
Young Writers Society

Sailing the Seven Seas 2 - Starting/Accepting

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:19 am
Durriedog says...

If you want to be part of the crew but there are no spots open, let me know, because the more the merrier. In a realistic ship there would be a larger amount of crew, so no worries adding another. Please fill ready spots before adding on, and let me know first if you're adding on! Keep checking back in case a position opens.



That's right, guys, we're giving the ol' Seven Seas SB a leg up. The crew of pirates heading for the mysterious Fountain of Youth on The Calypso are about to make port, and the classic characters will either stay on or swap around as they make port. I'll just feed you in on the bare basics we need to proceed;
Turtle, the gunman played by yours truly, was thrown off the ship's mast in a storm and broke his back - only to live and be good as new just after. The puzzled crew endeavoured to find out just why, but no such luck.
Then The Calypso came across the ship of the Captain's hated brother, and a fight broke out. The Captain's brother was killed, and it was only after the note was found with a loving apology. The death of the brother was immediately regretted. Turtle then came out with his secret - the Fountain of Youth, in which he'd been dipped as a baby. If the body of the brother was correctly preserved, they could travel there and resurrect him.
And so they set out. Right now they are in port, picking up new crew members, getting rid of a few old ones and getting provisions to set out into the Bermuda Triangle.

The crew are as follows -

The captain-- LavenderBlue
The co-captain--
The medicine wo/man--Skye, by MilkNCookies
The medicine wo/man's apprentice--Josiah, by Kiwisatsuma
Gunman 1-- Ryker, by ninjacookiemonster, confirmation pending
Gunman 2-- ninjacookiemonster, confirmation pending
Gunman 3-- Turtle, by Durriedog
The cook—(Unknown), by Puzzle
The captain's apprentice--Quinn, by RazHuni
"Jack" of all trades, carpenter--FREE
Weapon master -- (unknown), by wickedwonder
Mystery person--Jex, by Isha
Prisoner of the Captain-- ScarlettFire (note: you’ll need to be caught at the start)

We'll also need someone who's playing another character to start as the Captain’s brother partway through, if we get that far, because it’ll be a while off.

No sex, no swearing, no discrimination, and no descriptive violence – you know the general rules, guys. Obey them. Your posts must have 500 characters, minimum, and no posting twice in a row. If you have two characters, put them both in the same post, but EACH must have 500 characters to their paragraph.
Only outsiders are allowed to figure out who wins a fight, none of the people in the fight are able to unless they have all agreed upon the outcome.
DO NOT kill off another person’s character unless they allow you to.

Character sheet:
Spoiler! :
Age (17 and older, unless you are the apprentice):
Appearance (realistic, here, people):
Why they joined the crew (be creative ;D ):

PM me with any questions.
Last edited by Durriedog on Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:35 am
Razcoon says...

Old profile, edited, and edited to match new profile sheet.
Name: Quinn

Position: Captain's Apprentice

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Personality: Quinn would never turn her back on anybody, no matter the cost for her. She's very loyal that way, but also a little stupid. She's quite generous, and really sweet, though sometimes irritable, and often awkward. Her self control level is very low. She's incredibly stubborn.

Strengths: Fighting, hiding, persuasion, swordplay

Weaknesses: Lying, following orders, keeping calm, keeping secrets, talks quite loudly.

Likes: Drama, scary stories/legends, fighting, singing, Jex.

Dislikes: Cleaning, being ordered around, losing, dresses.

Spoiler! :

Why She Joined The Crew: She ran away from home, sick of being treated as inferior because she's a girl, and sick of being expected to act like a "proper young lady". For a while, as part of the crew, she had faked being a boy.

Other: She wears a bandana with a ring tied to one corner, a memoir from her best friend given to her before she left home. Bandana:
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Razcoon on Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:05 pm
ScarlettFire says...

I claiming the captive! >.> (Hope you don't mind, Triplet)

Edit: Profile.

Name:Morwenna "Gwen" Sinclair.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Position: Captive.

Appearance: Gwen is about 5'6 in height and of slim build. Her hair is dark brown, almost black and about mid-back in length. Her eyes are pale hazel colour and her skin is only lightly tanned (barely unnoticeable, really). She wears pants and a loose white top with a dark vest over it--She's often dressed like a man. She appears as you see her below.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Raised amongst Spanish merchants, Gwen was never the normal young lady. She's bold, blunt and is not afraid to start yelling if someone pisses her off. She may just start yelling in Spanish, usually something that's not exactly nice and often insulting the person. She's not shy at all and will not hesitate to slap someone--and this will mostly likely get her in trouble. Gwen also seems unafraid, but she's just hiding her fear well--one can tell if he or she checks Gwen's eyes as she tends to flick them away from the person if they're scaring her. Her father used to tell her that her eyes were a window into her soul. Gwen isn't sure if she should believe them or not. Hates pirates, because they often raid her father's ships and steal the cargo. She's sure to be a handful of trouble.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths; Gwen sometimes shows immense courage and isn't afraid to let someone know they annoy her. She can ride and cook, and also knows how to patch sails, clothing, anything really. Also knowns how to use a sword and a dagger (and often carries both with her) and isn't afraid to fight. Weaknesses; Gwen can't kill. No matter what, she can't find it in her to kill someone. They've (usually) done nothing to her, why should she kill them? Often her urge to be bold and let people know if they annoy her, anger her or something, can backfire, leading her to back off in fear--another tell-tale sign that the person scares her. Really, really, hates pirates, which made lead to something, well, bad.

Likes/Dislikes: Like; The sea, the smell of the ocean, ships, sailing, horse riding, sword fighting, sewing, cooking and yelling abuse at people who annoy her--in Spanish. Dislikes; Pirates, stealing, killing things (even rats, animals, etc), rough/stormy seas, storms in general and letting people know they get to her. Oh, and did I mention Pirates?

Why they joined the crew: Obviously, she got captured....

Other: Up for love.
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:46 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Can I have a medicine woman?
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:00 pm
MilkNCookies says...

MilkNCookies wrote:Can I have a medicine woman?

1/3/11- I'm changing it a bit.

Name: Skye Manie

Position: Medicine Woman

Age: 25ish

Sex: Female

Personality: She's doesn't seem to be smart, but she actually is. She's the best healer-woman in her town. She's rather cheery, and optimistic. She tends to use experiments on her patients and they sometimes come out with big, neon green welts, vomiting or something. You can usually find her healing animals on her free time. She loves working with other people and is probably one of the more chatty people on the deck. This isn't her first time with an apprentice. Her last one, she treated her like a daughter, and is a eccentric about 'rearing' another. She comes of as pushy and rebellious at first, but at the end of the day, she knows her place in the boat. Oh, she also loves her fair share of adventure.

Strengths:She's smart and knows of medicines (duh). She can keep a cool head around her patients, and isn't skiddish around blood or gore.

Weaknesses: She's aloof and weak and vulnerable. Someone might be able to torture into information. Low pain threshold.She isn't one for fighting. It is very hard for her to be serious. She also tends to follow along get drunk when the other crew members do.

Likes: Medicine, helping, animals, experimenting.

Dislikes: Killing, fear, when patients die on her (which happens sometimes), things she doesn't understand. being treated differently because she is a girl. She doesn't know how to fight.

Appearance (realistic, here, people):
Spoiler! :

She looks to be slightly Indian in heritage. She has olive skin and dark, brown eyes, and matching hair. She wears dark colors only, and is about 4'6. 180 LB.

Why they joined the crew (be creative ;D ): To tell the truth, she has NO IDEA. She tells herself it's so she can meet new animals and everything, but she really doesn't know. She does know that she's quite excited for this new adventure and that her father could use some of that fountain of youth water!

Other: Wears this-
Spoiler! :
Alos, you will never find her talking pirate slang (unless she's drunk!)
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:33 pm
Lavvie says...

Hm. I would have requested the captive, but it seems Scar already took that one. I'm interested, but I'll have to think which spot I'd like.


What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:48 pm
Kiwisatsuma says...

Could I have the medicine woman's assisstant?

Name: Josiah Barnes
Position: Medicine woman's apprentice
Age (17 and older, unless you are the apprentice): 16
Sex: Male
Personality: Good hearted but can be moody and sullen. He acts tough but he doesn't want to get involved in the fights if he can avoid it, because he's terrified of killing someone. However, he can deal with blood and stay calm when someone's injured. He wants to be accepted as part of the crew, so he's determined to learn medicine. He's inexperienced at being a pirate and is desperate to be accepted by the older members of the crew, so sometimes acts foolishly to get their attention.
Strengths: Loyal, calm in the face of danger, eager to learn
Weaknesses: Has moments of teenage rebellion where he hates everyone telling him what to do, has no experience at fighting, sometimes acts without thinking
Likes: Likes eating. Loves helping to heal the wounded pirates and feeling like he's a part of the crew. Loves science and experimentation, especially chemistry, and learning more. He has plans to make a special form of gunpowder that is extra volatile, and sometimes borrows equipment and supplies without permission for his experiments.
Dislikes: Rats, being stuck in one place, being treated differently because of his age, the navy.
Appearance (realistic, here, people): Short and stocky and tanned, with short brown hair. Wears plain clothes and keeps himself clean, generally.
Spoiler! :

Why they joined the crew (be creative ;D ): He was originally in the navy, but he hated the tight discipline and his low rank, so he ran away when they reached port and joined a pirate crew, hoping that he would see some proper adventure.
Other: Up for love.
Last edited by Kiwisatsuma on Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:42 pm
wonderland says...

Name: Isabel

Position: Weapons mistress

Age (17 and older, unless you are the apprentice): 20

Sex: F

Personality: She's quick and smart, quick to loose her temper if anyone says anything mean to her. She enjoys playing with a knife while she talks to someone. She's very smart, but prefers to fight then to talk something out
Strengths/Weaknesses: Well, guns and knives, for she does handle weapons. She can also expertly talk herself out any situation.

Likes: Weapons, singing (When no one can hear her)

Dislikes: hates when anyone tries to tell her what to do in her weapons room, Eating (if there are more important things to do)

Appearance (realistic, here, people): Her hair is long, thick and black, her eyes are a dark green with a dangerous glint. Her skin is slightly tan, her face is heart shaped. She's about 5'10.
Spoiler! :
Charlotte_by_kerembeyit.jpg (735.8 KiB) Viewed 331 times

Why they joined the crew (be creative ;D ): She joined the crew because she was bored at home. Her mother was talking about dowries and marriage. She ran away.

Other: Up for love
Last edited by wonderland on Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
'We will never believe again, kick drum beating in my chest again, oh, we will never believe in anything again, preach electric to a microphone stand.'

*Formerly wickedwonder*

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:49 pm
EloquentDragon says...

The "co-captain" is also known as the "first mate" or the "ship's mate."
Which brings me to my next point of respectfully requesting to take this part. Pretty please with spanish doubloons on top? I have a really good idea for this character, pretty much have him penned down.

This sounds really fun. Are they pirates? (I'm pretty sure they are ;) ) BTW what kind of a ship will they be on? It might be nice if someone would write a description or something on it. I love ships, so maybe even I could do that. What is the name of the ship? Maybe you should even make the ship its own character. (That way someone could cover all the bases with research and such.)
I won't be online for a few days, so please PM me.
Also, forewarning, this will be the first RPG that I have actually done, so I might need a bit of help along the way.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am
Durriedog says...

This is my Character Sheet from the origional 7c's ;) :

Name: David "Turtles" Pertins

Position: Gunman

Age (17 and older, unless you are the apprentice): 23

Sex: Male

Personality: Ironic, sarcastic, cheerful, mischevious

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths include cool-headedness, weaknesses include him disliking controlling people, and he'll often make bad desicions if he's forced to make one

Likes/Dislikes: Likes food, drink and birds, dislikes chores (who doesn't?)

Appearance (no anime): He's an albino, with light blue eyes, pale skin and white hair that he tells people he got when he was scared by the captain creeping up on him. Baggy clothes, always has a heavy knife ready, skinny

Other: Turtle pendant made out of the shell of a large nut. Something rattles around inside it, but no one knows what it is and no one can open it. He often bets it when gamballing, and always gets it back. A 'lucky charm'. Keeps flirting with the captain, but he's been on the Calypso a long time and knows she's a softie at heart.

Theme Song (a song that describes your charrie): 66 Bottles of Beer, of course!
{Insert witty and/or memorable movie quotes here} [Give credit so I don't die by lawyer]

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 pm
eldEr says...

Name: Jex

Gender: Male

Age: 17 [almost 18]

Position: Former Rival Crew Member

Appearance: Dark brown hair, a bit on the long side, and very dark brown eyes. He's stubbly and hasn't been clean-shaved since he first started growing facial hair. (At around 15.) He usually has a far-off look about him, and he does tend to smile quite a bit. Especially around Quinn.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Jex had once seemed like the quiet, laid-back and easily distracted type. He usually answered others with a couple words, if you were lucky, and tended to allow himself to be distracted by thoughts. Now, this side is definitely still there, though he seems a lot more aware. He has to be. He's part of a crew that he doesn't particularly trust, seeing as he was their prisoner for a short time. He's still romantic, and very into mythology and has his strange love for storms, but he's trying to bury all of that until he can figure out his position on this ship-- seeing as it doesn't seem that he's a prisoner anymore. He tends to hang around Quinn and avoid the others as much as possible, but if he should happen to come across a real crew member, he'll try and handle the situation accordingly. (His temper has been a tad larger than usual)

Strengths: Jex is excellent with a sword-- especially considering his age. Quick on his feet, and agile when he really puts his mind to it. (He and his father trained constantly when he was younger) He's got a fairly good brain, and is good at last-minute tactics. He can read between the lines and human expressions quite well, which are good tactics in sword-fighting. He has quite a large knowledge of history and mythology. Good at cracking riddles.

Weaknesses: He is very, very easily distracted-- even despite his efforts to be more aware. (The only time his focus doesn't waver is during a sword-fight) He still has a tendency to miss large hunks of what other say. It would seem that now, he is constantly worrying about something. What will happen when they revive his old captain, that something will happen to Quinn (like it happened to Rosa), that the crew will decide to throw him over-board... He's also got a bad left leg. It doesn't work up unless he's over-exerted himself, however.

Likes: Books about history and mythology, sword-play, losing himself in thought, people who will leave him alone when he needs it, star-gazing, the night, sailing through storms, the ocean and sailing, and of course-- Quinn.

Dislikes: People who pry at him, getting ordered around by anybody who isn't his captain, people who won't leave him alone when he asks to be left alone, people who take advantage of women (linked to his short-term history), when his deep-thinking is interrupted

Why they joined the crew: He didn't technically join the crew. He killed a man from his own crew to avenge a woman's death. To escape, he jumped overboard-- and was rescued by Quinn. They kept him hidden, nursed a bit of a wound on his side... and then he got caught in the Captain's room. (Storm-gazing while the crew fought it) He was momentarily tied to a railing, had his nose punched, and then along came his ex-captain (who was the captain's brother, little to Jex's knowledge). Now? He's not quite so sure what his position is, or even if he'll be allowed to be part of the crew.

Other: He still has Rosa's ring, and it's something that he doesn't want to let go of-- even with Quinn around. She's still wearing it on her bandanna, and Jex is too afraid to ask her to give it back. It seems to him that he isn't being fair to Quinn-- seeing as there will always be a part of him that will love and miss Rosa-- it's just another one of his worries.

got trans?

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:33 pm
EloquentDragon says...

[quote="EloquentDragon"]The "co-captain" is also known as the "first mate" or the "ship's mate."
Which brings me to my next point of respectfully requesting to take this part. Pretty please with spanish doubloons on top? I have a really good idea for this character, pretty much have him penned down. [quote]

Yay! I've claimed him.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:25 pm
Lavvie says...

Name: Beatrix James

Position: Captain

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Personality: Beatrix, as captain, appears almost emotionless except for her gruffness, but truly, she is quite soft. She hates to whip her crew, unless totally necessary, but sometimes her anger gets the best of her and sometimes, if something personally terrible happens to her, she may take it out on her crew, but she tries to refrain from it. Some may view Beatrix as a bit of a hermit, usually staying in her apartments, sometimes coming out to just "check on things". Beatrix hates being nicknamed, especially Bea. She never takes "no" for an answer--she's quite stubborn.

Strengths: Beatrix has great knowledge of the sea and its storms, and therfore can predict whether a storm could be fatal etc. Also, she has a kind heart and so her crew trusts her and she takes into accound everyone's values etc. Beatrix is practiced in swordfighting and can handle a shotgun.

Weaknesses: Sometimes, Beatrix lets her anger get the best of her, and sometimes she's so stubborn she doesn't realise she may be wrong and her crew can never change her mind, no matter what. Beatrix also may ide in her apartments for days at a time until she'll come out onto the deck again.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes= the ocean, people who do not defy, sunny weather, winning. Dislikes= riddles, large storms, stormy weather, defiance, cheek.

Appearance: Beatrix has mid-length curly red hair and an angular face. She has dark brown eyes (ignore the picture's eyes) and a wild look about her. (And in the photo, imagine it without smile...she isn't one to really smile like that...)
Spoiler! :

Why they joined the crew: Beatrix has always lived among pirates because her parents were both one. Beatrix doesn't really know any other life.

Other: Beatrix is open for love, but it also jsut may not happen because of her being captain. Also, Beatrix always wears this necklace, as a reminder of her late mother (she was never really close to her father, as he was abusive).
Spoiler! :
Last edited by Lavvie on Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:15 am, edited 3 times in total.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:10 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Name: Declan “Salter” Cunning

Ships Mate (First Mate, Co-Captain, Captain’s Assistant, etc.)

Age: Unknown, old, possibly in his late 40’s

Gender: M

Salter is as unpredictable as the sea. Usually he is mellow, quiet and brooding. Although he can be enraged, it takes a lot to get his ire up, as he takes things for face value and has basically built himself an emotional shell. He does get mad, especially when people insult his face or question his authority, but he usually keeps his temper in check. If you’re on his bad side however, you’re out of luck, for he can be brutal. He has the unnerving tendency to get extremely wild during a storm or a battle, which comes close to delirium.

Has the uncanny sixth sense to know exactly what the sea is going to do, and when. He can see past lies. Instantly demands respect. Salter knows ships, and knows how to make them do his bidding. He has a steady hand at the helm, and has never feared the storm. During battle, he predicts his adversary’s next move with a deadly accuracy. Definitely experienced.

Solitary, does not want an apprentice. He has a hard time listening to orders. May have once had a weakness for drink. (Say’s he can’t really do that anymore; he once received a wound to the gut and can’t handle the alcohol.)
When Salter goes up against an enemy, he won’t even consider a compromise or a truce. This could prove fatal.

When the sea gives him a challenge. People who listen to him. When they’re moving. His preferred weapon is the Scottish dirk, which means close combat.

Having a “shadow” (an apprentice). Salter hates having women on board, especially since there’s so many. He considers them to be “bad luck,” says that they can’t take a man’s work. Hates when there is no wind. Can’t stand the British. (Once fought against them during the “Bonnie Prince Charlie’s” war.)

Grey/blue eyes. (The pupils shrink to tiny specks when he’s mad.) Has longer, blonde hair with streaks of grey in it, and a scraggy beard of the same color.
Dresses plainly, no frills or lace cuffs. Has an old brown coat which looks about as old as he is. He wears a worn, faded, black three cornered hat.
He is Scottish, with a highlander’s accent.
Spoiler! :

Why he joined:
The crew needed someone with his experience. Knew the captain’s brother. Was tired of working on fishing boats, needed the adventure. He is also running from the law, but no one knows why.

Open for an apprentice, needs to work with someone that respects him and obeys him. (RazHuni, Quinn would be a good match.)
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:40 pm
EloquentDragon says...

Why are there five girls on the ship? The captian being a girl and all is really cool. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that; but how, exactly, are they going to sail? (I cannot explain to you how...difficult it is to actually sail on a ship like "The Calypso," any girls on board would have had to have been extremely tough.) Did I miss something from the first story?
Are there a lot more crew members than just the seven listed here?
Sorry, I'm confused. And I'm not sure if we're going for "believable accuracy" here or just "lots of cool, cool stuff."
If this is going to lean more towards a traditional swashbuckling tale, it might be wise to have some more male crew members. If this is completely unique and off the wall, piratical adventure, however, I would see no problem what-so-ever.
No more countin' dollars... we'll be countin' stars.

Enter, if you dare.

We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.
— Isaac Bashevis Singer