
Young Writers Society


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Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:35 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

Okay. I'm new and this is my first storybook...I'm not sure if anyone has done any of these but I just finished reading a bunch of murder books and fantasy book and I am weirdly intrigued...here it is.

Okay it's this normal town where everyone has at least one thing in common, they are all mythical creatures in disguise...everybody here has been forced to this area by the government. Once somebody comes here they are forbidden to leave...until the murders spring out. Now a group of teenagers who are total strangers have to band together and save their "town."

Okay here are the rules...
*No God-modding
*Only the murderer of his helpers are allowed to kill...
*If you die you can create another character
*No cheating your death...if someone says that they kill your character(s) please don't beg to be brought back please!!
*You can be a teacher, coach, or student
*You character can be anything you want!
*Try to keep writings in the PG-13 area
*You must stay in the "town." students live in the school in dorms.
*Rabbits are given to everyone. They are a form of money. (Use the rabbits to buy things.)

Name: Tama

Age/Grade: 15 9th (Real Age: 248)

Gender: Female

Race: Cat Demon

Appearance: Human Form: http://s79.photobucket.com/albums/j137/ ... atjedi.jpg

Demon Form:
http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/ ... nt=Cat.jpg

Personallity: Tama is very shy, but is also very outgoing around her friends. She loves to hang around guys and hasn't met a guy in her life that she likes more than a friend...

Background: Tama's background is very...different. When she was born her parents brought her to the Boarding School and she doesn't know anything about the "outside" world. She has a small cat, named Tatu, that can transform into anything, but likes to stay a cat.

Tatu: http://s216.photobucket.com/albums/cc22 ... nt=cat.jpg

Tatu's human form: http://s187.photobucket.com/albums/x165 ... t=cute.jpg

Occupation: Student/Coach/Leader of Protectors

Hobbies: Swordsmanship, Writing, Singing, all Sports, Rock Climbing

Abilities: Transformation, Mind-Reading, Can change the atmosphere in a room. (Just like Jasper Cullen! Haha.)
Last edited by LunaBuna43 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:53 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

For your first storybook, this is not a bad idea! Feel free to PM me for help at any time!

Name: Liaria (goes by Li)

Age/Grade: 16, 10th

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Appearance: in human form: tall, lanky but muscular, reddish hair that reaches waist, blue-grey eyes, has a pale maroon star on forehead, concealed by bangs; true form (unicorn): moderate height, long but powerful legs, creme body, reddish blonde mane and tail, a red horn, and green eyes.

Personallity: Like most unicorns, Li is quiet most of the time and generally avoids people, but once you gain her trust, she is a true friend. She can be fiesty and playful at times, and she has a wicked temper. Even in human form, she can speak to animals and cast magic.

Background: She was born in a stable to normal horse parents, but everyone knew she was different. She developed like humans; she was twelve years old before she reached her mature size. At age fourteen, she learned how to cast magic and transform, and that was when her "owners" shipped her to the boarding school.

Occupation: Student

Hobbies: Spending time with animals, writing, singing, sports such as track and ROTC related (obstacle courses, physical training, physical endurance), and Tai Chi.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:21 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

Thanks! And if I have any questions i will ask you for sure! Um...at first I thought 'this one stinks. nobody's going to join.' but now that someone's joined i feel a little more hopeful for this topic. Thanks again!
Last edited by LunaBuna43 on Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:15 pm
Knurla says...

Name: Rosso

Age/Grade: 17, 11th

Gender: Female

Race: Fox demon

Appearance: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b299/ ... n_girl.jpg

Personallity: She is friendly and very playful.Rosso loves playing jokes on people, and will sometimes transform into other people in the process (although, her tail sometimes gives her away).

Background: Rosso was raised in the wild, but brought to the boarding school when she was 15. She is very notorious for her pranks, even outside the school.

Occupation: Student

Hobbies: Running, talking to other students, Theatre

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:33 pm
Dr. Jamie Bondage says...

Name: Bethany (Beth)

Age/grade: 17, junior

Gender: Female

Race: Wizardess/vampire

Apperance: Hazel eyes with long black hair. Pale skin. Extremely beautiful (vampire side).

Personality: Outgoing and friendly. She has controlled her diet so that she doesn't suck the blood of humans or magical creatures. She loves using magic and is very competitive. She can't turn down a challenge and has a lot of guy friends (despite how she looks). A very nasty temper if she gets mad.

Background: Her parents abandoned her in the woods. She lived there when she was young, but was eventually dragged to the school where she now attends. She misses the forest, but adapts. She has a very large panther that she keeps hidden from the administration.

Occupation: Student/coach

Hobbies: Singing, writing, weaponry, extreme climbing, archery, swordsmanship, reading, and practicing magic.
"This kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statics--it just comes-none knows whence-and can't explain itself. And doesn't need to." Mark Twain

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:12 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

I dodged the eleventh graders strike and swung back stopping right at the guy's neck. His eyes were full of worry. "You're still to slow Duke." I glared at him.

"And I thought a week of being out of classes most of you would practice, but I guess the only one who really took my advice was Bethany...I mean Beth." I sighed and shook my head.

"Sorry Coach...er, I mean Tama." He replied a sat back down on the benches.

"S'ok. I just want all of yall to train." I said and shrunk my sword back to it's keychain size. "I'll see you all tomorrow at 7:15 PM. Got it?"

"Okay." Most of the group said.

"Good." I turned around and began walked out of the gym.

"How was practice?" Tatu asked once I got back to my room.

"Pitiful." I replied blandly.

"You going to dinner?" She asked.

"No. I'm not th-" I stopped dead in my sentence once I noticed that Tatu was in human form. Tatu smiled and began to laugh.

"Y-you figured it out!" I yelled happily.

"Yep. Earlier today in fact." She replied.

"Yay!" I screamed as I ran to give her a hug.

"I'm hungry." Tatu said and put her hand over her stomach.

"Wanna go eat dinner?" I asked her.

"Yeah!" She yelled cheerfully.

"Okay. Come on." I said as I patted her on the head.
Last edited by LunaBuna43 on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jan 27, 2008 11:58 pm
Knurla says...

The warm sun beat against her back as she lay sprawled out across one of the court yard benches.She was snoring quietly, twitching every once in a while. Her leg shot straight out, rousing her from sleeping.

"Huh?!" She sat up on the bench, wiping a little bit of drool from her face. "Coulda' swore I was steppin' in a hole. Guess not." She shrugged it off and stretched, rubbing her ears, which were cleverly hidden under a stylish mess of hair. As for her tail, she could disguise it as a skirt or pair of pants, thanks to her fox demon heritage.

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:10 am
Dr. Jamie Bondage says...


Being in advanced placement had it's avantages. Most people didn't think that because I was beautiful, I couldn't be smart as well. But, I really didn't care what others thought. In fact, I thought I was the ugliest person in the whole world. Mystery yawned beside me.

"How's my favorite panther doing?" I grinned. She was my baby. How could I not love her?

A knock sounded at my door. "Hide!" I ordered. She redily obeyed.

"Come in."


"Hey Duke. How was practice?"

"Horrible. The couch is so hard on us." He grumbled.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Maybe if you practiced once and a while it wouldn't be so bad."

"Yeah...I guess. Do you want to help me now?" He grinned.

"Sorry can't. Now get out! My roommate will be back any sec. I really don't want a boy here when she does." I pronounced the word "boy" knowing it would aggrivate him.


"Get out before I throw you out!" I warned, my temper getting the better of me.

"Okay, okay. Shesh. Don't get so upset." And then he lefted.

I sighed, and reigned in my temper, glad he wasn't being a nuiscance anymore. I took out a spell book and started reading.
"This kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statics--it just comes-none knows whence-and can't explain itself. And doesn't need to." Mark Twain

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:16 am
RoryLegend says...

oooh cool...

Name: Riley Patch

Gender: Male

Age/Grade: 17/11th

Race: Vampyre

Appearance: Tall, dark hair, lean muscualr cuild, green eyes, pale complection, often dresses in black, but ahs been known to wear some color.

Mannurisms/personality: playful and coy, but dark and quite; he is hard to get to know but once you get to know him you won't regret it, honest, trustworthy, not very trusting of others though, doesn't jusdge you until he knows you, can often be found with a book or journal in hand.

histroy: was kidnapped and beaten at age seven, because of the profound beating he recieved he lost all of his memories and past, was found wandering around outside the school grounds near the forrest three weeks after his kidnapping. He didn't see his parents again until he was 14 but that didn't bother him because he couldn't remember them.

extra: has a kitten named Jinx
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:16 am
LunaBuna43 says...

-Yay more people!-
Last edited by LunaBuna43 on Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 1:49 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

Liaria (Li)

So many people...at least I was lying on my back in the middle of a courtyard, the tall grasses concealing me.

For now...

My senses told me someone was approaching.

Should I run?
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:37 am
RoryLegend says...

[Riley Patch]

Riley scooped a handful of cool water from its resting spot at the bottom of the shiny white sink into his hands and splashed it onto his face. The water felt good against his skin, he had overheated in the sun. Riley looked up into the mirror at his pale green eyed reflection and watched water drop from his chin. One, two, three drops. Four, five. He noticed his eyes were begining to turn red around the edge of the irises. He was getting hungry. The school only let him hunt in the woods when someone could monitor him, wouldn't want him escaping or anything. He would have to settle for whatever Suki, the school chef, could whip up for him. Which was usually delicious. Riley dried of his face and hands and grabbed his book of the edge of a nearby sink before ducking out into the hall.
He headed for his dorm, recieving wanting looks from girls all the way there. It wasn't his fault he was attractive. Vampyres were made that was so as to attract their prey. He pushed the door to his dorm room open absentmindedly and flung himself gracefully onto the bed. He didn't have a room mate because the school was affraid he would suck whoever they paired him with dry, so he left the door open to listen to the conversations in the hallways beetween friends. He didn't have any, friends that is. He only knew of one other vampire in the whole school, Beth, and she was only half vampire; and, despite their efforts they couldn't really seem to get along. He caught a bit of a conversation as two girls walked by.
"Oh it was so interesting! And then-" but that was all he caught. Nothing interesting. He stood up from his bed, patting Jinx on the head as he did, and decided to head for the kitchens. As he walked down the hall he tried to ignore the sweet enticing scent the two girls had left behind them.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:05 am
LunaBuna43 says...

I walked down the dorm halls with Tatu next to me. I quickened my pace to catch up with Riley. "You look like your fixing to pass out." I joked.

"I feel like it." He told me.

"Hungry?" I asked him. He nodded and Tatu began laugh. I glared at her and she stopped.

"Where's Jinx?" Tatu asked him.

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:36 am
Dynamo says...

Name: Ryouku Raiga

Age/Grade: 18/12

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon (woot!)

Appearance: Blond hair, broad shoulders, yellow eyes, friendly looking.

Dragon Form: When he transforms he becomes a black dragon that is built like a human, which means he can walk on two legs and fight with his hands.

Personality: Friendly, always willing to lend an open ear. Can be charming with the ladies if he wants to. Even though he is a very friendly person, if he loses his temper he becomes rage filled beast.

Background: He was born in Japan. At the age of 2 word got out about what he was. The Yakuza kidnapped him and brought him over to America hoping to use him as some sort of Japanese circus attraction. The cops caught on and busted them, but they had no information about Ryouku's family. So, they sent him to the school.

Occupation: Sensei of the school's Tengu-Ryo Karate Club.

Hobbies: Karate, learning foreign languages.

(An interesting tidbit. When referring to a male you spell 'blond,' but when you're referring to a female it's 'blonde.')
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:40 am
RoryLegend says...

[Riley Patch]

"Back in my room. Since when are you human?" he asked trying to take his mind off the enticing smell that was making an invisible trail to the girls who were probably still chatting their way down the hall. His inner animal was telling him it would be easy to pull them quietly into a hall closet and take evry last drop of blood from their bodies. His blood boiled at the thought. He wouldn't do that, he couldn't do that. He just had to make it to the kitchens.
"Since this morning." She replied looking at Riley tentatively. Now he began to smell the blood that was standing next to him. He could see their veins pulsing bright red and hear their hearts pumping.
"I think I should go on ahead of you guys, if you don't mind. I'm sorry I don't wish to be rude, but I don't know how polite it would be of me to eat you either ." he gave a fain smile and then was off. Racing effortlessly and gracefully down the halls. Everything else was a blur now. He could hear laughter and smell blood as he zipped past small groups of people. When he finally made it to the kitchen he still had to keep a safe distance from Suki.
"Riley!" she said, then one look in to his eyes told her, "Hungry?" he nodded his head. By the time Tatu and Tama made in into the kitchens he was already half way done with his food. He was less irratable and less inclined to eat every person he laid eyes on.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.
— Albus Dumbledore