
Young Writers Society

Railway Leap (open)

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Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:33 am
Ventomology says...

Tickets please!

Click. Good afternoon, all passengers. This is your conductor speaking. As a reminder, you are all on the vertical space line, though I’m sure the clothes, languages, and other… aspects of your fellow riders have told you as much by now.

Anyhow, our last stop will be the Grand Starry Station, where you must exit the train for our routine maintenance, even if your destination lies on these tracks.

For those of you who are first-timers, or have simply forgotten, the Grand Starry Station is the largest train station of any universe. It is the only station from which both time and space travelling trains are available, and services every time that has, or will exist, as well as each of the thousands of universes.

Since we arrive at the station rather soon, I would like to remind you all to please fill out the identification sheets which our stewards are passing out at the moment. It will save quite a lot of time later.

Code: Select all
[b]Name and titles:[/b]

[b]Species:[/b](Please describe physical attributes in the DT later, so that our illustrators can create an ID picture.)

[b]Coloration:[/b](Oh, and the pictures are in black and white because we’re not good about updating that sort of thing.)

[b]Date of first arrival:[/b](When did you appear in the universal array?)

[b]Biological age:[/b]

[b]Vague address:[/b](Universe, galaxy, system, and any other information we may need in the case of an emergency.)


[b]Purpose of travel:[/b]

[b]Duration of travel:[/b]

[b]Final destination:[/b]

[b]Felonies:[/b] (Yes, you can have no felonies.  Our security will brief you if any laws are… different.)

[b]Other background information:[/b]

[b]Declarations:[/b](Abilities, sicknesses, dangerous or live personal items, sustenance, and rants about bad service.)

I wish you all safe journeys and thank you for your patronage. Click.

A low hum overtakes the passenger car as everyone begins filling out their forms. No one notices the change of scenery outside the train until a cat shrieks, and its translated voice echoes in everyone’s minds.

“What did you say, Tabitha?” the cat asks, her face pointed at a kitten climbing on the window sill.

“I said I saw a crack, Momma.”

Someone else screams. Then a low growl rumbles through the air. Soon, the car is swept into a frenzy of panicking creatures. A crew member radios for assistance with handling the crowd.

It’s too late though. The train jolts to a stop, and everyone can feel air rushing past their skins, scales, and other manners of covering. It’s going towards the back of the train.

The kitten flies through the air first, a fluffy, calico ball of fur. Then comes her desperate, wide-eyed mother. It’s not long before even the strongest of passengers is sucked through the train, bouncing along the tops of seats and tables.

At the end of the train, the crack grins. Its mouth is wide open, and its hunger knows no bounds.

You are pulled in, and you think you’re going to die.

But you don’t. You’re alive on a planet that supports your kind. You don’t know where or when; you just know you’re suddenly standing on a train platform with all of your luggage neatly dropped beside you.

You look around, and there are a few others there too. No one you know well, but they were definitely in your train car.

The scenery is nice. It’s an outdoor platform, and though the air smells funny, at least you can breathe. Green clouds drift near the horizon, illuminated by two suns, and they all float over a deep, crimson ocean.

You ask yourself the inevitable question:

What now?

Notes from an experienced traveler :

1. Yes, superpowers are a thing here; please restrain yourself and avoid becoming over-powered! In the past, mind-control especially has been an awkward ability to deal with, so I would avoid that.

2. Plot twists are great! There are some vague notions of things-gone-wrong with the railway company, but the future is the future, and nothing is set in stone.

3. Be nice. It not only gets you material things, but also friends and a lot of satisfaction.

4. There is only one "god" in the array of universes, and you are not it (neither am I), so try not to "god-mod."

5. As far as setting and world-building go, this journey will have a lot of both! So, in order to keep everyone on the same page, we need to be communicating with each other about our ideas and visions.

6. I'd like to keep this whole thing as safe and friendly as possible. So while action and suspense are definitely a yes, we are keeping the ordeal PG-PG13.

7. You have an illustrator (moi) on this journey. Utilize her skills! If there is a piece of scenery, or a character or object you'd like drawn, go right ahead and ask.

8. Keep discussion-ey stuff in the DT, please!

9. I have no idea who will post first. It could be me, or it could be someone else. Whoever starts picks the POV, though. So if P#1 goes "let's write in first person!" then we all will. It's for consistency, and makes us all look better.
"I've got dreams like you--no really!--just much less, touchy-feeley.
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
on an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone
surrounded by enormous piles of money." -Flynn Rider, Tangled

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Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:23 pm
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NicoleBri says...

Amberly Wynona Ryder, Train Station

I had been waiting at this weird train station, it wasn't like any of the others one that I had saw before. I could feel the tension rising off of peoples skin, being a vampire definitely wasn't the greatest thing in the world. Excuse my language but I have always felt this sexual hunger, and dammit it made me feel so hot.

I smiled to myself as I peered around everyone, there might have been a few mortals around but most were immortals, I loved being around people like me. I sighed, being around for life times takes the fun out of everything.

The train finally came. I was "magically" the first one on. I gave the strange man my ticket and sat in the very front, making sure people saw me. They'd see me and instantly feel the heat as if it were their own "sexual urges," I had that type of effect on people.

Not only was I sexy, but I didn't know anyone who didn't like me.

"Can I sit here, ma'am?" A middle aged immortal asked, wow, he was the first nice being I had met in a few years. I nod and see his face flush, "My name is Amberly." I tell him. He nodded to me and just looked the opposite way, he might have been looking for someone. "Are you going to tell me your name?" I asked, a little to eager and annoyed.

"I don't communicate much with Succubus'." He answered, I laughed. Yes, I was known as a Succubus, only because I can feed while having sex, but I also feed from the blood of human or animals.

"I prefer to be called a vampire." I hissed, it really ticked me off.


"Please exit the train carefully and quickly." the conductor said, I was thankful, it felt like hours.

"Why are we getting off so quick?" someone asked.

The intercom came on and it said, "We are at the Grand Starry Station, it is for maintenance, exit carefully."

I sighed, this wasn't the first time the trains had stopped.

"Where are you headed?" A male asked, it was coming from behind me. I didn't know who he was but I answered it anyways,

"To claim my crown."

Spoiler! :
Personally I like first person P.O.V. so I hope that is okay, I also know this isn't 500 words but my next posts will be better. I hope this post is acceptable though.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:17 am
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Theodorable says...

Beckett Greene, Troy Train Station

I had been contacted by one of my favorite patrons, Kian, to find a rare sword from the 28th century. 'Kulgore's Oath' they called it. I had been poring over ancient texts trying to decipher its whereabouts. I had found one small clue in a diary that had almost been lost to time, but it was a clue nonetheless.

Glancing down at my satchel, I made sure that my tools were still there. Most Finders used machines or magic to find and extract objects, but I preferred to use my hands. The feel of the Earth in my hands is a pleasure that I would not give up for convenience. Without thinking, my hand lifted and made sure that my switchblade was still in my hidden pocket. Satisfied, I patted it and let my hand drop.

I had been waiting at the station for the train that would take me to the Grand Starry Station for 30 minutes now. I felt the glances of everyone on the platform, Sometimes I wish I did not possess fey blood.

No matter where he was, he drew the attention of everyone in the area. Both men and women could not resist the call of the blood. He thanked his lucky star for being only half fey. Being half fey meant that people would only stare and not approach, but the staring got old after awhile.

The train finally arrived, and I took a seat. Letting my head fall back onto the cracked, red vinyl seat, I thought of my mother. I had not seen her for 5 years now. It was the longest I had been away from her, but after finding the Arcadians' lost dreaming stone, I had been busy finding objects for new clients.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, we were pulling into the Grand Starry station. Grabbing my satchel, I made my way to the departure list.
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. -Dean, Supernatural

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Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:37 am
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Hattable says...

Mr. Geronimo Ferris (a.k.a the Conductor), Grand Starry Station

I have had many adventures, sometimes by accidentally time traveling to a random era or by appearing on a strange planet one day. Yet, despite these events, I have never taken the time to simply explore the worlds and see what there was to see.
That's why I headed for Grand Starry Station, to board a train and explore the universe. As I waited for the train to arrive I wandered around, looking for someone's pockets to pick. A harmless habit, I say, though the authorities seem to think otherwise.
Eventually the train reaches the station and stops for maintenance.
The people aboard the train slowly pour out of the many cars to wait for the train to set out again.
Among the crowd of strange beings I noticed an incredibly unusual "person". Though I knew next to nothing about her, aside from her appearance and that she was apparently a Succubus of some kind, I instantly disliked her. Yet at the same time I was greatly intrigued as to why someone of her kind was her of all places.
She was facing away from me as I strode up to speak to her.

"Where are you headed?" I asked.

She heard me but refused to turn around, simply replying with "To claim my crown".
Then she disappeared into the throng of creatures waiting for the train.


Finally! I thought as the train's doors reopened and people were allowed on again. I boarded quickly, excited to start my newest adventure. I picked a seat near the back, as was my usual practice, since it allowed me sight of the rest of the train car.
Further up the car I saw the Succubus from before seemingly float to the front where she took a seat beside a middle-aged man. The two began conversing and the man turned away. For a moment I wondered what had exchanged between them, but then I lost interest in it. Instead of lingering on other people's business I settled into my seat and reached into one of the pockets on my suit jacket. It should really be called a pocket jacket as it's form is almost completely made up of pockets, but it came as part of a suit and so I call it what it is.
From this particular pocket I pulled my small friend, Thaddeus.

"Ow, hey watch the feathers, mate!" the pygmy griffin complained as I lifted him up to my face.

"Calm down, Thaddeus. I just thought you might like some fresh air after being in there for so long" I laughed as he attempted to fly out of my grip.

Thaddeus always seemed like he wanted to escape from me but I knew for a fact that he was completely happy with his life adventuring alongside me. At least, happier than he was when I first met him. But that's a story for another day.
At the moment, the train had been reloaded with passengers and was beginning to take off from the station.
It lurched forward, then back, and then forward again before rolling along the tracks.
Looking out the window I waved a farewell to Grand Starry Station, welcoming the oncoming journey.
"I remember I posted Klingon and it made the mods super hard" -Willard

Prok once said something about Nate and apple pie. I forget the context.

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Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:38 am
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megsug says...

Vepo | You Have To Lift Your Legs To Walk | Train Station
When I left the rivers I had been living in for countless seasons, a part of me died. There is something inexplicable about flowing with currents with the secure knowledge that you are a part of something big and important and earth changing. Fire, Wind, and Earth laugh at Water because the effects of our power are rarely ever quick. Fire burns down forests in moments. Wind can knock down structures with enough force. Earth can shake everything apart. Water has floods, but on a planet with no dwelling places -- for we all live within Nature – floods aren’t that effective. Water can carve deep canyons though and wind its way through every landscape. We have our own power, and it’s wonderful to be a part of that.

I did not realize such until I left. I did not realize how terrible it was to be apart.

The enemies in our solar system have landed on our planet many times. Sometimes their ships never leave. It’s how we got the technology in the first place. Elementals are happy where they are. We lost our wish to travel long ago when we first learned of space and what could lie beyond, but our neighbors had just caught the fever. We couldn’t give up easily. We’d have to change.

It was quickly realized that while our Electric and Metal brothers had an affinity for operating the ships from the invaders, we had simply lost the infrastructure to create more after the Back to Nature movement seasons and seasons ago which is how I wound up in one of these death contraptions.

Electricity crackles beside me. I glance over nervously. While most of my brethren have gotten over the ancient civil wars, I get the feeling that he hasn’t. The lame attempts at conversation are met with silence. Eventually, because the constant shaking of the ship made me feel as if my atoms were going to separate, I pooled into my bowl.

The nearest train station was practically empty. Despite how surly Electricity was, their departure was a hard blow. I doubted I would meet another elemental until I returned to Tellen. I rolled as a blob, my bowl within me along with my fish who swam within me, seemingly undisturbed by the change of location its entire world had made. Despite the sadness of leaving home, I was excited to see new beings. While I wasn’t familiar at all with most species’ anatomy, I did know some common basics like breathing and very basic body parts.

The being behind the counter raised its eyebrow at my approach but didn’t say anything other than, “Welcome to Black Hole Station. How may I help you?”

As it spoke, I mimicked I started to mimic its shape, getting everything as close as I could. Soon with one stalk coming out of the top of my form and several tentacles, I was a mirror. He faltered as my form became steady.

“I need a ticket,” I said, self-consciously blurring my form until the bright orange color returned to the face of his form.

“…Of course. That will be eleven Tels.”

I brought the one other thing I had in my form to one of the tentacles, plopping the purse onto the desk with a wet smack.

The being inhaled and exhaled loudly and heavily before opening the coin purse and dumping the coins onto the counter unceremoniously. “Eleven exactly.”

“My planet has little use for currency,” I started to explain, but he handed me a ticket and pointed to a doorway before I could explain any farther. He apparently wasn’t interested.

“Next train’ll be pulling up there in a quarter of an hour. Meet it there.”

I slid away, a little dejected. The area I was waiting had three small furry creatures waiting there as well. When I tried to shift into their form, so I could talk to them easier, the largest of the three led the two smaller ones to the other side of the room.

I let them be and glanced around the walls. Advertisements covered the walls. One pulled my attention because of the word: EARTH spelled in bold letters at the bottom.

A being, probably the native one, stood, smiling. It was practically hairless. It had four… tentacles? I recognized the need for a form. Would anybeing take a blob or a bowl of water seriously? Slowly, I molded myself into the being on the poster. I had just perfected the replica to the best of my ability when the train blared up. I slowly followed the furry beings, mimicking them when they held out their tickets to be punched.

I slid down the aisle, catching one being with a similar structure to the one I had taken staring at me. I sat down across the aisle from it, and as the train started with a lurch, it leaned across towards me and said, “You’re supposed to lift your feet when you walk.”

It taught me several things during that ride.


“Please exit the train carefully and quickly.”

I… walked off of the train. The amount and diversity of beings was overwhelming. I stared unabashedly, earning a glare from what I thought I recognized as a wa-woman.

I decided that I would rest in my bowl for the second part of the journey. My atoms were unused to having to hold such a stable form. Kind fellow passenger or not, I needed rest.

When I reboarded, I did just as I had planned. I sank gratefully into my bowl and tried my hardest to meld into my environment as I had done so easily back home.

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Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:16 pm
TheCrimsonLady says...

Lucy | Train Station

My eyes were on the slowly on the train doors as I dodged among various passerby. Not for the first time, I wished I had summoned a demon- a small one- to help me with my boxes. Thankfully, I came to the doors just before they closed. I threw my ticket towards the ticketing counter and fell into the first empty seat I saw. My breath came in ragged gasps. I lifted one of the smaller chests into my lap and took a deep breath before cracking it open. Pages and pages of my ancestors' journal entries greeted my eyes.

I pulled out a book of summoning spells, my own journal, and a pen. Setting down the chest on the seat next to me, I created a makeshift desk and got to work.

After I had read through pages and pages of utter nonsense- even for a demon sorceress, I slammed the book shut. It seemed likely that at least one of the ancient line was a madwoman. A bitter laugh escaped my lips as I thought about the impossible task I had set for myself.

As if studying the journals would help.Anyone who had figured out how to undo the curse would have undone it. As far as I could, no sorceress had actually enjoyed our task- to keep the demons and their master in Hell. Not that anyone actually succeeds. We tried to keep the greater demons where they were, but blocking all of them would have driven me mad in an instant. A shudder ran up m spine, and I looked at the journal in my hand one more time before putting it away as quickly as I could.

I flipped open my own journal and check my list. I was nearly positive that the next action I had decided to take was to summon various demons, threaten them with hellfire, and see if they could tell me how to close the gate from Hell to the mortal world.

Briefly, I glanced out the window and wondered how my bootlegging business was going. I hoped my brother was doing well. When no hellfire greeted my eyes, I turned back to my task, stifling a yawn. I hadn't slept for two days, having been working without pause to find answers before I arrived in Hell.

Pushing through the haze of drowsiness, I opened the chest again. My fingers found the small ring I had to pull, and a small compartment appeared at the bottom of my case.

Flipping open the box of ground up demon bone and salt, I drew a large circle on the floor in front of me. A few people gave me odd looks, but I ignored them and put my full concentration on summoning the demon I wanted. Messing up and summoning something greater could have meat dying, not to mention unleashing another demon upon the world.

As I chanted the Latin words from memory, silver dust flooded into the circle. It turned into a small tornado, whipping my hair around my face. When all was calm, my circle seemed thinner- weaker, but that was normal. In the center stood an attractive man, dressed in a black tunic and leggings that looked like they were from a different century. A black cloak hung over his shoulders. I squared my shoulders and slashed my palm with my athame and held my hand over the line, letting my blood drip over the edge.

"In my name and the name of the Line, I bind you, your powers, and your allegiance to myself in this moment. " I met his- its- eyes. "I bind you three times over with the bones of your kinsmen, the blood of your master, and the power of hellfire." I let a ball of hellfire well in my palm and direct it toward the circle. It caught immediately, and the demon inside growled and thrashed against the invisible boundaries. "Swear your allegiance to me, demon. You can sense who and what I am."

He sighed, and said, "I swear myself to you from this moment, Mistress." The hellfire flew back into my palm and disappeared and I sent it away. Carefully, I bent down and cut the circle with my athame. The demon stepped out and bowed to me.

"What is your name, demon?"

"Ardal, my- Mis-"

"Just call me Lucy." I laughed in my head at his name, which was an Irish name that meant courageous. For a demon to call himself such was ironic, to say the least.

"Yes, of course." He seemed obedient enough, but I decided to keep an eye on him for a few days.

"Here's your first job, Ardal. If anyone tries to hurt me, defend me and wake me at the earliest possible time. Do you understand?" He bowed low and sat down opposite me. I could feel many people's eyes on me, but I had needed to do this- if the prince of Hell learned of my quest, he would send his lackeys to stop me, and it was a laughable thought that I alone could defeat them. "Oh, and if the trains stops, wake me."

A wave of relief and exhaustion washed over me. It had been the first time I had summoned and bound a demon to myself, and I was glad it had gone well.
My thoughts swirled around and I swayed on my feet, so I sat down and rested my head on my hand and closed my eyes, promising myself that I'd get back to work in a few minutes.
Let the blood pour down in rivers as the world burns.

Facebook is that cockroach that you just can't kill
— Gravity