain areas of intelligence. Morgan is a technical genius and Max has a high IQ for art. Other than being prodigies of different pursuits, both Max and Morgan have a photographic memory. They were kicked out of their father's house at fifteen years old when their mother died of a stroke. Their father never really wanted children, but his wife was too persistant to be refused of offspring. Max and Morgan ended up joining the cirque three days later. Here they found out they share a thing for the tightropes and the thrill of heights.
Appearance: Both boys have black hair down to three inches past waist-length, parchment pale skin, deep blue eyes that turn black when angry, athletic build, and clever smiles when they have their way.
Personality: Morgan is more like the clever, evil twin when it comes to scheming and Max gets crazy whenever the scheme is good or bad. In spite of schemes that are really pranks, the boys are mostly distant from their superiors and very socialable to the other members of the troupe. Half the time, Morgan gets into trouble that puts Max in hot water. The other half of time is spent either on the tightrope or reminecing about their childhood days in a library with their mother. Morgan's thinking can be very unpleasant when it comes to pranking someone for the audiance or his own amusement. Max's thinking is often full of worries about his elder twin, who might not last much longer than the boys have hoped for.
Up for love: Yep yep yep, if you can catch either one without getting caught up in a prank.
Other: These boys, for spending their childhood in a library, have nicknames for each other. Morgan's nickname is Eris and Max's nickname is Harmonia, since Morgan is made for disorder and Max is around to put things in re-order. In fact, since these two call each other by their nicknames around practically everyone in the circus they respond to their nicknames more than their real names.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:01 am
ciociobutterfly says...

Name: Rakhan Shiroi

Age: at last count-24

Part: dancer

History:An import from the east (japan) Rakhan had taken wonderly to the world of dance and creativity. He has some issues with superiors but he can tolerate them. At the age of 19, he was made to watch as his family was slaughtered in front of him and after this, made to clean it up.

Appearence:Blond and grey eyes (natural) Something rare in Japan. he has an athletic, lithe body that he likes to hide under the baggy clothes he wears. addictive smile.

Personality:He is the personification of happy, his smile is infectious, face can brighten a room and can easily make a crowd laugh. Underneath this facade though is a hurting soul, memories still raw from the deaths of his family by the hands of the government.

Up for love?If the person is, He is

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Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:52 pm
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gleek456 says...

Name: Natalia Romerto

Age (16+): 18

Part (acrobat, Dancer, contortionist): Acrobat (silks)

History: When her and her friends awere on their way to a party, they got caught in a raid and are forced to either flee or stay and panic. She fled, but had a policeman following her trails. She hid behind a tent and waited for the policeman to leave. She backed away and ended up in the cirque. She was offered a job as an acrobat, joined, and was never seen by anyone she knew.

Appearence: Blond, messy hair, emerald green eyes, likes to wear floral (especially in her costumes), and has a slim figure.

Spoiler! :
Kristen Stewart Blonde Hair.jpg
Kristen Stewart Blonde Hair.jpg (27.87 KiB) Viewed 209 times

Personality: Quiet (communicates by a writing pad ever since she joined the cirque, in the beginning she doesn't use a writing pad), athletic, sneaky, kind, happy most of the time, doesn't show when she is hurt.

Other: Many men fell for her, but she turned them away for the love of acrobatics. Daughter of famous dancer Georgia Grey. Enjoys books, flowers, music, and dancing.

Up for love? Maybe...
Last edited by gleek456 on Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:54 pm
emoticon220 says...

My feet burned. Last night I practiced for hours after the others had gone to bed. La Maison de Ballet was dark and quiet. Mother came down the metal spiral stairs from the rafters and watched me.
"Non!" After my pirouette. "Do it again." I was the beginning of a very long night. Mother was harsh to me, harsher than she was to all the other girls. The stupid giggling pricks who talked about me behind my back. I loved to dance, but mother made it hell. I was finally allowed to sleep several hours later. I got upstairs to the boarding hall and went to my bed, between Mariette, my best friend, and Elle, my worst enemy. I couldn't sleep, my mind raced with a hatred of this place, of my mother, of the ditzy girls and their whispers. I knew I had to leave. I climbed out of bed, careful to avoid the creaking floorboard and went to the trunk at the end of my bed. I took out my stationary, unused, crisp and clean. I first wrote a note to Mariette:
My Dear Mariette,
Over the years we have grown up together you have been my best and only friend. I can not stay any longer and endure mothers rage and the others secrets. I am leaving La Maison de Ballet. I will miss you dearly, but, do not think I am forgetting about you. I will dance in your honor.
Love, Adaline

Then to mother and father. Theirs was shorter with little explination, which was more than I had wanted to give.
Mama and Papa,
I can not stand to dance here anymore. Goodbye.

I left Mariettes at the foot of her bed then patted her hand gently. I then made my bed and left my note on my pillow. I snuck down stairs to the foyer, passing Fathers office in the process. I grabbed my coat and walked out. It was starting to get light out but the sky was deep grey, rain was comming. I walked out the little iron gate and took off down the street, still in my slippers. Very soon it started to rain. I dove into the nearest building to escape the cold. the building smelled warm and lively, like animals and hay. When i turned around I realized why. A man was walking a thin rope across the building, which was not a building at all, in fact. A few girls in leotards and colorful makeup contorted themselves into balls and shapes. The Cirque. I was inside The Cirque. It was beautiful, 2 long silk drapes hung from the celing. Suddenly, i was grabbed by the arm from behind. A man in dirty overalls with few teeth and a stubble on his chin began draging me away.
"So you think you can just walk in on the cirque? Patooie! I'll take you to Ringmaster! He'll Show you!" The man grumbled and pulled me along to a smaller tent. A small round man sat in a chair.
"We have a stowaway, Mr. Ringmaster!" said the man, his grip still around my arm. "Ringmaster looked up. He said nothing but eyed me from head to toe his eyes stopping on my feet.
"Are you hear for the Silks Ms...?"
"Martin, Adaline Martin. The silks?"
"why yes. Our silks acrobat ran away last month, complaining about being to old, we have been searching for another."
"Oh! Of course!" I lied, I had no idea what this man was talking about but I'd say anything to get this man to let go of me.
"See, Pacil?" Ringmaster said, "you have nothing to worry about"
The man hesitated then let go of my arm and grumbled as he left. Ringmaster turned to me, "So, Welcome to the cirque, A Dance For The Wounded Butterfly."
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:26 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

I ran out of my house, meeting up with my friends at my driveway. We were headed to the biggest party ever! It was Lexis's 16th birthday, and she was throwing the biggest party at her house. When I reached my friends, we were headed to her house.

"I heard that she was going to hire the best circus ever!" Rick exclaimed.

"I heard Lexi hired 3 of the best caterers' in the world!" Winney burst out.

"I guess we'll all find out later, when we actually get it," I say. Suddenly, red lights surround us and everyone was screaming and panicking. It was a raid! For some reason, people were gambaling locally in someone's garage and a fight started. The police were there and was grabbing everyone that passed by them. Unfortunately, we were some of them. Some policeman attempted to grab us, but we tried to escape. We fought, and fought, but some of us got caught, including me.

"Run Natalia! Run!" Rick shouted. He punched the policeman and replaced me with him.

"Get blondie over here!" The policeman shouted. I ran as fast as I could, with a policeman following me. I hide in an alley, and hide behind a garbage can. The policeman failed to find me, and left eventually. I come out of hiding, and realize that I have no idea where I'm going. I take a right and find a brightly colored tent. I walk in and see a man in dirty overalls, and some teeth left coming out of a room mumbling swear words to himself. He suddenly sees me.

"Oi! You here for silks too?" He spat.

"Um, I, uh," I say nervously.

"I take that as yes," he said grabbing me and dragging me towards the room he just came out of. The man behind a desk looked up.

"Ringmaster! I found another silk!" He said. The ringmaster looked me up and down and hesitated.

"You here for the silks?" He asked me.

""I, um, yes?" I say nervously. The ringmaster grinned.

"Ah! Perfect! Another silk! Look Martin! Another silk!" He said proudly. A girl with dark hair that was wrapped in a bun turned around.
Last edited by gleek456 on Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:29 pm
Redfang18 says...

In the cirque

I saw the new silks and smiled slyly. I called, "Hey, Harmonia. We got ourselves some fresh meat."
Max called back, "Don't even think about it, Eris. If you make one more prank, I'm gonna be held responsible for your actions. I'm always held responsible for everything you do. When will you ever man up and be responsible like a real elder sib? You gotta grow up, you know."
I grinned slyly. "Harmonia, you know I'll never grow up." With my slyly grin still on my face, I dropped a water balloon from the tightrope.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:25 am
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

When I step out of the room, I take a few seconds to look around the circus. It's a really big and lively circus. I take a few steps forwards and stop. I suddenly think about my family, how I'm going to go back, and my friends. My dear, poor friends! Rick, who has sacrificed himself for my safety! I think for a few more minutes until...


A water balloon immediately hits my head. I suddenly hear a burst of laughter from up above me. I see two identical twins laughing their heads off and pointing at me. Gosh, what children they were! I run my hand through my hair and shake off the water. I shrug it off and keep walking. No way was I going to let twins ruin my life now, especially with what happened to me.

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:12 am
Redfang18 says...


I had such a crack out of it. Another prank pulled in great success. Max and I just stayed on the tightrope, keep ourselves a safe distance from the others below. It was only a matter of time when...
"Eris! Get down here and apologize to your innocent victum! You better not switch places with Harmonia just like you did last time!" The Ringmaster was furious with me, as always whenever I get a good laugh from a successful prank.
I sighed and said, "You're up, little brother. Do yer thing."
Max cursed and yelled, "Eris, how could you? Every time you cause a prank, I'm always held responsible! Grow up, Eris!"
I reminded Max, "You know I'll never grow up."
Max sighed. "Jerk."
I countered, "Killjoy."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:20 am
emoticon220 says...

Pacil, the man who dragged me in came back into the smaller tent. This time he had another girl. A skinny blonde who looked scared and shy.
Pacil, looking excited exclaimed, "Ringmaster! I found another silk!" Ring master looked this girl down too.
"You're here for the silks?" He said plainly, but his eyes showed his excitment at the new girl.
The shy girl answered with a quiet flustered "I, um, yes?" and the happiness grew on Ringmasters face.
"Ah! Perfect! Another silk! Look Martin! Another silk!" I had been looking at the ground, but I turned around to get a good look at the new girl. I turned back to Ringmaster,
"Adaline." i said, "My name is Adaline."
"Addie then" he said, the girl had left the office. I closed my eyes and sighed silently. No! I thought, Not Addie, Adaline.
I turned to leave and heard a splash. The new girl had been hit with a water baloon. I supressed a giggle, the girl kept walking.
"Wait! Miss! Wait!" I called after her. She stopped, hesitated then turned around. Pacil was to my left.
"Eh?" he looked up.
"Where are our dressing rooms? and do you have a studio of any sort around here?"
Pacil pointed across the tent, "There is your dressing room, costumes and all. No we don't have a studio. Where do you think we are?"
"Thank you, Pacil." I grabbed the girl by the hand and walked to the dressing room. I looked around as we walked, two boys a bit older than me were on the high wire watching us. I winked at them, unsure if they could see it.
When we got tot the dressing room I took out my tight bun and pulled my hair into a long loose braid. Then I went over by the other girl, near the costumes.
"she was quiet.
"Would you like me to braid your hair?" I asked.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:25 pm
Redfang18 says...

On the tightrope

I waited calmly for Max to show up, which was a good half hour after the Ringmaster demanded I come down and apologize. I barely let the Ringmaster get the best of me, not for the past four years Max and I have been in the cirque. Everyone who knew me as Eris knew I was the chaotic prankster and Max took every bullet I dogded. I've been the most childish member of the troupe for the past four years, going on five years. Both Max and I were good pranksters, but I'm the mastermind behind all the pranks. I had all the people below, including the Ringmaster, as chosen targets for my schemes. Nobody was safe from my tricks, except my twin.
Max came up to the tightrope and growled, "You better grow up, Eris. I've had it up to my chest with your schemes. Unless you grow up, it's going to be the death of you."
I snapped, "Killjoy."
Max countered, "Jerk."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:49 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

When I kept walking, I heard the ringmaster yelling at the mastermind, the twins still laughing, and a girl running after me.

"Wait! Miss! Wait!" she called. I stop, then turn around. I see her asking the cursing man about a dressing room and studio. The man spat back and next thing I know, I'm alone in the dressing room with the girl.

"Would you like me to braid your hair?" she asked kindly. Nervous, I nod. She guides me to a chair and starts brushing my hair.

"So, are you good at silks?" she asked. I hesitate for a minute and when I try to reply, nothing came out. No way, is my throat sore? It didn't hurt. Is it broken? I honestly don't know.

"Pardon me?" she asked. I gesture to a writing pad and pencil, and she quickly delivers them. I scribble furiously and reply, Yes, I suppose I am. I'm the daughter of Georgia Grey so I think dancing is in my blood, plus I tried silks and found out that I love it.

(you can continue, I hope I portrayed Adaline right!)

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Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:00 pm
Redfang18 says...

On the tightrope

I pulled another water balloon out of my bucket and got my slingshot out. I looked around and found me another target. Grinning slyly, I pulled the band and took aim. I whispered, "That's it, sweetie. Stay right there. Smile for the birdie."
Max warned, "Don't you do it, Eris. You'll get me in more trouble than I can handle."
I didn't listen. I gave the band another yank and just let her go. The balloon splated right on the back of the new silk girl's head. I quickly stashed away the evidence and made it look like I didn't do anything. I was too clever for the rest of the troupe. I always got away with it, no matter what I do.
Max hissed, "Now you're gonna get it, Morgan. One more of your tricks and we're back on the streets."
I snapped, "Shut yer trap, Max."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:39 am
gleek456 says...

Hi! Sorry to interrupt, but, which silk did Morgan throw the water balloon at the second time? Sorry, I was a bit confused.

This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read.
— Winston Churchill