
Young Writers Society

This Is the Day That We Die

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Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:59 pm
ELven-Maiden says...

omg, last night, I woke up at like 2 and said, "Omg, that would make a totally awesome Storybook!"

K, basically, there are four medeival countries: the Desert, the Forest, the Sea, and the Mountains. and here's a little description on all: (The colors represent the colors of the country)

The Desert: probably the most skilled open-field fighters, but they have no hope whhen it comes to stealth. They have dark skin and have a very strong sense of honor. If captured, they will try and kill themselves. However, though the Desert is the largest country geographically, it has very few people, and consequentally, a small army. It is ruled by a prince.

The SeaMore of a defensive army than offensive. Not very good at open feild, but they have the best spies and assassins you can have. They control most of the ports, and it's almost impossible for them to run out of supplies. Most of them have blue eyes and blond hair. The smallest country geographically, but a pretty good population. Ruled by a queen.

The Forest: a country that has a lot of fun with war. Mostly consisting of archers (and sometimes sorcerers, but that may just be a well-placed rumor), They enjoy confusing or starving out their enemies before engaging them in battle. They really don't care who wins or loses, and will constantly change alliances depending on which one will be more fun. No sense of loyalty whatsoever. Most of the people have almond-shaped green eyes and olive skin. Ruled by a prince.

The Mountains: These people are rumored to dabble in magic, sometimes dark, and are very skilled in the healing arts. Some countries have Mountain captives to heal for them. They are decently good at open battle, and they have no concept of spies. They depend on wits rather than double-crossers. They get most of their supplies capturing caravans that use the passes. Most of them have very, very dark skin and bright hazel eyes that are almost gold. They have small armies. Ruled by a King.

(Keep in mind that this is a story, not a war documentation. The continent this takes place on is smaller than Australia, so you have a good chance of bumping into other characters. Also, cities are considered neutral ground, so people from other countries are safe in cities, even if they are given dirty looks and charged somewhat more at pubs and inns.)

And, the stupid, stupid rules (head/desk)

1) No god mode, please. It's not fun.

2) Cursing is fine, just don't go overboard. Please. This is pg-13.

3) Blood and gore is great, especially for this story, but don't go overboard on that, either. This is a story, not a war documentation.

4) You can have as many characters as you want, but keep in mind that it's difficult to juggle around fifteen characters.

5) If you want to kill off someone's character, pm them first. But only if they have one other character.

6) Have fun! I will hunt you down if you break this rule...lol


Name: Kenran
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Country: Sea
Occupation: soldier
Appearance: Has short blond hair and green eyes, unlike most people from his country. Average height.
Personality: Can sometimes be bitter. Loves to travel.
Histroy: Peasant, drafted into the war. Has a younger sister he thinks of often.
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:35 pm
Rydia says...

As many characters as we want? Bad move! I think I shall start with two...

Name= Dahlia
Gender= Female
Age= 19
Country= Mountain
Occupation= Healer
Appearance= Dark, chocolate brown skin and raven black hair. She is tall and slender with deep brown eyes.
Personality= Extremely inteligent and very honourable. Dahlia does not agree with or understand the concept of spies or the concepts of double crossing and trickery.
History= She travels with the soldiers healing the wounds they gain in battle.

Name= Luke
Gender= Male
Age= 20
Country= Forest
Occupation= Archer
Appearance= Medium, olive skin and the usual almond shaped green eyes. His hair is a bold red which isn't so common.
Personality= Luke has a great sense of humour and everything is a joke to him. Even the war can be brushed away with a few light hearted comments. Luke is also very unreliable and while he is loyal to his people, he tends to join whichever army is paying the most.
History= He lost his best friend in the war but he tries to forget this and cover it with a smile.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:57 pm
Alice says...

appearence=blond hair, blue eyes, insanely beautiful, a very developed figure.
personality=yearns to be in battle, instead of patching up the wounded. Is secretly trying to find a way to join battle. Loves to talk with her friends, which at the moment are all guys, she doesn't get along with girls very well and perfers Luke's company. She's a very reliable friend, and loyal
History=Was Luke's best friend's little sister.
I just lost the game.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:05 am
ELven-Maiden says...

*Alas, Kitty, I am one of those people who hate limits when it comes to writing. I've warned people about how difficult it is to juggle five or six characters, and I trust their common sense. People on this site may be insane, like me, but they aren't idiots like me. :D*
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:49 am
ELven-Maiden says...

*K, we have to get the story going. Let's see if there's any way for us all to meet....My bro has the fricken computer though. I stole a few moments when he left fo a moment...I'll post as soon as I can. In the meantime, if there's anyone else who wants to post, feel free.*
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:47 am
Rydia says...

I'm certainly insane but I'm not so sure about an idiot. I think the most characters I've tried to control at once would be six and one of those got killed off so I only have five now.


"Good work soldiers, let's get back to the village!" General Cronon called amidst our cries of victory. I turned away from the mound of red-armour clad bodies and surveyed our own casualties. Just two dead to their twenty three. Of course, that was mostly due to the Desert men's lack of stealth through the trees and our excellent archers who elliminated twelve before the battle even began. Then there were the two who killed themselves. Such a shame. It would have been great to be known as the only men to ever capture a desert man alive.

"Luke, you seem to have two good legs. Come and give us a hand with Roger here," Timothy called.

"So you want my hand as well as my legs now?" I chuckled as I took a firm but gentle hold on the injured man. We were a small squad with just seven archers, four foot soldiers and a brilliant general upon his horse which meant that nearly everyone was helping carry a body or a wounded soldier. There were the two dead, (both foot soldiers called Marvin and Slate) the three seriously injured (one other foot soldier called Gavin and two archers known as Roger and Travis) and quite a few with minor injuries including myself.

"Hey Luke, what did you do to your arm?" Elise asked in what, if I had been more ignorant, I might have took for a concerned tone.

"He thought he could fight the soldiers with his bow," Cathy, the final foot soldier, chuckled in a soft, pleasant voice.

"He did?" Elise responded in false surprise.

"Leave that fool alone," Daniel instructed. "That fool saved Gavin's life."

"We know," Cathy sighed rolling her eyes. "We were only teasing."

"Besides," Jamie added, "I think he got hurt on purpose. You watch, as soon as we reach the village, he'll go recount his heroic deed to Amanta and have her bandage that excuse for a cut." This was greeted by a chorus of laughter.

"I don't blame Amanta if she prefers my company to yours and besides, how did you get that lump on your head Jamie?" I asked smugly.

"One of the desert men threw a stone at him," Timothy chuckled.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:52 am
TNCowgirl says...

Name: Aren
Gender: female
Age: 16
Country: Sea
Occupation: spy/assain
Appearance: Long brown hair, sharp blue eyes, tan skin, tough yet skinny build
Personality: Doesn't talk much about herself, skilled in what she does. Is loyal, but will not put up with disloyalty
Histroy: Captian of a ships daughter who was captured several times, she became disquiseing herself and soon became a spy/assiaian for anyone that was in dire need of her service.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
Want a Readers crit???

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:51 pm
Lindsaroo says...

*Oh my gosh! Looks cool. I really can't post at the moment though. Jackie, do you mind if I make a character after I get back from school? I'd love to join.*
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:12 pm
Maybe says...

Woot, i'm in! I too am making two characters, but only because i cant decide between two countries...

Name: Amie
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Country: The Forests
Occupation: Mage archer (will explain in storybook)
Appearance: Blond hair, green eyes, tall, skinny, pretty, and lanky.
Personality: Light Hearted, easy going, fun loving, reckless, careless, and slightly nosy. She is very curious.
History: She keeps her history to herself. She was accepted into the army when he was eighteen and had been practicing archery all her life.
Picture: http://jiuge.deviantart.com/art/charact ... l-55464826

Name: Regina
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: The Mountains
Occupation: Sorcerer/Sorceress/Mage/Magician (Which ever you prefer, they're all the same, basically) of black/dark magic. She practices some 'good' spells, but mostly focuses on the bad stuff.
Appearance: Amazingly pale skin which is extremely rare for her race. Gray eyes, black hair, tall, lanky, and very beautiful.
Personality: Sarcastic and can seem really mean at first, but once you hang out with her a lot she is actually semi-nice. She trusts no one unless they prove themselves to her. She has a witty sense of humor and is very sly and mysterious.
History: Keeps her history to herself. All that is known about her is she was born in the mountains and has a uncanny knack for dark magic.
Picture: http://hakubaikou.deviantart.com/art/pale-woman-3873874
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:13 pm
Writers_Block says...

Name= Silver
Gender= Male
Age= 20
Country= Sea
Occupation= Assassin
Appearance= Pale with blue eyes, but unlike most in his nation longish black hair
Personality= Extremely intelligent and cunning. Willing to do anything to get what he wants. Untrusting.
History= A specially trained assassin who was taught by the best sense age ten. Was not close to anyone.
If you believe in Bartemius, put him in your siggy!: @(^_^)@

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:19 pm
ELven-Maiden says...

*Yes! The computer is mine, all mine! hah! cackles maliciously.

Lindsay, of course you can join! school sucks....grr...

Kitty, I never called you an idiot. If you are able to handle five or six characters, you are very talented! It's hard for me to handle even two. but then, that could just be me...*

Kenran was in the furthest corner of the tent, absently whittling at the white maple block he had found on the ground. He was meaning to carve a bird for his sister, though he really didn't know how he would get it to her. He knew she like the birds. She used to name every bird that came close and be able to tel lit from the others. And then, at night, when she oculd no longer see them, Kenran would make up stories about them.

After a while, he sighed and set it aside, not wanting all those memories at a time like this. Taking up his bag and sneaking out of the tent, he carefully slid through the shadows of the camp. He had become a master of it, so that no one knew when he was gone. He had friends in the Mountains, and he perferred their company to the silent, almost creepy presence of soldiers like him. The challenge was, of course, getting out of the camp undetected. He was no trained assassin; It was impossible to avoid getting caught at least once a month, but he could servive shortened rations for a few days.

He reached into his pack and looked for some coins, so that he owuld be able to bribe whoever caught him, and started towards the peaks in the near distance
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:36 pm
piepiemann22 says...

Can I join?
I will always fight back, no matter what.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:53 pm
Rydia says...

Ah but you implied that trying to handle so many characters was foolish, yes? And at your age I would have agreed. Don't worry if you find it difficult, it certainly is but I like a challenge and there are so many characters in my head just waiting to be released.


I set myself aside from the soldiers in the camp for several reasons. Firstly because they appeared to all be in fowl moods this evening and secondly because I was hoping that some better company would arive and if it - he - did then I wanted to be able to slip away without rousing anyone's suspicions.

"Hey!" A loud voice called out. "Hey, you!"

"Yes?" I responded reluctantly as a broad shouldered man with thick, greasy black hair and rough, wooden skin approached.

"You're a healer, right?" He asked.

"Yes but I'm off duty. If you have an injury go to the sick tent and...."

"It's nothing serious," He cut in. "I have a few cuts is all and I wondered if you could heal them. They make sleeping awfully uncomfortable..." This had been happening for days now. Ever since I took pity on one of the soldiers who wasn't injured enough to be seen before morning, men and women were turning up outside my tent every night.

"Fine," I sighed. "Hold still."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:05 pm
Lindsaroo says...


Name: October
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Country: Desert (Since no one else has done it yet, I thought I would)
Occupation: Soldier, but works directly for the prince.
Personality: Very serious. Very alert. Absolutely hates the prince but works for him because she wants to serve her country.
History: Her whole family was killed. She watched it happen, and that's when she decided to fight, at the age of 6.
"After it happened I thought that I'd just try to live as normally as possible and bury it, but things like that don't stay buried. I didn't think it would, but it taints your whole life."

"My desires were bestial, obviously." -Jeffery Dahmer.

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Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:39 am
Writers_Block says...

"You called me, my queen?" The dark young man cordially asked the queen while slipping into a deep bow.
"Yes... It seemed of taken you a bit longer then usual to get here...Silver."
"I am sorry. Why did you find yourself in need of me?"
"You are on alert. You may go." She put bluntly.
"Very well, my queen." Silver once again sunk into a bow and left the throne room.

Silver walked- then almost strutted out of the castle,gaining back confidence with every step, he liked how he was respected here. Servants bowed and curtsied, he was given the best, and was often given the offer to spent the night here, as was happening now.
"Sir, sir!" A young maid called while running to catch up.
"Yes," he said coming to a halt and facing her.
"The queen was wondering if you would like your suite tonight."
"No, not tonight, fair lady" the words of liquid metal poured smoothly out of his mouth, causing the maid to blush.
"Very well sir!" she eagerly replied.

After exiting the castle walls, it was not a long walk to his apartment, due to the fact that it was in a wealthy part of town.
One block north and one west, walking past beautiful buildings that had to have been made with magic, until he reached the building he lived in. It was five stories high and was black with aquamarine details, he lived on the third story.

Walking up the ebony staircase, Silver had finally realized how tired he was, he had not slept last night, he had started a habit of parting untill dawn. Reaching the third floor he shuffled to his right and opened the dark wood door. Walking into the small entrance hall of his classically decorated apartment he gave a great yawn and started towards his bedchamber.

Taking off his current clothing and changing into a new pair of undergarments he placed himself onto his bed, feeling the fine silk sheets on his skin and thinking Great, an alert. This should be fun.
If you believe in Bartemius, put him in your siggy!: @(^_^)@

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— Hkumar