
Young Writers Society

The Z Chronicles

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Thu May 17, 2007 3:00 am
whence says...

I'll start out by saying this;
I didn't come up with this idea. I got it from TW, where it sadly died prematurely. Oh, and a shout out to Llama. Um...Hi?

Anyways, here's the idea:

5 or less people [first come first serve, with leniency based on RPing activity] each create separate characters: survivors of a zombie outbreak. We each start out separate, but at some point in the role-play, we meet up. I'm actually going to use my character from the TW mirror of this thread, as he kicked arse and I had a lovely back story going. I'll start it out:

Name: (Brother) Emanuel Sarkahov
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Heritage: A Russian-Italian mix. His father was nearly pure Russian, his mother the same with Italian. Her father (his grandfather) was the Head Bishop serving under Pope Benedict Francis IV, and he quickly outstripped these impressive set of footsteps. His Grandfather gracefully retired and became the Head Librarian at an obscure Roman Catholic School.
Physical Traits: Blue eyes, dirty blond hair. Wears a midnight black Clerical robe with a white clerical collar. Also, has a small vial of holy water along with a rusted iron crucifix hanging on a silver chain around his neck
He's not 'ripped' by any means, but he could more then hold his own in a bar fight. This comes from his extensive training with the Swiss Guard, a regiment he's kept up (for the most part) despite being thousands of miles from those sacred grounds.
Personality: A rogue Cleric with a mysterious past, Emanuel seems over-qualified (yet hardly fitting) for his new-found position with the Catholic Church. However, he has a certain resolve, which he'll find quite handy in the upcoming horrors. He was the golden boy of the Vatican, surely destined for greatness. His talents were wide and in depth, but for some strange reason, right as he was set up to become the youngest Bishop on record, he left the Vatican with no explanation, and set himself up as an inconspicuous Apprentice Priest. Seemingly doomed to obscurity, the St. Aspotine church ecstatically welcomed him to their ranks, overlooking his...eccentrics.
Additional Comments: I'll edit in his back story as the RP progresses :p

The demonic groans had faded since the horde entered causing the frightened looking Mr. Sarkahov to flee further into the St. Asbotine's wine cellar. The mood was set by low-hanging butane torches... A more convenient way to preserve the traditional atmosphere then authentic ones. With a low grunt, Emanuel shifted his weight in order to better accommodate the gash running down his leg. He'd received this memento hardly 20 minutes before, when his daily meditation had been interrupted by a horde of his recently deceased colleagues breaking through a priceless stained glass window dating earlier then 1400. It had been imported directly form France as a welcoming gift to Brother Emanuel. He had passed through the ceremonial apprenticeship faster then anyone on record, and his near perfect recollection of the Scriptures sure as hell didn't hurt. The only setbacks were a habit for self-indulgence and swearing, but these were easily overlooked by the Father. After all, he had been the golden boy of the Vatican, favored by the Pope himself.... Now all he had was the disturbing train of thought that concluded with him wondering whether or not the Vatican itself shared in the city's horrific fate.

His ponderings were broken by a wine bottle that became unsettled, shifted slightly, and rolled before falling and shattering on the grimy flagstone below.
Damn, he thought, That sounded like it came from the row of 1742 Tokay... that was a good year.

It was upon this grim conclusion that the Cleric first noticed the shuffling. It sounded rather like sand paper being drawn across hardwood....or was it more like dead skin on flagstone? Brother Emanuel would soon find out....
The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life — and one is as good as the other.
Ernest Hemingway

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Fri May 18, 2007 1:34 am
whence says...


Doesn't anyone wish to desecrate zombies, even if only in imagination?
The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life — and one is as good as the other.
Ernest Hemingway

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Sun May 20, 2007 12:04 am
whence says...

Ok. I REFUSE to give up on this just yet. It's fun. It get's better. It's actually a good storybook.

What's not to love?
The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life — and one is as good as the other.
Ernest Hemingway

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Sun May 20, 2007 3:05 am
TNCowgirl says...

I'll play hold on and i'll put my person up,. i wanted to cry when it died there.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sun May 20, 2007 3:08 am
TNCowgirl says...

Name: Erin Small
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Uhh, white, with pretty much everything i guess
Appearence: Blue eyes, brown hair, athletic, tan, always wears jeans and tee-shirts
Physique: skinny..but can pack a punch
Personality: doesn't trust very many people and would rather be riding horses or muddin then anything else. Loyal to friends, but has no true family. She loves to shot and believes everyone should carry a weapon of some sort.
How are you like your character?: alot of it i guess

Erin raced her horse from the now blown up town. She was alone, but that is how it had always been, there was no one left but the zombies and she didn't want them for company. All she wanted was the feeling of her truck tearing across a feild, it had been blown up though. SHe had her horse though and that was enough. Though it was wearing down, she would kill it before she ever let the zombies get it, but that would only happen if she had to. She rested her hand on the knife that was in her pocket then the gun that she had taken from a dead cop.
Erin raced through the woods hoping she wouldn't run into any of the zombies, that would ruin her day. Not that it already was but she didn't plan on dying any time soon. She wish none of this had happend, that she could get back to her normal crappy life. her hopes crashed when she saw the three zombies standing in front of her, next to a brand new truck they had stopped and killed the driver.
Erin stopped her horse as the zombies looked over at her. They started to slowly walk towards her groaning like they always seemed to do. Erin leveled the gun and fired. A zombie fell and her horse jumped from under her. It took off into the woods in an all out gallop. Erin frowned and kept firing at the zombies until they were all stopped enough to get away. She ran past them and jumped into the truck and drove off. It was a brand new 4x4 Ford F250, there was a gun rack on the back window with two rifles. She needed gas but that wasn’t going to be a problem, she knew where a gas station was she just hoped no one was there that wasn’t alive. When she pulled up into the gas station there was no movement so she filled the truck up after messing around with the computer for a while so she didn’t have to pay. She filled the truck up as she got as much food, gum, water, drinks, and anything else she would need out of the gas station and stashed it in the truck. When the truck was full along with gas cans. She jumped back in and drove off to the next town praying to find someone that was alive. She also wanted to find a weaponry store but that was unlikely and she didn’t want to run into any trigger finger people that would be there too.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Sun May 27, 2007 11:16 pm
SishBee says...

Okay, since you have only got one other person in this...

Name:Tara Alice Yates (Nickname:Tay)
Personality:Doesn't act her age but is reliable and trustworthy. Has a bit of a thing for archery due to an obsession with Robin Hood when she was younger.
Appearance:Long, light brown, messy hair, green eyes, quite pale, evenly built.
Background history:Parents were both turned into zombies, when they first appeared, through a car crash.

Tay leapt over the fence as two zombies, which looked horribly like her next door neighbours, followed her. As Tay landed, she crouched and spun around. Nocking an arrow in her bow she waited for, what had previously been Mr and Mrs Adams, to appear over the fence. First came Mr Adams, she aimed and shot the arrow into his neck before quickly reaching for another to dispatch Mrs Adams. Tay hit her in the chest but didn't wait to see if the hit was fatal. Turning and running, she looked around for a method of escape. Seeing an abandoned caravan she ran towards it and flung open the door. It was obviously not her lucky day, the otherside of the caravan had been ripped off offering her no shelter.
She hastily looked around again before spotting a pile of rubbish a few metres away. Checking for any zombies which may be lurking, she ran towards the rubbish pile whilst grabbing another arrow from the quiver on her back. She dived in amongst the black rubbish bags and breathed a sigh of relief. The smell of the rubbish should keep her safe for a moment or two but soon she would have to find somewhere safer. Tay rolled onto her stomach and lifted up the bottom of a piece of cardboard. Her eyes desperatly searched for a building of some sort which may provide sanctuary.
Sanctuary? The Church, of course it was only a few minutes from here. Tay turned around... Yes! She could see it from where she was now. All Tay had to do was run about one hundred meters and she would be in the churchyard. Tay took a deep breath and burst out from her hiding place...

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon May 28, 2007 12:11 am
whence says...

Erm... Might I point you in the direction of Necropolis? Yeah, I let this die and then Hunter started Necropolis soon after. So I'd recommend that.

The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life — and one is as good as the other.
Ernest Hemingway

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Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:27 am
Maki-Chan says...

OOOh! this sounds like fun! Here I go!

name: Jill McKee
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Background: She is originally from New York City but moved here(bad choice) to live with her father. Her father is a police officer (Bill McKee).
appearance: She is about 5 foot 3, long brown hair with blond highlights. Blue eyes, with a strange red dot on her right one.Jill is a pale white. She seems wimpy but is skilled at self defense. She is wearing nice jeans(perfect for running) that are light blue, white tennis sneakers, and a black shirt with a red heart on it. Her hair is up in a pony tail.
personality: She is a bit of a cowered, which might be the end of her(maybe), but she will try to help save people. She's really sneaky and is used to quick thinking.

Well here I go ^_^

Her feet pounded harder against the cement sidewalk. Jill could hear the many running footsteps of my persuaders, and with every step her lungs burned harder and harder. She ignored the pain in her chest; running like this was all to familiar to Jill. She had been apart of the track team back at her old school in New York, and she could easily run the mile in 8 minutes. Jill turned around the corner, and she listened as the footsteps of the monsters faded away behind her. Jill spotted the churchyard off in the distance; only about 2 blocks away.
"How long have I been running?" She wondered.
The high-school girl kept running towards the large bared fence bordering the courtyard of the church. The church was always opened at this time, around 5pm.
"Maybe I can find shelter in the church." She whispered.
Jill tightened her grip on the gun, which she had taken out of her dad's desk before she was running.
Looking both ways Jill ran towards the fence- most likely she could climb over it. She dashed over with lightning speed, unknowing what would be waiting for her.
Last edited by Maki-Chan on Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:04 am
LunaBuna43 says...

Name: Tyler Shawl

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Background: He is origianally from Cali but moved here because of a flu outbreak in Cali that was turning people into Mutants with five eyes, and sixty arms...(sorry a little bored)...

Appearance: He is about 6'5. Very masculine. Brown wavy have and blue-green eyes. Tanish and pure skin (No zits and stuff.). Um...black pants with chains, black shirt, and running tennis shoes.

Personality: He loves to have dangerous fun. He is quick-witted, dangerous, brave, and independant. Tyler hits on girls who look like they need a guy. He is very calm, but can be quickly angered.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
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Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:28 am
LunaBuna43 says...

Tyler ran as quickly as his long, tan legs could carry him. With his shotgun in his hand and a church in sight he pumped his legs faster. As he neared the large church he saw a human girl climbing over the fence. He had no time for games. Instead he bagan climbing over it also. Once he got on the other side her ran over to where the girl was.

"Jump." He commanded once he saw the girls face.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:51 pm
Maki-Chan says...

Jill stopped, as soon as she made it over the black bare fence; something began to run towards the fence. She tried to make a run for it but the thing behind her was incredibly fast and easily caught up with her.

"Jump" He commanded once he saw the Jill's face.

The startled high school girl froze. It was a man behind her. He was very young probably no more than 17 or 18. His figure was quite muscular and he towered over her. His brown wavy hair almost blended with the nighttime scenery, but his blue-green eyes seemed to glow in the dark. His skin tan and clean.

Jill couldn't help but blush at this dream-like angle in this hell on earth- even with this happening the girl carefully watched him; not knowing if he meant to harm her or not. Whether his intensions were good or bad. If he was going to turn into a monster or he was an unharmed human, like herself.
Jill's heart pounded harder and harder; all she could hear was a loud thump in her chest. Fear suddenly gripped her, and horrible thoughts filled her head. Thoughts of what might happen. Quickly Jill raised the gun towards the man. She didn't know what would happen next.

:D Well here is some more ^_^ I finally ge to encounter someone else's characer. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:26 am
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LunaBuna43 says...

Tyler widened his eyes to the human girls threat. "Whoa! Hold it! I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a human to...see," He said as he pulled at his tan skin. "A zombie's skin would peel off would it not?" He asked and pulled harder trying to convince the girl.

"Now jump." He said and he held his arms out.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
Check out my new group! Roleplayers Unite!

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Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:39 pm
Maki-Chan says...

Jill watched as the person in front of her waved his hands at her- trying to do anything that would prevent her from shooting.
"Whoa! Hold it! I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a human to...see," He said as he pulled at his tan skin. "A zombie's skin would peel off would it not?"

"I guess he's still alive." Jill decided as she lowered her gun.
Even though her gun was not aimed at him, she still watched him with warry eyes.

"Now jump." He said and he held his arms out.

The girl slightly tilted her head. A long pause stayed with them.
"What?" She finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence.

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:01 am
LunaBuna43 says...

Tyler Shawl-

The girl slightly tilted her head. A long pause stayed with them.
"What?" She finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Jump so you don't hurt yourself. The last thing you want is the undead to smell your blood." Tyler nearly joked.

"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
Check out my new group! Roleplayers Unite!

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Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:03 pm
Maki-Chan says...

Jill slightly nodded her head. Then she slowly walked towards the boy, but she stopped in front of him. The high-school girl gave him her hand. She gave a small grin.
"I'm Jill." She told him, while she allowed him to give her a boast.

You won't know the outcome of something unless you try it.
— manilla