
Young Writers Society

The Loyals

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:11 am
Maybe says...

ok, another fantasy SB. Same rules as any other one.

Name: Eliera
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Light brown, wavy hair and green eyes. Slight in build and very graceful. Is surprisingly strong both physically and mentally.
Personality: Somewhat sarcastic and very stubborn. Has a slight temper but is also very understanding. Pays close attention to details.
History: Her father died mysteriously when she was five. Grew up with her mother living in the forest. She studied the arcane arts under the guidence of Asha, an old mage who died recently. Her mother died when she was fifteen, from the plague. She is now looking for who killed her father.
Abilities: Is a very skilled mage and a expert woodswoman. Is also good with both bow and sword. Is a somewhat skilled healer. Has the grace and stealth skills of the elves.
Weapons: Bow, Sword, Two daggers, and magic
Other: Keeps to herself alot.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:38 am
Maybe says...

Sixteen years before...

"And now, may i present..." the assistant hesitated, reading the name off the scroll. "Remas of Nozox."

On que, the mage stepped into the dimly lit, dome shaped room. He bowed to the older mages sitting opposite.

"What i wish to demonstrate to you today is a spell i am confident no other apprentice has yet to preform here. If i may begin?" Remas asked, his clear, strong voice echoing in the room.

The head mage nodded for Remas to proceed. Remas pushed the sleeves of his robes up around his elbows and began drawing complex shapes in the air and muttering the correct words and phrases in the magical language for his spell.

He spread his arms wide and tilted his head back until he gazed at the rounded ceiling hundreds of feet above him. His pale blue eyes closed and he exhaled deeply, feeling the magic bubble and simmer inside him.

But something was wrong. The magic that was supposed to grow inside him until released, was disappearing. Instead of feeling the warmth of magic course through him, he felt coldness seep into his bones, making him shiver involuntarily. His eyes flew open as he searched for an explanation.

Then he knew. His eyes slowly met those of the head mage.

A fiery pain blossomed inside him, bringing him to his knees. He looked up with horror filled eyes to see the head mage looming over him, the grey eyes staring into his own.

The pain intensified. His whole body burned. Remas let out a scream, only to have it cut short by blood flowing from his mouth. He tried to get a breath, but the pain was too much and his mouth was filled with blood. His lungs burned for air. Dimly, he heard laughter above him. The mocking laughter of the head mage and the eerie chuckle of the other important mages.

Remas lay with his cheek on the cold stone floor, writhering in agony. He couched up blood and let it run from his mouth as he screamed. The pain never creased, but somehow seemed to only get worse. The knowledge that he was going to die only fed the fear and pain. It now felyt as though someone was piercing him with white hot swords, continuously.

As he lay in a puddle of his own blood, Remas thought of those he loved, those he would never see again. He screamed in anger, fear, pain, and frustration. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he thought of his daughter, not even six years old, who would never see her father again.

Remas screamed, unendedly, as he would scream for all time, it seemed. Then, with one final breath let out, it ended. Darkness enveolped Remas of Nozox and his screams melted away into nothingness.

But, this was only the beginning.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:56 pm
ELven-Maiden says...

ooh! sounds cool!!

Name: Hendrea
Age: 17
race: human
gender: female
appearance: long, dark hair and narrow green eyes. Her skin is olive-colored. She usually wears a white cloak when working in the oracle, but she dresses differently when she goes out. she carries a slight dagger, but doesn't carry any other weapons.
history: she has a little magic ability from her father, who was a seer. Her mother was already dead from the birth of her younger brother, who died shortly after. Since her father, she's been trying to run the oracle herself, but business has been failing miserably, and she's not that good of a seer. she's getting better, though.
Personality: She used to be a lughing young girl, but she doesn't have time for that now. She is now a serious young woman trying to make a living.

Hendrea sighed and pushed back a lock of hair from her eyes, staring hard into the marble well. She whispered a few phrases of the magic language and raised her fist over the inky-black liquid, slowly letting the mandrake powder dribble from her fingers.

She breathed deeply, closing her eyes, to call up the little trickle of magic inside of her. She slowly let her breath out and stared intently into the oracle.


Fighting down a surge of panic, Hendrea got another fistful of mandrake and gazed thoughtfully into the inky-black water of the well. Perhaps if she asked a different question...

Muttering another few phrases, she repeated the procedure, simutaneously sending a quick prayer that it would work. after a moment, she let our her breath and gazed into the water as if in a trance.

Finally, she saw high, snow-peaked mountains, with a small river weaving between two peaks. but, just as quickly as it had come, the scene vanished.

Hendrea smiled and stood up, brushing dust off her knees. Her father had told her that sometimes the oracle speaks to her symbolically, other times literally. She could hardly tell the difference, but she couldn't decipher the riddle in the two peaks, so she stepped outside the small, temple-like hut and smiled at her customer.

"I wasn't able to see if your son was safe," she started as the man rose from a bench. "But I can tell you where to find him."

Briefly, she told him about the two mountains and offered him a map, which he studied gratfully. when he was done, he dropped a few coins into her hand and left.

Hendrea sighed and sat on one of the benches. there was nothing left for her to do except wait for her next customer.
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:34 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera sat on the bank of a river, brushing the water with her bare toes. She stared at her reflection and absently bushed her hair behind her ears. A small crab scuttled past her feet and she watched as it swam by. She smiled and pulled her boots back on, looking around. She spotted the path and walked through the bush toward it.

Emerging onto the path, Eliera ran along it, following its familiar twists and turns until she came up to a small log cabin, nearly swallowed up by the vines and bush. She opened the door and stepped inside, lighting the lantern hanging from the ceiling.

Eliera collapsed on the small chair next to the door. She looked around the house and smiled, reveling in past memories. But darker memories, memories of plague and death, came and banished the happier moments in her life. Eliera stiffened her resolve and picked up her pack, discarded on the dirty floor.

She moved slowly around the house, picking up things she would need or special possessions she held dear. When she was done, she took a waterskin down to the well and filled it up, taking a few sips for herself now.

When she was done, she walked back into the house one last time and sighed. She brushed her hands over the walls as she moved to the bedroom she and her mother used to share. She stopped in the doorway, too consumed with sadness to go on. She turned from the room and exited the house. Turning around, she cast a tiny fireball into the house, watching it go up into flames. She turned again, away from the home she had lived in for her whole life, and started down the path.

Eliera, almost in tears, whistled once. A slight rustle in the bush and a small wolf cub came rumbling out, looking at her with its large, brown eyes. She picked the cub up and burried her face in its soft fur.

When she had shed the last tear, she set the cub down and set off down the trail again. The cub followed her, trotting along beside her like a puppy. She smiled warily down at it and quickened her pace.

She needed to get to Jamerli, to see the oracle.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Reviews: 52
Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:58 pm
ELven-Maiden says...

Hendrea sighed and picked up a broom, sweeping the floor around the waiting area. It was almost evening, when she would lock down the oracle for the night, and she had only had three customers! She remembered when her father used to run it, when is was so full that she could hardly hear herself think over all the chatter. But now the bristles of the broom echoed around the empty room, a scracthing noise that ran a shudder up Henrea's spine. She missed having people to talk to as she did her chores, and laughing with the others as she sat, breathless at their exageratted tales.

She finished her task, lost deep in her thoughts, and started to lock down for the night.
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:06 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera walked down the wooded path. Occasionally she would glance to the side, but usually kept her gaze on her feet, kicking up dust and scuffing her heels. The wolf cub plodded along next to her. She had found the cub about a month ago, starving, wandering around the woods. Now, the cub thought of her as its mother, and followed her everywhere.

Jamerli was about a weeks walk away from Eliera's home. Luckily, she could teleport there in about ten seconds, but she enjoyed the company of herself and the cub, so she resisted the temptation. For now, she just wanted to walk. Later, she would teleport.

She sat down on the side of the trail. The cub came and sat next to her and she ruffled its fur. The cub gave a playful yelp and lept on top of her. Eliera laughed, forgetting her sorrows for a brief moment. The cub nuzzled its self into Eliera's stomach. She pulled it off her and set it next to her.

A snap of a twig a few feet behind her brought Eliera to her feet. She spun around and saw a man, dressed in a dark green shirt and black pants. He had a dagger.

"Who are you?" Eliera demanded. The cub came up and stood next to her, baring its teeth. Eliera shoved it behind her. She couldnt bare to see it killed, not like...

"Who are you?" she demanded again. The man held the dagger higher.

"It doesnt matter." the man said, taking a step closer. Eliera held her ground.

"What?" the man taunted. "You not scared?"

"Should i be?" Eliera asked casually. She herself took a step forward, hips swaying dangerously.

The man looked from side to side nervously. Then he stiffened and looked back at her. He quickly closed the distance between them.

Eliera still held her ground and watched the man approach. He held the dagger by his side, apparently finding no use for it. Besides, she was just a young woman.

The man stepped in front of her, only inches away. Eliera could feel his breath on her head and neck and curled her lip back in disgust, but the man didnt see it. He was too busy wrapping his arms around her and grabbing her bottom. Eliera sneered and brought out her own dagger. The sunlight caught it, making it glint dangerously.

"Get away." Eliera demanded. The man didnt move, but drew her closer to him. He began to kiss her neck and Eliera pretended to enjoy it, then plunged the dagger into the mans gut. He went down with a thud.

Eliera whiped the blood off her dagger on he mans shirt and motioned for the cub to follow her. She moved a short distance from the body and scooped the cub up in her arms. She said a word, and the two were instantly whisked away.

Scenes flew by them and within a few short seconds, they were standing on the steps leading up to the temple that held the oracle.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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141 Reviews

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Reviews: 141
Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:19 pm
Firestalker says...

Remember me D.M

This is not what i call a perfect character but check it out?


Name - Zander
Age - 18
Race - Shape shifter
Gender - Male
Appearance - wears a black cloak and mask so the face of body is not seen.
Bio - Unknown
Weapons - swords, bow, more
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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124 Reviews

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:17 pm
Saphira says...

This seems really god so thought i would join.

Name: Alaura
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black hair and eyes. Small build but very strong and athletic.
Personality: She is very clever and good at assessing situations. Although she is shy she is never afraid to ask questions.
History: She never knew her mother and grew up with her father in Jamerli. He taught her how to fight and how to pickpocket someone. Two years ago he was murdered by a beggar and she has been living in an Inn near the temple and has been stealing so she can eat and search for a mage mentor.
Abilities: Has some experience as a mage but is looking for someone to show her the advance arts. Good with a bow and very resourceful and can use almost anything as a weapon. An accomplished thief and pickpocket.
Weapons: Bow, Dagger, small fighting stick, magic.

Alaura ran to the side of the Temple and hugged the wall, slinking in the shadows, checking for guards. Moments ago she had seen a woman appear on the temple steps. She had turned almost straight away and headed into the Temple. Alaura had been looking for someone like that woman, someone who could teach her the advance magical arts. She couldn’t just walk into the temple though. She had tried to see the oracle many times to find out how her Father had been murdered but had been refused entry. Little did they know that she had been in the Temple many times before looking for things to sell.

She turned around and ran to the back of the temple. When she had reached the high back wall she chucked a grapple over the edge and checked that it was secure. Checking that there were no guards about she started to climb up the side of the building to the roof. When she reached it she pulled the grapple and rope over the wall and hid it near the edge. She reached into her pocket and drew a small, thin pin and placed it in the door. She smiled to her self as she heard the satisfying click that told her she had opened the lock. She stepped through and moved down one of the many corridors of the Temple. Alaura knew she could have used magic to open the door and break in but magic was the one thing nobody knew she had and she couldn’t risk anyone finding out. If they found out she would be arrested and they would want to know where she learnt it and he wasn’t about to tell anyone that. Also, it was much more fun breaking in the old fashioned way.

As she neared the end of the corridor she looked around and signed. Now all she had to do was find the woman without getting caught.
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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116 Reviews

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:12 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera walked into the Temple and and quickened her pace, heading directly towards the Oracle. Her mother had brought her here once, wanting to see the Oracle about her crops and medicine, now Eliera was here to see about her fathers death. *her father, btw, was Remas, from my first post. That was his death. In case it was unclear*

She quickened her pace, wanting to get there as soon as possible. She had no doubt she would get stopped by at least one guard, but nothing a little magic couldnt take care of. She heard light footsteps in the hallway she had just passed, but thought nothing of it. It was most likely a assistant of possible a guard. She didnt care about either.

Eliera turned a corner and almost ran down a guard. She stepped back and unconciously pulled her hair behind her ear, while getting ready to cast a spell. The guard looked down at her.

"What do you want?" he asked gruffly. He looked behind her to see if she was alone.

"Nothing." she said. The guard opened his mouth to say she had to leave, but Eliera cast her spell. The guard was frozen, unable to move at all. Eliera cast another quick spell to make sure the guard would not remember seeing her. She trotted down the hallway, not bothering to look back.

Again, she heard soft footsteps, this time closer. She turned to look and saw another girl, younger than herself, following her. Eliera turned around to confront the girl.

"What?" she asked irritably.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:00 pm
Saphira says...

'You heard me?' Alaura was shocked. No one had ever heard her sneak up on them before, that is one of the reasons she was so successful.

'Ofcourse i heard you! What do you want?' The woman asked stepping back. Alaura felt something change and knew that she was about to use magic. Before Alaura could say anything she heard footsteps coming along the passage ahead of them.

'Guard!' she hissed and grabbed hold of the woman's wrist and pulled her through a nearby doorway. Thay both crouched in darkness as they heard the guard approach. When he saw the guard he cursed and called for assistance. When the guard had been moved he ordered a search of the Temple and then they were gone. No one looked in the small room Alaura and the woman were.They had listened to this in silence but the woman now turned to Alaura suspicion clear in her eyes.

'Who are you and why did you help me?'

Alaura sighed and turned to the woman.

'My name is Alaura. As for who i am, i won't tell you, not yet. I saw you appear on the steps outside and i am looking for a mage who can show me the ropes. I need to find out how my Father was murdered.'

'That makes two of us' she mumbled. The woman looked up and stared at Alaura in silence for a few minutes.

'My name is Eliera. I don't know if i can help you with magic, it takes time to think about something like that.' the woman said looking out of a small crack in the door, 'But would you be able to get me to the oracle?'

Alaura smiled and turned to the door.

'All you had to do was ask!'
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 8:06 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera followed Alaura through the Temple, sometimes slipping into a dark doorway when they heard a guard. Their progress was slow, but they eventually made it.

"This is it?" Eliera asked incrediously.

"Yep." Alaura said, looking around for guards.

"Well...its a bit less than i expected, but i guess thats a good thing. Less guards to worry about." Eliera said, also looking around.

"Guard!" Alaura said and they scrambled into a dark corner. The guard passed through one doorway and out another, never seeing the women. They sighed in relief.

"Lets get this over with, before we're caught." Eliera said. She stood in front of the Oracle. "Now what?"

"Here." Alaura said, handing her some sand. "Pour this down the well there, and look into the water. Ask your question, and it will answer."

fiish later
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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52 Reviews

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Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:48 pm
ELven-Maiden says...

Hendrea heard whispered voices in the oracle room and crept thorugh the short halway from her room. She saw two shapes, crouched in fron of the marble well.

"What are you two doing here?" she hissed. The shapes whirled.

"Asking the oracle a question," answered one of them.

Hendrea started to tell them that the oracle was closed for the night, but she heard footsteps of a coming guard, and the two figures quickly hid behind a column in the room.

The guard burst through the door and gave her an ugly glare. "What are you doing here so late at night?"

"I heard voices," Hendrea replied casually.

This seemed to excite the guard. "Where?"

Hendrea started to tell him about the two figures, but decided against it. "They came from the oracle," she said mysteriously. "Sometimes, Fate decides that what she has to say is just too important to wait for me to find out." She heaved a sigh and ran her hand thoughtfully over the rim of the marble well. "It only has happened a few time before, and always, someone has died within the hour..." She stopped suddenly and cocked her head, as if listening. "And Fate speaks again..."

"I don't hear anything," The guard said tersly, though Hendrea could hear the fear in his voice.

"ooh, bad sign," Hendrea said fearfully. "You cannot hear her speaking....She may mean your death."

the guard took a step back and spat at her feet. "Witch!" He snarled. "You shouldn't even be in this temple!" and with that he hurried out.

Hendrea allowed herself a good laugh when she was sure he was out of earshot. "I've always wanted to do that," she said over her shoulder, where the two figures were hiding. "But I've never had the oppurtunity. I doubt any guard will be here for a few days." She turned and stared hard into the shadows. "But I need a good reason why you two are running from them, or I'll turn you both in."
Give me time, i'll crit your work XD I promise.
I have some IA on Venus, but I don't know how long it'll last. my com's getting crushed.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."~Carl Jung, psychologist and psychiatrist.

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:27 am
Maybe says...

Eliera stepped confidently out from behind the pillar.

"We're looking for who killed our fathers. We came to ask the oracle." she said, looking the strange woman in the eyes.

"Ah. And you are...sisters?" the woman asked.

Eliera and Alaura exchanged looks. "No." they both said at once.

The woman laughed. "Alright, i suppose you may see the Oracle. But, i will not be held responsible if you are caught."

"You probably will be anyway." Eliera pointed out, casting a knowingful glace to the door the guard had just exited. The woman sighed and agreed she probably would be.

Eliera let Alaura go first. She was nervous and anxious to see who had killed her father. Once she knew, she would hunt them down and kill them, even if it meant she would die. As long as they died with her.

It took Alaura almost a half an hour to consult the Oracle. When she stepped back, her eyes were wide and frightened. She stepped back into the shadows and let Eliera walk forward.

Eliera stepped up to the marble well. She took her sand, dribbled it into the well, and asked her question. She stared intently into the murky black water and waited. She didnt have to wait long.

Eliera both heard and saw her fathers death, sixteen years before. He looked young, no more than a few years older than she was now. She knew only she could hear the heart-wrenching screams emitting from the well. Eliera watched as her father's life blood spilled out, saw the wild, terrified look in his eyes. His screams echoed in her mind, like a bell that had already been wrung, and was fading into the darkness.

Then Eliera saw the man standing over her father. Saw his grey, unmerciful eyes laughing at her father. She felt rage and anger boil up inside her. She knew that man, had even met him once. She did remember a slight look of amusement in his eyes when he had greeted her.

Eliera let out a shriek and turned from the well. She ran into the middle of the room and vanished. Since she knew where she was going, she could teleport out of the Temple. She collapsed on the stairs of the Temple and cried, hoping there were no guards about.

"I will kill that man." she wispered through her tears. "I will kill him if it has to be the last thing i ever do."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Reviews: 124
Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:52 pm
Saphira says...

Alaura ran down the corridors, closely followed by the woman who she had met in the oracles room. Both ducked into a doorway as a guard went past. Before he had evwen turned the corner Alaura had already started down the corridor, her feet making no sound on the stone floor.

'Where are you going?' the woman asked, easily keeping pace with Alaura.

'I need to find Eliera. She would have teleported out of the Temple so that is where i am heading.'

Alaura saw the womans eyes widen in shock and she grabbed hold of Alaura's wrist, pulling her to a stop.

'Are you mages?' she asked her voice tinged with fear.

Alaura didn't know what to do. she couldn't deny that Eliera was a mage but she could lie about herself. She had to lie, she would be arrested if anyone found out she was a mage.

Alaura didn't answer but pulled herself free and started back down the corridor towards the main doors, where Alaura could see the guards and further behind, outside the Temple, the dark steps and the city.

'I will answer your questions when i find Eliera, untill then, will you help me?'
Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

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Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:13 pm
Maybe says...

Eliera sat on the Temple steps. She had stopped crying, and was now stroking the soft fur of the cub. Its warm brown eyes looked questiongly up at her, asking what was going on.

She heard footsteps behind her and mistook it for a guard. She sprung to her feet and spun around. Standing behind her was Alaura and the woman.

Eliera turned around again and began to walk away. She didnt want to deal with them right now. But a voice behind her stopped her.

"Wait." the woman called out. "I want to talk to you."

Eliera sighed and turned around. She snapped her fingers and instantly a see through version of her self sprang up from the ground.
"Talk to this."

The woman gasped and took an uneasy step back. She cast a annoyed and slightly fearful glance at Alaura.

"You're a mage!" the woman said, both fearfully and exited.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" the see through Eliera said. This caught the woman off guard.

"Eilera, wait." Alaura said. She took a step forward.

"Wait for what? The cows to come home?"

*all ive got for the moment.*
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

Imagine if everybody had a little Wii sports Mii to say "Great Shot!" everytime they did something right.
— TheMythMaster