
Young Writers Society

Way Out West

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:21 am
eldEr says...

The year is 1849, and wherever you may have lived before hadn't been promising much. For your own reasons, you've decided to join a train. A wagon train.

Perhaps you joined because you haven't been able to find work, your fields weren't growing or you hated your town and were sick of farm life. Maybe times were just hard in general, or perhaps you were just bored and craved adventure. Whatever the reason, you're here now.

But things aren't running nearly as smooth as you would like them to be. Your destination was supposed to be a booming city, filled with opportunities and fresh starts-- for anyone and everyone. The place even had a promising name-- Serenity Gultch-- but you haven't arrived yet. Heck, you should have arrived three weeks ago. What's worse is that you've hit mountains. There were no mountains anywhere near your route, and yet, the train leader insists you keep traveling. Food, water, and other supplies are starting to run low. Why hasn't he stopped the train yet? Why hasn't he turned the wagons around?

Worse yet, three members of the train have mysteriously disappeared. One woman named Alicia Grimm went first-- the richest one in the train. That's not all too shocking, considering there were plenty of people who wanted her money. The second two, however, were unexpected. Twin brothers, Albert and Thomas Ingles were pretty average folks. 'Till they vanished a week after Alicia.

And even worse, another man was found dead under his wagon this morning. The man was Jake Fincher, and as far as anybody was concerned, the man had no enemies in the train. In fact, he was probably the most liked out of everybody.

It's just one problem on top of another, and there doesn't seem to be an end to them.


-Posts must be at least 1000 characters or 250 words in length. It's not a lot, so please keep it at that mark or higher.

-NO godmodding! It's really not fair, and nobody likes a godmodder.

-Please, no perfect characters. Their weaknesses should be real and really affect your character. It would be amazing if their weaknesses out-numbered their strengths, but that might be pushing. ;)

-If you choose to have more than one character, at least one of them has to be killed off later in the SB. (The only exception is Emmy [Puzzler]) Put in the profile which character this will be.

-If you want your character to die at some point during the storybook, please put that in your character's profile.

-The women in the wagon-train can be tough if you want, but remember what time period this is. They should be kept feminine and yes-- they should probably wear dresses. Keep all characters relevant to the time-period.

-Romance is allowed, but as a general rule, no sex scenes please.

-Swearing and violence is definitely allowed; but please, do not over-do it. (Nobody wants to know just how gory another person's death was, or hear every second word out of your character's mouth as a curse)

-Please do not kill off another person's character without their permission! Even if they have that their character is going to die in their profile, it's up to them how and when their character dies. (Preferably, they'll be murdered)

-Last, but MOST IMPORTANT: Puzzler aka Emmy is co-modding this SB with me. Whatever she says goes. Listen to her as much as you would listen to me, and don't hesitate to ask her for information, too.

Code: Select all



[b]Appearance (written and picture):[/b]




[b]Up For Love:[/b]



got trans?

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:22 am
eldEr says...

Name: Esther Black

Age: 19 1/2

Gender Female

Appearance: Long, very curly black hair that she keeps back in as neat of a bun as possible. Her eyes are both a beautiful chocolate brown.She's very tiny, especially compared to her brother, at only 5'4''. She is always smiling, or at least trying to, and has very soft, kind features. They look sad and distraught on occasion, but if you ask her about it, the smile will immediately return and she'll ask you what you're talking about. She hates bonnets and only wears them when absolutely necessary.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Esther is, in short, a very sweet, polite and laid-back girl. She tends to be very quiet and shy, and even though her mind whirling miles a minute, she can never find the courage to voice her thoughts. She is religious, though her faith isn't filled with ritual and she doesn't share quite the same beliefs as many. Her faith leads her to be very compassionate and extremely quick to forgive. It doesn't matter what you've done to her, or anybody else, Esther will be the first to come to your aid should you need it. She doesn't know how to stand up for herself, however, even if she's been known to defend others. She will take any insults that are thrown at her, and although she tries her hardest to hide it, it's obvious that she takes each and every one to heart. She won't cry until she's alone, but she does and she does often. She does have a strong sense of justice, but she's unsure of how to execute it and when. She doesn't want to see anybody hurt. On top of all of this, she's very submissive. She will do anything she's told (as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else) if you're sneaky enough. She's easy to manipulate and bend, and often gets stuck doing everybody else's dirty work and chores.
Over all of this, Esther is an artist. She writes, draws, paints and is quite musical. Writing is her biggest comfort, and she often locks away her secret dreams and wishes inside her writing. It's hidden, but if you really pay attention to her stories, you'll figure them out. Her passionate side is hidden somewhere in her artistic side, but she doesn't think she'll ever get the stomach to let it show.

Strengths: Despite many first impressions, Esther is very smart. She has excellent reading and writing skills and excels at mathematical problems. She has an excellent mind for figuring things out both logically and creatively and never closes herself to new options. She can view things from other perspectives than her own, and is good at understanding what's in the human heart. Besides this, she's an excellent artist and writer and can play both piano and violin/fiddle. (However, she lacks a piano to play on the train) She's also known for her singing voice, which is seldom heard unless she assumes nobody is listening.

Weaknesses: For all of her smarts, Esther hasn't a voice. There is no way on this or any other earth you'll make her speak up in crowds-- including crowds that only consist of one person. Every insult and jab cuts deeper than it should, and even so, she won't defend herself. She relies completely on her brother for protection, and she doesn't even tell him most of what's happening to her. She's easily manipulated and is very easy to use. Defending herself and saying no is such a foreign concept. On top of it all, Esther is not strong. She has tons of stamina, but she couldn't fend anybody off should they go after her, or carry any heavy loads. She's also extremely claustrophobic and will panic if threatened. (Being inside the wagons for her claustrophobia, but if they're closed, she'll be fighting off panic.) Another fear of hers is being alone in the dark. There's no telling what's out there-- she can't see it.

Up For Love: Of course!

History: Esther grew up a fairly quiet life for the most part. Her parents were escaped slaves, though this wasn't something she found to be a big deal. She adored her older brother, and even though the big city tended to frighten her at times, she always felt safer when he was around. Pa was the same way-- he was safe. Ma wasn't very strong, but she was always there to comfort her daughter when she needed it.

When Chaz said that the wagon train would bring them to better things, Esther didn't doubt him even for a second. The two always had been close, and Esther could never bring herself to disagree with her brother. If he said it was promising, then it had to be. Ever since coming to the train, however, Esther has been more or less used. She's been doing chores that aren't her own, and poked and jabbed at by more than one member of the train. There are, of course, a few who she's warmed up to and who've warmed up to her, but she still can't wait to be rid of them.

Other: Her faith varies in a few ways. For starters, she doesn't believe that God has a color or a real gender, though she will still call Him 'He' and has thought of a new nickname. She calls God 'Papa' on a regular basis, which amuses most. She doesn't really believe in condemnation, and assumes that everybody-- no matter what they've done-- deserve a second chance.
Esther is Chaz's little sister. She keeps her stories hidden in a journal in her dress at most times, and has her fiddle with her. She misses playing the piano, but she figures that she can wait a little while. She likes to think of Runt as her dog, even if the mutt likes Chaz more.


Name: Joseph (Joe) Meyson

Age: 24

Gender Male

Appearance: Joseph has long, very dark brown, hair and muddy brown eyes. He always looks cheerful, or at least mischievous, and is never not smiling. Or is he smirking? It's hard to tell. He's tall, around 6', and he has muscles. What else do you expect from somebody who's been ploughing since he could walk?
Spoiler! :

Personality: Joe is definitely somebody you'd call fun-loving. He loves to be the center of attention, and he is most certainly a people-person. He's never been known for his shyness and tends to be ridiculously outgoing. Of course, he's not particularly a sweet guy-- only when there are ladies watching. On top of his love for people sits his love of all things woman. He's got to be one of the most flirtatious men on the whole train, and he doesn't bother hiding it. He's gone too far more than once-- many times, actually-- but he doesn't know the meaning of the word 'guilt.' It's an emotion that he's managed to shove back until it's absolutely meaningless to him.
However, if even a bit of that guilt is freed (it takes a lot, but it has happened in the past), he's reduced to near nothing. His wrongs are all he can think about, and he's afraid. What if he really will go to hell for being terrible?
These spells usually only last a day or so, and after a good night's sleep, he'll be back to his usual self.
Joe is ridiculously stubborn, and he will absolutely not take no for an answer. If he's set his mind to something, so help him he will get it done one way or another.

Strengths: Joe's a very strong man physically. He knows how to fight and he knows how to fight well, so don't get in his way. He's also an excellent horse man, and is top-notch with a gun. He knows how to manipulate people, and does so on a regular basis. Definitely not shy, and will voice his opinion no matter what. Once he sets his mind to something, he doesn't sway. He gets things done-- as long as he can see how it would make things easier for himself.

Weaknesses: He's greedy-- very, very greedy, and this often gets the best of him. Despite his physical strength, Joe really isn't all that smart in anything mathematical and he doesn't know how to read or write. (Though this is his secret. Everybody assumes he can read and write because that's what he's told them.) He tends to push people too far sometimes, and is constantly getting himself into trouble. His love for being the life of the party often pushes him into getting himself drunk-- and he gets himself into more trouble in this way than any other. He simply doesn't understand when enough is enough.

Up For Love: If you can tame him. He'll probably go through quite a few women, though.

History: Joseph lived his entire life on a farm. A dull one where nothing grew, next to a small town with not nearly enough pretty women. Especially ones who trusted him enough. There was one who was always willing to drape herself over him, but other than her, Joe was losing interest.

His father farmed non-stop, and Joe often got stuck doing lots of work. You'd think that this would boost his responsibility levels, but it didn't. It just made him crave parties and the easy life even more. It's too bad for him that no matter where he goes, life isn't going to be that easy.

He joined the train against his parents' wishes, leaving behind his Ma, Pa, little brother and baby sister. He came alone, and so far, he's seeing this as an advantage.

Other: He has a very sturdy horse that he's name Jimmy. (He couldn't be bothered to think of anything better.)
Spoiler! :

Far from religious.
Last edited by eldEr on Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:01 am, edited 6 times in total.

got trans?

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:24 am
SisterItaly says...

Name: Chaz Black

Age: 26

Gender Male

Appearance (written and picture):
Spoiler! :

Chaz is taller then most, and is often looking down at others. This amuses many people considering his teddy-bear like attitude. He knows he's of darker skin, and he's darn proud of it, when racist remarks are made around him he tends to go into 'Great speech' mode.

Personality: Chaz is a big old teddy bear and strongly believes in justice for all. If he deems what you're doing to be unjust, he will be first to tell you. If you don't back down and agree with him, it will most likely end in a physical fight. Now, Chaz has never been known to hit a girl, yet. His every move is influenced by what he deems just. Chaz is still always around to be everyone's shoulder to cry on.

Strengths: Hand at hand fighting, basic pistol

Weaknesses: Quick to judge, terrified of snakes, terrible with daggers and knives.

Up For Love: Of course

History: Chaz was raised in the big city, along with the rest of his family. He was first generation born into freedom, his parents being run-away slaves and all. He was the oldest of the family and would often have to take care of the youngin's. This is when he discovered how effective the justice for all system was. Esther was always an angel in Chaz's eyes. He vowed that one day he'd find a better life for them. When he heard about the expansion into the west, he packed him and his sister up and grabbed opportunity.

Other: He used to own a sheep-dog, named Daisy. Daisy died giving birth to her first and last litter. Chaz saved the runt of the litter and -of course- named it Runt.
Spoiler! :


Name: Anna Sawyer

Age: 19

Gender Female

Appearance (written and picture):
Spoiler! :
As you can tell, she's albino. She never spent much time outside anyway, her father was a powerful tax-man. This meant Anna had to be a perfect lady, so you'll never see her slouching when she stands.

Personality: To sum it up in one word? Shy. Terribly shy. Hopelessly, terribly shy. She hates being touched in anyway, she'll flinch away. She isn't much of a crowd person, she gets self-conscious very fast, but of course (Even if she COULD talk) Won't say anything. She's really a sweet girl if you can get her to open up.

Strengths: Hiding, fast runner, great listener.

Weaknesses: Easily frightened, frail, prone to dizzy spells.

Up For Love: Sure

History: Anna's father was a banker, and her mother died giving birth. Because of a difficulty during the birth, Anna was left mute. Anna never really had any family. She did have her own private tutor who would often beat the lessons into her. She only spent time with her father when he had guests over for dinner. Then she would have to be on her absolute best behavior, if not she would get a beating from him after.

She did have one friend, a poor girl living in the same city. Her name was Cindy. She would sneak Cindy into her home and they would play in Anna's room for hours on end, Cindy was the only one who accepted Anna. Silence and all. When Anna's tutor found out about Cindy, Anna was both punished and never allowed to see Cindy again. By this time, it would have been seven years since Anna had seen her friend.

Anna hasn't experienced real friendship in a long time, perhaps that's the reason that when she does find it she becomes so clingy. When she heard about the caravan, she knew her father wouldn't let her go. So she packed what she figured necessary and stowed away.

Other: Stow away!
Last edited by SisterItaly on Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:39 am, edited 4 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:14 am
Elinor says...

Name: Mary Harding

Age: 20

Gender Female

Appearance (written and picture): Mary has pale skin lightly dotted with freckles. Her eyes are wide, almond-shaped and dark brown, with her thick and dark, but elegantly shaped eyebrows close above them. She has a small nose and full, naturally rose-colored lips. Her hair is dark red, nearly auburn and falls to her shoulders in thin layers. She of average height; around 5'5 or 5'6. She is thin-figured and has a small mole on the palm of her left hand. Her dresses are nothing special, but still, reflect her wealth. Her favorite color is white, and she adores lace and silk.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Mary is very strong willed and religious. She is stern and tries not to let her gender get in the way of things. She has an active political voice even though she cannot vote and is very educated. Despite this, she has a natural feminine side with an appreciation for lace and flowers and silk. She enjoys being a part of the upper class, but still feels that adventure is missing from her life and knowing that she will have to marry and settle down soon, she seeks her last chance for adventure.

Strengths: She is very smart and kind and is always willing to make friends. She never quits despite the circumstances and is always willing to see things through to the end. She is optimistic and tries to see the good in everything and everyone.

Weaknesses: Mary is very physically weak. There are limits to what she can take in the wilderness as she is used to a sheltered, upper-class life. She is also shy and is often afraid to express her opinions. When she does, she often doesn't know when to stop and can end up with a lot of hurt feelings.

Up For Love: No. The reason she joined this voyage to have fun and be herself before she settles down and marries, but the right man might be able to win her over.

History: Mary was born in 1829 in Virgina, the daughter or a rich plantation owner. She was used to wealth and privilege and was well-educated for time. She developed her political views from her politically-driven father, but despite everything - which she was grateful for - she couldn't help but feeling bored in her life. She wanted to do more with the skills she had learned. She socialized with the other young women of her county at parties but never had any real friends. She had never been outside of Virginia before the trip, and felt as though as she wanted to really get a chance to have fun before she eventually married - which her parents had been starting to arrange for her. She wrote a long note to her parents explaining what she was going to do and promised she would write to them, but left before they could do anything about it.

Other: She is wonderful at sewing and has a strong fondness for mint tea.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:15 am
Loller65 says...

Name: Sean McGrath

Age: 24

Gender Male

Appearance (written and picture):Image

Sean is a tallish man with shoulder length hair and a thin mustache and goatee. He is usually in a suit and never, ever takes his hat off his head.

Personality: Sean is a very cynical and down person. As a rule, he doesn't trust anyone but himself. Often cold and distant, Sean prefers to cut to the chase and do what needs doing done as opposed to wasting time deciding the easiest way to do it. Sean does not show his emotions and is often cold and calculating.

Strengths: Sean is an incredibly hard worker and will see his efforts through to the end or die trying. He is very determined and sticks to his principles. He isn't easily swayed and is very loyal to those he considers trustworthy.

Weaknesses: Sean's determination and strict adhesion to his values has lead to him being extremely stubborn. He will often pick one course of action and not sway from it, regardless of there being a better way to do it.

Up For Love: Yeah

History: During the Great Famine in Ireland, Sean was a petty criminal and thief, but after almost being arrested and tossed in jail, he fled to America in 1845. He spent a short while helping in a factory, but after several of the children working there died, the factory was closed. He decided to head West to start a small farm.

Other: Average shot, carries this pistol and a bandolier of ammo.

Last edited by Loller65 on Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:48 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Ooooh, lookie here. I'm so in. XD

Two chars. One female, one male. Currently being edited. Ignore most of this for the moment. I'll be editing for a little bit.

Name: Jessie Thomas.

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Appearance: Jessie is tallish, about 5'6, with dark hair, dark green eyes and pale skin.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Kind, caring, loving, distant, determined, and fiery, Jessie has a fiery temper but is friendly and kind--unless she's angry (which is when her family and friends are being harmed/threatened). Although her temper has a shot fuse, she doesn't lose it often and prefers peace to violence. She doesn't like to fight. She often seems timid and shy, though it's usually just a mask to distract others.




Up for love? Yes.

Other: N/a.

Name: Lucas 'Luca' Benjamin.

Age: 28.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Tall, around 6'1, with black hair and clear blue eyes.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Kind, caring, loving, distant, determined, and fiery, Lucas has a fiery temper but is friendly and kind--unless he's angry (which is when his friends and family are being harmed/threatened). Although his temper has a shot fuse, he doesn't lose it often and prefers peace to violence. He doesn't like to fight but can and will if he needs to. He often seems timid and shy, though it's usually just a mask to distract others. He's really brave and proud, but doesn't like to talk about his past.




Up for love? Yes.

Other: N/a.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:48 pm
RedBird says...

Name: Nick Burns

Age: 17

Gender Guy

Appearance (written and picture): Nick is of average height, about 5'7". He's extremely thin, with bright blue eyes, a large spattering of freckles, and long-ish (shoulder-length) red hair, which he usually wears in a short ponytail. He has no money, and his clothes are old and ratty.

Personality: Despite a dark and grief-filled past, Nick is generally a cheerful person. He willingly makes friends, but remains guarded about his past life. He is sometimes prone to sarcasm if he gets angry or annoyed, which happens easily if he is pressed about something he doesn't want to talk about. He has had experience living on the streets, and knows how to fight if he, or anyone that he is close to, is threatened. He's hardy and yearns for something better, and figured that taking the wagon train would be a new beginning.

Strengths: He is loyal and hardy, and generally quite friendly, handy with tools.

Weaknesses: Easily angered if someone tries to dig too deeply into his past, and is used to doing things on his own, so even though he wants friends, he often forgets about them or refuses their help.

Up For Love: Yup, but you'll have to get to know him very well.

History: Nick cannot remember his parents, and for most of his life, he lived in a cruel orphanage, where he was forced to work 12 hours a day doing various things, like sewing clothing and such. He was beaten often, and has scars all over his back from the switch. When his best friends was killed from a beating, he lost all common sense and did something that was truly horrible. Terrified, Nick took to the streets, where he was known to be handy with tools, so he got a lot of odd jobs helping people fix things. When he first heard about the migration West, and the wagon trains that were leaving by the dozens, he immediately started saving up his meager earnings. Now that he's finally leaving the East, he is ready to leave his old life behind and start anew.

Other: Besides his secrets, Nick is pretty open, but tries to keep the scars on his back out of sight.
Last edited by RedBird on Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:35 pm
Skorpionne says...

Profile: (In construction)

Name: Florentina "Tina" Gaskins

Age: 15

Gender Female.

Appearance (written and picture): Short blonde hair that was forcibly cropped short by her brother, one cheekbone noticably higher than the other, light green eyes.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Tina will say whatever is in her head, regardless of manners. She can be extremely vicious, and won't hold back anything. Let alone a punch.

Strengths: When the situation requires it, she can be a good leader, and is very quick-thinking.

Weaknesses: To put it mildly, she is a bully. Anyone weaker or not as good as her at something deserves to be picked on in her opinion. The friends she has she tends to manipulate, and doens't remember anyone's names. Basica

Up For Love: Okay. Good luck, though, you'll need it.


I've learned so much from people who never existed - Unknown

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:46 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Under Constuction

Sebastien Hamen

Age: 20


Appearance: He has a strong build and long brown hair, with light green eyes.

Spoiler! :

Of course less modern looking.

Personality: Sebastien was always considered the shy one. His twin brother Anton was the outgoing and charming one. Anton was considered to be the one to take the family to new heights with his charming personality. When he died that job was handed down to Sebastien and he has been forced to come out of his shell. Now, he is charismatic, charming and friendly to all, but unlike his brother the act tires him out and by the end of the day he becomes completely drained of energy. He has become very goal oriented and when it comes to his mission to find his family a new life, he is very serious. Even though he is expressive you rarely will ever see him smile because he thinks that a smile would give away the fact that he is nothing but a shy guy protending to be his brother.

He believes strongly in chivalry. Doing the right thing and treating women well is considered by him to be the most important traits to have for a man. He considers women to be fragile creatures that need protection at all times, but he treats them with the utmost respect.

Strengths:He is strong thanks to hours of lugging around heavy objects at his job. He can use this straight in a fight if he has to. He is also a really good cook, it was what he loves to do. If he had it his way he would be a cook.

Weaknesses: Women, he has a soft spot for all women and will do anything to protect them even at the cost of his own life. He is also easily blinded to all else when in the company of women. He could not shoot a gun to save his life. When it comes to fire arms he is more likely to shoot himself in the eye.

Up For Love: Yes

History: He and his family came to America from Germany in 1841 in hopes to capture the American dream. They quickly fell into poverty and Sebastien was forced to work in a factory where he worked thirteen hour days. His brother Anton who also worked at the factory grew sick from all the dust and poor ventilation. Shortly after his brother died. Sebastien decided to go out west to find a new home for his family so that they could get the American dream they had been searching for in the first place.

This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:34 am
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Sunshine says...

Name: Emily Wilde

Age: 19

Gender Female

Appearance (written and picture): Long auburn hair that's almost always up in a French Braid. Gray-blue eyes. She has freckles and a dainty nose. She usually wears ribbony and flowery dresses that are a little less than (there) modern. Always has a bonnet or straw hat on her. She has a southern accent. Maybe 5'5 and is very slim.

Personality: Emily is your typical Southern Belle, sweet and down to earth. She's the type of person who will be your shoulder to cry on, even if she doesn't know you very well. She just can't stand to see anyone hurt or sad. (Or in this case, dead.) She has a tender and caring heart. Emily tends to see things the way she wants to see them. See that handsome southern man over there? He looks kind of shady, no? Emily will stray far away from him. Sweet, scarred, gentlemen? If you're a murderer, Emily will be last to see it. Very feminine and lady like. She's dainty and isn't a fan of dirt. She generally enjoys peoples company, especially those who bring a smile to her face. Emily doesn't trust those who have bad reputations, rotates to those who do, and to those who seem mysterious... :wink: Good Luck and treat her nicely. She is very well- behaved and did I mention SWEET! She's not very loud or opinionated. She hates to talk about her past. She has a slight what seems like a fear of the night. She usually get's shifty eyed and agitated during the dark hours, and she's usually first to bed.[/b]

Strengths: She can cook. Very well. Friendly and, well...she'll never admit it but can actually handle a knife well. Sweet. She's not one to offend people, even if she disagrees with them. More clever then she let's on. She knows a lot about work from watching her slaves but her actually doing any work... She's good at all those 'ladylike' things: sewing, patchwork, croteche.

Weaknesses: She has very little education. She's afraid of her own shadow since Alcia Grimm dissapeared. She can't handle most weapons and frankly, depends on men. She's slightly racial. (Sorry. It seems realistic.) She's not physically strong and, although you can't see it outwardly, mentally strong. Has a slight fear of the dark.She doesn't like the dirtiness of the train. (She's an early germaphobic.)

Up For Love:Yes!

History: She grew up on a rich slave plantation in South Carolina and was married early, at age seventeen. She's used to a decent, slightly pampered, life. Her husband was a cruel man who was 31 at their marriage. Emily didn't know him very well. They both came to church with moody attitudes and sometimes with a hurt wrist or in Emily's case a black eye. Then, he dissapeared without explantation late last year. One night he was there, the next he was gone. Emily claims to know nothing. So her parents sent her out west to live with her Uncle and cousins in Serenity Gultch out of fear she was still weeping of her lost husband.

Last edited by Sunshine on Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:34 am
Lumi says...

This obviously isn't completed, but I'm Lumi and you know I'll finish it soon...when I'm not up to my eyelids in algedeath homework.

Name: Galiver LeRoux

Age: 29

Gender Male

Appearance (written and picture): Despite his fierce persona, Galiver is not a large man. Absolutely towering at a quaint 5'6", he has dealt with mockery his entire life. Don't let his size fool you, though--he's quick to shoot. He has black hair unkempt and dark skin. His skin tone comes from his Asian mother, although his French father's descent took over his surname. Getting a look at Mr. Sharp-Shooter,

Spoiler! :
Yes, I stole him from The Good, The Bad, and The Weird.

Personality: Galiver is fierce and powerful. He's not entirely sure what he wants in life--just to feel satisfaction, really, but he's ruthless in his exploits to attain it. He's one to carry multiple arsenals on his persona: some hidden, some not. Give him a horse and a gun and a twisted motivation, and he'll be perfectly happy.

Strengths: His shining attributes come through in his riding and shooting--notoriously helpful and dangerous skills for a cowboy, right? He's a subconscious tactician, and has a tendency to be up to something even when he's not aware of it. Witty and a tad charismatic, he's a pretty good cover-up for his true intentions.

Weaknesses: Galiver is emotionally dry--robbed of compassion through his upbringing and world views. His ability to love is gone, too, remaining as a ruin of lust for the passing skirt. Due to a fight that didn't end so well earlier in his life, he walks with a limp, so he tries to do all of his mobility by horseback if possible. His English is not as strong as his French, so there's a bit of a language barrier between himself and the others.

Up For Love: Noe.

History: Galiver was born in French Indo-China (Yes, I know it wasn't established until the 1880's, but I'm bending a tad bit of History here--gimme a break) to a poor Chinese woman who had been molested by a French ambassador. As a child, he was shipped off to France for schooling, given his father's desire to gain public respect as a charitable man. Galiver left his French schools as a young man and left in the night for America aboard a cargo ship. Landing in Charleston, he eventually found his way out west where he immediately met controversy given by his dark skin. The roamers considered it a sign that he was evil--corrupted from the inside-out. Galiver quickly met this assumption with swift, wicked force, and weeded his way into looting camps as a phantom.

Other: He loves him a pistol.
Last edited by Lumi on Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:14 pm
TexanWriter says...

Name: Humility Cunnings

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance (written and picture):

Humility has wavy auburn hair that she keeps loose at her shoulders, not often putting it back out of her face. Her heart shaped, flesh-crayon colored face is lit up with rosy cheekbones and dimples when she smiles, which is often. She has green eyes with brown near the center and a skinny little nose. She’s 5’ 5”, big boned but with a lean build. She dresses in whatever catches her fancy and stays in her budget, so her attire tends to be mismatched.

Spoiler! :

Personality: In her mind she’s a strong willed, funny, likeable person. To the rest of the world, you might wonder if she’s going to die a hermit. She keeps to herself 90% of the time, and the rest of the time avoids a long conversation because she stutters and doesn’t trust people. Because of her stutter, most people don’t take the time to hear her out, or at least get bored before she’s finished the joke. Since this annoys her, she doesn’t talk much, mostly only listening in on the conversations of others. What others think about her means the world to her. Humility hates being a good girl, and wishes she even the strength that a normal person has. But being a good girl is the only world she knows.

Strengths: She has a strong mind and a strong body. Is a wonderful orator – with an arranged speech in her hand or head.

Weaknesses: Humility is the most anti-social person you will meet. Not because she’s had a bad past or because she thinks the world hates her, but because she’s afraid of what people will think of her. She’s afraid of people talking about her behind her back, and of making a fool of herself. She doesn’t trust many people with her past because she’s afraid they’ll just grow bored. Like, I said before, she rarely speaks up, and when she does it’s with a stutter. On top of all that, her stamina is miniscule, so she can’t go full-steam for more than a few seconds.

Up For Love: Well, she’s single, I’ll say that. She’s willing to find love, if love is bored enough to find her.

History: Her father was a banker in a large city who liked to think he was a lord. He raised his children to be proper and be good example to others. Her mother was pious and proud of her husband. She raised her children to be respectful and obedient. For Humility’s siblings, these teachings only brought on a sense of rebellion. For Humility herself, the teachings of her parents mingled with the advice of her happy older siblings, creating the scared, confused person she is today.

She was raised to speak when spoken to, which was a rarity in itself. She was raised to be obedient and caring and feminine. She was raised to leave thinking to men. Those teachings frustrated her, and she continues to fight a mental war with herself.

She never went to high school, but continued to develop a love of reading throughout her teens. When she turn eighteen her parents started nudging, then pressuring her to start dating and settle down. That was when they realized what they had raised. They left her alone, her mother occasionally saying with a sigh, “Well, I suppose God has a purpose for you somewhere, dear.”

Humility knew she had disappointed her parents. She hated that.

A few months after she turned 24 she saw a poster advertising Serenity Gulch. Something clicked in her head and she realized that it might make her stronger, the journey and making a life for herself. So she made the first selfish decision in her life, and left, determined to be something.

Other: Her stutter isn’t really a “S-so, the cow j-jumped over the m-moon”. It’s more of a “So there… um… the-the c-cow jumped above… um… over the m-moon”. It gets worse when’s she nervous or under pressure to speak.
Last edited by TexanWriter on Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Religion without science is lame; science without religion is blind.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

-Albert Einstein

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:13 am
phantom of the potter says...

Like Texan, if there's enough room I'll take a spot!

Name: Abagail (Abbie) Turner

Age: 20

Gender Female

Appearance (written and picture): This is her.
Abbie has long blonde hair and green eyes. She always dresses modestly (no low-cut dresses or high skirts on this one!) no matter what kind of weather they run into. Abbie looks like one who has never had a day's work in her life, and you'd be correct to guess that. She can be meticulous about her dress and appearence, but it isn't to put on a show. Abbie has always been one to live up exactly to what was expected of her. She usually has her hair in a bun or a braid down her back, and will very, very occasionally let it down. She is wary of the sun, and is always wearing some sort of hat or bonnet to keep herself from becoming tan.

Personality: Abbie can look after her own, to be sure, but she hates doing so. She despises - almost fears - any type of strife or fighting. Abbie would simply rather go along with someone else's plan than fight for her own idea. She's got quite a sense of humor and is easy to laugh and get along with. Abbie is dedicated to living up to her family's expectations of her. More than anything, she wants her father and brothers to be proud of her. Abbie constantly checks herself; the last thing she ever wants to do is offend.

Strengths: Abbie can become extrodinarily dedicated to ideals that she adopts. She is principled and would only ever violate her morals under the worst circumstances. For all of her weak-willed side of her personality, Abbie is certainly not shy. She has a very down-to-earth, willing-to-learn attitude to everything around her (as long as she thinks that it would be proper behavior for a lady.)

Weaknesses: Abbie has an paralizing fear of any type of arguement or fighting, so she has almost no willpower to fight for her own. (She will only in the most extreme circumstances.) Abbie can also be extrodinarily innocent or naive for her age, and truely wants to believe the best of people, even when they obviously mean her harm. She also can be stubborn and narrowminded, especially when she is feeling out-of-place. Abbie will lock herself into an ideal and not let herself out of it without some serious emotional repercussions.

Up For Love: Yes, but it would be a lot of work. (See history for more details.)

History: Abbie's mother died when she was young, and Abbie was raised by her father and four older brothers. When Abbie's mother died, Abbie was about 9. Abbie's father was thrown into a bout of serious depression after her death, and it took him years to return to some state of normalcy. Those years were some of the worst in Abbie's life. Abbie became determined to never hurt her family, and started to strive to be the 'perfect lady' for them. Abbie and her family were a modestly wealthy, middle class family that hadn't run into many financial troubles in Abbie's memory.

When Abbie was 18, a man named Walter Warren began to court her. Walter was everything Abbie had dared to dream for in a husband. He took her for walks in the park, rides in the country, picnics, plays, anything and everything Abbie had dreamed for. A year after they had met, however, Walter ran into some serious financial trouble after his sister passed away. Walter promised Abbie that he would marry her as soon as he gathered enough money to give her a good life, and set off west to earn his fortune. Walter told Abbie to follow him West when she received a letter from hime, in six months or more. It has now been over a year, and Abbie hasn't hear a word from Walter. As improbable as it would be for Abbie to actually find Walter, Abbie has set off West on her own to find him.

Other:She is quick on her feet, and is very careful to always keep her nails clean.

**Let me know if I need to change anything, or is the SB is already full...
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:48 am
eldEr says...

There's always room for more!

We'll be starting on Friday the 25th, so get those profiles done! (At least the personality and basic information. And maybe strengths and weaknesses. The rest you can add after we start if you must.)

All posts that aren't actual Storybook posts to the DT. Also, for those of you who have a spot claimed, please edit your profile INTO THAT POST. If anybody else wants to claim a spot, please post your profiles to the DT.

Link to the DT

got trans?

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:53 pm
*singerofthenight* says...

*under Construction* (If you dont mind Ill join!)

Name: Giselle Catriona Carpenter.

Age: 21

Gender : female

Appearance (written and picture): She is about 5'5 with dark brown hair and forest green eyes.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Giselle is quiet. She has a sharp temper that normally gets her into trouble, though she tries to keep to herself.

Strengths: She has a beautiful voice. She normally sings to calm herself down. She writes alot too. She was never one for

Weaknesses: She is terrified of being alone. She wants love, but doesnt know how to get it.

Up For Love: yes

History: Giselle came from a broken family. Her dad was a drunkered and she had no clue who her mom was. After her dad died when she was sixteen, Giselle was forced into becoming a harlot at Margies House of Night. Five years later, tired of all of it, she decides to join the train, hoping to start over. She saved alot of the money she made, and is living slightly well.

Other: She cries herself to sleep at night.

Name: Cooper Jessup

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is tall, nearly 6'3. Fairly muscled, though not bulky. His muscles are smooth and toned from consitent use. Image

Personality: He is really quiet, and hardly has a smile. Comes off as stubborn and quiet. Smart.

History: Not mouch of one. He was raised on a farm with several siblings, and decided to leave, hoping to start over.

Strengths: He is strong, but not overly showy. He is a skilled fighter.

Weaknesses: He wants a family of his own. Despite his cold manner, he is actually quite loving and caring. Protective.
Last edited by *singerofthenight* on Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:22 pm, edited 6 times in total.
"Hello, is this thing on?"

huh. didn't realize santa was a batman fan-
— Mageheart