
Young Writers Society

Dragon Riders II: Revenge of the Riders (started, accepting)

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:32 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Welcome to the sequel to Dragon Riders, Revenge of the Riders

This SB is being run by Kelcia, WhiteTiger93, and myself, Dreamy115

DT: http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic65463.html

Basic Plot: The bloody war between the dragon riders and Shadow Riders has ended, with the Shadows being triumphant. The Shadows have emerged almost completely unscathed, but the Riders aren't. Their numbers have been depleted severely, and they are in hiding, trying to heal themselves. While the Shadows conquer the land, the Riders are planning. They're hungry for revenge, and have to save what land they can. The Queen and Ruler of the Shadow Riders is Eighth September,and the Riders have yet to select a new leader. They were previously ruled by their Elders, untill one of the Riders, a fire Rider named Zara, turned traitor and killed the Elders. Currently, they are all out for themselves.

You are either a surviving Rider, caring for the wounded and plotting revenge, or a Shadow, conquering land and living it up.

Stuff You Need to Know:
New people are great, and we encourage you to join. However, if you're new, we ask that you please read or scan the first Dragon Riders SB to get caught up on everything.
Link: http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic61190.html

Dragons come in the following Elements:

-Fire: Usually Red or deep brown.
*Extra hot flames, capable of sustaining and producing more flame then other dragons
*Most Brave of all Dragons
*Gives Rider the power to touch flames without being burned, and produce small amounts of flame from hands
-Water: Usually Blue or Silver.
*Flames actually liquid fire, so are harder to quench, can swim in the water, something that is dangerous to other dragons
*Most Calm of all Dragons
*Gives Rider the power to breath under water, and small scale manipulation of water
-Earth: Usually Green or Light Brown
*Flames are a deep brown color, and actually leave behind small amounts of plant life when they are quenched
*Most Strong of all Dragons
*Gives Rider the power to manipulate plants or dirt, on a small scale
-Storm: Usually White or Gray
*Usually are better at flying, can fly through storms, And their fire is actually lightning
*Most Quick of all Dragons
*Gives Rider the power to manipulate lightning on a small scale

Every dragon is a Purebred, no hybrids.

Enemy Dragons: (not available to good guys, just here to let you know about them)
-Shadow: Dark Gray to Pitch black (Most common enemy Dragon)
*Flames are Black, and cause utter destruction
*Most Daring of all Dragons
*Gives Rider the power to manipulate the shadows, on a small scale
-Ghost: Deathly white (Reserved for Royal enemies only)
*Fire is deathly white, instills fear into ones who are consumed by it
*Most Intelligent of all Dragons
*Gives Rider small scale power over fear in enemies

Riders and Dragons have a special connection. When the Rider is in trouble, the Dragon senses it, and vice versa. Riders ride their dragon. (That was put there for those who didn't get it.)

Profile for Rider and Dragon: (You can't just be a Dragon, or just a Rider. You have to make one of each for a full character)
Spoiler! :
Picture: (optional. Please put in 'spoiler', so it doesn't take up to much room)
Dragon Type: (Please list Dragon's element, and your power because of it (No making up your own, just restate what the power is from what I wrote. Just to be fair))
Connection with Dragon: (good, bad, unbearable, amazing, ect. describe it!)
Flaws/Good Points:

Spoiler! :
Age: (Young, Middle, or Old.)
Picture: (optional. please put in 'spoiler', so it doesn't take up to much room)

People in Old Storybook:

Here are the characters from the old storybook. If you were in the old one and want your slot back, simply copy your old profile and post that here. Once you do that, your name will be turned red.

Evil Guys:
1.)LoVeLeSs - Natas Dane - Ghost(Shadow)
2.)Dreamy115 - Eighth September – Ghost(Phobos Narscissa)
3.)FictionFanatic - Alice Velvet - Shadow Dragon(Ash)
4.)Billy – Toser – Shadow(Malachite)
5.ScarlettFire- Zara-Fire (Roshan) (note: Zara is a Rider turned traitor. Her name is also listed under 'good guys')

Good Guys:
1.)KinetaAlettaThyra - Nalani Lynne - Water(Mandara)
2.)Billy – Adaer – Storm(Lupria)
3.)servant4christ – Mayten – Fire(Yaken)
4.)ScarlettFire - Zara – Fire(Roshan) (See 'Bad guys')
5.)WhiteTiger93- Brystianne "Bree" Moore – Storm(Nukpano "Nuk")
6.)Apple - Asterix “Aster” Lyons – Storm(Rogue)
7.)Kelcia – Manarian – Water(Reitsprea)
8.)Kidashka - Kallo Quenlock - Water(Avena)
9.)Dragonet - Tay – Earth(Cilt'ti)


Good Guys: (Please keep Dragon Types even! We don't need 7 Fire, and only one of the others.)
1.)Chupatoasta- Ever Grace- Earth (Tanit)
2.)AyumiGosu17-Fitzroy "Fitz"-Fire (Isold)
3.)phantom of the potter- Ryl- Fire (Bane)

Evil Guys: ( no ghost dragons are available; all new bad guys must be Shadows. )
1.) WhiteTiger93- Malachi (Mal-ah-ki) Rolan-Shadow (Bato)
2.)Chupatoasta- Nova Kachina- Shadow (Kapp)

*Mild Language only. Words like "damn" and "shit" are acceptable, but nothing worse than that.
*NO sexuality, but mild romance is allowed.
*No god modding! Keep it fair!
*No extra powers without permission.
*Please keep genders even.
*No killing another Rider or their Dragon just cause you want to. Please PM them for permission to kill off their Rider or Dragon.
*You must post at the very least once every week.
*If you absolutely must drop out of the SB, PM Kelcia, WhiteTiger93, or me, Dreamy115. Don't just stop posting.
*All the other standard rules

Please utilize the beautiful "Subscribe" button on the bottom of the page!

(Note: All credit goes to KinettaAlettaThyra for the original template. I just copied it in and changed a lot of stuff.)
Last edited by ToritheMonster on Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:33 am, edited 20 times in total.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:35 pm
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ToritheMonster says...

Name: Eighth September
Age: 18
Appearance:Very dark eyes that change color according to light. Sometimes dark blue, sometimes dark purple, sometimes black. White hair the looks almost silver. Slim build.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Dark, power-hungry. She hates people in general, and wants nothing more than to rule the world and be the most powerful thing in it.
History:Her parents were king and queen (I guess), and she ran off to train as a dragon rider when she was very young. She is very experienced, therefore. She has no real friends, and likes it that way, but would have no trouble finding a husband if she needed to. She is known to be brutal and unfair, and will do anything to get more power.
Dragon Type: Ghost
Connection with Dragon: Phenomenal. They have very similar personalities, and get along very well. They both want to be the most powerful over their own kind, so they get along well. They each other's only friend.
Likes/Dislikes:She likes power, killing, fighting, monotone colors, and the taste of blood. (she's not a cannibal or anything, she just likes it.If she cut her finger, she would suck on it happily.)She hates anyone who gets in her way, people in general, and the weak.
Flaws/Good Points:As she has no friends, only aquaintances who fear her, she is often alone. She is an incredibly good hand-to-hand/ close combat fighter, and has good aim with a bow. She would "rather be feared than loved.", to quote Alice in wonderland. She is bipolar, and a manic depressant.
Habits: She tends to draw on her arms when she's bored, so they are often covered with ink.
Other: Up for love, if the right person who's worthy of her comes along.

Name:Phobos Narscissa
Age: Young, but nearing middle years.
Element: ghost
Appearance: A huge, fearsome white dragon with bat-like wings and a fin on its head.
Spoiler! :

Personality:Very similar to eighth's, but directed towards other dragons. He, on the other hand, is not open to love. He also does not want to rule the world alone, hence why he is fiercely loyal to Eighth.
Other:not up for love
Last edited by ToritheMonster on Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:49 pm
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LovelessSummer says...

Name: Natas Dane
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Spoiler! :

History: He grew up and was raised in the Dragon Rider Training Academy-or whatever-. Dragon riding is his life and he's very good at it. He chose Shadow, his dragon, when he was just an egg and has been training with him for all his life. He knows nothing of his mother or father, he's been on his own since the beginning.
Dragon Type: Ghost Dragon
Connection with Dragon: He has a strong connection with Shadow, being able to read the dragon's thoughts and sense his feelings. They have sort of a mental bond, they know when the other's hurt and where the other is at all times.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: dragons, flying, mountain tops, swimming, the moon, fighting, and exploring. Hates: losing, people who talk to much, being crowded, and weak fighters.
Flaws/Good Points: Flaws: his temper. Good points: his fighting skills.
Habits: He has a habit of pulling on his hair when he's worried, thinking, nervos, angry, etc.
Other: He's really a sweet guy but just comes off as hard and mean when the situation calls for it(( during a fight, when he's giving orders, etc.)) --
Name: Shadow
Age: A bit younger than Natas, so around 16 in dragon years.
Gender: Male
Element: Ghost :]
Appearance: --later--
Personality: No-nonsense like his master when it comes to command or fighting times but, like Natas, is cool and laid back when there is no immediate threat.
Other: Will only follow the commands of his master unless Natas states otherwise.

(I don't know how i'm going to start off again though.)
Last edited by LovelessSummer on Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:47 am
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Chupatoasta says...

Name: Ever Grace

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Ever Grace has a very keep-to-herself attitude, like Tanit. She's quiet and awfully shy, but she's got a huge heart. She'd give her life for any of her friends, even if she isn't very close to any of them due to her shy attitude. Tanit isn't as shy as Ever, and can be quite outspoken when she disagrees, but they still get along amazingly,

History: Ever grew up a normal kid. When she was born, her father put a green egg in the crib with her, and it hatched soon after. Ever and Tanit grew up together, visiting one another's family and clan over and over again. When Ever was eleven, she and Tanit were practicing flying while shooting a moving target, and screams from the castle could be heard. By the time they'd gotten there however, everyone and everydragon was either gone, or dead. Before Ever's father died, however, he gave her a necklace bearing a hollow fang with a picture of Ever's family on one side, and Tanit's main clan on the other. Ever's never taken the necklace off.

Dragon Type: Earth; gives Rider the power to manipulate plants or dirt, on a small scale

Connection with Dragon: Amazing; They've been together through everything including the death of Ever's family, and the murder of Tanit's clan. Both Ever and Tanit are quiet, loving, and calm. Often at times people overlook them as usefull in a battle because of their demeanor. They're telepathically connected, and can talk without saying actual word. They know what the other is feeling and thinking. They're hardly ever apart unless Ever goes into a town that doesn't allow dragons.


Romantic stories
Walking in the forest
Dancing in the rain
Laying under the stars
Singing to the moon while playing the guitar
Riding the wind with Tanit

Her inner animal
Forest fires
Listening to the forest scream

Flaws/Good Points: Blind in her left eye, oh yes she is! She can be too trusting as well, and would literally talk to a tree if it talked to her first. She's a ferocious fighter however, and most of her serious battles are to the death, whether it her or another person. She's, unbeknowest to others, has killed a couple hundred men in her short sixteen years of life. She's a 'silent killer'.

Habits: Biting her lip when she's nervous, twidling her hair when she's thinking, and humming when she's deep in thought or scared.

Other: Up for love


Name: Tanit

Age: Young-ish...?

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Spoiler! :

Personality: She's quiet and has a huge heart. Tanit isn't as shy as Ever, and can be quite outspoken when she disagrees, but they still get along amazingly.

Other: Up for love
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:03 am
Kelcia says...

This is the one exception to the no-rider-without-a-dragon rule, as I, uh, killed off the Dragon in the first SB. :?

Name: Manarian (muh-NAH-rie-en)
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has silver-blonde hair that is shoulder-length and usually tied in a pony tail. His eyes are grey and lined. He has a tall, slender build and a thin face.

Personality: Manarian is a generally quiet and cautious fellow. However, since his Dragon, Reitsprea, was killed, his overall attitude would have been depressive, were it not for the fact he is out for revenge. He has sworn to himself that Zara, the one who killed Reitsprea and the elders, is going to pay for what she did. Without the motivation of revenge, he’s just... empty.

History: He was, as many of the apprentices were, left with the Dragon Riders when he was very small. They found him to be a studious and strange child, but talented when it came to mind games. His dragon was killed in the first battle with the Shadows, and he was captured and escaped, along with Bree.

Dragon Type: Water. He can breathe under water, and can manipulate it in a pinch.

Connection with Dragon: Well, since she’s dead, nonexistent. However, he still mourns her death.

Likes: He likes quiet places, not being disturbed, puzzles, and mind games.
Dislikes: He dislikes anything hasty, anyone who is acting rashly, and anyone who refuses to behave in a reasoned, logical manner. He also hates the Shadows – particularly Zara.

Flaws: Sometimes, he keeps ideas that would benefit everyone to himself. He also can be infuriatingly calm and cautious. He tends to be that cool, logical buzzard that points out what nobody wants to hear.

Good Points: His level-headedness serves him well when he’s arguing with someone, and that same cool logic proves very efficient when trying to prove his point.

Habits: He looks very hard at people when he’s thinking about what they just said. This tends to unnerve some.

Other: Manarian is a word from a language I’m creating. It means, quite literally, Stone-Heart. It could also be interpreted as Cold-Heart, but that’s only in some dialects and terminologies.
Up for love.
Last edited by Kelcia on Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mutant Plot Bunnies

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:41 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


Name: Fitzroy (Fitz)
Age: 18
Gender: male
Appearance: Tall, well-toned, athletic; has long red hair he keeps in a ponytail and green eyes
Picture: - will come soon -
Personality: Spunky, always looking for adventure or a fight; while he seems to not care, he really does - when it comes to those he's close to
History: A former soldier. - will come up with the rest later -
Dragon Type: Fire
Connection with Dragon: A little turbulent; they are only just a year old in their comradeship and still fuss and fight on occassion
Likes: fire, adventure, adrenaline rushes, girls, weapons and sparring
Dislikes: cheesy romance, self-righteous punks, prejudice
Flaws: a sucker for rescuing damsels, rash, has a short temper
Advantages: swift and agile, skilled with a sword, a thinker
Habits: - will come up with some later -
Other: Up for love


Name: Isold
Age: young
Gender: female
Element: Fire
Appearance: bright red scales with a darker, almost black underside and wings
Picture: - will come soon -
Personality: stubborn, independent, and has authority issues
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:26 am
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phantom of the potter says...

I'll claim a good guy spot.

Name: Ryl
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ryl has short, cropped red hair and a wiry frame. She's somewhat short with deep brown eyes.
Picture: http://jamesbrey.deviantart.com/art/Auburn-Emily-5-84630948?q=1&qo=1
Personality: Ryl's a tomboy through and through. She's a pistol, and very little can stop her when she gets going. Ryl is easily frustrated with customs, and will often behave quite unorthodoxly. She means well, though, and is horrified if anyone approaches her about her behavior. Ryl will get frustrated easily, and she tends to hit things.
History: --will fill in later as I read the old SB--
Dragon Type: Fire (Rider the power to touch flames without being burned, and produce small amounts of flame from hands.)
Connection with Dragon: Odd. They have a very close bond, but Bane is very gruff towards Ryl. Ryl usually laughs it off, but it can be disconcerting to other people. Ryl would follow Bane to the end of the earth and back, and Bane knows it. Ryl can do very little to convince Bane to go along with a plan he doesn't care for.
Likes/Dislikes: Ryl likes to run around in open fields. She likes the heat of the sun beating down on her and the feel of a hot summer's day. Ryl can't stand it when it rains for too long, and she gets spooked by thunder. She despises the cold, and can't stand squeamishness in people.
Flaws/Good Points: Ryl acts first and than thinks. It has gotten her into trouble before, and most certainly will again. But Ryl is incredibly loyal and has a good heart. She means well, and honestly doesn't see the consequences of her actions until it is too late.
Habits: Ryl will plough through social customs without a thought. She doesn't mean to be rude, but she also doesn't think.
Other: Up for love.


Name: Bane
Age: Young (I am assuming this is what you would put for a teenage-ish dragon)
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Appearance: Bane's got a very rough and chiseled appearance, but in reality his scales are much softer and more pliable than you realize. He is a fiery (no pun intended) red.
Picture: http://ironshod.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Fury-145952780?q=1&qo=1
Personality: His is quite the independent, free-roaming spirit. Once you get to know Bane, he's very affectionate and caring, but Bane hides it under a gruff exterior. He is intimidating and scary and wild at the start, but underneath is a big teddy bear. Bane is fiercely loyal, and can't often be held back.
Other: Up for love.
"The grasshopper!... Mind the grasshopper!... A grasshopper not only turns, it hops!... It hops!... And it hops jolly high!" ~Erik, The Phantom of the Opera

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:51 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

**Whew! I had to change quite a bit. But I'm happy I've got Bree's changes down pat. :)**

Name: Brystianne "Bree" Moore

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has firey vivid red hair that reaches the middle of her back. She has a smattering of freckles across her nose that makes her look pretty young and pale skin. She's got blue-gray eyes and look more blue when she's in a good mood and almost silver when she's angry. Extremely thin, so tiny she looks fragile and an easy target.

Personality/History: She's can get angry easily. And don't let her size fool you. She can be quite scary when she's angry. She loves to fly more than anything in the world and when it rains/storms she's almost always in a good mood.

Well, that was her old personality. Sometimes bits of her old self pop out and that deeply pleases Nuk, her dragon, because he misses the old Bree. You see, Bree was involved in a near death expeirence in which she tried to save her dragon (see more in history). Manarian, her best friend aside from Nuk, saved her life.

Now she's changed. While she used to be irrational, now it's gone to the extreme. Bree does extremely dangerous stuff for fun. This worries her friends, Nuk and Manarian. Also, she was know for her easy to break temper and her sharp tongue. She used to argue with Manarian non-stop. Not anymore. Bree goes through fits of depression now and loses herself in her own thoughts about mortality, etc. She never wanted to die, but she would rather have died then live without her dragon. Therefore she thinks that she's a coward for forcing Nuk to live through that, because a life like that, to her, takes far more courage then death. She can't stand the guilt, self-pity and cowardance. It rules her life and therefore she takes great risks to make herself feel better. Normally it works.

Nukpano fears for her sometimes, but he knows that after she does stupid, dangerous stuff she's closer to her old self than ever before. Bree even believes Manarian tries to start arguements with her for the sake of trying to bring the "old Bree" back.

Dragon Type: Storm

Connection with Dragon: She has an incredible connection with her dragon. They almost think alike, nearly always. However, their personalities are so alike sometimes they clash. Both rider and dragon are often angry at each other, however they love each other very much. They are best friends so to speak. She and Nuk recently discovered a new way of communication. They can read each others minds.

Their connection is much stronger sense the accident. Rider and dragon love each other more now. They'd do anything for each other. But sense the almost murder of Bree, Nuk's felt farther from his rider. Her change in personality is startling and her wants the old Bree back. He loves Brystianne, of course, but he is doing all he can to try to "fix" Bree and change her back to normal. He blames himself and his guilt (as well as Bree's) are eating each other up.

She likes flying, quiet, and chaotic weather. Especially rough storms. She doesn't exactly like calm, sunny days. Those are the days she stays indoors and reads, she flies on stormy days. She also likes dangerous situations. Well...now she does.

She hates anyone who threatens her dragon. She'll do anything to protect him. She also dislikes people who act like they can't get their hands dirty. She believes in hard work and if that causes her to get some callouses then so be it.

Flaws/Good Points: She is very easily angered which can be good because she'll protect herself and friends fiercely, but when she's angry she makes foolish, careless decisions.

Sometimes her hot temper still clouds her judgement and gets in the way (much to Nuk's and occasionally Manarian's delight) but now her flaw is her ability to just not care. When she goes through her "self-pitying/depression" stages it makes everyone sick of her.

Name: Nukpano "Nuk"

Age: Youngish, though not baby young. Let's just say he's still learning. However, since the war with the Ghost riders, he's matured quite a bit. He is much more mature than Bree in some ways.

Gender: Male

Element: Storm

Appearance: He's a stormy gray with streaks of white/blue. He's got thin, long wings that are good for flying fast. (Both Bree and Nuk love to fly very fast). His body is thin, but long and almost looks like he was made streamlined when he flies. Nuk also has odd orange-y/yellow/blue-gray eyes. It is really blended but each color can be dominate depending on his emotion

Personality: A lot like Bree's personality. Well, her old personality that is. He always thinks that he's right and can be slightly arrogant, just like Bree. Occasionally, after a long fight with her (though they fight they still care for each other very much. Their connection is an amazing one.) he'll admit he was wrong. When he gets angry, which happens very easily, you'll know, it causes both of them to just ignore each other. (; Cause more than likely Bree will be angry too.

Fights are more rare now though. Due to Bree's change of heart. :(

Other: He cares more for Bree than he does anything else. Bree is his true rider.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:11 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Woah. Good edited profile, WhiteTiger.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:20 pm
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Kelcia says...

Nice one, Tiger. :D
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:19 pm
ToritheMonster says...

We could use some Shadows and storm/water Riders!
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:50 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:56 pm
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ToritheMonster says...

*snufflecry* new people would make Dreamy SO HAPPY!
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:21 pm
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kidashka says...

Tadaaaaaaa ... slightly edited. When will we start?

Name: Kallo Quenlock
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: *see below*
Spoiler! :

Personality: Quiet and thoughtful most of the time. Recently has become motivated by guilt to do something/seek revenge - he's ashamed of how weakly he defended the Riders and desperately seeks redemption. :D
History: Nothing particularly important, just your average dragon trainer.
Dragon Type: Water
Connection with Dragon: It's fairly awkward - there is little trust between them as they don't talk or communicate too frequently. When they do it tends to result in either arguments or stony silences as they're both very stubborn. - This has improved somewhat - seeing the separation of other Rider/Dragon pairs has made them realise the importance of their connection, and they make more of an effort to understand each other ... but it's still quite awkward.
Likes swimming, fishing, cooking, watching the sea.
Dislikes being alone, too much noise and Not Being Right.
Good Points: Very determined. Is generally good at weighing things up fairly to come to a decision. However, once he comes to a conclusion it takes a slap in the face [or equivalent] to change his mind.
Flaws: Is sometimes too stubborn to see the right answer, even when it's staring him right in the face, if it clashes with what he already thinks. Can at times be selfish and controlling.
Habits: Squints into the distance whilst thinking. This has more than once resulted in enquiries over his eyesight.
Other: Up for love =]

Name: Avena
Age: Equivalent to late 20s for a human
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Appearance: Pale blue, long and slender body.
Personality: She is a laaaaaazy dragon. Also happens to be even more stubborn than Kallo, meaning that she has managed to make him let her do whatever she wants, which is to do nothing. She's a pretty good fighter when she puts her mind to it, but she has to be personally involved before she'll do anything. Similarly to Kallo, the events of the previous SB have changed her slightly - whilst still being infuriatingly stubborn, she is far less lazy and more determined to aid Kallo in seeking revenge.
Other: ......can dragons be up for love? ...cause that'd be majorly cute :smt005
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:57 am
ToritheMonster says...

Thanks, Kidash. Now we just need a new bad guy or two, and we can get started!
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

Hail Hydra
— Stan Lee