
Young Writers Society

Dream on

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Thu May 12, 2011 2:02 am
emoticon220 says...

With my guitar on my back and my money in my torn, beaten, used Vans, I began to walk. It had been 2 months and little had changed. The silence stayed as loud as ever, the days stayed long, the pain felt fresh as new. The only thing that had changed were the nightmares, which grew more and more vivid:
"Eight, Nine, Ten! Ready or not! Here I come!"
My mind raced, even in dream-state trying to correct my mistake, trying to erase the memory.
"Cellia? Where are you?" CELLIA! NO! STOP!
It was the screech of the tires on the road that woke me up every time.
I didnt look back. I didn't want to see the house, the yard, and i definitly didn't want to see the street behind me. I was gone. I boarded the bus, the first one i found. I was just a girl, sixteen, lost and lonely, full of regret. I knew i had to change. "The past is gone, It went by like dusk to dawn"

You are a runaway, you left home for some reason, think about a ligitamate reason, no "I hate my parents"
No god modding!
*NO SEX!!!!!* kisses and relationships are fine, NO further!
watch the language!
have fun and keep character, ive done this one before and its super fun if you want it to be!

Full name:

Age (15-17pref):

History: (think this through!!!)




Up for love?



Full name:
Ariadne Drea (dray) Corion

Age (15-17pref): 16

History: (see above more will be explained through story)

Appearance: Copper Red hair, tall, muscular and stocky but not fat,
Spoiler! :
thats her face
story.jpg (36.45 KiB) Viewed 470 times
thats her hair color
story2.jpg (60.72 KiB) Viewed 470 times

Personality: Shes rough and not afraid to stand up for herself but shes also shy and quiet when shes uncomfortable, she feels responsible for the death of her sister but doesnt talk about it much.

Other: plays guitar, loves music, played rugby,

Up for love? For sure
Last edited by emoticon220 on Mon May 16, 2011 12:12 am, edited 7 times in total.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu May 12, 2011 2:21 am
SisterItaly says...

I'm in, wait up for a profile *Will finish*

Full name: Kaylee (Thorn) Envy Thompson

Age: 16

History: No, this isn't one of your classic 'I hate my parent' stories. Thorn never really knew her parents, she was adopted. She didn't have anything against her adoptive parents, they were amazing people. Unfortunately, they had unrealistic expectations of their new daughter.

Lawyer, doctor, CEO. A few choice words that came up during conversations about Kay's future, but she didn't want to be anything like that. She wanted to be an illusionist. So, in secret, she would put on little magic shows for friend's. Late at night she would even sneak out and practice.

Her parents became aware of her little magic acts and explained to her show biz was too hard to get into and that she should aim higher, but that wasn't what she wanted. That's when she made her mask, and started doing masked acts in public. Even though she loved her adoptive parents, she disobeyed them because she knew what was best for her.

Spoiler! :

Personality: She isn't known for speaking, and many believe she is a mute. Communication can be a little difficult. Her idea of communication is souly through expressions. A glare obviously means she's not impressed, a smile means this pleases her. Ect. Ect.

She's not opposed to running from a fight. She doesn't think it makes her look weak at all, then again she never really was one to care what people think of her. If she likes you, well good news! She won't beat you up! But that doesn't mean she'll follow you around like a little puppy or try to befriend you.


Up for love? Yes
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sat May 14, 2011 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu May 12, 2011 6:18 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Full name: Roxanna *Roxxie* Rain Onyx (She's also called Onyx)

Age 16
History: She has been abused by her father ever since she told her parents that she was bisexual well she didn't tell them she brought her girlfriend home... yeah he didn't take it well and swore he would beat it out of her and her mother helps to avoid being put in the same situation. She lost her twin sister Luna when they were 15 and she found her murdered her throat and stomach slit she still has nightmares and blames herself for it.
Appearance: Black hair with cerulean streaks midnight blue eyes pale skin burn scars on her face and regular scars on her arms back and legs. Has the words Luna 5/14/10 on her arm and celtic knots on both her wrists. Currently wearing: A dark blue peasant top, black converse with purple laces, black skinny jeans, a black choker with a raven pentacle on it, and a dark purple sweatshirt.

Personality: Quiet, shy, kind of jumpy, has an anger issue, when she trusts people she's very sweet, kind, and very understanding.

Other: Loves music, singing, can play the guitar, violin, and piano. Loves to draw and always has her Ipod. She got the burn scar from when her father threw her into a potbelly oven when she was five because she kissed a girl on the cheek.
Contents of her bag: A picture of her sister and herself at their 15th birthday, a black sketchpad with the word Free in silver on the cover, colored pencils, gum, Luna's favorite perfume Cucumber Melon, her Ipod, two thousand dollars, extra clothes, and her sister's favorite ring a silver band with a Garnet stone.
*Her father is a very Straight laced Jehovah's witness*

Up for love? Yes.
Last edited by Ladyofthedeathroses on Fri May 20, 2011 9:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Fri May 13, 2011 7:40 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Two please!

Full name: Blue Daniels

Age: 16

History: Blue's father left him and his mother when Blue was five, which deeply depressed his mother, to the point where she just drank and drank. His mother is a very angry, short-tempered woman. From age six and up, she took to beating Blue, mostly for no reason but anger for being left alone. Blue's mother is an absolute wreck and cant even keep a job. Since Blue was ten, he's had to find work, lying about his age, just to be able to feed himself and afford the very small house he lives in with his mother.

Appearance: Blue has a fair skin tone and wavy hair going down to his shoulders that's a natural mix of blonde and brunette. His eyes are a brilliant, emerald green and are framed by extremly long eyelashes. He's never had braces, so his bottom teeth are a little crooked, but the top ones are pretty straight. He stands at exactly six feet tall, is a little under average weight, and is moderately muscular. He always wears long sleeves, jeans, and refuses to cut his hair so that he can keep his scars and bruises covered. His entire back is covered in scars, from a belt, and even parts of his arms. He has burn marks on his arms, scars on his face and legs. His nose has a slight bump on it, from being broken in the past. He has a strong, square jawline, walks proudly no matter what, and has looked older than he really is his entire life.

Personality: Blue is a very proud person. He always keeps his head held high, no matter how upset, hurt, or afraid he is. He refuses to ever show fear and will never ever show a sign that he is in pain. By age eight, Blue learned how to hold back his screams when his mother beat him.

Other: He is wearing holey, torn up blue jeans. Also, a pair of extremely beat up, ratty sneakers. He's also wearing a short sleeved, faded black t-shirt and a long sleeved, worn, black leather jacket. He also has a beat up, duck taped up duffel bag filled with a couple books, bandages, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of socks. Also, he has a comb for his hair, his driver's license, and his wallet with only about one hundred bucks in it.

Up for love?: Sure

Full name: Michal McPhail (She's a girl. And her name is pronounced just like Michael)

Age: 16

History: Michal's mother remarried when Michal was eleven. Michal always found her stepfather, Mel, a creepy man and never really liked him. Then, at age thirteen, Mel's creepyness definitely shone through, when he began to sexually abuse her. Michal's mother, a business woman, was constantly traveling, so Mel found many...oppurtunities. For some reason, whether true disbelief or a safety blanket for herself, Michal's mother never believed her when she tried to say something. She would just wave Michal off and cover her ears until she walked out of the room.

Appearance: Michal is five feet four inches. She is rather thin, but not unhealthily, but has curves. She has dark red, almost black hair that goes down to her waist, eyes that start out gray on the outside and gradually turn light blue as they get closer to the pupil. Her skin is naturally very pale, but not sickly, has rosy cheeks, and natural red lips.

Personality: Michal is a very reserved girl, and she doesn't talk much. She used to be very outgoing, and that sometimes shines through, but ever since her stepfather started to sexually abuse her, she closed up. She hates it when people touch her, and if you do you'll likely to loose a finger. She's a very frightened girl, and it'll take a lot to get her to talk to you. She's become very afraid of the world. But if you get her to trust you, she's a brilliant girl with a bright smile who loves to laugh and have fun. She just needs someone to teach her how to trust, but not push her too far to fast, like her brother's friends often tried to do.

Other: Michal is wearing a pair of faded blue skinny jeans, a white peasent blouse, a golden locket with her name engraved on it, a pair of sperries on, and her hair is tied back into a loose braid, some shorter pieces hanging in her face. She has a bag with her name written on it which contains a hair brush, a hand mirror, three shirts (all peasant blouses, her favorite kind of shirt), two jeans, a pair of shorts, converse, flipflops, socks, a couple hundred bucks, a picture of her mother (the half with mel on it torn away), and her favorite cherry chapstick. She also always has about five ponytails on her left wrist, unless one is in her hair, as well as a golden charm bracelet even though the bracelt and the hairties clash.

Spoiler! :
This is what her peasant blouse(s) look like Image

Up for love?: Sure
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Sun May 15, 2011 7:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat May 14, 2011 2:59 am
Loller65 says...

Full name: Michael (Red/Rojo) Foreman

Age: 17

History: Michael is the child of a very affluent mother and father who constantly pressured him into being a perfect student. Being the sole heir to a tonne of money, he was kept sheltered and safe so that he would inherit the energy empire his grandfather had built. The pressure was so intense that he began to suffer from extreme panic attacks. He was tired of constantly being pressured into being perfect and living a secluded life so he left home to go find some adventure. In preparation for his exodus, he began practicing free running, but isn't very good at it. Before he left home, he withdrew about 2 thousand dollars to help him get resettled in Spain (where he wants to live).

Spoiler! :

Personality: Red (as he likes to be called, after his favorite Pokémon protagonist) is shy and reserved. With little to no sense of humor, he is usually gravely serious about the situation. He often keeps quiet and doesn't usually speak his mind about the subject matter and is used to using his money to solve his problems. He is extremely clever and can talk his way out of some situations, but more often than not pays someone to leave him alone. He is used to the good life and is sometimes not understanding of other, less fortunate people. He is also addicted to Pokémon, for it embodies the life he wishes to live (young, independent, capable of surviving all on their lonesome, and snappy dressing)

Other: His bag contains a multitude of objects that may at some point come in handy. Among them is is favorite device that he is almost never seen without, his DS.

Up for love? Yep.
Last edited by Loller65 on Sat May 14, 2011 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Sat May 14, 2011 1:10 pm
Kaywiia says...

Full name: Anabelle "Alan" Wright

Age: 17

History: Alan was raised by her father, her mother died giving birth to her. She had only an older brother, Jacob, who is four years older than her. Being raised by only two guys, she grew up as a total tomboy, using the name "Alan" as her nickname. She took multiple forms of martial arts, earning black belts in all of them. She also played basketball and baseall as a kid, but only continued with basketball because she wasn't allowed on the guy's baseball team. When Alan was 14, both her grandparents died in a boat wreck, and her father became a drunk. Her brother ran away a year and a half later, and it is belived he committed sucicide. Alan believes he is dead. The night before she ran away Alan came home from work to find her dad on the floor shot to death. The house was wrecked and a few valueables were taken. She believes the house was robbed. She ran away to prevent being sent to a foster home. She took all the money that was lying around the house, amounting to about three hundred dollars.

Appearance: (Minus the tattoo)

Spoiler! :

Personality: : She's a pretty sweet girl when you first meet her. She seems trusting and calm, but there is a fighting side to her. She changes moods quickly, an isn't one to back down from a fight. She can be a bit of a hypocrite sometimes, and likes telling people what to do. She is very impulsive, and gets herself into trouble a lot because of it. She's a bit of a tomboy and doesn't know when to back down from an argument. She's not very good at apologizing. She also, because of her history, has no idea how to handle a relationship and has never even been kissed. She loves basketball, running, converse, winning fights, showing off, and just having fun. She hates flowers, cats, and whimps.

Other: Her theme song is "Tomboy" by Krista Marie.

Up for love?: If it happens

The Truth Behind Her History: Her brother is alive. Jacob called his father asking to come home, to apologize. When he came home, his father was drunk, waiting there with a gun. They got in a fight, and most of the first floor of the house got torn up because of it. In the end, Jacob took the gun and killed his father to help Alan. He wrecked the upstairs and took some valueables so she wouldn't know what happened. She might run into him some time in the story.

Jacob (who is 21) :
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Kaywiia on Sat May 14, 2011 7:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat May 14, 2011 4:53 pm
emoticon220 says...

I think I forgot to tell you that were all on a bus ok?
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Sat May 14, 2011 6:12 pm
Loller65 says...

Oh okay. I was wondering how we were all going to meet up.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Sat May 14, 2011 11:26 pm
wonderland says...

Full name: Maria Emily Wells

Age (15-17pref): 16

History: Maria ran away becuase she was sick of people pretending to know what was best for her. She is a petty criminal and her parents caught her. Then they started to talk 'boarding school', 'institute', 'therapy'. They had her under a 24 hour type of surveillance, until she ran away with only a hundred dollars and her sketchbook. Maria is determined to make her life what she wants.

Appearance: Hazel eyes, black, bobbed hair. She's around 5'9, tiny and thin. Maria is pale She wears purple converse, black skinny jeans and a black peasant top. She has leather fingerless gloves.

Spoiler! :
selena-gomez-celebrity-curly-short-hair-bob.jpg (50.18 KiB) Viewed 391 times

Personality: Maria has a quick temper, and gets angry too easily. But she's a daydreamer and, other then stealing things, doesn't really focus on anything else.

Other: She's a dancer.

Up for love? Yeah
Last edited by wonderland on Mon May 16, 2011 2:20 am, edited 3 times in total.
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Sun May 15, 2011 2:39 am
emoticon220 says...

alrighty, fill the last spot and fix your profiles with any last minuet edits, we start in a week about ok?
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:56 am
RoryLegend says...

Full name: Tyler James (Ty) Griffin

Age (15-17pref): 17

History: (think this through!!!) Ty is the son of famous celebrity couple Garrett and Heather Griffin, who are best known for their series of action films "Tough Love," which were popular in the early 90's. Ty was even in the final film as a baby. Now, nearly 16 years later the studio wants to do another one and asked Ty to be in it. Ty enjoys to act but he also has watched the life of a celebrity as his parents have nearly been divorced multiple times, splashed in the media, harassed, and drawn in to a life of drugs and alcohol. Ty also never imagined himself as a screen actor, his dream was Broadway, something his parents scoffed at. Ty also knows that since the final film his parents have had few jobs and are obsessed with reclaiming their fame and the money wouldn't hurt either. Torn between love for his parents and a desire to follow his own dream Ty decided to try to get both. About a week ago Ty found an add for an off Broadway production in New York and is making his way there from California with what little money he could find. He plans to return home at the end of the summer in time to start filming.

Appearance: Originally Ty was a blond haired blue eyed boy with a surfer's body and California tan. He assumed, his parents being "washed up," his disappearance would go under the radar but because of recent buzz about the revival of "Tough Love" the day after he left he found his picture splashed across the news. So he dyed his blond locks a deep chocolate brown and put in some contacts changing his eyes from blue to brown. He let some stubble grow on his jaw line and stayed as under cover as he could.

TyGriffin.jpg (30.9 KiB) Viewed 459 times

Personality: Ty is outgoing as he likes to act and be a character. He's comical but also serious. He keeps to himself for the most part but doesn't shy away from a conversation or meeting new people. He's charming and using that to his advantage as much as possible. He also struggles internally with what he knows he is putting his parents through.

Other: Ty will often make up new personalities and identities and use them through his travels. He's learned to be a good pick pocket and with use whatever tools he possesses to get what he wants. His main goal is to get to Broadway and keep his true identity a secret.

Up for love? Chya :) (means yes)
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:24 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Can I pleeeeeaaaaase have another charrie!? I really want to test myself and see if I can do this one!

Full Name: Her real name is Antonia (Anne-tone-ee-uh) Copperfield, but she goes by Anthony formally and Andy for short, mostly just Andy.

Other (Had to move this up so it'd make sense to all of you): Andy is transgender. Meaning physically she is a girl, but she believes that she was born the wrong gender and is supposed to be a guy. Therefore, call Andy a he, though he's techinically a girl, and call Andy, well, Andy, though her legal name is Antonia

Age (15-17pref): 17

History: Back when Andy was Antonia, she was a tomboy and she always hung out with guys. She always prefered to wear boys clothes, which was okay because she had an older brother and just wore his hand-me-downs, and no one found it unusual. However, Antonia's family has always been strongly anti-gay. So when Antonia hung out with only guys and would buy guy's clothes herself, her parents started to freak. In eighth grade, Antonia came to terms that she liked girls, and couldn't tell anyone in her family, not even her older brother who she was very close with. Then in tenth grade, she came to terms that she was transgender. So, now he, told his friends and they started to call him Andy, as did his teachers. Eventually, Andy told her parents, who of course freaked. Now, they absolutely hate Andy and they can't stand each other. They're always fighting, always screaming, and they even tried to ship Andy off to a straight camp. When they told Andy they were going to send him there, he ran away with the clothes on his back, his guitar, money in his pocket, rolls of ace bandages, and his license even though he has no car.

Appearance: Andy stands at exactly five feet, so he's pretty short. He has wavy brown hair that is cut very very short, in a boy's way. He has deep, chocolate brown eyes and long, feminine eyelashes, which he hates. He is very thin and petite, so he can pull of being a guy with ace bandages around his chest and guy's clothes. His face is actually very feminine, which again he hates. He has very straight, white teeth and a fair skin tone.

Personality: Andy loves to just chill and relax. He loves music, and is a great guitar player and singer, though he sings in a high pitched voice. He has a great sense of humor, loves to laugh, and he's just like one of the guys. He's a great listener, a great friend, and gived great advice. He's really wise and has learned a lot, and he can't stand fighting, so he's a bit of a peacemaker. He's a very likable person and just loves to be with people and hopes that people will just accept him.

Other (yes, again): Andy is wearing black, guys, skinny jeans, a baggy (but not extremely so) black t-shirt, a pair of black ankle converse, and his black guys beanie. All he has with him is his license, the clothes on his back, a little bit of money, his guitar, his silver chained necklace with rainbow colored rings on it, an a thin silver case with, as much as he hates it, Antonia engraved on it containing five guitar picks, which he keeps in his pocket.

Spoiler! :
The necklace Image

He's probably never going to just come right out and say he's really a chick either, you'd have to ask him. Like, he's okay with it, but he doesn't prefer it.

Up for love?: Sure, but (s)he digs chicks

May edit it later, but this is the gist. Hope ya'll are okay with this
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Sun May 15, 2011 7:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:33 pm
qaralynn says...

heeey emoplush!! can I join please!!!!!!!!!! I'll post that profile thingy as soon as possible
"If they can't be with you at your worst, then they don't deserve to be with you at your best."

"Even though a ship won't sink at sea, it needs to be steered to get home."

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Sun May 15, 2011 5:56 pm
GoofySmurf says...

name:Jake autumn bush
history:Jake is a rich kid. who apparently gets whatever he wants. Although he has never been to school. Jake also secretly knows how to read while his family forces him not touch books. Jake's family allows him to buy books of his own but they do not let him get chapter books but picture books.
Appearence: red long hair
Ehh, who knows what to put here anymore.

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Sun May 15, 2011 6:42 pm
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fictionfanatic says...

Your charrie is kinda confusing. First, youre supposed to be 15 16 or 17, not 12. Second, never gone to school? Secretly reads? And his family forces him not to touch books but let him buy his own? It doesnt make any sense. Please fix it or clarify. Also, can we please start soon? We have a ton of charries.
Live, Love, Laugh

Stay gold, Ponyboy.
— S.E. Hinton