
Young Writers Society

The New and Improved Twisted and Completely Out There Story

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Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:53 am
Bella says...

Ok...The last version of this was ruined because someone (MadHatter) started adding a new character every other time he posted, and killing off people in his first post. For this reason, I am adding a few small notes. PLEASE MAKE ONLY ONE CHARACTER FOR YOUSELF UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO MAKE A NEW ONE FOR WHATEVER REASON. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM POSTING REPEATEDLY. PLEASE DON'T JUST RANDOMLY KILL OFF OTHER CHARACTERS. IF YOU ARE KILLED OFF FEEL FREE TO START A NEW CHARACTER. THANK YOU.

Now, as I said in the first version, please post all comments and/or questions in red. I feel the need to stress this one: PLEASE POST YOUR CHARACTER PROFILES IN GREEN(that didn't happen last time) And please post your actual story addition in white.Well, here we go!

~Name~ Alexandria AKA Alexx~
~Age~ 17~
~Appearance~ Flame red hair; strange black eyes; tall, skinny, fair skin~
~Extra~ none to speak of at the moment...

Alexx scaled the trellis that made up the western wall of her home. She snuck through her open window and carefully shut it behind her. It squeaked, and she froze, listening. Yes she was safely back in her bedroom; her domain; the one place where no one could touch her. She listened for the sound of her parents sleeping, they were. She swiftly ran to the computer and opened her internet site.
I MADE IT she typed.
DID YOU SEE HIM? someone else, someone who only Alexx knew, typed back.
WILL DO. GOODNIGHT. Alexx turned off the internet page so her parents wouldn't be able to see it and changed into her pajamas. She hid the clothes she had been wearing for The Meeting...one more thing her parents didn't need to see. Then she climbed into bed and fell asleep.
Alexx tossed and turned all night long. He haunted her, filling her dreams with screams and frights. At four in the morning she gave up on sleeping and got back online.
ARE YOU ON? she typed hurriedly.
WHEN AREN'T I? WHY AREN'T YOU SLEEPING? the person replied.
OH GOD... disappointment covered Alexx in a wave. YES
ALRIGHT. GOODBYE Alexx logged back off and pulled out her Algebra book. She had homework to finish. All her fears were gone at the prospect of seeing her beloved that night.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:11 am
Alteran says...

[color=green]Name: Gregory Kniff
Age: 25
Description: Moderate hieght and build. Scruffy face and bags under eyes. Short Brown hair.
Specialty: Can manipulate water with Telekenisis[/green]

Greg woke in a cold sweat. All he could see was the girl in his mind.

"Who is SHE!" He looked at the ceiling, hopeing for an answer. "Answer me you stupid...." he slumped on his bed. It made no difference. The Powers would never answer his call.

Greg grabbed hold of the fridge with his mind and pulled. It opened and a drink floated out of it and across the apartment. I'm so tired of this, Why do I have to the Powers dog...

He drank a little before going back to bed. He had a long trip ahead of him. Wherever the girl was....he had to go to her. It was his destiny even if a little forced by a greater being.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Wed Apr 11, 2007 8:15 pm
MadHatter says...

(nervous laughter) sorry about that....Adam I really am sorry. I guess...yeah...here it goes.Oh...and if you don't know who Hannah is read the original

Name: Peter Garret
Age: 35
Occupation: UNKNOWN
Specialty: Hand to Hand combat


"Why Peter" Hannah yelled at him. Greg, Peter, and her were in a room.

"Because I can!" His eyes glowed a blood red and his veins pulsated a hue of black.

"Just because you can doesn't mean you have to!" Greg yelled trying to save his sister's husband, and his best friend.

"No! I want to do this!"

"I thought we were to fight Him! Not join him!!" Hannah reached to touch her husband.

"No!!!" Peter shot a mental shove at greg who jumped to doge it,"WE will get her, you know, Alexx. She is the most "special" of our soon to be new recruits!"

"No Peter! She was never to know!" Hannah leaped at Peter, but he had already vanished into a cloud of black....
Voldemort: You kids! If I ever find out who's calling I will tell the wizard law and you will go to wizard jail and then I'll kill you!

Harry Potter Puppet Pals - Wizard Swears

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Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:11 pm
mine57 says...

Name: Jennifer
Age: 13

Jennifer looked into the mirror at her tan smooth skin and her sea colored eyes. She fluffed her curly sand hair. She put on her black glasses and smiled. Today was the day... well of two things... one of which she had no idea of and another she had waited for all her life. Today was the day when she planned to use a saying against her father, "I will tell you when you are older". Oh, how she hated that saying! She walked into her dad's bedroom and sat on his bed.

"Hey dad, guess what today is?" she said in her i know something you don't know voice.

"What is today?" he asked.

"Today is when i am older and you get to tell me all the stuff that you said i was too young to know" she said in a rather sly vioce.

"Honey, lets not go into it now... when you are 14... i will tell you," he said in an irrated voice. She could tell there was a little secret behind this "older" scheme.

"But dad......." she said in a annoying whiney voice.

"I said no, now go do... do... Jennifer things," he said while beckoning her to leave.

She left the room with great disbelief. She was thinking about it, that awful it! Her face was getting red and she was pacing back and forth... her dad... why would do that? First marrying that witch, now this! Suddenly she felt a sudden rush of energy and a wave of air bursted arround her forming a circle. It was battering the walls, craking the glass, and attacking the furnature.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" she screamed and fell on the floor and started to cry. She was tired and wanted a real home. Not a home that shun her and had no care of what was wrong and what was right! She grabbed her gym bag and threw the contents out and stuffed in clothes, the things she needed until she figured out what was wrong with her. She knew her dad nor no person could help... but there was her uncle... she knew he could help her. She always liked him, and he always seemed nice to her. As she walked to the door, it flung open and plumiting some of the hinges off. She pulled her cell phone out... "Hey this is Jennifer, i kinda need your help..."
Girls make better ninjas!

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Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:32 pm
Alice says...

half vampire
black hair
green eyes
pale complexion
rosy cheeks
goes back and forth from protagonist to antagonist it just depends on what has happened and how she feels
she has to protect someone (who shall be revealed at a later date)

Sorry Mad I know you're tired of the vampire things but I created her just as the other one died and I really like her

Sara leaned against the building hiding herself in the shade. Sunlight wasn't as potent to her as normal vampires, but it stung her eyes. She watched him as he called for a cab. He was such a klutz she had to keep an eye on him twenty four seven. If she left him alone on the street for one minute he'd get hit.

She knew his entire schedule, her boss gave it to her. Tonight he had a date with someone from work. She would sit in a booth just within ear shot and make sure that he got home alright. As soon as he was asleep she was off to do whatever.

She closed her eyes as she stepped out back into the sunlight. The sun felt like it was going to singe her arm but it didn't. Avoiding the pain she climbed into her car and followed the cab.

At the next stop light she lost him. She groaned and sat back on her seat. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it. So what if she couldn't smoke, just pretending to made her feel better. She lit it and put it to her lips.

Images flowed through her mind as the filter sat on her lips. There was a fire, it was burning up an entire street block. This was no natural fire though, this was arson. And a girl was dying.

Her phone rang its annoying ring tone that signaled the boss. She picked it up.

"You have a new target, a girl, Alexx. You've got a ticket waiting for you here, your plane takes off tomorrow."
"Cool." Maybe the Alexx would be the girl she saw.
"Oh and another thing, she's not to know about this."
I just lost the game.

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Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:00 am
Bella says...

mad, I still think Adam might want to murder you. Alice, thanks for bringing in a vamp, it's fun to bother mad. Great start guys!!!

School was, as always, boring. Well, mostly boring. Alexx made it all the way through third block, and even half way through fourth, before her lack of sleep caught up to her. Fouth block was history, and Alexx fell asleep in the middle of the teachers long and over exaturated lecture.

"Get out of my head!" she was screaming to the shadowy figure that had been hunting her nightmares. "Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"
"And why should I?" he challenged coldly, stepping towards her into the light; his face remained dark so Alexx couldn't see him clearly. "You know what I want, and if your family wasn't being so incompitant, you would know why I wanted it by now."
"I have no idea why you want MY blood, but you can't have it...It's inhuman!" she cried in frustration, stepping back.
"Who ever said I was human?" he replied.

She screamed as she woke up at the end of class. Others stared...she ignored them.

I gotta go...I'm not done, but my dad's kicking me off. More eventually. I HAVE AN IDEA. darn it.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:14 pm
mine57 says...

"You silly old man!" a girl laughed with delight. "You actually thought I was here to work for you?" she said mocked.

"But I... I trusted you!" muttered an old man.

"Oh.. Are you hurt?" she giggled with delight. "Well, well, trust is such a strong word!" she screamed. "I trusted you too! Looks like we're even."

"What are you talking about?" he finally said.

"Oh you know. I know you know. Now lets see, if u want to live... i expect to have it."

"I will never give it to you! And if i die, i will die in honor! unlike you! you will always be the vill..." and he fell on the floor, a dead cold body.

"Thanks. i always knew you would come to your senses" and she disappeared.

A woman walked down the street. She was asian, her hair was up in two pig-tails. She had flat bangs and wore a black and white polk-a-dot dress. Over that was a pitch black trench coat. each of her earings said GO GO.

"Hey girl" a girl said as she walked by her. "Long time no see GO GO."

"Hi Julie" she said in disguist. She put her hand on her shoulder and a black glow was on her hand.

"Do i know you?" said Julie.

"No you don't." she said with a giggle. "Well i would love to get to know you, but i have a date with the bank..............."
Girls make better ninjas!

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:47 am
Bella says...

yay I get to add my idea!!!!! *happiness radiates from Bella in unexplainable exuberance*

It was finally the night. She had made it through the school day, minus that little incident in History. She was alive, and still "normal," if there really was such thing. And she would get to see Him tonight. Not the Him from her dreams, oh God no, the him from the internet.
She got home and did her homework quickly, then ate dinner. She got online and did some random searches while she waited for her parents to go to bed.
"Good night!" her mom called from the hallway.
"Night mom!" Alexx shouted back as she waited for her father to start snoring.

11:30pm...she finally got out of the house. Down the trelis, left on main, cut through the Johnsons yard, into the woods. Walk for about a mile, turn right. Walk until you reach the stone pillar, say the incandation. Wait.

She had done this many times before. He would arrive only seconds after her. She waited.

"Hello Alexandria," a smooth voice said behind her, sending shivers down her spine.
"Good evening Mathius," she replied, trying to be equally as calm, without success. "How is everything?"
"As good as you could expect, considering the cercumstances. There is a miner detail I need to clear up right now."
"And that is?" she could hear the worry in Matt's voice, and knew it wasn't a good thing.
"Peter is going to pop in for an unexpected visit tomorrow."
"that's great!" Peter was her older half brother, and she loved to spend time with him. he was really unique, almost like he always had a secret.
"Not this time, I'm afraid. He is going to tell you something shocking about your life; it will sound unbelievable and you will try to ignore him. BELIEVE HIM! What he tells you will be truth, and will help you greatly in the upcoming battle."
"Alright...if you say so."
"Next meeting time with your contact, Friday night, Two nights from now. Midnight at...well, you know where."
"Of course. Why is it that he has to pick my least favorite places everytime?" she asked irritably. She needed to sleep.
"You know why," he gave her an allknowing smile.
"Yes, I know. It's because he likes the fact that I scare easily, and that he gets to comfort me and hold me that way. He's being a guy." Alexx sighed.
"Yeah, and you also know that you like it."
"Do not!"
"Whatever. I've got to go. Remember, listen to Peter. Goodnight." He disappeared, just like that. Matt was so agrivating sometimes.

Alexx walked home slowly, until she smelled the smoke. When she turned the corner she saw the worst thing ever, her house on fire. The worst part was, that because of her super-sensitive hearing, she could tell that her parents were still inside.
The firetrucks were there, but Alexx ran back inside, desperate to save her parents. But who was going to save her?

Are you happy now Mad? And Alice, there's your cue! This is fun guys!
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:03 am
Alteran says...

Greg watched the girl run into the house. Figures this wouldn't be easy. He stared up into the sky. The glwoing blue water filling his eyes like crystal.

Moisture was sparse, but hopefully it would be enough. Drop by drop the rain started to fall. Greg was giveing it everything he had to force the water into the house without drawing attention.

Then he saw her. The elegant Black haired girl. Who was she?

I double cued :)
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:07 am
Alice says...

Sara came around the corner just in time to see Alexx run into her house.
"Stupid girl," she said, "is she trying to kill herself?" She started to creep around to the back to get in, but just as she made it to the back yard it started to rain.

Confused, Sara looked into the street and saw a young man standing there palms out. She felt the magic pull on him and knew he was making it rain. The rain was too slow, she still needed to get to the girl, Alexx would die soon.

Sara broke down the back door and walked in as graceful as ever. She sensed the girl and her parents in a room. A room with no windows. She ran towards the room and smacked herself into Greg.

DANG SCHOOL! Nobody else add anything on this part until i finish it okkkkkay?!!!!!
I just lost the game.

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:16 am
Bella says...

Ok Alice...Bella is not posting a reply. Lol...I love sarcasm. HURRY UP ALICE!!! Oh, hi Mad! Shauna is being a witch today, and apparently half the sixth grade hates me. I love my life! Oh wait...half the population of the school hates me...the otehr half is patting me on the back. And the seventh graders like me more than any of the other grades do. Dang, this was one screwed up school year. BYE!
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:59 am
Alice says...

"What the hell?" Greg said as he looked down at Sara. She was so familiar, but he couldn't remember her.

"Greg you jerk!" she blurted, "help me up!" Confused Greg extended his hand and easily pulled her up. "I'll continue to yell at you later, just help me get that girl and her family out of there."

"Alright, but can I ask your name?"

"Sara." Sara broke the door down where Alexx and her parents were. Greg quite easily pulled her parents out of the house and Sara carried Alexx. They left them in the back yard and made a loud noise so someone would follow.

Greg was prepared to run away from Sara, she scared him. But she grabbed his ear and pulled him into a nearby bar.

Yeah, Adam, your turn
Last edited by Alice on Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
I just lost the game.

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:17 am
Alteran says...

"OW OW OW!" Greg cried as Sara yanked him into the bar.

they sat at a table far in the corner. Crushed peanuts lied scattered about as beer bellied men shouted profanity at the television.

"I dont believe it!" she yelled at Greg.


"You really dont remeber me?"


"Ass!" she smacked him across the face, leaving a deep red hand print.

"What the hell!" It all came flooding back. That night. His freshman year of college in the dark alley behind the club.

It has her. She was being attacked by a vampire. A big vampire and greg had been the one who stoppped it from killing her. But the bite seemed to have some sort of effect on her.

"I'm glad your still alive," said Greg, still rubbing his cheek.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:27 am
Bella says...

"Huh..." Alexx mumbled as she came to. She was sitting in The Place. She sat up and looked around, and then it hit her. Why was she here, where was her family?
"Calm down," a soothing voice said from behind her. It was Him..no not hte him from her dreams. She wasn't supposed to see this him until tomorow night, but she was too hyped up to care.
"What am I doing here?" she cried, jumping to her feet.
"Calm down," he repeated, hugging her tightly. "Your family is safe with your brother, and allowed me to 'borrow' you for a while."
"So they know?"
"Technically. Please jsut calm down." he said, running his fingers through her hair gently and whispering in her ear.
"I am calm!" she snapped angrily, pulling away from him. He was shocked for a moment; she never resisted his powers. "Hale, that fire wasn't an accident. Someone set my hosue on fire. I'm afraid," she said quietly. A sudden wave of fatique swept over her and she collapsed. But he was there, and caught her before she hit the groud.
"Alexx, jsut rest for now. We'll get this sorted out, I promise." he kissed her on the lips before she closed her eyes and fell into darkness.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:39 am
Alice says...

Sara leaned up and kissed the spot on his cheek. It was because of him that she wasn't a whole vampire or dead. They owed each other an explanation of what was going on at the least.

"So what are you doing here?" Greg asked as soon as she was seated back in her seat.

"I'm here to protect that girl."

"Were you dreaming of her too?"

"Not really, I rarely sleep. A sad necessity in my line of work now a days. I follow people, make sure that they don't die. I make pretty good money too. But I will occasionally have visions of her."

"Did you see the fire?"

"Yes and two minutes later my boss called telling me to protect her. I was following this other guy. He was a world class klutz."

"As I recall you were too."

"So! Ever since..." her voice died. When ever she thought about that night she'd lose her voice and all will to live; just like that night.

Recognizing the look Greg grabbed her hand and said, "well for some reason we've both been pulled into what ever it is that's going on, and maybe when its over I'll help you find him."

Sara leaned up and kissed his cheek again. He was too tall, she was relatively tall and didn't like when people were that much taller than her. But Greg was an acceptation. He could be so blissfully ignorant sometimes.

"So, what's the full story with you being here?"

Adam, if I screwed with Greg too much sorry!
I just lost the game.

Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires.
— Edward Said