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A Vampire Nightmare

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Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:12 am
TNCowgirl says...

***IF you want it called something else let me know. Rating too. :P***

Pippa moaned as she tried to stay back from the walker. She didn't want to kill him. She was thirsty though, she needed blood, but she didn't want to kill anyone.

"There a reason you're following me?" The walker asked turning around and facing her. He was cute for a human. But his face barely regestered. He smiled and stepped closer to her. "Not that I mind a pretty girl like you following."

"You think." She whispered as he got closer. His smell got stronger and she felt her hunting instincts kick in. She smiled and moved closer, he was taller then her by maybe a foot and he was bigger then she was. But that wouldn't do him any good. She felt her fangs slip out more to make it easier to bite him. She smiled as all fight to save his life drained from her. She glanced around quickly, there was no one in site that would see her kill him. She smiled and ran her fingers up his chest, a bigger smile came on his face and she stood on tip toe. He took it for her trying to kiss him and started to lower his lips. But she just burried her teeth in his neck her hand clasping over his mouth quieting his yells for help. The taste of his blood made her drink faster wanting more then there would be. When she was finally done she pulled him back into the ally and hid him. She backed up and swallowed hard.

NO! You did it again! She screamed at herself. She backed up and looked at her hands. SHe had killed another human. What was this, ten now! She whimpered, if she just hadn't gone down that ally, hadn't be attacked. She shook her head. The vampire that changed her told her should wouldn't remember anything, but she did. Least from that day she did.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:42 am
Firestalker says...

*hope this is okay*

She was close.
He could feel her close. Feasting now, refreshing her half dead cells. He did not know why they were linked but he would find out, he would find out once he found her.
He lay on the floor listening to the heart beat's of the creatures around him. He was waiting, waiting for a human to arrive. He could hear the minute sounds like an ant walking to huge sounds like someone shouting.

His hearing, like many others was super sensitive, reading all the sounds like radar the brain individualizes the sounds that might be interesting every millisecond.

His sight functioned in a very different way. He saw every crack in a floorbourd, every hair on a human body, his eyesight, like all vampires was extremely sensitive.

Suddenly a twig cracked approximately twenty meters away. He got to his feet as silent as a fox and ran through the woods barely touching the ground in each leap.

The human suddenly stooped. The man looked around in fright and doubt. It was not a surprise as death had decided the fate of the man the instant he heard the mans footsteps. The man resumed walking although from the change of his speed and posture one could say he was clearly nervous.

The human body was a strange thing. It had many undiscovered parts that no man dared to explore. Vampires on the other hand had already mastered many different arts like levitation, tele-portation etc.

He could feel the mans heart beat increasing the wind blew in his direction. And then he struck, jumping through the bushes onto the man pinning him to the ground. The man tried to struggle and scream for help but the vampire easily held him down with his right hand and kept his other hand on the mans mouth.

Some vampires leave the corpses half filled with blood, but he did not, no he drained his victims fully of their blood every time he hunted.

Although he usually toys with his prey, this time he knew he could not lose the girl. So using his hand he ripped off the lower jaw of the man to stop him screaming. Blood splattered onto the vampires face making it more evil than is was. He then turned the humans head to the left and sank his teeth into the humans thought where all the moist warm blood pulsed. A few minutes later he withdrew from his victims neck. He could have drank more but this time his prey had died earlier. And then he stood up and took out a knife from his belt. After wiping his mouth from the sleeve of his shirt, he started jabbing at the mans face as much as possible. Of course this meant he would be covered in blood, but he liked it. After completely disfiguring the corpses face he started on the neck and then the chest. It was a time taking task but it would eliminate any evidence of a vampire attack. The police would think it was a murder, a very gruesome murder and slowly leave it aside when they cannot solve the crime. By the time he had finished he was covered in blood from head to toe. Even his hair was soaked in blood. He sniffed the air and suddenly stood up in anger. The girl had disappeared again, gone either into the city or further into the forest.

Not bothering to clean himself, he merely wiped some of the blood of his face and started running again in the direction of where he had sensed her the last.

I hope that's okay, my sister just got sick and i forgot to post this, so sorry yet again. I hope this post is okay.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:59 am
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa was mad. Why was she still hungry? She hissed and kept running. She had to get away from that town, she had to keep going.

Eat! A voice hissed at her. You'll be stronger. It was the voice of her creator, the vampire that made her. She ran faster her legs pumping and carrying her faster. But she couldn't get away. He jumped in front of her. He hadn't really gotten in her head, but whenever he was around she could hear his advice.

"Why are you running?" He asked his voice calm like always.

"I don't want to be a monster!" She hissed. "I don't want to kill humans, I don't want to have to live off blood."

"I asked you, you said yes." He said flatly. "And I'm tired of covering up for you. Leaving bodies with just the bite mark is the stupidest thing you could do!"

"I'm sorry I don't care! And you didn't ask me if I wanted to be a blood sucking monster. You asked me if I wanted to forget what those men did to me. You told me I would forget, you told me I wouldn't remember anything but hazy things!" She hissed.

"I still don't understand how you remember so clearly." he said still smoothly. He moved towards her and she hissed backing up. "At least cover up the bodies, cut the bite mark or something."

"And take more of their identiy. I already stole their lives!" She hissed wanting to cry. She couldnt though. The undead couldn't cry.

"Come home then, Pippa. I'll take care of you." His voice had the seduction back in it.

"No!" She hissed turning and running. She was younger then him, and faster. She ran faster and hissed when she smelled a human with a cut. She was thirsty. She hissed and stopped a few feet away form the people. It was a small family. A young girl had cut her hands. Pippa shook her head pulling away and running the other direction, she would not hurt a child. She would have to find a meal somewhere else.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:15 am
Firestalker says...

* My character is not the person who turned you by the way*

I sensed another vampire, a vampire who had experienced the ways of the dark. I walked closer to the city, I needed some help, when i caught her I would need to have to release her from her bloodlust. And for that i needed humans.

"Hey there, wanna earn some easy cash?" I asked sighting group of men.

"How much?" One of them asked looking up.

"How about five G's?" I said.

To this the men stood up in surprise and greed, just as i expected.

"What da you want us ta do?" The same man who had asked the price asked again.

"I've got a girl missing in these woods. Find her and bring her to me at any time as I wait here "Do what you have to but do not shed her blood"

The men grinned and walked away. They wouldn't care about how she looks like, they would just find any girl in the woods do what they want with her and bring her here, to which a vampire would not let happen. All i had to do now was listen for the voice of a male scream and run to wher it came from.
What was the human term for a instant like this?
"Ah yes easy as cake" I said to myself then added "Or something like that"

As for the other vampire, he would have to be taken care of. I took out a flute and played a small tune at which any vampire would come, it was a calling flute used to call vampires who could not be found, withing a small distance.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:30 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa sat up in a tree clinging to her legs as she looked at the dead body below her. She had done what she'd been told and made it look like a bear attack. But that only got her covered in blood. She had washed it off, but she didn't care.

Why! She screamed. Why does it have to be humans! Why me! She wished she could cry. But she had found otu a long time ago she couldn't.

"Stay away from me!" She heard a high pitched voice scream.

"Ah, come on now missy, just come with us." That voice was harsh. She jumped from the tree and was running before she knew what she was doing. She would help someone, even if she knew she'd probably lose control and hurt them herself. She streaked in front of the girl looking at the group of men in front of her.

"Get the hell out of here." She hissed at the girl who complied quickly and easily.

"She'll work too, I guess, how'd you get here so fast!" THe leader demanded.

"What will I work for?" She demanded calculating how quickly she could shut them up so they couldn't yell.

"Soemone in town wanted us to get a girl for him." THe guy laughed. She hissed at the idea and then jumped on him. Screw shuttign them up, I'll be done and gone before anyone get's here. She bit the firsts man's throat almost gagging at the bitter taste. This was one bitter guy. The other's started to yell as she drained their friend and she heard them either puking or trying to run off. She quickly knocked several out finished hte first off and burried him. She then looked at the 'sleeping' ones and thought about who was next. Do they need to be next, with their leader gone will they still torment people?
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:29 pm
TNCowgirl says...

**THis first part is before she finds the men**

Travis listened to the music and walked into the small cafe spotting the other vampire. He walked over and sat down looking the vampire over, there was something familiar about him.

"That's a nice tune." he said looked the vampire's features over making sure he would know when or if this guy decided to attack him.

"That it is." The vampire replied sitting up and looking at him.

"What do you need from me?" Travis asked thinking about Pippa out in those woods. He was still furious that he couldn't keep her at his house, that she had taken off and he couldn't keep a hold on her. What he wouldn't do to be able to make her his wife. He licked his lips at the thought.

"Did you hear me?" The vampire hissed. He looked back at the vamipre and smiled.

"Sorry, I was a tad distracted by something I saw earlier, what did you say?" He smiled.

*******You can have their conversation end with the yell if you want********

Pippa swallowed hard, backed up and took off. She wouldn't kill them, she coudln't kill them. Well she coudl but she didn't want to. She bit her lower lip and sighed, this wasn't easy. She finally found a cave that she could see where the men were but was far enough away to not be spotted and she waited watching them as they 'slept'.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:53 pm
Firestalker says...

"I said i want your newborn" I replied

The vampire's expression turned fro annoyance to shock

"Why?" he finally managed to say

"That is none of your business, all i want is your newborn" I said again

"I don't think that's possible" said the vampire

"I think you don't understand Travis." I said and then saw the vampire's shocked expression "Yes i know all about you, Age 362, turned by Colonel Vorheen. I know what you have done these last years and all the things you should not have done."

"H.. h.." Travis stammered

"How do i know your name?" I asked

Travis nodded, then took a sip from a mug i pushed towards him filled with ale. Although vampires drank blood, it did not mean we could not eat or drink human food. we could do that but not a lot.

"Lets just say, I know almost all the vampires." I said

"Travis frowned then shocked he said "your... your a.."

"Yes, I am" I then heard a human scream "And i have no use of you now"

The vampires white face turned whiter, I pointed at the mug "Its filled with poison, poison lethal enough to kill us, or at least paralyze us."

"Good bye my fiend" I said and walked out of the cafe.

Once outside i ran towards the place where i heard the scream coming from. I found a dead body and a girl who had fainted recently, I also saw a bloody trail leading int the forest. I smiled and followed it.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:59 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa hissed when she saw the vampire look around where the humans had been and then follow her trail. She quickly washed off and grabbed a piecie of paper and wrote a note.

"Stop following me. I've seen you before. I don't ever want to see you on my trail again." She slit her small finger and put the blood on the paper and then turned and left leaving it on the ground. She licked her finger making the wound heal and hten raced higher up into the moutians. Once she was at the top she looked at the water below and took a leaping jump. She swam across the ocean and to the next country. Maybe she could find a way to survive on something other hten human blood. She slipped into an old wear house and curled up waiting for a victum. She was hungry, she couldn't help that.

"Let me go!" a small whimper cried from behind her. She hissed, what was with all the men wanting to rape someone today. She slipped into the room and behind hte guy pulling him away from the girl.

"Get out of here and run." She hissed at the girl. The girl barely nodded and took off running clinging to the clothes she had on still. Pippa burried her teeth in the man's throat covering his mouth and draining him of hs precious blood. She cut him up after wards and the went and cleaned off.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:52 pm
Firestalker says...

I smiled as i saw the note and the trail leading to the ocean. It would take me a few days to cross it, as i had not fed in a while, or swam in a while, but i would make it and until then i would make sure she was fond out. I pulled out a cellphone and dialed a number. Most people think vampires are medieval creatures of the night, but we, like humans vampires too are advanced advances in technology.
"Hello" came a cool voice"
"She is heading to your country, do not shed her blood, keep her sighted." I said simply
The was a click and the other side hung up. I closed the phone and put it in my pocket. Then jumped into the sea and kept swimming until i came to the land where i could smell her.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:05 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa ran across country after country stopping as little as possible to feed. She hated it everytime, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. She didn't know why she was running, why she didn't want to stop, but she didn't. She just kept going. She finally did stop, and she looked around. She had been followed this whole time. She could sense it, feel someone's eyes on her. It angered her that she was being watched and followed. She would wait for the follower this time and give them a peice of her mind.

'I deserve privacy." She hissed to herself waiting. "I want privacy and I won't get it if this guy keeps following me like a hunter and his prey." She stopped at that thought, could he be hunting her, could he be after her to kill her? Why would he be, she'd never done anything to him, had she?
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:41 pm
Firestalker says...

I saw her in the cave, her clothes were torn, face full of scratches that had healed. I jumped to the ground and walked towards her. She didn't see me coming until i as a few feet away from her.
She turned around and a surprised look crossed her face, then an angry look.
"why are you following me?" she asked gritting her teeth
"Good question. To tel you the truth, i don't know the exact reason either, but i cannot take you by force... yet, so please accompany me" I said truthfully.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:46 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa looked at him crossing her arms, her eyes taking in every feature.

"Where?" She demanded. "And you have to know why your following me!"

"Listen, I'm a hunter of sorts. I can sense it when there is someone around with...a power." He replied looking at her. "I can tell you what your power is if you come with me. You see, my power is sensing, I have a few others too."

"Where are we going?" She hissed.

"A lab of sorts." He replied. She eyed him cautiously.

"That doesn't sound very promising." SHe replied.

"Your a newborn, your stronger then me and I'm the only one at my lab. YOu could easily get away if you wanted to." He replied.

"Why should I trust you?" She dmeanded.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:42 pm
Firestalker says...

"Well I have hired a few vampires that would gladly kill you who are tailing you, and you wont survive long in the wild and I could have killed you easily though you are stronger than me, you cant kill me like i can kill you." so what do you say?" I asked again
"First tel l me who you are" She said
"My names Zire, anything else you need to know?" I asked patiently
"Yes who are you, where do you come from, why are you following me..."
"One at a time please. I'm a hunter, i come from the norther vampire colonies and I'm following you according to orders." I said
"Why don't you want me hurt?"
"Where did you get that idea?" I asked surprised at her guess
"i guessed by your behavior" she said
"I was ordered not to harm you" I lied simply
"What is this about this..power?" She asked
"each vampire has a unique power, some extremely powerful, and others very small and harmless" I explained "there are some who have multiple powers too, like me for example. I have the power of sense and some others I'm not willing to reviel it"
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:50 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa frowned and crossed her arms. "So, if I don't come with you I'll be killed?" He nodded. "Do you know what my power is yet?"

"No." He replied.

"ALright, then I"ll see you around." She spun around and took off at full run her mind racing, she'd better figure her power out and fast.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:57 pm
Firestalker says...

I would not let her get away that soon. I opened my pouch and took out a tranquilizer dart, then i started running towards her, just as she turned i managed to pierce her neck with the dart. but like any vampire, she fought back and pushed at me sending me flying to the nearest tree, but i managed to keep my balance and push against the tree with me legs as i hit it propelling me back at her. I grabbed her and turned with her in mid air and threw her at a tree at which she knocked on and broke in half. managed to lightly land on my feet.
I stood up and looked at her and suddenly felt powerless, i couldn't move or breath and she was looking straight at me with anger in her eyes, pure anger. Then suddenly she fainted, the tranquilizer taking effect.
I gasped for air though i didn't need it. I was surprised and shocked, this meant she had one of the rarest powers in the world, which meant she could posses more powers too. This power discovered three hundred years ago made the vampire almost invincible, the vampire could kill or paralyze anyone by just looking at them, it meant she was lethal and i should not reveal it to her.

*Hows that*
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

You know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
— The 12th Doctor