
Young Writers Society


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Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:01 pm
~Volant~ says...

Waydland, a country set in medeival times, is a huge valley, with two Clans that live in the mountains. The East mountains have the Corone, the West mountains have Heldon. Heldons are much more wealthy than the Corone. There is no bad group good group, though your character can be bad if you want. The people have mixed veiws on these clans. Some think that they are evil and depend on the people for their wealth, some respect and admire them for protecting the people. However, the Heldon and the Corone don't get along very well. They are controlled by two different people who don't agree much. Let's call it a cold war.

When you Bond with someone, you create a sort of mind link. Creatures that have the gift of tongues are fun to have links with, but you can only exchange words and a little emotion. it's like talking on the telephone. However, non-talking creatures don't have words; instead, they have complete emotion and memories. It's much more useful and easier to understand.

Now, the ridiculous rules:

Please be vuldnerable in some way. You can be anything you want: towns person, Bonded, unBonded, anything--except a god or godess. It's not fun if your character can't face difficulties and not worry about being hurt.

Fighting is fun; I love to do it myself. But please keep it safe. Blow-for-blow combats are a lot of fun. Vivid imagery of bloody entrails being spilled onthe floor is quite a different matter. And, no adult scenes. Love is perfectly fine, but...I think you see what I'm saying.

If you want to curse, please keep it down. And please, please limit it to Bible cursewords only. please.

Other than that, have fun!

"Name: Ember
Sex: F
Age: 15
Clan: Corone
Bond status: Anyone want to Bond with me? If not, I'll be unBonded, going through my training.
Apearal: Had her eyes clawed out by a small gryphon, so she wears a red scarf across her eyes. Long black hair, goes to her waist. Has two thin braids in the front sides.
Background: left home to try and earn money for her poor family. This decision saved her life; her house was burned down by bandits two days after she left."

your turn :D

*By the way, if you are a humanoid mythical creature, like an elf or a dwarf, you can't bond with a human.*

Have fun!
Where are we going?

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Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:42 pm
Reakeda says...

Name: Vidian
Sex: M
Age: 14
Clan: Corone
Bond status: Currently Unbonded, looking for partner.
Appearance: Vidian stands exactly five feet tall. He has black hair that nearly reaches his shoulders and vivid green eyes. He is never found without pouches hooked to his belt, containing various supplies. Among those supplies will always be found a small note book and pencil, used to communicate as Vidian is mute.
Background: Vidian was abandoned as a child with no memory of who his parents were or if he had any other family. He was forced to fend for himself until the Corone clan took him in and began his training.
Last edited by Reakeda on Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:43 pm
Layleun says...

Name: Nina
Sex: F
Age: Unknown
Clan: Corone

Bond status: none at the moment
Background: Was born, raised herself, looking for traveling bonding partner
Type of Creature: Griffin, verbal but rarely uses words

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Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:57 pm
Lethero says...

Name: Lethero
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
Age: 16
Appearance: White fur, and wears black clothing. Wears no footwear.
Bio: Keeps it to himself
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:34 am
Kyuubi says...

Name: Monitor
Age: Unknown
Sex: Male
Race: Werewolf
Apperance: Black fur with white clothing. Has red tribal markings down his snout. Has crystal blue eyes.
Clan: Corone
Bonded: No. Currently looking for someone.
Background: Abandoned at birth, Monitor was forced to take care of himself. He remembers his parents as kind and will have words with people who say otherwise.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:52 pm
Maybe says...

Name: Dare
Sex: M
Age: Unknown. Acts like a seven year old at times, and acts like a 100 year old at times.
Type of Creature: Firedrake/Wyvern (Whichever you want to call him. Technically he's a small dragon)
Clan: Corone
Appearance: Comes to about shoulder height on a human and has slick black scales and intelligent gray eyes. Sharp claws and teeth and a spiked tail. His wings are leather and a dark gray.
Bond status: None. Isnt looking for a bonding partner. More like waiting for someone to come to him.
Background: He was born and raised by his mother. She went off hunting one day and never came back, so he's been on his own since then.
Personality: Witty, lazy, intelligent, and stubborn.
Picture: http://pyromaniac.deviantart.com/art/Dr ... e-25684937
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:18 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

Name: Karana
Race: Elf
Sex: F
Age: 16
Clan: well, since Corone's pretty popular...Heldon
Bond status: currently unbonded
Appearance: is 5'8" and slender with some muscle, has reddish-blonde hair that falls half way down her back (is usually kept in a horsetail - a ponytail at the base of the neck) and has blue-gray eyes
Background: Karana is a second child, unlike many elves. Her parents were killed in a dragon attack, and her brother has disappeared. In her search for them and revenge on the perpetrator - whoever it may be - she is learning magic, thought-speak, and desires a bonded companion. She has a bit of a temper and will cuss occassionally, and, despite her wealth, she prefers simple outfits and does not show her wealth publicly.

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:27 am
MadHatter says...

Name: Skar

Age: 1900

Sex: Male

Race: Dark Entity

Apperance: A huge hulking creature that looks like a human. He where's a viking helmet and strange goggles. He has a huge black and red cloak that he always wears.

Clan: None

Bonded: Had no need to bond.

Background: Used to be a Guardian of the Realm, but betrayed his friends to the dark lord. When he was banished, the dark lord gifted him with powers. But there's one "chink in his armour". He's vulnerable to all light magic.
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:13 am
~Volant~ says...

(Great, let's start! Thank you everyone who's joined!)

Dragons were pseky creatures, Ember decided, as one tried to get on her shoulder. She was a small thing, only about a few years old, and kept chattering in her ear. The small dragon talked mostly about chasing and snapping at rodents, a subject that Ember didn't particularily like. Some dragons were quiet; some just had an unhealthy delight in their gift of tongues.

"Will you please, be quiet?" she snapped at the dragon.

The dragon laughed, and the sound echoed all around the cave. The rebounding echoes made the elusive little creature impossible to locate.

"Why?" asked the dragon smugly. "You don't even know where I am!"

"I'll find you," She responded, angrily. Trying to keep her temper down, Ember stood completely still and listened. The little dragon became quiet.

Hearing a shuffling of wings to her right, Ember lunged, but only grasped empty air. Giggling, the dragon moved away with a flutter of her wings. "Guess again," she sang.

Growling, Ember stood back again, listening carefully. She touched the walls hoping for vibrations, but the water made that method useless. All she could do was wait for something to give her prey away.

Finally, she heard a click, click of someone quietly tapping their claws impatiently. Ember smiled to herself. Young dragons were never patient.

With a shout of triumph, she flung herself around and pinned the dragon's body to the wall of the cave, muzzling her snout with one hand while grabbing her knife with the other. "Ha!" she said, breathless. "Where can you hide now, little one? You may escape me from far away, but once I touch you, you know you're mine."

The dragon squirmed, but Ember had a very firm grip on her. "You've been slightly annoying this morning," she growled. "What shall we do about that, eh, mate?" Ember's knife rested on the base of her prey's tail. "Why don't I curtail you? If, of course, your small brain comprehends that word."

The dragon's small brain comprehended that very well. She squirmed again, more vehemently, but Ember crushed her against the wall until the little creature ran out of breath. Only then she let go.

"Alright, I've had my fun," she said, letting her loose. "I might not be in such a good mood tomorrow, though, so watch your tail." She sheathed her knife.

The dragon shuddered vileontly, not only from the close call but from the muck on the cavern wall. "Just having fun," she whined, sulking away.

Ember grinned at where the dragon disappeared, then completed her journey into the breakfast hall, a huge cavern near the dorms. Hopefully today would end better than it had started.
Where are we going?

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:59 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

Karana stood with her back against a tree. Mornings were always pleasant; quiet, cool, brightening on a new day, another chance...

She traced the shape of a small pendant. The necklace was simple: a silver swirl shaped like a curling flame. She completely ignored the other necklace she wore, an enormous claw suspended by a leather band. The bloodstained ornament had become a symbol of her quest, her reason for living...to kill whatever ruined her life, taking her parents and brother from this world.

She looked out over the eastern horizon, past the mountains. It came from a region on the other side...a territory beyond the Corone. she reminded herself. But how do I get past them? Coronians do not get along with Heldonians very well, much the same as humans misunderstand elves...This is one infuriating predicament.

Even so, she pushed away from the tree and began making her way towards those mountains and her quarry beyond.

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:44 pm
killerkumquat says...

Can I still join?

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:46 am
Phindin says...

(Given the sticky at the top of this forum, I'm going to assume one can still join. Feel free to stop me. =P)

Name: Hilo
Sex: M
Age: 17
Clan: Heldon
Bond status: None. As of now, at any rate.
Appearance: Human male, stands just over six feet. Deep brown hair and eyes. Favors loose, dark garb – browns, grays, blacks, etc. Heavily scarred. Like, really. To a point where it's (usually) considered frightening.
Background: Son of a recently deceased, increbily successful merchant of whose wealth he's inherited. Is in the process of squandering it all on booze, which he uses to get drunk and have a knife fight or two. Loves knives.



The sunlight stings, but it's truly impossible for me to suffer through a hangover inside. Something about the fresh air that helps with the ache, probably. I've tried all the other methods, and none of them work as well as little stroll. For me, at least.

Taking the usual route, I didn't expect to see anyone.


Elf spotting. Young, about my age. Not bad to look at. I'd seen around before, I think. Something grave and somber about her. Dresses like someone from the Corone clan – not that I'm one to talk.

I watch her. She's looking east, somewhere beyond the Corone. Contimplating something, perhaps? Or just enjoying the view? No … definetely thinking. Something about that look.

And people don't think I'm perceptive. Fair enough, I guess. Most people only see me when I'm drunk.

A few seconds pass, and she's on the move. Toward the Corone.

Well, well.

"I wouldn't suggest you go that way," I shouted.

That was rather unlike me. Hm.
"Buy, buy, buy, buy; sell, sell, sell
How well you've learned to not discern;
Who's foe and who is friend,
We'll own them all in the end."

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:32 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

((Nice way to write, Phindin! Very captivating!))


I stopped at the sound of his voice. I was surprised, for I had not heard him approach. Was it even possible for a human to be so quiet?

"And why not?" I asked as politely as I could, but I did not turn towards him.

"That's Corone country. You won't be welcome there."

"Whoever said anything about stopping? But then again, you do have a point..."

I finally turned back towards the west, towards the man who had spoken. This person was not too much older than myself, and no doubtedly a human. I could find no trace of magical qualities anywhere within or around him. He was somewhat taller than me, and attractive to an extent. Judging by those thoughtful, dark eyes, he could be a friend...

"What's your name, kind sir?" I asked, hoping to start a simple, casual conversation with him.

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:41 am
Phindin says...

(Thank you. =D

For the record, in pretty much every role play writing thing I've done prior to this, I never wrote for another author's character. So since I'd be kind of awkward for me to do it now, I'll just write for the Hilo end of the convo. Feel free to continue what you're doing, though.)


Kind sir. Funny, that. How many kind sirs have faces that look like they've been run through a tresher?

Interesting, though. Elves can't have poor vision. Yet she doesn't seem at all surprised or horrified by the scars. I can tell when someone is surpressing the shock, and this elf is not. That, or she's simply too good at hiding her emtions. I've little interaction with elves, so maybe that's it – a racial skill.

Still odd, though.


But I like it.

"Hilo Alcurd," I said, stepping toward her and offering a hand. "Pleased to meet you." I paused briefly, then added, "I figured the Corone wasn't your final destination. Though I doubt they'd care! Wouldn't want one of us to even pass through, eh?"

I grinned. "But you knew that. Some reason you have for gettng past them?"

The smile vanished.


"But you must have a name as well," I added hastily. "May I hear it?"
"Buy, buy, buy, buy; sell, sell, sell
How well you've learned to not discern;
Who's foe and who is friend,
We'll own them all in the end."

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:05 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

(Oh, okay, then. I'll let you control your own character, too, then, if it makes you feel better! :D )


I bit my tongue. I had to control my temper now; this man didn't know about my problems, just like he didn't know I couldn't tolerate speaking of them.

I sighed, trying to control myself. "Karana. It's a pleasure to meet you." I readjusted the strap on my quiver, trying to shift the weight from my shoulder to my back. "And you are correct. I do have reasons for seeking something beyond Corone land."

Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people.
— Adrian Mitchell