
Young Writers Society

Onward to Freedom

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384 Reviews

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Points: 14918
Reviews: 384
Sun May 08, 2011 11:23 pm
eldEr says...

Welcome to Kiralin, land of discrimination and hatred. King Teival hates you - hates you because you are inside of his walls and you simply don’t belong there. The land is ruled by the laws of Eetzuxaly, who demands blood, human sacrifice and a cleansed land. Teival is his most loyal follower - and to ensure that the laws of this dark lord and deity are kept and his dreams fulfilled, he has placed in some of his own laws.

The first ‘Cleansing Law’ placed was that of Anti-Eidonianism - a religion native to Aquariazzi that majorly opposes what the Kiralinites believe. The second was the law that outlawed every race other than human. The third stated that blinds, deafs and mutes are weak, and hence, they were outlawed. The most recent laws are the population laws - ones that state that peasants may only have one child and commoners are only allowed two. The high-up and the rich are allowed to have as many as they wish - they’re “clean.”

The kingdom’s capital city is nestled in the northern wall, a very large city known as Equoa. The palace is situated not far from there, and the city itself is one of the most heavily-guarded in all of Kiralin. It’s a dangerous place, and it’s your destination. What lies on the other side of that wall is freedom in the form of a land called Aquariazzi.

The kingdom is ruled by the young, though very wise Empress Shanazel and her husband, Emperor Dellan. They rule under the guidance of the Azzian deity, Eidonias - hence the Eidonians. This land is known for its freedom - for its equality. Nobody is thought of less there because of race, religion, gender, disabilities or abilities. Social status matters, though not nearly as much as it does in many other lands and Kingdoms - and fugitives are welcomed. The land is vast, and there’s always room for more.

Unfortunately, for you to get there would mean travelling past a short expanse of farmland, a jungle, and another, much larger, expanse of farm and grassland. And then you have to get into Equoa, past the guards and find a middle-aged man by the name of Seisan Aeri. He will show you to a tunnel that leads down into Aquariazzi - assuming he isn’t found out and killed before you reach him.

Where are you? In a city tucked away near the center of Kiralin, Zawin - a city even larger than the capital. This city is heavily guarded as well, though you and a group of outlaws have formed a small group - you’re going to travel together to Aquariazzi or die trying.

Spoiler! :
You start off as a member of the group of outlaws in Zawin. Your reasons for wanting to flee may vary from the rest of the group - but you’ve learnt to tolerate each other. You don’t have much of a choice. It’s been around a month since the group’s first started planning, and you’ve bribed a Kiralinite guard (a greedy one at that) to smuggle you past the walls of the city by a small wagon used for exporting goods in and out of the city. Your journey begins a few miles off the road. Good luck.

Outlaws, Races and Reasons
Spoiler! :
Anti-Eidonianism - The Eidonians follow the ways of Eidonias, Aquariazzi’s native god. They believe in no other deities, though they are taught to look at everything as equal, even those of varying religions and laws. They are typically peaceful, though they know how to put up a fight if threatened. They believe in forgiveness, equality, compassion and love. King Teival despises them so much because they typically teach and follow the exact opposite of what he does. Punishment for capture is torture until death or death in a public execution of Teival’s choice.

Other religion - This is any other religion that you can think up. If it doesn’t follow Teival’s religion to a T, it’s outlawed. Punishment for capture is hanging.

Racial Laws - Any race other than human has been outlawed. They are seen as ‘unclean’, as stated by Eetzuxaly and King Teival. Punishment for capture is imprisonment for life or decapitation. (List of races is found in the spoiler below)

Birth Order - If you are the second child of a peasant, you’re marked at birth with a swirl on your right cheek, and if you’re the third child of a commoner, you’re marked with a crescent on your left cheek. Usually, they are slaughtered soon after being branded. In some cases, the parents manage to smuggle the child away before that happens. Punishment for capture is public hanging or public decapitation.

Escaped Slave - Pretty self-explanatory. They’ve escaped slavery and are now trying to keep from being re-captured. All slaves have a tattoo in the form of two vertical lines and one horizontal line resting on top of them on the right side of their neck. Punishment for capture is 100 lashes as well as any additional punishment their master seems fit or public hanging.

Disabilities - Anybody who is blind, deaf or mute is thought to be cursed, and therefore unclean. Punishment for capture is hanging or imprisonment for life.

Spoiler! :
Elves - Elves are creatures of nature and can live for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Their powers relate to nature and the elements. They may have healing abilities, or control over one of the elements, or plants. The elves in Kiralin never have more than one power. They are not native to Aquariazzi, though there have been immigrants.

Audrais’i’oen - A race native to Aquariazzi and Aquariazzi only. These creatures have very human like appearances, though they are far more refined, their eyes are always a grey-blue color. They’re also taller, with females averaging 6’4’’ and males 6’7-8’’. There is no such thing as an ugly Audrais’i’oen - beauty is something that seems to run in their blood. They have varying powers, the most common of which are telepathy, minor wind control and the ability to teleport short distances. (In Kiralin, this power will be extremely weak, as they have not trained with it.) All Audrais’i’oen have the ability to heal to some extent. All are very loyal Eidonians, and they are firm believers in purity. Not once has an Aurdais’i’oen killed another being.

Lidor’ky’ses - Also a race native to only Aquariazzi. Nobody is quite sure how they ended up in Kiralin. Like the Audrais’i’oen, they have human-like appearances and are approximately the same height as their Azzian friends. Unlike them, however, they have wings. They are not feathered, and are instead made of a very light, though extremely hard-to-penetrate and extremely flexible skin. Their anatomy has yet to be completely figured out, though the wings are typically very large, and come in a variety of colors. These creatures are very fierce warriors and are more often than not extremely physically inclined. They are also often loyal Eidonians.

Wyng’tii - This race is not technically outlawed in Kiralin. Native to Aquariazzi, these tiny fairy-like creatures were smuggled into Kiralin, and are traded and sold and used in gambles. They are abused and kept in tiny cages, simple souvenirs to tourists. They hate to be mistaken as fairies, however. The difference? Wyng’tii are slightly smaller, and they have two wings on each calf that wrap around their legs while they are not in use. They all have green eyes, and their powers also differ from fairies. Every Wyng’tii can control fire to some extent, and they may have one additional ability: telepathy, dream manipulation, memory manipulation/walking, light or shadow manipulation, and the ability to take control of another mind for approximately three minutes at a time. (This ability is weak - it can be blocked by those with a strong enough mind, and using it more than about once a day is extremely exhausting.)

-No godmodding. It’s unfair and it’s annoying. Godmodders will be warned twice, and if it continues, your character will be killed off. No exceptions.

-No perfect characters or Mary/Gary-Sues. Again, these are incredibly unfair and annoying to deal with.

-Posts must be at least 1000 characters or 300 words long. It’s not lots, so please keep it above that mark. You can check your character count in the box below your post, or use the word-check tools if you’re using Microsoft Word or OpenOffice. There are also numerous online word-count tools. One liners are not tolerated.

-Use good grammar, proper punctuation and try running a spell-check if you can before posting. The posts must be separated into paragraphs in appropriate areas - all of those regular writing things. NO NET-SPEAK. Posts also must relate to previous posts and be overall readable.

-No double-posting unless nobody has posted for at least 24 hours.

-Romance is allowed and encouraged, but sex scenes are majorly frowned upon.

-Swearing is allowed, but no f-bombs please. Keep it to a minimum, as we really don’t need your character swearing every second word.

-If you have another race/species that you would like to use, PM me with basic information, appearance, etc... first. If I decline, then I decline.

-No OOC (out of character) posts in the Storybook at all. All of those can go in the DT. Also, do not claim a spot with one post and then post again with your profile - edit your previous post. The DT should be checked regularly.

-Max of two characters per person. (This will be upped to three if need be - but it will remain at two for now.)

-There are a lot of options for characters, so please make them diverse. Fill up the slots that are there. And note that humans can be a mixture of things - a blind second-born, or a deaf Eidonian or anything else that you can think up.

-There are no earthly religions in this storybook. They should all be original ones that you come up with, or your character is an Eidonian. (Please PM me your idea for a religion before using it.) This is to avoid offending anybody, and this rule should be respected.

-All profiles are read by me (and everybody else *hinthint*), and they are okayed by me. If I PM you asking you to change something, change it. You’ll have three chances, and then your character will be killed of before the storybook starts.

-Inactive characters will be killed off, so please try to post regularly.

-If you have any questions regarding anything - races, characters, histories, or anything else, please PM me. I won’t bite you or anything, I promise.

Slots: (more may be opened if needed.)

Other Races -

Lidor'ky'ses (M) - IshaThePirate
Lidor'ky'ses (F) - NinjaCookieMonster

Audrais'i'oen (M) - Kitty15
Audrais'i'oen (F) - Ladyofthedeathroses

Wyng'tii (M) - ehte92
Wyng'tii (F) - IshaThePirate

Elf (M) - CaptainClassy
Elf (F) - SisterItaly
Elf (F) - thegirlwholived

Other (F) - ScarlettFire

Humans -

M - Cspr
F- Skorpionne
M- ScarlettFire
F- StoryWeaver

Human Templates:

Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First and last)

[b]Age:[/b] (16+ please)


[b]Reason For being outlawed:[/b] (Humans can have a variety of reasons, just don't go overboard)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime is allowed, but no scene and no emo. Remember that this isn't modern-day. Written is manditory, picture is optional)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Strengths, flaws [not optional by any means], what they're like, etc... I want detail here)

[b]Flaws:[/b] (Again - manditory. And make them real.)

[b]History:[/b] (Details - none of this 'can't remember' stuff.)

[b]Up For Love:[/b] (Yes or no)

[b]Other:[/b] (For anything else. Also, this would be a good place to describe a religion if your character has it/after I've approved it.)

Other-Racial Templates:

Code: Select all
[b] Name:[/b] (first and last, though other races may not know. Wyng'tii don't have last names.)

[b]Age:[/b] (they all age normally {except for the elves}, though Wyng'tii live up to 200 on average, the Lidor'ky'ses live up to 110 on average and the Audrais'i'oen live up to around 130 on average)



[b]Appearance:[/b] (I made them all look somewhat human for a reason - written is manditory, picture is optional. Anime is allowed, but no scene. For the Wyng'tii, you can use a picture of any green-eyed fairy or just a close-up of somebody's face)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Strengths, weaknesses, etc... Flaws are not optional. I want detail.)

[b]Flaws:[/b] (Again - manditory.)

[b]Extra Abilities:[/b] (Check Racial information for lists of powers, if any in the race.)

[b]History:[/b] (Details. None of this 'can't remember' stuff.)

[b]Up For Love:[/b] (Yes or no)

[b]Other[/b] (For anything else)

Note: I will be posting a mini-profile for the guard that the group's bribed to smuggle them out of the city in the DT sometime before we start. I would suggest checking there regularly to see if it's posted.
Last edited by eldEr on Sun May 15, 2011 4:35 pm, edited 15 times in total.

got trans?

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Reviews: 66
Sun May 08, 2011 11:45 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Hope Panora

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Appearance: Hope is a dainty 5'2" standing straight, but has a good strong build to counter-act her size. She's usually wearing short clothes, her excuse is they're 'easier to move in'. She always stands straight, and she's very nimble.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Hope is a bit of a scavenger. If something goes lost, it will most likely turn up in Hope's satchel. That you can nearly guarantee, and she doesn't like to share. I guess you can say she steals out of envy. She can't stand the idea of someone having something she can't have.

When it comes to group work, she doesn't tend to pull her own weight. Unless it helps her in some aspect. She can tend to slow people down sometimes. Especially if she's taking the time to fix her appearances or admire herself. She'll probably never have a set relationship. As she likes to put it 'No one being can satisfy my desires.' But call her a slut and she will beat the living heck out of you.

Yes, angering her is not a smart idea. When she gets mad it's all blind rage and no thought. She attacks until she is satisfied that you have either learned your lesson or the score has been settled. Whichever comes last. Not first. Last. She also likes to binge drink, and she is a violent drunk.

Flaws: Greed ~ Envy ~ Sloth ~ Vanity ~ Desire ~ Gluttony ~ Wrath

Extra Abilities: She has what I guess you could say is a bit of a super strength (Physically)

History: Hope's parents were slaves, so she would have been born into slavery. Her mother ran away while she was still pregnant with Hope, and after she gave birth to Hope she knew she was too weak to continue running. She left Hope with some gypsy travelers and gave into her fate. Yes, her mother is dead. She doesn't know that, she thinks her parents got rid of her.

The Gypsies tried to raise Hope to be a good girl and live by the seven virtues, but the girl soon grew bitter and violent and ran away from the only people who would protect her. She grew accustom to living on the streets and hiding from execution.

Up For Love: If you can tame her

Other Her War Hammer
Spoiler! :
(Of course it's STOLEN)
Last edited by SisterItaly on Mon May 09, 2011 1:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Reviews: 57
Sun May 08, 2011 11:52 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Name: Ayelle Tyan (eye-ell tie-ann)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Lidor’ky’ses

Appearance: Ayelle is tall, especially for her age, but she's smiling and laughing so often that you really can't be intimidated by her. She's pale, and you can tell she's an athlete. Her wings are lavender, and the skin around where they sprout is an even paler purple. Her eyes are shockingly bright silver, and always focused on something. They're slightly almond shaped, and her eyelashes are long but not very thick. Her hair is very, very dark brown, and looks jet black in the right light. It's cut messily around her chin, and it's almost never neat. She has side bangs that always hang over her left eye. She has bright white, flawless teeth. Sometimes her brother calls them "baby monster teeth" because the canines are very sharp and at first glance her teeth look pointed.

Personality: She's got a bubbly, glowing, white-hot spirit that has yet to be broken. She sees the best in almost everyone (except the people she knows are her enemies) and doesn't understand the concept of true hate. She's very energetic and can never stand still. She's built for running and fighting, but not heavy lifting and things like that. She has an almost childlike fascination with stars and the moon, and has a rather tender heart. She doesn't like hurting living things, even plants, if they haven't done something to upset her first.

But if you somehow manage to get on her bad side (not an easy feat, so congrats to you), she's a nightmare. She stands up for what she believes in, and tends to get violent. She's usually the first to throw a punch, and if you breach the topic of her family or her species negatively, she will rip you to shreds in a heartbeat. She's extremely proud of her culture and heritage, and won't let anyone get her down about it without a fight.

Flaws: Very, very impatient. She can't pay attention for long periods of time if there's something else calling to her -an animal in need, or maybe something shiny. She has a soft heart and may get offended easier than others, even if she doesn't say it. Gets violent if provoked. Her aim isn't really the best, and she tends to be brutally honest.

Extra Abilities: Very skilled swordswoman. She has very sharp reflexes and heightened senses, and is a great hunter, if you'll just give her a reason to kill. (She doesn't believe in unjust death.)

History: Ayelle's parents immigrated to Kiralin years and years ago, when Teival's father was on the throne. He was much less cruel, and treated all races fairly. The Tyans were doing well, and then they had Raeleon and then a few years later, Ayelle. Ayelle was just six when Teival gained the crown, and it wasn't long before the Tyan parents were hunted down. Ayelle and Raeleon were hiding under the table when soldiers came and killed their parents. They lived on their own, hiding, since then. They bounced around from hospitable family to hospitable family, and now they've managed to land themselves in the group.

Up For Love: Most definitely. Just contact me first.

Other Her sword:

Spoiler! :

She calls it Slashy/Stabby sometimes. Don't be alarmed.

She carries a rather long knife with an opal handle in her boot. Just in case.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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384 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 14918
Reviews: 384
Mon May 09, 2011 2:07 am
eldEr says...

Name: Raeleon Tyan (Ray-lee-on Tie-Ann)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Lidor'ky'ses

Appearance: Raeleon has very dark, long-er brown hair, some say that it looks nearly black. He tends to keep it back in a pony-tail, and isn't at all ashamed to have longer hair than his sister. His eyes are a pale blue, in contrast to his sister's shocking silver. He's tall, even for the Lidor'ky'ses - around 6'10. As if his height weren't intimidating enough, he's quite muscular, as are most of his race, though he's worked out and trained in secret. He always stands up tall and straight, and his arms are almost always crossed. His wings are abnormally large, even for his race and height, and are a pale blue color. He's fairly pale, and likes to keep as much of him concealed as possible. (He likes bandanas, gloves, hats, scarves - anything. Nobody really knows why, nor does he.)

Personality: Raeleon was born to be a warrior and a protector. Everything he does is to protect the groups - even the few members that he doesn't particularly like. He can't stand seeing any one of them hurt or in danger, and is easily the one to put his life on the lines. He's quiet and calculating, always on watch for something. Always ready when that something hits. His thoughts revolve around the present situation, because if he starts thinking about even what happened an hour ago, he'll remember his parents' death - which is still his most vivid memory. He is, however, a very hospitable Lidor'ky'ses, and will take care of every and any outlaw that needs his help. He may not be one to start conversations, but if he's engaged in one, he will keep it up for as long as he can. Be warned, though, he likes strange phrases that seem to make no sense and digging up a deeper meaning to everything. What starts out as bantering and joking around could very easily turn into a serious or sometimes heart-felt discussion. (Never on his part - he keeps what he's feeling a secret.) He is also known to give very good advice on nearly anything - if you need somebody trust-worthy to confide in, Raeleon's your guy.

One of Raeleon's more strange traits is his fear of falling in love, or having somebody fall in love with him. He's terrified of it - terrified of being hurt or hurting the one on the other end. He's afraid of losing the one he falls in love with, and doesn't think that the pain is necessary. Not saying that he doesn't want it - he does - he just fears it. He's a very depressed man, and he doesn't need more to worry about. He hides this depression under layers of everything. His protective tendencies show through so much because of this - it gives him something to focus on rather than pain. He never, ever cries in front of others (except for his sister on occasion), though if he does wander away from his self-given post as the group's guardian, it's because he's struggling with memories and hurt. He saves this for when people won't notice him slinking away.

Flaws: He's terrified of love, scared of showing people how emotionally unstable he is - oh, right. He's fairly emotionally unstable. Depression is eating away at him, and he isn't letting anybody else know enough to help him. He has depression headaches, which occasionally render him slower than usual. He's also extremely afraid of bats, snakes and worms. He doesn't catch sick easily, unless he's been in the rain - then you can guarentee that he'll grow very ill. Rain and Raeleon do not mix.

Extra Abilities: His wings are abnormally large, so he's a faster and a stronger flyer than most. Since only the royal family of the Lidor'ky'ses (In Aquariazzi) have ever been known to have powers - he has none. He's incredible with a battle-axe however, and has very high stamina and strength levels.

History: Raeleon's parents immigrated to Kiralin years and years ago, when Teival's father was on the throne. He was much less cruel, and treated all races fairly. The Tyans were doing well, and then they had Raeleon and then a few years later, Ayelle. Raeleon was twelve when Teival gained the crown, and it wasn't long before the Tyan parents were hunted down. Ayelle and Raeleon were hiding under the table when soldiers came and killed their parents. It's the most vivid memory that Raeleon has, and his most hated.

They lived on their own, hiding, since then. They bounced around from hospitable family to hospitable family. Between bouncing from place to place, Raeleon tended to sneak off at night starting at around when he was fifteen years old. Where did he go? First, he would use the ability to fly to his advantage and swoop down and steal whatever he could. Then he'd go to one tavern with a greedy owner - one who could be bribed to give him drinks for the right amount. It was how he dealt with everything - numbed the memories of his parents death. His sister still doesn't know, and he hasn't touched alcohol or another person's money (though he's taken food if it's been needed) in two years. Now they're part of the group.

Up For Love: Yes - if you can break his fear and show him that love isn't all bad.

Other He's more or less the group's self-proclaimed guardian. He's the one who stays up all night and watches for trouble while the others sleep. He doesn't get much sleep himself, but he's used to it and doesn't need it. Besides, he knows what kind of food will give him energy to keep going.
He is an Eidonian, but he doesn't know everything about the religion itself. He goes by what he knows about it.


Name: Elouaya (Ell-oh-ae-ah, or Ellow for short)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Wyng'tii

Appearance: Ellow has long red hair that she's grown to just below her shoulder blades. She doesn't usually let this down, and prefers to keep it up in a messy bun or a braid down her back. Her eyes, like all Wyng'tii, are green - very bright green. Her expression is often playful, and she's known for her smile. She's about three and a half inches tall, and her wings fit her very well. They have a slight orange, red or yellow tint depending on the light. Her wings are torn in a few places in the middle, but otherwise they're completely in-tact. She has scars all over her torso, back arms and legs, and she doesn't bother keeping them covered. She lets people wonder.
Spoiler! :

Personality: To put things simply, Ellow is a playful, fiery little thing who enjoys laughing at others' expenses. In other words? She's a prankster, and absolutely loves tricking people and messing with their heads. She is, however, very sociable and can be quite the chatter-box if you let her be. She will talk about everything and anything - meaningless banter to indepth debates and heart-to-heart conversations. The only thing that will get her to shut up is if she's told to shut up - which will, by all means, scar her pride. She's bounced back very well from her history, though she can come off as slightly cold. There are times when she acts like she doesn't care about anybody but herself, and it's usually the first impression she gives off. Truth be told, she wouldn't be able to stand losing anybody in the group, and she would put her life on the lines for a select few of them.

Ellow also hates showing any weakness that she has, and absolutely cannot stand when somebody sees her crying. She prefers to think of herself and completely independant, and has a few pride and trust issues. When people offer her help or see her mess up, she automatically feels weak, cornered and useless. It's a feeling that she's lived with for almost her whole life, and she'll do anything to avoid it. She has plenty of secrets about herself, and nobody - not a soul - knows about her past, other than that she was born in Aquariazzi and that she wants to go back. She's the one the group comes to if they want to hear something spoken in Azzian, or know what Aquariazzi's like. She's been known to act very childish at times, which is probably due to her childhood being interupted and the lack of experiences that helped her mature.

Flaws: She's very childish, and if left alone at the wrong times she will grow very emotionally unstable. She's very panicky when she's cornered, scared of the dark (thanks to her past - and especially if she's alone), she has pride issues and refuses to ask for or let others help her when she needs it. She thinks that she can fend completely for herself, but she's wrong. She does have a fiery temper, so don't be surprised if you make her mad and find yourself either burnt to a crisp or humiliated in one of her pranks. Oh. And she holds grudges - for a long time. (This has caused her to become bitter in some respects). Ontop of that, her wings are easily exhausted due to injuries, and her right leg is bad as is her left arm.

Extra Abilities: Fire maniuplation, as all Wyng'tii are capable of, and the ability to create sight illusions. This ability has been mastered, as she's had a lot of free time. She also likes to tinker and create things - contraptions. Another thing that aids her in her pranking.

History: Ellow was born in Aquariazzi, and actually spent the first eight years of her life there. She was part of a very large colony of Wyng'tii that was tucked away in a grove of Sesoria trees in the Coromen forest. (The Sesoria trees resemble weeping willows, though they have a very red tint). She was the only child of Meearia and Ocoran, and ever since birth, she's been a prankster and has always loved creating things. A few weeks after her eighth birthday, Ellow had wandered a little too far from the colony in search of a special wood that she needed in order to finish one of her creations. She was met by a pair of Azzian traffickers, who overcame her, thanks to her still-weak powers. She was illegally traficked into Kiralin, where she was lost in countless gambles, sold or traded dozens of times and lived most of her life in the same fire-resistant glass jar.

The longest time that any one owner had kept her was for seven months when she was seventeen. The man was a Kiralinite noble named Aalrend. He kept her in an even smaller jar than she was used to and stuffed that high in a cupboard. She lived out seven months in a dark, cold, damp and overall lifeless environment. This was when she gained the most experience with her powers - fire was her only source of heat and light, and illusions were her only company. She would create images of her parents and her friends and have one-sided conversations with them, filling out their replies in her head. Aalrend would forget about her often, and there were times when she went for days without a bit of food or water. She slept on the glass floor of the jar, having no blanket to lie on, and was constantly starving and dehydrated. She trained herself to use her powers even then, and they've grown very strong over the years. There were times when she used them until she was unconscious - something that she did on purpose. She was always trying to put herself into a coma in hopes that she would be mistaken for dead and tossed out.

That isn't how she escaped, however. There were many a time when Aalrend would come home angry or drunk, and he would take out the jar and give it a good hard shake. It was a miracle that Ellow survived the ordeals with her wings intact, though not all of her bones made it. She suffered from plenty a broken wrist, arm or leg, and isn't sure how she survived it. In one of these shakings, Aalrend ended up dropping the jar, shattering it to a million pieces. Ellow was injured, covered in deep cuts and bruises, but her wings were intact and she needed out. The last half a year has been lived on the streets, where she's mended slowly and quickly regained her prankster and builder tendencies - it's how she survived. Her pranks helped her steal food, and her contraptions kept her safe. She found the way to the group, and now? Now all she wants is to go back home.

Up For Love: Yes

Other She still has "one-sided conversations" with her parents (or, if you want to be technical, the illusions of). This is only if she's either alone or she's sure that everybody else is asleep. Afterwards, she'll more than likely start crying - it's a fear that she has that somebody will figure this out.

She's also made sure that the group has remembered her things - all of her Wyng'tii-sized tools, and her small collection of trinkets that she's sure will come in handy for one of her inventions. (Spools, bits of thread and yarn, very small knives {don't ask her where she found them, she'll tell you off}, needles, specific types of wood chips, buttons, fasteners... it all fits into a medium-sized satchel that she's convinced Raeleon to carry around for her)

She was raised by an Eidonian family, and does have belief in him, though she's unsure of the religion as a whole.

She also has a strange fear of glass jars, or seeing anything trapped inside of a glass jar. Hm, wonder why...
Last edited by eldEr on Tue May 10, 2011 6:16 pm, edited 15 times in total.

got trans?

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Reviews: 180
Mon May 09, 2011 5:13 am
Cspr says...

Name: Solomon Sleaford

Age: twenty-years-old

Gender: male

Reason For Being Outlawed: Deaf, not being completely anti-Eidonias, aiding and abetting ‘unclean’ peoples.

Appearance: Things that stick out on Solomon are few and far between. He has wild/short brownish-sandy hair and light-colored eyes (somewhere between blue and hazel--depends on what he’s wearing; normally blue). He’s roughly 5’11 and stocky. He has a squarish face with a dimpled chin and he tends to have some amount of facial hair. He tends to wear dark clothing and walk slightly slouched, giving off an air of easy-going, non-threatening vibes.
Spoiler! :
Dean Winchester.jpg
Dean Winchester.jpg (22.43 KiB) Viewed 477 times

Personality: Solomon doesn’t let much get him down. He’s counted that as a strength over the years. As he slowly became deaf, he kept upbeat and didn’t ignore it--he worked with it. He’s helpful and willing to stick his neck out for people who he’s just met--as long as he takes a liking to them. He trusts a bit too easily, therefore. He can be a little hot-heated when pushed and he hates it when people mishear him. He likes animals, particularly cats, but babies and small children weird him out just a bit--they’re so breakable and helpless. He doesn’t like either of those qualities, really, unless they can be fixed. A hurt person can be fixed; a helpless person can be given some help and sent on their way. But kids? They’re like that for years. Otherwise, he’s a pretty tuned-in guy, but he keeps to himself. A loner, if you will--turned in on himself. Sometimes he also goes a bit overboard on being masculine, trying to make up for--just about whatever he thinks he’s lacking/doing wrong, actually, even if it’s just more destructive. Oh, and, yeah--he makes for excellent pest control. Bugs, rodents? No worries, he’ll kill them with perhaps a small amount of glee. Just a little.

Flaws: He trusts too easily; he sees in black-and-white a bit too often; he doesn’t like the youth of his own race; anti-social; a bit violent. Oh, and he’s slightly xenophobic.

History: Solomon used to live in a small village with his mother, father, two aunts, one uncle, and two male cousins--in a tiny house which was way too crammed for the people in it. His mother and aunt worked giant looms, while his father hunted and fished, for the most part--bartering the fresh meat for whatever they needed. The two male cousins worked at a flour-making mill. Unfortunately, the cousins were paid most often in flour--flour from an old shed. A shed with rats on occasion. Solomon was sent on a errand (when he was twelve) that was to take him a week in one particularly hot early summer. The cart broke down and he returned early--only to find his family dead; some sort of rat-sickness claimed them, going by the opened sacks of flour, one of which contained a dead black-furred rat. (While he believes his uncle may have deserved it, by the violence he wrecked on their family when his father was away, none of the others did. It still makes him sick to think about it.)
He left, wandering uncertainly, and came down with a fever. One that lasted for months, on-and-off again. He found a family he lived with for a few years, before he was booted out; then he found day jobs and moved from village to village until he became trapped in a city, having been too ‘far off’ to realize what a mistake he’d made. He woke in a gutter and his life has been mostly the same since; except once the fever broke, finally, his hearing started to wain. It’s gotten bad enough he’s completely deaf in one ear and can barely ear in the other (his right). Luckily, he learned to read lips--and he could talk to begin with. However, with his new-found disability, he’s fit for hanging. He’s well-aware he has to escape--and escape the nation for good. His home has gone mad.

Up For Love: Sure. He’s skittish, though.

Other: A. After realizing that anyone, even he, could become ‘unclean’ he’s taken to trying to help anyone who needs protection, or a place to hide. He has his own little network, more or less--just a few drunks and night-walking-ladies, but, hey, better than nothing. A few people owe him favors. On the street, he’s known as Sly by many. B. Lucky for him, he learned about dyes at an early age--dyes for cloth, fabrics. He soon realized they could easily be used on his hair, or perhaps his skin. He tends to change his appearance every so often that way, even though he hates looking at himself and not looking himself. Thusly, he does it rarely--for emergency only. C. As for religion, he isn’t sold. He doesn’t believe anyone was put on this earth to destroy, to kill--not any mortal being, definitely not a human--but he isn’t--sure? If anything, he would claim he believes in Eidonias, but that’s stretching things a mite.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon May 09, 2011 12:21 pm
Skorpionne says...

I claim a female human.

Name: Lavern Vickory

Age: 83

Gender: Female

Reason For being outlawed: Blind and partially deaf.

Appearance: Gray curly hair to her shoulders, thin cheekbones, and a face soft and covered in wrinkles. Her eyes stand out firmly: a piercing blue, and she's extremely thin, frail and pale. Lavern has the demeanor of a very soft and gentle person, but appearances can be decieving.

Personality: Lavern is one of the most unlikeable women in the world. She doesn't bother trying to remember peoples names, and wil sometimes purposely get them wrong. She takes nearly every single thing you take literally, and more often than not, as an insult. She's a notorious practical joker, only hers seem to have a more vicious streak. Laverns few likes are children, and absurdly bright colours. Her dislikes are too numerous to list.

Flaws: Apart from what I've mentioned, greedy, vicious, weak, doesn't know the meaning of the word "stealth." NEVER contented, cowardly.

History: Lavern grew up in a farmig family with six sisters and two brothers. Both of her brothers and one sister died by plague, leaving her parents to refer to Lavern, as the oldest, for an heir. Laverns father was much like Lavern herself, making the Vickory household pretty much like hell to grow up in. LAvern got out the first chance she had, and worked for ten years weaving baskets. During this time, Lavern married thrice, all husbands dying under "mysterious circumstances" in reality, Lavern had nothing to do with it, but gossip and harassment caused her to travel to Kiralin, where she lived a s a basket-selling hermit until she went blind, and started to go deaf.

Up For Love: No.

Other: She's quite senile, and she has an annoyingly screechy voice.
Last edited by Skorpionne on Tue May 17, 2011 9:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Mon May 09, 2011 2:56 pm
StoryWeaver13 says...

Finished editing. Just tell me if I need to fix anything.

Name: Everia (AKA "Ev") Remir

Age: 17 (16+ please)

Gender: Female

Reason For being outlawed: 3rd born to a commoner, as well as having an individual religion (Iss'eli-un) based upon the strength of preserving life and respecting nature.

Appearance: Dark wavy brown hair, with dark blue eyes. Short and small. Of course, she has a crescent on her cheek. She is also very frail, because of an unknown illness that's infected her since birth and takes much of her nutrition. This also makes her pale and her skin at times looks virtually translucent.

Personality: Very clever and good with medicine, as well as knowing much about nature, but physically she is relatively weak as she's always been, and succumbs to sickness easily. She's also shy and untrusting, due to her past. However, she is also artistic, because she spent a lot of her time painting or drawing.

Flaws: Gets sick very often and easily. She's often quite weak, because of a genetic and incurable disease she inherited from her father, who was killed because of it. Little is known about the disease, but it often causes her to have problems moving for excess amounts of time, and causes occasional hallucinations.

History: She was the third-born, and also diseased, so was instantly marked for death. However, when they came to execute her at two days old, her parents claimed that she'd already died of the disease. They left, as this disease kills most infants within a week. However, they did kill her diseased and weakened father. Later word got out somehow about Everia's existence, and the family was warned to give her up within a week's time. Before they killed her family, Ev left a note explaining her plan to run away, hoping that they would have no interest in her family. She's spent so little time in the outside world that she's terrified of travel and of strangers, but knows she has no option.

Up For Love: Possibly...yes, sure.

Other: Iss'eli-un (if approved): a religion based on natural elements, preservation of life, and healing. It's a very etheral religion, praising of the moon goddess Kyli'an and the brother Rowataag, the god of the sun, as well as other minor gods. It also requires that any witnessed death is blessed so that the spirit is free to escape into another form of existence.
Last edited by StoryWeaver13 on Sat May 14, 2011 11:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ~Lemony Snicket

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Mon May 09, 2011 4:17 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Claiming a Male Human by the name of Ilasiór Nazar. Profile coming soon....

Edit:Claiming a second char; female, Cyanea Shani.

And Profiles.

Name: Ilasiór Nazar.

Age: 19.

Gender: Male.

Reason For being outlawed: Probably because he's not all for the blood and human sacrifice thing anymore and he's not exactly an outlaw, but he does believe in Eidonias and several gods and goddesses native to Curuwen and Melnar. He has been named a Traitor to the crown and has a price on his head (He refused to help Teival).

Appearance: Ilasiór is tall, has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is lightly tanned and he's slim yet strong. He wears a white or dark blue shirt, as seen below, and dark brown or black pants, with metal plated, leather armour, a dark coloured cape and a sword and dagger on his belt at all times.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Despite his somewhat cold first impression, Ilasiór is actually kind, loving, caring, and smart, determined and sometimes easily distracted. He hates to see those she cares about hurt and often gets really defensive if someone he likes is harmed, but be warned--if you start asking questions about his past, he’ll snap at you and try to drive you off. He gets mad—really mad. And a mad Ilasiór, who has a few interesting talents, is not a good thing. And although he’s talented, his downfalls are his somewhat short temper and the grudge he holds against men who harm women, especially his father, although he can't harm him nor talk about the 'oath' his father forced upon him.

He’s quiet more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something. He likes to plan things out, if he can. Especially battles and the like. And highly dislikes when his plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And he has made a lot of mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. It's not his fault--he was 'just following orders'. After all, he can't argue with orders or his father...even if he wants to. He also hates being called a coward—it’s another downfall of his. Ilasiór often has a blank, cold and uncaring edge to his expression, like he’s lost all emotion or just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the world. This is his mask, to hide the pain he goes through. Not that he'd ever tell you what, exactly, that pain is.

Flaws: Hates being called a coward. Sometimes finds it hard to not follow his so-called orders and fight the hold his father has over him, especially when it comes to Joram's orders (he's screwed up in the past while following ( his father's) orders--it got a few women and children killed; people he was trying to save from his father's wrath...) and often refuses to let people in. He's lost several possible wives because of this.

History: Ilasiór was born to Nishem Anila, the first wife of Joram Nazar, the current ruler of Melnar. As a prince, his childhood wasn't exactly normal. Training since he could walk, speak and think in everything he would need as a son of the Emperor of Melnar. Fencing, archery, horse riding. You name it, Ilasiór probably learned it. It was a prince's upbringing.

Over the years, Ilasiór has grown in a decent young man, but not a prince by his father's standards. Many things have happened during his life, some of which he couldn't change and some that haunt him still, including the oath he gave to Joram. No one but Joram and the two Melnarian Generals who witnessed it know what the oath actually was, and Ilasiór, quite literally, can't talk about it. And he doesn't like to think about it, either.

Recently, he and a member of the sisterhood, the Prophecies, fled from Curuwen after his father invaded the kingdom and was then driven out. Kiralin was better than Curuwen, but it was also worse. Ilasiór upset the king, as did his mixed-breed tag-a-long, ending up with them both labeled traitors. Ilasiór is now on the run, heading for Aquariazzi and hoping he's not captured before he gets there.

Up For Love: Yes, if you can reach him.

Other: As a Fire Bender, Ilasiór has control over the element of Fire. He is able to bend it to his will, but he refuses to use he newly acquired ability for any purpose, including, and especially, the harming of innocents.


Name: Cyanea Shani.

Age: 22.

Gender: Female.

Reason For being outlawed: Unclean because she's a mixed-breed. She betrayed Lujayn and doesn't like the idea of human sacrifice; she believes in Eidonias and Tiamat (a mother-like goddess from Curuwen). She has been labeled a traitor just like Ilasiór.

Appearance: Cyanea is tall, about 165cms (about 5'4"), has dark brown hair and dark green eyes. Her skin is pale and she's slim, yet much stronger than she looks. To the immortals, appearances are deceiving. She is usually seen in light coloured, corseted dresses. She is currently wearing a slightly dirty cream-coloured corseted dress.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Cyanea appears the sweet, kind and innocent girl, but she's really fierce with a fiery temper and much older than she looks. Although her temper has a shot fuse, she doesn't lose it often....unless you mention, well, the enemy...or Lujayn... Or Prakfuras. She really doesn't not like either one. She's also incredible loyal to those she likes, especially her friends. She highly dislike seeing anyone she likes and/or cares for hurt and will do pretty much anything in her power to help them. She can be deceptive and manipulative, but she's very loyal and trustworthy. She tends to terrorize the enemy with her side 'prophecies' side, which could be any race in Curuwen.

Flaws: Doesn't trust others easily. Has a habit of correcting others on occasion. Sometimes forgets that she probably shouldn't be doing something, yet does it anyway. Can overreact to insults thrown her way. And though she likes Ilasiór, she doesn't trust him, yet trusts him more than strangers.

History: Cyanea Shani was an orphan and doesn't remember anything of her life before she joined the Prophecies at fifteen. Lujayn found her in the temple dungeons seven years ago. She was badly injured and almost dead. Lujayn healed her and introduced her to the rest of the thirteen who lead the sisterhood.

Over the years, Cyanea learned what she needed to become a future leader of the Prohpecies, as well as learning about her mixed-blood. Lujayn started training her in the ways of the Immortals, showing Cyanea the power she could possess, if she chose to lead. But when two young men named Dismas and Rune, and a young woman named Morana entered the temple, her priorities changed. She decided the help the enemy, in Lujayn's eyes, and betrayed the leader of the Prophecies.

Eventaully, Cyanea and the trio of Rune, Dismas and Morana escaped the Temple, were saved by a pirate ship and then returned to shore several days sailing north of Aeronia. But by then, Joram had invaded Curuwen, forcing Cyanea back to Aeronia and the trio deep into the Runewood,, heading north. By the time Cyanea reached Aeronia, the capitol of Curuwen, Joram was being driven out by Elves and men, leaving his son behind.

Two days later, Cyanea met up with the Melnarian prince in the Palace dungeons and helps him to escape. Kiralin seemed like a good idea, until Cyanea and the prince upset the king and ended up labeled traitors, as well as Cyanea's mixed-breed heritage being revealed, making her 'unclean'. Cyanea is now on the run with Ilasiór, heading for Aquariazzi and hoping she's not captured before she gets there.

Up For Love: Not really. She has a sweetheart back in Curuwen, but feel free to flirt with her. :wink:

Other: A mixed-breed, more often known as a Mixed Blood, is when two different races are combined, though, not technically a race in itself. The most common combination includes a human and one of the other races. Cyanea is half-human and half-immortal; the secret the Prophecies try so hard to protect.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Thu May 26, 2011 7:24 am, edited 6 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon May 09, 2011 6:25 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Name: Sianta Zipporah *Called Zipper or Sianta*
Age: 19
Gender: F

Race: Aurdais’i’oen

Appearance: Light caramel brown hair down to her waist tan skin tall and willowy 5'11 refined facial features and high cheek bones dark grey blue eyes she almost always wears a black cloak with gold leaves embroidered on the sleeves and hood its the only thing she's taking with her from her home.
Personality: Strengths: She can make anyone laugh, she is very strong, she is very sweet, and she is very wise despite her age. Weaknesses: She is partially deaf and has to watch peoples lips at certain times, she stammers at times she's completely blind in her left eye, and she is a bit of a rebel.
Flaws: Blind in one eye, she doesn't like talking much rebellious and partially deaf.
Extra Abilities: Can create scary strong gusts of wind and can heal people just bit by bit.

History: All her life she's been taught to hide who she was and pretend to be 'normal so that she could survive. Only until recently she has listened perfectly then she realized that she was sick of it sick of hiding who she was and what she was. She then decided to follow rumors to find Aquarazzi . She was born in Kiralin. Her mother died in childbirth and her father is just... gone. A human family took her in knowing the risks.
[/b]Up For Love:[/b] Yes you just have to give her a chance
[/b]Other[/b] She knows how to make and mend clothing she made the cloak shes wearing . While she won't kill she knows how to stun people.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue May 10, 2011 8:18 am
ehte92 says...

Name: Eirik ( Can also be called Erik)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Wyng'tii

Appearance: Eirik has short jet black hair which he has trimming on his own using his long and sharp fingernails. But they grow out very fast which annoys him and reminds him of his mother who never approved of his long hair. He has green eyes like all Wyng'tii, but he never likes the color of his eyes because he wanted them to be blue. He is about 4 inches tall with a well built body structure. His wings are perfectly intact curling around his legs most of the time. Has a ting of blue glow to the wings when opened to its full length but has a long cut mark on his left leg.

Personality: Eirik is generally quiet and keeps things to him rather than sharing them. But when in a good mood, he can be a very helpful, jolly and straight forward person. He has a fear of bugs whichever size they are because according to them they are very slimy and mysterious and one day the bugs would take over the world. He has a curious approach to everything he sees and would want to know everything about it. He is easily threatened by anything which is not familiar to him. So we can say that he one of the geeky types who is yet to discover his abilities.

Flaws: He’s an emotional guy to whom if talked to in a yelling tone would burst into tears or make a face as if he would cry any second. He feels lonely at times and can trust anyone who speaks to him in a convincing and a sweet tone. He gets a bit out of control when he is angry or sad and can heavily damage things around him (but he cools down really fast). He cannot control fire properly and tends to injure himself by the fire.

Extra Abilities: He is capable of fire manipulation but generally fails at it. But, he is good at dream manipulation.

History: Eirik along with his mother and father were captured by a souvenir shop owner named Odoris when he was just three months old and has been in the shop since then. They were all stored in separate jars kept for sale to the travelers who came to Kiralin. His parents were sold to a passerby soon after they were captured. He lived in the hope of being bought and set free from the glass jar and the cruel shopkeeper but he was never sold because new Wyng'tiis were brought to the shop every single day, which were stacked before him that leaded him to be buried under the heap of glass jars and never to be discovered.

There in the dark he used to practice dream manipulation, which occupied his time. He used to communicate with the elder Wyng'tiis in the other jars near him about the world outside and the opportunities for him in the land of Aquariazzi. So he was determined to get out of this swamp of glass jars and from that instant he made up a plot of mastering the art of dream manipulation which would help him to escape. And when he was eighteen, he finally mastered dream manipulation and was ready to go. He manipulated the dreams of the young boy Neo, who helped Odoris with the cleaning of the shop to release him but at the time of his escape Neo snapped out of his dream as he could only be manipulated for three minutes and Neo tried to capture him again and in this effort Eirik’s left leg was bruised but finally he was free from the jar and the shop.

He lived in the sewers all alone for the past one year breathing the stinking air of the sewer which was like the fresh breeze of spring to him. He recovered the bruise which he had got on the left leg at the point of escape but it had left its mark. And then he came to know of the group and now he wants to go to the land of opportunities of which he had been told by the elders in the shop.

Up For Love: He is a bit shy around girls and has trouble talking to them about love but he is always up for love.

Other: He makes small and tiny shaped objects out of wood by carving them using his fingernails. And, he is good at it.
Last edited by ehte92 on Wed May 11, 2011 3:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Are you living for the things you are praying for?

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Tue May 10, 2011 9:48 am
Rydia says...

Name: Athalus Lodowick
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Audrais'i'oen

Appearance: Athalus is of average height for his race, about 6'7" and has a slight but muscular build. His skin is beautifully smooth and just a little tan and his hair is thick and dark brown. He has a strong chin, sensual lips and a tendency to smile big, showing off his pearly, white teeth. He is never seen without a pair of dark shades so nobody knows what colour his eyes are but I'll let you in on a little secret: they're cloudy blue, similar to many of his race but with a distinct difference. They're the sort of cloudy blue that makes it very clear he's blind.

Picture: Something a little like this but with the cloudy eyes and some shades:

Personality: Athalus never does anything by halves. If he starts something, he throws himself in full of passion and really goes for it and it's the same for even the little things such as a smile or a laugh. He has this quiet, calm, intense way of speaking which doesn't quite fit with all the passion just streaming out of him. His actions just never seem to match his words. He'll spring forward and grab hold of someone in his excitement and pull them over to him then say, really calmly, "Tell me. What do you see?" Then again, while there isn't the same rush of flame in his words, there is fire, it's just steady, intense and full of strength.

Athalus is an independant man. He doesn't like to be helped by others as it is too much of a reminder of his weakness, but he will go out of his way to help everyone else. If there's someone he can do for a person or say to them that will make their life easier, he will do it. He's sociable and friendly and will gladly listen to the stories of others. He's very observant and perceptive and he speaks what he thinks so when he notices something about someone, he will often say it.

Flaws: Athalus makes assumptions. Not being able to see means he has to go off of what he does know such as the tone of their voice and their words and he's constantly judging people to make up for his lack of sight. Small flaws that others would pass over, Athalus takes into account and he never talks of looks or appearance. This is because he's afraid of people knowing that he's blind, that he's less than perfect. Athalus, like his race, believes in purity. It's a quiet, none obtrusive belief but he thinks he's a failure because he can't see and because the cloudy colour of his eyes mars his beauty. In the early days, when Athalus wasn't yet completely blind (He has Glaucoma blindness so his vision narrowed from the outside in) he looked in the mirror and he hated what he saw. From that day on he started wearing the shades and kept his condition a secret from everyone. He will also not kill, not even to protect his life. He will maim or injure to protect himself and others but will often heal the enemy after. The worst situation for Athalus would be the decision between passively letting someone die or actively killing another to save them. He would though, of course, go for the passive letting them die option. His race just don't kill and he's not proud of them for it, it's just something they don't do. He can barely even grasp the concept of ending someone's life.

Extra Abilities: Healing abilities and minor wind control.

History: Athalus' parent moved to Kiralin because they saw it as their duty to help its citizens. In a settlement filled with their race, there is plenty of healing power to go around but in Kiralin they saw their opportunity to be better than everyone else. Yes, just that. They saw that they would be known from all around as people who could heal, people who were incredibly beautiful and they loved the idea of that, both being very similarly arrogant people. And that was how it worked for a time. Then they were blessed with a child which made them even happier until, when he was just eight years old, his vision started to fail and was gone completely in a matter of months. His parents simply didn't know what to do. They thought they were being punished for their arrogance and though they loved their son, they couldn't bear to look at his face and see those shades, the constant reminder that he was less than pure.

Athalus knew how they felt. He knew his parents well and while they halped him as much as they can and raised him to be a strong, independent young man capable of hiding his secret, he knew that he would always be a disapointment to them. His father taught him to defend himself with a wooden pole and his control over the wind and Athalus decided that as soon as his training was over he would leave. He would go and he would find a place where he could belong and remove the notes of pain that he heard in his paren't voices every time they spoke to him. So that time came and he found himself amongst the group. He carries his pole wherever he goes to protect himself and to casually probe the ground before him. He knows the city well so it's not as noticeable but as they get further away, he will need to do this more and more. Fortunately, he can also use the wind to aid him. He sends out little gusts of it and can feel it wrap around objects or people and give him an idea of where they are. The pole is so that he doesn't trip over small rocks mostly and he tries to make it look like a casual obsession with playing with it, occasionally lashing out against the grass or trailing it on the ground behind him to cover it up.

Up For Love: Yes.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue May 10, 2011 2:21 pm
captain.classy says...

Name: Kei Ta'Look (pronounce 'key')

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Appearance: Basically the following picture, except he has bright blue eyes. He's strong but not extremely buff, effortless-ish looking muscles. Around 6 foot tall. He wears a white shirt and brown pants with a pouch hanging on his belt. In the pouch he keeps a small dagger, just in case. He has a small hoop earring in his right ear, and wears a purple rock around his neck as a symbol of his power.
Spoiler! :
cool-mens-long-haistyle.jpg (19.41 KiB) Viewed 280 times

Personality: Kei's strength is his personality. He's a major schmoozer. He's really good at interpreting people, seeing what personality would work best with that person, and changing to fit them. He's the chameleon of socialites. He's extremely slow, but he's strong. In a battle, he relies on his power, 'one with the earth,' which allows him to sense people's steps. He can tell if you move right or left without even looking, and he waits until you make a move to strike. So his power compliments his slow speed. Kei doesn't like Wyng'tii species because he thinks they killed his parents.

Flaws: He's over-emotional, having lost his parents when migrating to Kiralin. People can sometimes tell that he's fake and changes his personality a lot to get along with others, they get mad, and he lashes out. He has a bad temper, which is one of the reasons he hides his real personality. He doesn't like to show his over-dramatic side, though it's huge. Kei has emotional troubles with letting go of things. He doesn't forget when someone lies or decieves him very easily, which is why he's always acted hostile towards his boss, who kept promising him free meals but never lived up to them. He often starts fights with people who seem twitchy or people who can't look him in the eye, for he believes they're lying to him.

Extra Abilities: He receives senses from the earth. He cannot control it, but he can sense it's presence and disturbances to it. He saves it whenever he can. When he sees it being damaged... he shows his overdramatic side.
Kei discovered his power when he was hiking with his parents. They were climbing up a mountain, and suddenly he felt something, the ground stirring beneath him. A few feet ahead of them this marroon foggy aura was seeping from the dirt. Kei was confused, but thought nothing of it. When his family reached it, his father stepped on it, and the ground fell beneath him. Kei and his mother watched as his father stumbled 30 feet down part of the mountain. Kei's mother wanted to rush after his father, but Kei stopped her. There was something in his mind that told him to descend the mountain as they came. His mother understood that it probably had something to do with his power (hers was an attraction to fish; whenever they fished they all went to her, which was how they got their food). They ran down the trail, cut through some bushes and found father healing his broken leg. Kei excitedly screamed at his family "the ground speaks to me!"

History: (Details. None of this 'can't remember' stuff.) When Kei was 20, he went on a hike in the woods in his hometown, far away from Kiralin. He couldn't find his way back without the light; he had gone too far out and could no longer sense his friends and family walking or moving with his ability. He decided to sleep. When he woke, there was such stirring on the ground, a stirring he could not feel the night before. He quickly ran for it, sensing trouble in his village. When he reached the outskirts, he couldn't see anyone. He kept following the movement. It took him to his house, which was completely burned to the ground, surrounded by fellow villagers throwing flowers into the rubble. He ran, looking for his parents, and couldn't find them. He screamed for them, and everyone turned. They ran towards him, started telling him how they thought he was dead. "Where are my parents?" he uttered. They shook their heads and threw their last flower onto the mess of his old house and family.

That was when he decided to leave. They begged him not to go, telling him Kiralin was a horrible place. He told them he had to leave this place, and it was too hard. Plus, now that his parents were dead, he had nothing to stay there for, and he had always liked adventures, feeling different kinds of dirt on his bare feet. So he took his long journey to Kiralin, where he got a job at a bar. They gave him free room, but he had to work long painful hours where thugs challenged him to a brawl once a night; though big, he was never as big as them. It was there he learned of the Wyng’tii, a small faerie-like creature who could control fire, a random customer had told him. Kei was then convinced that the Wyng'tii killed his parents and destroyed his home. He stayed working at the bar for five years when he overheard customers talking about a secret group trying to reach Aquariazzi. [I'm a little confused is Elves are slaves or not, so Ish if this is wrong can you PM me about what I should have him been doing?]

Up For Love: Yes
Last edited by captain.classy on Wed May 11, 2011 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue May 10, 2011 9:45 pm
Thegirlwholived says...

Name: Fawn Le'Trek (As Always)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Reason For being outlawed: Fawn is blind. She was BORN THIS WAY (Lady Gaga :3)

Appearance: Fawn has short, spikey-ish brown hair and blue eyes. She's short, even for an elf, but she's very quick and agile. She can sense moods and danger, and always goes around barefoot to pinpoint people's location by vibrations in the ground (Toph :3)

Personality: Fawn is very quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. Unless she knows you well, she's not likely to say anything to you, unless she disagrees with you. Her flaws are that she is stubborn and competitive. Her strengths are that she is smart, quick witted, patient, and very polite and friendly when you speak to her. She is a little strange, sometimes caught talking quietly to herself while she's out in the woods gathering food and herbs. Speaking of herbs, she knows exactly what almost every plant in their world is and what it is just by touch and smell. Her skills have sometimes saved lives, but she's not one to brag about it. She blushes at the slightest compliment, and stammers only on occaison due to her father beating her when she was young.

Flaws: Extremely stubborn and competitive :3

History: Fawn was born in the roots of her Home Tree on the third sunrise of the Fourth Month. Her mother was disappointed when she learned that Fawn was blind, and eventually lost her mind because of it. When Fawn was seventeen months old, her mother committed suicide because she didn't want to deal with the shame of being Fawn's mother. Her father, in his grief, unleashed his anger on Fawn constantly. When Fawn started school, she mostly kept to herself. She had no friends, and at recess, she would sit in the bushes on the edge of the clearing and learn plant names with a Braile book she bought from a local vender. Some of the other kids would call her mean names and poke fun, but Fawn pretended not to notice. When Fawn was twelve, she was declared an outcast and sent away. She made her way to Kiralin, went into hiding, and eventually found the group a few months later.

Up For Love: Yep ^^

Other: She has a Scarlet Macaw! LIKE A BOSS.
This is what she looks like... COME AT ME, BRAH :3
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Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Wed May 11, 2011 3:38 pm
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eldEr says...

Yes, we've started and yes, this is an NPC post - I'll post for my characters later.

King Teival | His chambers that evening

Teival grinned to himself and touched the girl's cheek, running his fingers over the smooth skin. "Ezzaria, you silly girl. Must you ruin all of your dresses so soon after we have them made for you?" he asked, clicking his tongue scoldingly.

The slave girl pushed his hand away, eyebrows forming perfect arches above her silvery eyes. "How much whine did you drink at supper tonight? You're acting like an idiot." She stole to the other side of the room, Teival watching her all the while, grin still set firmly.

"Hardly any - can I help being in a good mood? And we really do need to get you another new outfit - I saw that tear in the sleeve." His answer was calm, as they always were towards his favorite slave. The only person the world over that he felt even the tiniest soft spot for. It was strange... feeling kindness towards a woman, no matter how beautiful, of such low status.

"Well, I for one don't believe you, and I'm not going to stay here and find out for myself." She turned back to the king, head tilted, eyes sparkling defiantly. Perhaps he had let her get too daring - punishment was always light for her... and now she was getting disobedient and rowdy.

Teival sighed and shook his head, grin fading to a straight line. "Fine. But you had better be up the moment I call you in the morning, is that understood?" No, no, he couldn't bring himself to punish her - he simply couldn't.

Ezzaria took her leave without another word, and Teival wandered to his balcony. The one that overlooked Kiralin's capital - the city that he ruled with that ever-wonderful iron fist.

"Teival, turn and look at me."

The king jumped at the voice - so quiet... surely not Ezzaria's. His pulse picked up a slight bit, and he turned, mouth agape. There was a woman standing there - in the very centre of his room. One that he hadn't let in. Long, blonde hair draped over her shoulders, and a strange sort of... light? seemed to radiate from her every pore. Light? No, he had to be imagining that.

Before the Kiralinite king could so much as speak, the woman began again, tone firmer. "You are well aware of the outlaws in Zawin, are you not? They litter your streets, after all."

A sense of calm came over Teival, and all he could do was nod and hide his shame at the accusation. His head was buzzing a delighful sort of buzz. Any and all sense of danger had completely disappeared.

"Mmm... then you are also aware of that the guards you sent out have been doing a decent job of capturing them?"

Another nod, this one prouder. He tried to find his voice, but found that he couldn't. Not yet - he didn't want to speak yet.

"Then you are also aware that there's a group out there? One that plans on escaping the wall of Kiralin without just punishment?"

Now - now Teival found his voice. The sense of peace had been replaced with one of alarm - one of rage. "I am not that foolish! No man or beast has the wit to get past me and my guards. I-"

"Then you are even more a fool than I thought, hm? They are out there - and they plan on breaching the walls even as we speak. Among them is one who was once my own. A traitor. And, among them is one of your own. I'm sure you remember Coro Pensulei?"

Teival nodded, eyes widening substantially. The woman smiled.

"Good then. My name, my dear king, is Lujayn. I believe I have a story that may interest you."

got trans?

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Wed May 11, 2011 8:01 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Joining! :) Can I be an Audrais’i’oen?
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

rule #1 of being a potato: potatoes gotta defend their friends from negative self-talk
— Spearmint