
Young Writers Society

Starlit (Fantasy)

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:03 am
Wolf says...

:D So yeah. I'm hoping that everyone here is familiar with the Storybook rules, but here are the rules for this particular storybook: (Theme and story-line explained below)

•(1) No God-moding. Please. Characters are allowed to be powerful, but no one can escape from a War unscathed.
•(2) Please respect other Character's personalities--if they're quiet, don't say they did something that goes against their nature.
•(3) I really dislike how people can control other people's characters, so please don't do that excessively. Sorry if this is unreasonable...:(
•(4) No more than one Character, but if your character has a pet/animal companion, you have full control over them.

This is [currently] in this setting:
A valley between a craggy, snow-capped mountain range. It is early Spring, and the snow is just melting. Many strange beasts can be found here. There is a series of large, deep marshes, passable only by rotting wooden bridges. The water can burn like acid, so be careful!
Anyways. They are in a small band, traveling this rather perilous terrain. They flee from the Njorden armies, who dwarf them in the sheer size of their troops.
You can be any of the following races/species:
• Miokoda (elf)
• Njord (Human/Mortal)
• Nymph
• Demon
-You can ask to be another species/race as long as you include a brief explanation about them-
IMPORTANT: This has no technology whatsoever. There is Magic, (You must explain what magical attributes your Character has in their profile) but no science or anything. Please keep characters in a Fantasy theme.

Please keep swearing to a minimum, as well as Graphic content. And no graphic scenes about love...if you catch my drift.

Anyways, here are some basic attributes for the species mentioned above: (Only their strengths)
-Have a Second Nature (an animal form which they can shift into at will)
-[Can be] nocturnal
-[Some] have wings
-Superhuman strenght and speed
-Very in-tune with nature
-Very hardy
-Excel at controlling demons (of the tamed variety)
-Excellent at throwing axes
-[Some] have wings
-Can melt into nature
-Excel at Earth and Water magics
-All have wings
-Can become invisible
-Can return from the dead
-Can enter unblocked minds
-Can confuse easily
-[Some] have wings
Elements: (see below) (maximum three)
Second Nature: (if you are a Miokoda)
Basic magic:

• Moonlight
• Fire
• Water
• Earth
• Air
• Wind
• Stone
• Darkness
• Light
• Ice

Please ask if there is anything you are unsure about!

I'll post my profile right away!

P•S• No one can join after December 25th!
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:12 am
piepiemann22 says...

I'll post later or tomarrow. Kind of tired.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:21 am
Wolf says...

Name: Ayra
English translation for name: Dark Star
Elements: Moonlight, Ice and Darkness
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Miokoda
Age: Immortal, but in human years: 14
Second Nature: Niranian Wolf
Description: She is relatively tall, with a build that is both graceful and strong. Her face has a cold, proud beauty; pale skin, sculpted lips, high, prominent cheekbones. Her eyes are the colour of the sea under a stormy sky. Her hair goes halfway down her back and is midnight black with a freezing blue tint. It is straight, but with a tiny flip at the front.
Complexion: Lightly tanned
Personality: She is proud and dark, with two sides of her personality: one curious, mischievous and bold, the other arrogant, aggressive and passionate. Often these two sides are blended, and she is always fiercely loyal.
However, she doesn't always think things through and often acts rashly, which leads to endless trouble.
Sibling/s: none
Basic Magic: She is qualified in all sorts of magic, but her strongest is wild magic; Moonlight.
Second Nature: She is a large wolf, with lush blue-black fur and sweeping ebony wings (feathered). Her eyes are the same, and her face as the same wild, feral beauty. As in her elven form, she is both graceful and strong. The tips of her wings have feathers coloured gold, dusky purple and sea-green/grey.

-Please include the description for your Second Nature if you are a Miokoda-
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:22 am
Wolf says...

Yayness! A participant!
That's fine with me--I'm still establishing everything.
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:10 am
Maybe says...

This looks really interesting and promising.

Name: Ariel
English translation for name: Lion of God
Elements: Moonlight, Fire and Darkness
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Miokoda
Age: Immortal, but in human years: 12
Second Nature: Dire Wolf
Description: She is tall for her age, graceful and stronger than she looks. Her facial features are sharp and precise with full lips and dark green eyes that look almost black. Her hair is a dirty blond, with more brown than blond. It reaches down to her shoulders, but she usually keeps it up loosely.
Complexion: Tanned
Personality: She is proud, ambitious, sarcastic, and bold but at the same time curious, witty, sly, and mischievous. She has the ability to stay calm in just about every situation and doesn't like to let her emotions show. She doesn't trust strangers and avoids crowds at all costs. She has very few close friends, and isn't very trustworthy. Wise beyond her years, she holds a deep understanding of the world and the creatures that inhabit it.
Sibling/s: Younger brother, Quinn
Basic Magic: She excels in Moonlight, Wind, and Fire magicks, but her strongest is Darkness.
Second Nature: A huge wolf with dirty blond fur with a tinge of red mixed in and green eyes. She has two identical silver symbols under each eye that look almost like tears. Her paws are white . She has wings that are a dark gold, speckled with white. The very tips are silver. (See picture)
Picture(s): Miokoda- http://emerald-rei.deviantart.com/art/Elf-17030524
Second Nature:- http://pearleden.deviantart.com/art/Aka ... n-70415644 plus http://muju.deviantart.com/art/Wings-3-44469275 <<Wings.

**If i need to change anything, let me know**
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:50 am
sasquash says...

Maybe has a good point. This looks very promising.


Elements:Wind, fire. You dont want to see what happens when they mix!


Race: A type of Miokoda. He is known as an Avian(Man+Wings)but with
Miokoda streangth, speed, and the fact that he is also immortal.

Age:Immortal, but in human years 17

Second Nature: Because he is not a full Miokoda, he has no second nature.

Appearance: http://zoo-chan.deviantart.com/art/Man-On-Fire-16484921

Wings: http://elorg.deviantart.com/art/Wings-3772509

Weapons: http://gerak.deviantart.com/art/Swords-7891370

Personality: Always thinks things through. Doesnt rush, unless forced, but not many will attempt rushing him. Is not afraid to strike back, or defend what he believes.

Siblings: Had 3, but were killed when knights attacked his home. Soul survivor of the massacre.

*Is this ok with you Ayra?*
It's ok to be a kid sometimes,

it's what keeps old people young

and young people growing!

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:14 pm
piepiemann22 says...

(My turn)

Name: Hyral
Elements: Water and ice
Gender: male
Race/species: Njord
Age: 41
Description: http://gold-seven.deviantart.com/art/Ma ... ch-4081134
Weapon: http://cokolwiek.deviantart.com/art/sword-32010761
Personality: Silent, but not cold. He finds people to be trouble some and gets annoyed with arrogance.
Sibling/s: 1. His elder brother who was taken prisoner.
Basic magic: Can walk on water. Has the ability to gather water molecules to use is powers. He can create shield from ice. Draw back- his powers sometimes require a lot of physical energy so he is weary of what he uses.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:01 pm
Wolf says...

Wow, so many joiners! :D
Thank you all for taking the time to post your profiles! We will start...when do you think we should start? Now, or when we have even more members? I'm fine with either one. :)

Yes, all the profiles posted so far are fine. :D Great idea about being half-Miokoda!

Sorry about not having pictures for my character, but I couldn't find any that looked like her or her Second Nature on the web.
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:09 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Name: Sina
Elements: Earth, Light, and Fire
Gender: Female
Race/species: Angel/elf
Age: Immortal, human: 16
Description: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t168 ... slayer.jpg

Personality: Shy, reserved,
Sibling/s: she is an orphan, no siblings
Basic magic: she can fly, she can control her elements, (all i got for now)
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:18 pm
Wolf says...

Wow, I love the pic you have of her!
What do you think; should the story start now, or when we have more members?

One more thing--since he's half angel, does she still have a Second Nature?
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:38 pm
piepiemann22 says...

I say we start now. Let's get this party rolling.
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:43 pm
Wolf says...

Ok! So, yeah. I guess I'll post where everyone is right now...

Setting: About the cross over a very large marsh. It is quite chilly; the sky is grey with storm clouds and it looks like it may rain soon.
Time: Mid afternoon

You can start, if you want. If you don't want to, I'll go back and edit this post. :)
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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:44 pm
TNCowgirl says...

*I don't think so, and I'm all for y'all starting, can't wait :P, no I think it would be easier for me if she didn't. She is already complex as it is. *
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:47 pm
Wolf says...

That's fine with me! *is incredibly happy* I'm so glad this Storybook is working! Squee!
So yeah, now this is an announcement:

As of now, anyone can post!
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:08 pm
TNCowgirl says...

*This is a picture of Wolf with his wings out, his wings only come out when he needs them. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o210 ... akanka.jpg *

Sina slowly moved through the woods watching everything. Wolf, her wolf, moved along with her sniffing the air every few minutes. "You smell something, boy?" Sina asked knealing down next to him. He just rubbed his head against her arm letting her know everything was fine. She smiled and stood back up and moved farther into the landscape, she shivered against the cold air and tugged her jacket tighter around her shoulder. "We really need to find a place to bunker down." She sighed, a growl slowly escaped Wolf's throat and she froze. His hair was sticking straight up and he was baring his teeth towards a few bushes. Sina looked towards the bushes as about ten men stepped out surronding her. Wolf moved over to her growling again.

"Well well well, what do we have here." One of hte men laughed, Sina frowned as they moved closer towards her. She summonded some strength and sent mounds of dirt flying at the men behind her. A blast of wind slammed into her back and she flew forward onto the ground. There were only five men left, but the rush of wind had knocked hte breath out of her.

"That wasn't very smart, girly." One hissed as he walked towards her. Wolf jumped in front of her and growled baring his teeth, just waiting to kill the man if Sina ordered it.

"Leave me alone, he'll kill you." She gasped trying to regain her air supply.

"Ha, ya like that will happen." The man laughed,

"You asked for it. Go on boy." Wolf lunged at the man who sent a blast of air towards Wolf but he just spun out of the way landing behind the man. Sina slowly stood up gasping for air. The other four men had now surronded wolf and were all about to kill him. Sina mustered up the last of her energy and shot her wings out, they slowly started to glow. WHen they had gotten to full forse a blast of fire shot out killing the men. Wolf had pulled his wings out and covered himself with them not even being harmed by her attack. He ran over to her as she hit the ground unconcious.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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I exist as I am, that is enough
— Walt Whitman