
Young Writers Society

Star Wars: The Fallen Knights

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:31 pm
Firestarter says...

Initial Discussion thread here.

The Setting: The Star Wars Galaxy, 3,850 years BBY (before the battle of Yavin). 100 years ago, the Jedi Exile destroyed the Sith Academy on Trayus, beginning the Sith Civil War which tore the dark side of the force apart, fighting amongst themselves. The Jedi Order, reformed by the Exile's companions, begins to protect peace again in the Galactic Republic. Fore-potentials have started to enter the Order again, but slowly. There are few experienced Jedi Masters on the Council, and the fragility of the universe has opened a gap for the return of the Sith remnants. It was a rumour that two main Sith survived, a master and an apprentice, but there could be more. Now, united, the Sith aim to destabilise a crucial planet in the Republic and destroy the Jedi. The action takes place on the heavily-populated planet of Valeria.


Valeria is an important planet in the Republic. Close to Coruscant and the Core Worlds, Valeria produces important military and scientific exports that are a backbone to the structure of the Republic. It is only in the last one hundred years however that Valeria has settled into a peaceful state. Valerians can be seperated into two distinctive ethnic groups. Both are human, but have been shaped by different cultural differences. The Bathans are mainly white, pale coloured humans who are traditionally progressive and believers in the Republic. The Suthons are typically darker-skinned humans who think Valeria should be independent and believe the Republic has suppressed their rights and their beliefs. For centuries, they warred amongst one another, stuck in a perpetual civil war. However, strong leadership under the Central Government has formed Valeria into a peaceful, strong planet. Senator Avar Miller is a pillar in this government. Half Bathan and half Suthon, Senator Miller was crucial in the signing of a peace treaty between the two ethnic groups.

The main city of Valeria is called Pellor.

The Plot: The return of the Sith. They aim to destabilise Valeria by killing Avar Miller and the rest of the Central Government, causing another civil war to erupt. They want to lure in the Jedi and destroy them.

The Now: Right at the moment, the Jedi Council has organised a small party of Jedi to send them to Valeria. They have noted a disturbance in the force along with a breakdown in relations between the Bathans and the Suthons.

The Cast: That's up to you to decide. There are a few limitations. You cannot be Senator Ava Miller, or anybody on the Jedi Council or a Jedi Master of any kind. They will not be directly involved in the plot

The Rules: (Thank you Grif and Dono)

1)No team-killing: If an active character is going to die, make sure it is thoroughly discussed between both parties involved.

2)On Writing Style: This is a Storybook RPG, so players may write in any style they please. First person, third person omniscient, it's all dependent on your personal preference.

3)On God-Moding:

God Moding is vague. Here are the rules for it.

-- Other authors may control another author's character as long as it keeps the character IN CHARACTER. For extra help, communicate with the author of the character being god-moded first.

-- Authors have every right to determine what is in or out of character for their character. As such, any action they feel is wrong for the character can be vetoed within a few days of the post.

-- This isn't a turn-based RPG, it is a real-time RPG. That means that you aren't obligated to stop and wait for the author to reply to your character. This way, we don't wait three days for a response.

4) Inactive Characters: If a character hasn't been posted for in a long time (a month) then it will go into the NPC pile. Another writer may choose to write for that character until the original author returns. If the original author returns, the character once again returns to his or her possession. If the situation calls for it, the character may also be killed off.

5) Out of character discussion is to be carried out in the Discussion Thread for this Storybook. This is called "Star wars: The Fallen Knights DT" in the Storybook forum. Do not use the old Star Wars thread.

6) Enjoy.

Post your characters before starting!

Name: Jeron "Stormchild" Cypher
Race: Human
Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Build: Powerful but not stocky.
Appearance: Dark brown skin, broad-shouldered, hard facial features,
piercing blue eyes. Wears neutral-coloured robes.
Allegiance/Class: Jedi Knight
Personality: Jeron is at all times meditative, calm and determined. He rarely allows emotion to cloud his judgement, and to all onlookers, seems the perfect embodiment on Jedi ideals. However, he does not have much time for negotiations or diplomacy and dislikes discussing things. He
lacks the compassion of some of his fellow Jedi when dealing with
Skills: Jeron is a nimble athlete and keen acrobat. He has fast reactions even without the aid of the force. All his Jedi skills have leant towards that of the blade mastery: he is one of the best duellists the Jedi Order currently possesses and a tough adversary in a fight. He also is known for his military knowledge. He has also show an aptitude for investigation and detective skills, a hobby he pursues in his missions.
Notable Force Powers: Apart from the core powers, Jeron specialises
in the following: Burst of Speed (dodge shots, increase speed in combat), Force Resistance (to protect himself in combat), Saber Throw (to surprise opponents), Force Jump (to utilise his acrobatic skills)
Lightsabre Combat Speciality: Form IV Ataru (emphasising acrobatic strength and power in wielding the blade)
Weapons: Purple Lightsabre, Blue Lightsabre (uses both or just one, depending on the situation)
Biography: Jeron Cypher was born on a small, isolated community on the planet of Delaya. The community believed in old Gods that would give a new child a name on their 1st birthday. When Jeron hit 1, he was, left,
as the tradition was, on a tall hill above the villages overnight. It was that night when a terrible thunderstorm hit, ravaging the small villages with flood water. Over thirty people died. However, Jeron survived. The Priest
quickly realised the God's had chosen him as "Stormchild". This became his communal name. Jeron grew up strong, helping his family on the farms and learning to fight to defend the village against the many other tribes
in the region who traded for more advanced weaponry and thus had an advantage. When Jeron was just 12, he was captured in by local raiders and the last he saw of his village was burning wreck. He was sold to become a servant to the house of a wealthy merchant in the city of Matori. For two years he toiled there, remembering to go through the fighting techniques his teacher had shown him, and growing into a tall, strong youngster. His day of destiny came when a Jedi name Man'wak Rasheesh infiltrated the merchant's house and captured Jeron's master for crimes against the Republic. Man'wak recognised instantly something in Jeron, and after taking a blood sample, realised Jeron had a high Midi-chlorian count and took Jeron with him back to newly-formed Jedi Order Council. It was not
traditional of a boy his age to be trained, but the Council was taking constant exceptions because of their shortage of Jedi in the Order. Jeron, for the next eight years, was trained hard and well by his master, becoming an astute warrior and force-wielder. Although some of his Jedi elders expressed concern over his obsession with mastering the lightsabre techniques, it was put down to youthful enthusiasm. However, deep down, Jeron was applying his childhood techniques to blend a new form of fighting. Other Jedi in the Academy had begun a new trend of acrobatic and fast lightsabre combat, naming it Ataru. Jeron blended the power of his childhood technique with this acrobatic style to forge his personal style. Three years later he was a fully certified Jedi Knight. For the last
nine years, Jeron has be a trusted and determined Jedi Knight, believing in the justice and truth of the Republic. Some have accused him of being overzealous when dealing with criminals, but Jeron was a clear sense of right and wrong. This is partly the reason why he has been slightly overlooked for the position of Jedi Master.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:25 pm
Firestarter says...

Who are you?

I am the Jeron Cypher. I am protector of the defenceless, fighter of the oppressor, guardian of the peace. I am a Knight of the Republic.

What else are you?

His mind struggles.

I - I am the Stormchild.

Yes. Yes. A storm rages within. Always. Below the surface.

I overcome it. This is temptation, this is the dark side of me, this is my past. I have turned from that path. I have chosen to chain my true self, to hide my emotions, to dedicate my life to the protection of the Republic. The storm is there, yes, but it does not rage. I have control of it.

It is not yours to control. I feel its power. It draws upon your vulnerable spots, your fragilities, your weaknesses. One day ... perhaps ... it will tear -

Knock, knock.

The meditation was ended. Jeron opened his eyes and blinked thoroughly. He took a deep breath and moved out from the calm position to stand up, walked over and released the door. It slid open. It was a young man, a messenger, eager to pass on his news.

"Jeron Cypher, I presume?"

"Yes," Jeron answered, half-fighting in his mind to understand what his meditation was trying to tell him and half-concentrating on the messenger's words.

"I am sorry to disturb you, sir, but they said you haven't been answering their transmissions and they thought it best-"

"I have my own reasons for not answering them," Jeron cut through the messenger's words. "Who are they?"

"The Jedi Council of course! They are convening and request your presence."

Jeron nodded and the messenger departed. The Jedi sighed and stared wishfully at the meditation seat and shook his head. Another time, I will finish this ...

Taking care not to be late for the Council, he swept out of his chambers minutes later.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:27 pm
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

((Can I play the Sith apprentice? If not, just ignore below text ^_^))

Name: Leodora (Leo) "Fireling" Rocdna

Race: Human

Age: 26

Height: 5'2

Build: thin but muscley- wiry.

Alleigance: Sith

Appearance: Long, dark red hair, green eyes, thin face. Wears dark robes, usually brown or black.

Disposition: Her trial is her temper, and she's constantly getting into fights over her sharp tongue, most of which she wins. Very impatient and quick to anger. The only person she obeys is her teacher. Uses her powers to get her way.

Skills: Leo uses two lightsabers and professes in hand-to-hand combat. Has no skill whatsoever with guns. Prefers to fight man-against-man, rather than against a crowd and with a group. Lightfooted. Has good control over the Force, she can use it without using her hands, as she uses two lightsabers. Has a knack for getting to the heart of an issue and breaking codes. Reasonable pilot.

NFP: Sometimes, when confronted with a majority of enemies, Leo will throw one of her lightsabers into the air and control it while fighting. Force Jump, the Sith secret lightning techniques and Blind Sight. (Uses the Force to get a feel of what's going on, even if her eyes are covered)

LCS: Double lightsaber combat

Weapons: Hazel lightsaber -she uses when she pretends to be a Jedi- and a red one. Uses both when her true identity is revealed.

Bio: Leodora is a native to Tianat, a planet known for its specialty ore mines. Child of two poor miners, she decided that marrying and being docile weren't for her, and she was constantly running away from home in search of something more worthwhile. When the Sith raided the planet, (when Leo was seven) Leodora snuck on board and was discovered by the Sith master, who, after feeling her strong Force aura, decided to train her as a Sith. She survived the Sith "purging" with her master and vowed to rebuild the Sith Council. Gained the title "Fireling" from her wicked temper and scorching tongue.

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:31 pm
Kyuubi says...

Name: Marik "Katon" Veek

Age: 17

Height and Weight: 6' 5" and 180 lbs.

Looks: Elfish and fast looking. Dark black hair and crystal blue eyes.

Personality: Firey, brash, unstable. Is dependable and can get any job done. (Sith masters look for that)

Skills: Fair Force mastery and blade skills. Is also good with computers and basic medical skills.

Weapons: Fights with a silver double blade or with a single hilt when it comes down to it.

Force Skills: Force choke, storm, heal, and crush (Shatters the skeletons of enemies.)

Bio: Having grown up on Manaan, one of the central trading hubs, Marik has learned to have excessive communication skills. He understands multiple alien languages. His family however was unstable and his father came home all to often drunk and fights would break out between Marik and his father always resulting in punches or kicks. To seek peace he met a young Twi'lek girl named Arianna and immediatley became friends with her. One night, when Marik and Arianna were at his house watching a holovid, Marik's father, again came home drunk. But this time it was unusual. He seemed like he was possesed. He pulled a blaster on Arianna and killed her. He then turned it to Mariks mother and killed her too. Finally, it was pointed at Marik. Marik raised his hands to his face and felt a strange force. It immediatley killed his father. Marik was alone. However, the next day a man, dressed in dark clothing approached him and took him to the Sith acadamy on Tatooine. There he remained, plotting revenge on all living beings for the murder of the girl he loved. He remains being one of the most promising pupils in the Acadamy.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:40 pm
Kyuubi says...

Marik stumbled through the doorway into his room. He was injured in his shoulder by his Master during a sparing match. Crimson blood ran down his arm. Marik took off his black tunic and watched the blood flow. He put his hand on his shoulder and healed. Sweat dripped down his forehead. He then called for his servant. She was a young human, no more than 13 years old but she was dependable. She came in carrying a tray with water. Marik gladly took it.
"You may leave now." he said to her. She quickly ran out of the room. He kneeled in front of his Sith holocron......

There is no peace...
There is only passion...
Through passion I gain strength...
Through strength I gain power...
Through power I gain victory...
Through victory my chains are broken...
The Force shall free me!

Marik let the Ancient Sith mantra flood his mind. He felt a new found power to take on his master and win once and for all.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:45 am
Shireling says...

Here is my fellow's bio.

Name: Deev Mar
Race: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"
Appearance: Light skin from prolonged space travel; short, dark brown hair; dark blue eyes; sturdy build.
Personality: Quiet and easy going, tries to avoid or brush off conflict.
Skills: Above average pilot in several classes of small freighters. Sleightly above average marksman with a hand blaster and ship weapons.
Weapons: Hand blaster, laserblade utility knife 1 to 6 inch blade.
Biography: born into a wealthy shipping family, Deev became a freighter pilot at the young age of nineteen. He rose quickly through the ranks of his family's business, mostly on his father's influence, although he was good at his work. Then came a snag. His father was implicated in some deals of dubious quality. He was smuggling on the side. The resulting legal problems sapped the family fortune until creditors came to collect their money. Deev's father commited suicide and Deev fled on a small freighter before the creditors could seize it for payment. He is currently freighting cargo across the galaxy as an independant owner/operator. Not all of his cargo is legal by the standards of the Republic.
Last edited by Shireling on Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Calling all Ringers, your presence is required at the Middangeared group...Please?

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:57 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

A hooded figure stood before the barkeeper, small and frail looking.

"We don't serve hoodies here," snapped the barkeeper, uncomfortable by the strong aura that surrounded the tiny warrior.

"What a shame," said a voice from within the hood. "Because this 'hoodie' can kick your ass."

Something closed around the barkeeper's neck, and his face rapidly turned red.

"Tell me where he is, or I'll do more than that-" she gestured with a gloved hand at his head "-to your family."

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:33 am
Dynamo says...

Name: Niros "Grey" Andaar
Race: Human
Age: 25
Appearance: Grey hair, blue eyes, always bares a look of calmness no matter the situation, always wears a long hooded Jedi robe to hide most of his face.
Personality: After talking to him the first time you will begin to think he doesn't have one.
Alignment: Neutral Force user.
Skills: Very persuasive.
Powers: Force push, Force lightning, heal, Force persuasion.
Weapons: Dual lightsabers, red and green to symbolize his use of both sides of the Force.
Biography: Niros' father was a pilot, his mother was a Force sensitive that never realized her powers. One of Niros' ansestors had been from Katarr (That planet where everyone can see the Force.) before it was destroyed by a Sith lord 100 years ago. Because of this he has the ability to see the Force as well, but not as strongly as his ansestors. It appears as just a small aura surrounding a person's body. This doesn't work on just people, but also places that have been touched by either side of the Force. Long ago Niros had been a Sith, drawn by the power the Dark side of the Force promised. At the age of 14 he decided not to be a murderous Force user and turned to the teachings of the Jedi. At the age of 21 he left the Jedi academy on Coruscant because he felt a higher calling in the streams of the Force, a calling neither a Sith or a Jedi can adhear. He knows many teachings, both Sith and Jedi. He walks the borders of Light and Dark as a neutral Force user, refusing to commit himself to either side. While he cannot use his Force powers as efficiently as others of either side of the Force can, he has the inept ability to use these powers without being influenced by either side of the Force. He constantly travels through the galaxy, looking for something he doesn't know. Something in the Force is calling him, leading him through the galaxy. Whenever he follows the voice in the Force it leads him to something important.....
Last edited by Dynamo on Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:41 am
Dynamo says...

Grey walked through the crowded streets of Pellor, Valeria's capitol. It had been such a long time since he had seen this planet. Twelve years ago he had come to this planet to settle a dispute via... aggressive negotiations when he was still a member of the Sith. Many years had passed sine he turned from that path to become a Jedi, and then turned from that path. Now, he is both, and neither, Jedi and Sith.

He came to this planet because he heard an echo in the Force, like a voice telling him to come. Something was going to happen, something big.

Grey slipped his hood over his head and began some reconnaissance through the city.
Last edited by Dynamo on Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:40 am
Shireling says...

Through the star-streaked sky of hyperspace a small space freighter hurtled along. Inside the ship its lone pilot dozed on his bunk. He lay on his back, a data book held limply in one hand, the other hanging off the side. The slow breathing and the low throbbing hum of the hyperdrive engine were the only sounds to be heard. A soft glow came from the door to the cockpit, emitted by numerous view screens, gauges, and switches. One screen showed a count down, the numbers changing slowly. Five, four, three, two, one… A light suddenly turned from green to red. An alarm sounded shrill, commanding attention.

“Huh?” Deev Mar woke sluggishly and slapped at the clock on the wall. When several attempts failed to shut off the noise he sat up and rubbed his eyes, the data book falling to the deck. Scooping it back up, he tossed it onto the bunk and stumbled to the cockpit. He dropped into a seat in front of the controls.

Yawning, Deev scanned the displays and flipped off the hyperspace de-acceleration alarm. Outside the transperisteel view canopy the blazing star lines of hyperspace shrank until they were only pinpricks. A great cluster of asteroids massed in front of his starfreighter.

“The Gates at last, finally time for some real flying.”

The long boredom of his hyperspace jump lifted. He would have to fly through the space rocks at sublight speed to the other side before he could make his next hyper jump. As he powered up the sublight engines to fly through, he glanced at the tactical display. An icon pulsed, bright, menacing red. Cursing himself quietly in Durese for not checking it first, Deev brought up a readout.

Shykaat!,” he blurted no longer quiet. “A Valarian government cruiser doing cargo checks, and I’m late enough already.”

The com unit crackled to life.

“Freighter Free One. This is the cruiser Sword of Pellor. Power down your engines and prepare to be boarded for an inspection.”

Shykaas inspectors,” muttered Deev before he hit the transmit button.
“Alright sir, complying.” Leaning back he tried to brush his brown hair into some kind of order with his fingers, and then felt the DK-320 blaster pistol in his leg holster.
Last edited by Shireling on Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
Calling all Ringers, your presence is required at the Middangeared group...Please?

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:31 pm
Kyuubi says...

Marik grabbed his tunic off of his bunk and slipped it on covering the many scars and his muscles. He then took his double blade and clipped it onto his belt. He opened his room doors, letting the Dark Side fill him as he walked down the hall towards the sparring room. This was his last chance to "victor" over his Master. He had one chance to take him down. Marik decided to take it. He opened the doors and there stood his Master, with lightsaber in hand.
"Oh Marik, I have just recieved word that the Senator of this pitiful world will have to be "taken care of" formely when he gets here." his Master said. "I thought I would recommend-" He was cut off abruptly as Marik ignited his saber.
"So it has finally come hasn't it? Student against teacher like in the days of old." Mariks Master said as he himself ignited his blade. Marik stepped up, his silver blade glowing and cutting the dimness. It seemed to glisten with the Dark Side itself. Mariks eyes became dark and sunken into his head and his skin became slightly grey and pale. He was ready.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:19 pm
Firestarter says...

"Follow my lead, Kobi," I say, my blue lightsabre lighting into action. The enemy was close. Too close. Twenty, thirty of them, surround the two Jedi with killing smiles. I could almost smell them.

"Yes, Master," the young Padawan breathes, fear quivering on his lips.

Without warning, I throw my arms out and force push a gap in the row of warriors. Five of them fly backward, tumble onto the metal flooring, guns flying out of their hands. I expertly grab my other lightsabre, the purple sword flashing as I jump forward, cutting down two men before they can even move.

But Kobi is not moving. The lightsabre in his hand is still. He is a sitting duck.

I look back and see the blaster shots converge on his body. I scream and charge to his rescue, but it is too late ... it is far too late ...

Jeron revisits the nightmare for the thousandth time. He watches Kobi die for the millionth time. He runs it through in his mind again and again in slow motion. The Meditation isn't working. He can't get rid the ... what did they call it? ... the storm from his system.

He parks his small vehicle at the Jedi Temple and jumps out. The structure is only two hundred years old, barely formed, but still is rises high above the Galactic City. Jeron, his robes sweeping in the strong winds, moves along the walkway that is below the tall steps to the entrance of the Temple. The only thing on his mind is death and he knows it is wrong. He has been a Jedi for the best part of twenty years and knows he should be stronger than this, but he forgot the strength of emotion -- of attachment. He pushes the thoughts from his mind and calms himself. In a few minutes, he will be standing before the strongest minds of the whole Jedi Order. They will see through his weakness in seconds ... no ...

They have already seen through his weakness, he knows. They know why he can't take another Padawan, they know why he can't ever be a Master.

I am a guardian of the peace, he reminds himself for the thousandth time. I will not give in to emotion.

He starts the long, long walk up the steps.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:35 pm
Kyuubi says...

Marik and his Master were engaged in a frenzied conflict. Both knew that neither of them could win against each other but that didn't stop them. Marik swung low and his Master jumped and kicked him in the face causing blood to come from his mouth. Using this advantage, Marik's Master used the Force to push him into wall. He suspended Marik there. Marik lost. He just had to accept it. He was still not powerful enough.
"You knew that this day would eventually come didn't you?" his Master asked him. "You knew what would happen if either one of us was to lose. Yet you openly defied me and faught with your heart and soul."
"I lost both on Manaan." Marik replied remembering that fateful day of his family's murder.
"That you did. So that is why you came to the academy on Tatooine. I was going to send you to Valeria, but since you lost I have no choice but to kill you. However, since you have nothing left to live for, I think I'm going to make you suffer as a punishment. That is far greater than death. I'm going to let you live while being hunted by assassins and knowing that it was your fault for the death of your family." With that, Marik was let down, taken out of the academy by force, and stripped of his lightsaber. It was this moment that Marik started to question the Sith's teachings. IT was here that he fianlly felt what the light was like.
"So, I was thinking, I've always wanted to ride a TaunTaun."
"Ummmm....I asked you answer the math problem on the board."
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did."
"Yeah well, that's your opinion."...............A conversation between my teacher and I.

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Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:27 pm
Dynamo says...

Grey felt a ripple in the Force. He could not pinpoint the cause, but this wasn't the first time he has felt something like this. On a far off planet someone's destiny has changed, and it will also change the destiny of many other lives. It seemed to come from somewhere in the Outer Rim... perhaps Tatooine.

A far off shout pulled him from his thoughts. Someone was being attacked. He calmly followed the voices until he found himself in an alley. Two men had a woman cornered. A light red aura surrounds each of the men and a blue one around the woman.

One of the men spots him. "Hey, what do you think you're doing here?"

The woman looked at Grey with desperation. "Help me..."

Grey looks at both men. He uses his powers to force himself into their minds. He waves his hand and says, "You will leave this woman alone."

They blankly replied, "We will leave this woman alone." and left.

The woman thanked him, but Grey left and said nothing.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Wed Jun 20, 2007 2:52 pm
Dynamo says...

(Reminder that this thread still exists.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.
— Willie Nelson