
Young Writers Society

Hunted 3 *Invite Only!*

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:41 pm
eldEr says...

We're living in strange days...

Your whole life has been lived on an island, dotted with hundreds of small villages. You have never travelled to the outside world. Mostly because you don't know it even exists. This island is all you know, all you've eve been told of. You had limited technology, though you aren't completely cut off. You had simple things: film cameras, stoves, refrigerators. The rich were lucky enough to have things like walkie-talkies, electric instruments and simple cars. There were no computers, no televisions and no video games. The average person would get around the old-fashioned way-- horse and buggy.

There are 413 villages in total on the island. The first time the Supervisors set out to bring teens back to their island, they had specially selected and watched 42-- since they were born. These people didn't know they stood out. They still don't.

Out of the 42 teenagers brought to the island in the first round, only 4 survived. These four were Tarrion, Dominique, Annie-May and Gemma. After them, four others came along in one of the Supervisor's mini-raids on the villages. Duncan, Ryder, Maiara and Nazira.

It has been three years and two months since the first four have been on the island, two years since the last post was made on Hunted 2. In these three years and two months, the group has come a long ways. They have moved their camp from a clearing in the forest to near the stream, still in the forest, but the ground is more level and they are nearer to a water supply. They have four walls around their camp, over quite a significant area. In these walls are separate shelters for sleeping, two medical shelters, an animal pen, a bird coup, an area for holding meetings or just sitting around while it rains, and a sheltered kitchen. Then there are the two underground rooms-- one dug for food storage and one dug for supply storage.

Samantha and her league of Supervisors seemed to have gone dormant after messing around with Dominique's pregnancy. Tarrion and Dominique's daughter (Sophie), was born with extremely high intellect and bizarre physical abilities. Little Sophie's second birthday is the day the others come to the island...

The others being you. There are only six of you this time around, rather than the original forty-two. At exactly 3:13 a.m, a man or a woman dressed in white came to your door. At this inconvenient time, they gave you precisely 10 minutes to pack anything and everything you think you might need. (Small pets are allowed) They gave you no hints as to where you were going or what you'd be doing there. Any uncooperative behaviour and you end up unconscious. Otherwise, you're blindfolded and loaded into the back of a van. You drive for exactly one hour to an area where there is a helicopter.

That's where you meet up with the other five. None of you know anything of each others' existences, nor do you know where you're going.

After you arrive at the island, somewhere around the fort, it would probably be your best interest to gather up the courage to knock on the door. Of course, you have to find the fort first. You're near it, but who says you have to walk in the right direction?

In the meantime, Samantha has really stepped up her game. She's released beasts-- beasts that are much more lethal than the last. And now? Well, the colours of her project are starting to come out. Genetic manipulation, experimental viruses... things of that sort. Now the question is-- why?


-All regular YWS rules apply

-No godmodding. Perfect characters are not a welcome sight. They're boring to write, and they really don't add much to the story. Not to mention they're unfair.

-Keep swearing to a minimum, though it is most certainly allowed.

-Violence is also allowed. But NO killing off other people's characters without their permission. You don't need mine, however. Also, please don't majorly injure anybody character without their permission. This tends to be extremely annoying.

-We are leaving you to create the beasts that Samantha has released to the island. Though please, keep these reasonable. She doesn't create magical mythical beasts. More like giant lizards or strange cat-like creatures. Go wild, just not too wild.

-Note that the way your characters act, what they do and how far they get will influence Samantha's reactions. More supply packets, less supply packets, kidnaps, and other such ploys. Watch out though, she can be tricky.

-Keep your posts at at least 1000 characters. The only exception is if there is absolutely no way you can squeeze out something longer.

-Please do not fall off the face of the earth. If you're going to have to drop out, please let somebody know. We will probably kill your character, but at least we won't have to lug him/her around with us.

-Please keep your profiles detailed and remember that your character has never been off the island. Their home island, that is-- until now.

-Romance is allowed-- encouraged even. But remember, no descriptive sex scenes are allowed.

-Most importantly, Puzzle (Emmy) is helping me mod this SB. Listen to her as much as you listen to me.

ALL PROFILES ARE TO GO TO THE DT! (The templates are there)

Follow this page, as it has useful information concerning the SB: Hunted 3 Page


The original group:
Tarrion (M)- Isha
Dominique (F)- Puzzle
Gemma (F)- jemjive
Ryder (M)- Isha
Duncan (M)- jemjive
Maiara (F)- ScarlettFire
Annie-May (F)- fosakinshadow

The Newcomers
Micah (M)- ninjacookiemonster
Jackson (M)- JabberHut
Seth (M)- PhoenixBishop
Tiaan (F)- LastPaladin
Nailah (F)- aweqs
Sallie Vermont (F)- jashbagabaldo

The Supervisors
Samantha (F)- Isha
Damon (M)- forsakinshadow

got trans?

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:59 pm
JabberHut says...

"--Look at him run! Teel's running all the way down the field. No one's close enough to stop. This could win the game, folks -- Oh, wait! What's this? A Ranger's popped just out of no where and closing in fast on Teel! What will Teel do? He's still running, aaaand -- THE RANGER MISSES HIM. Teel's going for the score with only three seconds remaining, aaand -- HE DOES IT. The Hunters win the championship crown for this year's college football season! ... "

The team clobbered Jackson to the ground, yelling their excitement and pride. They lifted him up on their shoulders, and Jackson raised the football and his helmet as the crowd cheered. He dropped the football at the site of the trophy, and reached out to get it only as a sudden downpour of rain hit him so hard, the team dropped him to the ground. Jackson struggled back up for the trophy when he found Skipper licking his face so much, the football player fell back onto the field.

"Get off, Skipper. I gotta get that trophy! Skipper, get off!"

"Skipper, what the heck--"

Jackson woke up and stared at his black lab who looked way too excited to be up in the middle of the night. Skipper's tail wagged as dangerously as ever, and his tongue hung out of his mouth. Jackson looked back down at his now-soaked hand and sighed. He wiped it back on his blanket and just about fell back asleep when he heard a faint knocking. Jackson and Skipper exchanged looks.

There was another knock. Jackson could only assume this has been going on for a while, but he was such a heavy sleeper, he didn't hear it until Skipper woke him up. He grabbed his baseball bat and checked the clock on his way out of his room. "Who the heck sells cookies at 3:13 in the morning?" he yawned.

He peered out the window as another knock happened. He could only make out a white figure (it was hard to not notice the white), and most definitely a woman (can't mistake that figure). He carefully hid the bat behind the door as he opened it while holding Skipper back with his free hand.

"'Sup," Jackson mumbled, stifling another yawn.

"I'm going to have to ask you to pack a bag of some belongings and come with me, please."

Jackson looked the woman up and down. It was some sort of business suit, only it was all white. She looked pretty stern or serious. He couldn't tell if she was evil or just doing an act. Maybe she was pretending to be a secret agent or a kidnapper or a ghost. Maybe his team was doing some last-minute partying before the championship and they were picking him up. Or a ghost. "Dude, I ate all the Halloween candy already. Go ask the neighbors."

The woman prevented the door from closing and repeated her wishes.

With another long pause, he finally said, "Whatever. Just as long as I'm back by Saturday. I've got a big game that day -- the championship, you know."

"Of course. Ten minutes."

Jackson closed the door without arguing over the time limit and meandered back to his room. (It was only fair since they didn't know what he was doing in his home.) He looked back at his dog who looked awfully excited to be leaving in the middle of the night. Someone had to be happy, he told himself. He lifted his smaller backpack -- the one he wasn't taking to the game tomorrow (or today?) -- and threw some balls, a frisbee (for each of these, Skipper made a little hop), and some snacks he hid stashed in his closet. With some thought, he convinced himself to transfer his first aid kid from his football pack to this one as well as the dagger. "...Whatever," Jackson mumbled. "C'mon, Skip."

He opened the door. The woman didn't appear to move an inch, staring intently at the door and finally him when he appeared. "Put this on please."

Jackson peered down at the black cloth draped over her palm. "Just one, eh?"

"Would you like two?"

Jackson took the cloth and tied it around his eyes, making sure he couldn't see. Something told him he shouldn't mess with this woman. She probably had an army hidden somewhere outside. When it was finally on, he readjusted his pack onto his shoulder. "Skip, you there?" He held out his hand, and Skipper licked it to a sponge.

"Come along, please," she said, dragging him along by the arm.

"Okay, so... where exactly are we going? I will be back in time for the game, right?"

"Of course. Watch your step here. Lift your foot -- ah, I see you figured that out."

Jackson climbed himself into the back of what was some sort of vehicle. The bounce and weight gave it away. However, he never road back of any sort of car. Only the occasional bus like they were going to take tomorrow to the championship game. Someone helped him sit down on the floor of the car.

"Make yourself comfortable. It will be a while before we get to our destination. Sit," she added sternly. Jackson could hear his dog whimper as he followed orders. The woman jumped out of the car, causing the vehicle to bounce again. (It was a lot of fun, really. He could have people bouncing in and out of the van all day.)

"Hey, can I take off this blindfold -- "

"Do not touch the blindfold. I'll know if you do anything sneaky. Also, no fooling around. I want absolute silence."

Jackson didn't need a second telling-off, though even if he wanted to, it would have been too late. The van door closed, causing another exciting bounce. He took this opportunity, not to take off his blindfold, but to call his dog over. "C'mere, Skip." The dog obeyed with renewed energy and sat down by his master. Jackson told him to lie down, the dog putting his head on Jackson's leg. "This is gonna be a long night."
I make my own policies.

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:05 pm
PhoenixBishop says...


Seth yawned and stretched before he slid out of his bed. With heavy lids, he shuffled to the bathroom. It was still dark outside since it was 1 in the morning. Seth was what one would call a morning person. He usually woke up at 1am and went to bed at 7pm. It was a routine he had fallen into and he saw no reason to change it.

The bathroom was small, but it served its purpose. The whole front wall was covered by a giant mirror framed by lights. Without turning on the lights Seth looked in the mirror to examine himself. His hair was disheveled from sleep, and his eyes had a tired heavy look to them. Of course even fresh from sleep he looked amazing, but he would look even better once he finished his morning routine. He shuffled back out to his room to do his morning exercises.

Seth woke up early every morning so he could get in his exercises. After all girls would not give him a second glance if he were flabby or skeletal. He had to maintain a nice toned body if he were to entertain the ladies; so he bookended his mornings and nights with simple exercises. Nothing too much since he did not want to become a meat head, but just the right amount of sit ups, push ups, pull ups and squats. After working up a decent sweat, he stopped at the mirror once more before jumping in the shower. Once out of the shower, he brushed his teeth with baking soda, dried his hair, brushed his hair, cut off any loose hairs, and then brushed it again until he considered it perfectly coiffed. His hair alone took about thirty minutes.

Then he had to pick out his clothes. Seth often compared himself to a cake, clothes being his frosting. A cake if baked right, could taste perfectly fine without frosting, but it did help. Seth was still a delicious cake even with the nastiest of frostings, but that did not suggest he had to be a slob about his clothing choices. All of his clothes were neatly organized and color coded and he would not be caught dead in mismatched clothes.

He grabbed a white western style button down shirt and a pair of jeans. He examined himself in the full length mirror in his room. Not bad he thought, but it was missing something. He dipped his fingers into the tin pencil case on his desk and pulled out his puka shell necklace. With deft hands he fastened the necklace around his neck. Another look at the mirror made him decide that he didn’t like the outfit. He wasn’t in the mood for a white shirt today. He was about to change, when he heard a harsh knock on the front door.

Seth knew his brother was asleep, so Seth went to the door. Who could be up at this early in the morning? The people in his village were lazy, slobs that slept until 8am. There was no way any of them could be at the door. Seth opened the door expecting to see some drunken girl slurring her undying love for him. Instead he saw a man dressed in white suit. “What do you want?” Seth asked.

“Seth Baxter?”

Seth narrowed his eyes. “Yes.”

“You are to come with me. No questions. You have ten minutes to pack. If you do not come down in the allotted time, I’m authorized to use force,” the man said in a flat voice that reminded Seth of a recording. Part of him wished to slam the door on the man’s face, but something in the man’s posture, made Seth second guess such an act. Seth nodded, still undeceive about what he was going to do. He ran upstairs and pulled out a traveling bag from his closet.

Life with his brother had started to become sickening now that he was married, and a child was on the way. Seth could just imagine the loving couple going out on a date and leaving him to babysit the little monster. Seth shuttered. Packing his belongings was easy, thanks to his organization. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone so he packed a week’s worth of clothes and his toiletries. The last things to go in the case were some of his art supplies. He couldn’t imagine leaving them behind. He looked at the clock. He had five minutes to spare, so he quickly scribbled a letter on a loose piece of sketch paper. It was short and brief.

I must go. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. Don’t worry about me.

Your brother Seth.

Seth doubted his brother would really care now that he had his own little family, but none the less Seth wasn’t simply going to leave without leaving some kind of goodbye. He left the paper on his desk and headed downstairs where the man stood waiting. The man held up a black cloth. “You must put this on.”

Again Seth narrowed his eyes, unsure about the man. What was the rule about strangers? Seth did not trust this man, but he was an opportunity to escape, so Seth set his suspicions aside for the time being and took the blind fold. He secured the black cloth to his face as he was led to a van and put in the back.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:14 pm
aweqs says...

Nailah | Bedroom | Original Island

I stared at the blinking green numbers in the darkness. 2:42am they read. Why wasn't I asleep?
The night was humid, and only a slight sea breeze squeezed its way into my room. The moisture in the air sucked up any sound of the sea, of the night. The thick air surrounded me, and I almost choked on it.
Jumping out of the clammy sheets of my bed, I ran my fingers through my long, glossy hair, then tied it up into a bun. I padded over to the big, bay window, and pushed it fully open. The blue moonlight glittered on the black water.
The sea breeze was stronger once I leant out; it bristled past the back of my neck, and refreshed me.

Immediately, the sly smile resumed its usual place on my beautiful mouth. Walking over to the wall-length mirror, I sighed at the vision before me. Long slender legs, toned arms and ofcourse,my perfect, angular face. That was me, Nailah. My eyes glittered.
" Hmm..." I murmured to herself. Getting back to sleep now would be impossible, even though it was the middle of the night, plus, I could feel some emptiness in my stomach.
Frowning, I rang room service. A groggy voice answered, " Yes, miss, how can I help you?"

"I would like some cheese and crackers. That is.." I said, before the inpertinent servant interrupted me saying, " At three in the moring?!"

" How dare you? My father employs and pays you to serve me whenever I feel like it!" I shrieked, furious at this rude boy, "If he knew about this, you would be without a job!"

" Yes, miss! So sorry, miss!" , he stuttered, startled by my outburst.

" Now get the hell on with it!" I finished, slamming the phone down.
Honestly, the staff Daddy employs just dont know their place! Apart from Meg ofcourse. Sweet, kind Meg. I dont know what I'd do without her...
I sniffed away the kind feelings, flicked on a light, and slid on some shorts, and a black t-shirt. I intended on snooting around the servants and watching them run meaningless errands for me.
Just for my own enjoyment, ofcourse.
My stomach growled. Where the hell where those crackers!?
Feeling my anger rise up in my throat again, I picked up the phone, ready to yell at the idle boy.
The phone rang... and rang. The same monotone beeping blared in my ear, all the while, my frustration growing into fury.

Then someone picked up.

" WHERE ARE MY CRACKERS!? Dont you worry, Daddy will hear about..." I yelled into the reciever, before I was cut off by a calm voice.
" Please pack your bag quickly.You have ten minutes, Miss. Khanah. Do not cause any trouble, since I have the authority to use force."
I gasped like a goldfish, shocked and silenced, "What?"
The impersonal voice repeated its message. I frowned. Why should I do what this stranger said?
" You have 9 minutes, Miss. Khanah." I thought about retaliating against this pushy voice, but something about its authority stopped me.
I rushed around, grabbing my essential health and beauty kit and some clothes. I stalled for a amoment. How could I know what to pack, if I didnt even know where I was going? I sighed, and also shoved in my bathing costume, and sunglasses.

I walked cautiously down the grand staircase of my home, afraid of what I would meet at the bottom. My footsteps echoed against the polished wooden floor; the air was still. I saw a dark figure at the open door. The moonlight shone into the dimly lit entrance hall. I walked hestitantly towards the shadowy man, who was dressed ,in what seemed,a long white lab coat.

I took a deep breath and asked, " Where are you taking me?"

"I am not authorised to pass on that information just yet. However, I must tie this blindfolds onto your eyes."

" You certainly must not." I snapped. Who did this guy think he was? I could almost see his eyes darken behind his black glasses. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my arm, just in the crook of my elbow...
" What the hell!?!" I screamed, as I felt the needle stream a cool liquid into my blood. It worked almost immediatley. My vision faded out, and the last thing I remember is the sinister man swinging me into his arms, and out into the moonlit night...

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:29 pm
eldEr says...

Samantha | The Moniter Room | The Supervisor's HQ

I coiled one hand around the warm mug, blinking to keep my eyes open. What time was it, anyways? At least three in the morning. They'd be here soon in around an hour and a half. I sighed and let myself slip into the over-stuffed chair behind me, yelping and almost spilling my coffee when I found a body already in the chair.

Damon chuckled and leaned back. I glowered.

"When did you get there?" I hissed, taking a slow sip of coffee.

He chuckled again and gave his head a little shake that I could hardly see out of the corner of my eye. "I've been here for a while, Sam. You're that tired?" I brushed off a kiss on the cheek and leaned back on him a ways.

"I didn't sleep last night either, Damon. Or the night before that. None." I yawned and looked up at one of the hundreds of screens lining the walls. The one where the helicopter would drop the group off at. Next to that screen was one viewing the wall of the original group's little forts. Both screens remained still.

"You could sleep now," Damon offered, reaching out to steady my cup. I hadn't even noticed how much it had been tipping until just now.

I shook my head quickly and took another swig of the black coffee. No cream, no sugar. "Can't sleep. I have to be here when they arrive."


I turned around, eyes narrowed slightly. I didn't have an answer for that, so the only thing that came out was a very stern, "Because."

Tarrion | His Hut | The Fort

For about five seconds, there was only black and this horrible sense of dread chewing away at me. Finally, I shot up in bed, drenched in sweat and hypervenating. There was something wrong... something horribly, horribly wrong. That same feeling that came nearly every night, it was back. Something terrible was about to happen, and I was going to be caught in the middle of it.

I could feel my whole body tensing until my spine cracked. Terror. Raw terror. The fact that I didnt' know what I was terrified of only made things that much worse. It could be anything...

I glanced at Domi, eyes wide, pleading her to wake up. What if she couldnt' wake up? The thought made my heart pound harder, the sweat come faster. What if was in a coma... or dead? The panic worsened to the point where I was crying. Unless it was just more sweat... no, I was sure that my eyes were watering.

I kept staring for a moment, not even able to register that her chest was moving up in down, that she was breathing. I was very convinced that she was dead, though I didn't know why.

My hand reached out to touch her shoulder, just lightly. Domi didn't move; I almost gagged. She wasn't dead. There was no way on earth she could be dead, but the terror gripping my mind was telling me otherwise. I shook her shoulders, maybe a little too hard. It was when she started awake that I found myself able to breathe again-- or hyperventalate some more.

The fear wasn't gone, not even close, but at least I knew she was still alive.

got trans?

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:17 pm
SisterItaly says...


I jumped when Tarrion shook me awake, he gasped and wrapped his arms around me. I blinked a few times, allowing what was happening to register, before wrapping my own arms around him and patting his back. This was the third time this week. I worried for Tarrion, this reoccurring nightmare was really getting to him, and the worst part of it was that we didn't even know what he was having nightmares about.
"It's alright, it's alright. It was just a dream. It's all okay," I assured him.

He released me from his death grip. I kept my arms around him, leaning my head against his chest. I was fighting to keep my eyes open. I needed to be awake for Tarrion.
"I know, I know..." he whispered, "It just felt so real..."

Sophie started calling for me... I grumbled and slid back into the covers. I covered my face with my hands and inhaled deeply.
"You're getting her this time. I got her last time," I mumbled into my hands. I could feel Tarrion slide out of the bed, it was just another normal night on this island.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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116 Reviews

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Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:34 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

yay it started!


She was just like a kid at christmas eve--she refused to sleep. Why that was, I didn't know, and I barely cared, but that was just my opinion.

"You know, if you don't sleep soon, I'll have to knock you out and force you to sleep," I threatened with a grin. She rolled her eyes, narrowing them to look at the screans again. This was the same thing every time we brought kids here, though these kids werfe most certianly one of the most unusual I'd ever seen--the ones on the island now, that was. They had survived longer than any other teens we'd seen, and Sam and I were dedicated to making it hell for them.

I lost myself in thought and didn't realise one of the other supervisores had come in until I heard Samantha talk. He was gone within seconds, leaving us alone again.

Her eyes were back on the screan, intensly watching for the teens. I bent my head down to kiss the hallow beneath her ear, watching her bring her shouler up and shudder. I smiled to myself at how lucky I was. How could anyone ever tame this wild beast named Samantha? Who knew, and that was what puzzled me the most.

<sorry it's short I'm on my phone and it's hard to type. Please excuse the spelling errors as well(: thank you>
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:14 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Ok here it is!! Annie! *claps*

~Annie May~

Sitting in the old tree, I felt like I was a child again, lost and afraid in the world. I was like a cat, though, I came and go when I pleased, no one stopped me and asked me where I was going. I made very little conversation with anyone, never staying near someone long enough to carry on a conversation.

I sighed, climbing down from the tree, not used to not feeling pain in my body somewhere. I always had a wound, a broken bone, something somewhere on me. Now, I only had a body full of scars, most of them from a time when I was still Annie, still me. This was hardly normal for anyone, this lifestyle.

Still lost in thought, I began to walk. I remembered about two years ago any direction I went I would get lost. I always found my way back to camp. Now, I knew the island like the back of my hand. I still got lost at times, but only lost in the beauty of everything--the way the leaves looked in the fall, dancing in the wond and turning the most beautiful shade of red and orange i'd ever seen.

It wasn't long before I found myself in a place I hadn't been since he died. The place where I had watched Kyle die trying to save me. I closed my eyes and stood there for the longest time, wondering why it was I had gone walking in the first place.

Sometimes people run away, just to see if anyone cares eniugh to follow I remembered my mother saying when I was younger. Maybe I was hoping he followed me, to see if he cared enough to watch out for me. And he did--hell he died saving me. He shouldn't have, I knew he shouldn't have. I was supposed to die that day, I knew deep down I was supposed to, but I didn't.

I fell to the ground, laying my head on the cold dirt of the morning. Tears rolled down my face, dripping onto the soil. I would do anything to bring him back, i'd die a hundred times if it meant he would be back. It was a risk I'd take to have him back. But everyone knew I could never be happy again, that I could never fall in love the way I had before.

But I laid there, remembering everything that we had gone throgh together, everything he'd done to me, but couldn't male myself hate him--even if he was the reason I had most of the scars and broken bones.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:48 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Micah | Corn Fields

I saw Orion, Ursa Major. Sirius, and the star that always led home. Home... that word sounded hollow. I kept taking notes in my newest journal: Ursa Major, Orion, home star. Change name. Home is wrong. I tapped my pen a few times before snapping it shut, tucking the leather strap in place.

I lay flat again, wondering how a word could hold meaning. Why did "love" mean more than "dirt" or "mark"? Why did everyone gasp at some words and let others go by without any recognition? I frowned, but it faded. I supposed it had to do with the "old days" Father always told us about. Us meaning my brothers.

I disassembled my ring and started twisting the bands around, locking here and pushing there. My mind focused, but only slightly. The stars were too entrancing, the stalks around me too fascinating. My eyes couldn't decide where to land. Finally, they tried to roll back as I heard a motor. It was something we hardly ever heard. I saw a shadow at the window, and I tensed. Father didn't like me being in the fields, unless, he said, I was actually doing something "of worth".

A tall someone in white -white that looked blue by moonlight, which I took a note of- stepped carefully down the path. Father opened the door. I hissed and gathered my journals, running, doubled over, to the side door I'd carved. I only managed to barrel through it and into my bed before Father burst through the door. My chest still heaving, I tried to look at least half asleep.

"Micah!" he said sharply. On instinct, I sat bolt straight, shoving my books under the covers.


"Someone came to see you."

Well, he was just as puzzled as I was. The person whose clothes had looked blue stepped in. No trace of the dirt from our path was on his shoes. I shivered. That was strange... unless he stepped very carefully on the center of his foot, not an edge, and kept the sides completely straight. It would be difficult, but possible.

"You have ten minutes to pack," he said, in a voice that sent fear racing through my veins for no reason.

"Do what he says, Mic," Father said. I saw some bills poking from his pocket. Biting back a demanding question, I turned and found the bag I used on long walks. Looking halfway over my shoulder, I started slipping in things I could see and reason for. Every journal I remember writing in. Pens. With another look at the man, I buried a knife and a quiver of arrows under the journals, and managed to slip in the only bow I liked to use. Then my only sword, collapsed into looking just odd. I shrugged on a trench coat hung on my headboard, and made sure Mom's locket was tucked under my shirt.

"I'm ready," I said uneasily.

A strip of black material was in my hands. "Tie it around your eyes."

There was more money in Father's pocket. When had that happened? "Do it, son."

I pinched my lips together and knotted the blindfold on.

"This way."

And so I left the only place I'd ever known.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:05 am
LastPaladin says...


Getting off the bus Tiaan grasped Samantha hand which seemed to be sweating. Looking directly at Tiaan she licked her lips nervously before saying, "Tonight was... amazing... I think."

Seeing her beauty through the street made Tiaan smile, she was pretty, long blond hair that shyly covered her neck, and small half moon glasses which mirrored dark brown windows, wearing a pair of jeans and fluffy coat. Tiaan had cuddled her under the coat, it had been so warm.

Samantha blushed a little, seeing this Tiaan smiled softly, lifting her finger to tenderly trace Sam's cheek.

Turning deeper shade of red she replied, "Tiaan, I shouldn't... it's... you're... please..."

Leaning in Tiaan silenced her with a kiss, a soft passionate kiss, before embracing her close.

Once she ended the moment, Samantha grinned a tired look in her eyes, "You treated me like a lady... no guy ever done that."

"Why would I do any different Samantha. People say stuff about me, but I'd never use something like you."

Coughing Samantha started to weep, "I... feel so bad... you are nothing like they say."

Shushing her Tiaan smiled, "Later Samantha, we'll do this again, I'm sure." grinning at the little innocuous joke she told she waved at the little vixen walking away. Sighing she wished it wasn't a school day, she wanted more than anything to not go home, she didn't hate her Dad as much as he ignored her, and it was no wonder at her age she was beginning to sleep around. Though perhaps a good thing was it was mostly girls.

Dropping her handbag she pondered for the umpteenth time whether she should run from home. Working hard for some guy who saw nothing she did was getting to her, badly. And being free from it would be nice. But where to run to? Sure some girls could be accommodating, but she didn't want to known as a slut, and that would cement that message.

The sky was black, and even the lights seemed almost dim compared to the engulfing darkness, blocking any ways out the scheme she lived.

It caused her to speed up on her way home.

Shaking her head she picked up her bag and sighed wistfully before heading down the street. Arriving at her door she carefully opened the door. Glancing around she checked for anyone but couldn't see a sight or hear a sound. Thanking her lucky stars she flew up the steps.

Just before her foot hit the last one she heard a loud rap, spinning around she crept down taking her mace out her bag, it was far too late for anyone to be here. Stopping she listened for any sounds, but other than unearthly quiet of the night, there was nothing.

Shrugging she began walking up stairs again, this time more slowly, gripping the mace like a lifeline.

Her foot touched the landing before she heard it again, grabbing hold of the railing she eased herself down the steps, tentatively opening the door.

It was a female, she looked like a Doctor, but Tiaan didn't like that smile she wore, taking a long breath, she swung her arm up and fired the mace yelling, "I'm not going anywhere!"

Her bout of victory was short lived when a man appeared pulling a gun out. Gulping Tiaan looked about in terror. Running away now dreamed practically like a dream, they were probably rapists and were going to murder her before treating to some horrific torture. Worse, she'd pissed them off.

Seeing her face in surrender the woman eyes now a painful red whispered, "Do what you ask or there will be consequences."

"I'd rather die." she screamed not managing a brave façade.

The woman sneered, "We won't kill you. But we could make you a orphan."

Groping in her mind for any escape plan she answered back, "You wouldn't dare."

"My eyes speak differently Tiaan."

Despite her faulty courage she knew the woman was right. This would mean that if she wanted no one else to get hurt, even her son of bitch of a father she had to comply.

"Okay, no need to shoot anyone. I'll go."

The woman grinned darkly, "10 minutes to get what you desire or massacre time."

Traversing the stairs three at a time, Tiaan worked out what to take with her, well spare clothes, swimming costume her home-made rope and a dagger.

Coming to her room she grabbed a sports bag and threw it all in the bag, checking it twice, once happy with that she walked over to her drawers and opening the first one she removed her diary, flipped it open and read:

Dear Diary

I saw Jodie again, man is she gorgeous. Every time see her my heart feels weird and I wish could convey how it feels. But she doesn't see me, she see's only Joseph. That GAH. I thought I'd calmed down, but they made out right in front of me!

Throwing it to the floor she felt her eyes tear up. Soon after that Jodie been killed in a road accident.

Picking up the dagger, she slide it down her sock and hid it under the trousers. Grabbing her bag she came down the stairs just as the door opened and the guy walked in with the gun.

Rushing rest of the way she pushed him out speaking quickly, "Okay let's go, times are wasting."

The woman stopped her and wrapped a blindfold round her before ushering her to a vehicle, practically being thrown in before the door slammed shut behind her. Standing up she murmered to herself, "You got your wish Tiaan... you got your wish."
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:38 am
eldEr says...

Tarrion | His Hut | The fort

I gave myself a few seconds to calm down completely before forcing myself off the cot. Sophie was still crying, calling for her Mu or Da to come pick her up. I didn't see why she didn't just get up and waddle over here; she was definitely capable.

One more deep breath to sooth the last of my nerves and I was walking over, legs, arms, my whole body still trembling. At least they were still alive... what would I do if they were gone? I rubbed my eyes tiredly and leaned over the small cot-cross-crib Ry had made for us a few days after Domi had come back with Sophie in her arms and needle holes all over her body.

I shuddered even more at the memory and swallowed another wave of fear. This one was trying to convince me that something else was wrong. Ryder and Gemma had disappeared again, Annie had gone suicidal and killed herself while I was asleep, Naz was back in her coma, Maiara or Duncan or both had gotten sick. Those freaks in the white outfits were going to burn the fort.

I shook it off and reached down to pick up Sophie, who already had her arms outstretched. "You're going to wake up the whole camp, Bubbles," I muttered, ignoring the way my voice and hands trembled. As long as I didn't drop the girl, I'd be okay.

She let out a shuddery breath and rested her head on my shoulder, tiny arms wrapping firmly around my neck. I couldn't help but smile when she yawned. It was such an adorable, tiny sound.

"Da?" she asked quietly, in that high-pitched, two-year-old voice.

I kissed the top of her head gently. "What, sweetheart?"

She was back asleep before she could answer. I managed a chuckle, nerves completely soothed as I put her back in her bed. Sophie was such a funny little girl. I turned back around to Domi, smile fading. This was ridiculous... I was a grown man with a daughter, I had lived on this bloody island for over three years now... So why were these blasted nightmares getting me so worked up?

I stumbled over to the cot again and wrapped my arms around Domi. "Sorry for waking you like that..." I sighed and kissed her cheek. "It's horrible. I just want to know what's wrong with me."


I hated it when he did that. Okay, so that was a load of bull and I knew it. I loved it... adored it, even. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, hardly caring that this was something I'd vowed to never do again. Love. A ridiculous notion for somebody like me, and yet, here I was. Damon may as well have been my life line.

"I'm not sleeping, and I'd like to see you try knock me unconscious," it came out as a grumpy mumble, but I didn't mean it. Of course, I wasn't going to let him onto that.

I looked up at the moniters, half-staring, half-glaring at the one. They weren't due back for another hour or two, but so help me I would be here when they arrived. And I'd be good and awake, too, whether Damon liked it or not. He chuckled, and I almost spilled my coffee all over his nice, clean shirt. What a shame that would have been.

"I could if I tried hard enough," he answered, kissing the same spot. I shivered involentarly and leaned into him further.

Of course, this was all followed by a possesed-sounding half-snort, half-cackle. "Yeah, I'd like to see you try, Damon."

My eyes almost slipped shut right then and there, but I caught them. No way was I going to sleep... no way on earth.
Last edited by eldEr on Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

got trans?

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:05 am
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

My stomach grumbled, waking me up. This was one of the reasons I went back to the village--food. I opened my eyes, sitting up where I was laying on the ground. My eyes stung from crying, the side of my face was wet and my hair was matted to my cheek. How long had I been here?

The sun was just beggining to turn the clouds purple on the other side of the trees and the stars were almost completly gone from that half of the sky.

I didn't want to go back there, but what choice did I have, I needed food or I was going to starve--which didn't sound too bad. I stood and headed back to camp.

Everyone was asleep when I got there, somewhere in a cabin, no doubt. I stopped short when I heard Tar and Domi talking quietly inside the cabin I was standing in front of. A smile spread accross my lips and then faded. It had been so easy for them to let go of Kyle after he died, though I was still being affected by it. I was jealous and hurt by the fact that they had forgotten about it by now. Or maybe I was hurt that they didn't care?
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:45 am
SisterItaly says...


I turned my head towards Tarrion, managing to open an eye to look at him. Large light purple bags were prominent under his eyes, he had been getting less sleep then I was... and I was having trouble sleeping as it was. I turned so now we were cuddling, face to face.
"There is nothing wrong with you. Anyone could fall subject to nightmares. You've been through a lot. Don't worry about ab-ab..." I paused for a moment, letting out a loud yawn, "About it."

He chuckled and moved my hair out of my face. I sighed happily and closed my eyes, absorbing his body heat. Nights were beginning to get colder for an unknown reason. This didn't bother me, it just gave me more reason to cuddle into Tarrion. He didn't seem to mind either. I took one last conscious chance to glance outside. Morning was coming fast.
"Sleep while it's still night, love," I yawned and shut my eyes.

Tarrion rubbed small circles in my back with his thumb, calming us both. I breathed in his wonderful smell and let sleep take me.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:57 pm
ForsakenAngel says...


She was so cute when she was being stubborn. How she entended on staying up a little while longer puzzled me, but it was a kind of cute that made me love her more.

"You really need sleep," I whispered in her ear. "You need rest or you'll fall asleep before the teens get here. I'll wake you up when they do if you'll just go to sleep." I felt like I was going to win, but she was saying otherwise. Her eyes closed for a moment then opened again. I kissed her hair and rested my head against hers.

~Annie May~

After about a moment of thinking I was hungry, I couldn't help but want food, but after a moment of thinking how I didn't deserve anythinng, I was convinced I wasn't hungry anymore. So I began to walk around the small village we had set up for ourselves. I felt safer--not that I didn't feel safe in the other camp, we just didn't have walls.

The sun was just beggining to shine its rays on the east wall, I sight I always watched at this time. Each leaf on each tree had its very on distinct color--a sight that made me smile. But not today, something was wrong, I could feel it. What other choice did I have but to ignore it though? I was sure it was nothing though.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:41 am
Razcoon says...

[Here be Naz...and the introduction of a new character! Permission granted by Isha.]

Naz|Woods Outside of Fort

Running towards my target, I launched myself up and forward. My leg swung and hit the side of the tree with rattling force. From there, I kicked my feet over my head and stuck the landing. A smile lit up my face with pleasure; the improvement in my fighting skills was becoming more and more evident. My overall state of being was more peaceful and pleasant. Many thanks to endorphins. I began a carefree jog in the cool morning air, a light sheen of sweat on my skin. After coming out of my coma, I was unfit to do much else besides sleep.

Obviously, I had been weakened from lack of movement. I've been working to fix that for a long time, alone, which is when my concentration is best. Being where I am, in the woods outside the fort, has been a little nervewracking, as I had first hand experience that venturing outside of camp will likely end up with someone being mauled. Namely me.

While outside of the fort, it didn't elude me that staying close was a good idea, though I'm even faster than I used to be. Not to mention I could dodge more precisely. My practice on the tree was purely self defense; I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to kill a beast, especially when my greatest skills were mostly just speed and knife fighting.

I can't throw for my life, but I'm good when it's up close and personal. The only one we know is capable of killing beasts (without ending up in a bloody coma) is Annie. I want to ask her to help me with that, because there should be more people able to protect everyone from the beasts...and I am a little bit jealous, I'll admit.

Sweat was then making my clothing stick to my skin, and weighed down my unruly hair. Deciding I'm finished for the day, I began jogging in the direction of the stream to clean up a little. Halfway there, I heard a high pitched yelping. Curiosity turned me in that direction, simply staring and waiting. After a moment, it came more frantically.

Walking in the direction of the cries, which sounded close enough, I looked around to see wolf tangled in a thornbush, on which I could see several clumps of matted fur. Deep gashes had ripped into his skin. Despite being the size of an ordinary, matured wolf, he had the appearance and vocals of a puppy. Could this be the offspring of one of the horrible mutant wolves? Even demon spawn was feeling the wrath of the demon. I almost felt sympathetic for the monster.

His eyes burrowed into mine, dark, sad, pleading. Seeing that look on his face, I did feel sorry for him. Without thinking, my dagger came out of its sheath as I approached the helpless creature. A group of thorn branches were gripped in place by my left hand as my right worked through it with my dagger. I repeated the process where I needed to. Thorns sliced into my palms and drew blood as I pulled the cut branches away from the wolf pup, freeing it. Why I was helping the enemy? This one seemed harmless, and undeserving of his natural snare.

The wolf pup took a tentative step out, followed by another, and another. He looked up at me gratefully, tongue hanging out the side of his open, smiling mouth, tail waving lazily behind him.

"Don't thank me," I told him with a glare, putting my dagger back in it's sheath. My hands were sticky with blood and stung with sweat. "Your uncle, or possibly even father nearly killed me!" The wolf pup's expression remained the same, and I turned around with a sigh. As I started towards the stream again, I heard a whimper behind me. Without acknowledging the whiny mutt, I went on, this time going to the stream without pause.

Cool water splashed against my feet as I waded, and it felt good. I cleaned my face as best as I could, and rinsed out my clothes, then left them on rocks to dry. After that, I just leaned back to relax for a while. A few minutes later, a soft snuffling sound reached my ears from nearby. One eye opened to see the mini-mutt sniffing the ground. Groaning, I felt inclined to hit my head against the rock, but instead leaned back and closed my eyes again. Soon the snuffling was practically in my ear; I could feel his wet nose against the side of my head. "Go away," I growled. He licked my ear. Whatever, I may as well put on my damp clothes and head back to the fort now.

Every so often, I would glance behind myself and see him following. After a while of this, I finally turned around and looked him in the eye. "If you keep following me, I'll have to figure out something to call you," I said with a laugh. "Comatose, maybe?" It was, after all, a giant mutant wolf that put me in a coma. He wagged his tail, and I couldn't help but smile. "You are cute. Comatose it is. Tose." I liked Tose as a nickname, and the word felt right on my tongue. God, I was making a pet out of this one. As we walked to the fort, I wondered with amusement what the others would say when I brought Tose home.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

See, we could have been called The Shoes.
— Paul McCartney