
Young Writers Society

Angels Vs. Demons *Not Started/Accepting*

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Sat May 07, 2011 6:10 pm
Thegirlwholived says...

This SB is run by both SisterItaly and Thegirlwholived.


For centuries, demons and angels have been in war. If you were to ask someone, they'd say the war ended recently. That's not the case, not at all. The war still rages on, only the human involvment has ended. For now.

Angels and demons still fight in their own domains, and the battle is far from over. The fighting tactics grow more and more gruesome. Entire populations of Angels and Demons are being slaughtered. No one is spared. Not even the children.

Recently, a young angel found herself in the middle of Góre, a small city near Dalian. She had no idea where she was, or why she was there. She hid out in an abandoned barn for four months. She had no idea that around the world, angels and demons were appearing in the most random of places.

Demons and Angels are being sucked to Earth. No one can say why, because no one knows why. This obviously can't be a good thing. Now the fight is back on Earth, but the humans are still blissfully unaware of the war, and have no involvment. The Demons and Angels can't hide themselves forever.

They must find out what is happening to their worlds. They must find a way to stop it. Because this is bigger then them, much bigger.

Spoiler! :
So, here's what's going to go down. The Angels and Demons continue to fight when they run into each other. Many of them will die. Most of the Angels and Demons that get sucked to Earth are the ages eighteen and up. The worlds don't know why the portals target these ages, but they suspect it's because Oblivian and the Creator are sending stronger fighters down to finally prove which side is superior.

What they don't know, is these portals are tearing the worlds apart. Soon, they will destroy them.

Character Profile
(Note: 1-2 Characters per peson. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this, PM one of us)

Name: (Both first and last. Demons don't have last names, but Angels do.)

Species: (Human, Angel or Demon)


Gender: (Male or Female, Duh

Element: (Earth, Fire, Water, Air. Human's don't have an element.)

Ability: (Even Humans have abilities, but no matter what you are it's ONE ability. None of this immortality stuff for the Angels and Demons.)

Appearence: (no Scene characters, but Anime is allowed)

Personality: (Flaws (not optional), Strengths, Likes, Dislikes, you know the drill)

Weapon of choice: (Nothing too... extravagant. Maybe a sword at the most)

History: (None of this 'Can't remember' stuff. What happened to them before they lost their memories? That's if they did lose their memories.)

Up for love: (Yes or no)

Theme song: (Optional)

Other: (For whatever we've forgotten)

Taken Characters

(Note: We try to keep the Male/ Female ratio even, so that usually limits two male, two female angels, demons, and humans. If you want a female angel, and they're all taken up, PM SisterItaly or Thegirlwholived, and we'll se what we can do)


Fire: Tr3x (Bartimaeus, Male)

Earth: Thegirlwholived (Fawn Le'Trek, Female)


Air: IshaThePirate (Niania Chellite, Female)


Fire: Synnoev (Male, Alastair)

Earth: IshaThePirate (Male)

Water: Camulaeus (Male, Elijah)

Air: SisterItaly (Tae, Female)







- No GodModding. If you GodMod, you will be warned, after that we'll just kill you off. Iff you GodMod from the start, your character will be killed in the very first post. Nothing annoys SisterItaly more then a GodModder. And you do not want to see SisterItaly lose her temper.

- Romance is both allowed and encouraged, but no sex scenes. There are some kids here.

- No F bombs. Light swearing is allowed.(i.e ass, damn, shit, and that's about it. Any questions about cursing, PM SisterItaly or Thegirlwholived)

- No OOC posts in the SB, only the DT. Don't even post to ask when we're stating in the DT. That's another thing that annoys SisterItaly (see first rule)

-Both Thegirlwholived and SisterItaly are running this SB, if they ask you to do something, don't question it. Just do it. Like Nike ^^

- If you have any questions, DO NOT be afraid to PM one of us. We're here to answer any questions you may have. There's no such thing as a stupid question.

- Violence is encouraged and WILL happen, but we ask that when it does, keep it simple and vauge. Remember, there are some kids here, and we don't want to scar anyone... So no gore or brains and guts. Just keep it simple ^^
Last edited by Thegirlwholived on Mon May 09, 2011 9:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Sat May 07, 2011 6:11 pm
SisterItaly says...

*Will finish*

Name: Tae

Species: Demon

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Element: Air

Ability: Flight, she has large wings.

Appearance: She's not tiny, she's about average height and a healthy weight due to how fit she had to be to survive in the mountains. She doesn't like to brag, but she does have a rather womanly figure. It irritates her sometimes.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Tae is a silent killer. She isn't known for speaking, and many believe she is a mute. She's used to enduring bad weather, so rain and wind are no challenge to her. Communication on the other hand... can be a little difficult. Her idea of communication is souly through expressions. A glare obviously means she's not impressed, a smile means this pleases her. Ect. Ect.

She's not opposed to running from a fight. She doesn't think it makes her look weak at all, then again she never really was one to care what people think of her. If she likes you, well good news! She won't kill you! But that doesn't mean she'll follow you around like a little puppy or try to befriend you.

Weapon of choice:
Spoiler! :

History: Like most air demons, she was born on a mountain deep in hell. The weather was harsh, but it was something she easily got used to. Her wings were abnormally large compared to the other demons who had them. At night they helped shield her from the rain and protect her from the harsh winds.

As she got older she was the strongest flier out of her kind. This made her parents proud. This made her proud. There was one thing people noticed, she never talked. When people brought this up to her, she'd simply ignore them and continue on with her day. Eventually, the other demons just assumed she was a mute. This didn't bug her, she let them think what they wanted to think. The truth was, she just never had anything worth saying.

Up for love: Yes

Theme song:Two Steps From Hell - Walking On Air

Other: (For whatever we've forgotten)

Last edited by SisterItaly on Sat May 07, 2011 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat May 07, 2011 6:26 pm
Thegirlwholived says...

Name: Fawn Le'Trek

Species: Angel

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Ability: She is the fastest flier of the Angels. Due to her clumsy ways, she learned how to fly early. (See History)

Appearence: Short, brown hair. Blond highlights that frame her face. Green eyes. Her wings are identical to her Scarlet Macaw's. They can fold completely into her back. She's short, though, but rather beautiful. She is almost completely flat chested, which annoys her greatly.

Personality: Fawn is not shy whatsoever. She's stubborn, competitive, and a bit argumentative. She has trust issues, but once she learns to trust you, she is as loyal as a Labrador, as long as you return the favor.

Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrow.

History: Fawn was born on Cloud Nine (hahah), but it wasn't exactly cloud nine for her. Her father was a bad angel, and was sent to the underworld when Fawn was seven. As he was being cast down, he grabbed her leg and tried to pull her down with him, but her mother saved her. She fell off the edge of clouds often, and therefore had to learn how to fly early. Her mom was often away on Guardian Angel calls, so Fawn was alone much of her life. She spent her days in the Golden Fields racing Time to see if she could break its barrier. She never succeeded.

Up for love: Yes ^^

Theme song: The Script - For the First Time

Other: Fawn has one friend, and that's her Scarlet Macaw, Dontese. She will die for Dontese, and he is her best friend. She doesn't let anyone touch him, for fear they might hurt him.
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 24&bih=673
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Sat May 07, 2011 7:29 pm
untameabletiger says...

I'm sorry, I don't think I can keep up with this SB as well as my others.
Last edited by untameabletiger on Sun May 08, 2011 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat May 07, 2011 8:23 pm
eldEr says...

Claiming an air angel and an earth demon. :3 Profile will be up soon-ish.
(Laptop's busted, so. -.- Sorry for any delays - pictures will be especially hard to find)

Name: Niania (Nee-an-ee-ah) Chellite

Species: Angel

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Element: Air

Ability: (Very, very weak) Wind control

Appearance: Niania has very green hair, and equally green eyes. She always has a smile on her face when she's around people, though if you look closely enough, you can tell that it's forced. She's fairly tall, and her wings are far too small for her body. Her eyes are usually sad, or longing depending on who you ask. She has a slightly akward walk - though it's not noticeable how clumsy she really is unless you look. She keeps her eyes on the ground at all times, and very rarely has the courage to look someone in the eye. She has a fondency for open-back dresses, though nobody seems to know why (including herself). Her wings are much smaller than in the picture.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Niania is a sweetheart in most ways, though she's very shy and very secretive. She tries to be kind to everybody, regardless of who they are or what they are. She has no real hatred for demons, though she fears them above all else. She tries to keep up a smile, tries to look happy and content with herself and the world, but every day for her just feels hopeless. She's always been weak physically, and she's only average mentally (In most aspects), and her family - not to mention the other angels - haven't taken kindly to it. She's clumsy with a weapon, she can't master her wind ability, she stutters in fear constantly, and her stamina isn't high. She's not a fast runner, she can't fly, calculations are near impossible. Her older sister and her younger brother were always strong in at least some aspect. Her father was a great warrior, and her mother had an incredible mind - the lack of support has gotten to her. Every jab and insult that you hand to her, she takes it. She believes it. Every lie, every you're worthless that's been thrown at her, she takes it as literal truth.
But she tries - oh how she tries. She trains in secret, she's kind to everybody - because she knows that somebody will be able to bring out the worth in her - she doesn't judge, doesn't hold grudges. Her mind not be meant for calculations, but if you need forgiveness or a friend, she's there for those who love her and hate her. She's good with advice, with helping other people see the bright side of their lives, even if it's at her expense. She doesn't start a conversation, but if you can engage her, she'll at least try to humor you. Though, she fears a lot, and perhaps the fact that she's submissive is due to her fear. Tell her to do something and she'll do it - so long as she's not hurting someone else.

Weapon of choice: She has a light, but very sharp dagger - and it's shocking that she can wield it as well as she can - like her brother and a sword. She assumes that it's because it's small and typically weightless.

History: Niania was born into an angel family complete with and older sister, who was delighted to find out about the newest addition to the family. Unfortunately, as Niania grew older, she grew weak and clumsy rather than strong and graceful. They assumed that she was sickly, which is partially true. (She's constantly getting headaches) It was strange, watching her sister (Akia) grow stronger as the years progressed. No matter how hard her parents worked to get her trained in something (When fighting failed, they tried for intellect, and then music, and then dance, cooking, healing - she wasn't all that great at much of anything. Except for dance - but her weak legs wouldn't support her weight for the more complicated moves), she just didn't seem to live up to the expectations set for her.

Through all of the struggling, Niania never really had the opportunity to make a real, supportive friend. Her parents were grilling her with things to accomplish, and lecturing her when she failed them. It wasn't because they thought any less of her, but her "only talent" was one that they didn't cherish, and they wanted her to be something, wanted her to be able to make something of herself someday. They knew that she had it in her - but their support was never there. They just couldn't find a way to relate to their second child the way they did to their eldest daughter.

At age twelve, Niania picked up her first empty journal. That slowly became her life - everything she does revolves around recording her life, and then recording what she wishes she could do with it. As her sister grew even more as a warrior, Niania decided that she was her role model. The fact that she couldn't live up to her image only discouraged the little girl further.

But before her first journal was ever touched, at seven and a half, little Eoshan was born, and from a very early age, he already showed signs of taking after his mother in intellectual areas. As they grew, Eoshan and Niania grew close - far closer than she and Akia ever were, though Akia would protect both siblings with her life. Eoshan looked up to Niania, and he was the only one who ever made her feel like she was worth anything. He was also the only one who knew about her writing - songs, poems, stories, journaling, he supported it all and helped her in every way he could, even despite their large age difference. Sometimes, Niania thought that her far younger brother acted more like her older brother.
Eoshan is only eleven now, but still.
She was the only one of her family who has ended up on Earth - and she isn't quite sure why it was her.

Up for love: Yes

Theme song: Set Apart this Dream - Flyleaf

Other: She actually has a very pretty voice, but it was too quiet to bring her any sort of fame. She often hums or sings a quiet lullaby when she's sad. Her wings are smaller and weaker than most, making her unable to fly - only elevate her jumps.


Name: Acoraan

Species: Demon

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Ability: The ability to create earthquakes. It's an exhausting power, but he's mastered it fairly well.

Appearence: Acoraan has long, messy brown hair and eyes so dark that they're almost black. He's average height, though he keeps his back very straight in an attempt to make him seem taller and more intimidating. He's got muscle, though he tends to hide it under baggy clothes. His eyes are always focused, always calulating, and there's a smirk on his face more often than not. Even if there's nothing to smirk about.
Spoiler! :

Personality: At first glance, Acoraan seems... different from the others. He's far more calm, and even despite his smirk, his eyes seem somewhat sad. Even when they're being calculative. It's a strange mixture, he knows, but that's how it is. Is it all an act? Yes and no. Acoraan acts hospitible - to anybody. Human, demon or angel. The chance he gets however, he'll turn on whichever one he's closest to. In other words - he's not the most loyal guy out there. Even to his own kind. He knows how to distract you from all that, though. He can hold any sort of conversation you would like to have, take on any personalities that you want. He's an excellent actor, and it's not a good thing for whoever's on the other end.
Another thing about Acoraan is that he doesn't kill, and if he does, he'll kill slowly. He prefers keeping his victims alive - mind games are his personal favorite thing to play, which is probably why he likes to earn another person's trust so much. Mind games and some physical torture. Occasionally, he'll have sprees where he'll beat the living crap out of anybody he sees and leaving them to die, but it's rare.
Acoraan does have his weak points, however. He doesn't like to kill or induce physical pain for one reason. If there's too much blood (a little is okay), he'll start feeling sick. That's right, the demon-boy's afraid of too much blood. He's also got major trust issues - half of the time the demons that he's tormented and then left to die were ones that he felt comfortable with. That trust is lost far too easily, and even if you're trying to help, chances are that Acoraan will turn on you. (Good luck with befriending him.) He's also extremely paranoid, though he doesn't show it. Every footstep makes him worried or suspicious, and he's constantly thinking that somebody or something is out there trying to get him.

Weapon of choice: A simple, though effective, battle axe that he very rarely uses (except for intimidation)

History: He was born on a nice, brown rock in Hell. Go figure. The first few years of his life were extremely dull - he lived with his parents and his four older brothers. It wasn't long before his parents vanished, along with two of his brothers, off warring with the angels. His youngest older brothers decided that they were sick of the little 8-year-old Acoraan's constant whining and fear - and they tried to kill him. (His brothers were both 'good demons')

Somehow, somehow, he had figured out enough of their weaknesses to overpower them. He killed both of them, vomitted, and left. Ever since, he's been on his own. He trusted his brothers. Trusted them. Loved them like any brother should - and they turned on him. Ever since, he's had terrible trust issues.

Up for love: If you can get to him without destroying his trust unintentionally. ;)

Theme song: (Optional)

Other: He carries around a bag full of rocks. Why? Nobody knows for sure. He just does.
Last edited by eldEr on Wed May 11, 2011 2:29 pm, edited 7 times in total.

got trans?

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Sat May 07, 2011 10:39 pm
Camulaeus says...

Name: Elijah

Species: Demon

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Element: Water

Abilities: He can manifest water particles in the air to cause mist.

Spoiler! :
Except he wear's clothes from this era. Probably a blye t-shirt and grey hoodie on top, with black jeans and shoes with orange laces on the bottom.

Personality: Elijah was more of the shy spawn-ling, lingering on the fringes of conversation, always a wisp of a presence showing only the side of his face and saying only barely legible murmurs. He doesn't tend to avoid demons, just not interact with them as much. He generally just is there, and leaves it up to the other person to view it as awkward or comfortable. He detests selfishness and false charity, and strives to be free of manipulation. He fights it with a defiant silence, sort of testing people; do they subscribe him to a label or do they try to get to know him first?

Flaws: Bad Social Skills

Strengths: Strong self-confidence

Weapon of choice: He has a sword, that looks like this:
Spoiler! :

History: Elijah was spawned from the Underocean like many other demons of water, yet from an early age he was...well, different. While other newly-spawns wrestled with and ate the guts of their friends, Elijah preferred instead to sit by himself and watch the Hell-flames dance in the water's reflection.

When the time came for him to become a true Demon, and corrupt his first soul, Elijah couldn't go through with it, and actually convinced the teenager to say "no" to the drugs. Enraged, his fellow demon's exiled him from the Underworld at the mere age of 18. He was given only a sword so that maybe he could out himself to use and kill someone.

For three years now, he has skirted the edges of civilization, using his powers to steal food and clothes. He still has his sword, which he is convinced that if he kills someone with, he will be dragged back to the Underworld. So now that the war has flared up again, Elijah strives to defend himself only, and wound, not slay.

Up for love: Yes, but only if the person shares his views on acceptance.

Theme song: Mr. Brightside- The Killers

Other: He is vehemently opposed against fighting.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sun May 08, 2011 2:06 am
Synnoev says...

Name: Luke

Species: Demon

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Element: Fire

Ability: Can make things heat up by touching or concentrating intensely on them - occasionally to the point of combustion but this only really occurs with things that are already quite flammable.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Luke generally thinks of humans as being completely below both demons and angels, and views them with little respect whatsoever, no matter how he may seem to be outwardly behaving. He sees them as weak-willed and easy to corrupt, and gains pleasure from watching apparently wholesome people descend into disgrace and greed. On the rare occasion he finds someone who seems to be pure in soul, he becomes consumed by curiosity and cannot rest until he finds a trace of evil inside of them. As he has become bored by the majority of humanity he spends a great deal of time searching for these 'anomalies', and trying to understand and unpick them.
Luke is quite good at understanding people and their motives; what they are thinking and why, and uses this to his advantage whenever possible, whether to second-guess an opponent or simply put them off mid-battle. He is pretty intelligent with regards to people and strategy.
For the most part, Luke really couldn't care less about other people, except for those that interest him. He is loyal to himself above all others, not really holding any strong allegiance to the side of the demons, and is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, regardless of their species.

Weapon of choice:
Spoiler! :

History: Luke has always been fascinated by humans, watching them from below long before his first corruption assignment at the age of 17. Since his transition into a full demon, he has spent more time amongst humans than most other demons of his age, and as such his allegiance is not as strong as that of others.

Three years ago, he became fascinated by a human girl by the name of Annabel, a young woman who lived on the streets of Detroit, and who seemed completely impossible to corrupt despite his best efforts at enticing her into any of the major sins. His obsession grew so much that he ended up saving her life by keeping her alive during an entire winter, ensuring that she did not die from the cold so that he was able to continue studying her. After a year and a half of observing this woman, she eventually died from a mixture of both starvation and illness, and Luke was left without a satisfying conclusion, much to his disgust. It is a lingering fear of his that another demon will find out that he kept this woman alive and that he will suffer the repercussions of not carrying out his duties correctly.

Up for love: Yes

Theme song: Biffy Clyro ~ God & Satan

Other: n/a
Last edited by Synnoev on Mon May 09, 2011 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun May 08, 2011 2:56 am
Redfang18 says...

Name: Angelus
Race: Demon
Age: 26
Power: Pyrokinesis(if that's allowed)
Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. Has a muscular and athletic body build. Often caught wearing red or black.
Personality: has a weakness for infant humans, enjoys feeding off the sins of prostitutes, takes too much pride in his power, and can't stay away from a virgin girl who's going to commit prostitution. Every time he gets a burn, he just keeps on coming with a wicked smile.
History: Before he lost his memory, he used to be very good at just burning things down and let certain humans get all the credit of his work. Not much of any typical fire demon, he won't burn a building that has babies in it. Some of his fellow demons consider Angelus a disgrace since he can't kill a baby. His pride for his power could be the ultimate reason he lost his memory now.
Up for love: unless you want to get burned, Angelus remains single.

Hope that's enough. If not, PM me to tell me what I might have left out.~~~~~~~~~Fang
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun May 08, 2011 4:09 am
tr3x says...

So, I'd like an angel of fire, please. I'm new here, and have never been in a storybook, so please correct me if I make any mistakes.
Quick question: What does this mean?
No OOC posts in the SB, only the DT. Don't even post to ask when we're stating in the DT. That's another thing that annoys SisterItaly (see first rule)
All those abbreviations went over my head.
Character profile:

Name: Bartimaeus

Species: Angel

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Element: Fire

Ability: Pyrokinesis (which is implied, I think), and the ability to walk through walls like a phantom.

Appearance: Spiky black hair, black eyes, and a short and physical appearance. Not bad looking, but with disproportionately large wings for his body size. Always has a smirk on his face. His eyes seem to reflect flames, even when there is no fire....

Personality: Pretty disreputable for an Angel. Bartimaeus is not a rebelious guy, but more of a slacker, given to casual criminality when he see's fit. He often thinks he should have been born across the border (in Hell). He has no qualms about bending rules, and quite frequently twists them into knots. He pretends not to care about anything, but hides his true feelings deep within him. He can be a very annoying individual at times as he is intensely argumentative. He is not loyal to anyone, but keeps his options open.

Weapon of choice: A scythe with a blade forged of celestial thermite. It isn't a traditional weapon for an angel, but he got it from a Reaper Man at the Limbo Market.

History: As an illegitimate son of the Creator's right hand angel, Azrael, Bartimaeus was looked down upon by both his step family and angel society as a whole. Because of his weak physical attributes and small stature, he was often considered inferior to the other angels. He never knew his mother, but his relationship with his father was always cold and formal. In his teenage years, he turned furtive, and started hanging out with people of... dubious reputation. He has a flourishing trade as a dealer, and supplies angels and demons with goods from the mortal plain which are technically illegal.

Up for love: Yes, but someone has to crack his outer shell first.

Theme song: Clint Eastwood - The Gorillaz

That's about it.
Last edited by tr3x on Wed May 11, 2011 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.
- Terry Pratchett

Si non confectus, non recifiat - If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

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Sun May 08, 2011 8:41 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


I awoke that morning with golden sunlight shining onto my skin, warming it with its lovely embrace. I smiled to myself, then sat up, feeling my back crack from a night on the hard dirt. I stretched, the slumped over. I had gotten used to the smell of stale hay and rotting wood by then. It had been about a week since I landed there. I stood and yawned, shuffling over to Dontese and patting his head to wake him. He perched on a piece of wood that stuck out from the wall. Luckily, Earth Angels were able to make plants grow, so I created a small strawberry patch in the corner. Straw berries were Dontese's favorite meal, and his feathers seemed to turn even more red when he ate them. Of course, I had to eat, too, so I just nibbled on strawberries for the week.

I sat down and leaned againt the wall, next to my bow and quiver. Dontese glided down from his perch and sat on my shoulder.
"We'll be okay, Red," I murmured, smoothing his feathers. "We'll be okay..." His eyes drifted shut, and I leaned my head back against the rotting wall.

(I'm too lazy to post anymore =_= Cam, your turn)
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Mon May 09, 2011 10:36 am
Camulaeus says...

~Elijah~ (Thanks Kim >> )

"Roger, stay away from that mist!' I watched the kid's eight or so chin's wobble as his mother scooped him up with her heavily mittened hands. The woman had more chins than her son, and all of them jiggled when she placed the boy onto her shoulder. The boy's large brown eyes remained fixed on me, until they entered one of the many shops on the sidewalk.

He had seemed to be the only one to notice me, the mysterious figure enfolded in a shroud of mist. Only he, out of the hundreds of ragged men and women hawking in the cobbled streets. I walked forward, and the mist's tendrils stretched forth to keep me hidden from anyone's prying eyes.

I made a few snitches from other grossly fat aristocrats, and left that street with almost enough gold to purchase another caravan ticket. Behind me, the shouts of the street died down as the mist hardened so that they couldn't see their own hands in front of them, not that any of the aristocrats would be able too anyways. Satisfied with my handiwork, I ducked into a nearby alley, and let the mist fall away from me.

Up ahead, the end of Goré approached, and the countryside began, as well as my search for a place to rest. My eyes were drawn to a seemingly abandoned barn on the outskirts of some dead fields. I stalked towards it, caring to not make any sound, and then, when I had reached's it's walls, used an old cart to give me a boost to the ceiling, where I looked down into a hole....and met the eyes of a brown haired girl. She opened her mouth, but it was cut off by a bird of some sort slamming into me and knocking me from my perch.

(Em, you be next)
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon May 09, 2011 11:16 am
SisterItaly says...


Tae blinked and shook her head at the demon as he tried to climb up the mountain. That was not how you got to the peak of the mountain, you had to fly to get there. That's why only air demons lived in the mountains of hell. She pushed off the ridge of the cliff and dived straight towards the ground, when she managed to get only a few meters down her wings opened up and she let them lift her up towards the stupid little demon.

As she approached she could make out his features more clearly. He wasn't a demon at all! He was another damned soul trying to find refuge in hell. She felt my lips twitch, threatening a smirk. It was rare for a damned soul to try and seek refuge with them, but when they did they were always thoroughly disappointed to find themselves dropped from the mountain and back into the pits they belong in.

Tae swooped in and grabbed the man under his arms, flying off towards the east. He looked up to me and began kicking and thrashing. He demanded she 'put him down'. Well, if he insisted. She let my hands slip out from under his arms and let out a low and amused laugh as he barreled towards the ground. It's true what they say, the damned are stupid.

Satisfied with her work she turned to fly back to the mountain and catch up on some much needed sleep, but found herself coming face to face with Delóre. Stupid air demon, he just couldn't take no for an answer, could he? She felt her hand twitch towards the sword that was still sheathed behind her.

"Well, hello there Tae. Having fun killing damned souls again today? I don't know why you bother, they just end up back in here anyway." he murmured as he brought himself closer. Tae felt her eye twitch with annoyance as she grabbed the hilt of the blade and flew back, away from him.

Instead of stopping, she felt herself continuing to move backwards. She flew against the pull, only for it to pull harder. Delóre's eyes widened as he grabbed her arms and tried to pull her away. In one blinding flash of light, they were gone.

Tae groaned and sat up. Oddly, she could feel... something soft under her hands. She peeled her eyes open just to be nearly blinded by a sudden flood of light. When her eyes finally adjusted she found herself sitting on some plant like substance that seemed to cover the ground. Grass.

She glared over at Delóre and swiftly kicked him which jolted him awake from his sleep, "Ugh, Tae darling was that really- oh hell where are we?" he groaned and looked around. She kicked him again and pulled her sword from it's sheath, and in one swift movement, let it come to rest at his throat.

"Where have you taken me?" she spat at him as she pressed the sword against him a little more. He resisted moving, and this just made Tae more furious at him.

"You can talk?" he said with disbelief as he stared into her eyes, which she rolled before slitting his throat. She didn't have time for his games, and he'd just slow her down.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue May 10, 2011 1:00 am
RoryLegend says...

Saving a spot for a male Air Daemon and a Male Human :)

Name: Grigori (Question: Are the daemons and angels who are being cast to Earth in their own bodies or do they take over a vessel? Possibly a once living human who's body they now inhabit and may be a little voice in their head at times?)

Species: Daemon

Age: appears 39

Gender: Male

Element: Air

Ability: He can inflict pain on someone with a flick of the wrist. He'll bend the air to lift you off the ground and twist your insides to pudding with a single thought. Of course he's a bit older so he's had time to hone his skills.

Appearance: A man of about 6 feet tall, Grig is dark all over. Dark hair, dark clothes (usually an all black suit and overcoat), dark eyes, dark soul. His hair is short and well kept, never messy. Scruffy facial hair. The frown lines in his forehead show his age and the sharp edges of his build make him seem untouchable. But there's also something familiar and soft about his appearance, something beckoning.

hugh-laurie-3.jpg (11.21 KiB) Viewed 231 times

Hugh Laurie was the closest thing I could think of, haha

Personality: Grig is one evil son of a bitch. He's ruthless and uncaring, and there isn't much he wouldn't do to get himself ahead. He despises most humans and has a general disdain for angels. His moods fluctuate from indifferent to raging mad. Sarcastic and quick witted he'll use his words and smarts before his weapons. But he does like weapons. He's not a mindless killer, rather more of a well thought out executioner. He enjoys torture, but doesn't deem it necessary to get what he wants.

Weapon of choice: He's got a dagger from the days when he was alive, with jewels in the hilt. (Question: Are their special daemon/angel killing weapons?)

History: Grig was technically "alive" in Earth's early days, and he lived in what is now Cairo, Egypt. He delighted in killing and was an all around awful human being. After he died he went straight to hell, he did not pass go, he did not collect $200. But he did get a special invitation from the devil, to be his intern, of sorts. He was in charge of making sure things ran smoothly in hell. He chose everything from the decorations to the exact methods of torture used on the damned souls. Then, after landing on Earth he realized he was finally free of his boss and was in no hurry to go back.

Up for love: Oh sure, tough guys need love too.

Theme song: Rolling in on a Burning Tire by The Dead Weather

Profile number two!
Name: Axel Palmer

Species: Human

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Element: None

Ability: He's lightning fast, whether he's running, chasing, making a movement, he does it fast.

Appearance: Usually wears jeans, work boots, t-shirt and over shirt (solid colors with some occasional plaid), and a dark mechanic's jacket. His dirty blond hair is cut close to his head with a little length on top, usually a little messy as well. He's got bright blue eyes and a tanner complexion. And muscle you wouldn't notice unless you looked, but once you do look, it's hard not to notice. Little bit of a southern lag to his voice.

Personality: Axel is like a quarter, on one side he's serious and calm-always has a plan or a next move, on the other side he's laid back, always good for a beer and a joke, but as a whole he's pretty good. His flaws are his inability to trust anyone.

Weapon of choice: double barrel shot gun

History: Raised in an apartment above a bar in a small town in Kentucky Axel has been around the rough and tough his whole life. His mom died when he was a kid and his dad dropped him off with a family friend, Ellen, a few days later. His dad would be gone for months at a time, then check in with Wendy, stay a few days and be off again. When Axel was 16 his dad finally took Axel with him and he told him about all the monsters, daemons, and creatures that lurked in the darkest parts of the world. And he taught Axel how to fight and kill them. His dad also told him about a war going on between Angel's and Daemons. He told him it wasn't on Earth, but it would be one day, and all hell would break loose. Now Axel works at the bar with Ellen and, whenever he comes across something that evil, he kills it.

Up for love: Yes

Theme song: On the Road Again by Canned Heat
Last edited by RoryLegend on Sun May 15, 2011 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Tue May 10, 2011 9:04 pm
Kaywiia says...

Last edited by Kaywiia on Thu May 12, 2011 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Tue May 10, 2011 11:09 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


I jumped back as Dontese slammed into the Demon. Red was pretty good at clawing and pecking small berries, but I didn't know if he could withstand a Demon. I backed away as he leaped into the barn from the hole in the roof, indifferent to Dontese's attack.
We both stood there, neither of us moving.
He was tall, with red-ish eyes and long black hair. I sized him up, looking him over, and I could see he was doing the same. I tilted my head and frowned. Something urged me to get closer. I carefully took two steps forward and paused. He approached me rapidly, took my chin in his hands, and pressed his mouth onto mine.
Yeah, i wanted to get closer, but not this close.
I stumbled back and pushed him away, hard as I could. He stumbled back and fell over a shovel. Just then, Dontese swooped back in and perched on my shoulder. I glared at this pitiful thing in front of me.
"Try that again and I'll let Red here have a nice go at those eyes." I hissed and made a strawberry plant grow next to him.
"Hungry?" I took two and ate one, then gave the other to Dontese as I stalked out of the barn.

All the time, Demon boy did not utter a single word.
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

I should infinitely prefer a book.
— Mary Bennet, Pride and Prejudice