
Young Writers Society

Black River

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:41 am
MadHatter says...

Okay, since it's nearly Halloween I decided to make a storybook that somewhat deals with the topic of spooky monsters and such. This storybook's about a small village nestled in a deep woods. The town's name is Black River (Thus the name of the storybook). It's appearance would be that of a colonial town, or that off Native American village. But what would not belong in a colonial village is the towering seventeen foot tall wall in circling to town. A top this wall are several guard posts and cannons. The only way out of the village is a huge gate in the wall.

You see, the town is made up of humans, but the forest is teaming with monsters. Any mythical creature you can imagine is considered a "demon" and thus should be shunned. The humans feared an attack by the monsters and killed many of them. They soon set up there new villages. Large walled paths connect the towns to other cities and storage facilities.

The monsters are mostly friendly, yet some would seek to avenge the death of fellow brethren. Those very few have become the basis for the theory that all monsters are evil.

Finally, okay. You have the choice of being a towns person in Black River or the nearby town of Cyprus. You can also be one of the monsters.


-Please use a profile
-No totally out there monster that makes no sense
-One character per person
-if your a human, no super powers, connections to the devil, or any other reason why you'd be powerful
-I have the right to kick you out if you can't follow these rules

Name: Jack "Pumpkin" Harum

Species: Human

Age: 38

Bio: Considered a "monster lover", Jack was beaten and tortured for his sins and transgressions. His face totally mutilated, he ran into the woods before they could hang him. He soon found a town of monsters who welcomed him. They constructed a metal helmet in the shape of a pumpkin for him to hide in.

Appearance: He wears a cape over his beaten and torn clothes that look like what the pilgrims would wear.

Other: When the town of Cyprus' outpost was broken into, Jack was believed to be the mastermind behind the attack. Several other robberies have taken place and are all believed to be the fault of Jack.
Jack was originally from the town of Lantern, which gave rise to the "Legend of Jack of Lantern", which is why he later became known as Jack o' Lantern
Last edited by MadHatter on Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:01 am
MadHatter says...

Jack strode through the woods, his feet crushing the newly fallen leaves. Autumn. That meant that the cold winter was right around the corner. The supplies they had stolen would barely last them, they'd have to steal faster. He took off his cold metal helmet to look at the map of the valley. Only a few towns dotted the land, most several miles away from each other.

"Um, sir." Jack jumped. A young werewolf peeked from behind the tree. Jack quickly put his helmet on.

"What do you want? Don't you know not to bother me when I have my mask off?" To the werewolf, he seemed to double his height.

"Uh...we found a good easy town to rob. I believe it's name is...uh...Black River."
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:09 am
Maybe says...

A halloween storybook! Awesome! I'm so in!

Name: Jasper
Age: 121 (Looks 13)
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Green eyes, brown hair with natural blond highlights, and stands around 5' 4". Slim but is stronger than he looks.
Personality: Witty, stubborn, persuasive, sly, and mischievous. He really is fun to be around. He is pretty much against fighting and refuses to drink the blood of humans, instead drinking animal blood.
History: Was turned into a vampire when he was 13, 108 years ago. He doesnt remember much before that, and all that's happened afterwards doesnt really matter, in his eyes.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:21 am
MadHatter says...

A hush fell over the camp as Jack waltzed into town. Everyone liked Jack, but he was just creepy. Rumors had been passed around that even though the mask left the fire, the fire never really left the mask. When Jack doned the helmet, it seemed as if his head was on fire. The eyes would gleam with hatred and anger and the mouth would almost seem to be ready to eat you. When Jack heard these rumors he took no time in making sure that they didn't spread anymore, which meant a nice swipe with his scithe.

"Jack, we've found the next raiding sight." A large Franken-man walked up to him.

"Yes I heard. Black River? I remeber hearing about that place when I lived in Lantern. Is it big?"

"No, not for this valley. It's several times smaller than Cyprus, but a lot bigger than an outpost."

"Good. Did you inform Ezpire yet?" At that exact moment Ezpire, an ancient werewolf who was the leader of the small monster town, walked out of his tent.

"Yes, I do know."
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:38 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Name: Seera Sips

Species: Angel/vampire (yea, strange mix)

Age: 22 (1 in vamp)

Bio: Acts like a person in the village and hasn't been found out yet. She goes to the woods when she pleases by walking through the walls unseen

Appearance: wears a long flowing white cap, always has the hood pulled over her face. She has sharp blue eyes, and light brown hair, she has tan skin and is skinny.

Other: She was just bitten by a vampire while she was in a trans and couldn't stop it. She wasn't supposed to have lived though.


Seera left the small town of Black River and when she was far away she spread her aching wings and took flight. She was flying for a while when she saw a small camp. She landed, casting a spell over herself so as not to be seen. She hovered into the camp and sat up in a tree watching them and listening. They were planning on attacking her town. Said it was easy. She almost laughed, if they only knew what laid inside the town walls they wouldn't be planning such a thing. She smiled and listened, this was getting very interesting.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:51 pm
motherflippinflapjacks says...

This sounds soo cool. I'm doing it.

Name: Claire Whinston

Species: Ghost, fylgia (protective spirit or guardian angel)

Age: 305 (looks 22)

Appearance: Has pale white skin (transparent), grey eyes, full lips, a slim build, and is 5'7". She wears a short white dress embroidered with lace and small white, silk roses. She wears nothing on her feet.

Bio: Was a Fylgia for a young woman who went by the name of Claire in Black River. But when Claire's baby girl died at birth, Claire died of shock and turned into a banshee, leaving her protective spirit (also known as Claire) with nowhere to go. Now the protective spirit roams through the forest and towns of the world that once had a place for her.
"I wonder if Ryan realizes that he's really twelve and a passenger on the Titanic." ~ A loving friend

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Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:52 pm
Knurla says...

Name: Lolita Starling

Species: demon, faerie-like

Age: 200 (looks in her 20's)

Appearance:(Sorry for the pic, I didn't really know how to describe her.)

Bio: Lolita lives in the Realm Of Dreams. She was handed down the responsibility of guarding the dreams, and making sure everything stays in place where it belongs, inside of dreams, not out of them.She recently made her way out of the Realm Of Dreams to experience the other realms after she discovered there was a place where creatures roamed freely outside of the Dreamworld. Now, she is on Earth trying to see new things, things that she could only see in other beings' dreams.

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Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:48 am
ELven-Maiden says...

I'm in!!

Name: Helen

Race: Human, resident of Black River

Age: 15

occupation: Thief

appearance: dark skinned with short black hair and wicked green eyes. Doesn't trust monsters, like most humans, but she admires that they can be so totally different and still get away with such great robberies. Wears all black, with a long black cape. an expensive dagger is hidden in her boot, the one possesion she has from her brother, who, she was told, had been killed by monsters.

History: cared by her brother for as far as she can trace back in her memories, no memory of parents. her brotehr died when she was eight. Hates and fears monsters, and though she'll admire their skill from afar, she'd perfer never to see one.
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:34 am
MadHatter says...

Jack slunk through the trees. The great wall of Black River loomed in the distance, illuminated by the many torches that littered the walls. "Okay, the ghosts, werewolves, and vampires will come with me to raid the town. The rest of you will keep the humans occupied over by the gate. Ready? Let's go." He knew that his plan had flaws, but then again, he was "Jack o' Lantern". Even if they did see him they'd be paralyzed with fear. It was good to have a reputation.

They neared the wall and saw no guards. Jack figured they must be drunk as hell this late at night. He motioned for the ghosts to move ahead and go through the wall to unlock the small door. The door was soon opened and they all quietly walked in.

"Where's the storehouse?" A young vampire asked.

"Near the mayor's house." The vampire just stared at him. "That's in the middle of town."

"Oh..." The found the storehouse easy enough and began to quickly move the supplies out. Jack leapt to the top of the storehouse to check for nosy people who would dare leave their house at one o'clock in the morning. It looked clear, until he spotted several men walking around the North side of the wall. Jack's magicly improved eye sight allowed him to see them in great detail. They wore large brimmed hats and carried plenty of shackles and chains. "Slavers..." His heart skipped a beat when he saw that they were leading a group of Franken-men (zombies).

"Ghouls, we got some captured brethren. Now is not the time to gather, but to fight." They rushed as quietly as they could to the house nearest to the slavers.

"What are we going to do? We can't just run in there! They have weapons." Gragly, his ghost friend, whispered.

"Yes, you don't, but I do." He pulled his scithe out of his cloak. "I'll fight them, and if I get caught, run back to town." Jack pulled his cape over him and dissapeared into the shadows. He glided gently to the men, who were oblivous to the fact that Jack was right in front of them. Quick as a wink he pulled out his scithe and sliced the nearest man's head off."ello gents. I'll be wanting my friends back."

"Oh, will ya' now?" Out of the shadows came at least twenty other men, all armed with guns and shackles. "We saw ya' come in, but we decided that your head be a nice reward. These "friends" of yours ratted you out."

"I hate when this happens." Jack fought bravely, killing several, but in the end he couldn't out do them. He fell to his knees, chained and shackled.

The fattest man, the leader, raised his hands in the air and shouted with the most passion that anyone could ever scream "Rejoice, rejoice! Jack o' Lantern is captured!"
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:35 am
Knurla says...

Hatter, I don't know if you have anything planned, so if this doesn't go right, just PM me and I'll change it.

Lolita had been prancing and playing amongst the top of the great wall surrounding the city, dancing amongst the shadows, when she heard a slight commotion beneath her. The large gate had been opened, and someone was coming inside the city. She blinked for a moment, and grinned devilishly. Chuckling, she sprung herself off the wall, flipping silently to the street below.Silly boys. She thought as she saw the men putting Jack in chains.

Her body formed with the shadows, simply a mist of black amongst the other shadows. She giggled loudly, the men snapping their heads around trying to find the source. Just as they did, she entered ones mind and used the man's hands to grab Jack's scythe and cut free his chains, as well as the Franken-men. She quickly jumped to second man's man, nothing but a mere black shadow, as the first man fell limp from her release. She didn't waste her time on this one, just raided his mind until he collapsed from exhaustion.

Returning to her "human" form, she laughed again, and smiled at Jack. "Go now, before I'm attempted to kill these men and keep their skulls as my trophies."

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:09 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Serra watched the girl set the people free. She laughed softly and walked into the room where they were standing about to leave.

"You do know that leaving this building mean sudden death." She smiled leaning against the wall.

"Then what do you suggest may I ask, and why would you help us." One of them demanded, Serra remembered she looked like a humen. She smiled agian and was almost tempted to let her wings out but she didn't.

"Simple, through the mayor's house." She got serious, "If you are quiet and know what you are doing then you can sneak through a tunnel that was put under his house. He doesn't know it was there. A.... friend that helped build the house put it in there with out his knowledge, and it is easy to get to, but you have to be quiet as to not wake anyone up."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:49 pm
motherflippinflapjacks says...

Claire walked through the dark corridor of crumbling dirt and rotting wood, looking for a sign of light. Something had pulled her under the ground, but she hadn't seen who or what is was. Whatever did it, pulled her down into this tunnel.

She heard faint voices and footsteps above her. Could I be under some building? Claire wasn't sure of where she was supposed to go or if she could even get back above ground. She didn't know what elements were residing in the the dirt around her and if there would be any kind of metal object blocking her way of floating back up through the earth to above ground.

She paced the pitch black tunnel for a moment, contemplating what she should do. Then an idea came to her. She should scream. People should hear her. They heard her when Claire was still alive and human, so why wouldn't they hear her now?

Claire opened her mouth wide and let out a loud, shrill scream. Just as she did this, a loud noise like a door swinging open echoed through the tunnel and she could see a bright light coming from the same direction as the sound.
"I wonder if Ryan realizes that he's really twelve and a passenger on the Titanic." ~ A loving friend

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:02 pm
piepiemann22 says...

(I'm coming in)

Name- Dane.

Age- unknown, but looks 22.

Species- Archangel (Fallen angle)

Appearance- Dark, thick black hair. Grey eyes. Black travel clothes. Dark green cloak. Teeth are slightly serrated, nails a little sharper than normal. A half moon shaped scar on his back white in color. A symbol he as fallen into night. Lost his wings.

Personality- Cold. Not very nice and quiet. He never seems to care and never makes bonds with anyone. He could care less about someone elses problems, but for some reason he's always in situations where he gives aid to others.

History- He can barley remember anything before he fell from heaven. He is bent on finding the reason he was cast out.

Weapon- www.cbswords.com/images/snakeyes.jpg
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:04 am
MadHatter says...

(okay, the Franken-men are evil, but I guess that works.)

Jack smiled at the strange shadow creature that had saved him. "Nice job kid. You got spunk." He looked up and saw the monsters fleeing with a human. As he looked closer he realized that the woman was not human, but what she really was was still hard to say.

"Go." The girl rushed off into the town. Jack nodded and did a running jump unto the wall.

"I'm afraid no one can catch the great Jack o' Lantern. Ta ta for now." He climbed up and over the wall, cackling all the way. When he got to the top of the wall he noticed a strange burning smell. "What the?" Jack noticed strange black smoke rising above the tree tops. "Oh god...Banshees."

Jack rushed into the woods, hoping to get back to the village in time to save his brethren. Banshees hated everything and wouldn't stop until everyone was part of them. "No.." Jack fell to his knee's. The town was totally destroyed. Bodies were strewn everywhere, some not even looking like bodies.

"You couldn't have saved them." Jack whirled around. It was the strange creature from before.

"So you followed me. Did you plan this?" Jack's "eyes" burned with rage. "You knew I was going to rob Black River so you planned the attack. You filthy bitch." Jack raised his scithe.

"NO! I promise I didn't do this! Please, please...I don't even know this world. I'm not from here."
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:24 am
TNCowgirl says...

Serra brought the group out of the tunnel when the rucus stopped. She saw the Jack-o-lantern, at least it looked, like he was about to kill someone. She streaked in front of the girl and shoved him away from her.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" She demanded as his fellow friends formed a circle around them.

"She planned this." He hissed,

"Oh really now?" She demanded, "Banshees don't let anyone talk to them, even if they are being given information. THere was no way this could've been planned or even known." Shivers suddenly ran down her spin. An Archangel Her mind screamed, 'Or a fallen angel' She couldn't pin point where it was but it was around.

The man didn't reply, she didn't care, there was another angel around.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Poetry is the art of creating imaginary gardens with real toads.
— Marianne Moore