
Young Writers Society

Academy for Young Demons (Dead | Full)

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:45 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Academy for Young Demons.

You have been accepted to the acedemy for young and promising demons! So pack your bags and head right down into the pits of hell. Classes start soon. You'll be trained by the best in third, second and first degree torture, scaring, and chaos! Co-ed dorms allow students to socialize (and our school to save money on buying two seperate dorm buildings). Right outside of the campus is the nearest town, perfect for a night out or a romantic get away at the peak of screams over the river styx! Our campus offers a 24 hour cafeteria and coffee house. And the library is always open for late night studies in dark magic.

But even though this is hell, there are a few Campus Rules.

- No explosions on school property.
- No turning your teachers into frogs.
- All students must be back on campus by dark.
- No summoning creatures of extremely destructive capibilities.
- No teasing Cerberus, if he eats you it's your fault.
- No humans allowed on campus; visitor or not.
- All visitors must have a pass while on campus, and all students must have their card.
- Small pets only, and please keeps a muzzle on all dragons and fire breathers.
- No eating fellow students.

We are taking these extra percautions because lately students have been going missing. We're sure it is nothing to panic about but we must be safe. Classes start in two weeks, claim your dorms and declare your majors.

Storybook rules:
-Campus rules may change at any time, but you will be notified
-Romance is allowed, keep it PG13
-Swearing is allowed, this is Hell. Don't make it a second language, and no F-bombs.
-No Mary/Gary sues and Godmodders. I *HATE* them. They will be killed.
-Please, do break some campus rules, you know you want to. It makes it interesting.
-Two characters at most.
-Keep posts about 1000 characters (or 200 words).
-No Double-posting unless there have no new posts for 24 hours. And please, if you have more than one character, keep both characters to one post; we don't want to see seperate posts for your characters.
-No human characters. They will be eaten.
-Journeys to Earth are possible, but hard to get if not on a school trip.
-All NON-SB posts to the DT please people.
-No sex demons. They will be exorcised. (That Means No Incubus or Succubus!)
-No more than two demons of the same kind. We can't all have the same kind of demon; Let's try for some variety, yes?
-Last but most certainly not least, this SB is Co-run by PUZZLER and SCARLETTFIRE. Listen to them, just because.

- Scarlett - F - Catrina Sullivan (Bajang).
- Puzzler - F - Daria Darakhshan (Pari) .
- Scarlett - M - Rasui Farrar (Jinn).
- TabbyGirl - M - Miriro Tilnar (Nikar).
- Synnoev - M - Zaire Cassidy (Alp).
- CelticaNoir - F - Althea Lynelle (Fallen Angel).
- Camulaeus - M - Reidch (Fallen Angel).
- Iiscraftywriter - F - Lia Lavaner (Puck).
- PhoenixBishop - M - Camden Lorek (Jinn).
- Teddybear22 - F - Aurris Morelock (Kappa).
- *singerofthenight* - F -
- MilkNCookies - F - Fox Clate (Kitsune).

Student Sheets:
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First AND Last)

[b]Age:[/b] (Both how old they look to humans and immortal age(Minium age is 18, in human terms!))

[b]Gender:[/b] (Well this one is obvious)

[b]Type of Demon:[/b] ( http://www.lizaphoenix.com/encyclopedia/demons.shtml )

[b]Appearance:[/b] (No scene or anime)

[b]Personality:[/b] (include flaws, strengths/weaknesses and skills)

[b]Course Major:[/b] (Make one up! Probably pertaining to your demon type)

[b]History:[/b] (Life before school and why they are here)

[b]Up for Love:[/b] (Yes or no and sexual orientation)

[b]Fun fact: [/b] (This could be anything)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything not already defined, such as pets)

Link to DT: topic77198.html
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:15 am, edited 7 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:45 pm
SisterItaly says...

Name: Daria Darakhshan

Age: 19 to humans 193 in total

Gender: Female

Type of Demon: Pari - A beautiful fairy born of fire. (Yes, I love fire)

Spoiler! :

Personality: Daria is a too cool for you kind of girl. She has a certain quota you must fill to hang out with her, but she isn't overly snooty. She has a thing against water type demons and ice type. She is really outgoing and hates being ignored. If you ignore her be prepared for her to want revenge. If this was a boarding school, she would be head girl. She hates swimming, and will make up some sort of excuse to get out of swimming. But she absolutely loves bowling, and she's terrific at it. She can be sort of self centered at times, and rather unobservant. She means well though. If you have the guts to talk to her she can offer really good advice.

Course Major: Volcano magic. She hopes to get work in Hawaii, so she never has to deal with the cold.

History: Her father split when he found out her mother was pregnant, so she never knew her real father. Her mom quickly bounced back and met another man when Daria was only three, they married when she was four. He was a water aligned fairy. For the longest time Daria thought he was her father and that she was a cross breed. No one had told her any different... until he found her in the back yard one day trying to move water from a water bottle. That's when he broke the news to her.

She became spiteful after that and hated him. She would often ignore him or tell him she hated him. He loved her nonetheless. He helped her in school even when she told him to go away. Her mother wasn't very good with staying faithful, but he didn't know that. So while he was helping Daria get A's in fire magic - which he knew next to nothing about - and torture, her mother was off with whoever was willing. One day Daria got fed up of him and told him about her mother, she regrets it still. he disappeared a few days later and she hasn't seen him since. She applied for the academy, because he wanted her to go there.

Up for Love: Yes and Bisexual.

Fun fact: Despite being a fire fairy, she hates the color orange and loves the color blue.

Spoiler! :
A small fire pup, cross bred between a spawn of Cerberus and a fire fox demon. His name is sparky.
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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212 Reviews


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Points: 11771
Reviews: 212
Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:47 pm
ScarlettFire says...

As am I.

Two demons, coming up!

Edit: Profiles! Currently Under Construction.

Female (Bajang):

Name: Catrina "Cat" Sullivan.

Age: 19 (117 in Demon years).

Gender: Females.

Type of Demon: Bajang (Vampire-like with the ability to take on the form of a cat).

Appearance: Catrina's 'human' form is usually slim, athletic and female, about 5'7-ish with pale skin, pure black hair and yellow/amber-coloured eyes. She usually appears to be around nineteen in human years and loves to wear her leather jacket over anything else she wears. Normally, she is seen in human form, though on occasion she could roam around as a white tiger or a small, black housecat. She likes to trick others when not in her human form.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Despite her somewhat cold and hostile first impression, Catrina is actually kind, smart, determined and caring--for a Bajang. She is sometimes easily distracted, though. She can be very friendly and likes crowds and being around others, not that she'd tell anyone that. She often gets really defensive if someone she likes is harmed, but be warned--if you start asking questions about her, she may just snap at you and try to drive you off. Cat often gets mad—really mad. And a mad Bajang, who has a few interesting talents, is not a good thing. Her downfalls are her somewhat short temper and her lack of fear of death, amnog other things.

Catrina can be quiet more often than not and likes to think a lot before speaking or doing something. She likes to plan things out, if she can. Especially battles and the like. And highly dislikes when her plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And she has made a few mistakes in the past, but dislikes when this is pointed out. It's not her fault--she was just careless. After all, she can't seem to find it in her to argue with orders...even if he wants to. She also hates being called a coward—it's a pet peeve of hers. It's best not to piss her off.

Course Major: Shapeshifting, Compulsion and Torture. (She must be crazy...)

History: Catrina was born to a Bajang mother and a Demon father, who was one of the highest in the demonic order. Catrina never knew her father, since he vanished before she was born. As for her mother... The woman married a human and tried to have a 'normal' life. Sadly, when Cat turned twelve (in human years), she tore her human father apart.

Cat's mother decided to move, taking the girl with her. But nothing more happened over the next few years. Until it came done to Catrina's latest boyfriend. He did soemthing stupid; she reacted. And then freaked out. Cat's mother saw the damage and decided it would be best for her daughter to go to the Academy. And Catrina went gladly. She still won't speak of what she did.

Up for Love: Yes: Both.

Fun fact: Catrina likes to take on the form of a white tiger. She seems to favour this form. She also lieks to take on the form of a small, black cat.

Other: N/A


Male (Jinn):

Name: Rasui Farrar.

Age: 18 (109 in Demon years)

Gender: Male.

Type of Demon: Jinn (Invisible shape-shifter able to appear as either human or animal).

Appearance: As a Jinn, or Genie as some call him, Rasui has many forms; the one he uses most often is young, dark haired boy with brown eyes and lightly tanned skin; he is often around 6 feet tall and prefers the more slim and athletic, alluring frames. Although he has taken on female form, he dislikes it and much prefers being male.
Spoiler! :
avanjogia_1245068946-2.jpg (22.7 KiB) Viewed 970 times

Personality: Despite his somewhat cold impression, Rasui is actually somewhat kind, smart, determined and sometimes easily distracted. As a Jinn, or a Genie as some call him, he often grants wishes to his 'masters'. Though, he hates having a master. Despite his master issues, Rasui does like others, not that he'd tell anyone if he did. He often gets really defensive if someone he likes is harmed, but be warned--if you start asking questions about him, he’ll snap at you and try to drive you off. He often gets mad—really mad. And a mad Jinn, who has a few interesting talents, is not a good thing. His only downfall is his somewhat short temper.

He’s quiet more often than not and thinks a lot before speaking or doing something. He likes to plan things out, if he can. Especially battles and the like. And highly dislikes when his plans are thoroughly screwed up by stupid mistakes. And he has made a lot of mistakes in the past, and dislikes when this is pointed out. It's not his fault--he was 'just following orders'. After all, he can't argue with orders...even if he wants to; he is a Jinn. He also hates being called a coward—it's a pet peeve of his.

Rasui often has a blank, cold and uncaring edge to his expression, like he’s lost all emotion or just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the world. This is his mask, to hide behind. Not that he'd ever tell you what, exactly, it is that he's hiding behind the mask.... Or from.

Course Major: Wish Granting and Summoning.

History: Rasui's mother was a genie, while his father was half-demon. Rasui's mother 'belonged' to a very vicious, slimy and nasty man who was very famous and rich because of the Genie he held. However, when Rasui's father came ito the picture, the half-demon man killed the cruel man and kept Rasui's mother for himself. That was when Rasui came into the picture.

After he was born, Rasui's father set the young Jinn's mother free and a few years later, Rasui found himself sold to a poor man in a Pawn Shop. The man, upon discovering Rasui by accident one day, was kind and Rasui, after a long and somewhat rough two years, finally todl the man about the wishes, not that he was interested in them before.

Rasui's offer was fame, fortune and a better life. The man agreed, but then a week later, the old man died and Rasui's lamp was given to the man's granddaughter. When she discovered Rasui, she gave him his lamp and told him to leave. Which he did, gladly. He had rarely left his lamp since, but he heard abotu the Academy and decided to do something with his so-called life. He never saw the old man's girl again.

Today, he's at the Academy, to learn more about his demonic heritage.

Up for Love: No, not really. (He's not into it ('It' being the whole love or romance thing)). ...Although, perhaps someone could convince him? Rasui likes Both.

Fun fact: Despite his lack of faith in love, Rasui can't help but admire a pretty face--male or female.

Other: Rasui's current 'lamp' is an old, long-necked, blue glass bottle. He keeps it next to his bed at all times and is very protective of it; he hate's having a master. Inside his 'lamp' is like a penthouse apartment, complete with scenic veiws of several loctations.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:27 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:56 pm
TabbyGirl says...

Sort of done... but I might edit it more

Name: Miriro (Riro) Tilnar

Age: 18 in human years, 82 in actuality.

Gender: Male

Type of Demon: Nikar- A sea demon.

Appearance: Like Daniel Negreanu, pretty much, except younger... and, well, he's from the ocean, so his skin is always kind of clammy and gross... and, he has gills. You can't see them unless he goes in the water though... also, when he goes in the water his feet stretch to flipper-size. But, yeah, besides that like Daniel Negreanu...
Spoiler! :

Personality: Miriro is, by nature, a mischievous and good humored demon. He usually isn’t rude towards other demons, however, spending all his time at the academy, far from home, or any ocean for that matter, has made him prone to being grouchy. Riro tries to stay out of arguments, but whenever he is sucked into one, he generally tries to find the easiest way out. He’s quite friendly, for a demon, and he makes friends quickly. However, if for whatever reason you get on his bad side he may never truly forgive you.

Course Major: Destructive Weather. He's already an expert in hurricanes, but hopes to learn more about blizzards, tsunamis, and typhoons.

History:Miriro's mom was a human, and when she married his dad she didn't know he was a demon... However, when she told him she was expecting, he decided it couldn't be kept a secret any longer. Miriro's mother, who was actually a very superficial, and supersticious woman, abandoned her husband and son as soon as he was born. So, Riro's dad raised him in the ways of a Nikar. Once he was old enough to go off on his own, he hung out around the Gulf of Mexico, whipping up thunder storms, a few tropical depressions… nothing too serious. Miriro was never an especially devious demon… until his girlfriend left him… then he got really pissed. So pissed he cooked up a storm that pretty much annihilated the Louisiana coast. After that, his dad sent him to the Academy for Young Demons to get him away from Earth for a while.

Up for Love: Why not? And he’s interested in girls.

Fun fact: He keeps a big fish tank in his bedroom, with lots of fish in it. He loves his fish, and takes good care of them <3(No. He doesn't talk to them, he ain't Aquaman)

Last edited by TabbyGirl on Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:07 pm
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Synnoev says...

Not yet finished :)

Name: Zaire Cassidy

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Type of Demon: Alp (Demon specialising in nightmares)

Spoiler! :

Personality: Zaire excels in understanding how people work. Whilst often a silent observer watching from the sidelines, he is usually highly astute and able to read other people, to discover their deepest desires and their most hidden fears, with ease. He uses this to his advantage on a regular basis, not only in his dream-weaving but also in his personal life; he endears himself to others quickly and uses this to get what he wants, often with an unerring determination and focus. However, this rarely works in the long-term with people learning to see him as he is when they discover the ease of which he seems to change in order to gain from others.
Zaire's understanding of what knowledge of a person can accomplish makes him unwilling to share anything about himself (or at least, anything that is true), and frequent enquiries into his thoughts can make him irritable. Zaire dislikes losing control over his surroundings, always keeping a tight grip on his outward behaviour and trying to subtly manipulate people on a regular basis. When things don't go his way he often becomes needlessly cruel, and will sometimes turn on people if it turns out they are unsusceptible to his wiles.

Course Major: Dream-Weaving. This subject is often considered in the same way as Art; things like composition, structure and impact are taught.

History: (Life before school and why they are here)

Up for Love: Yes, depending on your definition of 'love'... although it would be really interesting for him to 'lose' control of his emotions due to love :smt003
Bisexual - despite his fervent denial, he is actually more often attracted to men than women.

Fun fact: (This could be anything)

Other: (Anything not already defined, such as pets)
Last edited by Synnoev on Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:39 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Name: Althea Lynelle

Age: 19 (250 in actuality)

Gender: Female

Type of Demon: Fallen Angel (formerly an Archangel)

Appearance: Althea's messy black hair is usually tied up into a high ponytail, and she has rather pretty blue eyes that glimmer in the sunlight. She is of a fairly slim and small build. Althea wears dark, heavy make-up as a symbol of her fallen-angel-hood, another symptom of her vanity.

Spoiler! :
deschanzo30.jpg (136.11 KiB) Viewed 941 times

Personality: Althea is a fallen angel. Being of this heritage, she is quite beautiful and is rather proud of it, occasionally to the point of vanity. However, she rarely ever shows this, because of her former background as an Archangel. For someone 'fallen', Althea is a rather innocent girl, and is often thickheaded. She prefers to bury her nose in books rather than do extracurricular activities, because of which she often complains about pains most other people can handle, but is also academically accomplished because of it. Althea wants to go back to heaven, and will jump at any chance to get there.

Course Major: Conjuration.

History: Althea used to be an Archangel, the highest angel in the hierarchy system. However, a certain conversation with an older demon left the immature Althea suffering from vanity, and God ordered her down to 'hell'. While powerful during her tenure as Archangel, Althea has only one tenth of her power, and has lost a lot of confidence otherwise. She loves creating things from nothingness, and therefore has chosen conjuration as her major.

Up for Love: Yep. Straight.

Fun facts: Althea is scared of vampiric demons for some reason. While she will face up to a Archdemon almost recklessly, she gets scared of the lower level demons pretty quickly, and will try to run away as soon as she sees them. She is also pretty easily scammed if you mention Go-Back-To-Heaven-Quick schemes. Have fun with this. XD

Other: Nothing else I can think of.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:40 am
Camulaeus says...

I know you said one per demon type but I started this profile before Celtica posted hers soo.... (crosses fingers)

Name Reidch Turnbull (re-EE-k)

Age: 19 in Human, 213 in Demon

Gender: Male

Type of Demon: Fallen Angel

Spoiler! :
except his hair is bright red.

Personality: Reidch is your average bad-boned punk. He's a huge pessimist; seeing the world as temporary and destructive. Yes, he is in fact an emo. Except for pain.He hates pain and goes out of his way to avoid it. Yes; he is Hell's first prissy punk.

Course Major: Void magic (opening portals temporarily to a Nether-world and sucking creatures souls and essence into them)

History: Exiled from heaven for opening a Void, Reidch wasn't as disappointed as his fellow Fallen Angels were. He had never really fit in with the other Angels, due to his homosexuality and pessimist attitude. He was actually kind of relieved when he was finally released from the Higher World (sorry, my name for heaven). He prefers the darkness and gloom of the UNderworld, and often takes dips i the river styx.

Up for Love: Yes, Gay

Fun facts Has no fear of other demons, but instead as mentioned before has a destinctive fear of pain. Also is a huge fan of the band My Chemical Romance and often draws some of his favorite lyrics from their songs on his arms or jeans.

Other: Summons claws made from Void essence to fight with
Last edited by Camulaeus on Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:52 am
Sunshine says...

Name: (First AND Last) Lia Lavaner

Age: Looks: 18 Is: 107

Gender: Female.

Type of Demon: Puck. (Nature Spirit/Demon)

Appearance: (No scene or anime) You can never tell what color her eyes are, being that they change with her mood. The deeper blue they are, the more calm she is. When she's up to something, their amber, like the picture. Her eyes turn pitch black when angry and green when she's deep in thought. They turn a pretty purpley color when she's in love. Lia stands at maybe 5'6 with a lithe, slim, curvy figure. Has a very sweet smile and pointy, elfish ears.
http://runsleeprun7.weebly.com/the-acad ... mons1.html

Personality: (include flaws, strengths/weaknesses and skills)Lia is michiveous, she almost always looks like she's up to something or another. She's incredibly charming and sweet- if she wanted, she could have anyone eating from her hand. Luckily for many, Lia would rather not enhance her manipulation powers- she often has better things to do. Lia loves to pull small little pranks on people- she loves a good laugh. She's feriocialy loyal to her friends and nature. Pretty much Lia is a laid back girl. She doesn't mind playing behind the scenes- rather, she perfer's it, since things are more interesting behind the scenes. Lia doesn't like "normal" things, she'd rather live a more exciting, dangerous, and mysterious path. Just whatever you do don't cross what Lia protects. She'll go mama tiger on you. She has *slight* anger issues if you call her "minor nature demon."

Course Major: (Make one up! Probably pertaining to your demon type) Nature magic.

History: (Life before school and why they are here)
Lia lived in a nature perserve with her family of Pucks, having a jolly good time terrifing the humans. That is, until her forest was cut down two years ago. Lia's family; her mother, father, six sisters, and seven brothers, all flead the area. Lia was outraged that they had to leave their home and all there memories behind. That's why she joined the Academy. She wanted to make sure that it never happened again.

Up for Love: (Yes or no and sexual orientation)Yes. Currently, she's straight.

Fun fact: (This could be anything) Lia loves to act. She doesn't know why, and is often shy about telling people about it.

Other: (Anything not already defined, such as pets)
Last edited by Sunshine on Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:16 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Name: Camden Lorek

Age: Human: 18 Demon: 240

Gender: Male

Type of Demon: Jinn, Genie,

Appearance: His actual appearance is unknown as he often shape shifts to fit a mood or situation. Gender doesn't even seem to be a for sure as he has has often taken on the form of girls. The form he seems to use the most seems to be the young versions of his father and mother. He shifts inbetween these too most often.

His mother age 18:
Spoiler! :

His father: age 18:

Spoiler! :

In either case he has rune marks that spiral across his skin, and his have a slitted cat like appearance.

Personality: After dealing with different masters over the years, he has grown tired of the human race and all their selfish wishes. His dislike for humans has led him to twist his master’s wishes if they are not’t clearly stated. He will find any loop hole, and to the best of his ability exploit it. He sees this as a form of punishment for their selfish ways. He believes that what one wishes is a reflection on the person’s soul. Thus, wishes that only strengthen the wisher are considered to be an indication of a rotten soul. If a person makes a truly humble or selfless wish, he will complete it as the master intended.

When dealing with selfish masters he is often cold and sarcastic. He also enjoys openly mocking them and using his powers to annoy, or scare them. He will continue this until the master wishes him to stop. To say none the least he has low expectations on the human race. He is convinced that in some shape or form all of them are corrupt. His opinions on these matters never change as he is very stubborn and holds grudges.

In general he hates his job and complains about it often. He also gets cross when people ask him about being a Genie. He is easily bored and will make it clear that people are uninteresting to him.

Course Major: Wish Granting and Runes.

History: His father was a genie that fell in love with one of his masters daughters. The daughter stole the lamp and the two ran away together. Five years later they had Camden who quickly became aware of his father’s true nature. When it was discovered that Camden would indeed become a genie, his parents hid him in hopes that no one would find him and force him to the life of following people’s orders. His lamp of choice at the time was a locket that his mother wore around her neck at all times. One day while in his locket he was released. He thought he would find his mother, but instead he found an old man who turned out to be his grandfather. Camden looked around at his devastated house in horror. His mother lay dead on the floor and there was no sign of his father, or his lamp.

The grandfather forced him to continue to shower the old man with fame, fortune, and power until his death in which Camden was handed over to his much younger wife. She wished for a new husband with lots of money and the viscous cycle of horrible selfish masters began.

It was on his 20th master he became absolutely fed up. The man wished to be younger. Without any guidelines to how young he wanted to be. Camden turned him into a toddler. With his new frame of mind he began to dispatch selfish masters with more and more creative wish twisting. Along the way he discovered one selfish wish that he admire; wishing to be loved. Inspired, he began his cupid like wising service. His new "lamp" is an old fashioned perfume bottle.

Up for Love: Yes. He has no direct preference.

Fun fact: The only selfish emotion he can stand is love. In fact he is fascinated by it.

Other: His "lamp" is a old perfume bottle. Because of this he usually smells like lavender which was the scent of the perfume. The inside of his bottle is huge resembling a Victorian style mansion.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:16 pm
Theodorable says...

Okay, I will give in and join.

Name: Aurris Morelock

Age: 19 (117 demons years)

Gender: female

Type of Demon: Kappa (vampiric creature who mimics a human with light green skin)

Spoiler! :

Personality: (include flaws, strengths/weaknesses and skills)Aurris is very confident in herself, being somewhat of a vampire she loves pain, but alternately she loves softness. She has a tendency to change moods quickly and without warning, so watch out! She makes friends easily, so she has no prejudice towards anyone. She has a huge heart and hates to hurt people, which contradicts her urges from wanting to drink others blood. She is confused by this, but she hides it well, guarding herself from hurt.

Course Major: Compulsion

History: She has had a very elegant life before going to the school. Formerly she was worshiped by a cult of people who believed that she could make them like her. She always had blood available to her and since the sun has no affect on her she would travel during that day. The slight green tint she has to her skin is easily covered by foundation and make-up. She actually has no hard feelings towards humans, reveling in their worship.

She also had a human lover for a number of years before a group of Christians found out about them, and executed him. She has since then been moving from place to place, never staying in one city for more than a couple of months. This is a sore spot for her. She hates talking about it.

Up for Love: Yes, straight

Fun fact: She has a scrapbook of her human lover, and her time as a deity. She hides this so no one can see it, and it only comes out when she's depressed.

Other: She is taking care of two panther cubs right now. Their names are Jinx and Luna.
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Theodorable on Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:11 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

Name: Mishta Angeli (Mimi for short)

Age: 19 in human years, 1,000 in valkyrie

Gender: Female

Species: Valkyrie
*a valkyrie is a decent of Khushiba (You-Shee-Ba) and Moyura (Mu-your-ra), ancient immortals who where a cross between rogue fairies and furys. In sense, Valkyrie contect their emotions to the electricity, such as lightning. There are only a few Valkyrie left, their number idling around 200. Since valkyrie are only born every thousand years, they tend to have very long life spans. Valkyrie hav healing abilities, but it comes at a price.*

Spoiler! :

Course major: Electricity

Personality: She is quiet and reserved. She rarely ever talks. When she does, she commands the attention of anyone in the room. You rarely ever find her without a book. Mishta has a problem with space, so she tends to spend her time outside where she can breathe.

Strengths: One of Mishta's biggest strengths is her silence. But it can also be one of her greatest weaknesses.

Weakness: Bondage. Mishta has an extreme fear of being bound because of her past.

History: Mishta doesnt really remember much about her past. What she does remember she wishes she didnt. She remembers being a slave at some point, but she can't remember her masters. She believes she is an orphan. Every now and then Mishta sees glimpses of her past, but they only come in dreams.

Love: Sure I guess, but she loves Sebastion. Bisexual.

Other: Everytime she uses herhealing powers, she suffers for hours in agonizing pain. Also, you will always see a black wolf with her at all times. The wolf is more of her companion, her friend than it is a pet. She has a special mental connection with him. His name is Sebastian. He was once human, but he was cursed by a witch long ago. Mimi has vowed ot find a way to break it.

Spoiler! :

Sebastion looks like this in his human form:

Spoiler! :
Last edited by *singerofthenight* on Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:22 pm, edited 8 times in total.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:14 pm
Camulaeus says...

Can we start soon? I just CANNOT wait to start this
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:54 pm
MilkNCookies says...

*reserves a spot*

Name: Fox (Will explain) Clate

Age: 20 : 75

Gender: Female

Type of Demon: Kitsune

Spoiler! :
ImageI'm stupid and don't know what a scene photo is. So if this is one, please tell me, I'll fix it!

Fox Form:Image She's unusual, her kitsune form is black.

Personality:She's sweet and scared of almost everything. She's almost always jumpy. She likes to be in crowds. She backs down to everything easily, and is easy to fool. Gullible, yes; stupid, no. Fox gets almost the highest marks, and passes with flying colors. But if you talk about religion around her, she gets frail and weak. If you ask her questions about her past, or her religion, she will snap at you- it's about the only time she get's angry. Other than that, she's docile and simply can not get angered.

Until she turns into a fox. Than she's tricky and mischievous. She's never reliable in fox form. When she has one tail, you might be able to talk her out of something, calm her down. When she has three tails, she's harder to cope with but not impossible; but when she's nine tails, you'd better watch out. She can't be stopped unless she's injured and what not. Oh, and as a fox with three or nine tails, she can create weak fire when rubbing her tails together.

Course Major: Shape Shifting and Foxfire Magic (Double-major... over achiever here.)

History: She was dumped to the streets when she was ten. She still looked like a five-year-old, and her parents didn't want her. She had the mental capabilities of a 10 year old, but only the physical ones of a 5 year old. She usually tricked people our of money and food. She couldn't seem to remember her name, ever, so she named herself- Fox.

Up for Love: Yes; Bisexual, though she will never admit it to anyone, except for girls/boys she likes. Keep in mind she is BISEXUAL- likes both of the sexes.

Fun fact: She has something called a Kitsune Ball:
Spoiler! :
There is no particular reason she has it, but guards it at all costs. If anyone gets it, she will do anything to get it back. When she's human, she always has it in her hand. It's the size of a golf ball.

Other: One pet-
Spoiler! :
His name is Amber. She inexplicably attracts foxes sometimes, though. He comes and goes.

Other(2): When in fox form, she can speak telepathically.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:37 am
Camulaeus says...

Just to let everyone know, changed Redich's pic because the first one was kind of scene.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:19 pm
jessig833 says...

can i join?

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
— Thomas Edison