
Young Writers Society

Edge War (accepting characters!)

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Sat May 07, 2011 3:42 am
RedBird says...

Far far away, jutting out into the emptiness beyond, like the figurehead of a mighty stone ship, is the Edge...

-Beyond the Deepwoods

In the Third Age of Flight, phraxships plow across the skies of the Edge, and phraxweapons abound, but the Edge is still as dangerous and full of intrigue as it ever has been.
In the mighty city of Great Glade, sky pirates have sprung back into existence, and with their phrax-powered machinery, they're more wily and successful than ever before. They patrol the skies, fighting the New Leagues of the goblin city of Hive, plying a lucrative trade of timber and other goods, and always ready for a fight. The New Leagues and the sky pirates have a delicate balance: the pirates can be invaluable if the Leagues attract unwanted attention in their nefarious dealings, and the Leagues also have enough power to make life very difficult for anyone caught helping a pirate without their permission. Tensions are building, but, as of yet, have not come to anything.
However, something is brewing that will utterly destroy this carefully maintained relationship: In Riverrise, the City of Night, the waifs have been making something, something terrible. Beyond their dark city, using a mixture of the Waters of Life from the Riverrise spring and stormphrax, they have built a weapon of terrible magnitude. A weapon that they can use to take over the entire Edgeworld. And they will use it, at any cost.

As the strained relationship between the New Leagues and the sky pirates reaches a breaking point, two phraxships, one pirate, and one league, are blown over the treacherous Night Woods into Riverrise, and unwittingly discover the waifs' plans. They are the only ones who know of the coming attack. They are the only ones who can stop it. If they don't, a war like no other will be let loose.

Okay, if you've never read the Edge Chronicles, then don't worry (you should; they're great books)! I'll explain everything below...

First, the races. On the Edge, there are some main groups: Goblins, trolls, trogs, waifs, shrykes, and fourthlings. Below is a description and (hopefully) picture of each:

Goblins: There are virtually infinite varieties of goblins (flathead, hammerhead, webfoot, long-hair, and mottled, to name a few). The main features that they all possess are sharp teeth, and large-ish ears. Some are very war-like, and some are peaceful. Below is a picture of a hammerhead goblin:

Trolls: Trolls are also extremely diverse, although not as much so as goblins. Woodtrolls, gabtrolls, and lugtrolls are the most common. Woodtrolls are excellent woodsmen, and are stocky, with curly hair, and wide features. Gabtrolls are squat and have long eyestalks that they constantly lick to keep moist. They are amazing apothecaires. Lugtrolls are also very squat, with large, lumpy faces. They are very strong, and often "lug" things, hence the name. Here are pictures of a gabtroll and a woodtroll:

(The woodtroll is the one with the ax )

Trogs: Trogs are huge, with sometimes brutish features, but can be excellent individuals, when given the chance. They are strong fighters, and they can be brutal. They are favored workers in all types of industry, and are found all over the Edge. Cloddertrogs are the most commonly found. Here's a picture:

Waifs: Waifs are tiny creatures, spindly and delicate. They come from the Night Woods, where sight is limited, so they have a huge distinguishing feature: their ears are gigantic. They can hear anything and everything, including thoughts. Because of this, they are not to be messed with. Not all of the waifs are trying to take over. In fact, the majority aren't. There are various types, but they're not that different, so here's a generic picture:

Shrykes: These are vicious bird creatures who live in matriarchal societies, with the female being much more powerfully built than the male. They are, for the most part, warriors, but some have become successful in the bar business, and often do deals with both sky pirates and the New Leagues. Here's a picture:

Fourthlings: Fourthlings are essentially humans. They have ancestors from all of the other races, and all of them look different, depending. This is the picture of a young sky pirate fourthling:

Now that's out of the way, here are some of the other creatures:

Prowlgrin (the white beast that he's riding):


This is a link to a picture of a phraxship. You have to scroll down a bit to see it:

As for the rest of the Edge, there are three main cities: Great Glade, Hive, and Riverrise, or the City of Night. The are spaced far apart in the endless Deepwoods, a forest of endless beauty and danger.

Whew! That was a lot of info, but here's the character template! You can be a Leaguesman or a Pirate, but lets keep it even, folks! I'll play the mastermind of the waif plan, and the captain of the sky pirate ship. You can have two characters.



Age: (13-25)



Profession: (Leaguesman or sky pirate)





All YWS rules, of course...

There will be a fair bit of violence, but no super gory scenes, please...

No sex scenes

Absolutely no god-modding

No Mary-Sues

Have fun!

PM me if you have any questions!
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Wed May 18, 2011 9:47 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Name: Lorcani Dweller (literally "little fierce one")

Race: Fourthling

Age: 19

Appearance: Lorcani , or simply Cani through her close friends, has raven black hair. Her eyes are the brightest shade of kelly green anyone has ever seen, sharply contrasted against her sunkissed skin. She's very short, at a shocking 5'2. She has a very slender, slight build but her curves are in all the right places. She's greatly attracted to bright, shocking colors, as they contrast greatly against her black clothing she tends to wear. Since she was a child, she's collected fallen shryke feathers, and has enough to probably build her own Shryke doll, if she wanted, but she wears most of them, in her hair or just to assintuate her outfit. Unlike the picture, she wears a black patch with a skull and cross bones on it. She also has multiple scars all over her body, and a very deep one from the base of her neck, wrapped around her body to her belly button.

Personality: Cani, at a glace, seems like a very quiet, shy girl. Many people take her for granted due to her size, but she's surprisingly a spitfire. She can normally hold her own and prefers melee weapons to range, due to her speed. She gets very loud and obnoxious when the time comes, and many of her fellow shipmates try to keep her away from any form of alcohol, knowing that she gets ten times worse than normal. She is very untrusting to men, due to her background, and tends to be rebellious in the worst of situations.

Profession: Sky pirate

Background: Growing up, Cani lived on the streets of Hive. Her mother and father abondoned her at a young age, as they had bigger and better things to do. She's mastered the art of thievery, after twelve years on the streets, and can normally get out of any trap or jail cell. Upon her travel from Hive to Great Glade through the forest, a band of rogues invited her to join with them. Only two days later, they raped her and left her on the road to die, having been stabbed in the eye, as well and almost everywhere else on her body, and near death, she had a feeling her time was coming before an elderly man found her and brought her in. It took her months to recover from the broken bones and multiple wounds, however she did. The elder, a healer in his tiny villiage, taught her all the medicinal practices he knew as she worked alongside his older grandson, eventually surpassing him. When the old man's time came, he passed on and his grandson, dispite the protests, chased Cani from the villiage, where she later joined the sky pirates.

Secrets: Blind in her right eye, and her whole past is a secret. Nobody has ever bothered to ask, so she doesn't tell.

Other: Up for lovee <3
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:33 pm
FailBros says...

Name:Angrod(ANG-rod) Renatava (ren-a-TA-va)

Race:Water Waif

Age: 18

Without the wrinkles. Always wears a necklace made of all the Banderbears hes killed and a robe made of Cloddertrog skin. Has no shoes and will never willingly wear them. Dark purple gloves.

Personality:skeptical, trusts no one except for his sister who is a Contract Killer. Thinks every one is after him because of what happened to his parent. They were were hired assassins for Leaguesman who turned on them and killed them. For close combat he uses two poisoned daggers and for medium distance he throws his daggers and long range he uses a bow and arrow.

Profession: sky pirate :pirate2:

Background:Parents killed when he was young. His sister ran away and pops up in his life every once in awhile. He is fighting the Leaguesman to avenge his parents.

Secrets:Has a fully functional wooden hand he lost it when he tried to defend his parents.

Other: Hunts Banderbears as a hobby.
No single word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.

I send you buckets full of stars, the prettiest rainbow I've ever seen and a really adorable unicorn
— Zenith