
Young Writers Society

Black Feathers

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Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:19 am
Apple says...

Black Feathers


• A minimum of two characters, preferably one female the other male.
• No God Modeing
• Swearing such as mild ones; shit and crap are acceptable. The “F” word is not.
• Be creative!
• Post regularly


Long time ago, Humans and Moarins were one with each other communicating and trading goods. Though that all changed when Grim became Fallen. Summoning up an army of other fallen Moarins, Grim Taker waged war on the humans using his sheer magic to take down many cities.

In manuscripts; the Galliant war between humans and Moarin is written. Though when the war finally seemed as if the Moarin were to win, the humans made a hasty retreat, threating the Moarin that they would be back.

The humans wiped any data there ever was on the large war making it seem as if the Moarin never existed.


The war has yet again begun, humans are coming back in full fledged numbers trying to take down the Moarin. The Moarin are starting to fight back though just barely, the Prince has taken sides with the humans on the condition he and his followers are not slayed, the other Moarins are left for death.


Leechor, or the lost Isles, is a part of the lost world Leechorian. Using Earth as their barrier against enemies they hide in the sky hoping not to cause attention themselves. It's exactly like ancient times, Leechor has no technology.

Character Palette for Moarin:

Spoiler! :
Power: (Only one not thousands)
Likes/ Dislikes:
Strengths/ Weaknesses:

Character Palette for Humans:

Spoiler! :
Likes/ Dislikes:
Strengths/ Weaknesses:

Summary of SB: (For those who do not like to read)

You are fighting against the humans and the followers of the Prince who have sided with humans. Using your team and other people you find along the way you try to force the humans out of Leechor and back onto Earth.
Last edited by Apple on Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
I spy!

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Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:34 am
ScarlettFire says...

I'll join. Will post a profile later. :)
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:33 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

ScarlettFire wrote: I'll join. Will post a profile later. :D

"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:44 am
Apple says...

Name: Doesn't know his own name because he forgot his memory though he goes by Lyk.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Chalk white hair that comes over his eyes and flicks past his ears. He has bright ice blue eyes that look not normal even in Moarin standards! He stands tall with an athletics build.

Wings: White with golden tipped feathers.

Spoiler! :

History: He cannot remember. All her knows is that he hit his head and woke up in a poor sector of Leecor.

Power: Hmmm...he'll find out later on. But I guess white fire!

Likes/ Dislikes: So far all he knows is that he hates the king and the prince for what they have done!

Strengths/ Weaknesses: He is very fast and agile able to dart quickly for a fatal blow though his strength is...average! But being strong doesn't make you a great fighter.

Habits: Observing from behind, clasping his hands when he is nervous!
I spy!

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Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:32 pm
bonnie babe says...

I'll join, I will post later.;)
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" -Einstien

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Reviews: 212
Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:40 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Alright, here's my profile.

Name: Azar.
Age: 17.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Long red hair and dark blue eyes with a dancer build.
Wings: Black with red highlights.
Spoiler! :

History: Azar lives with a friend of hers who constantly tells her they used to be a lot more then friends though Azar doesn't remember it. She's convinced she comes from higher rank even thoguh she lives on the outskirts and can't remember her past. She can only remember the last two years of her life, which isn't much and her name.
Power: Azar can control Storms... She can summon one up, make it rain, hail or shine or even disperse one.
Likes/ Dislikes: Likes the Prince, oddly enough... Strongly dislikes cruel people.
Strengths/ Weaknesses: She's fast but not strong.
Habits: Tends to bit her lips and fidget when nervous.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Points: 1282
Reviews: 2
Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:11 am
KinetaAlettaThyra says...

I'll Join! I've been waiting for a storybook like this! :smt003

Name: Tania
Age: 15/and a half
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long silver/white hair, (but dyes it light brown to hide the silver because silver is not a common color for hair, later it will be shown her hair is naturally silver/white) brown, innocent-looking eyes.
Wings: White/Silver wing color(Also specially dyed a darker shade of brown then her hair. Again, shown true color later), unusually big for her size
Spoiler! :

History: Has lived with kind, common, people (her adopted parents) for as long as she could remember. That is, all after the age of six 6. Before the age of 6, she does have small memories of being at this grand place with great halls and rooms, but they are fuzzy and she is sure it's not important(...)
Power: Small amounts of healing powers. (Full potential not shown yet in the beginning.) Basically (for now) able to heal herself quickly
Likes/ Dislikes: Likes: the moon, calm places, and her family and friends. Dislikes: Anyone who even slightly threatens her friends and family
Strengths/ Weaknesses: Very fast, but bellow average strong. but seems stronger during the night, and the moon is showing.
Habits: Blaming herself when anything goes wrong, even if she has nothing to do with it! Usually not very brave or full of self-esteem, unless defending friends or family. Tends to feel bad for others easily. Tends to cheer everyone up and look on the bright side. Has an awesome singing voice, and usually sings herself to sleep. Is ALWAYS wearing this (but it looks like the charm is missing a half, she has no clue where the other half is or if there even was another half. She is very protective of the charm):
Spoiler! :
Last edited by KinetaAlettaThyra on Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Reviews: 199
Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:39 am
Apple says...

Great profiles guys! (Who have posted so far) Any who I think we'll start soon. And if no one wants to be a human I'll make a human.... :lol:

We need more characters if anyone is interested!!!! :wink:
I spy!

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Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:01 am
Apple says...


"We'll kill those bloody royal bastards!" A voice screeched through the morning air stiffling me into an alarmed wake. I threw the covers of the bed I had been sleeping in off of my body-letting them fall to the ground in a messy heap.

Jumping forward I rushed towards the window staring past the grime and dust covering every inch of the glass. Royal guards in red tarbards with a symbol of a wing on the front held giant spears, jostling the rowdy crowd back.

"We want justice!" A voice screeched, "Satisfaction!" Another yelped.
"We aren't taking orders from you pompus royals any longer!" An eldery lady screamed. The guard cursed loudly bringing his spear down towards her. Her crumpled like creme feathers flashed out under her, her gaunt features were a mask of dismay.

I gasped throwing open the window, the hard sound of rust collecting on the hinges filled my ears. Throwing myself out of the window, my wings extended showering a thick shadow over the crowd. Landing on the floor behind the old lady I flung myself forward pulling the dagger in my shoe out from its bounds.

** Tehe! :lol:
I spy!

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Reviews: 212
Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:39 am
ScarlettFire says...


The yelling woke me up. Groaning, I rolled over and tried to ignore it but when someone said 'Royal', I shot upright.

I slipped out of bed and over to the window. Peering out of the broken window, I saw the small crowd gathered there. Royal guards? Here? Of all places? What were they doing here?

I watched as one of the Guards brought his weapon down on an old lady. I was on the second floor so I a pretty good view of the group from up here.

Suddenly a white-haired boy appeared and pulled out a dagger.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:11 am
KinetaAlettaThyra says...


Tania woke up early in the small house that her foster parents owned in the country-side right outside of town. She woke up screaming, wide eyes, and cold sweat running down her forehead in tiny droplets. She put her hands to her face out of relief the nightmare she was having constantly was not real. "Oh that poor little girl," she whispered into her hands, almost crying. The nightmares were so horrible...Tania jerked her head up when she heard foot steps. She immediately became quiet, not wanting to worry her foster parents. Her adopted mother came into the room. "What is wrong Tania? Are you OK?" She asked full of concern.
"Yes, yes mother I'm fine" Tania said smiling, all traces of sadness and fear gone from her face, but still lingering at the back of her mind. Her adopted mother came and sat next to her. "You had the nightmare again, didn't you?"
Tania's smile wavered, then shrank back down to a slight frown, as her face fell and she hung her head a bit. "Yes, and it was worse. The little girl, she,.. she..." Tania said sounding distant. Her mother put her arm around her. "Don't worry my little Tania," Her mother said " everything will be fine. It was only a dream. It can't hurt you." When Tania didn't regain her normal happy disposition, her mother turned her toward her. "Tania, trust me. nothing bad is going to happen. Tell you what, what about you go into town today for me? You know, get out a little bit." Tania's mood immediately brightened "Really?!" Tania enjoyed going into town, seeing all the different people, whole different lives, she just found it all enjoyable, not matter who it was. Tania nodded, smiling.
"OK, but don't forget, you have to dye again today." Her mother warned as she started walking out of the room. Tania fingered her silver hair. It was a weird trait she had, but she didn't mind. But she wasn't to ecstatic about dying it, but it was a minor annoyance. She didn't mind that much.

~A While Later~

Tania walked to town, preferring walking to flying, even though she was a gifted flyer. She twirled her now-brown-hair. Her foster parents told her she should dye it. She didn't complain. It was easier to blend in with light brown hair, and her wings dyed darker brown. She smiled happily. She was glad she had her foster parents there for her. They weren't her real parents, but they acted like she she was really their child. She practically was, and she was happy with it. After her real parents abandoned her when she was six, her foster ones found her and raised her. She was very grateful. She started fingering her necklace. She always had this charm, a silver wing. She never took it off, the one thing that she truly owned. She loved it. But what puzzled her was the small hook holes where the wing would meet another. Like there was another charm, but she couldn't be sure. But there always was the possibility.(...)
When she finally reached town, she saw a crowned shouting protest, and two royal guards. She usually never thought about royal affairs and politics, but she knew they were not liked or trusted. So she did not like or trust them. She couldn't see what was going on, so she quietly snapped out her wings a tiny bit and flew up to the top of a low building and watched.
An old lady that Tania faintly knew said "We aren't taking orders from you pompous royals any longer!" And one of the guards started bring his spear down on her. She gasped, wide-eyed at the fact the guards would really hurt an old lady, be it she could defend herself or not. Then she saw a guy she never saw before. A guy with white hair and wings. That was weird, but she had no time to worry about that. Because the guy pulled out a dagger, a weapon used to hurt people. Tania hated people being hurt...
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Reviews: 2
Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:51 pm
KinetaAlettaThyra says...


Tania whatched as the royal gaurds started to charge the white haired guy. She could barly whatch the fight as it went on. After a while, it seemed that the white haired boy would lose. He was a very good fighter, but one teen against two full-grown well-trained gaurds was no contest. Tania was frozen in fear and didn't do anything. Her eyes widened to their full extent. Just when she thought it would be over, a girl with long red hair and black wings flew down from the builing Tania was on. She landed in the small clearing beside the white haired guy and started fighting with him. Tania whatched in wonder as the fight went on...
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:08 pm
ScarlettFire says...

**Thanks, just dump her in the fight. I'm kidding, it's fine. I was actually about to post that... Or something like it... Anyhow.**


I narrowed my eyes at the Royal Guards as the boy started fighting them. After a few minutes I could tell that he needed help. I debated with myself for a moment then pushed the broken window open and leapt out of the window.

I landed beside the boy and started fending off the Guards. He nodded and went back to fighting. I summoned up a storm to distract the Guards and soon enough they were running away.

"Cowards," I muttered, turning to the boy.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Reviews: 2
Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:21 pm
KinetaAlettaThyra says...

**Lol! :D**

Tania watched as the guards ran away. The villagers started cheering for the fighters and making fun of the retreating guards, throwing insults and rocks at them(LOL!). Tania leaped down from the roof and started cheering with them, but not as loud. What ever made the people she was around happy, it made her happy. She thought about how these people could have been hurt by the terrible guards and how these two mysterious fighters could have been hurt too. She started cheering as loud as the others.
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:56 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Is it to late to join?

Name: Nya James (Some call her the dark angel)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Pitch black hair and black eyes. She has pale skin. She is very tall and she is slim. She's very petite.
Wings: She has black wings with random gold feather here and there
History: She grew up raising herself. Literally. She was abandoned when she was a little girl and she didn't want to live in a home so she made sure not to be found.
Power: (Only one not thousands): Nya can create and control lightening
Likes/ Dislikes: She likes fighting. She also likes protecting people. She dislikes the royals
Strengths/ Weaknesses: She's a very strong fighter. But she sometimes doesn't know when to stop
Habits: She tends not to dress very girly...

She usually wears a black or army green tank top and she wears camouflage boy shorts. She wears black hiking boots and she has knives strapped to her leg and inside her boots.
Live, Love, Laugh

I’d heard he had started a fistfight in one of the seedier local taverns because someone had insisted on saying the word “utilize” instead of “use".
— Patrick Rothfuss, A Wise Man's Fear