
Young Writers Society

The Garuda (Started)

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:51 pm
Squall says...

Note: The purpose of this SB is to have fun and to practice/improve your story-booking skills. By no means is this a hardcore SB. Please, if someone is having problems, then don't hesitant to help them out.


The Garuda is a distinguished and well known zeppelin belonging to a Holy Empire. It is known as one of the few commercial zeppelins in the magical world and holds a lot of symbolism and national pride. Many people from around the world, regardless of class or nationality would board the Garuda in their travels and adventures between the two continents.

In the last few years, the Holy Empire has been imposing their faith throughout various settlements in the hopes to convert as many as possible to their religion. Those that oppose the Holy Empire's movement are tortured or killed.

One day, a certain noble family, the Windars are traveling by Garuda, alongside hundreds of other passengers. They are heading to a seaside city in the west to test and confirm a sample of a mineral they believe to be Zincironite. In recent years, Zincironite has been a highly sought after compound in a niche cleric based market, after its discovery by scientists and engineers. Not much is known of it, except that it has some healing properties against certain types of illnesses. This mineral however is only known among the upper class and high profile companies, and is considered to be rare and difficult to find and detect. There have been many secret mining operations around certain parts of the world in harvesting for Zincironite, but they have only been able to get a handful of it each time. In fact, the Windars are currently an investor in one of the mining operations.

A while after take off, the Garuda becomes under siege by a group of mobsters known as the Black Wings who have been on board the entire time, secretly ambushing people on-board to use as hostages before making an initiating attack and hijacking the ship. These criminals are from a land far from the Holy Empire, and though they are of no threat to them, they have been keeping an eye of them because of how much their conquest has interrupted their operations.

The Black Wing’s mission is simple. They are to steal this crystal sample from the Windars, using any means necessary. They aren’t doing this as an act of terrorism however. They are planning to revive their dying godfather from the brink of death.


-Steampunk in mid 1800's to early 1900's

-The Garuda. It is similar to the titanic, except that this is a zeppelin, not a ship. Also, the zeppelin will be flying high above the ocean at the time of the attack. Also note that the zeppelin houses no weapons on board. It is a commercial flight after all.

The now:

Right before the attack.


Standard rules apply (I also have a right to approval of posts and profiles). For god-moding, you can only dictate another character’s actions if you can keep them in character and if the action isn’t a drastic one.

With characters, do keep in mind that I do need people to play as members of the noble family that the Black Wings are targeting.

And lastly, all posts have to be at least 300 words, but no more than 800.


Please try to use correct grammar (I cannot stress this enough). Posts have to be meaningful and move the plot forward in some significant way. Please don’t write about fluff as it will make it difficult for people to enjoy this storybook and to be able to include you in their posts.

Please (and I cannot stress this enough) have a character that will fit the plot and to include others in your post. This is meant to be collaboration after all.

Character profile:

Note: You are allowed to play as anything that you feel would be on the Garuda. However, I do need at least 3-4 people to play as people from the noble family and at least 2 others to join me for the Black Wings. Also, please don't have characters with powers. Make them realistic.

Role: (like what your character does for a living. If he/she is a student, then say that then)
Character picture: (Don't really care if it is a cartoon or not)
Character quote:
Character theme: (A song or theme that best represents your character)
Personality: (please include strengths and weaknesses. 200 word min, 400 word max)
Character Background: (200 word min, 400 word max)
Last edited by Squall on Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:02 pm, edited 25 times in total.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:29 pm
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Firearris says...

Name: Lottie Genevieve Windar

Role: Student

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote: *Will be added later*

Character theme:Ignorance - Paramore

Age: 16

Appearance: She is 5'5 (165 cm) with wavy/slightly curly blonde-brown hair and gray-green eyes. Her skin is naturally slightly tanned.

Personality: Lottie is often quiet and can be slightly shy around people she does not know, and can sometimes come across as somewhat rude if she is bothered by a stranger. Otherwise, Lottie can be quite persistent to get what she wants and will often do something anyways, regardless of whatever previous answer she had received upon it. Lottie will sometimes look for faults in other people to make herself feel like she is better than them in at least one way, though if she is not annoyed, she will act relativity nice. She believes that she can fend for herself both physically and verbally, and is easily frustrated if she is underestimated in any way. She also believes herself to be more mature than most people, and will go long distances to prove it. Constant noises like tapping from a pen or clicking can easily annoy her and cause her to snap. Lottie is, on the other hand, good with team work and can mostly get along with whoever she is working with and she usually won't procrastinate on anything. Lottie likes most children and often enjoys working with younger children and finds herself less irritated or shy around them.

Character Background: Lottie always disliked it when her and her family would go someplace new. She occasionally would pick up writing or try different sports when she would get bored. Lottie has gotten in trouble several times in the past with her parents for going off on her own and doing just about anything she wanted to, without talking to them about it first, or after being told that she wasn't allowed to. She usually isn't very easily influenced by other people or whatever friends she makes, though she will some times go along with stuff in fear of looking stupid if she didn't. She has taught herself some basic self defense for the past couple months, thinking that it could very possibly come in handy some time in the future. Lottie has always disliked her name, thinking that it made her sound childish, and would (and sometimes still does) often come up with some what cliche fake names for people like her friends to call her; though she most often used the made up name "Rush", and several similar others. She is considering finding a school she can go off to on her own for better education and to get away from her family after they finish with dealing with the artifact.

Misc: Lottie is also openly bisexual.
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:03 am
Jagged says...

Crap profile whooo

Name: Tyr Windar

Role: Retired general/noble

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote: "Professionals have standards. Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

Character theme: PDA - Interpol

Age: 47

Appearance: Tyr's hair may be greying and well on it's way to turning a dignified white, but that doesn't mean he's gotten any weaker than he used to be. Piercing blue eyes, short-cropped hair, and still every inch the military man he'd been before being forced into retirement, save for the limp that put him out of active duty.

Personality: Tyr is a concise, meticulous and efficient man. Prideful, protective of what’s his and strongly patriotic, he hasn’t forgotten he wasn’t always at the top of the food chain, and tries his best to be fair, impartial and reserved in his choices or judgments, social standing or beliefs or situation or whatever notwithstanding—a quality at times, but that also means that once his decision is made, he will not let family or friendship bonds interfere with what he believes is right. He believes in punctuality and orderliness, harbours a sort of weary patience around most everyday annoyances, and carries his duties to his utmost capabilities. There are certain topics that will strike up his temper though, and it is then that one is most easily reminded that he earned his stripes for a reason: Tyr angry is all cool, sharp fury, and he will very thoroughly do his very best to rid the face of the earth of that which ignited said anger. He is slightly bitter about his enforced retirement, and the remnants of pain from his crippled leg do little to improve his mood on that topic. Bring up at your own risk; he may be able to manage pain, but that doesn’t mean he won’t bite your head off if you overstep your bounds.

Character Background: Tyr was born to a relatively low-ranked noble family, and joined the army as soon as he was of age, wanting to get a chance for something more than just the monotonous routine that would have been his fate had he stayed. It was his luck, in a way, that he’d originated from a frontier land, and that when tensions between his country and their neighbours stirred up he was at the frontlines, somehow he managed to not get himself killed and instead got noticed by the higher-ups. By the time the war settled he’d been rather reasonably high-ranked, and the troubles raised by the then-fledgling Black Wings only gave him more opportunities to shine. He married during a quiet stretch, but when duty called there was no question he’d stay home. It is only recently that he was caught by surprise and suffered a severe wound to the leg that no amount of care could mend properly. He was forced to retire for a time, at which point he was more or less ordered to stand down, as perhaps it would be time to leave space for younger (and better-connected) officers. There wasn’t exactly a good way to refuse that, so he went home to a family he really didn’t know all that much. The archaeological dig was an occasion to at least go out and do something vaguely important, so he jumped on the chance.

Misc: Uses a cane to compensate for the limp, as it gets rather pronounced at times. Obviously, it’s a cane-sword.
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:49 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Name: Frederick Andrew Jacobs (goes by Andrew.)

Role: Merchant

Character picture:

Spoiler! :

Character quote: “Hard work sweetens life, just like sugar.”

Character theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb5aq5HcS1A Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California

Age: 23

Appearance: None of his siblings look alike and it is often joked that their mother has had multiple affairs and thus they are all half siblings. Frederick is the only that looks anything like his father with blondish red hair light blue eyes and stands at 6”3. He seems to have a smirk plastered on his face at all times.

Personality: Like his father he often can get lost his work that he considers an art form. Baking is his passion. Unlike his father however he is much less serious. He often makes obscure references or jokes to lighten the mood making him seem sarcastic and blunt. He has also a tad cocky not so much about his looks, although he does believe himself to be attractive although he doesn't pay too much mind to his looks since often he’s covered in baking ingredients. He mainly prizes his brags about his business and his baking skills. He often flaunts his looks and skills to flirt. He is a strong believer in the self-made man. He thinks that if one is poor it is simply out of their lack of trying and thus he looks down on them. Even though he will never directly state this to their faces. This belief caused him to decline his inheritance from the family business and he supports himself on his own branch off chain.

Character Background: Frederick grew up in a large family of thirteen kids. He is the 8th born. The family struggled for most of his child life as his parents only owned a small shop that sold common house hold supplies. His father however was an inventor with a lab in his basement where he would often test out his inventions with varying results. His father often put said inventions in his shop. Most of the time they were overlooked, but one day a noble entered the shop claiming the emergency need of sewing material. Frederick himself was told to fetch the sewing kits they had in stock. While he was waiting the noble noticed one of Frederick’s father’s inventions. A small canister that when honey, syrup or any other thick substance is added to it turns into a unique hard candy. This was an invention made for his wife who had a wicked sweet tooth. The noble bought this along with his sewing kit. Day later he came back and asked to buy 100 more. The noble funded the expansion of their shop making their shop a world renowned name. Jacob’s Gadgets. Most of Frederick’s inventions were made available as well and became popular sells. The impoverished family became one of great wealth. Frederick worked in his father’s original shop until he was of age to move out on his own. He too tinkered with inventing but he expanded bakery portion creating new candies. He opened a new chain called Jacob’s Delights. He now currently works at a smaller version of Jacob’s Gadgets on the The Garuda.

Misc: Under construction
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:38 pm
Day says...

Name: Kylar (K-eye-lar) Stern

Role: Kylar is a man who strives for new experiences in the youth of his years. He has paid his fair by being a servant part time on board.

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote:
Character theme: Never Too Late - Three Days Grace

Age: 21

Appearance: Standing at about six foot Kylar is in the prime of his youth. Short black hair is kept in clean and perfect form. The stubble from an unshaven face can usually be seen, as he doesn't shave that often. Calm black eyes are always visible, and sparkling with life and wonder at the world.

Personality: When around other people Kylar is usually silent and allows others to do the talking. It isn't that he is shy in any way, but his thirst for knowledge of the people and world around him consumes him. Any scrap of new information he can gain is music to his ears. If a friend tells him a secret he can be trusted to keep it to the best of his ability. When it comes to someone challenging is wit Kylar will become greatly involved and will want to begin a long debate on a subject. This has been so bad that sometimes he can stand around for hours talking. If someone is flaunting their muscles or physical ability often that person will be singled out as someone who is inferior on an intellectual level. It is a bad habit that Kylar posses, but judgement and opinions come quickly. One problem that Kylar has is being late for things. Also, most of the time he is lost in thought, and will forget about what is going on. Some people have accused him of "zoning out" so to speak, even in the worst of times.

Character Background: Born into a merchant family in the middle class, Kylar has been hobbling around his environment since he entered the world. Apart from his mother and father he is the youngest of the three sons in the family. His parents enrolled him in Kindergarten at the age when a normal child would have still been in Preschool. Stellar grades were received enthusiastically, and he outdid his brothers in that aspect. Living with them gave Kylar a lot of experience with handling older people, and even learning to fight. After finishing middle school he continued on through high school with near perfect grades, and an excellent college resume. It wasn't that his family had any money problems with his father a merchant and his brothers following that path, but he decided to skip college and travel the world. Setting out on his own with nothing but a bag of clothes was an adventure in itself. After two years of travelling the world and learning new things Kylar has found himself on board the famed Garuda, a ship that he has wanted to experience for a long time.

Misc: nothing at the moment
"If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

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Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:13 pm
eldEr says...

Name: William Windar

Role: Expelled student. He kept throwing his textbooks and tantrums at the teacher and his classmates.

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote: People are always going to talk, and to tell you the truth, I LOVE IT. I love the attention. I do what I do because it puts a smile on my face and I'm the only person in this world that matters.

Character theme: The Malcom in the Middle Themesong

Age: 10

Appearance: Will has strawberry blonde hair that he tends to avoid combing, so it's often very messy. Especially in the back. His eyes are grey, and often seem very bored or tired. He's either pouting or smirking, one of the two. He's short and stubby, even for his age.

Personality: Will's got a candy-coated surface. He's sweet until he figures out your weaknesses, or until he gains your trust. After that it's all fun and games for him. He's a little brat who will not leave you alone until your on your hands and knees begging him to stop. He is relentless, pulling pranks, framing people of petty crimes, inducing physical or emotional pain...anything to bring you to your knees. He has control-freak issues and despises being told what to do and tends to put up a fight if he doesn't like his orders. He does use sweet-talk to his advantage, and can be a surprisingly good negotiator. He's sneaky, quiet and shockingly fast, as he loves running and climbing. He's high-strung and is never in the same place for more than a few minutes. The kid just doesn't know how to sit still. He's rambunctious, irritating, stubborn and quite the little hot-head. He likes to back-talk and tends to throw tantrums.

Character Background: Will hasn't always been an evil-machine. When he was very young, he was very sociable and quite sweet. Nobody really knows what happened, but he rounded his fourth birthday and his whole personality took a major detour. He went from sweet and loving, unable to hurt a fly to phsyco-maniac, extremely high-strung and unstandably irritating. Things got even worse whenever hid dad would leave, though it's been accomplished already that it wasn't because his father went away a lot that he started acting the way he did. He also used to be very into wood-working and metal crafting, though it seemed to his family that he lost interest in that a long time ago. He hasn't though, and he hasn't actually made anything, but he does sketch plans he hopes to be able to build on a regular basis. He keeps them hidden in a box under his bed. He was kicked out of school last year, after throwing a major temper tantrum at the teacher and a couple of the students.

Misc: He has a tendancy to stress-eat, and he stresses out a lot. His favourite foods consist of cheesecake, blueberries and chocolate chip cookies.

got trans?

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Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:56 am
Nutty says...

Oooh. So this is what you wanted the name for.

Name: Artemis Campbell
Role: Minstrel/ Musician (Black Wing)
Character picture:
Spoiler! :
ImageCredit to XCBDH of deviantart for this picture.

Character quote: "Life is to be lived. If I wish to live it dusty, cold and alone on the road, I will."
Character theme: Sad Romance
Age: 22

Appearance: Blond, usually smiling, quite short and always wears a floppy wizard-like hat, meaning she has to look up from under the brim at most people.

Personality: Artemis is usually seems a bit spacey, and she doesn't appear to be all there half of the time. She's often performing for crowds, and is therefore probably one of the best sources of gossip around, if you can get her to take the time to share it all with you. She loves telling stories and she doesn't like to be in once place for too long. She is more of an artesian than a fighter, but is handy with a knife when she needs to be. She can cook, hunt, is a skilled barterer and is accustomed to life on the road. Because she moves around so much she is comfortable with a few languages, but she has few friends, and doesn't really seem to fit within a community enviroment. She is selfish and wary of others, although she is cheerful and friendly to those around her. She's stubborn to a fault and doesn't take shit from nobody, and uses her colourful language to the best effect when upset. She's often found sitting alone with her violin, staring into space, which is a drastic change to when she is in a crowd. The few who know her best say she is made of something harder than most.

Character Background: Artemis took to the road after her town was occupied by the Holy Empire. She watched her older brother die, as he was a priest of the local faith. Outwardly she has since seemed accustomed to her people's fate, but has been in contact with the Black Wings for years, feeding them information from the towns of the Holy Empire. Because of her skills with the violin, she has accompanied many groups of soldiers, merchants, and minor nobelmen on travels, entertaining them in exchange for money and information. When she was invited to entertain the nobels who used the Garuda, she took the opportunity without hesitation, knowing of the plot to steal the artifact.

Misc: Take her violin off of her and suffer her wrath.
Last edited by Nutty on Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:59 pm
Octave says...

Name: Isolde Reinhart (Saul)

Role: Personal Knight of the noble family onboard; Interim Captain of their guard

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote:

It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.

Never was anything great achieved without danger.

War is just when it is necessary; arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms.

~ Machiavelli

My honor is my loyalty. ~Heinrich Himmler

Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness. ~Edwin Louis Cole

Justice is the crowning glory of the virtues. ~ Marcus Cicero

The end justifies the means. ~ Unknown

I could go on, but let's stop here.

Character theme:

Spitfire, by the Prodigy
Heavy Cross, by The Gossip

Age: 23


Saul's dark locks fall all the way down her back, but she often keeps a clip with her so she can tie it should the need arise. The cold weather of the holy kingdom has kept her skin fair, but she's a little more tan than she used to be thanks to hours of training. She's lean, long-legged, and tall, standing at over 5'8". Her gray eyes are always observing the world around her, and her face is usually set in a neutral expression.


Saul is quiet and soft-spoken, but has a commanding presence and a cold stare that will break your soul. She’s often reading when she’s not training, and is extremely diligent in everything she does. A hundred percent isn’t enough – she’s giving it all she has, and will die trying if she has to. She’s patient and fierce, difficult to intimidate or frighten. Loyalty is a core component of her personality, and though it’s difficult to earn her respect, once you do, she will sacrifice herself to protect you. She lacks no determination, and is willing to destroy everything in her path for what she deems as the greater good. Her beliefs are set in stone, and there’s no playing mind games with her or changing them. Torturing them out of her is out of question - not only can she endure a lot, but she's also a good deal more stubborn than anything else in the world. She believes in doing good deeds, and is a helpful person if you can gather the guts to ask her a question. Her focus never wavers, and she sticks up for what she believes in. Confident, well-educated, and skilled in combat, this girl is a menace to her enemies.

Her biggest problem might be her tendency to be emotional, and her uncanny habit of latching onto things. Whether it’s a belief, a person, or a personal belonging, Saul is unwilling to let go. She has plenty of trinkets from her past, and her collection grows by the day. Saul would like to think she’s logical and rational, but she isn’t, and though her ability to fight is on par with the best of the best, her unending loyalty and martyrdom for her beliefs will be the death of her. She can never simply leave one of her friends to die in the battlefield, and will gladly die in the place of someone she loves.

Character Background:

Isolde is, ironically, not from the Holy Empire itself, but from a land it conquered. Her parents conceded to the new rulers quickly and were therefore spared. Saul and her parents were eventually granted honorary citizenship to the Holy Empire, and through this honorary citizenship, Saul was able to become a knight despite not being a native of the Holy Empire.

As she grew up, she saw how difficult life was for the people who hadn’t surrendered to the Holy Empire, and witnessed several bombings and murders, as she lived in an unstable area filled with rebels. Her parents suffered prosecution for surrendering, and it was often dangerous for them to go out. Knights would come to escort the children of those who surrendered whenever they came out of the house. On these daily walks, the knights would talk to the children, and present their side of the story. Saul, naturally curious and impressionable as a child, grew to adore the knights.

Saul, the last of six children, was the only one who remained loyal to the Empire. All her siblings joined one terrorist faction or another, and eventually, a number of them died. (Saul resents the terrorist factions for her siblings’ deaths to this day.) Her parents raised her religiously, afraid she would harbor rebel tendencies as well, and their upbringing did her good – sort of. Saul grew up a devout and faithful person, but joined the knights, much to her parents’ dismay. She started with a few connections, having made friends with the knights who, for eleven years, escorted her every time she left the house, and was fourteen when she apprenticed under Hector. After seven years, she achieved knighthood for herself – not too bad a time, although certainly not the quickest. She remains one of the few female knights in the male-dominated Empire.

Two years after achieving knighthood, Saul was chosen to be part of the elite guard of the Windar family. Tyr insisted on having as few guards as possible during this trip, and so a skeleton team was sent with him, and the captain of his guard stayed at home to protect the rest of the Windar family (which is really quite big). Saul was appointed interim captain of the small guard sent with Tyr – a motley crew of seven other knights, in addition to herself.


She's a workaholic. Really. She's always either training or reading maps, or cleaning her weapons, or training. Mostly the last one, but on The Garuda, you'll find her doing one of the first three, or hovering around Tyr, as she's pretty anxious about this trip. And before you ask, yes, she adores the Windar family and they own her fierce loyalty.
Last edited by Octave on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:03 pm
Winchester says...

Finish later :)

Name: Kelsie-Rae Harriet (K=Rae)

Role: Student.

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote:
If you belive me then yes, if you don't then...it's a joke.

Character theme: Nobodys Fool- Avril Lavigne

Age: 22

Appearance: She stands at 5.3 with long white/blonde hair. Bright blue eyes full of energy. shes really thin becuase she does alot of dancing. She likes to describe her clothing style as Gothic Glamour.

Personality: Since Kelsie was young she always wanted to try new things.

Character Background: (200 word min, 400 word max)
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner" Wise words said by the one and only, Dean Winchester.

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Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:08 am
Squall says...

Note: Still need to refine/edit this lol.

Name: Laenaya Sevriens
Role: Daughter of an infamous caporegime (Black Wings)
Character picture:
Spoiler! :
Lae.jpg (108.6 KiB) Viewed 584 times

Character quote:

“I commend your courage, but I will show you no mercy.”
"The trouble is I like you, and I get what I like"
“No doubt you've got some fun planned for me.”

Character theme: --

Age: 24

Appearance: Laenaya is a slender woman that has dark black hair, slightly over shoulder length dark and dark brown eyes that she often wears mild mascara over. She is most often seen with a cheeky or smug expression. When involved in gang related business, she wears mainly her brown leather trench coat that has a number of pockets to house her items and ammo in. In her free time however, she prefers to dress up in tomboyish outfits, like white tank tops, belts and jeans. Also tends to wear old amulets and necklaces which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Personality: Laenaya is a pensive and formidable person. She has a high opinion of herself and is difficult to be swayed by the opinion of others. Yet, she remains laid back and cool, letting anyone that dares cross paths with her be laid to waste. She is willing to work hard for what she believes in, and rarely ever complains or moans when faced with a difficult challenge. In fact, she relishes in it. She is someone that is individualistic. By herself, she can accomplish missions her father assigns her with in a relentless and timely manner. In general, she dislikes working with people, as she sees it as a sign of weakness and that it only adds unnecessary complications. Laenaya also isn’t hesitant when it comes to showcasing her talents and personality. She craves attention and dominance, as she enjoys the rush that she experiences, and how she can do things that no one else can.

Laenaya however has very little compassion or consideration for those that she feels are unworthy and weak. She can be an abrasive and smug person, making witty remarks and retorts whenever the opportunity arises. She only helps people if it is of some benefit to her or if she feels that it’s worth her time. She prefers to do things first, ask questions later. Because of this lack of patience, he can sometimes come off rather aggravated and impatient. He also doesn’t like it when people do not get to the point, so he tends to ignore the more subtle details of a task, a piece of information or whatever someone tells him. Her stubbornness and pride is perhaps the reason why her relationship with her Father and her cohorts seem distant. Her biggest weakness comes down to over confidence. When things work too much in her favour, she gets careless and risks being a victim to any surprises that await her.

Character Background: Laenaya’s family is part of a large crime family in a shady kingdom that’s involved in loan sharking, corruption of public officials, fraud and racketeering. Her Father is a caporegime, a ruthless and cruel man that’s obsessed with wealth and power and a strong supporter of the dictator’s belief for blood purity.

From an early age, Lae was a menace to her peers. She hardly ever listens to instructions, is a good liar, and enjoys taking part in vandalism and harming others. It got to a point where one day, she was expelled from the academy all together. Her Father however wasn’t distressed by all of this, but rather, he sees it as an opportunity to start bringing Lae into the crime family. As a result, he hired a private tutor for her, whom was given very specific instructions as to how he should be teaching Lae. Should the tutor break any of those instructions, then he and his entire family were to be gunned down.

Lae was forced into a rigorous accelerated school programme, making her study several subjects including economics, history, political science and law. She was to study from early in the morning till late in the afternoon. Anytime that she slacked off, she was to be disciplined. At first, she struggled to meet expectations, but she slowly developed a thirst for knowledge as she matured.

When she was old enough, her Father had allowed her to lead confrontations against minor debtors (such as certain restaurants that they agreed to help eliminate rival businesses in exchange for a commission of their profits). As much as she loved torturing the owners of such businesses, she grew tired of it and wanted to be assigned to a role that was more hectic and life threatening.

Two months after she was promoted by the consigliore that’s in charge of her Father’s part of the crime family, Lae’s relationship with her Father grew more distant. She has always viewed her Father as a coward, feared only because he has contact with more powerful men, letting them do most of the work while he takes more of a back-seat role. With her new position, Lae intends to do what her Father had been too afraid to do for all these years.

For now though, she is tasked to retrieve the artifact from the Windar family, and to ransack the Garuda because of how much the Holy Empire's conquest has affected their operations.

Misc: Laenaya enjoys the humiliation of others, so she can come out rather cocky and insulting at times. There is also an erotic side to Laenaya. She can be promiscuous, but seldom does she find something that she thinks is worthy to play with. If you think your character can please her, then go for it. But be warned. She bites.

Laenaya also uses a dual barrow shot gun as her primary weapon, which can also fire metal shells that have been imbued with spells. If an enemy is in range however, she’ll swipe at them with her claw (which is hidden beneath her sleeve) for a surprise attack.
Last edited by Squall on Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:36 pm
iceprincess says...

Not finished.

Name: Nicholas "Nick" Byrne (Draco)

Role: former colonel of a regiment in the Holy Empire (Black Wings)

Character picture:

Spoiler! :
Guys, meet Nicholas.

Character quote:

"For of men it may generally be affirmed, that they are thankless, fickle, false studious to avoid danger, greedy of gain, devoted to you while you are able to confer benefits upon them, and ready, as I said before, while danger is distant, to shed their blood, and sacrifice their property, their lives, and their children for you; but in the hour of need they turn against you." (This is actually a quote from Machiavelli.)

Character theme: Can't find one yet.

Age: 27


Nick is exactly 6'1, and has unruly dirty blonde locks. Usually wears sunglasses to cover his emerald green eyes, and is always alert and will immediately react to danger. Lean and flexible, too; and usually wears his black trench coat over white dress shirts.


Nicholas is draconian. This is where his code name, Draco came from; and this is also one of the few reasons why he rose up through the ranks of the army in the Holy Empire, the other reasons being that he was cruel and efficient. He is infamous for suppressing a skirmish in one of the rebel towns by burning down the whole town itself, and even the Emperor of the Holy Empire himself was surprised at the dedication and passion Nicholas had whenever he was given tasks to complete, from the mundane to extraordinary feats.

Though he might not be as brawny as he would have liked, his cold, ruthless way at looking and analysing things is his greatest asset. He is the ultimate devil's advocate; when someone argues, he never talks about his take on the subject, but will point out each and every loophole he can find on both sides of the argument. Ironically, he isn't a very logical person when it's his time to speak.

He became the leader (kind of, anyway) not because of his ability to think, but the ability to intimidate people and bend them to his iron will. Oh, and the fact that he is really good at fighting, and has lightning-quick reflexes.

Stubborn and mostly indifferent, he might seem cold to people, but he has learned to suppress his own boiling emotions underneath his hard exterior. His downfall is when his heart rules his head --- which is very unlikely during fights, unless his opponent knows of his past. That is why he is afraid of Saul, who fought alongside him for quite a while.

Spoiler! :
He can be a softy at times. Shh.

Character Background:

Nick was born to a hard-working blacksmith and healer, who loved him dearly. He spent his childhood happily, running and playing in the fields where his mother would pick the herbs needed for her salves.

All this came to an end when his dear mother was killed for refusing to commit to the faith of the Holy Empire.

His father went into depression, and would often come home drunk and rowdy very late at night, beating poor Nick to a pulp; and by day, he picked fights with the soldiers, challenging them to duels and slaughtering them right in front of his young son.

Soon, when he was old enough, his father taught him the art of fighting, of manipulating your enemies’ weaknesses, and of causing them to hurt as much as humanly possible before destroying them completely by treating Nick like so. Of course, after hundreds of “incidents”, he finally learned that he could return a punch with a blow to the nether parts.

Seeing that Nick’s young mind was impressionable, the local priests took him in and taught him his letters and that their faith was the greatest. They succeeded, but they couldn’t get the fighting streak in his blood out.

Nick loved them like they were his own fathers, and was beginning to heal from his abusive past, but the priests gave up on keeping him from fighting, and so dumped him on the doorstep at one of the many army-enlisting places throughout the Holy Empire.

This was the last straw for Nick, then a mere sixteen years old. He vowed that he would never trust anyone ever again, and that he would kill the bastards that killed his mother. He never dwelled on his past ever since, and went off to train in the army.

Rising quickly through the ranks, Nick killed and murdered without the slightest hesitation, winning respect and fear from his peers and equals. During the course of his eleven years in his regiment, he never stopped his investigations on the death of his mother, and boy was he surprised when he found out that it was the colonel before him that ordered her execution. (He had always assumed that it was the terrorists that did so.)

Forced to re-evaluate his beliefs, he finally disappeared from the regiment when he stopped them from murdering another healer. Some branded him as a turncoat; some said he was tired of the soldierly life.

So Nick, angry and tired of the Holy Empire, went off and joined the Black Wings. Of course he was welcomed; everyone had heard of the infamous Draco throughout the whole Empire, and he prove his worth and silenced his fellow sceptical terrorists when he killed the heirs of one of the royal families, exterminating that family forever.


Good with swords, pistols and guns.
Last edited by iceprincess on Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
you'll never find another sweet little girl with sequined sea foam eyes
ocean lapping voice, smile coy as the brightest quiet span of sky
and you're all alone again tonight; not again, not again, not again.
and don't it feel alright, and don't it feel so nice? lovely.


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Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:27 pm
LastPaladin says...

Name: Valiant Essa

Role: Second in Command

Character picture:
Spoiler! :

Character quote: "Captain, this latest innovation would improve ship performance, substantially, all I need is a test run."
"I don't care how wrong you think I am. This is the best course."
"I shall never forget my roots or how I began."

Character theme: (A song or theme that best represents your character)

Age: 25

Appearance: He has short russ hair, with wiry glasses on his deep intelligent eyes, wearing his uniform mainly he has an average build, being able to stand up in a fight.

Personality: Valiant is respectful and honest person, looking towards passenger and even conversing with the workers, he has great insight into how to improve things, and often can be seen exclaiming another idea to the Captain. He takes his job seriously, and when on a task he's extremely driven. His main problem is his stubbornness once pursuing an idea, and sometimes how cold he can get when making decisions; he's not evil perse, just driven towards what he considers the correct action. With that he's also an inventor and when not working, he works on devices in his room, most of the time they tend to go tad insane and he has to smash him, but he committed to it, and will continue to do them.

He has a way with words, but never really uses it, choosing to let the Captain make the decision, his main flaw other than pure determination, is how quickly he loses his temper.

With that in mind, he tries to just work on the Zeppelin, keeping everything in order, and normally taking the Helm instead of the Captain, when Dinner is served or the Captain in a meeting. It's often the case he's left completely in charge of controls.

Character Background: (200 word min, 400 word max)

Valiant didn't begin as second in command, he worked in engineer department, and that was that, most people in there, die there, but still he did his job with all determination he could, even trying certain innovation to speed up or increase proficiency of Zeppelin. It was enough for him, and as he was born on the ship, he knew nothing about being noble or what that world offered. His father rose to only the Chief Engineer and married a Stewardess on the Garuda, it was real, tangible, but after a slight accident with the gas his Father died putting the blaze out.

His Mother ended up off the ship but he was left to pick up the work and help out. Fate had other ideas, one time someone had stupidly been smoking in the Engine room, everyone ran out, but ignoring all danger he went back in and grabbing the fire extinguisher, put out the blaze, saving one of the older engineers.

The Captain heard of his bravery and offered him a position, without thinking he refused, and that would have been the end of it. But Fate was determined. This lead to another accident on board. The Captain ended up trapped in one of the lifts, nothing could prise open the door. While people panicked Valiant risked his life and went into the air ducts traversing his way to the lift shaft, after a perilous climb down, he opened the lift controls and quickly fixed the doors to open The Captain managed to get out and after he thanked Valiant he left for Engineering.

This time the Captain wasn't going to take no, he followed Valiant, and offered him a position, claiming he needed people willing to put down their life for others. Valiant had no idea what to say, finally grudgingly he agreed, gradually rising up the ranks to second in Command, but he never forget from whence he came, always having time for the Engineering Department.

Misc: Valiant is a very keen inventor.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:04 am
Firearris says...

Discussion Topic
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:02 am
Octave says...

Because the knights are outnumbered.

Name: Zerahiah Aldaine
Role: Personal Knight to the Windars; One of Saul's lackeys
Character picture:

Spoiler! :

Character quote:

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. ~George Bernard Shaw

Character theme:

Freak, by Silverchair

Age: 26


Zera has dark hair, blue eyes, and a strong build. He often wears comfortable clothes that allow him to move easily unless he’s supposed to be in disguise, or at formal parties.


Zera is, first and foremost, cynical. Uncannily so. His brand of humor is dark and he doesn’t really think highly of anyone. He’s always smirking, but mind you, he’s not laughing with the world, but at it. He enjoys psychoanalyzing people and making fun of them as much as he loves his drink. There is nothing in the world he would rather be doing than relaxing after a hard day of work and training.

Now, why would a cynic be training and working hard? After all, life has no meaning, right?

Zera works hard because although he believes the world is coming to an end, he is no ungrateful bastard, and he’s rather fond of his younger siblings, all of whom depend on the knights for peace. He owes his life to Tyr, and badly wishes to repay his debt. His cynicism leads him to believe it will be a long time before he can do that, and so he figures he might as well up his chances by becoming a better fighter than Tyr.

As opposed to the others, Zera is incredibly logical and often deadpans when others are being emotional. He’s observant, with a very good eye for detail and predicting consequences. He never underestimates his enemies and will treat them as equals, which gives him a major advantage because most people underestimate him. Zera doesn’t exactly come off as an intellectual, hardworking, loyal-to-the-end knight, like Saul does. He often appears lazy and carefree, usually lounging in a bar or disappearing whenever there’s chores or work to be done. Often called a lout. He snubs books and would rather be off fencing or practicing his swordsmanship. He isn’t chatty, but can hold a conversation. He seems rather inattentive, usually staring into space and ignoring people and things. A little flaky, actually. Underneath the flakiness lies everything mentioned above, plus a territorial and aggressive nature that reveals itself in his eagerness to get into a brawl.

Despite all his strengths, Zera is, by nature, an envious person. He envies Tyr for his skills, William for his youth, Lottie for her individualism, and Saul for her idealism. He makes no mention of this, however, and instead mocks them openly (except for Tyr). Also, though he might be the most logical of the knights, able to separate his feelings from the situation, he is also the most impatient one, and prefers to destroy everything in his path before getting some answers. He does not care for right or wrong, good or evil, but will stick to whatever allows him to do his job and survive.

Character Background:

Zerahiah Aldaine comes from a long line of terrorists, but his father attempted to withdraw from that and go legit. It didn’t go over too well, and a number of his siblings in addition to his parents were killed by associates before the knights arrived to rescue the remaining Aldaine children. Zera is the second-eldest right now, even though he used to be the third of the brood of five.

Tyr Windar was one of the knights who had come to save Zerahiah, and it was Tyr who secured a safe home for the Aldaine children in the heart of the Empire’s capital. Zera grew up under the tutelage of knights and was raised to be one. How he became a blasphemous lout is beyond anyone’s comprehension, but a good knight is a good knight, and that was all that mattered. He was willing to do anything Tyr told him to, and would obey orders from Tyr. Zera was efficient, observant, and an all-around kind of guy who earned himself friends in the rank. He proved himself during missions and on several times got close to getting dismissed for mouthing off, but retained his post due to his good record.

Then he screwed up by bombing an entire regiment of soldiers who had come to surrender. That drew the line. Sure he killed the enemy…right before they turned into allies. They would have dismissed Zera, especially since he shrugged off his mistake as part of the job, but thought it a waste of a good knight and sought to reassign him to someone’s personal guard instead.

He would have been assigned to the personal guard of the Holy King himself, but the military heads were afraid he would do nothing for the king and sent him to the one place they knew he would behave himself: Tyr Windar’s company.

Zera was brought on this mission because one, he didn’t really think Tyr would make it out of this trip alive, and two, Saul rather likes his company and after reviewing his record, vetoed the protests of the other six knights who wanted him left behind. Not that they disliked him – majority just thought he was irresponsible.


…He likes bombs and grenades, but can use swords and guns? I have no idea what to put here.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:20 pm
Rydia says...

Spot saver! I will be joining but need to do some thinking about a character ^^
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

You are strong enough to conquer this day and the rest of your life.
— Tuckster