
Young Writers Society

The tell tale heart, a vampire memoir

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:01 am
Alice says...

Profile, i guess I'm supposed to do that,
name Cole
race vampire
hair curly blondish reddish
eyes cat green
height some where around six three
all i got

Cole stepped out into the fresh night air. it was crisp, cold and he could barely smell the car exhaust that still hung heavy in the air.
"the night is young and i have eternity to kill." he said to himself again, as he did every night.
his mind ran through all the girls in the area. he reached one girl and was stopped for a moment. within that one moment he learned everything about her. her name was Sapphire, her blood rich with the aura of a stallion, he wanted her, not only for her blood but for her mind.

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:44 am
misspriss says...

(Hmm. Mind if I be Sapphire? If not I'll edit this and be someone else.)



Looks: (I provided a link but will describe her also.
--Chest-length dark red hair (natural)
--Bewitching liquid brown eyes
--Tall and slender
--Full, moist lips
--Pale complexion (but not too pale)
--Noble brow
--Usually wears


--Peaceful unless provoked, but hell to deal with when angry
--Stubborn and strong-willed, though she hides it well by trying to be mild-mannered

Biography: Born into an eccentric wealthy family, Sapphire lives her days at a mansion near the sea, living with her grandmother and grandfather who believe she should be a "proper young lady", and not one of those scandalous girls that paint their nails and wear skimpy clothes.


A RING SHE ALWAYS WEARS: http://www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com/i ... e-ring.jpg

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:57 am
misspriss says...

Leaning over the elegant balcony railing, Sapphire watched the oceans angry waves crash against the rocks below, sending up a salty spray of sea water that couldn't quite reach her.

She breathed in the cold air, and shivered as the chill of the evening seeped through the delicate chiffon lace of her dress. Sighing, she wished her grandparents would let her wear something more appropriate for the age she lived in.

But no, they were extremely old-fashioned, and insisted in dressing her in silk gowns, all the time reminding her how kind they were, taking care of her when her parents died.

She made her mind move onto more pleasant things, like the wonderful sensation of freedom she was feeling right now, with the winds long fingers making her deep red hair swirl around her like a storm.

Closing her bewitching brown eyes, she let herself get lost listening to the oceans deep, rumbling voice...

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:37 pm
Alice says...

Cole followed her aura to the cliff's edge hanging just above the ocean. He looked up at the balcony and saw her. He was grateful for his eyes. They could see much better in the dark than humans could. He doubted that she could see him; he was wearing all black and faded into the background.

Her hair was rushed back away from her neck and her gown rippled in the breeze. She didn’t look human; she didn’t look like a vampire either. He watched her take her ring off and set it on the rail. She pulled her hair up into a tight bun and turned to leave.

“Oh yeah,” she said to herself. She turned back around and went to grab her ring.
“Sapphire,” her grandmother called. She stumbled and knocked the ring over the rail.
She swore silently to herself and turned to respond to her grandmother. “Yeah grams?”
“Get in bed its nearly ten thirty.” She faked a groan and pretended to get in bed. She turned her light off and went back out onto the balcony.
“Crap,” she said, “grams is going to kill me.” She groaned as she pulled off her gown. She grabbed the jeans she had tucked away under her bed and her tank top. She put on her small boots and climbed over the balcony ledge.

A secret race between Cole and Sapphire began to find the ring. Cole’s superior vision allowed him to find it first.

“Looking for this?” he asked as she turned to face him. He threw the ring up in the air and caught it before he held it up to her.

“Yes, give it back.”
“Suppose I don’t?”
“Well I’ve got my father’s old pistol with me, and yes I would be willing to shoot somebody for it.”
“You haven’t got a pistol; you’d be waving it at me by now.”
“Just give it back and go away.”
“I’ll give it back if you talk to me.”
“Fine, I’ll talk to you; just give it back.” Cole smiled and he tossed the ring back to her. She placed it back on her finger and closed her fist. “What do you want to talk about?”
“I liked the silk gown better; it reminds me of the one my mother used to wear.”
“Pervert, why were you watching me?”
“Well I was walking along the cliff and saw you through the window.”
I just lost the game.

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Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:25 pm
HeadInTheClouds says...

Well, this doesn't seem like a good place to introduce a character, so i'll just tell you all who she is and introduce her later on.

Name: Cellest
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Skin Color: Ivory
Body Type: Tall and slender

Personality: Kind and caring, but very stubborn. Perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad. ~Lord Byron

Captain Jack is back May 25!

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Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:50 pm
Alice says...

"Well I still say you're a pervert."
"That may be but at least I'm not a scary pervert am I?"
"What are you doing out here this late? It must be like twelve degrees!"
"Are you sure? You don't look that cold." Sapphire was aware of the fact that she was wearing her tank top and became cold. Cole smiled to himself and took off his not needed jacket. He put it around her shoulders and leaned back against the tree.
"Thanks," she said. She pulled herself up onto a stump and they talked until they ran out of things to say.
It was five fifteen by Cole's watch and the alarm went off. Frantically he looked towards the east. The sun was rising.
"I've got to go," he said in a hurry, before rushing off.
"Wait!" Sapphire called, "will I ever see you again?" She didn't get a reply. She climbed back up the tree into her room and fell asleep. If only for a little while.

When she first awoke she had thought she had a dream. But when she turned on the light and saw his jacket on the corner of her bed she realized it wasn't a dream, and she smiled.
I just lost the game.

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Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:38 am
blackwings_angel says...

I'll jump in when cloud head does.

Name: Sebastian
race: demon

teal skin
about 5'7
usually dresses like the time period he grew up in, wearing a top hat and tuxedo. He has elf like ears, and turqiouse hair.

{this is him, without the spots}

doesn't mind being different but appreciates what he once was

His father used to gamble, and drink well he did. He was gambling against a strange man, who raised the wager. His father didn't have enough money to call the bluff, so the man said he could take back all his money, and sell his sons soul. He was drunk so he accepted, and lost. The next day the man showed up at his house, and took his son. Since then, the devil has held a hold on Sebastian, who did his biddings when he was asked, usually just once a year. When he wasn't being the devil's pawn, he started a circus, which he has became a great ringleader of.
Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till by broad spreading it disperses to naught. -William Shakespeare

join my Storybook, now would be a great time for a new character to come in. :wink:

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Sat May 05, 2007 10:58 pm
Alice says...

Cole roamed the streets, unable to tear his thoughts away from her. Why did he care so much? True she did smell delicious, but it was deeper than that, something about her in general was intoxicating. He felt drunk off of her sent.

"No!" he thought out loud and shook his head, he had to get her out of his mind. Who knows what could happen if he let her in, granted she didn't know he was a vampire, or the kind of mortals he hung around with. Oh god, he was reasoning with himself. He pounded his fists against his temple, trying to make himself stop.

At last a hunger stirred him, it was incredibuly painful, but it took his mind off of things for a while. By the time he had fed he had made up his mind. He would tell her, everything; and hope that she would understand. But tonight he needed to get a hold of an old friend.
I just lost the game.

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Sun May 06, 2007 12:26 am
Nutty says...

I know there's a few new characters coming in... but I can't help myself. If there isnt room for me just say so.

Name: sytrana (prefers sytri)
Race: vampire
gender: female
short dark brown hair which sticks up
short stature, about five foot
slim and wiry
slim lips, dark eyes, slightly darker skin then most vampires

Other: A strange vampire, sytrana is often shunned for her ways. Unromantic, adventurous and cheeky, she is often told she is as bad as a human, not sticking to the rules or rituals. Often talks to Cole, one of the few who don't ignore her entirely.
Sometimes rumored to have been tainted with human ancestors.
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Sun May 06, 2007 12:45 am
Nutty says...

Sytrana lurked amoung the rooftops, stretching her muscles and enjoying the night air.
She wasn't supposed to be out tonight, it was time for her monthly ritual. She didn't care. It was just a whole lot of words and strange symbols anyway.
Down on the streets, she spied Cole. What was he doing? he might be seen!
Dropping lightly beside him, she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, Sytri. To see someone." He looked over his shoulder at her.
"what are you doing here? You'll miss your ritual!"

Sytri pulled a face, saying nothing. She followed Cole into the night, looking for adventure.
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Sun May 06, 2007 3:29 am
Alice says...

"Cole, explain to me what's going on."

"I owe you no explanation, you're tagging along."

"Fine Cole please tell me what you're doing."

"Going to see Sebastian and Cellest."

"What?!" Sytri looked at him like he was insane. "Are you really that crazy?"

"No, more like desperate."

"Oh my god, you're in love!"
Was it really that obvious?
I just lost the game.

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Sun May 06, 2007 10:32 am
Nutty says...

Sytri suppressed a snicker.

"So, who's the lucky lady hmmm? The most wanted bachelor our age has a girlfriend?"

"Oh shut up Sytri." Cole took a swing at Sytri, who dodged out of the way, laughing.

"Oh come on Cole, I've seen humans hit better then that!"

Cole sighed. "Sytri, I don't have time for this."

Sytri rolled her eyes. "You're no fun today!"

It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Sun May 06, 2007 3:04 pm
misspriss says...

((Sorry I haven't posted in SO LONG. I tried to post once, and had a nice long post, but my computer messed up. *sigh*))

Sapphire took the jacket off the chair and sat on the bed, running her hands over the leather. Sighing, she put it on and, by habit, stuck her hands in the pockets. She started when her hand, in the left pocket, touched cold metal.

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Sun May 06, 2007 6:05 pm
Alice says...

"I only met her tonight."

"But still, I'm never going to let you live this down you know. Cold, uncaring, Clay fell in love. Awwww..."

"Oh shut up Sytri, she's too young anyways."

"Cole you're over a thousand years old, I'm too young for you."

"But her in the mortal sense too."

"So she's a teenager?"


"Hell, Cole you were twenty four when you became a vampire, not that far off."


"Enough to make you want her to move on."

"She doesn't like me. She thinks I'm a perve."

"Then talk to her, take her to a public place or something."

"No! If anybody finds out, they'll kill her." Cole grabbed her shirt and looked at her intently, "not a word to them alright?"
I just lost the game.

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Sun May 06, 2007 9:20 pm
Nutty says...

Sytri grinned up at Cole, showing off her trademark fangs.
"Oh come on Cole, I'm not that stupid, surely!"
Sytri twisted suddenly, releasing his grip on her.

Sytri sighed prettily, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
"The bachelor has finally found love... how sweet."

Cole growled, taking a friendly swing at Sytri, who danced out of the way.
"Oh come on Cole! I've seen humans throw better punches then that!"

"You come here and say that." Cole laughed, and continued his way down the dark street, Sytri following.[/i]
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.
— Mark Twain