
Young Writers Society

The Perfect Voyage 2 *Full | Dead*

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:17 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Welcome aboard the SS. Caledonia, the perfect voyage where all your dreams come true.

Plot: A group of people have boarded the cruise ship, SS. Caledonia a year after the fatal Bel Amica cruise. Shocked and still somewhat scared, they are trying to put the past behind them and are currently cruising in the North Pacific, somewhere. The voyage was going fine until Lord Henry Caine turned up dead on the Amundsen Deck near the bar.

Now almost everyone has been called to attend the mandatory ball and most are there now. There are staff in the kitchen, engine room, the Bridge and in various other places, such as any restaurants, etc. There is the odd child or elderly person left in their room, and the odd staff member out and about but apart from that, most staff and passengers are in the ballroom. The Captain is present, leaving his Second-in-command in the Bridge along with at least two others.

Unknown to the passengers and crew (until they find Lord Caine), someone on board is trying to kill off everyone on the ship, all crew and passengers regardless of age, gender and race. The engine room has been shut off from the rest of the ship and no one has heard from the crew there since the voyage began.

You are trapped on Caledonia and you need to find a way off before you die too. Will you go to the lifeboats or find another way? How will you escape?

Setting: An 8 deck cruise-liner called Caledonia.

The Ship:
Spoiler! :

Deck plans: Click on "Deck Plans" and ignore the details, just take a look at each deck. Note: The restaurant on the Atlantic deck is the ballroom/dining room/kitchen area.

-Usual YWS/SB rules.
-ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak and no one liners.
--800 characters minimum or about 165 words for those of you using MS Word or other writing programs. (Check the little box below your text!)
-Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it.
-Romance and Sex Scenes are allowed-Just don't be vivid, no one needs to read about details.
-Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair.
-Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
-Please have a timestamp at the top of each post, this includes Name, Place, Deck and an approximate Time.
-Please PM me and the creator of a character before killing them off or state in your profile if you are going to die. No one likes it when they're randomly killed.
-Can claim up to 2 characters.
-No Characters Under 18.
-And lastly, SisterItaly and ScarlettFire, will be co-modding this SB. Listen to them. Their word is law.

Spots Claimed:
- ScarlettFire - Isadora Norwood, Actress (passenger) - Female.
- wickedwonder- Esmerelda Sparks (Waitress) - Female.
- CelticaNoir - Concetta Lanfield - Female.
- NinjaCookieMonster- Marty Poole, Heiress (passenger) - Female.
- iceprincess - Angelique "Angeli" Tannhauser, student (passenger) - Female.
- SisterItaly - Marc Guidon - Fashion designer (passenger) - Male.
- IshaThePirate - Timothy Stowers (Crew - Chef) - Male.
- Stori - Jack Bonnington - Male.
- Skins - Felix Dimitri (Crew) - Male.
- Jennya - Lady Ophelia Beaumont (Passenger) - Female.
- captain.classy - Kisa Vandaguard (Crew)- Female.
- SishBe - Marcus Green (Crew) - Male.

Character Profile:
Code: Select all








[b]Up for Love?[/b]


All questions to the DT please. Link to DT: Coming Soon!
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:08 am, edited 5 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:18 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Marc Guidon

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: Marc is a rather happy guy. He's always smiling and laughing with everyone and can get along with anyone if you give him the chance. He can be rather... stereotypical for a gay guy. He does the whole loose wrists, 'gay voice' and says 'honey' 'sweet heart' and 'dear' much too often.

He's not all that upset by names. He's often been called a fag or homo during his life. He simply replys with "Why yes. Yes I am, honey." He has very high self esteem. When someone begins to really bug him he'll blow them off for a while, but eventually the straw will break the camels back and he will fight back.

History: When he was only 13, he came out to his parents and told them he was gay. Luckily for him his two mothers accepted him (might be because they were also gay). Many of his friends accepted him too, most of them were female.

So for the longest time he didn't know what it was like to be bashed for your sexuality. Until one day someone he didn`t even know came over and punched him square in the face. Marc didn't know what he had did wrong, he respected straight boys.

After that, he only trusted his real friends, and focused on school. He swore one day he'd show them all. Now he's a high end fashion designer. Who's the loser now queer bashers?

Likes/Strengths: He loves rain, water, fashion, cute couples, and quiet places to read. His strengths are his good temper and strong swimming abilities.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: He dislikes Homophobes, clashing outfits, snow, people who are exessivly loud. He's a slow runner, more of a brain then a brawn (He tries to act strong) and easily persauded.

Up for Love? Yes, and very very gay.

"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:20 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Name: Isadora Norwood.

Age: 26.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Isadora is tall with dark brown hair and grey-blue eyes. She's slim and athletic, and likes to wear jeans and black high heels.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Isadora is kind and gentle (usually), if a little snarky. She tends to be rather nasty to people she's just meet and has a longtime nemesis from when she first started acting. She has a rebellious nature hidden behind a shy, kind but somewhat snarky attitude. Sometimes she's a little too confident and often in trouble with her agent. She's smart and talented, but her downfall is the temper she keeps saying she doesn't have. She often acts before thinking and can be quite sneaky at times. Absolutely loves and adores her five-year-old daughter.

After the last cruise, she's a little jumpy and easily startled. Well, she was one of the few surviviors of the Bel Amica tragedy.

History: Born in Sydney, Australia on July 12th, 1984 to Alec Norwood and Phoebe Norwoord, Isadora was raised with pretty much no rules (except "Tell us where you are/where you're going", "Call or text if you need us" and "Home by 2 in the morning"...), and lived like she had nothing to lose. By the time she left school, she was stunning and had always been brilliant in her Drama classes.

At 18, a Hollywood talent scout saw her and asked her to come over and work there. She did just that and excelled, until she got married at 21 to a particularly nasty man by the name of Michael Ellis. They had a child together, a girl named Sonya. Isadora has recently divorced him while she was working on a new movie, "Way of the Warrior", and then decided to join the Bel Amica cruise. She is semi-famous actress and had no idea what was in store for her and some of the others on the Bel Amica voyage.

One year later and she's on another voyage, but she isn't keen on it--not after what happened the last time she was on a cruise ship. But if her manager says it's for the publicity, then she'll go along with it....and she'll secretly be wishing nothing bad happens this time round. Oh, and that she's anywhere but on the ship. Will the Caledonia prove to be as fatal as the Bel Amica?

Likes/Strengths: Likes; The better side to life, dry land, acting, starring in movies, watching movies, reading, drawing, her daughter and both men and women. Strengths: Isadora is fast on her feet, has had training in martial arts, fencing and archery. She's a good mother.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes; Her Ex-husband, death, blood, dark & confined spaces, her stalkers and some of her co-stars. Cruise liners/ships, open water and being unable to go anywhere. Weaknesses; Dark, confined spaces. If she were to be locked in, say, a cupboard of some kind, she would panic. Badly. Deep water; she is intensely freaked by it--not the best idea for her to be on a cruise-liner, is it? Her daughter, if anything were to happen to her.... Let's just say it'd be bad.

Up for Love? Yes, of course she is. Has been divorced for about a year now. Bisexual.

Other: She's a semi-famous actress and bound to be recognised. Has an Ex-husband and a five year old child.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:30 am
Jennya says...

Name: Lady Ophelia Beaumont

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

She is a beautiful and impeccably groomed fem fatal. With luscious red hair, pale skin and
startling green eyes she is a pin up goddess. With a smirk constantly painted on her pretty face, she is the perfect ice queen and would rather die that be seen without her trademark red lipstick and dark khol lined eyes.

She is only found in designer clothes, Christian Louboutins and red lipstick.

Personality: Cold and vain, Ophelia is not the nicest person out there. Considered by many as a gold digger she is terribly ambitious but at the same time fairly successful her self. She treats most people like dirty and values herself above all. She is also extremely superficial but at the same time extremal disciplined and hard working to her self control is paramount.

History: Was born into a rich french family, she has a twin brother and they spent their early days play fighting and bullying other kids. As a child she had a obsession with martial arts and Ballet, this is where her self control comes from. When she was fourteen she realized the bumps on her cheat could get boys to do anything and thus Ophelia the gold digger was born. She finished high school with stunning results but instead went to dace school, spending years honing her skills. Injury soon dashes her hopes of becoming famous and she instead focus on modeling and at one time even became a erotic dancer just to make a name for her self. During a cat walk show she meet her future husband Lord Arthur Beaumont, the only man who could ever tame her. Arthur, hailing from impoverished English aristocracy was a self made billionaire and the owner of a department store chain. The a currently married with one 3 year old son who is at home with his father. Their marriage is relatively happy, but at times can be violent and dramatic considering the many affairs on both sides. She is on the Voyage alone, but is wishes to get back to her family.

[/]Likes/Strengths:[/b] Beauty and hardworking personality.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Vanity and cruelty

Up for Love? Yes but short meaningless affairs only, she is married.

Other: will add soon : )
Stay gold, Ponyboy - S.E. Hinton

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Sun May 01, 2011 7:50 am
iceprincess says...

Will edit this further.

Name: Angelique "Angeli" Tannhauser

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Spoiler! :

Also, she is usually seen with her sketchbook, notebook and paints.

Personality: She is really outgoing, and likes talking to people that catches her attention. She can be really sarcastic, but usually she is bubbly and hyper. She says what she thinks, and always stands up for what she believes in. She has a heart of gold, and although people might think that she would be really tough because of her past, she actually is very sensitive to what people think and say about her. She is unfailingly loyal, and she expects the same from her loved ones. She is extremely intelligent - top of the elite class at her boarding school - but sometimes she might seem a bit of a show-off. Your average Hermione Granger, actually.

History: Angelique was born on the 5th of August, 1992, to a German father and Irish mother. Angelique went to live with her mother along with her two siblings, Callie (aged 9) and Siegmund (aged 20), and they were very well taken care of throughout their childhood.

When she was thirteen, her father died penniless in a car crash. He had left nothing for poor Angelique and her family, so they were forced to leave their luxurious life behind and her mother had to try to eke out a living by working two jobs. Siegmund had to drop out of high school and work as a waiter in order to let Angelique and her sister to go to a private boarding school. Their grandmother died soon after and left all of them a huge sum of money, and Angelique took some to travel around the world before she went to collage.

Likes/Strengths: Angelique loves drawing and writing. She is pretty skilled at watercolours, but she loves sketching more. She loves adventure and exploring new things. A quick thinker, she has a vivid imagination, and knows exactly how to take advantage of every single situation thrown at her.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: A tad conservative, she dislikes ostentatious people. She is quite vulnerable, and can be quite a sissy at times. Can be stubborn as hell, and she is frequently haunted by nightmares.

Up for Love? Depends on the situation.

Other: She has scars on her legs from when she cut herself, and wears an ankle bracelet from a vendor in Bali at all times. Oddly, she hasn't been to Bali herself.
you'll never find another sweet little girl with sequined sea foam eyes
ocean lapping voice, smile coy as the brightest quiet span of sky
and you're all alone again tonight; not again, not again, not again.
and don't it feel alright, and don't it feel so nice? lovely.


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Mon May 02, 2011 11:31 am
Sins says...

(Same profile as last time, just with some tweaks.)

Name: Felix Dimitri

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearence: Felix has messy dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. He's got rather tanned skin and stands at about 6 foot. He's often dressed in rather old fashioned/vintage clothes, and a lot of them are more like rags than anything. Nonetheless, he always manages to make it look fashionable. He is always wearing his scrubby black and white converse.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Felix is an outgoing guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind. He can often come across as harsh or thoughtless, but in reality, he isn't a nasty guy. He's just self-conscious, I guess. He is extremely flirtatious and is always willing to stand up for what he believes in. When he isn't flirting or playing his guitar, he's most likely to be sleeping. He often gets shouted at on the ship because he isn't putting all of his effort into his job. The only reason he joined the ship's crew was in hope of being able to have a good time and maybe preform with his guitar. He cares a lot about what he looks like and having a good time with his friends. Although Felix can come across as cocky and careless, if a person ever gets to know him, they realise there's a lot more to his cockiness than he makes out.

History: Felix was born into a really religious family, which caused an awful lot of problems for him. Growing up, he was made to go to church every single Sunday, sometimes he had to go during weekdays. As a young child, he decided that he hated anything religious and that there was no such thing as God. He never told his parents this though. They would have disowned him otherwise.

When it comes to his wealth, he wasn't rich but he wasn't poor either, just middle-class really. When Felix was 14, he came out as gay. His parents obviously had a lot to say about that. Days later, he moved out of his parents home and into his closest friend's home without any money at all really. Since then, he hasn't spoken to his father and has only contacted his mother and younger sister through e-mail. The only money he gets is by doing little things (working in a small shop, busking, helping neighbours with the odd thing e.t.c.)

Likes/Strengths: Likes: Guys, music, partying, having a good time, sleeping, laughing. Strengths: preforming music, lying, thinking outside the box, dancing

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Dislikes: working, his father, miserable people, people who constantly get drunk. Weaknesses: Rather dumb at times, can be annoying, careless, doesn't always consider other people's opinions, grouchy if he doesn't get enough sleep.

Up for Love? With a guy, sure.

Other: Felix isn't confident about his sexuality at all after the way his parents reacted. He tends to have 'fun' with guys, then threaten them to make sure they say nothing about it to anyone. Also, he may be a weeny bit mental. I haven't decided yet... If not, he may turn a bit mental in the future. We'll see.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Wed May 04, 2011 5:24 pm
captain.classy says...

Can I join!

Edit: will make profile later today.

Name: Kisa Vandaguard

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearence: Kisa is about 5'3'' with short red hair, brown eyes and darke freckles on her pale face.
Spoiler! :
sdgsd.PNG (156.85 KiB) Viewed 267 times

Personality: Kisa is loud, obnoxious and fun. When she knows someone around her. Working in the Kid's recriational department of the ship has its perks, short hours, but that also means that while everyone is working, she's sleeping. Kisa doesn't have anything to hide; if you ask her, she'll tell you. But she doesn't really like talking about other people, and you'll have to catch her at a vulerable time if you want to talk about yourself.

History: She was raised in a middle-class family in a medium-sized town, and worked for a Day Camp as her first job. From then on she decided she wanted to work with kids. But there was always this dream of exploring the world, so one day during class she decided that working on a cruise ship was what she was meant for. Her grandfather, her favorite person in the world and role model, died five days before he would have gotten to watch her graduate.

Likes/Strengths: Kids, chocolate, cake, knitting. Her strengths are her bubbly personality (which has landed her numerous jobs oppertunities) and her attention to detail.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Sad and snobby people, when people smack while eating, and purses. She has a hard time listening to other people talk.

Up for Love? Sure.

Other: Crew member, works in the kids recreational department.
Last edited by captain.classy on Thu May 05, 2011 2:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Thu May 05, 2011 10:57 am
ScarlettFire says...

Of course.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed May 18, 2011 2:21 pm
CelticaNoir says...


Name: Concetta Lanfield

Age: 21

Gender: Female






Up for Love?

I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sun May 22, 2011 4:18 pm
SishBee says...

Name: Marcus Green

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and slightly skinny for his height. He has dark brown hair which is gelled back (if any of you know who John Cleese is then imagine a slightly younger version of him). His face is slightly gaunt and he carries himself with his nose slightly turned up.

History: Born in England. He started off working in the laundry section of the cruising industry as a 16 year old and has gradually worked his way up the pecking order through a lot of hard work and a great deal of sucking up to people. As a result he is now a butler but he also finds interacting with people rather distasteful and prefers to avoid having to deal with people outside of work. He also considers his self-worth to be higher than those around him due to his years of hard work. Due to his years of working with demanding passengers and sucking up to his superiors he is now rather bitter and hates his job, however, he feels he worked too hard to get to where he is and as a result refuses to leave his niche.

Personality: Due to his years if servitude he is antisocial and has superiority complex. Generally takes a pretty dim view of any guests and believes that the other staff are beneath him due to his higher ranking which he achieved by himself. Snide and not above a little double-dealing.

[/]Likes/Strengths:[/b] Knows the layout of the ship and the way in which the ship works (in terms of the staff community) very well. He is also enjoys reading books about Churchill.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: People and cats. He is also generally uncooperative and unhelpful unless there is a healthy tip in it for him.

Up for Love? No.

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 am
eldEr says...

Name: Timothy Stowers (You call him Timmy and he'll snap your neck....)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Occupation: Chef

Appearence: Buzz-cut dark brown hair, and facial hair that changes style on a regular basis. His eyes are a grey-blue color, always calculating, always cold. He's around 6', and has quite the muscular build, considering he's a chef. (Yeah. He secretly works out in his spare time. Don't judge him.) He tends to slouch and cross his arms... and glare at just about everybody.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Timothy is extremely cold-hearted, and definitely tempermental. The slightest irritating remark or offensive joke will have him screaming at you. He's extremely stern about his job, and often hard on his chefs and those that work under him, choosing to yell at them even more than... other... people. If you do a good job, he'll ignore you- he never has a compliment to give to anybody. It doesn't matter how perfect the taste or presentation of a dish is, he'll find something to critique about it. On the other hand, if it's his work- it's "perfect", no matter what.
Outside of work, he still yells a lot, and is very, very irritable. His temper blows at the smallest things, and for the most part, he just avoids people in general. They're annoying, and he doesn't need to deal with their crap. He's got plenty of his own to sort out. If he's not shouting or yelling, he's making dry, sarcastic and normally hurtful remarks. He doesn't care about other peoples' feelings, and he doesn't bother hiding his indifference.
Getting to Timothy is hardest and more trying than climbing good ol' Mt. Everest, but if you do, you'll learn just how emotionally unstable he really is. Anger isn't the only thing in there- for him, it's a constant battle with himself more than the outside world.

History: Timothy's mother was said to have gotten into an automobile accident when he was only six years old, leaving him, his baby sister, Jennya, and their already-delpressed and alcoholic father to their own devises. From a very early age, Timothy had to learn how to cope with his father's drunken rages, and protect his little sister in the process. He did the cooking, the cleaning, shopping, changing diapers... everything. The only thing his father did was bring in a measly wage that Timothy had to learn to ration out by the time he was nine, and his father's drinking habbits got even worse.

He was thirteen when good ol' Papa Timothy nearly beat Jennya to death. This was when Timothy finally gathered up the bravery to call somebody about it. With a phone in one hand and a broken Jennya in the other, he called his grandmother, who lived across the country in New York state. She called social services, as she didn't have the funds to take care of her two grandchildren. The siblings were placed into the fostering system, and the only person that Timothy ever felt relatively attached to was separated from him when he was only 14. Through all of the homes that he went to, his first permanent home was when he was 16. He had always adored the cullinary arts, but this is where he really dove into it. He raced through school, took additional cooking classes and attended and arts institute as soon as he was out of high school. (he had been saving since he learned what arts institutes even were)

He hasn't seen his sister since he was fifteen, and his hatred for people only started around four or five years ago.

Likes/Strengths: Cooking, cooking, cooking. Anything that involves the cullinary arts, you bet that Timothy has it mastered. He makes up his own recipes, and is very well-known for his "Timothy Originals." Aside from that, he has excellent math skills, a very, very steady hand, sharp eyes, ears, nose and judgement. He can pick the tiniest flaw out of anything- food or otherwise- and make it known. He's a very strong swimmer, and has a long attention span.

Dislikes/Weaknesses: Crowds and people in general. He doesn't do well in large groups, save for presenting dishes, and feels extremely out-of-his-element at parties or social functions of any sort. He's very anti-social. His temper is extremely distructive, though he's never been known to physically lash out at anybody. (Save for when they call him Timmy, or do something really stupid.) It's all verbal attacks, occasionally threats, and then threats that include people not ratting him out for threatening them "or else." (He never comes up with that "or else"... unless they actually rat him out. Then he does.) He's very, very clausterphobic, and secretly, he's afraid the dark. (Yeah. He has a night-light... and a few lamps... in his room. He doesn't let anybody in there.)

Up for Love? Sure

Other: He has scars on his arms and legs, and a few on the back of his neck. He keeps them covered and will change the subject if anybody asks about them.
Oh, and the reason he hates being called Timmy is because that's what his father called him... it was a taunting nickname, and far from a term of endearment. It brings back one too many bad memories.

got trans?

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:56 am
ScarlettFire says...

Okay. Those of you yet to post a profile, do it now, cause we're starting today.

Feel free to start posting, just remember to start off the discovery of the first body.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind