
Young Writers Society


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Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:51 am
CelticaNoir says...

Basic Idea: It has been one year since, the world 'renewed' itself and the survivors of this apocalypse have broken off into five groups. There are those who have changed, the angry ones. They don't stick together; like nomads, they travel around on their own, killing any living thing that bothers them. Eventually, insanity overcomes them, leading them to go on a rampage that leads to self destruction.

Many people believed it was the after-effects and post-traumatic stress that drove them to their end. But what they don't know; is during that little 'apocalypse' a new species was introduced to earth. They are small, black, scorpion type bugs that latch onto the skin and inject venom into the brain and nerves, ultimately taking over the host.

The venom makes the host feel at peace inside, but always slightly paranoid that someone will discover their secret to ultimate happiness. So the bug is very well defended.

For a while these bugs feed off of their hosts, until they are strong enough to be independent. Then they kill the host by detaching; their hosts' bodies, addicted to the venom, go into withdrawal and start dying.

None of the other groups know of this little bug. In fact only those who have been bitten know of it. So the other groups simply avoid the dark ones as much as they can.

But people are starting to notice. The population is slowly turning crazy, but no one is sure why. Loved ones go from perfectly normal to hostile killers almost over night. Some look for cures, unsuccessfully. Will you be bitten? Or will you find the truth?

Moons: Normally out at night, known as the party animals. They're known for their rowdy attitude and get-togethers. They detest the Suns, and usually go to war with them. They have very different ideas on how the world should be run. Moons, uncharacteristically, are known for being rather spiritual and classical in their tastes, and feel society would be a lot better if creativity was more abundant. Moons also tend to be somewhat rash.

Clothing: Usually torn, dirty, and these people are usually very pale. Given the state of their clothes, you'd think they looked ugly, but Moons really have good fashion sense.

Suns: The 'day-walkers'. Suns are civilized and polite people, who, nevertheless, also happen to be big-headed bigots. (If you trust the Moons, that is.) At the higher ends of society, Suns believe in prestige and logic more than feelings. They feel society should be run like a business, which is why the Moons hate them so much. They also tend to look down on all the other groups.

Clothing: Refined, polished suits that look as though they are dry-cleaned all the freaking time. Suns also happen to have very neat hair. (Think: Too neat.) Most of them have rather nice tans.

Dawns: Dawns are nomads. They don't travel in large groups; the most people they've been known to travel with is six at a time. They're very curious beings and often take time to look at the world around them. They can be very cold towards the other groups, and often accuse them of 'not being open to the healing earth'.

Clothing: Usually loose clothing, such as robes or cloaks and the like. Some say they look like wizards or priests. They're still very clean people.

Dusks: Punks, goths and emos, these are the guys who love to whine about anything and everything. Preferring to sit down and complain rather than getting any work done, they believe the world can only be regulated if people just sat down and poured out their complaints all the time. (Don't ask how that philosophy works.)

Clothing: Various types of clothing, usually according to the various different sub-groups. Punks like bright and spiky clothing; emos and goths like dark clothing, except with different styles.

Darks: These bitten types are very hostile to other beings. They will not think twice before killing you if you get too close. They don't even trust their own kind. Or animals. Everything that moves is a threat to them. But, if you were to watch one of these kinds when they don't know you're around, you'll see they are happy and blissful.

Clothing: They never change, ever. So they have horrible fashion sense and their clothes are usually so torn and dirty you could mistake them for rags.


- No Godmodding! This makes for an angry Puzzler (and Celtica). You won't like her when she's angry. (We will bury our axes in your head if you do.)

- No sex scenes. Romance is a yes. (Especially if it's forbidden romance!) But NO sex scenes. (Or you will find youself in the sewer very quickly.)

- Proper grammar, please and thank you. Don't make us turn into grammar nazis on you. (I wouldn't mind Blitzkrieg-ing someone, but it won't be pleasant for whoever gets it.)

- Make posts at least 550 characters in length. 800 or more is preferred. (NO ONE LINERS. Nothing ticks me off more then a one liner or a tiny paragraph.)

- Follow the regular YWS/SB rules.

- Please have your character's name at the top of your post, it helps us stay unconfused.

- If you plan on having your character bitten/die, please state so in your profile.

- Don't be afraid to ask questions, but please take your questions to the DT.

- Finally, this SB is Co-modded by PUZZLER and CELTICANOIR. Listen to them. (If you don't we will nom on your head. Literally. After dipping in ranch.)

Character slots

Moon: (Accepting no more)

Girl - BrightEyedSoulSister - Vanessa Ranson

Girl - Isha - (name)

Boy - CelticaNoir - Ezra Flynn

Boy - Camulaeus - Elijah Derso

Sun: (Accepting no more)

Girl - Megsug - Gwyn Flynn

Girl - SisterItaly - Skyla Acres

Boy - piepieman22 - (name)

Dawns: (No other positions)

Boy - (user) - (name)

Girl - thestorygirl - Constalia Xinjaii

Boy - SweetMoments - Hugo Nash

Boy - PhoenixBishop - Dylan Conner

Dusk: (Accepting no more)

Boy - Redfang18 - (name)

Girl - untameabletiger - Ginnada Duplexer

Girl - Cspr - Clarissa Desrochers

Girl - Megsug - Mason Reighnbaux

Darks: (Accepting no more)

Girl - ToritheMonster - Hexabelle Saraphina

Boy - SisterItaly - Kach Doyle

Boy - Redfang18 - (name)

Code: Select all
[b]Character profiles:[/b]

[b]Name:[/b] (Both first and last)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Duh.)

[b]Age:[/b] (17+)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (No anime or scene pics, please.)

[b]Group:[/b] (Moon, Sun, Dawn, Dusk or Dark?)

[b]Personality:[/b] (The good and the baaaad. And no one-liners!)

[b]History:[/b] (Again, none of this one-liner crap. We want detaiiils. Juicy, delicious details.)

[b]Up for love:[/b] (Yes or no and what orientation?)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything we forgot.)

Link to DT: topic81867.html
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:47 pm, edited 16 times in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Reviews: 66
Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:58 am
SisterItaly says...

Character profiles:

Name: Skyla Acres

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Spoiler! :

Group: Sun

Personality: She's used to being spoiled, so for a while she just had to say 'Daddy can I...' and she had it almost instantly. After the apocalypse she was skittish and just followed orders like the coward she was. She doesn't have a true 'side'. She just follows whoever is strongest and tells her what to do so she won't die.

She still believes the world should be run like a business, because it would be more effective and everyone would thrive. Maybe even get the Earth back to the way it was before.

History: Skyla has never had to do anything for herself. She was always the number one daddy's girl. She did as he asked and in return she never had to do any manual labor or work a day in her life.

When the apocalypse happened, she was afraid. Her father was killed in a car crash and that left her completely defenseless and unsure of what she was supposed to do. So, she did what any scared teenage girl would do. She curled up away from any immediate danger and held a knife close.

It wasn't long until a group of well-off upper class-men and women found her and took her in with them. Again, she played the suck up and listened to them, but this time it wasn't as easy. She became the little maid and cleaned up after them, did their bidding.

Eventually came the day they needed more supplies, and they decided to raid a Moons' hideout. They were desperate for supplies. She just obeyed orders and ran in there.

She lunged at the closest boy, who easily disarmed her and kissed her. She didn't know what it was... the way he held her, the way he was so gentle. It just made her feel genuinely loved again. A feeling she thought she would never experience again.

She kissed him back and ran off as her group retreated to head back to the old abandoned office building they were hiding in. She still wonders if he noticed the note she slipped into his pocket.

Up for love: Yes, and open to anything.

Other: She may be bitten. Maybe.

~~~*will finish*

Character profiles:

Name: Kach (Pronounced like Kass or Kash depending on your accent) Doyle

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Spoiler! :

Group: Dark

Personality: Kach is quite thoughtful when he's alone. But paranoid all the same. He may be delayed, but if you get too close too him he will kill you.

History: Kach was a very talented scientist. He was one of the scientists who helped innovate and improve human daily life. During the apocalypse he was tucked away in an underground lab working on an advanced flu shot that you would only have to take every three years.

When it was over, they were dragged out and told to analyze the world. He some how got separated from his group. He was chased by a gang of wild dogs and forced to camp the night out in a tree. He was irritated all through the night and by the morning it felt like something was clawing at his next.

Soon he relaxed, and let the bliss wash over.

Up for love: If you could get that annoying little bug off his neck, then yes

Last edited by SisterItaly on Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:58 am
eldEr says...

Character profiles:

Name: Laisha (lay-sha) Aacory (ae-core-ee)

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: To feed her obsession with purple, Laisha has scrounged up dye and turned her hair a lavender shade of purple - permanently. It comes down to just below her shoulder blades, though she's considering getting it chopped off into a pixie-style. She always keeps it up in a messy bun or pony-tail, occasionally braiding it. Her eyes have always been a violet shade - so blue that they almost look purple. Her eyes are always distant, and a little dreamy at times, though she very, very rarely smiles. She has no fear of looking people in the eye, and her gaze is never averted towards the ground - she feels shame in looking away. Of course, Laisha tries to wear as much purple as possible, and is never seen without a purple stone on a silver chain around her neck.
(I had a picture for her - I'll try to find it again)

Group: Moon

Personality: Laisha has always been fascinated by purple - nobody knows why, nobody cares enough to ask. She doesn't care if people think she's being obsessive, she likes purple and that's all that matters. She's always been a bit strange. She never sticks with one group of Moons for long, tending to drift. She's well-known, especially for the partying side of her. She loves to be the center of attention, don't get her wrong, but only for short amounts of time. A couple of hours at the most, or she'll have a panic attack/blow up on everybody.
She absolutely hates it when her train of thought is interupted, and will often go into a trance-like state, where she will be staring at nothing, seemingly deep in thought. There is always a strange look in her eyes at this time, and if anybody interupts or touches her, she'll have a moment of panic and attack the person. If you try to speak to her, chances are she won't respond, and if she does, she'll say things that make no sense at all. These spells can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to hours and hours on-end. They seem to have no pattern, and will occur at random.
Laisha is also a thrill seeker. If she's not at a party or in one of her spell, she's hunting down ways to get her adrenaline pumping. Roof-jumping, jumping off of things, provoking people or animals to fight - anything. She loves fire, loves water, loves heights and strong wind and anything that offers her excitement.
She can get along very well with people, though she's extremely blunt and brutally honest. She doesn't hold things back, no matter who you are or what you have hanging over her. You can threaten her life and demand lies, and she'll still tell you exactly what she thinks. Death doesn't scare her, and some say that she's just plain wild.

History: Both Laisha's father and older brother died before she was born, leaving her the daughter of a widow. Her mother loved purple, and this was passed to her daughter. She lived a decent life until her mother passed away when Laisha was only eight, leaving the girl with her old purple necklace and the knowledge that she was alone.
She has lived on the streets for a long time, bouncing from Moon to Moon, or whoever else is hospitable to house her. She's never stayed in any one place for more than a week at a time, and hardly remembers half of the people she was with.
Laisha was twelve when she discovered the magic that was adrenaline - it gave her depressed heart something to work with. It was something to focus on, and it drover her almost wild. Or, completely wild, as some of the more sophisticated might say.
She stole what she needed, the rush was intoxicating, and taunted whoever she pleased. She taught herself how to wield a knife with bizarre skill, and has a dagger with - you guessed it - a purple hilt.
She was fifteen when she dyed her hair, and it hasn't washed away or faded since. She's been wondering if it would be taking things a little too far to dye her skin, as well.

Up for love: Yes, straight as far as she knows.

Other: (Anything we forgot.)
Last edited by eldEr on Wed May 18, 2011 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

got trans?

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:16 am
Eniarrol says...

Name: Hugo Nash

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Hugo has light blonde hair and deep hazel eyes, at school he was seen as quite handsome.
Spoiler! :

Group: Dawn

Personality: Hugo has always been the 'class clown' yelling a joke in the middle of class just to make the person who before was crying laugh, despite any consequences. He's a down-to-earth guy and always smiling and cracking jokes.
Hugo is an optimist and always sees the good side of people , which can get potentially dangerous around Darks. Hugo tries to help the Darks and has/gets into many life-threatening situations because of it.
Because of Lila's death he can be a little cold-shouldered and short-sighted around those who are not Dawns but usually sees around it with encouragement but he won't make it easy for you. Also (Not anymore usually though) he could be a little vain, ruffling his hair and spending way longer than usual on his hair in the morning.

History: Before the apocalypse, Hugo had no worries in the world. He had many friends, family and bunches of giggling girls surrounded him regularly. He had a younger sister and lived with his single mum, who was stressed on all levels dealing with a teenager and an active six year-old. Then amongst the fighting and chaos, Hugo's younger sister, Lila, was killed right in front of him and his mother met the same fate trying to protect Lila. Hugo blames himself for his sisters death, for not protecting her like his mother did, and instead running away scared to live in the country side as a nomad.

Up for love: Yes. Preferably a forbidden one, to stir some extra drama :)

Other: He may, be killed or bitten maybe
+ anything I have forgotten
Last edited by Eniarrol on Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:26 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Character profiles:

Name: Ezra Flynn

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Group: Moon

Spoiler! :
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Personality: Like most Moons, Ezra loves partying and music, and has rather interesting tastes in art. He loves singing, and is pretty good at it too, almost at an operatic level. However, with his interests also comes a tendency to be volatile, and Ezra is prone to change moods in the blink of an eye. He tends to be moody most of the time. He likes children, and doesn't like it when he sees them being taken advantage of.

History: Born a year after Gwen, Ezra was the ignored one of the family. A child predisposed to mischief and chaos, he got himself into trouble often simply to get attention, much to the chagrin of the people around him. Jealous of Gwyn's happiness, he often used to put her into embarrassing situations simply so he could feel better about himself. Soon after he turned thirteen, he was sent to a boarding school where he picked up choir, as one of the stellar singers in it. When the apocalypse happened, his and Gwyn's mother died, but their father survived.

Up for love: Yus. Straight.

Other: Gwendolyn is his sister, and although he doesn't hate her all that much, he's jealous of her happy bubbliness and her tendency to be unaffected no matter what happens. She also dislikes him back.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Wed May 18, 2011 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:52 pm
Camulaeus says...

Name: Elijah Derso ™

Gender: Boy

Age: 19

Group: Moon

Personality: Elijah was more of the shy kid, lingering on the fringes of conversation, always a wisp of a presence showing only the side of his face and saying only barely legible murmurs. He doesn't tend to avoid people, just not interact with them as much. He generally just is there, and leaves it up to the other person to view it as awkward or comfortable. He detests selfishness and false charity, and strives to be free of manipulation. He fights it with a defiant silence, sort of testing people; do they subscribe him to a label or do they try to get to know him first?

History: Elijah grew up in a very sheltered community, with over-protective parents. For a while his world was just his home and school until he was invited to a party at age 17. He was then exposed to all the bad nature of teens; alchol, swearing and sex.... and loved it. Elijah was never the same, he snuck alcohol, swore at home and fought with his parents. After one vicious argument Elijah left shouting over his shoulder "I wish you would all just die!" and ran away.

Then, while Elijah was living in a broken down apartment with a job as a waiter, the apocalypse started. He narrowly escaped by stealing a rich-man's sports car, and speeding away to a safe zone. During his stay there, his partying nature earned high ties in the Moons, and soon he was a senior member. For six months his life a non-stop party, until a nearby caravan of Suns raided the Moon's hideout.

During the chaos he encountered Skyla, a Suns girl his age. There, at that he began to believe in love at first sight. He refused to fight her, even when she tried to kill him. Instead he easily disarmed her, and kissed her with a passion.

The Suns then retreated from the battle, and Elijah thought it was the last time he'd seen Skyla, who reacted to his kiss by bringing him in for another one. That was until he found a crumpled bit of paper with a name and date, and Skyla's signature.

Up for love: Yes, Straight

Other: Secretly in love with Skyla of the Suns
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:52 pm
thestorygirl says...

Name- Constalia Xinjaii

Gender- Girl

Age- 19

Group- Dawn

Personality- Alone and solitary. She craves to be near people but she doesn't really know how to talk to people. She is kind but has a tendency to always speak the truth to someone, good an bad. She will stand up to you if she needs to, but reconizes if she needs to back down. She cares about almost everyone she meets, but somehow the care comes out in the form of hostility. If you try to cross her she is an excellent fighter, not very fast but an incredibly strong for her size. She can lie and detect lies well. She tends to be very sleepy and has a very short attention span.

History- Left home in the night because her life was very boring with her father having died in a war. She had a few run ins with madness on her own. She met an old herbal master man that was half insane and dieing, that told her the "true" meaning of life. He told her it was to be alone, and figure out everything on your own. And when your ready, tell people who you are. This is what happens to her next.

Up for love- Yes. Straight. But they have to be kind and sort of conceited in a way.

Other- Has cuts on her wrists. I think you know why.

thumbnailtfdewarwe.jpg (9.08 KiB) Viewed 631 times
Last edited by thestorygirl on Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:55 pm
piepiemann22 says...

(I'll take the male Sun...need to finish homework. Post when done.)
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:24 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Name: Dylan Conner

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: His hair tends to change depending on who you ask. To some it is a dark blonde to others it is a light brown. That shade varies depending on the season. During the summer it leans more towards blonde and during the winter more towards brown. He has green eyes and stands a 6'1.
Spoiler! :
patrickprobst_1266699037.jpg (29.73 KiB) Viewed 608 times

Group: Dawn

Personality: He is considered to be very cold and distant as he sees man kind as being inherently evil creatures. He seems to believe that the current situation of the world is due to its wickedness. He is rather pessimistic and sees that bad in almost everything. He is a very glass empty kind of guy. He rarely smiles and is amused be very little. He likes to meditate for hours at a time because he says it brings him closer to the earth. He believes that the only way to cleanse the planet of its sickness is to eliminate all those that he considers to be contaminating it. For this reason he hates the Moons for he considered them to be the embodiment of chaos and disorder. Dylan is also a control freak with a acute OCD problem when it comes to counting, repetitive actions and organizing.


Up for love: Yes, straight

Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:26 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Let me know what's open please?
Last edited by Ladyofthedeathroses on Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:26 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Name: Seana Grace *Most people call her Grace*
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Stormy grey eyes, black hair streaked with dark red down to her waist, pale skin, about 5'6 , thin, she has scars on her arms and back, and curvy.

Group: Dusk
Personality: She can be despite of the fact that she is a dusk a very sweet person, she doesn't believe in self pity and refuses to complain and if she does catch herself complaining she will stop immediately, she is a very calm and together person, she is very accepting even of the other groups, she is a rebel, she seems the sweetest when she's aobut to lose her temper which she does rarely but when she does lose it it can get very messy.
History: She was born into an abusive home her father would abuse her mother, her little sister, and herself. He did all four types of abuse (i.e. physical, mental, verbal, and sexual) she stopped complaining about her life when she was about 12 realizing that no one cared. She started to change her look and personality so that she would seem like this extreemly tough person that no one could get to and so that people would stop asking if she was ok. She hates pity and won't accept it. Her mother committed suicide when she was 15 and her father and her little sister were both killed in a car accident she was the only survivor (that's where she got some of the scars from) since then she was being shuffled from foster home to foster home.
Up for love: Yes bisexual
Other: She loves to draw and sing.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:34 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Might I claim a Dark girl spot? Haven't SBed in a while; I'd like to get back into it.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:02 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Character profile:

Name: Hexabelle "Hex" Saraphina

Gender: female

Age: 18

Appearance: Hex was once lovely- long blonde hair; dark blue eyes; and a slim but athletic build. The bug has driven her mad; however. Her hair has faded to white;and her eyes are dark and sunken. She is in incredible shape thanks to living in the wilderness and fighting for survival; but very thin. She's very scarred from various fights and self-harm.

NOW (sorry or the URL, the jpgs wouldn't size down to an easily viewable form for me)

Spoiler! :

Group: Dark

Personality: Hex used to be a sweetheart- although a bit of an overachiever. She was very competitive and loved to be in charge. She was known for being a bit bossy; but really nice. She would drop everything to help a friend. Now; she's a ruthless killer. She's developed a taste for blood, and will stop at nothing to get more. She's ruthless and scheming. Occasionally she'll have flashes of who she used to be while she's alone. She mostly stays in a drugged stupor; but is happy. However, the bug has corrupted her and driven her mad.If you get close, expect no mercy.

History: Hex grew up with her single dad in what used to be London. They were upper middle class, and Hex went to a public school where she was popular. She excelled in all sports and academics, and was a final level black- belt in Jujitsu. She was admired for her motivation; although her friends sometimes got upset when she turned down invitations to go out so she could study or excersise. Then the apocalypse hit in the end of her 10th year. Her father was killed; and she was sucked into a circle of people fighting for survival. There; she was exposed to drugs, alcohol, and sex. Perhaps she had been traumatised by her father's death- she began engaging in destructive behaviours such as those and self-harming. Her athletic ability allowed her to survive where most others died. At 17 she was bitten by the bug, and slaughtered her gang. She is now no longer the Hex she was. She lives in the wild, preying on anyone who comes near.

Up for love: Well, she was a lesbian before the bug. Now she'll kill you if you get close. So not really.

Other: She was never good at maths; and had to work extra hard to get A's. (might edit in more)
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:57 am
megsug says...

Name: Mason Reighnbaux (Yes, that's pronounced Rainbow. A little irony for you.)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: Please ignore the piercing.
Spoiler! :

Group: Dusk

Personality: Mason complains a lot. It's gotten to the point where he may not even care about the subject. He'll complain anyway. He mainly complains because he knows it's annoying, and he takes some joy in annoying those around him. What he won't admit is that he complains because he wants to feel like someone cares.
He's street smart and academically smart, though you couldn't tell at first glance or the second or the third. He wants people to think he's the regular pot head, but the fact is, he's disgusted by drugs. He doesn't like what they do to people and likes to be in control of himself.
Emo equals peircings? Not with Mason. He's really squeamish. He can't stand blood and gore or needles. He's happy with the heavy makeup and the hair dye.
He's a control freak. He can't stand it when someone bosses him around or things are taken out of his hands. The more you try to tell him what to do, the more obstinant he becomes whether it's a life or death situation or what you're going to have for dinner.
He's an artist. If you would just leave him alone to his pencils and sketch pad, he would like you much more. Despite the fact that he comes off as antisocial, he cares about others and is sensitive. He takes mean things, whether it's by accident or not, to heart and will defend a friend or the persecuted.
He doesn't open up easily, and there are many layers until you get to the real Mason. The makeup is used as a mask. If you catch him without it, he feels naked.

History: Mason was born in a well off family. He was a nice child, well cultivated and on his way to becoming a child genius. He was put under a lot of pressure to excel. When his parents got a nasty divorce when he was in eighth grade, everything changed. He stayed with his mom because his dad didn't have much time for him, but really, the street was his new home. He made his way onto the new scene with his artistic skills and learned to express his feelings through art instead of drawing whatever was put in front of him.
His mother got remarried, and his stepfather kicked him out right after he graduated. He wasn't really bothered. He was going to leave anyway.
He has no idea what happened to any of his kin in the apocalypse and acts like he doesn't care.

Up for love: Yes. Straight.

Other: He's got his mother's first engagement ring on a chain around his neck at all times. He's always carrying a tattered sketch book.

Name: Gywndolen "Gywn" Flynn

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Spoiler! :

Group: Sun

Personality: Gywn is a happy, optimistic person, even in the worst of times. She loves to laugh and likes to see other people smile. She likes to think she brings the best out in everyone though many find her bubbly attitude very annoying.
With her happiness, she's very gullible. She'll believe grass is blue if you tell her. She also likes to think everyone is innocent like herself. She'd rather think that then know you're not.
She's rather spoiled and unconditioned for the hard life. Even after the apocalypse, she has a high social standing and does little for herself.
She has the problem of putting people in sterotypes and is truly surprised when people aren't like what she thinks they are.
She's a wonderful musician and puts most of her time into that. Though she has had boyfriends before, her obssession with her music normally kills any relationship.
She likes to follow people but will go her own way if she must.

History: Gwyn grew up with parents who's relationship was riddled with scandel. Her father has always been well off, but her mother came from a poor background. When her mother got pregnant with Gwyn out of wedlock, they were forced to marry to the shagrin of Mr. Flynn's parents.
She was sent to a boarding school at a young age for music when she showed an astonishing talent for piano. When she returned at age thirteen, she didn't fit in well with any of the children or even her parents who were rather self-absorbed, so she just kept her happy outlook and continued to play her music.
During the apocalypse, her mother died, but her father survived, so Gywn is still well-off. She cried, but only because it was expected of her.

Up for love: I suppose... Bisexual?

Other: She may or may not get bitten.
Ezra Flynn is her brother. They don't really like each other because of Flynn's choice to become a Moon or so Gwyn says.

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:00 am
BrightEyedSoulSister says...

Character profiles:

Name: Vanessa "Nessa" Ranson (Don't call her Vanessa or you will die!)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Nessa is very small built and petite for her age. Though she recently turned 17, her tiny frame and round face make her appear much younger. She's a bit pale since she's a moon. But tan compared to the rest, do to being half Latina. She has very long, straight black hair that goes well past her shoulders and her eyes are a mix of gray and green. She also has a very mischievous, lop-sided smile that makes you think she's going to set your pants on fire.

Group: Moon

Personality: Nessa might look helpless and sweet, but don't be mistaken; She is very, very loud and brave to a point that is just plain reckless. She is remarkably stubborn, and never listens to reason, no matter how crazy her ideas are. She's the kind of person who never lets her opinions go unheard, and doesn't seem to be able to realize when she's in danger; It doesn't matter if you are a black-belt three times her size-She'll still march up and punch you in the face if she thinks you deserve it. Impulsive, she never thinks anything through, just jumps right in and wings it. Her temper doesn't spark fast, but when it does she is freaking terrifying.

In a more positive light, Nessa is very open-minded and adventurous, always ready to explore and try new things. You can count on her to lighten the mood, and always the first to smile. She's silly, and loves a good laugh (especially pranks! :wink: ) She's very care-free and creative.

History: Nessa's father was a soldier who died two months before she was born. Her mother followed the same path shortly after when she died during child birth. Don't go thinking she had a turned out all depressed do to a crappy life, though. Nessa was raised by her grandfather, who she was super close with. The elderly man was her best friend, and he taught her how to make the best of things-Even the shabby hand-me-down clothes and rundown apartment she grew up with.

He also taught her how to dance, and Nessa came to adore it. One day the two were dancing around the backyard with the radio on when the apocalypse hit. Needless to say, her grandpa died in her arms. While in his moment of death, the radio played on, and Somewhere Over The Rainbow was going right before he closed his eyes.

Now that song gives her comfort, and she begins singing it quietly whenever she's scared or lonely; Her last connection to grandpa.

Up for love: Straight, and yes.

Other: 1. She has ADHD
2. Spanish is her first language, and she has the tendency to randomly start speaking it without realizing.

"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul."
— Pablo Neruda