
Young Writers Society

School of Crazy and Weird People

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:13 pm
sokool15 says...

Hee hee...this is a storybook for all the quirky characters you need to get out of your system. The craziest, the weirdest, the funniest, smartest, dumbest, whatever. Be creative!!!

History: Professor Chumble Chigger was a misfit in his college days, so he decided to start a school for misfits.

Rules: there are no rules. Well, except the usual, no killing off each other's characters, no God-figures, etc. But other than that, all ages of students are accepted into the school, all cultures, there can be magic if you want, or not...whatever. It's just for fun!

So here's my character (I used her in a novel, but I like her, so hey!)

Nancy Nimbleheimer

Hair: crazy, wild, corkscrewed, and bright red

Height: short

Age: 15

History: Orphan, lived with relatives until they threw her out.

Skills: acrobat, worked at a circus briefly until they threw her out

Personality: extremely outgoing and forcefully happy all the time, but nobody likes her because they all think she's crazy (which she is) so she spends her time being forcefully happy and talking to herself.

Weird quirks: Thinks that it's her destiny to conquer the world.


No time to write a scene right now, but I will return soon! Please add! It'll be crazy fun!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:06 pm
Maybe says...

I'm In! This looks fun!

Name: Apis

Nickname: Hornet/Bumblebee

Age: 13 1/2

Gender: Female

Weight: 115

Height: 5' 5"

Appearance: Shoulder length hair that she is constantly dying a different color. Bright green eyes and a crooked smile. Will occasionally be seen carrying a staff topped with a skull and sometimes wears a hat.

Picture(s): http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/945 ... e%3A5&qo=5
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/226 ... %3A5&qo=33
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/380 ... %3A5&qo=38
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/223 ... %3A5&qo=45

Personality: A sly, mischievous young girl that loves playing tricks. She is not afraid of breaking the rules and has a wild spirit. She is curious, slightly sarcastic, witty, independent, quick witted, and observant. She is popular, but doesn't let it get to her head.

Position/Status/Class: Punk/trickster

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, writing, playing tricks on people, joking around, goofing off, breaking the rules, playing her guitar, and pulling pranks on the teachers.

History: Apis had a pretty normal life until her twelfth birthday. A few days after July tenth, her house caught fire, killing her mother. Her father is still in the hospital and has little hope of ever leaving. Now Apis and her younger brother, Aarok, who is nine, are boarding at the school.

Abilities/Talents: Apis can do a bit of magic which she uses in most of her pranks. She will occasionally cast a spell for the amusement of all around her. She is flexible and is a great gymnast. She is very creative and out-going (and honestly, pretty random too) and puts a lot of that into her drawings and writing.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:19 pm
sokool15 says...

Nancy Nimble heimer strode forward through the halls, one sturdy, pink-clad leg planting itself in front of the other. A broad grin covered her face and she swung her pink book bag from one hand.

"What's happening today? I don't know. What can I do? I'm not bored. Let's have a party," Nancy chanted to herself, and gave a little skip.

"Yes, a party! We can invite all the hedgehogs." She stopped and gasped. "Do you think perhaps the hedgehogs would like to help me conquer the world?" She dropped her voice abruptly. "Shh! Not so loud!"

"What are you doing?" asked a voice behind her.

Nancy whirled abruptly, clutching her book bag to her chest, a broad grin covering her face. "Oh, I'm having a party."

The guy in front of her was tall, and she had to strain to get a good look at his face, which bore a twisted, sarcastic smile. "Am I invited?" he asked, reaching forward and giving her a little shove.

Nancy stumbled slightly, then straightened herself and looked up at him, her forceful grin still in place. "Well, of course! I said all the hedgehogs were invited, but I suppose the pigs can come too."

The boy's face was blank for a moment, and he stared down at her, stunned. She grinned cheerily at him, waved, and began skipping off again. "What a very nasty boy! Perhaps he shan't come anyway. Even if he is a pig. I think I'm going to the bathroom. The mirror likes me. The mirror always smiles at me."

She skipped brightly down the hall, her hair bobbing above her head in a crazy sunrise.

Okay, Dark Magik...let's see what your character's up to!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:18 pm
Maybe says...


Apis stalked the corridors of the school, thinking blissfully of the Christmas break that would soon be approaching.

No more classes for two weeks. What could be better? she asked herself, hands behind her head. Today her hair was a dirty blond color in its normal pigtails. She walked with easy, measured strides, not rushing getting to her next class, with more than one boy turning his head as she passed.

She turned down a branching hallway, heading for the bathrooms. Her mischievous, crooked smile played on her lips as she spotted Mrs. Hemlic across the hall from the bathrooms. She casually approached the history teacher and touched her shoulder. The teacher turned and cringed.

"Yes, Apis?" Mrs. Hemlic asked in her kindest voice, forcing the words out.

"Do you know where Miy Monm is?" Apis asked.

"Miy Monm?" the teacher repeated to roaring laughter by the students nearby. "Haha, very funny. My mom..." Mrs. Hemlic muttered as she walked away, shaking her head. Apis turned to the students now watching her with admiration and bowed dramatically. They laughed.

Apis turned and entered the bathrooms. At first glance, the room seemed empty but then a voice said, "Yes, we shall have a party and invite all the hedgehogs and pigs, but not that nasty boy back there in the hall."

"Hey Nancy." Apis said, approaching the sinks. Nancy glanced up.

"Oh, hello."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:43 pm
sokool15 says...

Nancy glanced up and saw that girl...what was her name? Oh, yes, Ape...coming towards her. Nancy's grin almost split her face.

"Hello, Ape! I'm having a party, do you want to come? It was at first just going to be hedgehogs and pigs, but I think I'm going to open it to all animals."

The girl looked at her, green eyes mildly amused. "I'm Apis, Nancy, not Ape. But I guess I could come. Who else is coming?"

Nancy looked around, then leaned in closer. "Promise not to tell? Well, I think the hedgehogs are going to help me conquer the world!"

Nancy straightened abruptly and threw out her arms happily, watching Apis carefully. The girl's eyes began sparkling with mischief.

"Hedgehogs, you say? How are you going to get those?"

Nancy shrugged. "That's a trifle. I have a lot of connections in the animal kingdom. Where and when?"

Apis frowned and stroked her chin. "Well, it might be best if we have it in Mrs. Anders's classroom tomorrow. We have history together, so that would be convenient."

Nancy nodded her red head happily. "Okay. I'll bring the hedgehogs, and you can bring..." she stopped uncertainly.

Apis hastily supplied the rest of the sentence, "I'll bring my friend's pet monkey. Oh, and is it all right if I bring a skunk, too?"

Nancy grinned in delight. "Of course!"

With that settled, she skipped out of the bathroom and down the corridor, chanting, "Hedgehogs, monkeys and skunks, oh my!" She hadn't actually thought about how to get the animals into the classroom yet, but she was sure it would be easy.

As she went down the corridor, she ignored how the other students parted in front of her like water before the staff of Moses. All the other students didn't want to be seen with Nancy Nimbleheimer, no sir. There was a girl wearing see-through clothing and had a frog on her head...Nancy thought that was weird, yet the girl was surrounded by friends. Another girl was holding hands with a boy that had two noses. How weird was that?

Nancy smiled happily at all the students who avoided her, pretending that they were all just in a hurry, and not actually getting out of her way. Swinging her books around her head, she finally reached the door that went outside. Breathing a sigh of relief, she vaulted out the door and did a flip in the air, landing at the bottom of the steps below. Holding out her arms, she bowed, then headed forward towards the large empty trampoline at the end of the soccer field. A perfect place to practice tricks.

Sorry, hope I didn't mess with your character too much! This would be easier if there were more people involved...maybe i'll introduce another character myself.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Tue Aug 14, 2007 3:43 am
Bella says...

Height~Fairly tall
Hair~Down to knees, with bubblegum pink highlights. brown.
random~doesn't have much history, has always lived at the school (was left there as a child). Never met her parents, doesn't care. Believes she has no destiny, and will die alone.


Luna sat down in the middle of the soccor field and pulled out her notebook. She had the sudden urge to sketch, and didn't care who saw her. She began drawing a random person, when someone tripped over her.

"Ouch," the girl with wild red hair exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Luna exclaimed, jumping up and runnnig to the girls side.

"Um...yeah. Why are you tlaking to me?"

"Because you just tripped over me, and I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt?"

"Don't you know who I am?"

"You're Nancy."

"Yeah. Don't you pay attention to rumors?"

"Yup, but I tend to blow them off after hearing them. If you payed attention to rumors, you wouldn't be speaking to me either. What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I want to practice my tricks," Nancy explained, walking towards the trampoline.

"Can you teach me something?"
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:15 am
sokool15 says...

Nancy blinked at the girl...how strange to be talking to someone. Nancy knew that Apis talked to her because she liked to stir up trouble and thought Nancy was a perfect scapegoat, but this girl...

"You want to learn tricks?" asked Nancy confusedly. "What's your name?"

"I'm Luna," replied the other girl shyly.

Nancy grinned broadly, holding out one tiny, strong hand. "I'm Nancy. But you knew that. Did you know that I'm Nancy Nimbleheimer? My names both start with the same letter."

The other girl's face was slowly covered with a smile and she shook Nancy outstretched hand. "Pleased to meet you, Nancy Nimbleheimer. Now, can you teach me some tricks?"

Nancy grinned again, cracking her knuckles. "Sure," she said happily. She skipped forward and kicked off her shoes and bright pink knee-high stockings. Vaulting up onto the trampoline, she bounced several times, her light body barely making a dent on the trampoline as she was lifted high into the air. She started with several gentle front-flips, a simple warm-up trick.

Then she started a flurry of other movements, sideways, backwards, jumping high into the air and doing a triple backflip, cartwheels, one after the other around the edge of the entire trampoline. She ended by cartwheeling to the center of the trampoline, flipping herself high into the air, curling in the air, and landing in a split, lightly bouncing on the trampoline.

She heard clapping behind her and twisted on the trampoline, still in the split, to see Luna standing, grinning broadly and clapping, her sketchboard tucked underneath her arm. Behind her there stood a boy with light brown, slightly wavy hair and dark brown, almost black eyes, whose mouth had dropped open. Nancy grinned, lifted her body in the air and swiveled herself around, still remaining in the split.

Pointing at the boy behind Luna, she clapped happily. "I'm Nancy Nimbleheimer, and that's Luna. Who are you?"

Luna looked bewildered for a moment, then uttered a muffled squeak of surprise as the brown-haired bow walked out in front of her and bowed.

"I'm Jack, Jack Springer. Sorry to startle you, Luna, but that was...that was amazing."
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:18 am
Bella says...

"She's really good..." Luna agreed, still slightly shocked. Not only was she shocked by Nancy's amazing trick, but also by the Jack, and the way he acted towards her. Never in her life had a boy bowed to her...wow. He was cute too...but, she expected, he would either take interest in Nancy immediatly, or he would just become a semi-decent friend.

"Your turn Luna," Nancy said, jumping off of the trampoline and landing, with grace, on the grass.

"Um...ok. I don't know much though; I've jumped on this a lot when no one else is around, so I guess I'll try." Luna, feeling very awkward about jumping in front of others, climbed up onto the trampoline.

Luna started jumping, getting the feel for it again. She loved the way the wind rushed around her. She closed her eyes, remembering every twist and turn Nancy had performed. Luna smiled, and started with the same few front flips. Then she continued, doing hte same routine Nancy had to the best of her capability.

"You did the same thing!" Jack said in awe when Luna had finished.

"What did you expect me to teach you?" Nancy asked, clapping.

"That's the thing, I don't actually need taught. If I see someone do something, I can do the same thing, almost exactly as well. That wasn't perfect though; i'm not nearly as graceful as you." As if to prove this point, Luna leaped off of the trampoline, hoping to land on her feet. She did, but lost her balance immediatly, and fell. Luckily, she fell foreward, into Jack, who caught her.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:49 pm
sokool15 says...

Nancy laughed, shaking her head.

"I've given lessons before, but not so successfully," she said, clapping her hands.

Jack was holding Luna's shoulders, helping her balance. Nancy looked at Luna and noticed the way her eyes were fixed on Jack's face.

"Luna," she said abruptly. "You know that party? Tomorrow? Jack should come too!"

Luna blinked and pulled away from Jack, looking a little disconcerted. "Yeah, that's a great idea, Nancy," she said. Nancy could tell by her tone of voice that she wasn't enthusiastic about it.

"Come on," Nancy said, climbing back up onto the trampoline. "I'll jump down gracefully without stumbling, and then you jump down. You can do it if I can, right?"

Luna watched Nancy as the red-haired girl climbed up and leapt down again, lightly landing on her toes. Nancy turned and watched as Luna followed suit, every gesture perfectly graceful.

"Goodness," said Jack, grinning. "You two are a perfect team. Luna, I'm somewhat of an artist, and I'm good at music...does your talent work for those areas as well?"
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:24 pm
Rydia says...

Looks interesting!

Name= Damian
Nichname= Daemon or Demon
Gender= Female
Age= 16
Hair= Long, silky, black.
Eyes= A very pale blue, practically white
Skin= As pale as ivory and as smooth.
Figure= Small and slim. She looks rather delictae and graceful but also very fragile.
Personality= She's very distant and never looks directly at the person she is talking to or anyone in fact. Other than that, she collects things. Namely jewels, ornaments, people's hair, dolls, pins... ah. Perhaps you'll have to wait and see, yes?
History= Her parents desperately wanted a boy hence the name and died in a slightly suspicious accident about five years ago.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:36 am
seeminglymeaningless says...

Name= Cayman
Gender= Male
Age= 16
Hair= Green
Eyes= Brown
Skin= Black - American/African descent
Figure= Tall, skinny.
Personality= Dark. Pessimistic.



Cayman watched the two imbeciles jump up and down on the trampoline. Fools. He waited for one of the to fall and break their necks.

Apis walked by, and she nodded at Cayman. Cayman nodded back. Here he was accepted. Strange that.

He watched as the one with bright red hair fell into the arms of Jack. Cayman's fists clenched. Maybe he could bash up that dork at Nancy's "party" - the girl had invited him, after all.

Cayman scratched his chin, he still hadn't quite figured out what Nancy had meant when she said pigs were invited too.
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:34 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Name: Adrianne Perdue

Nickname: Adri

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Weight: 125

Height: 5' 8"

Appearance: Waist length blonde hair with red and brown (natural) highlights. Blue-grey eyes.

Personality: A quiet, calm girl. She rarely talks until she knows she can trust you. If she's alone - especially in a big room - she'll just start to sing opera.

Position/Status/Class: unknown

Hobbies: reading, drawing, writing, singing (especially opera)

History: Adri is a shapeshifter. She had always been considered odd in her family until her twelfth birthday, when everyone discovered what she was. Now, she lives in an apartment, on her own, and keeps to herself, afraid she'll be pushed aside again.

Abilities/Talents: Adri can turn into whatever thing she wants - wolf, horse, bird, dragon, you name it - as well as use telepathy: she can read minds, control minds, and control animate/inanimate objects easily. She is also an artist and a singer. As far as she knows - just by talking to other students involved in vocal music - she is the highest soprano in the building.
Last edited by AyumiGosu17 on Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:58 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

**To save everyone the trouble, I'll be putting the translations to my arias in italics and parantheses, 'kay?**


I stood there. Just me.


But I was used to the solitude. My life was nothing but loneliness, which I had grown used to. It didn't bother me anymore; I actually accepted solitude over company easier, nowadays.

And here I was, standing in the center of the stage in the auditorium, just me, myself, and I. No one else was around.

It was just me.

I opened my mouth, as if to speak, as I closed my eyes.

"Amarilli...mia bella..." (Amaryllis, my beautiful one...)

The tune carried, echoed off the cinderblock walls, the carpeted and hardwood floors, the wood doors at the entrances. My melody bounced off of everything, the high pitches filling my being and reviving my spirit as I sang.

"Non credio del mio cor...dolce desio...d'esser tu, lamor mi o?" (Do you not believe my heart's sweet, sweet desire, that you are my love?)

For once, on those rare occassions, I was happy just to sing my opera; opera in keys higher than the original scores.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:08 am
sokool15 says...

Yay! I'm so glad to see this old thread revived. A toast to old friends! *drags Nancy Nimbleheimer back out of the closet*


Nancy straightened abruptly, all traces of her happy grin wiped off her face. She cocked her head to the side, bright red eyebrows wrinkled.

"What's wrong, weirdo? Do you hear the mothership calling?" Jack and Luna looked up at the new voice to see a tall guy walking towards them.

Nancy frowned and shook her head. "No, it's...something else. Something new. Something I've never..." her voice trailed off and she doubled over, clutching her stomach, face twisted in a grimace of pain.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Luna rushed forward, putting a gentle hand on Nancy's forehead.

"The notes! The sound...cutting me, twisting..." Nancy cried out in pain, writhing on the ground.

The tall guy was watching, a bored look on his face. "I must admit, I'm not a big fan of opera myself, but I've never seen anyone react like that."

Jack frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Just listen," said the tall boy.

Jack was silent for a moment, and in the silence he heard beautiful, clear notes coming from the auditorium, soaring through the air like pure white doves, each note as delicate as chrystal. He felt goosebumps rising on his arm. Who had a voice like that here?

Nancy was lying still on the ground now, face set, only the occasional convulsion telling she was still conscious.

Why would such beauty be affecting her in such a terrible way?
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:13 am
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seeminglymeaningless says...

*** I'm glad you created this, Ma'am Kool, it's fun to write, and Nancy's a ball***


Cayman watched Nacy writhe on the ground, a small smile of satisfaction curling the corners of his mouth.

Jack turned to the tall black youth, "Should we do something?"

Cayman shrugged.

By then Luna had given up her post by Nancy's side, "I'm going to go get a Proffessor, come with me, Jack?"

Jack's open face made Luna lightheaded at asking such a stupid question, "Never-nev-never mind." She stammered.

"No." Jack caught her arm, "I want to go with you. . . I guess Nacy will be alright with Cayman."

Luna looked up at the greenheaded boy with apprehension, "Maybe you should stay."

Cayman snorted and lied, "I'm not gunna rape her, if you're worried - she ain't my type."

This reassured neither of them one bit.

Nacy convulsed again, as if reminding them of her presence.

Jack and Luna took off, heading across the oval to the school's sick bay which was situated at the back of the Academy.

Nancy's red hair had leaves in it.

His fingers itching to take them out of her hair, he pretended not to care, and stood guard over her. His shadow dark and omnious across her small body.

The opera music still swirled through the air, and Cayman gritted his teeth against it, his face resuming it's natural look of bored cruelty. The way it belonged.
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.
— J.K. Rowling