
Young Writers Society

The Chaze

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:16 am
MilkNCookies says...

The Chaze is a group of fighters who travel the world of Xion, helping citizens in almost any way they can. They each have separate names- like Maxie, the Falcon or Jade, the Dragon.

Where do you come in? Well, it's clear- you want to be one of the Chaze. But, they don't take just anyone. You must be physically fit along with mentally sharp. So, the Chaze has set up an organization for kids 13-17 who want to try out.

Here is how it works. They start out with five groups of five. They all challenge each other in a game. It might be mentally stimulating or physically- it depends on what the members of the Chaze want. You get certain points, and the person with the lowest amount of points is sent home.

Then it's five groups of four. And so on until there is only one, maybe two in each group.

Then, it gets a bit more challenging. Each person/group is given a member of the Chaze to train under. They are called directors.

Everyone is put on the same island, where they non-stop drill and train. Every now and then, certain groups fight each other. Not fight fight- more like a fencing match or a chess game. But, what you also must learn is how to survive. You are not supplied with anything but the clothes on your back. You must find a way for you all to live on this island.

You are either already a member of the Chaze, one who either volunteered themselves or was volunteered by another. You could also be on of the up-and-coming possible members of the Chaze. You must survive, train, and cope with each other.

What most people don't know, though, is that each member have PinPonits- they can transform into a certain species and communicate mind-to-mind. Each group is arranged by their PinPoint- Dog, Horse, Cat, Bird, and Snake. Here is how it all goes down.

Spoiler! :
Dog- Ferocious and loyal, you will help others until the end. You help a little too much. While others love you, you tend not to like yourself. You may jump into a relationship a bit too quickly. Your main weakness is failure to tend to yourself, while your main strong point is your friendliness. You trust people too much, even the snakes. You are incredibly strong but bulky and slow. You are of okay intelligence.

Horse- You are completely aware of your boundaries, strength, and weakness. What you are not so amazing at is helping. You tend to just do things for them instead of showing them how to do it for next time. You are hesitant to trust others and even more hesitant to love. You test the waters and you are very cautious. Not the adventuring type. You have very high finesse though lack much strength. You are too smart.

Cat- You are as smart as anything but as weak as anything. While you can trick your way through most things, you prefer to tend to yourself then to tend to others. You may push yourself to far and occasionally has the urge to explore. You need others around you. It is like a drug to you to have people laugh at your joke and pay attention to you. You are rather good if a person is right for you. You prefer to just jump into things without testing them. You are weak but quick, and have good intelligence.

Bird- You are flat-out dumb but quick as a, well, hawk. You like to help when you can figure out how. You are prone to panic instead of figuring things out. While you are not much help on math, you give good advice and are pretty fun to hang out with. You don't mind what people think of you. You don't like relationships very much but could be dragged into one. You sometimes forget what your limits are and overexert yourself. You are of alright strength, high finesse, and low intelligence.

Snake- You are completely cruel. You don't care about anyone- it's a miracle that the Chaze even think about people like you. You can never be tricked. Secretly, inside, you wish to help. But you only do once in a while. Relationships? Ha. You would never dream of dating anyone but someone with your intelligence. Unlike the bird, you never push limits. You barely even try on most things. When it came to the strength games, you never needed to push yourself- you tripped up all other contestants. You will do anything to get what you want. You are not strong or quick, though your intelligence tips the scales.

Directors- they are experienced and nice, no matter the PinPoint. They were trained to train kids. It is pretty much the only point in their life.

Now, its time for you to pick which way you want to go. There are 10 kids- and only one person will get through to become on with them. This is your moment to shine. Will you get through to achieve your dream?


Dog Director- Director Fermhan - JG
Dog Child- Dragonette- Dastan
Dog Child- BW- Blair
Dog Child- CPU- Max

Cat Director-Tabby- Zain
Cat Child- Camulaeus- Elija
Cat Child- CPU- Julia.

Horse Director-Alz- Katrina
Horse Child- BG - Tyler
Horse Child- CPU- Nick

Bird Director- CPU- Diretor Lellan
Bird Child- Dragonette- Asper
Bird Child- CPU- Aaron

Snake Director- MilkNCookies(me)- Obsidian Chaze
Snake Child- TabbyGirl- Thane
Snake Child- CPU- Jace

Rules! We all love rules, don't we?!

Spoiler! :
-All normal YWS ruled apply.
-Romance is allowed, but no sex. You're 13-18, for God's sake.
-No god-modding
-Use respect.
-No Mary Sues and Gary Lous(I think that's it?).
-ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak!!
-800 characters minimum per post.
-Swearing; is allowed; you're teenagers. just don't become a potty mouth.
-Please don't Double Post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
-Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Place. Please, this is really important!!
-Please PM me with questions.
-Can claim up to 2 characters.

Profile sheet:

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all







Personal Skills:

Personal Weaknesses:

Weapon of choice(optional):


Up For Love:


Let the training begin!
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:22 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:04 pm
Camulaeus says...

Saved, My spot is.

~Will finish later~

Name: Elijah Derso

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: Elijah is intelligent and witty, yet lacks an atheletic build and has little to none upper body strength.Surprisingly he is also a fast runner and has quick reflexes. He usually uses craftiness and guile to weasel his way through sticky situations and though empathetic at times focuses mostly on his own self. He is often possessed to understand and rule hsi surooundings, not only landscapes but people. He often pushes himself to far to be on top of the social pyramind, and practically lives off positive attention. If he meshes with someone well they bond quickly, and if they disagree he often uses his intelligence to outsmart them. Sometimes his attention-craving gets the better of him and he will slip and fall, though he can often right his mistakes with subterfuge and trickery. Overall, he is crafty and quick, yet reckless and weak.

History: Elijah's mother died in childbirth, so he was left with a single dad who worked as a struggling author. From a young age he had to con his way through life, he would trick, steal and hawk to pay for schooling, while his dad would write romance novels in the trailer in which they lived. Luckily Elijah was able to avoid getting into the drug buisness, and instead managed to sell fake watches, pick-pocket fat tourists and opened a small pranking service. He had a strict moral code, he would strive to onlytake as much as he needed, and not harm the person he was conning. On one good April fools day he managed to raise about $300 from his local classmates, who adored him. He was offered a trial at the Chaze after he stole a member's wallet, then gave it back when he saw how much money was in it.

Personal Skills: Crafty, Intelligent, Quick and is skilled at pranks

Personal Weaknesses: Atrtention-craving, no upper body strength and has a phobia of snakes.

Weapon of choice(optional): A pair of switchblades that look like this:
Spoiler! :

Pinpoint: Cat
When he's shifted he's a mountain lion, and looks like this:
Spoiler! :

Up For Love: Yes

Other: Is deathly pertrifed at the mere thought of snakes.
Last edited by Camulaeus on Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:50 pm
Alz says...

Name: Karina Jeffers
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance/Picture: Karina has short, choppy brown hair and gray eyes. She is 5’2” and is slim, but not unhealthily so. She dresses simply, preferring neutral colors to bright ones.
Spoiler! :

Personality: At first glance, Karina would appear to be shy, even uncaring, but once she knows a person, she relaxes and shows who she truly is: a warm-hearted person who loves to laugh. When Karina makes friends, they are friends for life. She cares a great deal about the kids she trains and sees their full potential, but she is strict and pushes them out of their comfort zones.
History: Karina grew up in a large family as the fourth of eight children. Her parents never had a lot of money, but they somehow managed to make ends meet. As a result of this, Karina learned to survive with little luxury. When she left home at age fifteen, Karina tried out for the Chaze. Her agility and strong survival instincts paid off, and she was soon accepted into the Chaze. She would never have seen herself as one to train the young prospect, but when she started working in the training program, Karina found that she loved it.
Personal Skills: Karina is agile and moves with a certain elegance. She is also very smart, and can often predict what other people are about to do.
Personal Weaknesses: She avoids social settings as much as possible because she doesn’t like the idea of talking with people she doesn’t know well. Karina doesn’t like accepting help, even when she could use it, because she thinks that other people will view her as being weak if she does.
Weapon of choice (optional): If she must fight, Karina prefers hand-to-hand combat, where she can use her opponents’ strength against them, which hides much of her own physical weakness. She also carries a wooden staff, which she is also skilled in using.
Pinpoint: Horse (director)
Up for Love: With the right person, but she won’t fall for just anyone.
The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon. - Robert Cormier

Check out my blog at http://missalliesadventures.blogspot.com

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49 Reviews

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:24 pm
MilkNCookies says...

This is different- I am the only one like this. All will be explained in Other.

Name: Jade Chaze.

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :
Image Or, when fighting:

Personality: She's kind and fair. She likes to help, though she does not help the kids on the island much. Everyone who knows her likes her, not that she really cares. Jade is considerate and not to be taken advantage of. She is warm and fizzy most of the time, unless for some reason she is upset. Then she's as bad as the Snakes. She sees the potential in people instead of the weakness, but be confident she knows those too. You don't want to get her angry unless you can avoid her easily. The kids do not know that she usually has little dragons everywhere that track your every move... -.-

History: She was Ruby's- the Chaze leader- daughter. She inherited her Dragon Pinpoint and for three years there was two Dragon PinPoints on the earth. People barely knew her twin, Obsidian. When Ruby died, Both of them were put in care of the one who took the throne- a Snake. The entire organization fell into Chaos. When Jade inherited the throne, she figured what the heck? She decided to induct a new member.

Personal Skills: Her strength, ability to summon dragons, can tie over 50 different knots, can preform impeccable magic tricks.

Personal Weaknesses: bulkiness, inability to change form, lack of taste bud for vegetables, on the low-end of intelligence.

Weapon of choice(optional):
Spoiler! :

Pinpoint: Chinese Dragon
Spoiler! :
Ferocious and tough, Chinese Dragons are not among the quickest of all PinPoints. They are tricks, but prefer to play tricks as jokes instead of to gain advantage over everyone else. They frankly don't care what other people think of them, as long as their best friends are happy. Chinese Dragons are among the most powerful, especially since there is only one at a time. They are strong but slow, and their intelligence is only surpassed by the snake's. All but Snakes come from a Dragon.

Up For Love: Only among the Directors, of course. And not much.

Other: The thing about the dragon is that they don't transform into their PinPoint. They are human, though they change shape/form/age. I.e Jade turns into a blond girl. Dragons come when Jade morphs. Her favorite is the one in the picture.

Other Other: She lives on the island. She is a Dragon Pinpoint, and she is like a principle in school. When people have questions, they come to her. She has good advice, and is like a guidance teacher. She rarely grants physical requests, but she loves t help someone overcome a physical problem. She may seem mean, since she usually doesn't give things to kids, but she's actually kind once you get to know her.


Name: Obsidian Chaze

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :
Image When in fighting form: Image

Personality: Cold and hostile, Obsidian helps no one but herself and the Snakes. She is cold-hearted, through and through.

History: She was always second for everything. She messed everything up an her perfect sister fixed it, being crowned victorious. No one, not even her mother, liked her. She only could turn to her snake pets, who at the time were all nice. When she broke something and got in trouble, she was punished. When her sister did, she was warned. Obsidian snapped, and bid every snake in the entire world only to worry about themselves, other snakes, and Obsidian. She was never acknowledged for the good things she tried to do and gave up on being nice.

Personal Skills: Can easily trick people, even her sister, out of whatever she wants; is strong.

Personal Weaknesses: Doesn't care about anyone but herself.

Weapon of choice(optional): Her hands.

Pinpoint: Snake Dragon, serves as Snake Director.
Spoiler! :
She is powerful, though she never helps anyone but herself. She only lacks speed. Likes to trick people out of things, even if she doesn't particularly like it. She is much more intelligent than her sister species, the Chinese Dragon. She isn't as strong as them, though. She has more speed, though.

Up For Love: Erm...

Other: She is on the island as well. She isn't to be tempered with and only Snakes dare speak to her unless it is dire.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:04 am
Dragonette says...

Oh, I think I will definatly join this. :) Spot saved.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:35 am
Dragonette says...

>Will finish as soon as possible<
Name: Dastan *Dust-TAN*
Age: 16
Gender: Guy.
Appearance/Picture: Dastan is rather tall and lanky. He has shaggy brown hair and intense, light blue eyes, some people say that the heart of the arctic can be found in the reflection of his eyes.
Spoiler! :
The guy with the brown hair Image Image

Personality: Loyal.
History: Dastan lives in the artic with his 11 member family (he's the third oldest). When Dastan was 13 his cousin, Asper, joined them. She had lost her family to a fire and now lives with Dastan and his family. Asper and Dastan got along really well and he considers her his personal responcibility. They both dream of joining the Chaze, and Dastan teaches Asper all he knows.
Personal Skills: He's good about using the stuff around him to his advantage. He's also extremely loyal.
Personal Weaknesses: Too trustful, I mean you could practically spit in his face and he'd still love you. He has too big of a concious, he feels like he has to help everyone and everything, even the bad guys; that's why he has a staff for his weapon, he just wants to defend himself, he's not all that interested in killing his opponet unless he absolutely has to (but that's only in his human form, when he's a dog his carnivorous, blood-thursty, canine personality comes out and he can kill without thinking about it (although he may feel guilty about it later)).
Weapon of choice(optional): He prefers to use his sturdy, wooden staff when fighting in his human form (which looks something like this--> http://pinebaskets.tripod.com/diawillow3.jpg ). But he also carries around a dagger. His fighting type is like that of martial arts.
Pinpoint: Dog.
Up For Love: Yep
Other: Asper is his little cousin and his responsibility.

Name: Asper
Age: 13
Gender: Girl
Appearance/Picture: Asper has a pettiet build, short and slim. Her blue hair has a light, feathery texture, and her eyes are such a dark blue that people swear they're black.
Spoiler! :
The girl with the blue hair Image Image

Personality: Asper has a sweet personality, although you better watch your stuff because she could steal your nose off your face without you noticing.
History: She lost her parents to a fire in her village three years back and moved in with Dastan's family. She imediatly latched on to Dastan and is like his shadow. Once, while watching him practice fighting she asked him what he was doing, he replied that he was training to become a Chaze. She decided then that she would join him. Asper was a quick learner and Dastan taught her everything he knows.
Personal Skills: Quick learner (unless it has something to do with school). Theft (if that's a skill). Agility. She's very quick. She can jump and climb like nobody's buisness.
Personal Weaknesses: Not the smartest. She's also too dependant, she NEEDS other people to get through things.
Weapon of choice(optional): A small but strong bow ( http://www.wondercostumes.com/imgzoom/b ... -75014.jpg ), each arrow has a blue jay feather on the end.
Pinpoint: Bird, or more specifically, a blue jay.
Up For Love: ...maybe
Other: Dastan is her cousin and all she has for family.
Last edited by Dragonette on Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:13 am
TabbyGirl says...

Name: Rathane "Thane" Ramia

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance/Picture: He's about 5'7", has brown hair, blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin.
Spoiler! :

Personality: He isn’t afraid to speak out, even if people don’t agree with his opinions. And, well, people generally don’t agree with his opinions, as his opinions are often violent or narcissistic. Also, girls seem like aliens to him, because he had no sisters, and he went to a school for boys.

History: Thane went to a private school for gifted children since he was eight. When his parents first explained that he was going to a gifted school was when he truly became a self-centred brat. Especially when he proved to be just as clever as the other students, and (in his opinion) more handsome then most.

Personal Skills: He’s physically stronger then most snakes, and very clever. Very cunning…

Personal Weaknesses:He’s actually very squeamish at heart. He doesn’t mind blood and guts… but certain things (like… say, refried beans in iced tea? :P) disgust him. Also, he’s not as fast as most snakes. And he has a peculiar phobia of… cats.
Weapon of choice: none...

Pinpoint: Snake :twisted: (NOTE: his eyes/stripes are the same color as his eyes when he's a human)
Spoiler! :

Up For Love: ... pretty much. If he likes a girl he'll act obstinate and cold... never looking her in the eyes, always acting annoyed at her presence... good luck getting past that. If you can, he falls easily. Not for the most beautiful girl, however, but for the cleverest.

Other: He dabbles in alchemy… although he’s super embarrassed about it.


Name: Zain Wueneu (wen-yoo) (That’s Mr. Wueneu to you, trainees XD)

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: As a first impression, he might actually appear more mouse-like then cat-like, as he’s small and quiet. But he’s really very clever, quick witted… cunning even. He might seem sort of snake-like, but deep down he really isn’t mean. In fact, he’s a fairly likable trainer.

History: After becoming part of the Chaze, Zain decided quite soon that he didn’t like Jade Chaze much. It seemed to him that everyone loved Jade, and although she seemed like a pretty cool person to him, he couldn’t stand the fact that she got so much attention. Instead, he appealed to Obsidian. She appreciated this, and in just a few years he was promoted to a trainer; exactly what he wanted to be. He's been a trainer for several years now.

Personal Skills: He’s a very good teacher, and in battle he’s quick.

Personal Weaknesses: He’s small, and not very strong.

Weapon of choice: Daggers! (that's plural XD) Perhaps like these?
Spoiler! :
ImageOh yes... those are quite nice... and I believe the thing in the corner is a sheath.

Pinpoint: Kitty Cat... director, that is. (His fighting form is an ocelot)
Spoiler! :

Up For Love: Yar, why not XD

Other: None...
Last edited by TabbyGirl on Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:24 pm
Sunshine says...

Spot saved!

Name: Ivory Costa






Personal Skills:

Personal Weaknesses:

Weapon of choice(optional):


Up For Love:

I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:34 pm
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Dragonette says...

Peoples need to join this!
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:44 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Yea. If no one else gets rolling, I'll make a bunch of CPU's for everyone. No personalities- just names.I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm just going to start- but people can still join. I'll be on my way to Disney, so I'll make the first post now.


"Great, kids, you're all here!" I exclaimed, cheery. "Obsidian, say hello to all the children!"

They all stared at me, mouths hanging open.

"So this is what this is all about? We're stranded on a stupid island with nothing more that the clothes on our backs?!" A child- probably a Snake- exclaimed. I kept my mouth shut, allowing Obs to take care of this one.

"Listen, you little punk." She said, getting up from her chair.
"Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be here? It is out of the goodness of Jade's heart that you're getting this chance. So shut your gob!" Obsidian demanded, walking towards the kid as he walked back.

I looked to my side, where all the Directors were lined up.

"This is Director Katrina Jeffers. She'll be taking care of your horses and training you." Katrina smiled meekly and waved. "My sister, Obsidian Chaze, will be the snake director."

"Her?!" The same kid cried out.

"Shut it!" Obs replied.

He obeyed. "If I have your attention, this is Director James Flannem, of the Dogs. Followed by Kim Gerard of the Cats, and Louey Lacktor of the Birds."

"Now, each child line up in front of your director."

After a scramble, there were two kids in each line.

"Now your training will truly begin. Directors, I leave them in your care." With that, I walked off into my office.

Er, Dragonette is very right. I'll start it off on Monday... :)
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:41 am
Dragonette says...

Um, milk, I don't know if you should start just yet. I mean, there's only one person in each group, and with you leaving and all we might get kinda lost. If I were you, I'd probably wait for a couple more days. But that's only me, this is your SB and I'm sure you know what's best for it.

P.S. Have fun at Disney! I know you will cause I've been there six times. When you come back we must talk about your trip! :D
Last edited by Dragonette on Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:27 am
TabbyGirl says...

I'll take on another peron... if that'll help... I kinda wanted to be the cat director anyways.

(have fun at Disney! XD)

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:01 am
MilkNCookies says...

Thanks! I Don't want to push people into making more characters if they can't handle it, but they're appreciated greatly!

What I'll do is fill out several loose CPU profiles for everyone to control. That is, when I get back.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:30 am
BlackGriffin says...

Age: Tyler Williamson

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Tyler is someone who's trust is hard to earn, but once you have earned it she will be at your side for most anything. She puts a good front of be nonchalant about things, but once you get past the barrier that she's created you find someone who is very down-earth, level headed, trustworthy and has a will to survive.

History: Tyler's family has never been very lucky when it came to living. Her mother worker very hard, but was payed very little keep her family alive. Her younger sister was too young to do much around the town and so was she. So in order to keep her family alive, Tyler would venture into the forest and go hunting. At first she had little to hunt with and was not very good. As the year passed the gradually become better and when her family actually have enough to eat, she would trade some of what she hunted. At the age of sixteen, she left to go train for The Chaze.

Personal Skills: Strong, Quick thinking, Intelligent, Nimble and Confident.

Personal Weaknesses: There are times when she can be very reckless and she will also do anything to save her friends, not matter the consequence on her.

Weapon of choice(optional): Retracting Spear
Spoiler! :

Pinpoint: Horse

Up For Love: If you can get past the barrier that she puts up and she likes you, then she is all yours.

Other: She is a good drawer and loves to draw...when she has time of course.

((I can always make someone else too. ^^))

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:53 am
Camulaeus says...

Finished my profile! (sorry about the images, I don't know how that happened)
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

— soundofmind