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Captured Love (((Up for changing)))

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:34 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***Here is where you can find a Roman name. http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.co ... names.html ***

Aurora hung up the wash on the line humming softly. She heard the sound of the horses in the background and her dog whimpered at her feet.

"I'll feed you in a little bit, Leo." She smiled at the dog as she hung up the last article of clothes.

"ROMAN SOLDIERS COMING! ROMAN SOLDIERS COMING!" The town crier yelled. She jumped up and ran towards her house. "RAIDING SOLDIERS! RAIDING SOLDIERS!"

"Aurora, get out of here now, take Alin and go!" Her father yelled as the pounding of the soldiers' horses filled her ears. She turned and ran towards the small corral behind their house and jumped on Alin's back. Leo, still a puppy, in her hands as she bent over Alin's back and raced towards the desert in front of her.

"STOP!" A soldier yelled.

"Run, Alin, run!" She soothed to the horse who picked up it's pace.

"Catch the runner!" Someone yelled. She hugged Alin's mane tigher as he raced forward. She closed her eyes tightly as he ran.

"Stop that horse!" A soldier yelled from close behind.

"Faster, Alin, please faster!" She cried as the horse streched his legs otu again. She screamed when a soldier grabbed the reins for Alin pulling him to a stop. She tried to jump off Alin's back but her hands were quickly tied behind her back and Alin led back towards the town. Leo sat on the back of Alin's rump growling at the men. "Hush." She whispered, she dind't want him to die.

When they got back to the town she looked at her family held behind a line of soldiers ready to be taken to the roman town. She couldn't lose her family, she couldn't lose Alin and Leo. She kicked Alin's sides and he jumped forward running through a line of soldiers as she leaned forward praying she wouldn't fall off. Leo bit the back of her clothes to keep himself on.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:08 am
Reuben A says...

Aurora couldn't tear her eyes off the line that the soldiers were forming in front of her. With those big red shields...she shook her head. There was no way she could make it past them, and she couldn't leave her family. She didn't know what to do. I can come back for them later. She thought to her self as she kicked into Alin's flanks, and he burst off towards the roman soldiers. Two feet in front of the soldiers, Alin reared ion his hind-leggs, flinging Aurora off of him. She closed her eyes, terrified, waiting for a kick to her side, or a sword to her throat. She waited for anything. She heard the soft clip-clop of a horse's hoofs next to her. It was a hot day in Gaul, but she still shivered.
"General Gallus, what are we to do with it?" She heard a soldier ask. The response came slowly, and hesitant.
"I think I shall take her for my personal slave." Aurora relaxed unexplainably.
"One as wild as this?" The soldier asked, spitting next to her head. There was no reply.
"Get her up, and one of the maids to wash her," The General said, his horse trotting away. She felt strong rough hands yank her off the ground. The soldier wore a silver helmet with a golden band around the rim. His armour was the same colour, but he wore a red cloak. His armour was splattered with blood that made her sick. At his side there was the small dagger at his side. It was coated with the rust like colour of blood. He smiled menacingly at her.
"Vous Bâstard sanglant!" She swore him in her own language. His smile disappeared as he tugged her to a small carriage that she hadn't seen before. He told her to get in, and obediently she got in. She was already working on plan to get her parents out. Suddenly, the carriage pulled off and time passed in a blur.

Sooner than she had thought possible, the carriage stopped, and the same soldier yanked her out. In front of her was a big wooden palisade wall. There was a gate, with two guards by it. They both held banners, bearing the golden letters SPQR. So this was the roman camp.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:13 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***What's Vous Bâstard sanglant mean? Oh and thing talking in english, is really them talking in their normal language, it's just so that we can read it. :P ***

Aurora winced as the soldier jerked her forward through the gate and then to a huge tent that was almost in the middle of the camp. There was another guard standing outside the tent.

"This the girl?" The guard asked.

"SUre is, I don't see how he thinks she'll be a good slave." The soldier snarled. "Less he uses her for pleasure, that she might be good at." Aurora fought to keep her face the same. Fought to keep her breathing the same. She wasn't going to be a whore. She was shoved inside the tent where there were three girls about her age sitting around and sewing holes that were in clothes or doing nothing.

"Ah, your here. Come on, time to get you cleaned up." One said walking over and pulling her to a huge wooden tub that was filled with steaming water. She was stripped of ehr clothes then dunked in the water where they scrubbed her until her skin felt like it had been stripped off.

They then dressed her in a modest, yet fancy dress and fixed up her hair.

"This is not the clothes of a slave." She hissed.

"Oh yes it is. All maid and slaves wear this type of outfit at our Master's house." One of the girls said. "We must look nice while we work." Aurora shut her mouth and crossed her arms when she was sat down.

"Now, we will wait until Master comes back to give us more work." Another smiled.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:52 pm
Reuben A says...

***************me understant***********************************************************************
*************** *********

Gallus trotted in front of the raiding party. He heard a soldier mumble something next to him, but he paid no attention to him. Why couldn't he get that girl out of his head. She was pretty true, but he had seen better Roman women. But, those women wear big voluptuous dresses, and all she had was...rags. he thought. And their hair is made up beutifully, and wear make-up, her hair was matted and wore nothing on her face. There had to be some reason for him not to be able not to stop thinking of her!
"Sir?" The Soldier next to him asked rather to loud.
"Yes?" Gallus snapped.
"Did sir hear what I said?"
"Did you say something?" He asked sarcastically.
"What are we going to do?"
"What do you mean what are we going to do?"
"Sir, where are we going to attack next? And how?"
"Since when do you get paid to ask questoins?"
"Sorry sir," The soldier mubled and fell back in the row. Then, a new thought came to Gallus. People were soon going to find out of his new slave. People in high places. He never had known what their proplemm with other's personal buisness. What was he going to tell them when they asked? That she...good gods! I don't even know her name! He thought agian. I'm hopeless. And then there was the matter of where to strike the filthy Gauls again. He had been sent by Ceasor himself to deal with the Gauls, since his mother, a slave to his father, General Vincentius, was a Gaul. Then just above the horizon, the camp came into view. He kicked into the horse's sides and burst into a gallop.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:03 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Aurora got tired of sitting in the stupid dress and having her hair made up and make up on her face. She stood up and stormed towards the door pulling her hair out.

"You can't leave." A girl said grabbing her arm and yanking her back.

"I won't be a slave. I won't wear such a desgusting outfit!" She yelled back pulling free and storming towards the door her hair drapped over her shoulder from being pulled from the bun. She ran to the door flap before the girls could stop her and ran into the guard who frowned down at her.

"Get back inside." He hissed.

"NO!" She growled trying to get passed him. He grabbed her arm and yanked her back inside.

"Stay here." He commanded her.

"LET ME GO! I'm NOT staying here." She hissed yanking at her arm trying to free herself. "I will not be a slave."

"Hush, you'll get yourself killed." A girl whispered.

"Go ahead. Kill me!" She growled. Wait, my family, I can't die. But I can't do this. She thought. She yanked at her arm again and the soldier slapped her face. She whimpered in pain, there was probably a huge hand print on her face. She pulled at her arm again only to be slapped again.

"You need to learn whose in charge, missy." The guard growled.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:30 pm
Reuben A says...

Gallus slowed to a trot as he approached the open gates. Inside was the normal sight of red and yellow tents. Quickly, he chose his tent, and trotted closer. Next to his tent was his slaves tent. He dismounted and walked over to hi tent, where a guard guarded it.
"Sir," The guard said, "There's a messenger from Rome here." Gallus resisted his urge to go over to the slaves tent, and stepped through to his own. Inside there was a wool bed, with a golden chest next to it. In the center of his tent he had a pole, keeping the tent up. It was stripped red-gold. Around it was the statues and medals he had won on his many conquests. To the far left of the tent was his golden rocking chiar, and on it sat a messanger.
"Ceasor sends his greetings," The man said, his vioce coated with malice. Gallus held back a gasp. Ceasor! he thought, what can this be of?
"He want's you to have this," The man said with a bow, and gave Gallus a rolled up piece of parchment. With a shaking hand, Gallus took the paper. The messanger then stood up, and walked out.
"Does this not require a reply?" Gallus asked.
"No sir," The man replied with a grin. He turned and walked out. Slowly, Gallus tore open the message.


It said in an elegant hand writing.

I have heard of an army that he Gauls have roused. I thought that they were sepparate clans, butt it seems that they have united agianst us. This calls for my attention. I shall take care of this personally. I here by order you to return to Rome.

Augustus Ceasor
Last edited by Reuben A on Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:38 pm
TNCowgirl says...

****Oh, then put it in italics. Just put [o] [/o] replace the o with i and it'll makie whatever is inside those two will be in italics. ****

Aurora yanked at her arm again and ducked when he went to slap her shoving him away and then running out the door. She had to find Alin, she had to get away so she could help her family. She ran towards where the horses were the dress keeping her from being able to move to much. Everyone seemed to be in their tents. SHe slipped past the guard unseen and into the corral. Carefully she looked for Alin. When she spotted him she ran over and smiled when she saw Leo sitting next to Alin.

"Don't make a sound." She whispered as she walked over picking up the dog and then putting him on ALin's back. She bit her lower lip and then jumped up on Alin's back and then pushed him to a gallop so he could clear the make shift fence and then leaned over his shoulder so he could go faster as they ran towards the gate.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:53 pm
Reuben A says...


Gallus's mouth opened and closed. Personally.... He thought to himself. Ceasor...Personally... He reapeated it over in his mind. Then he heard the sound of hoofs, galloping outside. No horses but his own were allowd to be galloping inside the camp. Unless...attack! Someone's attacking the camp! He jumped up, drew his sword, and raced out, glad for some real action. Once he was outside, he saw her horse with her on it, galloping towards the gates. his face froze in terror.
"Close the gates!" He screamed. "Close them! don't let her get away!" He raced to his horse, still rooted where he dismounted earlier, just beyond his tent. He sprang up and kicked into it's flanks and set off in persute.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:00 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Aurora bit her lip as they raced towards the closing gates. She felt her heart pounding fast as she got closer and the two guards started to pull the heavy gates shut. She smiled a little as Alin shoved past the guards and raced towards home. She frowned when she glanced back and saw him following. She knew his horse would be faster. She leaned further over Alin's shoulder letting him run faster. She wasn't going to be caught.

"Stop that horse!" She heard him yell at her and she growled. She heard his hrose getting closer, then Alin triped throwing her and Leo forward. She landed on her back knocking the air from her lungs. She jumped up quickly her body screaming in pain, but she stood up looking for a way of escape, Leo standin gat her feet growling. Alin stood to teh side favoring one of his hooves.

"Stay away from me!" She growled at the man.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:37 pm
Reuben A says...


carefully, Gallus dismounted his horse, and stood above her.
"I'm n-o-t g-o-i-n-g t-o h-u-r-t y-o-u," He spoke slowy and loud, to make sure that she understood him.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" She hissed. Gallus was taken aback by that.
"N-n-no," he stuttered, "I just want to take you back to camp."
"I WILL NOT BE A SLAVE!" She shouted.
"I wasn't planning to make you one," Gallus said gently. The woman looked back at him, horrified.
"I won't be your whore either," She whispered looking away.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:44 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Aurora's heart was pounding as he looked at her with a look that she didn't relieze what it was. She took a deep breath and backed away from him even more.

"Who said I was planning on that?" He asked.

"My family and my town did NOTHING to you and your troops, or your precious Rome!" She growled.

"You are Gauls." He replied his voice getting tight.

"But we aren't the fighting Gauls." She growled back. "We never hurt any of you! We never enslave you, or anything else. What have we done to you!" Leo growled and barked from her feet and she moved over to Alin carefully looking at his leg as she watched the man. She wasn't going to be riding off any time soon.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:32 pm
Reuben A says...

"I don't think you understand...you are...Gauls" Gallus almoust spat the last word.
"And what's wrong with Gauls?" She asked.
"You're barberians! You believe in gods like Ucuetis...and Fagus! Proposturous!"
"You call us barberians, but what Gaul have you ever even talked to besides me?" Gallus sighed, deafeated.
"Then prove to me that you arn't. Come to Rome and prove to me." Gallus offered.
"How do I know you won't enslave me?" Then she whispered "Or what ever you want to do?"
"Trust me. Take a chance," Gallus pleaded.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:36 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Aurora looked at him frowning. "Do I have to wear these stupid clothes?" She hissed.

"It's customery." He replied. "Everyone will know you are a Gual and you'll be killed."

"NO! You say we are barbaric, but you...you are so moralless. Dressing girls up like they are dolls, like they are to be gawked at." She motioned to the tight fitting dress.

"Just try it." He replied.

"Fine, but if I can't find something 'customery' that is more comfortable you can bet you'll not see me again!" She growled grabbing Alin's lead and walking towards the camp.

"IT'll take to long to walk." He said hurrying over. Leo growled low at him.

"I don't care. I'm not riding with you, and I'm not hurting Alin anymore." She growled at him.

***He can make her ride his horse. Really, he can be mad. She doesn't ahve a choice on all this. She has to go with him and be a slave or anything else he wants of her. I don't mind. :P Whatever you want to do, do it, I'll write what she thinks, but what she thinks doesn't need to change the plot. XD***
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:02 pm
Reuben A says...

************************Tanks******************************************OK************************************** :D ******

"Alin?" Gallus asked.
"The horse," She replied.
"You really should ride with me." He said sternly as they approached the camp. The gates were closed, the guards being the ones who closed it was also inside. She glared at him.
"Why? Are you scared I would run off?"
"No, what's your name?" He said, quickly changing the subject.
"Aurora," She said carefully, eyeing him. The gate started opening.
"Get on my horse now," He ordered, mounting it himself.
"No!" Aurora snapped. Gallus grabbed her arm, pulling her closer. Quickly, he tied her hands with a piece of rope, and pulled her on. The gates opened, and a crowd of soldiers cheered as he rode in with her tied up, yanking her each now and then. Aurora looked around with wide eyes, a surprised expression on her face.
So stadig loop ons deur die pers Jakarandas wat val,die bome word kaal Pa staar na die beeld van Botha wat reis op sy perd,Hy wonder was bloed soveel werd.Soveel jare dra hy aan die naam van 'n plek,Soveel jare moet ons nou laat gaan,Is die naam dan so erg,so bitter en sleg?Hoekom gooi jul dit weg?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:09 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Aurora didn't like this at all. She fought the ropes a little before she knew it was usless. This man was scum. She looked at Alin limping behind them with Leo at his feet running underneath his belly. Aurora growled when he dismounted yanking her off the horse and then pulling her into what she guessed was his tent. He shoved her on a mat and then turned leaving.

"Make sure that horse's leg gets wrapped, rub both of them down." He told someone then walked in.

"Your a liar!" She growled at him. "I should've known! Your a ROMAN!" SHe saw his fist clench up and she smile. "Go ahead, hit me. Prove me right."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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You know how hard it is to feel like an extreme falcon-headed combat machine when somebody calls you "chicken man"?
— Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid