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Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:09 pm
eldEr says...

Half Sight

Two-hundred thirty years ago, a man named Thomas Roshel immigrated to the un-conquered land of Bewa. He claimed a rather large portion of what he planned on turning into farmland for himself. On this land, he built himself a mansion; he always had been a wealthy man. He was twenty three years old when he started this little endeavor, twenty four when things took a turn for what he assumed to be the worst.

A small tribe came to his land, and at first, he was very tolerable of them. It wasn't until their elders came and sat on his front lawn, talking to the air, that he started to get concerned for his own safety. His attempt to kick them off of his land was unsuccessful. The tribal chief cast a spell upon him, and upon his land. The direct descendants of his servants would be affected, as would his children and their children's children. It was not a curse; the man claimed that it was an "eye opener." And so it was.

Slowly, as the years past, the household became aware of a realm within their own, one that they had no idea existed before the tribe finally left. They became aware of people; ones that looked very human indeed, but had inhuman qualities about them. They aged twice as slowly as a normal human being, they were invisible to everybody not part of the household, and they had mysterious abilities.

Some were mind-freaks, others controlled the senses or those things physical. Either way, they've been around since the house was first built.

It's been two-hundred thirty years now, guns have been introduced to Bewa, along with simple things like running water and water-houses (bathrooms). Thomas Roshel's great grandson, Alexander Roshel, has been running the estate for two years now after inheriting it from his deceased father. The twenty-six-year-old man knows all about this mysterious realm and race; he knows that their language is dying, he knows that their abilities have somehow been passed onto his servants in a minute way, and he knows that things are starting to crumble. For the race itself; they're weakening. Their abilities don't have the strength that they used to, and they once could make people see them if they so chose. Unfortunately, this ability has been compeltely diminished.

On top of that, the eldest of the Half-Sights is-- was-- having horrifying visions. One hundred, ninety-four year old Weliarah was the only Half-Sight left with "the sight." She died shortly after having the vision, though her last breath was taken before she could finish explaining. All that Alexander and the others know of it is that it took place at the ruins near the south-eastern corner of the estate. Nobody knows for sure what those ruins are, but they’re there (and avoided for the most part.)

It’s been three days since Weliarah’s death. Last night, a young woman arrived at the door of the mansion in tatters. In her arms was her seven-year-old daughter, fevered and fatally ill. The woman begged that they help her daughter, and when the household relented, she let herself slip into unconsciousness.

It’s the next morning now, and things are getting stranger. The doctor that was called to the mansion late that night was inspecting the little girl. Unaware of the Half-Sights that lived on the estate, the doctor took the girl’s wrist to check her pulse. Immediately, objects that hadn’t been there before were seen, as was on particular Half-Sight in the corner. It took a lot of laughter and nervous reassuring to convince the doctor that he needed to go home and get some rest.

Either way, the girl is already exhibiting strange powers. She had always been able to heal, but now that she’s on the “blessed-cursed land,” new things are happening, and they’re going to keep happening. If only Weliarah was still alive, she’d know what to do.

The Half-Sights

Spoiler! :
To clarify what the Half-Sights really are:
They’re very human-like creatures. The main difference is that they age twice as slowly as humans do, meaning that one who’s lived to be forty would only be considered twenty in human years. Most humans don’t have the ability to see them, except for the Roshel household, of course-- and the mysterious little girl. Even for those who can see them, they have a pale, almost translucent look about them. They’re typically taller than humans by a few inches, and, of course, they have their abilities. A list of the available abilities is below, separated by category. If you choose this sort of character, you can have:
1 strong ability
2 medium abilities

-Mind control (you can control the mind of either human, Half-Sight or animal for a maximum of twenty minutes. This ability is exhausting and hard to master, so it’s more than likely one used by the older Half-Sights.)
-Strong Telekinesis (you can lift large objects with your mind- both human and Half-Sight items. For anybody who can’t see a Half-Sight, this is a dead giveaway that there are strange goings-on in the house, and typically, it’s only used when unaware humans are not present)
-Pain Infliction (you can inflict pain on humans, Half-Sights or animals with a mere touch. Of course, a human or an animal that can’t see won’t know what happened. You can also control the amount of pain you inflict, but if you hold it for too long or make it too powerful, you’ll begin to feel pain, too. You cannot kill with this ability)
-Shape-shifting (you are able to become up to three different animal forms. Humans can see you in this state, and the fact that animals mysteriously vanish right before your eyes on the Roshel estate...well that’s where this myth came from. It’s a rare ability, however.)
-Plant Control (you can control the growth, life, vitality, color, size, etc... of a plant. The only thing you can’t do is change which species it is. Those with this ability often help Alexander in the garden. It’s a fun ability to play with)
-Illusions (you can create massive illusions that include sight, smell, sound, taste... everything but touch is affected. Unfortunately, while this is a very powerful ability, it is very draining, especially while tricking multiple senses at once or making a larger illusion)
-Disguise (you can change your height by a few inches, eye color, hair color and you can slightly alter your skin tone. You can change the eye and hair color of others, as well.)

-Telepathy (you can either read others’ minds completely, or you can read thoughts about yourself and hold telepathic conversations with them. Human or Half-Sight. Oftentimes, this is the “little voice in your head” that people are always buzzing around about. One of the two, not both)
-Element Control (you can control one element, either air, earth, water or fire. This ability isn’t exactly the strongest, and it tends to be exhausting.)
-Light/Darkness Manipulation (you can bend and manipulate either light or shadows, forming different shapes. Some of the tricksters have loved using this on guests at the Roshel estate in the past.)
-Dream Manipulation (you can control the dreams of others to some extent. You can not change them entirely, but you can make minor edits and prod them in the direction that you want them to go.)
-Animal communication (you can communicate with certain types of animals-- the ones that seem to be able to see Half-Sights. These are birds, horses, deer, dogs [domesticated or wolves] and rats. Not mice, just rats.)
-Disguise (you can change your hair or eye color. Never both, and never on anybody else. It’s a very simple disguise, but it often works. A weaker form of the strong disguise)
-Medium telekinesis (you can lift smaller objects with your mind, such as utensils, large rocks, etc...)

Half-Sights once could make others see them and choose who could and couldn't. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible. If you can see you see and if you can’t, you can’t.

The Household
Spoiler! :
To clarify what’s happening in the Roshel household:
The majority of the servants are able to see Half-Sights, and not only that, but they have very weak abilities that the human-like creatures seem to have rubbed off on them. Some say that it’s the result of secretive cross-breeding between the two peoples, but Alexander can’t see how that would have happened without knowledge of it happening.
Their abilities are very limited, and include:
-Very, very weak element control over one element. It’s extremely draining and far from a strong ability.
-Minor mind-reading capabilities. They can hear bits and pieces from others’ minds, but only if they focus extremely hard and are looking into their victim’s eyes. The ability wears off after only a few quick thoughts and makes the user dizzy.
-Very, very weak telekinesis. They can lift very tiny objects such as pebbles and sewing-needles with their minds. The objects must be very light, and they can’t be held for very long. It does come in handy if you’re trying to steal snacks or coins, though.
-Extremely minor pain infliction. They can inflict a short, slight bit of pain by touching the skin of their victim. It feels more like a pinch or a paper-cut than anything, but it can be fun to mess around with from time to time.

The Estate
Spoiler! :
The estate is very large, as the family’s been adding to it for 230 years. There’s an iron fence around the entire mansion, and oftentimes, the servants forget to close the gates at the front. The ruins in the south-east seem to be the remains of what was once a large stone house, only a little smaller than the mansion itself. There are gardens for both flowers and vegetables in multiple areas, a large yard behind the mansion, horse stables, cow barns...
Roshel Map.jpg
Roshel Map.jpg (110.32 KiB) Viewed 497 times

The Daughter
Spoiler! :
Just a little bit about the extent of the little girl’s mysterious abilities:
--She’s always been able to heal, ever since she was very, very young. Her mother was frightened at first, but she’s gotten used to the idea. She can not heal herself, heal a dying person or bring a dead person back to life.
--After coming onto Roshel land, she has been able to see Half-Sights, and she’s been able to control certain things, such as elevate or decrease the strength of the abilities of the Half-Sights and the humans in the household. She can also give people who originally had no ability an ability for a short amount of time.
--By touching the skin of anybody she wishes, she can choose to make the Half-Sights visible to a person if they weren’t before, or invisible to a person if they were. It doesn’t “just happen,” she has to will it to.
--She has slight telepathy, and she’s able to work her way into the minds or drowsy or unaware people. She can usually only catch bits and pieces, but this may or may not get stronger with time. She can also make those she feels close to, and only those she feels close to, feel what she’s feeling in order to send them a message. If she feels fear, she can let her mother know right away and she’ll come running.

The Premise:
Over the past few months, things have been strange. The Half-Sights have been prone to moments of insanity and violence, lashing out at everybody and anybody who can see them, including each other. Afterwards, they have no memory of their little attack, and they’re drained of energy. Evidently, Weliarah’s vision had shown something pertaining to these incidents. Too bad she died before anybody could find out what.

The attacks are getting worse as time goes on, and the entire Roshel household is scrambling to fix it. The woman and the girl who showed up last night aren’t helping matters, and things will only get worse when the girl’s powers start to show through. The ruins are connected, the girl seems to be connected... but what else is there to work with?

-All regular YWS rules apply
-No god-modding. It’s annoying and unfair.
-Perfect characters aren’t tolerated; make sure that your abilities pertain to what’s on the list.
-Keep the girl/boy at least somewhat even.
-Remember that this isn’t modern-day. Guns and running hot water are still fairly new inventions.
-Swearing is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum. No f-bombs.
-Romance is allowed, but no descriptive sex scenes, please.
-Please make sure that you’ve read all of the previous posts before making your own, and make sure that yours corresponds with the others. If somebody posted before you, and it doesn’t fit, edit your post accordingly.
-Inactive characters/god-modders will be killed off if it continues. (You’ll receive a PM before and if it happens)
-Please don’t kill off characters without consulting the writer and myself first. It’s never fun to find out that your character’s been killed without your knowing.
-Note that everybody in the household knows about the Half-Sights, even if they can’t see them. Either they accept that they’re real and the respect the fact that it’s being kept a secret, or they assume that everybody’s bonkers and still keep it a secret in order to keep their lives and jobs.
-No OOC (out of character) posts in the SB. Please keep those in the DT.


The mother - IshaThePirate - Elodie Lestair
The daughter - SisterItaly - Daila Lestair

Roshel Household (more slots can be opened later; slots with a * indicate that this character can have powers. Other than Alexander, they are all servants.)
*Alexander Roshel -
*M - Octave- Lark
*F - CelticaNoir -
*M - Skorpionne -
*F - sylverdawn -Kaoli
M- synnoev
F- NinjaCookieMonster - Lecoria

Half-Sights (more slots can be opened later)
M - IshaThePirate - Aailen
F - Synnoev - Lyric
M - sylverdawn- Reseph
F - CelticaNoir -
M - Dreamwalker -
F - LavenderBlue - Raizel

Human Templates:
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (first and last, please)
[b]Age:[/b] (16+)
[b]Gender:[/b] (... Duh.)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (Look at the lists above before filling this out. If there are no slots with a * next to them, then your character [i]will not[/i] have any abilities at all)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written is mandatory, picture is optional. No emo or scene; anime is allowed. Keep their appearances somewhat relevant to the era.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (100+ words, please. Personality flaws and weaknesses, we want details)

[b]History:[/b] (100+ words, please. None of this “can’t remember” - if they can’t remember, then what happened before that? Details are good.)

[b]Up For Love:[/b] (Yes/No, anything important that you want to say about it)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything we forgot. Skills/Weaknesses/Flaws that you couldn’t fit into personality can go here, too)

Half-Sight Templates
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (Half-sights only have first names.)
[b]Age:[/b] (Remember that they age half as quickly as humans do. If you wanted a 20-year-old-like character, it would be 40)
[b]Gender:[/b] (Half-sights still go by the male/female thing.)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (Look at the lists above before filling this out. All Half-Sights have some sort of ability. List their strong points and their weak points with it, as well.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written is mandatory, picture is optional. No emo or scene; anime is allowed. Keep their appearances somewhat relevant to the era. One thing about Half-Sights is that, on occasion, they enjoy bizarre hair-does. Always their natural color though, no dyes.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (100+ words please. This does not include their nature during an attack. List their strengths/flaws.)
[b]”Attack” Tendencies:[/b] (This is where you list their nature during an attack. Is it verbal? Physical? Does their ability strength increase/decrease during this time? How long do they usually last? Are they getting worse? Better... etc...)

[b]History:[/b] (Half-Sights in the Roshel household all came from the Roshel household. They’re probably unaware of the fact that there are more of them out there in various other places in the world. This can be fairly brief, but please, at least fifty words.)

[b]Up For Love:[/b] (Yes/No, anything important you have to say about this)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything we forgot? Skill/Flaws that didn’t fit with personality can go here, too.)

Link to the DT: topic82399.html
Last edited by eldEr on Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:10 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:10 pm
CelticaNoir says...


Name: Cybele

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Abilities: Cybele has a strong ability of creating illusions, but it is often uncontrollable when she is emotional. Often a side-effect of reality seeming to fold into itself happens whenever she gets angry or distraught, often frightening the people around her despite her intentions being to the contrary. She can often also temporarily lose control of one of the senses she manipulates after a session.

Appearance: With her pale, sunless skin and undistinguishing features, Cybele looks quite plain at first sight. However, her strange blue eyes hold a hawk-like sharpness that betray her sharp intelligence. Cybele has a ghastly smile that often scares away people around her. Unlike the rest of her, her figure is quite lithe and delicate, almost fragile.

Spoiler! :
kara-no-kyoukai-hollow-shrine-1.jpg (27.67 KiB) Viewed 261 times

Personality: While at first glance she might not seem it, Cybele is quite intelligent and observant, able to pick out personality traits of others within minutes. She is usually calm and collected, and believes in the "look before you leap" wisdom; she rarely acts before she thinks about a situation. However, this has a flip side; while she may know a lot about a person within a few minutes, she rarely knows how to act with them, or even talk to them, often. This often gives her an aura of being almost machine. If told about anything wrong that she's done, however, she quickly flares up. She is a perfectionist, and will point it out if anyone makes a mistake. She also doesn’t like being helped by anyone.

”Attack” Tendencies: Cybele is not impulsive; quite the opposite. Unlike most people in an attack, she never reacts; she quickly analyzes a situation before making a move. However, once having made her move, she is unlikely to hold back and defend; she hates doing that a lot.

History: Cybele has been alone for as long as she can remember; she remembers neither father nor mother nor siblings. Forced to fend for herself, she quickly developed an independent streak. Until the girl arrived, Cybele stayed to the sidelines, figuring out most of the inhabitants by herself. She knows almost anything there is to know about the Roshel household, and has gone near the ruins several times, only to come back.

Up For Love: Yes, straight.

Other: Nothing at the moment.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:11 pm
eldEr says...

Name: Elodie Lestair
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Abilities: N/A
Appearance: Elodie has long, light blond hair and bright blue eyes. She keeps her hair up in a tight bun on her head, occasionally braiding it before pinning it up. She’s around 5’5’’, and weeks worth of walking and hardly eating anything have made her not pretty-thin, but ill looking and frail. Her skin has grown a bit grey since she left, as well.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Elodie is a quiet, patient and gentle spirit. For the most part, that is. She has lost some of her submissive tendencies, and she’s been known to be fairly stubborn, though her way of pushing and standing firm is different. She convinces slowly and through reason, rather than yelling, glares and cold words. She’ll compromise for the the time being, eventually working her way up to what she wants. It may seem like she caves easily, but she is getting what she wants. They just don’t know it yet. However, Elodie is willing to sacrifice her time and energy for others. Every good deed done unto her, she assumes that she’s inclined to pay back in some way. It’s impossible to convince her otherwise, and she often wears herself out trying to pay people back for what they’ve done for her. She won’t stop until she’s sure that she’s paid off her debt.
What shocks most people is that Elodie can be outgoing, and somewhat blunt. In a gentler-put way, of course. She isn’t shy by any means, though she doesn’t particularly adore the company of others or too many crowds.

In her mind and heart, at the moment, Daila is the only breathing human being that Elodie loves and cherishes. Her daughter is her very life, and she will do anything to keep her safe. She’s more patient with her little girl than one could imagine, and tries her hardest to teach her well. One of Elodie’s favorite pass-times is sitting with her daughter, whispering little secrets and stories; especially ones about faeries and other such creatures. Everything she does revolves around her little girl and her well-being.

History: Elodie was born into a family of seven children, herself being the only girl. All six of her brothers were older, rougher and all of them loved to pick on her. She was thirteen when her mother died of a fever that was spreading throughout where she lived at the time. After Mama died, her four oldest brothers died, all of the fever. Among them was the oldest, the only one that ever stuck up for his little sister and was willing to spend time with her. After that, Elodie wasn’t treated with the respect she had been. Her father went off to war in the far south, and her two remaining older brothers treated her more like a slave than a sister. They hit her, spit on her, made her do everything that they could. When news reached them two years later that their father had died, her brothers began looking for a way to rid themselves of her.

Lawrence Lestair came along then, passing through the area on his way to visit his sisters in the north-west. The war had ended mid-way through Elodie’s fifteenth year, and travel was safe again. The thirty-year old man took a liking to the girl and her physical charms and beauty, as well as noting her brother’s treatment of her. He asked if they would be willing to let such a young girl be taken from them and married, and it didn’t take much more than a bit of money for them to agree. At first, Lawrence treated her well, never demanding anything of her. Elodie was just beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, being married to a man twice her age wasn’t such a bad thing after all. Particularly one as wealthy as Lawrence was.

Things got bad again when she neared seventeen, and Lawrence developed some unexpected rage issues. He went from gentle and kind to abusive in what seemed to Elodie like overnight. She hadn’t been aware enough to notice that he had been slipping from the very beginning. He drank, he brought other women home and broke his young wife’s heart on a regular basis. He turned to hitting her and screaming, just like her brothers. She was seventeen when she gave birth to Daila. At first, Lawrence ignored the little girl, choosing neglect over abuse. As she grew, Elodie began to notice her healing abilities. The first time was when Daila touched a bruise on her mother’s arm, and it vanished. At first, this was kept well-hidden from Lawrence. He found out two years ago, and ever since he’s been more abusive to Daila than to Elodie. Accusations flew- Elodie was a witch, Daila was a with, Elodie was a witch and had given birth to another witch... they were both cursed and he would be cursed if they didn’t leave. It wasn’t until just just recently that Elodie decided that enough was enough. She took her daughter, stole what she could and left. Three weeks of wandering through forest, grassland and more forest has taken its toll.

Other: Physically, Elodie has strong arms and weak legs. Very weak legs. She isn’t fast by any means, and too much physical exertion dubs them incapable of functioning properly. She’s been told by doctors that it’s something to do with weak leg-bones. It would have taken her half of the time to get here had her legs been easier to function on. She has low stamina, and pushing herself as much as she did for the last three weeks has done nothing to help that. It seems like her lungs are constantly burning, and she runs out of breath very quickly.

Elodie isn't religious, but she is convinced that there is some greater power in the world. She doesn't know what it is, whether it's any number of gods or goddesses, or perhaps it's fate and destiny, or maybe just a host of spirits or the dead. Whichever it is, if it's any, she does pray. To whom or what, she obviously doesn't know, but it comforts her to assume that somebody is out there, watching her and looking after her.


Name: Aailen
Age: 44 (22 human-years)
Gender: Male
Abilities: Light maniuplation. Aailen can twist light, bend it, trap it and hold it in the palm of his hand. He can also dim it or make it brighter. Unfortunately, this power can be very draining at times, especially during the day when there's large amounts of light to bend. It also makes him entirely blind in even slight darkness, and since the power is exhausting, Aailen can't use what little light there is in a room to help him for very long. Medium telekinesis. He can lift medium-sized objects and make them hover or toss them a short ways. He is very practiced with this ability, as it was his favorite when he was younger. It doesn't exhaust him as easily as it exhausts some others, and he's starting to wonder if he can't strengthen this ability somehow.
Appearance: Aailen has a gentle demeanor, even in looks. His eyes are a soft, pale blue, and his hair is a light brown, cut fairly short. It was once the wildest of Half-Sight hair, and he was well-known for it. When and why he cut it off exactly is uncertain, but he did. He's around 6'5'', which is an overall intimidating height, but with his kind features, who can be afraid? He has muscle, but not enough to take away from his overall soft presence.

Personality: Aailen has always been known to be one of the most gentle men or Half-sights to ever set foot on the Roshel estate. He's compassionate, understanding, and the only way he would ever hurt anybody else is if they were truly threatening the ones he loves most. He's sensitive to what others feel, and though he hates talking about how he feels, he's always there to listen and lend some friendly advice. You wouldn't think that Aailen has ever even heard the word 'tempermental.' He's slow to anger, and even when he feels it, he forces himself to answer and react in a calm matter. He can't stand to see people hurting, not physically or emotionally, and is always there in an instant if somebody needs his help.

Aailen has a tendency to assume that he means extremely little. Yes, the huge teddy-bear has some self-esteem problems. He hates the way he looks, and he's constantly worrying. Worrying about whether or not he's meeting other peoples' expectations, whether or not everybody's safe, whether or not this person likes him or this person agrees with him. He never defends himself, despite his tendency to defend others. If you hurt or offend him, he isn't one to speak up. He'll let you beat him up, whether it's physically or verbally, and assume that he did something to deserve it.
”Attack” Tendencies: During an attack, Aailen turns into the polar opposite of himself- he lashed out verbally, making accusations, insults, screaming things at people at the top of his lungs. He also beat on anybody who got close enough to try and calm him down. He was the first Half-Sight to have an attack, and eventually fell into a coma that lasted a week and a half. The second attack was the same, though his state of unconsciousness was shorter. He's only had two attacks so far.

History: As all of the Half-Sights in the Roshel household, Aailen was born and raised there. Both of his parents are long dead, having given birth to him later on in life. He's always been gentle, helping other Half-Sights and the seeing servants whenever and however he can. Even when he was young, he was the favorite of the cook, and was often rewarded with bits and pieces from the kitchen. Aailen was there when Alexander's father died, as well as his mother, and he was also there for Alexander whenever he needed him. He loves the mansion, the people there and the life he has. He's a content little Half-Sight.

Up For Love: Absolutely, though he won't be able to catch on easily if you "make a move." He'll probably also be too shy to admit if he's fallen in love.
Other: He has a bizarre love for raspberries, and will do anything in his power to get ahold of a handful. He gets cravings, and some assume that he's addicted to the sweet little berries.
Last edited by eldEr on Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:48 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Daila Lestair

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Abilities: Healing, Half sight seeing, can make others see half sights, slight telepathy

Appearance: She's said to be the spitting image of her mother, with her father's nose. Her hair isn't normally this disheveled. Normally she has it in braids or in a loose bun. Since she's been sick, her skin has lost it's childish glow, and her eyes just don't sparkle the same way. She hasn't smiled in a while, either.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Dai seems to be rather random with who she likes or doesn't like, but she's a rather friendly child. Just don't be offended if she doesn't like you right away. She still has her childish innocence, so she also has a habit of being nice to not so nice people. She's always honest, and always well mannered. She's chipper to help, she's one of those children who just love the company and who love to pretend to be adults. Being ill, it makes her sad that she can't be up and about. She's rather quiet, right now. She kinda just wants someone to play with.

History: Dai doesn't remember a lot about her father, just that he was a very mean man who did very bad things to mommy. Anytime she saw mommy was hurt she knew she had to help her. One night, mommy took her and ran. She was scared, so Dai was scared too. They ran away for a long long time. During this time, Dai started to develop a bad habit. Sleep walking. She would wake up and have no idea where she was, then mommy would have to find her. She doesn't understand why it worries mommy so much.

Up For Love: Well... she's kinda only seven... so I'm going to have to say no.

Other: She prefers 'Dai' (like Day) to 'Daila'.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:49 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Lyric (Her true name, of the Old Tongue, is pronounced something along the lines of Xhi'nauudé. However, she promptly discovered that this was nigh impossible for any of the humans to pronounce, and so diligently attempted to find an appropriate translation. Even though her name would probably translate best to "Melody", she found the word "Lyric" first, and despite being informed of it's strangeness, has decided to keep it as her name. Many of the other Half-Sights call her by her true name, but all of the humans call her Lyric.)

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Abilities: Plant control - Lyric is well-known for spending copious amounts of time outside, and she has a strange affinity for growing weeds, much to the frustration of Alexander. She often helps out with the plants in the kitchen garden. Although she is good at ensuring the health and growth of the plants, her skills at changing their physical appearance is somewhat chaotic, as the household discovered when there ended up being a harvest of vividly pink cabbages several years ago.
Mild Dream Manipulation - This is something that Lyric rarely uses, as it drains her energy and usually ends up putting her to sleep. She only tends to use it when someone seems to be feeling down or ill, in which case she sits by their bedside to soothe their dreams.

Appearance: Lyric is fairly short for a Half-Sight, standing at only 5'7". She has quite a slight build, with soft green eyes and light brown hair.
She takes great pride in her hair, often tying it in elaborate constructions with an assortment of things that she finds pretty - obvious things like flowers can usually be found somewhere in there amongst less conventional things like broken pottery or pieces of rusted scrap metal.
Spoiler! :

Personality: If there was one word to describe Lyric, it would be 'inquisitive'. She is almost constantly pestering the household with odd questions about something new that she has dug up somewhere from the estate; she has an almost complete inability to differentiate between what is junk and what is valuable and has a slightly warped view on aesthetics.
Lyric is hugely unaware of the concept of danger, and ends up walking into bad situations without even really knowing how she got there.
On the whole she is very open and friendly towards other people, and can get extremely distressed when other people are in pain or sick. She doesn't understand how to deal with criticism or how to stand up for herself; in these situations she clams up and takes it to heart.

"Attack" Tendencies: When in an attack phase, Lyric becomes unusually silent and far more violent than anyone would expect her to be capable of, throwing anything near her to the floor in a fit of rage until she wears herself out. If she is outside or near plants, her powers will often act outside of her control, making any plants near her grow at a highly accelerated rate.

History: Lyric was the grand-daughter of Weliarah, and remained fairly close to her throughout her life, eager to learn more about the history of the Half-Sights, and to learn snippets of their language. Throughout her life she spent a lot of time following the members of the household around, trying to learn more about their race, and this is not a habit that has yet died out.
Since Weliarah's death, she has been unusually quiet, and has been asking less questions than people are used to hearing.

Up For Love: Yes.

Other: n/a for now

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:11 am
Lavvie says...

Spot for, um...household character with a power thing. Profile to be up *hopefully* by tonight :)

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:51 am
sylverdawn says...

*Would like to claim a spot for a male half-sight. Powers will be Shapeshifting, Element control, and telepathy. And a female servant with powers. Will post profiles later this evening.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:45 am
Lavvie says...

*Never mind that! I'm taking a Half-Sight, if possible...so no Household charrie*

Name: Raizel

Age: 42 (21 by human standards)

Gender: Female

Abilities: Pain Infliction Raizel's dominant ability is one that shouldn't be dabbled with, but, unfortunately, she doesn't take it as serious as she should. She uses it to her advantage most of the time, and sometimes for self-defense, but rarely. It's really only an ability for self-defense, but Raizel, who possesses a sometimes dark temperament, may use it against friends and/or family. However, because of her misuse, she hasn't quite yet grasped its full concept and so she frequently hurts herself unintentionally. She understands that the more power used, the bigger possibility it may affect herself, but Raizel promptly will disregard that.
Disguise Raizel uses this more to a good use than she does with the pain infliction, however, because it is not her stronger ability, it's harder for her to undertake. She usually disguises her hair and not her eyes, but sometimes she may change her eye color just for the heck of it. Raizel has fun with this ability, but sometimes uses it for whenever she may be in need of a quick and easy disguise. Nonetheless it being a medium ability, Raizel finds it draining often and fatigues her.

Appearance: Raizel possesses a very thin frame and some orange-ish freckles. Her eyes are big and hazel-green-blue. She has slightly reddish hair that's of a medium length. She's about 5'11" and carries herself with confidence, though she may appear to be a bit reserved/shy. She doesn't like much to arrange her hair elaborately (perhaps the odd Marie Antoinette style might come about, though) but she amuses herself with frequently changing her hair colour and sometimes eyes (see Disguise ability...medium above).
Spoiler! :

Personality: Raizel may come across as reserved and/or shy, but in fact she's a rather confident girl, for better or for worse. Her confidence sometimes takes to the extreme, for example when she uses her abilities. This also ties in with an ego which she *usually* keeps in checks. Nonetheless, it does get out of hand at the odd time. Raizel can also be just as ignorant/oblivious to things. Sometimes, she will not think "in someone else's shoes" (for lack of better words) and lacks empathy for some. She does, however, possess sweetness, when she feels like it. She's very stubborn as well, which annoys her peers to no end because she will never budge unless by a very, very, very good bribe. She can also be hot-tempered. Even with the rather negative qualities, Raizel is sweet at times, sometimes kind and perhaps gentle. Rarely does she reveal these more agreeable traits, but they're there nonetheless. Even though she may seem a little tough on the outside, she's warm on the in and someone could trust their life with her, no matter if Raizel hardly knows them. As long as she is informed if they are of decent character, Raizel will make sure no harm will reach them.

”Attack” Tendencies: Raizel is simply mediocre in hand-to-hand combat and combat with any weapons. However, if she was to attack, she would probably use her pain-infliction ability and her smallness to escape difficult situations if ever it was needed. She's silent in battle and tries to hide emotions and/or pain to deceive the enemy.

History: Raizel, like all the other Roshel Half-Sights, grew up with the others. She appeared to quiet and was rather scrawny when she was little, but very active. She ran about with the fellow youth Half-Sights and simply enjoyed life to its fullest. She's never known her parents: they are not dead but she's never heard talk of them and doesn't know what happened to them. She was informed that she had no siblings at all but her parents came from a wealthy family. However, since she grew up in the Roshel estate, she feels like the Roshels are family instead. Her childhood wasn't much excitement whatsoever.

Up For Love: Yes.

Other: Nothing...yet.
Last edited by Lavvie on Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:55 am
sylverdawn says...

*Here is my profiles PM me if you want me to change/add anything.*

Name: Reseph
Age: 38 looks 19
Gender: male

Abilities: Shape-shifting: A peregrin falcon, a wolf, and a panther-jaguar.

Appearance: Reseph is an atypical half-sight, tall and pale. He has long grey blue hair and shining silver eyes, like moon light and diamonds. As you can see in the picture he always wears an odd blade like pendant around his neck. He wields a strange crystal weapon that can change its form becoming either a sword, spear, or scythe.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/blue ... oy.jpg?o=4

Personality: Reseph is an odd one, even for a half-sight. He wanders far and wide, often leaving the safe haven of the estate for long periods at a time. He doesn't seem to know the meaning of fear and over the years has challenged many dangerous situations. Curious, adventurous, independent, and reckless. A dangerous combination if there ever was. Reseph lives in the present, giving little thought to the mistakes of the past or the consequences of tomorrow. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is fiercely loyal to his 'pack' as he refers to the others on the estate.

Once a very social person something happened at some point to change him, nowadays Reseph avoids most of the estates residents. He won't be their for every single event on the estate but if anyone's in trouble he'll help them come hell or high water. He also has a severe case of wanderlust.

”Attack” Tendencies: When he snaps Reseph has a strange reaction, one of his abilities increases wildly going on the rampage, while he's unable to use the other two at all. Which ability you deal with is kind of like russian roulette. He tends to lash out as his general surroundings rather than specific people, so long as you aren't in the vicinity you should be safe. Should, there's no guarantee he won't hunt you. His 'attacks' are accelerating so long as he is on the estate, he finds them happening less frequently when he is away on a trip.

History: The grandson of Weliarah, his mother died in child birth, his father is an unknown. None of the half-sights on the estate ever stepped forward to claim him, it's entirely possible he was sired by a half-sight not from the estate. With no parents he was raised by his grandmother, and as a small child he appeared to exhibit his grandmother's Sight. However Reseph feared what the future showed him and ruthlessly suppressed the ability. He was quick and clever as a boy, always the center of attention. When he was 18 (appearing 9) Reseph left the estate for the first time, determined to find what was beyond the horizon.

Reseph saw many strange and horrible things over the next three years. He learned to fight physically as well as magically. Saw grand cities and troubled borders. Reseph explored dark and forgotten realms of lost magic and arcane powers. All along seeking what had driven him from his birth place, the lost origins of the half-sights. He never found them, but still searches to this day.

When he returned home from that first 'adventure' his grandmother cried tearfully and begged him not to leave again. Turns out that the 'pack' had long thought him dead. Reseph tried to stay home but soon found the desire to journey driving him back to the long road. This time he made a deal with his grandmother. Three months out of the year he would stay home with his family, the rest of the year he could do as he pleased and go where he wanted.

But on his last journey something terrible happened. Reseph was captured by a strange group of people, a mish-mash of humans and half-sights much like his birth place. They tortured him and ultimately ripped his long suppressed Sight right out of him. Wounded and heart sore Reseph made his way home, only to find his grandmother already dead. The only parent he ever knew he grieves for her. Despite the fact that he has long denied his Sight he feels the loss of the power keenly, and sees himself as crippled without it.

Reseph is unsure whether his own enemies have anything to do with the growing chaos on the estate. But if they do it's going to be ugly. (Note: Unlike most of the estate's residents Reseph does not fear the ruins, instead finding them oddly comforting.)

Up For Love: Yes he's up for love and he likes girls. Reseph is badly wounded right now, in body and spirit. It will take a very understanding someone to mend this lads broken heart.

Other: He likes high places, and can often be found on the roof or up a tree. Reseph is nocturnal by nature but he's trying to stay awake during the day to protect his family from danger.

Since he and Lyric are both Weliarh's grandchildren is he her baby brother, or her cousin?

The below picture shows the clothes he usually wears.
http://media.photobucket.com/image/blue ... re.jpg?o=8
Name: Kaoli Vaden
Age: 21
Gender: female

Abilities: Weak elemental control over fire. Kaoli can create heat or small flames and sparks, she generally only uses the ability to light candles or warm her room during the winter. But she has found that if there's enough fuel around even the smallest spark can become an inferno. As evidenced when she set fire to the pig pen eight years back. Of course she was unconscious for a week, but the pen burned to the ground. Strangely the flames Kaoli creates are blue, not the typical red-gold color.

Appearance: Long dark brown hair, almost black. She has brilliant emerald colored eyes. Petite and curvy. She's like 5'4" in height.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/blac ... 1.jpg?o=11

Personality: Kaoli's personality is slightly abrasive. She's as hot tempered as the element she commands. Often getting into fights with people over the silliest things. But when it comes down to it she'll throw everything she is into protecting the people she loves and cares about. Despite her sometimes abrasive personality she has an age requirement before she argues with you. Kaoli adores small children often looking after them when their parents are to busy. Due to her past Kaoli has severe abondonment issues, the one thing guaranteed to make her explode is asking about her birth mother.

History: Kaoli is what is referred to as a 'doorstep baby'. One day someone just left her outside the estate and walked away, she was about two at the time. Turns out Kaoli's father was one of the servants, her mother just left her their without a word after Kaoli started setting fires with her mind.

Kaoli grew up on the estate and often spent time with the half-sights. Asking them questions and stuff. A brilliant cook Kaoli often makes sweets that she will sneak to the children on the estate. As she got older she became an excellent horsewoman and huntress, often bringing home venision or wild boar.

The estate is the only home Kaoli remembers or wants, and she will defend to her last breath.

Up For Love: Yes and she likes guys. Kaoli is much like a rose, the prickly type. But if you want feel free to brave her thorns.

Other: Not sure, will include anything I can think of as story progresses.
The image below is of her eyes. The one's in the other picture are brown.
http://media.photobucket.com/image/emer ... LD.jpg?o=7
Last edited by sylverdawn on Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:14 pm
Octave says...

Edit: Done!

Name: Larkin Metternich
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Abilities: The aforementioned super-weak telekinesis, please, as well as the ability to see half-sights. ;D
Appearance: Lark is tall and thin, but not skinny. All the running around he does has turned him into pure muscle - even if they're not too big. His bronze hair is slightly curly and always messy, and his eyes, while green, are not too remarkable unless you count the fact that they always seem to be twinkling in his excitement. He's not always smiling, as you'd expect, but actually appears serious, the kind of guy you'd expect to see sprawling on the bed in a languorous position. At first glance you expect to hear him talk in a tenor, drawling, when in actuality he talks in a low and serious voice. He sounds soothing and melodic, a startling contrast to his demeanor. Smiles are not uncommon by him, but he's most likely to have a neutral, almost thoughtful, expression as opposed to a joker-like grin.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Kooky Larkin Metternich is a staple of the Roshel household, and can frequently be seen rushing to and fro in a panicky excitement. He's very much in his own world, and it's unbelievably difficult to convince him to come down and visit Earth and every once in a while. He doesn't act his age at all, although he's very smart, and can be dull mature if he wants to. It's just that he doesn't see the point in things like responsibility (unless we're talking about his patients) and careful planning, and he's always haphazard. He's very curious observant and notes everything around him, but talks with a childlike animation that makes him very approachable to kids. Unfortunately, the same trait turns him exasperating to anyone who takes life very seriously like most adults. It's difficult to gauge if he takes himself seriously or not - his hurried, slapdash demeanor says no, but the expression on his face and the serious way he talks suggest so. To tell the truth, he doesn't think about that much. Due to his oversupply of energy, you'll never find him sitting down and doing nothing.

If and when you can convince the easily-excited man to come down to Earth and hear your problems as they are and not some weird bigger-universe metaphorical thing, he actually dispenses good advice. He's not a very good listener, though, nor can he convey his ideas very well. His ideas are crazy wild and fantastical, always ambitious and somewhat mad advanced for his time. He has a tendency to think there is some greater good behind everything, and is supremely superstitious. Lark is also odd in that he's easily hurt by things that aren't meant to offend, and oblivious to some insults that are. Others work the way they're intended. It's a crapshoot, really. Also, when something gets to him, it really does bug him and gets under his skin. Turns into a festering itch in the back of his head that won't go away until he somehow resolves it.

The main thing important to note about Lark is that it isn't that he refuses to understand and follow social conventions, it's more that he fails to understand them correctly/ misinterprets them. Thus, he could be very awkward in a conversation, saying things that normally mortify other people, things you don't include in everyday small talk like that itch you probably have on your backside given the way you're walking. On the bright side, he's very resourceful and helpful - if you get him to understand exactly what you want.

To be fair, technically, his internal logic is very solid. It's just that the basic precepts of that internal logic are flawed. If you follow his train of thought, he'll more or less make sense. However, unless you're a mindreader, he probably won't make any sense at all.

History: The Metternichs have been the personal doctors and attendants of the Roshels for years, often becoming very close friends with the masters of the households themselves. The Metternichs were around only a few years after Thomas Roshel settled in, and for years now the Metternichs have served the Roshels happily and faithfully. Of course, some of their sons would go off into the world to seek their fortunes, but there's usually a Metternich or two in the household, one as a doctor and the other as a servant. The doctors have their own private quarters and are treated with respect only slightly below that of the Roshels themselves.

Larkin Metternich is the only son of Reid Metternich and a housewife named Diana. He has a sister, and both of them grew up with Alex Roshel. The close quarters in which the Metternich children and Roshel grew up in contributed to a solid friendship and strong sense of loyalty from Lark's side, and an unrequited crush in his sister's case.

Even as a child, Lark always loved science. If there was something he could experiment with, he'd go for it. He often got himself and Alex into a good deal of fun and trouble, getting bitten by possums, trying to see if the laws of nature worked on Half-Sights as well, and switching people's makeup out with different things that only looked alike. Alex didn't get too much heat, as he was a Roshel, but Lark was scolded quite often - not that any of it ever seemed to get through to him. He was regarded with a fondness reserved for children, but as he grew up it became evident that Lark was eccentric, to say the least. He was sent to the city to study medicine and hopefully turn out more normal. It's rumored Lark was one of those who actually used cadavers in his study.

When he came back, he only got weirder. Life in the city was extravagant, full of patients to treat and mystery diseases to solve, which allowed Lark to burn out his energy. Here, back in the Roshel household, alone and without a sister (who'd run off with some other man from God knows where), he had absolutely nothing to do. Alex wasn't so much interested in experiments as he was in running the household now, which just added to Lark's itch.

He began to turn his attention to animals, and soon became the animal's doctor as well. Still, even the animals didn't get sick as often as he'd like, so he turned his attention to everything else in the world and started to fancy himself an inventor. He'd put together things and to be sure, his inventions work - they're just big, clunky, and not that useful sometimes, because his names don't really betray their uses. He's always thinking something or another, so he has a rather strange relationship with the housekeepers, who always have to watch out for him.

At present, Lark's mark on the Roshel household is most evident by the notes he leaves and hides anywhere and everywhere (including but not limited to other people's drawers, the water closet, on ceilings, and sometimes, he writes equations on women's mirrors with their rouge) and the possums/raccoons/foxes/geese/pests-that-should-be-out-on-the-field he caught occasionally waddling through the household. It's generally agreed that were it not for his family history and his talent at medicine (say what you will, but he's a very good doctor), Lark would be too much trouble to handle.

Opinions on him in the household range from wanting to crucify him, to amusement, to actual fondness/admiration for the man.

As of recent days, with the attacks, Lark has taken to running as exercise and to better aid him in getting away from those crazies, and avoiding Half-Sights in general. He's been attacked once or twice already, and saved a good deal of times. When Elodie and his daughter arrived, Lark was -luckily- spotted immediately and brought to attend to them. He knew how to deal with the mother, but the daughter was so sick Lark was a bit upset at first as to why they didn't call him earlier, when she wasn't so sick - he didn't know they were guests. He almost insisted on trying an experimental treatment he came up with on her, seeing as he lacked the proper equipment and medicine to treat the young girl, but Alex talked him out of it and he instead -reluctantly and somewhat huffily - agreed to have another doctor come in to bring medicines for his patient. Currently, he's still in charge of them and they're still his patients.

Up For Love: oo Sure, if you can handle this guy and the madness he brings.

Other: He's an excellent doctor who fancies himself an inventor, but that'll be obvious when I write down his history. He's pretty good with animals normally considered pests (rats, snakes, foxes, raccoons, and such), but is terrified of horses and thinks of dogs (man's best friend and all) as substitutes for humans in his experiments (leading to him talking to them sometimes, and occasionally asking them to do something they can't - like walk on two legs :/). Pretty good inventor too, and always makes devices that are helpful in little things that don't really seem much, but are big leaps to him. He likes to believe his sister is doing well, so any comments in the other way will be taken with an unwarranted gravity.

His father Reid is also still in the household, but is more or less retired and has given the position of house doctor to Lark. Most of the time, Reid is just around to tend to smaller wounds when no one can find his son.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:32 pm
Vramel says...


(Can't do it too busy.)
Last edited by Vramel on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a Writer!

If you want to help a dragon egg in need click here: http://dragcave.net/view/YQdH

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:59 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Mind if I claim the last male half-sight? I'll post the profile up presently ^_^
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:07 am
Synnoev says...

Taking another spot ^^

Name: Thomas Edwards
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Abilities: None
Appearance: Thomas always appears perfectly groomed and neat, with rarely a crease visible on his clothing. He is of average height, standing at 5'11", and has a fairly slim build. His hair is brown and slightly long, and his eyes are a dark grey-brown. Usually his default expression lingers somewhere between mild disapproval and scepticism.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Thomas is quietly sceptical of everything that happens around him, not truly believing something until he has seen it with his own eyes. Which raises some slight problems in the Roshel household, of course, seeing as he is one of the only people who are unable to see the Half-Sights. He generally wavers between almost believing the other household members when they talk of the mysterious beings, and thinking that he is the only sane one in a house of crazies.
Thomas is distant and reserved in a polite manner, preferring to keep an arm's length away from the other household staff lest he catch their peculiar brand of madness. He is a man of little words, and is generally only caught conversing with the members of staff who seem to be the more sane, and the rare others who are also incapable of seeing the Half-Sights.
For the most part, Thomas seems pretty unfazed by all the chaos around him, often reacting with little more than a raised eyebrow and a quiet half-sigh.

History: Thomas moved to this manor two years ago, happy to have managed to get a job at such a prestigious manor. He promptly discovered that things were not to be quite so simple, spending the majority of this first two months at the house uncertain of whether to be more terrified of the fact that the house sometimes seemed to have a mind of it's own, or that over half the occupants of the house were adamant that some unknown creatures called 'Half-Sights' were living under the same roof, despite the fact that Thomas was unable to see these creatures even when pointed directly at one.
Since then, he has become more accustomed to the fact that the entire household may be stark-raving mad, and sees it as his business to properly attend to guests and attempt to protect them from the contagious crazy which seems to have affected the rest of the staff.

Up For Love: Yes
Other: n/a for now

@sylver: I think that they would be cousins, otherwise wouldn't it be more obvious who Reseph's father was? :)

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:12 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Name: Lecoria Masnya (lay-core-ee-uh maw-znee-yuh), but she mainly goes by Cori or Core.

Age: Her eighteenth birthday was last week.

Gender: Female.

Abilities: None

Appearance: Cori is on the tall side, and her body isn't willowy and thin- it's muscle and sinew, built up from years of work. Her skin is fair, and she has full lips and eyebrows. Her hair is medium blonde, bordering on copper, and is cut just around her collarbone. She usually has it pulled away from her face and off her neck, often with thin braids in it. Her eyes are a peculiar shade of brown, and can look golden. She's never a hundred percent clean -she's usually got dirt or grass stains on her.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Cori's a tough girl, and knows how to work for what she wants. She's very independent and hates being offered help. In her mind, she's perfectly capable of just about anything without any help, thank you very much. She hates dresses, pinching shoes, and just about anything that reminds her that she's female. She can get stubborn and has a bit of a sharp tongue, which gets her in trouble when she's not careful. Despite her hardheadedness and pride, she really is a good friend, loyal and dependable. It's just establishing the relationship that's hard; she's not very good with social situations.

She works odd jobs- cleaning, cooking, sometimes helping with the animals and gardens. She's well rounded, and has a strong immune system. She fits in more with the guys than the girls, and can put up a very good fist fight. If she has to use a weapon, she'll use a rod or a staff. She prefers to carry a big stick over a big blade. She has trust issues and hates, hates, hates talking about her past. Sometimes she works herself too hard and skips meals and water breaks. She's never really gentle unless she's helping the animals.

History: Cori never really had an easy life. She started out in a very large, very poor family, and even then, at a tender age of five, she was working hard to help her family. She had five brothers and five sisters, ranging from nineteen to eight months. She was six when the plague hit, and wiped out every last family member she had... but not her. She was put into the foster system, and after bouncing from abusive home to abusive home, she finally just ran away at age ten, and found herself begging for a job. A kindred soul from the Roshel home gave her a spot, and she threw herself into it, finally finding something familiar.

All she remembers is fear and loneliness- the memories of her family are painfully vague and distant. She still has burns and scars from the worst of the foster families, and has problems letting people in. She hates being touched because of it. She doesn't talk about where she comes from- she only dreams of where she can go.

Up For Love: Yes, just PM me if you want her.

Other: She held on to one thing from her home. It's a simple silver wedding band that she grabbed from her parents' bedroom before she had to leave. She wears it on a thin chain under her shirt.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:33 am
Skorpionne says...

I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

"In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls -- with the great outside world."
— Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery