
Young Writers Society

Dal Øy

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:26 pm
SisterItaly says...

Dal Øy is an island purged with horrible weather, and dragons. You live on this island, and you have your whole life. You’re just like the other vikings you’ve grown up with; you hate dragons and you’ve spent your whole life learning to kill them.

You’re all scheduled to start training in the morning, but you’ll never make it to your first lesson in dragon slaying. Instead, you all wake up deep in the forest on the island. Not one of you understand what’s happening, but you’re prepared for the worst.

The first thing you see is two figures stepping out of the trees. You’ve never seen them before, so you’re wary of attack. Although... they don’t look very threatening. The next thing you see are two dragons coming out of the tree behind them, and you’re unarmed.

They tell you not to worry, and not to be afraid. The dragons won’t hurt you. Ha. Right. One of the people in the group charges the dragons and they, in turn, fight back. One of the two mysterious people pushes the silly antagoniser out of the way and together, they calm the dragon.

They have much to tell you, but not a lot of time. So for today, your first lesson is that of trust. They’re going to send you back to town and pray that you will not give up their location.

Spoiler! :
Town name: Dal Øy (Valley Island)

Geography: The island is a far sized island, mostly covered in thick forest. It’s called Valley island because the town is settled in one large valley, near the water. This allows easy access to the docks. The climate around Dal Øy is crazy, it goes from one extreme to the next in a heartbeat. For four and a half to five months of the year the island is covered in snow; and hail storms shot down ice the size of rocks. Big rocks. For another three months the heat is heavy and suffocating, but for a viking this is more bearable then the hail. For the remaining months, it’s almost like a nice, tropical heat.

Economy: Being so far away from their original homes, trade can be difficult. They rely mostly on their own resources. Growing food can be difficult, it’s mostly citrus and bland veggies like cauliflower and broccoli. Live stock grows well here. They have plenty of grazing ground, and breed for about four months out of the year. Currency isn’t used in the town, they help each other out. So there are no poor or rich in Dal Øy.

Vikings: Generally hate dragons, and have grown quite obsessed with the murder of them. They know only the bad side of dragons, the side of defense and aggression. Most of the year is spent preparing for winter and training to fight dragons. Some times they capture dragons and put them in a ring to fight to the death with a viking.



SisterItaly - F - Gray

Isha - M - Love


Isha - F - Adela

Celtica - F - Karena

Undertaker - F - Atli

ScarletteFire - F - Torhilda

Varmel - M - Vincent

Synnoev - M - Davin

LavenderBlue - M - Rune

Character Profiles:

Name: (Keep it Vikingish)

Age: (16+)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Appearance: (No Scene)

Personality: (At least 100 words)

History: (Remember, you’ve been on this island your whole life. So just give us a general impression of what the other vikings think of them)

Up for Love: (Yes or no)

Weapon: (Axe, Hammer, those rock throwing things, swords)

Other: (Anything we forgot?)


- All normal SB/YWS rules apply
- Cussing is allowed, but not to excess and no F-bombs
- No sex scenes, but romance is allowed
- Posts must be 800 characters
- No godmodding, and no all-powerful dragons
- No Ooc posts in the SB, we have a DT for that
- This SB is co-run by IshathePirate and SisterItaly
Last edited by SisterItaly on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:13 am, edited 4 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:30 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Gray

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Gray isn't known for being passive, and she won't back down from a fight. Out of the twins she can be the more immature one. She'd never turn down a fight once provoked, and when fighting she doesn't like to use mind games. She gets right to the point and does what needs to be done. She's not very good at the whole... conversation thing. Though, she is terrific with animals. Especially dragons. If she had the choice to save either her brother or her dragon, she'd probably save her dragon. She'd never tell her brother that, though. There are times when she feels her dragon is the only one who truly gets here. Note: She never calls Medousa [Med-O-sa] 'Her dragon'.

History: Gray and Love have lived with dragons ever since they were born. Their parents lived with them before then, but disappeared one day never to be seen again. This put Gray in a depressing down spiral, one that even Love couldn't bring her out of. Then came the day she found Medousa's cracked egg. She took care of it until it hatched, then the hatchling attacked her. For a few weeks, that's all the hatchling did. Attack her, and Love. When she finally got it to calm down she and her hatchling sort of... connected. It still doesn't like Love.

Up for Love: Sure

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :
Medousa doesn't like Love and she's constantly tripping him/knocking him over. Gray also *loves* to dance, but she does so in private. Not even Medousa knows about her dancing.
Last edited by SisterItaly on Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:16 am, edited 19 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:32 pm
CelticaNoir says...


Name: Karena Halmsdottir

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: (At least 100 words)

History: (Remember, you’ve been on this island your whole life. So just give us a general impression of what the other vikings think of them)

Up for Love: (Yes or no)

Weapon: (Axe, Hammer, those rock throwing things, swords)

Other: (Anything we forgot?)
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:19 pm
eldEr says...

Name: Love

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Love has very long, very, very bright red hair- not to mention a beard that surpasses his years. (He's extremely proud that he was able to grow it so thick so soon, and assumes that it's the envy of every boy in the village) His eyes are a lighter brown color, though there's an undertone of... something else there.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Love lives by the motto, "Yesterday doesn't matter at all, and tomorrow won't matter until it comes." In other words, what happened in the past stays in the past. He's been like this since he was little; he's always believed in 'forgive and forget,' not for the virtue, but because he finds grudges useless things that fog the mind. In his mind, anger is the most dangerous, as well as the most useless emotion one is capable of. He lets it go as quickly as he can, choosing to the 'cold and calculated' aproach to battle. You can be cold and calculated without being bitter and angry, after all.
In his mind, the past is the past and it will never be the present, and it will certainly never be the future. He remembers, but he doesn't let what happened back then eat him up now. He's very quick to get over things such as deaths and other such tragedies, and he doesn't stay in a slump of depression for long. On the other hand, he doesn't usually worry about the future, either. He does what he does in a day, uncaring of what the consequences will be until they happen. The present, right there, right then, is all that matters to him. It's gotten him into more trouble than he cares to admit, but all of those are past events, too. What does it matter?
Love isn't outgoing, though he isn't shy either. If he has something that he really needs to say, he'll say it. Otherwise, he'll let others have their turns talking, waiting until somebody adresses him. He carries conversation well, just don't expect him to be the first one to speak.

Gray and Love have lived with dragons ever since they were born. Their parents lived with them before then, but disappeared one day never to be seen again. Love seemed far less affected than his sister. He was upset, he mourned and wished that they would come back- all of those things, but he did as Love does and put the past well behind him and pushed forward. He tried to shove his sister along with him, but it didn't work so well. Try as he might, he couldn't bring her out of her depression, and honestly, he wonders if his efforts haven't just made Gray hate him; or at least find him irritating beyond all belief.

Up for Love: Ja

Weapon: War Hammer

Other: Love has a dragon that he found when he was younger, not long after Gray found Medousa. He's a pink dragon named Beal.
Spoiler! :

The twins also have a very, very tiny dragon (not a hatchling, he's fully grown and named Chellitesko)
Spoiler! :


Name: Adela

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Adela has very long, strawberry-blonde-mostly-blonde hair and light green eyes. Her skin is very freckled, face, arms, legs, torso, back... everywhere. She's tall, around 5'7'', and feels awkward about her height. (Very late growth-spurt, she was the shortest girl in the village for a long time. She has yet to get used to things) She's very toned, and there isn't much that's "soft" about her. At all. She's all sharp edges, toned muscle and bone from a mixture of exersize and careful eating.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Adela isn't an exceptionally likable person. She's cold, sarcastic, nagging, and has a very nasty temper. Everything out of her mouth is either negative, sarcastic or something that you just can't make sense of, and she takes all of her joy from irritating or confusing others. She tends to be dishonest- just because lieing amuses her. She definitely isn't what one would call loyal; not by any means. She doesn't make friends easily, but then again, there's really no question as to why. On the other hand, immaturity (farting noises, tripping, all of those such thing) irritate her like you wouldn't believe. She's extremely tempermental, and if you've made her mad, bet your whiskers that she'll let you know. She has major pride issues, as well, and refuses to be wrong, even if she obviously is. She likes to assume that she's entirely independant of everybody and everything, and asking for help is something that humiliates her like you wouldn't believe.

Under it all, Adela's extremely emotionally unstable. She doesn't understand that people have feelings that she should care about, because nobody's ever really cared for her. Every time she's every gotten close to anybody, they've found some way to hurt her. She has dubbed all people untrustworthy. The wrong words from the wrong person could have her lashing out one second, and running of to cry the next. The right words from the right people, on the other hand, may earn them her trust. Maybe. And just a quick note, if you ever catch her in one of her sobbing moments, tease her and you'll be dead.

History: Adela's life has been... well she doesn't like to talk about it. Ever. Her father died when she was five, after a few years of neglect. Her mother was no different, neglect, emotional and physical torment and abuse... They don't get along. And still, Adela's mother blames her daughter for what she's become- she's ashamed of her, and it only makes things worse for Adela. She took up excessive self-training, a cautious diet and smacking others around to give herself something else to think about, and a reason to be out of the house.

Adela's mother arranged her marriage with Davin for a few reasons: To get the little wretch out of her house, and in hopes that Davin will be able to "fix" her. (In other words, make her turn to tradition and be a "normal, good" wife.) It's been nearly a year, the wedding's not far away, and her feelings about it have gone from rage to fear. Not that she'd show it.

Up for Love: Aye

Weapon: Battle Axe (A big one)

Other: (Anything we forgot?)
Last edited by eldEr on Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.

got trans?

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Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:31 pm
Undertaker says...

I'm done.
Last edited by Undertaker on Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:11 am
ScarlettFire says...

Ah, you guys always do this! XD I'm so in. Profile coming soon! ^^

Edit: Profile.

Name: Torhilda "Tora".

Age: 17.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Tora is tall for a girl, around 5'8", with long, bright red hair, lightly tanned skin that would be really pale if she stayed out of the sun like a normal girl and very pale grey eyes. She's slim, athletic and much stronger than she looks, yet she still has a bit of 'softness' to her--but be warned, she'll probably break something or someone if you tell her she's soft.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Despite her somewhat distant and arrogant first impression, Tora is actually kind, loving, caring, smart, determined, playful, loyal and fierce, though very easily distracted. She hates to see those she cares about hurt. She can get really defensive if someone she likes is harmed. Try not to make her mad, as she can get really mad. And a mad Tora is not a good thing. She’s talented at many things, but her downfalls are her short temper and those who try to pry into her business. She’s definitely quiet and thoughtful more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something, especially when she's doing something. Tora likes to plan things out, if she can, and dislikes when her plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And she has made a few mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. She also hates being called helpless or a coward—it’s another downfall of hers. She may have a blank, cold and uncaring edge to her expression, like she’s lost all emotion or just doesn't give a damn about the rest of the world. This is because she's feeling sad.

History: Tora is the daughter of the Clan Chief's sister, born into luxury, some would say. Wrong. She was meant to be a boy... Well, according to her father. Her mother couldn't care less. It's safe to assume that her father is angry. Furious, really. Not that Tora cares. And as for dragons? Don't ever mention them to her parents. They loath them, and they brought Tora up to hate them. But she has a suspicion. Maybe dragons aren't so bad after all? Then again, her mother did always say Tora was the odd one out.

Up for Love: Sure, if you can break through that distant and arrogant facade.

Weapon: Double/Twin Swords; Two intricately carved long swords that her uncle gave her.
Spoiler! :

Other: N/A.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:35 am
Vramel says...

Name: Vincent Hawk

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Spoiler! :

Personality: Vincent is a fearsome Viking, but isn't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of him for that. He is strong and tireless, frequently shouldering burdens that would tire lesser men. You probably know which end of a sword to hold, but you're not a fearsome fighter by any stretch of the imagination.

He has a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. He sometimes come off as a bit of a snob. Vikings are not snobbish people -- they either like you, or they kill you.

He is very intelligent, and likes to think of himself as the person who is a strategist, planning the attack. He will use his knowledge and wits to get him out of deep situations and will always prevail. He is big-mouthed, and will strive to prove his point, even if he has to 'bend the truth' a little. Which proves to be a very bad aspect when conversing with other people.

History: Vincent has been brought up to hate dragons, they're after all, un-intelligent beasts with only the intention to kill. He has often thought of the uses of dragon parts though, some wiser Vikings say there claw is in-destructible, even to the finest of blades. Some even rumoured dragon's to be magical, but magic is not real.

Though he did make a dragon-skin bow, and it is very accurate and Vincent has been asked many times to replicate it, but dragon-skin is rare to find, and is worth a lot for it's defensive properties. Dragon claw is ever rarer.

Up for Love: Yes.


Spoiler! :

Even though this bow is made from dragon, it has extreme accuracy and Vincent will never part with it. He can also create different arrows, for example arrows that can easily light on fire and poison arrows.

Other: He keeps this necklace as a good luck charm, could be used for a cool twist in the storybook:

Spoiler! :
I'm a Writer!

If you want to help a dragon egg in need click here: http://dragcave.net/view/YQdH

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Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:53 pm
Synnoev says...

Name: Davin

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: Davin is ruled by society's guidelines, and he places a lot of importance on tradition. His entire mindset is based around what is expected of him to do, and he carries out his duties to the best of his abilities and aspires to be as strong and renowned as the Elders of his village. He has a great deal of loyalty towards his village and disapproves of the trainees who don't seem to feel as strongly against the dragons as he does. He has severe trust issues towarsd anyone who is not of his village, even the rare traders who have passed through in years gone by.
He gets very hesitant when what his personal thoughts conflict with what society believes, torn between his loyalties to himself and to his village. Usually he would choose to make whichever decision put his village -his family and friends- at least harm.

History: Davin is generally known to be one of the more focussed ones of the younger vikings. His family is renowned for being comprised of strong warriors for as long as the village as been warring with the dragons; he is the youngest of three sons, both of his brothers having already proven their place in the village before him.
He is part of an arranged marriage with Adela; although he feels little for her, he has nevertheless agreed to the plan to please his family and out of a sense of duty.

Up for Love: Yes - although he is part of an arranged marriage agreement with Adela.

Weapon: Davin has a pretty massive hammer that he is fairly proud of, as it was one that was passed down from his uncle who died whilst in battle with a dragon, and who had been well-known for being a powerful warrior within the village.

Other: n/a

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:54 am
Lavvie says...

Ishpak said I was to come here. So male spot. Profile posted later tonight.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:17 am
Lavvie says...

*Note: I am terrible with male characters. So, please bear with me on this.*

Name: Rune

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rune has straight, semi-long blond hair. He is well-built and stands about 6'1". He has a very intense look and possesses light brown eyes.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Rune is very warlike, almost to an extreme. Most times, he puts battle/fighting before anything else which can obviously prove to be difficult for other people. He is just as arrogant, thinking he is better than he actually is at combat. He's fairly average at combat, though his confidence may push him harder, therefore he may seem skilled in battle, but in fact he's not at all really...if that makes any sense. He may be arrogant and selfish but he also possesses compassion/mercy for others. He will not kill just for sport. He believes in a fair chance for everyone (unless in severe circumstances) and offers it to usually any adversary. He may seem cold-hearted but when someone close to him is in danger or hurt, he'll do anything he can to assure their safety and well-being. Rune can appear rather complex to some, but those he chooses to be close to really learn that he's rather kind and soft. Sometimes.

History: Rune has, for the most part, been a rather selfish boy on the island and so the fellow vikings regard him with distaste...mostly. They recognize his arrogance as well as his compassion for others. The vikings his age are perhaps judgmental to him, but they respect him just as he would they. Now, nearing an age of maturity, Rune has not let go of his arrogance, but he also sees that he must be kinder to be liked and trusted. Therefore, he is being a lot kinder, but he's still his same old self. But due to this slight change in attitude, the younger vikings are liking him a bit better and sees he has just as much to offer as they do. Rune grew up with his father, who was a rather harsh and devoted dragon-killing viking (so you can see where Rune got the sour attitude), and his mother had passed away in childbirth. With no other siblings, Rune didn't really learn the basics of socializing and when finally he was released into the viking world (his father kept him working hard all day usually), it was not easy to make friends and Rune never was successful at finding them either. Now older, of course, it seems Rune has decided to not quite follow in his father's footsteps, but nonetheless he does a bit.

Up for Love: Yes...if you can deal with his arrogance.

Weapon: Rune has a simple viking sword engraved with viking patterns. He always has it with him even though he uses it half the time he's around.
Spoiler! :

Other: He wears a small black leather bracelet always on his left wrist. He made it when he was little and has since worn it and never has it been removed from the wrist.
Spoiler! :

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:50 am
SisterItaly says...


The sun shown brightly down on the little clearing. Gray inhaled deeply and stretched out as she soaked up what little sun was in the clearing. Chell crawled up her arms and between her fingers, letting his little tongue flick out. The little vikings would be waking up soon. The ones the twins had picked to hopefully solve this million year long war between dragons and vikings. That was easier said than done.

There was a thump, then a groan. Gray looked over her shoulder to see Love laying on the ground. It almost looked like Medousa was shaking her head at him.

"Get up, they'll be awake soon!" she said in a harsh whisper. Love opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped short, "And don't even think of blaming Medousa for this one."

He sighed and pulled himself off the ground. Not long now. Chell climbed down Gray's leg and ran over to Love. He cocked his little head and stared up at the viking before climbing up. Gray couldn't help but smile when she heard her brother chuckling.

She glanced through the trees at the groggy vikings before nodding to her brother. They wouldn't have much time. She gently put a hand on Medousa's foreleg and walked out into the clearing.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:48 pm
Synnoev says...


I blinked awake, rubbing a hand over my face as a sat up slowly. As I looked around, I frowned deeply, uncertain of where we were. This definitely wasn't the village camp... but somewhere on the outskirts, in a clearing in the forest. I didn't recognise this place, though, and I swallowed nervously, before looking around again.

There were about five others from the village laying around where I was, some of them also starting to wake, and I glanced over them, wondering if there was any pattern to who had come here. They were al quite close to my age, I noted, and- I stopped mid-thought as I realised who one of the crumpled forms was, and crawled over to watch by her side uncertainly.

Adela. Adela had been taken here too. I went to gently nudge her awake, but drew back as I saw her shift drowsily, her head raising up as she awoke. As she caught my anxious expression, she sighed with mild exasperation and scowled. "What do you wa-"

She stopped as she realised we weren't in the village anymore, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly before she reverted back to that unreadable expression. "Where have you taken me now?" she asked quietly, irritation flashing in her eyes. "Is this your idea of a ... a romantic getaway or something? Take me back, now."

I glanced away, then gestured to the rest of the people scattered around the clearing. "I didn't take you here." Another pause, then, more quietly, "I don't even know how we got here."

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:50 pm
Vramel says...


I awoke to see...not my familiar sight. Early morning traders entering and leaving the town, the blacksmiths making a start on a new armour set, fit with a longsword and shield.

What I actually awoke to was not at-all as comforting, unfamiliar Viking faces were staring as I awoke, and immediately got up. Taking in my surroundings, the place was only small and it seemed to be abandoned apart from us. I walked over to the first person I saw, a girl who looked the same age as me. She had bright red hair and had pale grey eyes, she also seemed to have a slight tan. I shook her awake and she gave me a very moody look before she came to her senses, she immediately bolted upright and pushed me over. She was obviously dazed and bedazzled as I was. She simply said:

Last edited by Vramel on Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'm a Writer!

If you want to help a dragon egg in need click here: http://dragcave.net/view/YQdH

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:47 pm
eldEr says...


Love clicked his tongue once, rubbing the top of Chellitesko's head with one finger. A nagging feeling was telling him that this was going to be a long day-- a feeling that he shoved off. It didn't matter, not really. Nothing would matter until it physically happened. He glanced back at Beal, patted his neck and started after Gray.

None of the vikings looks exceptionally happy to be here, not that it mattered. They honestly didn't have much of a choice. The first viking to see Love- or, more likely Love's dragon- let out a loud warning to the others. Love cringed, hearing a low, nervous-sounding moan from Beal. The dragon stopped, and Love didn't bother trying to urge him onward. The thing always had been a bit of a coward when it came to vikings.

Gray was already talking, saying that the dragons wouldn't hurt them. A skeptic shot up, knocking a rather disorientated man out of the way in doing so. Before Love could even blink, she was charging the dragons, huge battle-axe in hand, letting loose of a typical viking war-cry. Medousa perked up, which made Beal perk up in turn- and on raged a fight that lasted all of seven seconds before Love was shoving the girl away. With Gray's help, of course.

"For the love of Thor, they aren't going to hurt you!" Love muttered, shoving the girl back a few steps. So long as she was away from his sister and their dragons, things would be fine. Then again... Medousa would make a rather pretty throw-rug. "Go sit down or something and everybody, breathe a little."

He shot a look at Gray, eyebrows arched. She could deal with this.


I glared at the man, and then the girl. Dragons. They were little beasts-- big beasts-- that deserved the fate we gave them. It was one thing that I agreed with the rest of my villiage about. I spat to the side, twisting my axe in my hands before storming back to Davin. It was habbit, I swear. The man irritated me more than ever, but what choice did I have?

"I swear it on my axe, Davin, if you had anything to do with this I'll wring your scronny-"

He cut me off, voice containing some form of forced calm. "I didn't have anything to do with it, Adela." He started to say something more, but the girl was talking.

I didn't listen,I was too busy eyeing the dragons behind them. The grey one almost looked like it was glaring at me, and the pink one... well he just looked happy to have my axe away from his neck. Good, then. We had some understanding there. Maybe.

One of the beasts growled, making me shudder. Was thsi some sort of pre-wedding nightmare? The kind that had some sort of signifigance, perhaps. It was sending a clear warning: Don't marry Davin! in a metaphorical sort of way. Had to be. All I had to do now was stand here and wait for myself to wake up.

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Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:02 pm
SisterItaly says...


I quickly yelled to them that the dragons were harmless, and if they pulled another stunt like that I would kill them myself. Then I turned around and calmed Medousa down. I looked over when I heard another sharp thump and a groan from Love. That darn boy was always falling over.

"Love, Giddup." I spat with irritation, before I turned back to the group, "Now listen to me. Dragons aren't what you think they are. They are living, breathing, and highly misunderstood creatures." I heard a shout, someone calling for one of the missing vikings, "We don't have much time, brother." I whispered to him.

"I know, we're... we're going to have to let them go and hope for the best." he mumbled.

I gritted my teeth "Now, take what I've said into consideration, and whatever you do. Do not give up our location. Unless you want a bunch of hatchlings to infest the village because they won't know where to go."

I shook my head and turned from the group. So long ago... those vikings took the dragon's home. Love patted my back as we disappeared into the trees. With a quick jump I was on Medousa's back and we took off flying.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

Of those who say nothing, few are silent.
— Thomas Neill