
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:03 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

Oliver was supposed to go to England a few days ago. He was flying there. How did it end up that he instead came to my house? It's impossible. It probably was a dream. A nightmare rather. He's in England Jane, he couldn't have kissed you last night. But yet, I cannot convince myself of this.

Sitting up in my bed, I look over my room. The same teal walls, same pictures. The furniture IKEA like, still the same. Something needs to change. I got off my bed and went to my closet. In there I picked through the boxes at the bottom of the closet and pulled out a folder. Opening it, I saw a bunch of pictures from Germany. They needed to be on my wall.

I walked to my desk and grabbed my Scotch tape. One by one, I taped the pictures on the wall next to my bed. I stood on it and taped. Once I finished, I looked over at the window. The sun was just rising. Jumping on my bed, I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and clicked it on. Four-thirty. Geez Jane. You need sleep.


"Wakey-wakey!" I heard my mom say.

Opening my eyes, I looked at her first. She had the biggest smile on her face and held a brown paper bag.

"What's that?" That's when I looked at the wall to my left. All those pictures were up. That wasn't a dream either.

"A doughnut from Dunkin', French Curler!" she handed me the bag as I sat up.

"What's the occasion?"

"Well, I felt sorry for crying last night so I got you something as a thanks." she's still new to us bonding again, isn't she.

"Ma, I love you. You don't need to thank me for caring. I've always cared, no matter how fucked up I was. I still cared and loved."

Opening the bag, I started chewing on the heaven. It was amazing.

"I'm really happy you met Emmett. You've changed for the better. You're a real woman now and it makes me happy we can finally bond baby."

I smiled, handing her the rest of my doughnut. She took it, finishing it. This was good. For the both of us.

"Are those pictures from Germany?" My mom looked at the wall.

Swallowing hard, I got off my bed and nodded. I headed toward the bathroom.

"What happened with Oliver and you?"

Her question made my heart stop. "Nothing, I'll go wash up."


"So, it was weird..." Emmett started.

We were at his house, chilling in the living room. Grown Ups was playing on the TV but we weren't really watching. It was either we made out, or we spoke. He had something on his mind, so I let him speak.

"Oliver came over." he looked straight at me, it made me nervous. "He invited me to his party Saturday... but it seemed like he was dodging was he actually wanted to say. The situation seemed more serious than it actually was. Do you know what's going on?"

Of course I did. He wanted to ruin our relationship! That's why he came over to Emmett's. Oliver wanted to tell him that we kissed... made-out actually. He wanted to tell him so Emmett would dump me and I'd go to him. Little bastard.

"No, how would I know?" I asked, playing with his hair.

"Well, you guys are friends."

"Emmett, he's a special person... it's hard to understand him. Now why don't we get ready for the wedding, huh? We gotta go."

"Great idea Jane."

We both smiled, getting off the couch. I kissed him softly.

Spoiler! :
I'll write the wedding part for Jane later. @Sunshine!!!

William Franco

Suit? Check. Wedding gift? Check. Speech? Check. Date? Nope. Jesus. At least I was here already, the guests are gonna come by in an hour, so I helped them get this place ready. I was the host.

"Steve! The food is ready?" I asked the head chef who was hitting his thirty age mark. He didn't look a day over twenty-two though. Shocking yet amazing.

"Absolutely Will. The dinner is set, we are just going to place it in the reception area. Dessert will come out later, Calleigh is just finishing everything off with that. Dude, it;s covered, don't stress. You aren't the one getting married." he laughed and I joined him.

"Right, but I'm the host. This needs to be perfect."

"It is, go see if everything else is perfect." he smiled.

With a nod, I tapped his shoulder and got out of the kitchen. The room was just getting set up. We had a few hours before we were to come in here anyway. People were running around, placing stuff, cleaning, and even painting. One of the painters, a seventeen-year-old artist from Harmony was on the wall behind where the lovely couple would sit. She was painting their names. It looked beautiful; Old English style.

I walked up to her, watching her paint. Since everything else was covered, I just wanted to be sure this would come out perfectly.

"Great job Greta," I smiled.

"Don't startle me like that! You were lucky I reached for some fresh paint." She laughed, turning to face me.

"I always make sure I wouldn't startle you when you were painting girl."

A soft pink blush escaped her cheeks which made her look cute. Young girls always blushed when I was around. It's a charm.

"Thanks anyway Will, I'll see you later?" she went back to painting with the gold paint.

"Yeah, be sure everyone gets to the reception. They all deserve a reward for working so hard, not only their paychecks, right? You better get here too with that boy of yours."

"If I had one honey,"

I pulled back and walked out of the room, waving at everyone. "Great job guys! Keep it up! Four hours!" and I got outside. Time to get to the church.


Everyone was seated and started at me. I was at the front, standing where I should since I was the Best Man. Lena was just across from me, Maid of Honor. Leo was between us and we waited for Avery. The music played, and the doors opened. That's when she showed up. Beautiful in white. I couldn't stop staring. It reminded me of prom. Bad memory. Bad memory. I pushed it aside and looked over at Lena, she was already looking at me. She remembered too.

Avery reached us, kissing Leo on the cheek. They both stood in between Lena and I as the Priest smiled. Everyone stared and waited for the ceremony to start. The whole time I was looking at Avery. So beautiful and glowing. It made me remember when I always thought we would get married. I always believed that if anything, Avery and I would marry.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace." what a speech.

My arm rose up out of nowhere and everyone's eyes darted at me. I hadn't noticed what I done until after I had done it. Letting my arm fall down I cleared my throat. Avery's eyes scared me, they were filled both with venom and shock. I'm ruining her life again.

"I..." I swallowed hard. "I just wanted to say something. Can I do that?"

The Priest nodded with a smile. So, I stepped down and reached the aisle. I just stood in front of everyone. So frightening. I didn't even know what I was doing.

"I'm sorry for doing this everyone. I just feel like i have something to say." I smiled. "So, in high school Avery and I..." I looked at Avery for a second then looked back at the crowd. "We were in love. And ever since I started dating her, I believed we would get married." I laughed. "I know, not the place to say this. But, when she told me she was to get married and I knew I hadn't asked her for her hand... it made me real sad. Disappointed. I had always loved her so much. She will have a place in my heart, forever. Whether I liked it or not."

I took a deep breath, trying to push away my tears. "I broke her heart and I thought she would still love me? I was crazy! But I thought. And I knew I couldn't. I knew I didn't really want to marry her anyway later. You want to know why? She found someone that would love her. Someone that would take care of her and the children. It wasn't me and I was fine with that because I fell in love with someone else. And she knows that."

Looking over at the crowd, I stopped my speech. That was all I needed to say. Stepping back up to my spot, I let it all sink in.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:08 am
Desticakes101 says...


Seriously dude. Seriously. Before Avery can rip off Wills head or break into tears I step out of line, do a quick apologetic wave towards the crowd, and drag an unsuspecting Will into the preparation room off to the side. I hear mumurs outside and then its quiet again.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Will asks me. I look at him increduously and then rollmy eyes.

"Will...are you a fucking idiot? Like seriously. Are you stupid? This is Averys wedding day. I haven't seen her this happy since we were kids. I literally can't believe you did that." I sigh and rub my temple. Suddenly Alosha walks in and looks first at Will and then at me.

"Their thinking of canceling the whole thing. Avery is in tears. Like full blown, she can hardly breathe tears. Leo wants to break your neck. " she points this towards Will.

"Can you console Avery please? I just need to talk to him a little bit more." Alosha nods and then walks out.

Will is sitting in one of the nearby chairs with his head in his hands.

"I fucked up didn't i?" Will asks quietly. Instead of answering him I pull out a chair and sit next to him. Then I giggle and t hen just begin full blown cracking up.

"Fucked up is an understatement dude." When I calm down I look at him. " So...are you gonna be with Lena now?" I ask quietly. He shrugs.

"Well...to be honest I don't think that I want you to. Avery told me to stop hating you but I couldn't. Because I knew that if I did...I would really begin to like you. And maybe even fall for you." I feel my cheeks burning and hold my breath as I wait for him to respond.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:29 am
Nike says...

William Franco

"How did I fuck up? Seriously. I said that she found the right guy. I said that she's finally happy and deserves to have someone like him. That they should get married. I said only good things." I said suddenly, ignoring what she had just said.

Giving me this look of confusion, she sighed. I wasn't listening because I was lost in my own thoughts.

"Saying it was the problem. It brought back bad memories for her. I know... you did say nice things but no one understands that." I guess she's trying to comfort me.

"I literally gave the speech I was supposed to say at the reception at the church. I couldn't hold it. I was giving them happiness. What the hell? Does no one have a logical brain anymore?!" I barked.

"Well, if you go around and stick your arm up when the Priest says 'or forever hold your peace', it's going to get ugly. Also, you mentioned you wanted to marry her? Will! Do you have the right of mind? And you say you fell for someone else!" she barked back.

We just looked at each other for that moment, the tension way too much for me to handle. I just turned away and stood up, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry that you had to like me Kristin. You should've hated me because it looks like the right thing to do at this moment. Everyone hates me now." I smiled weakly at her.

Looking at the floor, she sat quietly. I stood there for a little and watched her, eager to see if she would respond or not. Since she didn't I walked away, back to the wedding.

"Will, you might not want to go there." Kristin said from behind me, I felt her hand brush against my arm. I turned on my heel and saw her eyes, they were teary. Dammit. That was never good.

"We have to get back to the wedding! It's Ave's day, we might as well be there for it."

"Not when everyone in that room wants to kill you." she giggled.

"It doesn't matter. She's getting married no matter what."

All she did was smile and hold my hand. I let her. She was nice and I didn't personally mind. As we walked toward the room, I caught Lena in the corner of my eye. Turning to see her, she was sitting on one of the benches, texting.

"Lee," I said.

Her head shot up but her eyes darted to our hands. I felt guilty right away for doing nothing bad, but I still pulled my hand away in a quick second. She looked at my face now, her blue eyes hurt. DAMMIT.

"What's going on?" She asked weakly.

"Nothing, trust me. Kristin here just tried to tell me that what I said was horrible and deceiving."

"Not deceiving... just not a good idea." Kristin said.

I walked up to Lena, sitting down next to her. She slipped her phone into her purse and looked anywhere but at me.

"Is the wedding on?" I asked.

"Yeah... Avery calmed down. They actually thought about what you said. It was just all at once, you know? You wanted to marry her... then slap, you love someone else. I mean, you did say she found someone perfect for her. What you said wasn't bad Will." Lena responded.

I smiled, putting my hand on top of hers. She understood me and that's what I needed.

"Let's get back inside."


At first, everyone stared. In anger. But when Avery smiled when she saw all of us, the rest went back to normal. Finally people listened to me, not heard what they wanted to hear.

We were at the reception, the place Avery chose. It was amazing, everyone made it perfect. I finally made something right. Even the happy couple thanked me like crazy. And sort of apologized. I apologized. It was good. I think.

"Will!" I heard someone call.

Turning on my heel, I saw a very drunk Kristin. She looked hot though with her tight black dress. Her girlfriend was sucking face with Ashton on the dance floor, so she had nothing better to do than to talk to me. Lena was chatting with Avery and I was left alone.

"Yeah," I said once she got to me.

"Can we be alone?" she asked, running her fingers down my chest.

"Uh, Kristin..." I took her hand and let it drop to her side. "Let's take it slow, huh?"

"No! Come on, I have a room just for us." Her eyes were filled with lust.

"Babe, grab Tristan! He's right there, all alone."

I pointed toward Tristan, who was standing just a few feet away from me, sipping a beer just like me. She shook her head, grabbing my arm.

"He's not as hot as you. Let's go."

"Kristin please don't make me do this."

"Whatever. I'll find elsewhere. But you'll regret this!"

I nodded, watching her jump off to... Tristan. Of course. Like I said, ha-ha. I walked off, headed toward the lobby. There was maybe a few people there and it was quieter there. Good for me. Once I stepped out, my ears hurt. The music was definitely too loud. I walked toward the couches which were in the middle of the lobby. No one was sitting there except for Avery. And she was in tears. I thought Lena was with her? It was tempting to go to her, hug her, make her feel better. But that could be dangerous territory. The thing is, she looked up at me. SHe knew I was here. So I couldn't just walk away.

"What," she hissed.

Walking up to her, I sat down next to her. She just gave me this look of disgust, wiping her tears at the same time.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. I'm not crying. You don't have to help me." She hissed out everything.

"You kinda, sorta made me help you." I replied.

Her eyes darted at mine.

"Listen, just... what's going on?"

"What you said... at the wedding... Will that was too much."

"Hey, I thought it was a good thing. You did marry! I was just trying to tell you how great it was, trust me. I said he was good for you."

"You said you wanted to marry me."

She looked at me, her eyes so hypnotizing. I didn't notice, but she was leaning into me. Once she was a few centimeters away from my face, I scooted over. That for sure wasn't happening.

"Will, you said you imagined us together, married. And God. That's harsh to say at someone's wedding you know, especially if you know I still have some feelings for you."

Spoiler! :
@Desitcakes101 GO!

Jane Wills
Spoiler! :
Later, so tired from work, sorry :)
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:30 pm
Nike says...

Jane Wills

I knew this would happen. Will is known to fuck things up. Well, okay... what he said was actually good, but you say this at the reception, not at the beginning of the wedding ceremony. Hey, at least it all worked out in the end. It full blast blew everyone away.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked Emmett once we stepped into the reception area.

"Yeah, let's go grab something."

We both headed toward the bar area. A young looking guy stood there, chatting up some single girls that were chugging down margaritas.

"I'd like a Shirley Temple... and you?" I said, looking at Emmett.

"Just a cold one." he smiled.

The bartender started up with my drink and pulled a Corona from the fridge behind me. After he handed me mine, we went to our assigned table. Practically no one was sitting, everyone was at the dance floor or outside all together. We sat down for a moment.

"I thought that was a beautiful wedding." I smiled.

"Yeah, Avery looks really happy. We should go congratulate her and... Leo, was that his name?"

"Mhm, let's bounce."

Getting up, we went looking for the happy couple. I spotted Leo, waving at him. The music was blasting some Avicii, making my ears ring. It was so stuffed here, you could barely walk through without hitting someone in the process.

Leo smiled when he saw us. When we reached him, we then realized Avery was not with him.

"Where's your lovely wife?" Emmett asked. We had to yell so he could hear us, yes the music was that loud.

"Oh, she ran to the restroom." he smiled.

"Well, we just wanted to say congratulations to your wedding! I think you guys are amazing for each other." I said.

"Thank you Jane and Emmett."

"Emm, I'm gonna run to the restroom as well, I'll be back?" I looked at Emmett.

He nodded. "I'll be here babe,"

I kissed him on the cheek and found my way out of the room. Once I stepped out into the lobby, I could finally breathe. Shutting my eyes, I smiled in relief. I hated huge parties and I was going sober. So I wouldn't drink to get used to it. I would just live with the fact I hate 'boom boom parties'. It was a wedding, I'd be fine.

Scanning the room, I found the bathroom sign and went my way. But before I could move, I spotted Avery on the couch with Will. She was balling. Sobbing like crazy. I couldn't move, I felt frozen in place. They were talking. That's all, thank God.

I walked up to them, unsure of what I was going to do. Smiling, I spoke up.


They both looked at me in shock. As if I caught them in the middle of something. Switching my weight, I just stood there.

"Is everything fine? Leo is inside. He was looking for you." I added.

"She's fine," Will said, a little protective. "You wouldn't care anyway." he added, venom seeping his eyes.

"Jesus, sorry for caring, Will." I hissed back. "I'm here actually caring and you're telling me I don't? I'm not the one who practically ruined her wedding. Why are you even talking to her! Are you going to make her get divorced now Mr. I Wanna Marry Avery?" I placed my hands on my hips.

Looking down at his hands, he took a deep breath in. Now I felt stupid and guilty. I walked up closer to them, closing up our space even more.

"I-I'm sorry for saying it like that... I didn't mean it. I usually speak out of term," I said stupidly.

"No, you're right. I'm the one who's sorry." he replied, looking up at me. God, he was really hot. No wonder Avery was with him. But he could be superbly stupid.

"What you said at the wedding, I understood it. I didn't think it was bad... but you couldn't have saved it for now? You're blessing them at the reception, not the wedding." I said.

"Yeah, I should've, huh?" He smiled, looking back down at the floor from embarrassment.

"Jane, could you leave us alone?"" Avery barked out of nowhere.

Stepping back, I nodded, a little frightened. Will took a look at her and stood up from the couch. I guess he was shocked too by her sudden venomous tone.

"What would you know Jane? You're the one who stole my boyfriend!" Now she yelled and stood up, maybe trying to scare me from her height.

"Sorry?" I said, not catching on to what she meant.

"You should be!" she didn't understand me. "Fuck you Jane! You sleep with my boyfriend and ruin our relationship! And you Will! You leave me for that slut Lena! You leave me with two fucking children! Do you think I want children? Hell No!"

God is she angry. But just then, her face went pale and she couldn't breathe. She grabbed her throat and started croaking. I didn't know what was going on. Will went to her and tried to help her but she pushed him away.

"Get Leo!" Will told me.

I nodded, running back into the room. I found Leo and Emmett in the same spot, just chatting. Running up to them, they saw me. Leo's face went from happy to completely concerned. He knew. I nodded to approve his thought and he ran the way I came in. Emmett just looked from me, to him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It was Avery, I think she had a panic attack. She couldn't breathe." I told Emmett.

We just watched Leo run to the lobby.

Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:56 pm
MikeyG says...


"We're going to have to go with the surgery now Mr.Westings." Dr.Herotis says quietly. I put my head in my hands and sigh. The blood on my shirt... that Avery coughed up while I carried her to our car was still damp. I feel like I can't breathe now. I feel like i'm being slowly suffocated to death. My wife. This is happening to my wife.

"I don't know why it is, or how its even possible but every single one of her tumors are inflamed. If we don't take them out now...she can die in several different ways. Would you like to see her before we commence? Shes in stable condition and awake for now. But we don't know how long that will last." Even he looks stressed out. I nod my head and get up to begin following the doctor.

"Leo?" Avery asks in a raspy voice while she turns from her episode of girl code to me. This is the episode that she was in. Her parts about to come up where she discusses shoe shopping and how its nectar for the soul. I can't look at her. If I look at her i'll break down.

"Hey V." I say looking down. I hear movement from her bed and look up to see that she's coming towards me and trying to get up. I shake my head and meet her halfway. When she stands up, she looks as if shes about to fall down and I rush towards her before she can. She collapses into me and I can hear her inhaling me while she nuzzles into the crook of my neck. And then I feel her beginning to shakes and can hear her sniffles through my shirt. I pick her up and bring her to her hospital bed. When I sit down she keeps her arms around my neck and remains in my lap.

"I love you so much." I say hugging her close. I can feel my eyes burning and a lump entering my throat. "You mean the world to me. And I know that you'll be fine." She keeps crying harder and harder with every word I speak, and I can feel tears slipping down my own face.

"What...if...i'm...not." She hiccups. I shake my head and kiss her face all over. I get up and lay her down, and then get behind her to begin spooning her. She turns herself around and looks me deep in my eyes, her own red and puffy.

"I can't let Colton and Caitlyn see me like this." She whispers " It'll scare and worry them. I just need to make sure I stay alive through this. Leo..." She sighs and reaches down to take my hand. " I love you more than anything. Your my one and only. Even..." she sighs again " even if I die...well I left you something in that safety deposit box downtown. The address is inside of my wallet which is inside of my purse at home. But just make sure to be the best parent to Colton and Caitlyn you possibly could be please. I love you." She kisses me, and then cuddles closer into me. I kiss her once more on the mouth and then her breathing puts me to sleep.

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:19 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
That almost made me cry...


"What the fuck do you mean we can't see her?" I practically scream at the receptionist bitch thats refusing to let me see my cousin. Physically I may not lok that threatening, because my hair has fallen from its elegant up due hairstyle, and is now falling across my shoulders and back in ringlets, and i'm still wearing that flow-y bridesmaid dress, but that bitch must see the homicidal rage in my eyes because she quickly says that she'll go see and practically runs down the corridor. Alosha takes my hand and pulls me towards her.

"She'll be fine babes. Avery is truly a strong girl. Si quelque chose que nous devrions commencer à envoyer nos prières à son lieu de menacer les réceptionnistes." Alosha finishes in french. I nod my head and begin walking to the waiting area when I spot Leo walking down the corridor wiping his eyes. I rush to him with Alosha in tow and quickly corner him.

"How is she? Where is she? Whats going on? Is she alright? Who the fuck stressed her out? I'll fucking kill them." I say this all in a rush getting angrier as I go on.

"They're beginning the surgery now. She's really weak because of the tumors inflaming, so whatever must have happened must have truly fucked her up. A rough guess would be Will. And believe me when I say that I wanna kill him first." Ok. Now that was creepy. Leo has always been the nice, calm guy with a warm brotherly smile on his face and constant advice if you need it. He has never been the type that I could see in a fight or even an argument. But the look in his eyes right now, the way his fist are clenched so hard that they're turning white...I could suddenly see him taking down anyone who would hurt Avery with a manic smile on his face. I put a hand on his arm to try to calm him down.

"She'll be alright. But all we can do is wait ya know?" I say quietly. He nods his head and takes out his phone. I watch as he makes reservations for a penthouse suite and a presidential suite in a really expensive hotel down the road.

"You two can have the presidential suite. I'll have the penthouse. We need to be ready at a moments notice for V when she's awake. But for now...we just have to relax I guess. I...I need some sleep." I've never heard his voice like that. So lost and deep and scared. It suddenly scares me.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:38 am
Nike says...

William Franco

I didn't know what to do. Everything went in slow motion. From Avery hitting the ground, me running to grab her, Leo pushing me aside and lifting her up. He ran with her out of the place. I followed after, unsure of where my head was at that moment. I just knew following them and seeing if Avery was okay was what I needed to do. But as I ran, I felt my arm being jerked back. I almost tripped.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

Looking behind me, I saw Kristin's angry face. Her nostrils were flaring. It wasn't just angry, but also scared.

"Kristin," I paused. "Why'd you do that? I gotta go!"

"Where, back to Cali? To be with that slut girl of yours?" Oh no.

"To go to the hospital!"

She said nothing for a moment, her face at first confused and then frightened. I got lost in her terrified eyes.

"Avery... is it her? It can't be her. She has to be okay." she started to ramble.

I grabbed her shoulders and she immediately shut up. Her eyes caught mine and I felt her stop breathing for that moment. The room behind us was filled with happy people that had no idea what just happened. That was her. I just looked at her and she knew, she knew what she just said was true.

"No! Will!" Tears started to run down her face as she screamed. "No!" She started to punch my body as I pulled her in for a tight hug. I felt her fall into my arms and sob.

That very moment, I saw Lena come out of the party room. Her eyes past us and then she looked just at me.

"What's happening?" Lena asked as she got closer to us, concern lining her face.

"It's Avery, she's in the hospital... Kristin just found out."

She looked at Kristin's shaking body which was in my tender arms. It was like watching a child cry for their mother to come back home. Kristin pulled away from me, her makeup blotching her face.

"I'm going." She huffed.

"Not in your state, you have to calm down. She wouldn't want to see you like this." I said.

Lena stood next to me, silent from shock. Or was it fright?

"I'll go with you," Lena said.

I looked at her and she looked back. Her blue eyes, the ones that brought me back to California, they were scared. I swallowed hard.

"Will, you stay. Take care of the party." she started as she watched Kristin. "We'll go to Ave."

And that's that.

Jane Wills

At first we were about to tell the party what had happened. But then we decided against it. Until we knew exactly what was going on, we wouldn't say a word.

I had downed my second glass of champagne and placed it on the bar, that's the last drink of the night. Emmett was next to me, a little jittery. The party was live and we weren't. We were worried.

"Everyone!" someone's voice boomed over the music.

Both of us looked up at the stage and saw Ashton, the guy Will introduced to us. He had a concerned look on his face. The whole party froze and put all their attention on him.

"I'm sorry to announce that our lovely couple are now at the hospital. Avery had an attack and is now in surgery."

Well that's a way to kill a party. But it had to be told. This was news.

"You all can stay here and enjoy yourselves. They will be alright." He put on one of his dazzling star-studded smiles and got off the stage.

The music came back on but the party was not alive anymore.

Olivander Hemingway

Here was my flight. I was on British Airways, right on my way back home. My whole body shook, wanting to escape the plane. That never happened to me. I loved flying, esspecially back home. But this time, I had things holding me back to stay.

"Hello passengers. This is your Captain speaking, Gregory Dewiis. I hope you have a pleasant five-hour flight, for some of you back home, but for others to vacation. Let's get a roll on, shall we?" The plane shook from his words over the intercom.

Some pilots were awesome, like him. Which always made me comfortable to fly this airline. Or any really. But I still had the sudden urge to leave. And just a second later, I did.

Jumping out of my seat, I grabbed my carry on from the top shelves and my backpack. I was smart enough to not carry suitcases anymore, so I didn't have to worry about a checked-in bag. Running down the aisle, I apologized to some people after bumping into them, and kept running. I reached the jetbridge and was happy to see the door of the plane still open. A stewardess looked at me, shocked.

"I must apologize. I can't fly tonight. I just can't. Sorry. I don't have a check-in bag." I said in a rush.

She gave me this look of disappointment.

"Can I leave?" I asked.

"Of course you may..." she started to say but I smiled and ran down the bridge, escaping.

The only reason I bought a ticket to England was because I didn't want to be here. I knew I wouldn't have Jane. And I also thought that since I am twenty-one, I don't have to listen to my parents anymore. I could do whatever I wanted. There was a college in England I was looking forward to going to, and I would finally be in Europe. The big EU. It's just, now I couldn't bare to leave this country, which was scary to me. I was in love, and that stuff is fucking powerful.

Though, leaving would be smart. I would escape her and find someone else to love. She had a great boyfriend. But, stupid me thought she was really for me. Another reason of staying is that, the college I applied for gave me a full scholarship and job right after I graduate. I was good for once. I found something to do which I never thought I could. Just meeting a college, I knew what I'd be.

I dialed the number I remembered by heart, but it ended up, I dialed wrong.

"Hello?" I heard a girl with an accent answer.

"Uh," I stopped, letting a stewardess help me out of the gate with some TSA officers behind her. They had to check my passport before letting me through. A background check as well. Damn safety. I stepped into the gate area, happy to finally be free.

"Try not to do that again, 'kay Brit?" An officer laughed as he walked with me.

"I'll promise you that I will try." I smirked.

He nodded, walking his way. Then I realized, I was still on the phone. The girl probably hung up by now. Looking at it, I noticed she didn't.

"Hello, this is Oliver." I said.

"Oh... kay?" she replied.

"I'm sorry, I believe I have dialed the wrong number?"

"I don't know a British guy named Oliver, so yes you have." spunky. I like.

"Would you like to know one?"

There was a pause. A short one. I could hear her taking a few breaths in.

"Look, you caught me in a really bad time, but I believe in faith. So, yeah."

I smiled to myself, feeling my heart leap. Damn, my flirting was back on. Maybe this was why I didn't leave.

"Can I have your name please?" I asked.

"Now, that's secret." I heard her giggle. "Fine. I'm Kristin."

"Hot," I said. "Wanna meet?"

"Not now... like I said, really bad timing." I heard her sniffle now. "But I'll call you. I promise."

"Okay, I hope everything goes well."

"I hope so too." Her voice was lost.

"See you, Kristin,"

"Bye Oliver."

Spoiler! :
Is this okay Desti? Him calling Kristin.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:04 am
Desticakes101 says...

Lol its fine. My only problem is that Kristin decided not to give a shit and go to the hospital anyways. Oh Avery...i hope that she'll be alright. Im still in the process of deciding what will happen to her.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:40 am
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
Um, why is no one writing?
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:54 pm
ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry for the late posts!


I walked inside with Kristen. Every bit of my body was guilty, burning and was telling to jump off from the window of this 5th floor room. I heard Avery screaming at almost all of us, I heard my name in almost every sentence, just in different adjectives. I saw Avery lying on her bed, sleeping, her eyes tired. And even if she was sleeping, her anger, her disgust for me, I could feel all of that.

Kristen was next to her and the next thing I knew, she was on her knees, catching Avery's hand. I slipped beside her, my hands on her shoulders. She cried on her hand but then stopped and wriggled my hands off.

"Don't even try to console me! You're the cause of this! You've ruined her life, you... What kind of a person are you? What has Avery done to you for her to deserve this?" Kristen fired at me, quivering at the same time.

I put my head down. What can I say? I've done things to my best friend that she half forgave me about it but I knew it wouldn't always be us anymore.

"And now you've come to apologize to her! Have you no shame? Aren't you ashamed to even look at her in the eye?" Kristen continued, crying.

The thing was, no one knew how insecure I was feeling. But I knew none of this was compared to the depression Avery was having. The things she was going through. I looked at Avery and all of a sudden, I wasn't getting my balance. I put a hand on my head, grabbing hold of the sofa. I fall to the sofa, trying to concentrate.

"Kristen..." I whisper but I know its not something she was going to hear. I needed water. But I didn't have enough energy to walk. I was taking deep breaths.

I take another one. Thankfully, Kristen turns to look at me, her eyes full of fury but she still had the heart to give me a glass of water. I've never handled so much pressure and depression. I remember, when I was small, I had one of these attacks and my mom used to tell me to take everything as a challenge so I never went through any of those pressures.

But that wasn't what was happening now.

I see Allen and Lacey walking in with their new-born baby. What was her name again? Mel? Melody? Ah, yes. Melody. That was a beautiful name. I give them a smile but I can see Allen's face is pale, the kind of color I've never seen on his face. He looked as if he had been crying because I knew how much Allen liked Avery back in the days.

"How is she?" Allen asks Kristen, sitting next to Allen. Lacey had Melody in her arms.

Kristen just shook her head and gave me a glare. I looked down at my feet again. The next minute, I see Will walking in to the room and he sits across me. I can't even look at him. And nor can he come and sit next to me because when Avery wakes up and see's us, she might get assumptions and get another attack which I didn't want.

Avery's hand moves and she slowly opens her eyes, looking at everyone. Her fingers wrap around Kristen's and smiles as strong as she could. She's see's Allen and gives him one of the most charming smiles she has. He smiles. Avery's eyes move to Melody.

"Can... Can I see her?" she asks weakly.

Before I know it, I walking out of the room because I couldn't bear to look at her. I'm the root cause of this. I'm the one who ruined her life. Out of the blue, I'm crying hard. Harder than ever. I'm more desperate than ever. I needed to get out. I had to.


The minute I got to know that Avery had one of those attacks, I freaked out and I was crying. She was the kind of girl I liked so much as a friend. And now, I was next to her, I didn't feel like moving away. I remember, how amazing she was, how she would charm me with her attitude and looks.

"Can... Can I see her?" Avery asks, from her bed. I smile and look at Lacey.

I must say, Lacey has been so supportive through the whole thing. With Hakan in our house, things have gotten worse. I thought she wouldn't come but I guess she cared for Avery. A lot more than I thought. Lacey hands over Melody to me. She was jumping on my lap, excited to see a new someone.

"Papa." Melody said, sticking her tongue out.

"She's adorable." Avery spoke, striking her hair. "She reminds me of Caitlyn and Colton."

I smile. Avery's kids. Now that I remember, both of us ended up having babies quite by surprise.

"Melody, say hi to your aunt." I say, taking her hands and make her say a "hi" to Avery. Avery chuckles.

"An." Is Melody is able to pronounce. She jumps into touch Avery's nose. Avery grabs Melody's cheeks and gives her a kiss. Her eyes move to Lacey after that.

I take Lacey's hand and bring her forward. She smiles down at Avery who seems okay for now.

"Lacey. Allen's girlfriend." Avery said. Lacey nodded as she took Melody back into her arms again.

"How are you, now?" Lacey's asks.

"I just want to go home. I hate this place and the hospital smell." Ave groans.

"Ave, you need to rest." Kristen, her cousin I'm assuming, said, giving Avery's hand a squeeze.

Avery takes a huge breath and closes her eyes. The nurse comes into the room with a few medicines and tells us all to wind up because they had to take tests. We all walk out of the room, telling Avery one last good-bye. I sit on the waiting chair, somehow wanting to meet Leo and tell him congratulations. He sure was the luckiest man. But I don't even think he's in a position to hear compliments. Lacey sits beside me, staring down at me.

"She's going to be alright..." Lacey comforts me.

I just nod my head. "She's strong." I reply.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:14 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Are you ready to see your hubby?" Kristin asks. Ah she must mean Will. I wonder where Willy is. I nod my head and smile at her. When she walks out i smooth my hair down to cover the bald patch in the back of my head from the surgery. It still hurts a bit but atleast its small and i can cover it with my hair. Huh my hair was long....the doctor must have cut it for the surgery. Suddenly a really hot guy with dark hair and the brightest bluest eyes ive seen walks in. I smile but look behind him for my doctor or Kristin or Will.

"Hello. Who are you?" I ask with my eyebrow arched. His eyes are brimming with tears and he looks so happy but sad at the same time.

"I - im Leo. Your husband." He says hestitantly. I squint my eyes at him to try to look closer but nope. I just dont recognize him. I shake my head when suddenly Will bursts into the room holding Lenas hand. I smile brightly at them both.

" Willy! Baby! And Lena!" They both look at me, their eyes practically question jmarks. I laugh at their silliness.

"Dont tell me that your cheating on me Willy." I say with a wink and then i giggle. But everyone is staring at me with frowns now. So i frown.

"Willy give me a hug or kiss. Something. And Lenas wheres Chris? Last time ive seen you two you were attached at the hip making out and such. And will someone either please bring my babies in here or tell me who this guy is?" I say pointing to the guy who is now silently crying. Im met with silence..
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:52 am
Nike says...

Spoiler! :

William Franco

Excuse me. What just happened? What the fuck just happened. Is my brain working. Did I really see this. Hear this. This isn't okay. Something is terribly wrong. Terribly wrong, my friend. Ouch. I'm so scared about this. Avery, she's... lost.

"Ave," I didn't know what else to say. She's unstable now. if I tell her we've broken up and she married... it would be bad.

"Yeah babe?" she smiled.

Walking up to her bedside, Lena still holding my hand, I held Avery's hand as well. Her touch was warm and soft, something I missed at times.

"What's going on?" she suddenly asked, her face scared as she looked around the room.

Her doctor finally walked in and looked at Avery with a bright smile. Then, he looked at the rest of us and noticed something was wrong once he spotted Leo. He was in tears, sobbing really badly now.

The doctor walked up to Avery's bedside with a clipboard in hand. He uncapped the pen and started looking her over. That made me gulp nervously.

"Avery Piest," he started. "I will ask you three questions. You must answer them, alright?"

"Yeah, course." she replied with hopefulness.

"Alright, what year is it?"

"Twenty-twelve." It's twenty-thirteen.

He checked off something on the clipboard. "Where are you?"

"In a hospital... I believe Saint John's?" Correct.

With a nod, he checked something else off.

"Who is your husband?"

Now everything went quiet. She looked really confused and lost, like this was news to her. I felt Lena grip my hand tightly as I let Avery go. She looked down at our hands and then looked up at my face, she now knew it wasn't me.

"We aren't married?" Incorrect. She asked, her voice suddenly quiet and quivery.

"No," I said flatly.

"Oh my God." Now she was getting frantic.

"It is alright, Ms. Piest." The doctor said.

"No! It's not! I don't remember my own husband! What don't I remember? What changed? What else happened? Why did I forget?"

She moved in her bed, trying to get up. Her face was getting red as her eyes got teary. The monitor that read the heart beat was going crazy now. Beep, beep beep, beep.

Her memory erased the things she wanted to forget. When something like this happens, brain surgery, and the chance being that something goes wrong, like memory loss, it tends to erase the things the patient wants to forget. Because it makes life easier to forget the things you never wanted to know or live through. And that's what happened with her. She forgot the last year.

Jane Wills
Spoiler! :
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:26 am
Desticakes101 says...


"You don't remember me at all?" This guy, Leo I think his name is, asks me. I shake my head and roll my eyes. In the middle of it I stop and look him deeply in his blue eyes. And I...well I don't completely remember him but...

"Your eyes remind me of an afternoon in Puerto Rico. Every single day over there...right at noon...the sun shines on the ocean in a magical way. The ocean sparkles and almost smiles. And thats why my favorite color is aqua." I finish with a smile. Leo smiles at me slowly.

"You said that to me when we first met you know." He says, and reaches a hand towards me but I shrink away.

"I still don't know you." I say , scrunching my nose in distaste at him. He shakes his head.

"But you still want to be with Will?" He asks, his voice straining. I smile at the mention of him.

"Of course I do. I don't know what this whole silly think about us being broken up. He and I... we're going to grow old together. He's my...soulmate." Its almost hard to say the word. Or phrase. Or whatever it is. But...it feels wrong on my tongue. It just...it almost feels like it doesn't fit Will anymore. When only a week ago I could say it so easily it would just roll off of my tongue. Leo shakes his head, his eyes almost pained.

"I don't know why they still haven't told you." He says looking down. I roll my eyes.

"Who hasn't told me what?" I keep a straight face, but for some reason i'm scared to hear the answer. "What happened?" i ask.

"I don't feel like I should be the one to tell you." He says, and for some reason this makes me almost more nervous, more scared.

"Tell. Me. What." I ask quietly but hard enough to make him flinch.

"Will cheated on you with Lena, Avery. While neither one of you had any idea that you were pregnant, Will left you for Lena when you two came back from California. You were alone Avery. Lena wasn't here, Will wasn't here, Tristan wasn't here. No one. I was the one who cared for you. I was the one who stayed for you. I was the one who loved and loves you now." I don't know what it is. I truly don't. But...I believe what he says. Not because I remember what actually happened. But because...something in me loves him. Loves him more than anyone i've ever been with including Will. And suddenly I know that he's my husband. And that he's the true father to my children.

"Lee Lee..."I hear myself say softly. I hadn't even realized i'd said it, and I have no idea where it comes from. He slowly looks up at me, and theres something in his eyes. Oh gosh I love that look in his eyes. I hardly even realize that he's slowly leaning forward, until we're inches apart, than a half of an inch, than a fourth, and then just a breath away. And then his lips touch mine. And I feel him sigh into me, and I feel a knot in my chest loosen. And then the tears begin to fall, for all of the pain that Will and Lena had put me through. And suddenly I don't know how my old self could have forgiven them. I hate them so much I could explode. And all of the rage i'm feeling I put into Leo by roughtly kissing him and practically ripping off his J.Crew button down and pulling him onto the hospital bed at the same time.

"Jesus Avery!" I hear a voice loudly call out and then I hear loud laughing. I look up to see Kristin in the doorway with a gorgeous dark skinned girl with a smile, and body to die for, holding Kristins hand, with a huge grin on her face. Kristin meanwhile is still cracking up while Leo slowly climbs off of the bed, his lips almost as red as his cheeks but his eyes still burning with passion and lust.

"You've just woken up yesterday, Avey! And your already going at it! Jolly good! Jolly good indeed!" Kristin says switching to her british accent. She's particularly good at this one and sometimes forgets she's even using it. I roll my eyes but smirk at her.

"I almost died K. I deserve to have my fun. And he is..." I say looking at his yummy looking body up and down "My newly wedded husband." I finish with a wink and a lick on my bottom lip.

"Ugh you nasty nympho! I'm so done with you! But when would you like to see your beauties? They miss they're mommy very much." At the mention of my children all thoughts of sex exit my mind and instead its taken over by an on rush of love.

"As soon as possible." I say quietly, remembering what they both look like. Kristin smiles at me and turns around to leave before her girlfriend looks at me and winks.

"Are you sure your ready to see them?" Leo asks sitting down next to me on the bed. I nod with a small smile on my mouth.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:15 am
Sunshine says...


There’s an amazing boy, my boyfriend, who’s sitting here and telling me he isn’t important. That he’s a loser.

I want to be clever and nerdy, reassuring in my reply, but I do not have the strength.

“You’re lying.”

My ex-boyfriend is sleeping in the other room, and I have to hang on to the only thing I know how to hang on to these days- Allen. I have to believe that he is strong and that he will carry me as far as I need him to. I can’t let myself believe that, even for a moment, Hakan is stronger; I will lose myself, everything I have built this last year.


“Allen. I need to believe you’re strong. If you aren’t strong, then who am I?”

We lay down next to each other, and he wraps his arms around me. For being so mature, our love is so innocent. I feel the tears running down his face. I used to have a pet guinea pig named Piglet who would lick the tears off my face, and since then I’ve been fascinated with tears and kisses. I do what I’ve always wanted to do, and I kiss the tears off his face.

“Why did you invite him to stay?” I can hear the hurt in his voice.

I love him, but in a different way than you. I can’t just up and separate the two, I can’t just leave him out and drive home unsafe. “I want him safe. It was going to be a risky drive back, and I didn’t want him ending up hurt.”

Allen doesn’t reply, unwrapping his arms from around me and laying them across his chest. He doesn’t reply, and we lay there for minutes. “Avery’s wedding is rescheduled for tomorrow.”

“That soon?” I gape, but I am not all that surprised. Teenage Moms have date problems. I would know.

“You don’t mind?”

“Why would I?”

“I mean, with Hakan and-“

I force my voice to go cold, and it goes up an octave. “He’s leaving first thing in the morning, Allen.”

“Okay?” It sounds more like a question than an actual reply.


He doesn’t get the reference.


“You look beautiful.”

I want to believe that it is Allen who will come up behind me, putting his hand around my waist and smile. Instead, I catch the eye of Hakan in the mirror as I brush one last stroke of mascara across my eyelash.


It’s an old dress; we don’t have money for new ones, and this is my constant for semi-formal occasions. My make-up is sloppy because Melody was up way early and I barely had time. I’m so unused to something that used to be an everyday occurrence.

Hakan grins. “Absolutely.”

Melody squeals as I try and wrestle her thin, dark hair into a little ponytail. I look up at him, then back down. “You need to leave now.” My voice is quiet and meek; I don’t recognize it as my own.

Hakan doesn’t either. He stands and watches me before asking. “How the hell do you like this life?”

I don’t respond, so he leaves.


Allen sits with me in a Hospital waiting room, clutching Melody.

Most people hate hospitals, but I tend to like them. They feel warm and safe to me, people knowing what they’re doing taking care of sick people, pregnant people, dying people. Allen doesn’t share the sentiment; he is tense, clutching Melody far tighter than the parent manuals advised.

“Are you okay?” I ask, playing with Melody’s baby-hands. I love putting my fingers on the dots her knuckles will be.

With those words, Allen relaxes. “I’m just really worried about Avery, I guess.”

I like putting a problem to his weakness, as it makes me feel like a better person. I can be here for him, and I love that. I want to say ‘I know, this is such a crazy wedding, but I don’t.’ “You have a right to. She’s your friend. I promise that things will work out. They always do.”

Allen doesn’t answer for a while. He gently braids Melody’s hair as she squeals, “Yeah, Daddy, yeah!” I like watching him with Melody. It reminds me that she is his daughter, no matter what my brain might tell me for the sake of sense. His jawline is neat, shaved; he has dressed up for the old friend who forgot about him.

I love him.

“Maybe we should get away.” I find myself saying, words spilling out of my mouth as the idea formulates. “Take a road trip. I want you to get to know the me without Melody. She can stay with my Mom.” To Melody, I coo, “You love Grammie, don’t you?”

She claps her hands, which could mean anything.

“Lacey, I don’t know…”

I love him less.

My idea has suddenly become my goal. We traveled very little when I was young, so I’ve always wanted to. I have been far too inseparable from Melody, and Allen should know me without her in me or with me. It might even help me forget Hakan.

I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:01 am
Nike says...

Jane Wills

Spoiler! :
I'm skipping to a few weeks later. :)

Everything was breaking. The Earth was just cracking from the pressure of the evil in this world. Simply cracking past the middle. It made me itch. I couldn't do anything to fix anything.

I fell in love.

With the wrong guy.

"Hold on... can you go back to the start?" Lena asked.

We were in my room, half past midnight. My mother was sleeping and we were up. It's been three weeks since the wedding and Avery's incident. A lot of shit happened. Avery lost her memory then suddenly regained it. Oliver flew to England. Emmett is planning his school year. I am looking for colleges. And I just found out Lena is running away with Will.

"Well, I was in Germany..." I was cut off by her.

"I got that. What I didn't get was the fact that you guys made out in your front porch and you told him to scram. Have you seen that guy?" a huge smile grew on her face as she started laughing.

I smiled, sitting back down on the floor. She was comfortable on my bed, clutching a pillow. At this moment, the bed didn't look comfy to me, I wanted to be on a stable place I guess.

"Okay, I'll get serious now." She took in a deep breath. "You didn't know you loved him when you made-out with him? That wasn't a sign to you or anything? No... we're making out. It does not mean I like him. Impossible!" She mocked me.

"I didn't think like that."

"Really?" she gave me a funny face.

"Alright, fine. I knew... I just didn't know know. You know what I mean?"

She just nodded, grabbing her hot chocolate from my bedside table. It was a sleepover, what would a sleepover be without hot chocolate?! And anyway, I wouldn't been seeing her for a while. Remembering that...

"How are you and Will gonna do this 'runaway' thing?"

After she took a few sips, she placed the mug back and took a few to think about an answer. I let her, scrolling through my News Feed on my phone. It was a while before she answered. After a few minutes, I looked up at her and saw tears draining her face. Now, that was sudden. My heart crushed when I saw that. I dropped my phone and jumped right next to her, pulling her into a big bear hug. I let her cry, all those tears stained my shirt but that didn't matter. She needed to let it all out.

"I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me." She said after the sobbing. Catching her breath, she looked at me with her now red eyes.

"I just suddenly broke down. Because," another intake of breath. "I don't know what I'm doing with my life." and the tears came roaring again.

"You know what you're doing Lena!"

"No! I do not! How could I when I'm just running away? I'm not Will. I do not run away from my life."

"You're not running away, you're reaching your destination. You're escaping... to your deserved life. With Will. You'll find a school, a job, and finally be happy."

"I don't know." she sniffled.

I lifted her head up so she would look at me. Her face looked so sad, I couldn't believe she had so much pain in her life. I always thought Lena had the perfect life. And boy was I wrong.

"You will be happy Lena!" I smiled, watching her etch a smile as well.

Suddenly, she jumped away from me and grabbed my phone, scrolling at something. Placing the phone against her ear, she waited a while before she said hello. What was she doing? I just sat on my bed and watched her.

"Oh, no. She's busy now. I'm just calling for her at the moment..." huh?

"You're... yeah." a laugh. "Well, can I ask you something?"

That's when her eyes landed on mine and I knew. Fright with a mix of happiness laid in them, sucked in the blue. She was speaking with Oliver.

"Do you love Jane?"

I couldn't even breathe. The tension was as thick as butter. I could hear my own heart beating like crazy. She held her breath as well.

"Oh my God."

A moment.

"Oliver... that's. I..." she couldn't even speak.

"Le..." I couldn't finish my words.

"That's beautiful." she teared up.

William Franco

I paced through my room, my duffel bag in hand. There were mixed thoughts running through my mind which I couldn't handle.

Avery forgot about everything and... I don't know. I felt that same pang in my heart that day I first kissed her. The look in her eyes at the moment reminded me of the way she looked at me during our dance at the party. It just brought back so many memories, just the look on her face when she saw me made me feel the same when we dated.

And I hated that.

Why would she do that to me!

I was in love, and not with Avery. But now... she made me feel like I did.

Slamming the bag onto my bed, I screamed. I fell onto the floor, my head in my hands. All the stress flood my system as I sat there, letting it happen. My body was shaking from the feelings I felt inside of me. I was practically pulling my hair out.

Bloody hell.

"Aye, Will!" I heard my Uncle call from downstairs.

"What?" I yelled back.

"What's going on?"

I turned my head and saw him at my bedroom door, worry shaping his face. Smiling, I stood up and made him see that I was fine.

"I'm good Unc, nothing's wrong."

"Then what's with the drastic move back to Cali?"

How did he figure this out?

Catching the confusion in my eyes, he walked into my room and sat down on the bed. I just followed him, sitting down as well.

"I saw your tickets. Now tell me, what's going on?"

And that's when I told him my whole life's story.

Oliver Hemingway

Spoiler! :
He shall be later ;)
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.
— Albus Dumbledore