
Young Writers Society

Race of the Benders

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:13 am
Dragonette says...

>This SB was put together and is run by Fictionfantic and Dragonette. Come to either of them for questions/comments.<

The clunk of black boots echoed through the long, dark hallway.

When the girl came to the grand, black doors with sharp, ridged designs etched into, she heaved it open with her strong arms.

In the room chatter buzzed, but when everyone saw the girl, they froze, their eyes trained on her, waiting for what she had to say.

With a wicked grin, the girl announced, "The avatar is dead."

The girl's soft, white flats barely made a soud as she ran through the long, pristine white hallway.

When the girl came to the grand, white door with soft, flowing swirl carved carefully into the door, she pushed it open.

Every person in the room immediately stopped talking, looking to the girl with anticipating eyes, waiting for the news.

With a gulp, the girl said, "The avatar is dead."


The last Avatar, Avatar Kora, has recently died, killed by poisoning from an evil group ruled by evil benders called the Order of the Red Jade. After taking care of the recent Avatar, the Red Jade now hunts the Earth Kingdom in search for the new Avatar. Upon finding the infant, they plan on kidnapping him and raising him in their ways; transforming him into an ally rather then an enemy. So, the Red Jade has sent out a small, quick band of their most elite teens, with orders to find the baby and bring him/her back alive. The evil teens will do anything to get to their goal and abduct the infant Avatar, including kicking some good guy butt along the way.

Meanwhile there is another group: the Order of the White Lotas, a group of good benders that fight the evil and try to keep peace in their world. Discovering the Red Jade's plot, the White Lotas searches for the new Avatar to protect and guide him. The White Lotas also sends out a quick fleet of their most trained and trusted teens to find the Avatar, to protect him/her from the Red Jade with their lives. They will do anything for their soon-to-be-savior-of-the-world, and that includes kicking some bad guy butt as well.

Who will you join...Good or Bad?...

Finding the Avatar
So now, it's a race; a race between the benders, good and bad. Who will be the first to find the Avatar? The destiny of the world depends on the answer.

No one knows who or where the new Avatar is, the only clue you have is that it's born in the earth kingdom and it's under three years old. So, how do you find this infant Avatar if it doesn't even know how to speak? There are many tests that you can do to find out.
1~ You set a rock, a candle, and a dump out a glass of water in front of the child. If the child is the Avatar, the rock will stand straight up, the candle' flame will lean toward the baby, and the water will gather it's self into a circle.
2~ If the child is older then one year of age, you can display a pile of toys in front of the child and allow him/her to choose four objects from the pile. Somewhere in the collection of toys, you have placed four toys from the past Avatars' life, if the child choses those four toys, (s)he is the new Avatar.

Profile: Erase all parenthesis when posting your profile
Spoiler! :
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (It should probably be something unique. But make sure you pronounce the name for us)
[b]Side:[/b] (Good or Bad)
[b]Age:[/b] (13-17)
[b]Nationality:[/b] (Earth, Fire, Air, or Water)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Please include likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Both written AND picture)
[b]Brief History/Backround:[/b]

Rules: Everyone loves rules!
Spoiler! :
1. YWS rules
2. NO killing someone's characters without permission
3. No Mrs. invincible or Mr. perfect, please. You aren't going to win all of the battles.

4. Tomato IS a fruit (Says Fiction. Though I say it's a blinkin' vegetable! Do you put tomatoes in a fruit salad, fiction, hmm? Didn't think so. How about a pie? No.)
5. There can be cussing but don't make it a second language
6. Romance is allowed, but NO sex, and lets keep it straight
7. Let's keep it 12+ rated
8. Be creative! (most important rule!)
9. Try to keep things even (that means boy/girl ratio and bad/good ratio)

10. Dragonette and fictionfanatic will ALWAYS be awesome, and they are ALWAYS right! No questions asked ;)
11. Don't ya be usin' no bad grammar, now!
12. DON'T make this modern day. It is NOT modern day! Just keep it the same way it is in the Avatar cartoon.
13. Keep up with the DT! That's where we'll be discussing our plots and stuff. If you don't know where it is, ask! I promise I don't bite.
Hmmmm....I'm out of rules :D ('bout time, Fiction, we bloody overwhelmed the poor kids with all of them. Lol.)

DT -> topic76469.html

P.S you guys,
Sorry for all the rules!

This storybook isn't so much about finding/hunting the Avatar (that's just plot to make war between the two sides), it's mostly about the battle between the two groups, and traveling across the Earth Kingdom.

Taste the rainbow, eat crayons!!!
The first person to both complete their character profile and tell fictionfanatic what P.S stands for will get 50 points, and so will the person who comes up the funniest one (but still makes sense with how you use P.S)! The points will be rewarded, by fictionfanatic, to whoever gives the right answer first and the points for the funniness will be given out when the storybook actually starts!
(Does that mean I can do it too?)

Characters: We need more bad guys! Also, no more Firebenders please, you don't have to be a fire bender to be bad, any bender can be evil.
Spoiler! :
(F=fire, W=water, E=earth, A=air)
Dragonette~ F, Reymar
Dragonette~ W, Chaiz
Iiscraftywriter~ E, Vetzena
Puzzler~ E, Nya
MilkNCookies~ F, Liyam
Ladyofthedeathrose~ W, Jezebe

Fictionfantic~ F, Paza
Untamabletiger~ F, Fajra
Puzzler~ A, Haru
Iiscraftywriter~ A, Calor
darkangel_05~ W, Rouen
Fictionfantic~ E, Jazliac
Last edited by Dragonette on Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:08 am, edited 13 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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30 Reviews

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Points: 1713
Reviews: 30
Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:57 am
Dragonette says...

>will finish as soon as possible<
Name: Chaiz (Shayz)

Age: 17

Side: Leader of the good guys

Bender: Northern Water Tribe.

Personality: Chaiz is a naturally born leader. He always carries out his orders firmly but kindly; and he's very good at wording things so that they are used to his affect. He has good organization skills and is very brave, but his one weakness in leadership is that he knows nothing about maps and he usually gets lost. When it comes to geography, it's hopeless.
He loves people and is very social, he is normally asked to take command and/or is excepted as leader because everyone loves him. Chaiz is really good about getting to know the people he works with. He never ever forgets a name or a face, and he could give you a list about any one person's personality, family, past, and/or strengths and weaknesses. He never shows fear (although he's not fearless), and he will always be the first one into any danger.
His fatal weakness is that he's actually really terrible at waterbending; he only knows how to put up a good shield, freeze and unfreeze water, and the basics in moving the water; but he can't do anything fancy, such as using water in the plants, or blood bending, he's not even good at the water whip. He's only mastered the more basics things.
Even though his bending skills aren't very good, he is an AMAZING fighter. His fighting type is somewhat like kung fu, so it's really physical. He's fast, strong, agile, and knows how to use the things around him to his advantage. He also knows how to use every weapon and he knows them well. He's a physical combat type of guy, and only uses his waterbending to block an attack or to put out a fire.

Appearance: Chaiz has really blue eyes. Long dark hair that is occasionally tied in a ponytale and pale-ish skin. He does have fairly large biceps. He's very good looking and gets somewhat a lot of attention from the girls in his tribe. (although he's not arrogant)
Spoiler! :
Sorry for spamming pictures of him. Image Image
Image Image Image

Brief History: His dad is a waterbender and one of the tribe's leaders. His mom is a fiesty Southern Tribe fighter (she's not a bender). Chaiz's dad was busy a lot, so he learned most of his fighting skills from his mom, though he inherited the leadership skills from his dad.

Up for love: Yes, if you don't mind that you won't be the first. Chaiz has had a lot of experience, being an amazing fighter, a smooth talker, really good looking, and his father had a high position.

Other: His weapons include a whale bone trident from the Southern Water Tribe, a small, handheld crossbow, and a whale knife.
Spoiler! :
Whale knife Image

Spoiler! :
The Crossbow is something like this, except smaller and there's only one. Image


Name: Reymare (Ray-mar)

Age: 14

Side: Good.

Nationality: Fire.

Personality: Reymar is short tempered and cautious. He is extremely talented with fire and can control it without even having to think about it. He likes to play with it and do tricks with it.
His fatal weakness is that he's kind and passionate; is that a bad thing? For a firebender, yes. Firebenders are known to have tough, forceful, even brutal personalities. But Reymar can't help but love and care for the weak and delicate. He's gentle with animals and trains and befriends most that he sees. He always, always helps anyone or anything in need. And, he's never admitted it to himself or anyone else, but honestly he doesn't think that he could ever kill someone, even in a battle.
But he's ashamed of his weakness and tries his best to hide it. This is actually the reason he's so short tempered and cautious; he doesn't want anyone to know.
But all of this stuff is secret, hidden, the inner layer. On the outside, Reymar appears as strong, dark, laid back/care free, lazy(ish), stubborn, thinks-he's-too-good-for-you type of guy.

He likes shadows, fire, lava (he can lavabend), animals, butterflies and flowers (don't laugh!), ink, the night, and firebending (it relaxes him).
He doesn't like seeing people/animals that are hurting/defenseless/in need. He hates the cold; he completely shuts down if it gets under 25degrees. And he dislikes bullies, prying people, being controlled, wearing the color red and spicy foods (another unusual thing for a firebender).

Appearance: Pale/gray skin. Black hair that lays flat but is cut unevenly. Really really dark brown eyes, but with sudden speckles of yellow, like lightning in the night sky. A rather skinny build, and 5'9" And he wears five strands of leather around his neck, no one knows why but they seem very important to him.
Spoiler! :
Image Image

Brief History: He's lived all of his life on a Roku's island, with only one populated town. So he practically lives on an island in the middle of no where, with hardly anyone on it; so, he's never had to worry about people and has no social skills.
He learned how to firebend when he was three years old, and he's perfected it by practicing with the lava in the volcano on the island.

Up for love: Yep

Other: Reymar is an artist. He loves making scenes and pictures by using firebending; anything from delicate butterflies to blazing dragons.
He brought a pet Saber-tooth-moose with him, and he uses it as his transportation.
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Dragonette on Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:04 am, edited 27 times in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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84 Reviews

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Reviews: 84
Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:07 am
fictionfanatic says...

Yes, Dragonette, it does mean you can participate too!

Name: Paza (Paz-Uh)

Side: Leader of the Red Jade

Age: 16 years old

Nationality: Fire Nation

Personality: Paza has a lot of leadership quality. She is also one of those people that you can't help but respect. She is clever, sly, and she's a fast thinker. Paza can be an absolutely amazing, lovable person if you are on her good side, but as soon as you make her mad she will turn on you in a flash. She tries to be nice, but she has some trouble with it, so she will most likely have a lot of mood swings. Paza loves dark colors, the heat, fire, being in charge, and being with people who like her but still respect her. And she also thinks it's pretty fun to mess with people. She absolutely hates it when people don't show her any respect, when people try to do her job, and when people don't act serious when they need to. She's an excellent fighter both with her bending and at hand to hand combat. She's terrible with keeping her temper and is not patient at all. She can't stand not being in charge and in she has trouble being nice to people.

Appearance: (Both written AND picture) Paza has a pale, ever so slightly tanned complexion. Her hair is cut into layers and goes down to about her shoulder blades. Her eyes are an eery grey that are surrounded thickly by black eyelashes. She stand at five feet and six inches tall and is average weight. She is normally wearing boots and sark colors, and rarely smiles, and if she does, it's because she did something bad or is messing with you. She also carries a knife with her whever she goes - she keeps it tucked in her boot.

Spoiler! :

Brief History/Backround: Paza's parents are on the good side - always have been. But Paza, the little rebel, dark, twisted child that she was and is disagreed with them. She believed that the fire nation should have taken over. Thus, she joined the dark side. SHe was then disowned by her parents, even furthering her darkness and unhappiness. But don't worry - she's happy with being unhappy

Other: Up for love...if you can handle her ;)
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Points: 1290
Reviews: 7
Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:31 am
untameabletiger says...

Name: Fajra ( Fa-j-rə)
Side: Bad
Age: 15
Nationality: Fire
Personality: Despite her body, Fajra is VERY aggressive and tough. She never reveals her true feelings,in fear of getting hurt, she has EXTREME trust problems . Being very blunt, Fajra always expresses her opinion no matter what the circumstance. Keeping her quiet is one of the few things people can do when she is angry. Her temper is explosive once you cross a line. When she is close to someone, she will fight till the ends of the Earth to protect them. Drawing in dimly lit darkness is how Fajra prefers to spend her night, though sometimes she gets lonely. She likes heights and other people who aren't pushovers, she likes a challenge. A clash of personalities is never good, so she dislikes overly aggressive people,being ignored,REALLY bright things and Loud noises .
Appearance: Fajra has spikey black hair, when down, it sits roughly at her shoulders. Her body is slender and tall.Her eyes, un-normally large, are a mixture of brown and blue, both so dark, her eyes sometimes appears black.
Spoiler! :

Brief History/Backround: Fajra means Fiery, ever since she was little, her father called her his little pyro.She never met her mother, and grew up with 3 brothers and her father who loved to 'toughen her up' .
Other: she makes hemp Necklaces and bracelets, it helps her calm down along with hearing/singing soft melodies.

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:59 am
Sunshine says...

Sorry, Dragonette. Tomato is officially a fruit. It's stupid, yes, but blame the seeds. Will make a male charecter if you need him.

Name: Vetzena ( How it looks. Vet-seen-a)(Vets to her friends.)
Side: Good.
Age: (13-17) 16
Nationality: Earth.
Personality: (Please include likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.) Vetzena isn't one to back from a battle. She's one of those people who isn't afraid to charge into something where her death is likely. Honestly, some think she has a death wish. Vetzena doesn't like to make a big scene of herself, often quietley strategizing in the make of the room. She speaks her mind, but only when she's positive she's right. She's very smart and steady, with little respect for authorities who don't agree with her opinions. Vetzena always follows what she believes in, that's where the authorities and disrespect come in. Vets is good with strategy, earth bending, and swords. She doesn't like close quaters combat and is deathy afraid of water, meaning no sailing for her. She loves the Earth and everything on it's soil. She isn't one for worldly possesions, but keeps a log, which is very precious to her. She can't stand the water (Water benders- beware!) and honestly doesn't like cities.
Appearance: (Both written AND picture) Vetzena isn't the tallest girl, but not super short. She stands around 5'5 last she checked. She has dusty green/gray eyes and a strong, muscular body that comes from being an earth bender. Her brown hair is shorter than in the picture and is usually in a pony tail. She has freckles that dot across her nose. She always wears a tool belt across her waist: her log, notes, and some other ,deadlier, and more useful stuff as well. Usually wears a pair of old and green shorts and a classic earth bender toga-like top, which is suprisingly good for fighting in.
(Don't make fun of me. I'm not computer saavy.)
Brief History/Backround: Vetzena was the only daughter of a Earth merchant, living in a weathy Ba-Sing-Sa. She lived an adverage life, her parents supporting her fighting and Earth bending skills. Sadly, she was often an outcast, made fun of. However, in a Red Jade fight, her father was killed and her mother captured. She may be dead, she may not be. In despiration, Vetsena turned to the White Lotus, in them finding something she was good at: finding the avatar.
Other: Might be up for love. Maaaaaybe.
Last edited by Sunshine on Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:57 am
SisterItaly says...

I'm so in, bad guy good girl

Name: Nya (Na-A)

Side: Good

Age: 16

Nationality: Earth

Personality: She's a determined and to the point. Honor is all she wants. If you tell her she's brought dishonor to her family she'll stand strong, but bawl her eyes out when she's alone. She's a great warrior and a loyal member of White Lotus, but if you try to be friends with her be prepared for the most awkward conversation in your life.

Appearance: Nya was never big and tough looking like the rest of the earth benders. She always had clear, smooth skin. Really, the only thing she does have in common with other earth benders is her green and light brown clothes. It's custom for Earth benders to wear earthly colors. Her favorite color happens to be blue.
Spoiler! :

Brief History/Backround: Nya had a soldier, captain even, for a father. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was an only child. So she's forever been trying to live up to her father's standards. She's trained her hardest, and fought her hardest, but it still doesn't please her father. Her father always wanted a boy, because he believes they are stronger in bending then girls.



Name: Haru

Side: Bad

Age: 17

Nationality: Air

Personality: He's defiantly no leader. Only a following. He follows instructions to the T. But unless you give him instructions he'll sit there and wonder what he's meant to do. He's loyal to the Red Jade because he was saved by them. So far he's been a strong and powerful asset to them. He's not very good at socializing. He'll sit there and let you pour your heart out to him but pay no mind to you.

Appearance:He's pretty tall, most have to look up to him at 6'4''. His eyes are usually focused on one place, even when he's talking to someone. He seems, unmoving most of the time. Or robotic, waiting for his instructions.
Spoiler! :

Brief History/Backround: He doesn't remember, all he remembers is being found and taken care of by someone from the Red Jade, his loyalty lies with the Red Jade and them alone.

Last edited by SisterItaly on Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:48 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Name: Liyam (Le-yam)


Age: 16

Nationality: Fire

Personality: He says he was 'forced' by the avatar's spirit to help the White Lotas. Naturally, he's mule-headed and stubborn, but still helpful. He is struggling hard to learn lightning so he can help even more. He's very confused about everything in his life right now; and he's afraid his 'siblings' in the Red Jade will try to hunt him down. in the end, he's pleased he did. While he's cold, he can be nice if you treat him right. He's very strange- he can barely control fire. The reason he is so important, though, is that he controls lightning as if it was fire. He's a master at it. He's col don the outside, but nice on the inside. He just wants to find somewhere to fit in.

He loves his friends, music, White Lotas and fire. He dislikes water, Red Jade, earth, and air basically.

Appearance: WRITTEN: He has a deep scratch above both eyes. Short, black hair envelopes his head. His eyes are a pale brown color. He stand at about a 5'10 height and 130lb. He almost always wears a snarl. His complexity is slightly brown-ish. *Will finish*

Spoiler! :

Brief History/Background: He was 'forced' by the avatar spirit, so he says, to join the White Lotas. in the end, he's pleased he did. While he's cold, he can be nice if you treat him right.

Other: Up for love...!
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:33 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Name: Jezebel *Jez uh bell*
Side: Good
Age: 16
Nationality: Water
Personality: She is quiet and whenever she says something everyone listens because it's usually well thought out and very wise. She is extremely smart for her age but she never acts stuck up. She is humble but refuses to let anyone walk all over her. When she gets into a fight she is surprsingly aggressive but is well balanced with her defense. She is an extremely sweet girl and is always eager to help. Her strengths are she is very good at listening, she is a decent spy, fighting, defense, reading, and she is very sweet. Her weaknesses she is slightly naive, she is willing to forgive and forget, she refuses to talk about her nightmares no matter how bad they are, if someone tries to walk over her she will snap and she will be anything but quiet, and if someone tries to get her to talk when she doesn't want to she will tell them off. She loves music, water, reading, being quiet, and fighting. She dislikes fire, Red Jade, death, and people walking over her.
Appearance: Long slightly wavy black hair to her waist dark blue eyes pale skin high cheekbones and she looks elfin thin curvy and 5'6. * I can'tfind a picture will try again later*
Up for love: Yup.
Brief History/Backround: She used to be extremely quiet and let everyone walk all over her and make fun of her but she had enough one day and stood up for herself. She learned about Red Jade and decided to join White Lotus.
Other: She has had terrfying nightmares that started when she was 6 years old sometimes they stop but they always come back.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:24 pm
Dragonette says...

Iiscraftywriter~ Yes, technically tomato is a fruit, according to scientists who don't have any taste buds. But I will always say it's a vegetable, and any one who has taste buds will back me up. Tomatoes are salty, fruit is sweet; you don't put tomatoes in a fruit salad and you don't put them in a pie; what about catsup? Or pizza sauce, hm? Do those remind you of fruit?

PS. I can't see your picture, crafty.
Last edited by Dragonette on Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:01 pm
Sunshine says...

Good now? I had a link on there.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:07 pm
Dragonette says...

Yes, thank you.

PS. You guys, not all of the bad guys are fire. Any bender can be evil.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:40 pm
fictionfanatic says...

That may have been my fault, seeing that I made my charrie a firebender. Haha...so yes, we must have water benders and earth benders. There probably shouldn't be to many air benders, since they pretty much were extinct for a while.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:38 pm
Sunshine says...

Will make an evil airbender later tonight!
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:04 pm
untameabletiger says...

getting ready for a dance i will finish making another charrie..

Name: Rael (Ray-el)
Age: 14
Nationality: Earth
Personality: (Please include likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.)
Spoiler! :

Brief History/Backround:
Other: up for love ^.^

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30 Reviews

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Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:51 pm
Dragonette says...

Do well at your dance for me, Tiger (I also do dancing, but I wasn't able to do it this year :( What kind of dance do you do?)

And thanks, Crafty, we need more bad guys. But I think Fiction is right, there aren't very many alive, so probably only you and maybe one more can have one.
Last edited by Dragonette on Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

“I'd much rather be someone's shot of whiskey than everyone's cup of tea.”
— Carrie Bradshaw