
Young Writers Society

Wonderland Rift 2 (closed/started)

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Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:26 am
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methrirr123 says...

Erillian Blackguard: Spider King

The prevention of the civil war in wonderland at this point was not an option. Erillian sat at the base of a massive oak, brooding on this fact. He would have to do one of two things: leave, or pick a side. Whichever side he picked, that side would think itself the good side, the right side. That's why, Erillian thought, civil wars sucked. They all think they’re doing the right thing. Selfish bastards the lot of them. Assassins, poison, trickery, torture… it was already a war without soldiers. Not one person could have possibly painted a more vivid picture of a bunch of fools. What were they doing? Did they not realize what the hell was going on? Erillian stood for a moment at the base of a tree, while his spies flooded him with information. The failed assassination of Lordshire. The switching of Brae and Haigha’s powers. Miranda got stoned, and Erillian could care less what else was happening. This was going to hard to sort out. but you don’t have to sort it out he thought.
yes I do.
I feel like it. Shut up, conscience.

Doing nothing was dull work. For the past many days he let events unfold as he gathered information, learning of the happenings of Wonderland City. There was the healer, Thorn. There was the newly recovered Lordshire. There was Brae, to whom Erillian still felt some sort of loyalty. Brae had it figured out. He wasn’t a dumbass like some of the others. He made a mental note to have his spiders replace Yamani's stash with green tea, or oregano, or something other than pot. After several moments of pondering, he made a decision: Green tea. It smells nicer.
“Hey,” he leaned in to one of the spiders. “Go find some green tea and swap it for Yamani's pot stash. She needs to get her s**t together. And leaver her a note.”

“I can’t write, boss.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m getting to that.” He pulled out a charcoal pencil and a scrap of parchment, and hastily scrawled: Drink it. Clear your head. Fix your mistakes. Move on. You’ll thank me, maybe. -- E. “There. Do you know where to go, or do you need a map? If you can read a map, that is.”

“Yeah, funny. For that, maybe I’ll lay eggs in your beer.” the spider said with a laugh.

“Sounds like a breakfast.” Erillian grinned.

“Dick.” said the spider, lightheartedly. This is how Kings should act with their subjects. If Royalty could just be like friends... Erillian couldn’t dwell now. He had some notes to send. He pulled some more parchment from his pocket. He didn’t have much left. He wrote for Lordshire:

Get well soon! I heard it was a painful healing process. Check your whiskey more often. Maybe hire a drinking buddy. Also, your kids keep eating my spies. That’ll get them sick. --E

To Brae he wrote:

Your best bet to win a civil war is an alliance between the queens. Try and get to one of them. Your best bet to preventing one: Take your queen and flee. --E

To Regina he wrote:

You’re a mother now, Reg. That makes you vulnerable. Run. --E

And then he was out of parchment. He would have to talk to Luna some other way. He shrugged. He figured that, should she wish a conversation, she would find him. He could find her whenever he wanted. So he went back to doing nothing. Maybe I’ll get letters! he thought.
Last edited by methrirr123 on Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

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Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:04 pm
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crossroads says...


There was something about that mouse which really got me annoyed. I was usually able to keep up a conversation with someone like him, normally I was even quite fond of anyone who'd be able to keep up a conversation of the sort with me - but normally I could actually talk, and I wasn't lost in the world. Everything around me lacked depth. I'd walk down the streets, I'd touch the walls, the table, the drink, the notebook and the pen, and nothing would happen. All I could feel was the physical sense of holding something in my hand, but no matter how much thinking I did, my mind seemed so blank that it hurt. I could barely breathe, the lack of information seeming like some kind of blanket tied all around my body.
I followed Haigha as he left the tavern, somewhat concerned - both for his sake and the sake of my things in his possession - to find him leaning against the wall. I frowned. How could they handle living like this, with no knowledge of the world around them? I wanted to ask him if that was what my power felt like for him - judging from his expression, it was too much in the opposite way - but I didn't dare to make a sound. What am I even doing here? Among people..I should be somewhere where I can't hurt anyone. I felt my throat getting tighter as I thought back to Miranda and the kids. How long was this going to last? What if I never see them again, because I can't be sure I won't kill them by a random sound?
I suppressed a sigh as I opened the notebook again. Nothing. How can there be nothing?
"Are you alright?" I wrote, frowning slightly. It was a stupid question, probably, but I didn't feel like thinking of a better way to ask. He lived his whole life with the power I was now trying to keep under control - it was, if anything, keeping me under control instead, practically unable to do anything. I twitched at every sound, even of my own footsteps, constantly half expecting to see someone dying or something getting destroyed because of something I did automatically. I wasn’t even aware of how much I dpended on the sounds I’d make, until doing so got too dangerous.

He shook his head, rubbing his temples with a pained face before reaching out for the notepad. ”My head is killing me, and it’s getting worse. I shouldn’t have touched him.”
I licked my lips, stopping myself in the middle of that move and keeping my face still again. "I should've warned you, probably. Did you find out anything useful, at least?" I frowned as I wrote it, looking up to him, and almost smirked. "Don't bother lying to me, if you wish to keep it a secret because we're on opposite sides, there's nothing I can do about it anyway."
He shook his head again. ”It was all a mess. I didn’t even see Yamani.” From his face it was apparent that it was what he had wanted, and there was pain in his eyes that had nothing to do with my powers. Did he feel the same as I did, having feelings for the other one who called herself the Queen? For a moment, I found myself losing certainty of what was right and what was wrong. They're going to have a child too - and so will the Lordshire Queen..what will we leave for the generations to come?
I glared at the notebook for a long while before putting the tip of the pen on the paper again.
"If you focus, you can control it.. learn to see only the things you want to see, and shut down everything else." I did smirk this time. "The world still won't be nearly as empty as it seems to normally be for you, though."
He frowned. ”How could I possibly focus when images are being jammed into my head?” Before I could answer he started writing again. ”Never mind. I won’t be able to. I’ve never been able to control my own powers, so I doubt I’ll be able to control yours.”
My hopes seemed to sink. If he couldn't control it either, and he lived with it his whole life, how could I even hope to achieve anything? I gave my best to keep that feeling away from my face.
"It can kill you if you don't," I wrote in the end, though I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to tell him that. "When I was little, I wasn't allowed to leave the room I lived in for a long time, until I learned to focus enough." I frowned at the memory, of the people walking in and out, all vague in my mind. I didn't know where it was, nor of their faces or names. All I still recalled was that feeling of constantly being aware of everything around me, toys being brought which I couldn't touch until I'd manage to control the feelings it brought along. I suddenly didn't want to tell him about those times. "You're not a child, though. Just as you can control your body not to make a sound regardless of instincts, you can surely control your mind as well. I'm fairly sure it could even work with your powers.. but I don't feel like trying."
”Good, don’t. I nearly killed myself when I tried.” He smiled, suddenly amused by something. ”Guess our powers are equally self destructive.”
"Great." I glanced back at the tavern, remembering the mouse. Was he still waiting for us? "Perhaps I should apolo--" something else suddenly crossed my mind. If our powers switched completely, was he even aware of the fact he could force others to use their powers, like I did to him in the forest before? I just glared at him for a long moment.
He made a move as if he wanted to take the notebook, when a bullet pierced the wall a few inches from his head. We ducked automatically, trying to avoid the bullets which could still come. I turned around, only catching a glance of a group coming our way before everything turned dark.
I woke up feeling cold. The floor under me was hard - stone, it took me a moment to realize - and I couldn't move my arms properly. I blinked rapidly as I came back to my senses, memories of what happened rushing into my mind. The men who found us, the darkness, the exchange of powers, the loss of understanding towards the world around me. I stopped myself before making a sound, instead just making a face as I tried to get my hand out of the cuffs it was clasped in. The chains kept my wrists around the height of my eyes, long enough to let me stand up but not long enough to allow me to properly move my arms and hands in either position. My head hurt, throbbing with every move, and the left side of my forehead seemed to be burning, something - most likely blood - still dripping from it. Just how hard did they hit me?
Haigha was there too, in the same cell as me but far enough for me to be unable to reach for him. I felt a pang of something close to pain as I figured all of our possessions were gone, the notebook and the hat included, and he seemed unconscious. Without it, even with the medallion, it was sometimes hard even for me to focus on my powers; I didn't quite want to imagine what it was like for him, especially guessing how many memories these cells kept.
"Get up."
I turned towards the voice, swallowing at the sight of the man approaching. He was the dungeon master - I vaguely remembered reading something about it from someone's mind once - and looked like he could break me in two with bare hands. I wasn't used to that. I was pretty sure I could handle any kind of mental torture, my powers have been nothing but that for many years of my life, but physical one.. I slowly got up, glancing at Haigha. He moved a bit, apparently awake again, but didn't follow my suit. The door of the cell opened, a soldier walking in, as I became overly aware of being able to do absolutely nothing.
"What's your name?" The dungeon master asked. I licked my lips, but didn't dare to try and speak. If I was alone, I might have tried, focusing on doing my best to control the power, but I didn't like the idea of killing Haigha.
You're an idiot. He had no troubles trying to kill you when he first appeared. I shoved the thought away. Everyone in right mind - including my wife, and probably even my children - would tell me he's our enemy. As the husband of the Queen, I had to agree. But as a father, how could I? We were in the same game, on opposite sides but still the same figures, weren't we?
"He asked you a question." A blade pressed against my throat, pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced at Haigha again, praying he decides to speak up - or throw something on the guard, either would work. If I just say my name, will anything happen? I didn't like the idea of gambling with it, but the guard didn't seem to understand my silence. "How many times--"
"He's the husband of the woman who calls herself White Queen." A woman's voice. The blade was removed from my throat, as another Queen walked into my sight. She had the similar expression as Miranda in her eyes, the one of a woman believing in what's she doing, trusting the place on the throne is where she belongs, but there was the difference - this Queen really did hold the throne, or her husband did, and regardless of all the rights Miranda had, the Lordshires were the ones having the power.

(before Brae’s post, for the record - she will go to the dungeons after the town scene)
My son was lying on the bed, his skin so pale in contrast to black hair, breathing shallowly and burning against my hand. He wasn't sleeping, but he wasn't awake either, his lips moving as if telling a story or praying, but no sound came from them. I looked up to the healer, standing on the other side of the bed with a stone face.
"Please." I could feel the tears on my cheeks, but I didn't even try to hide them. "He's just a child."
"You made a promise." His voice was like a knife, cutting my chest.
"It was years ago," I said. "I will do it. I will do anything."
"You made a promise," he repeated, as everything around me distorted into a blur. "You made a promise.."

I opened my eyes, finding Lordie frowning slightly. His hand was on my shoulder, and it took me a moment to realize it was still daylight outside. How long have we slept?
"I'm fine," I muttered. "Did I wake you up?"
"No," he lied, "what's going on?"
"Nothing," I smiled, not for the first time glad that he couldn't read through my memories. I sat up, looking around to spot a dress. We were in his room - meaning there was nothing of the sort around - but I was still in the same dress I went to town earlier. We were lying on sheets which were usually used as covers, covered by what looked like a random blanket someone placed over us. I had no idea if it was him, or if a servant did it after we both fell asleep the second we touched the bed. "Get up, we're going out."
I got up from the bed, pulling him into a sitting position, and he flopped back down the moment I let go of his hand.
"Come on." I grinned. "Make an appearance so they see they can't defeat you with poison."
He muttered something, closing his eyes, only to open them again in a second. "I thought you didn't like leaving the castle."
"I don't." I turned serious. "I promised to make things better for the Poor District though." I lifted my eyebrows as he opened his mouth again. "Before you say anything, your life was the other end of the deal. So I feel like keeping this promise."
He sighed. "But I'm tired..you're tired. We don't have to go there to make things better, do we?"
I shook my head, fixing my hair as I approached the mirror. I didn't need to seem poor now - this time I was going as the Queen, and I intended on making my people like me. "I can go alone," I said, a pang of worry piercing through my chest as I said it. I didn't want us separated again. I glanced at him in the mirror, and a smile crept on my face again. "We can go without you, that is. I never really liked leaving the castle, and I'm fairly sure the lack of safety is exactly what needs to be improved there.. I mean, I would like you there with us, but if you have other things to do, your kingly business and so on.." I turned to look at him properly, making a face of poorly concealed sadness. "Of course, I understand."
He gave me an I know what you're doing look. "Fine then, we're going together. I hope you planned on taking guards along..?" He got up and approached me.
I left him to get properly dressed, taking the time in my room. You could easily make that physician do as you say without keeping dangerous promises. I sat on my bed, absentmindedly glaring at a small spider creeping over one of the bed's legs. Hello, Erillian. Why don't you come to talk to me properly? I'm getting tired of your little spies.
I got up again, approaching the window.
"My lady."
I turned at the voice, grabbing a letter knife from my table, only to relax again as I met Ny's eyes. When and how did he even get in? I smiled a bit.
"Hello, Ny."
He inclined his head towards the knife in my hand. "You'd have to be incredibly strong to manage to stab me with that."
"I'm a future mother," I muttered. "I'm stronger than it seems."
"I won't argue that." He smiled a bit too, turning serious in a second. "I have news." I raised my eyebrows. "Regarding the man you asked me to follow, the White Princess's husband.. I have him followed, and he seems to have formed a strange sort of acquaintanceship with Haigha, the Red--"
"I know who Haigha is," I cut, a bit harsher than I intended to. It's not possible that the two sisters would work together. Are their lovers working behind their backs..? I somehow doubted that. "I want them both here." I looked up to meet Ny's eyes. "Can you do that, bring them both here?"
He was silent for a moment. "Of course I can. If you want them in your dungeons, they'll be there by the time you get back."
Perhaps you should ask him to accompany you.. you might feel safer. I shoved the thought away. I had the guards. I had Lordie. I had myself. "Wonderful. I knew I can count on you.." I licked my lips, stepping closer and eyeing the spider. "Anything else?"
"Yes.." he lowered his voice. "There's a man in Yamani's troupes - or was, at least. Interesting fact, he appears to know your physician as well." I didn't ask him where he heard of Thorn already - I wasn't surprised either. "He has a family, as much as I gathered, and an interesting talent, something with drawing and making people appear out of nowhere. Should I bring him as well?"
"To the dungeons?" I thought for a second. If I did that, I might lose Thorn's alliance, and-- I let myself smile again. "Yes. Bring him, but only to talk. And his family as well, if they agree to come."
He frowned slightly, and I was fairly sure I knew why - I usually gave him his instructions in written, making sure no one listening could hear a thing. But this time I want to know. If Erillian warns them, even after I said I wouldn't hurt them, I can no longer think of him as a friend.
Ny and I both turned to the door as the door handle moved. "Reggy, dear, are you ready?"
I glanced at Ny, and he silently bowed. As I moved to open the door, I knew he would already be gone by the time Lordie walked in.
"I'm ready, let's.." My eyes fell on Thorn, standing next to Lordie and eyeing him with a strange look in his eyes. One of his dogs was at his side, and another walked to me and sniffed around my dress. "Oh, you're coming with us?"
"Don't sound so disappointed, Reggy," Lordie said, "he can save me if I drink some other--" He stopped himself as I glared at him, turning quieter as we walked out. "Don't worry. It won't happen again, I promised, didn't I?"
Nothing has changed since I was there earlier. It still smelled the same, it still looked the same, it still gave me that same feeling of something I couldn't quite place. If I hadn't accepted a foolish offer to marry a royal customer who just drank too much, would I be sitting in one of those alleys now, observing as some other queen walks by his side? Would I have a family? You'd probably be dead. I sighed quietly as we got to a small square, and the people surrounded us. They held themselves far enough, observing from safe distance, until Lordie told the guards to move back a little. I watched as the people came closer, and as he talked to them, smiling to everyone and repeating the thanks for all the good wishes for the baby. They live in these conditions, and they still love their king..
"Reggy?" I froze, before turning slowly at the voice. A girl with blonde curls observed me, eyes wide and smile even wider. Sh*t. "I can't believe you're really here - of course I knew that you got married and all, but I never really got the chance to visit the castle, and after I left the tavern-- Did you see any of the others? I think all of the girls just sort of left after you took off, do you think--"
"Hey. Glad to see you too." I managed to smile. Why didn't I delete her memories along with those of everyone else who worked with me? "Cathy, I--"
"You don't have to be afraid!" She turned to everyone, and I turned to Lordie for help. "We've lived poorly and in fear for our families, but now everything will change! It's true what they said.." She flashed me a grin, and called some children to come closer. "This Queen, this King, they're our King and Queen, they understand us and will help us now, I'm sure!" She turned to me again, holding up one of those kids. "You will, Reggy, won't you?"
I wonder if I can get them all to meet my eyes at the same time.. I stopped myself. This could actually be a good thing.
"Of course," I said, loudly enough, taking Lordie's hand and getting him out of the circle of people asking for something. "The time has come to correct the mistakes of those who ruled before us."

Spoiler! :
Take over, Veer. I’m afraid I can’t do justice to Lordie’s skills the way you can~
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:09 am
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megsug says...

Minerva - Old White HQ

I was aware of my shoulder burning first. Then heavy blankets. My mind grasped at images that may have been memories or could perhaps be nothing more than fanciful imagings. I was rather hoping for the imagining part when I finally opened my eyes. Turning my head a little, I watched Thorn cleaning some blades, a pair of tweezers. Red bandage was coiled beside him. It seemed like red was washing off of the metal, splashing back onto his forearms from time to time. For a while, I just watched, almost amused by it. My mind drifted along, slightly annoyed by pain, turning over questions with a quiet thoughtfulness.

Finally, after I got tired of being ignored, I cleared my throat and asked, my voice sounding strange and hoarse to my own ears, "How did I get here?"

He started, and dropped a pincette into the sink. "I didn't expect you to wake up so soon," he said as he turned towards me. "How are you feeling?" His face was pale, and he was leaning towards the counter.

I tried to sit up with a grimace. "Fine. A little sore." Frowning as I studied him, I murmured, "Are you okay?" He didn't look it at all. I really wanted him to sit, or it looked like he might pass out. I felt a twinge of guilt, realizing I had done that to him.

"I'm just a bit tired," he muttered. "Minerva I.." He hesitated for a second before continuing. "I'm really sorry about what I said before. I was an ass, and you didn't deserve it."

I blinked, taken a bit off guard by the apology. "...Me too," I said, almost before I could think about the words. "You... should be able to do what you want, whatever I think about it." I picked at the blanket, finding it hard to look him in the eye. Suddenly, I felt like a little girl again, and as an awkward silence stretched farther and farther out, I said softly, "I missed you yesterday."

He looked away, avoiding my eyes for a moment, then suddenly looking back at me with renewed strength. "I missed you too.. Regina is an idiot."

My lips twitched up, and my heart bounced happily in my chest. "I could have told you that." Then I had to ask, even though I already knew the answer, "But you're going to keep working for her?"

"I have a feeling she'll throw me in the dungeon soon," he rolled his eyes, "but until then, yes.. I'll keep working for her. Idiot or not, she could shange things around here."

Fear doused all the happy things bubbling inside. What would I do if he was thrown in that place? "If you're in a dungeon, do you think she will care anymore about the promises she made?" my voice was sharp. I couldn't help myself. I didn't want to argue anymore, had told myself over and over yesterday that if I got a chance, I wouldn't argue with Thorn again, but here we were... again.

He sighed, and rubbed his temples, wobbling ever so slightly. "No, she probably won't, but until I'm in that cell I should at least try my best."

I watched him with softening eyes and patted the bed beside me. He was a fool, but somehow he had become my fool. "Come here. You look like you need to sit down." I leaned my head against his shoulder when he came and murmured, "Tell me something else about the Northern Countries, Thorn. You seem to know so much about everywhere else, but you hardly talk about them at all."

He tensed before I had even finished the sentence. "I'd rather not talk about it," he said in a voice cold enough to fit their climate. "I haven't been there in a long time and.. I'd rather not."

I frowned, teetering between trying to find out more and leaving it alone when it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it. "...Thorn..." I petted his arm, licking my lips. "You remember the first time we met, right?" I didn't even let him answer. It would only be something sarcastic and wholly unhelpful. "Well..." I bit my lip, knowing he wouldn't like the question. "I've been thinking and you said something about another civil war, but that doesn't make any sense at all, you know..."

He studied me for a moment, looking tired. "I suppose I did say that.. The north has had plenty of civil wars. Too many. Far too many."

I frowned, trying to read his eyes. Nothing was quite matching up. It never really did when we talked. I just ignored it before. It was easier to ignore and pretend ignorance, but I wanted to know about him now. "In our lifetimes?"

"Not in your lifetime. You're still young," he muttered, looking away and holding his breath as if he was expecting something to happen.

I tried to understand, but he seemed to be vague, and I felt like I was missing pieces of a rather intricate puzzle. Finally I just continued with my questioning, "What are you talking about? You're practically my age."

"Minerva, I'm almost threehundred years old."

I blinked, speechless. I would have laughed except he didn't look like he was kidding except that was ridiculous because no one was three hundred years old. I realized I was staring at him, and I didn't know what to say, and I felt like my breathing was fast, and he was three hundred years old! No wonder he didn't care about being stuck in a cell or this stupid little argument between sisters. He was going to outlive Reggie and Mani and Miranda. And me. I don't think that should have made me sad. I wouldn't be around to see it anyways, but I was sad. I could feel the tears burning at my eyes, and I must have been quiet for a long time. It felt like forever before I managed to laugh and say, trying to keep the waver out of my voice, "So that's why you have so many stories..." I straightened up, taking my head off his shoulder.

He tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. "Yeah.. I'm sorry, you can leave if you want to. Most people do, at this point.. Or they stay, and grow old, and die." Those last words were barely more than a whisper.

I guess it was him I wanted to cry for so bad. No wonder he kept a pack of dogs around all the time. Though the individuals would die, the group could be replenished for a long, long time. I took his hand slowly. "What would you rather me do?" I breathed, barely believing that I was giving him the choice.

He looked at me, blinking like he couldn't believe it either, then he squeezed my hand gently and smiled a little. This time he actually looked happy. "I want you to stay. I'd rather watch you grow old than.. Than not."

I grinned, snuggling into him. "Good answer." I closed my eyes and sighed happily. "Oh... Did I tell you I left the Hearts?" I wrinkled my nose as I said it.

He chouckled a bit, putting one arm around my shoulder and pulling me even closer before kissing my hair. "Yamani finally got the best of you? It's a mystery to me how any of those sisters gets anyone to join their sides."

I laughed, but I didn't feel like I quite meant it. I was arguing with myself again. I wanted to stay here, but I didn't want to live the up to my reputation again. If I abandoned Mani perhaps that meant I would leave Thorn too. The thought made me sick to my stomach. "She's kind of alone now, you know. I mean, she has the soldiers, but Haigha left her... I think I want to go back."

He frowned a bit, but then relaxed again. "Yeah, if you're letting me do what I want I suppose I owe you the same courtesy." He kissed my temple. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it.. And I like it even less if the silent guy isn't there.." He seemed like he wanted to continue, but stopped himself. "But I won't rant about it.. I just don't want you to get hurt, again."

I breathed a little easier now. "And I won't rant about Reggie." I laughed. "And I'll try not to get hurt..." I looked up and smiled. He slept, looking disconcertingly young, and snored softly. I pushed his hair away from his face, pressing my lips to his forehead before settling beside him.

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Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:19 am
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AlmondEyes says...


It was kind of cold outside, and the wind was blowing, which made it worse. I shivered as I made my way through the tall trees and short springy grass. My feet were really cold, and I was so tired and hungry I could barely walk. It was so dark, and everything was so quiet. I was really scared. Maybe I shouldn't have come out here looking for the nice lady. I started to cry at the thought of getting lost out here. Not that anyone would care anyway. I tripped over a root and went tumbling to the ground where I curled into a ball and laid there. Where was she? Who was she? What did she look like? I wanted to know everything about her. She had such a pretty voice.

"Where are you?" I looked at the Sky.

It was such a pretty night out. The stars were twinkling in the sky and the moon was so full it looked like it would burst with happiness. It looked so beautiful in the Sky. I wish she was here with me. She promised to be my friend. Promised to to protect me. But where is she? I sit and wipe my eyes, looking around at where I am. I don't know where I am. I hear the sound of crunching leaves and watch big Men stumble out laughing at something.

"How the hell did we manage to get ourselves lost?" one man slurs.

"How the f*ck should I know?" another man laughs.

I begin to scoot back from them before I got spotted, then stand to turn and leave, when I hear one say, "Hey!"

With out looking back, I run off as fast as I can, which I can't say is much of anything because of how weak I am. I just have to get away from them. They were bad.

"Get back here you little brat!" a man yells as they chase after me.

I trip over something and fall and they catch up with me. I don't know what else to do, so I wrap my Arms around my knees and and lower my head. One of the Men grab me by my hair and I scream.

"Little girls shouldn't be out passed their bed time," he hissed.

"Look at her," a fat Man said. "She has no home. She's just a street kid no one will miss."

"Well maybe not." a smaller Man stepped forward. "Look at what she's got around her neck."

"What did you do to get that, little girl?" the other Man stepped up and yanked it off.

"Give it back!" I scratch his hand and he drops the necklace.

"You little punk!" he slapped me so hard I fell to the ground.

I scramble for the necklace and he kicks me. Then he kicks me again, and then he rubs my face in the dirt and laughs at me. So do the other Men while I scream and cry.

I wake up in a panic, sweat making my clothes stick to my skin.

"Lily," I look around wildly.

She was in trouble. She needed my help. Jumping out of bed, I pull on my cloak, grab my daggers, bow and arrows, and fly out of the cave. I look up at the Moon, remembering how Lily saw it and the position it was in. East. I bolted, heading up a tree and moving through the tree branches. I had to find her. I couldn't break my promise to her. She had no one, and she would die alone with no one missing her, and I can't let that happen to her. She deserved better.

I stopped on a branch, waiting, listening. A scream vibrate in my ear and the laughs that follow draw my attention. I make my way over, stopping on another branch and looking down below. The Men were standing around her, and she look like she was unconscious.

"Looks like she passed out on us," one of them said.

A wave of rage flew over me, and I act without thinking, unslinging my Bow and pulling three Arrows out of my quiver. They drop dead without a word, and I hop from my perch, walking over to Lily. Seeing her curled into a ball, beaten and unconscious makes my heart ache. I pick her up and take her back home.


After laying her out, I pull off her rancid clothing and give her a bath, scrubbing off days, possibly even weeks of grime and dirt, wash her hair and her clothes, and put in bed. She was so small. Her body was so malnourished, her ribs protruded prominently as did her shoulder blades, and her hips. It was a wonder she was still alive. It would take time, but she would heal. I'd made an elixir earlier to put her in a deep sleep and ease the pain I knew she was in, then sat on the edge of the bed, watcher her sleep. I pushed a dark lock of hair out of her face and kissed her forehead before standing. I had things to take care of.


Showered and redressed, I headed down to the Tavern to find my sister. Gideon was serving when I reached the Bar. Remembering our last encounter, I sat down, not saying anything, not even looking at him. Without a word, he sat a glass of water down in front of me.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." he nods.

We're silent for a while. I look at my glass of water, not sure what to say, when Gideon finally speaks.

"Lini's not here," he informs me. "She went home. Said she wasn't feeling good."

"Oh." I couldn't help the disappointment I felt. "Ok then. Just tell her I came by?"

"You got it." he smiled.

I smile back and take my leave back to Lily.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:26 am
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veeren says...

Lord 'Lordie' Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

"Of course," Reggy said, pulling me out of the circle of citizens I was in, "The time has come to correct the mistakes of those who ruled before us."

"Yes," I look at her and smiled, "These vile conditions are a part of the former monarchy, not ours. Give me time, those living in the rich districts will wish this was their home."

I watched as the people chatted about in excitement. My eyes swam through the crowd, observing all of their faces. I saw the hope my words brought to the eyes of every man, woman, and child; seemingly hope only I could give them. They respected me, and not that phony respect I got from those in my castle, but a legitimate kind of respect that can only be given to someone you truly look up to. I could only imagine what I'd done to deserve it.

"My king!" a citizen beckoned for me to join them.

Smiling, I put my hands in pocket and made my way towards them, the guards close behind. I looked to Reggy and she began to follow, but was pulled back by a pack of girls. Heh, she has a fan club already aye?

I nodded at her to let her know I'd be fine and turned to the group in front of me, "How can I help you gentlemen?"

"Well you see suh," the first began, "I was kinda hopin', just wonderin', uh, could ya maybe, er, invest, in like one a dem, erm, you know da-"

"Oh spit it out boy yuh wastin' the kings time!" a second yelled.

"Sorry, so sorry," the first babbled nervously, "I jus was kinda hopin' to have a, whatcha call it, a law enforcement agency, right aroun' here somewhere."

"A police station, you mean?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Dat's it right there suh!" He straightened up a bit, "I, I would love da chance to protect my fella wonderlandians in this here town of ours. I won't let no more little kiddo's get mugged by some ugly mugga." He met my eyes and hunched over once more.

I let out a small chuckle, "I'll get on that right away. In fact," I turned to one of my guards, "Send word to the construction workers overseeing my statue. Tell them to drop the project and head over here. That thing was getting old anyway."

"Yes sir!" He said, taking off.

"Thank you so much my king, how can I eva repay you?" the citizen asked me.

I looked at him once more, and this time he warily held my gaze, "You've done enough by putting up with the fools running your country. We're the ones who owe you, sir."

I extended my hand to him, and he stared at it for a moment before looking back at me. I nodded and he happily took my hand in his.

"Thank you so much, suh." he said.

"My pleasure," I looked around the crowd once more, "I'm sorry but you'll have to excuse me."

I walked around the people aimlessly for a bit, my three guards keeping close. I was only half aware of the hands I was shaking; the smile I was showing, the hugs I was giving. I was hardly conscious of my wandering deeper and deeper into the crowd. I spun around slowly, trying to find Reggy, but to no avail.

She's going to hate you.

I pulled two guards closer and whispered to them, "You two stay here and watch over things until our return. Make sure the construction workers get things done, make sure the people are protected, or try your best to make sure nothing happens."

"Yes sir." They chanted in unison.

She's going to hate you.

I looked out into the crowd once more, making sure Reggy wasn't around, "My good citizens! It has been such a pleasure visiting you all, and I promise a speedy return! Unfortunately I have other matters to attend to, and must take my leave. I do hope you'll forgive me."

I heard their cries; whether good or bad I couldn't tell.

To the final guard I whispered, "When you see the Queen, tell her I'll return by tonight. I promise." I turned away for a moment, but quickly turned back, "And tell her I love her."

"Will do, sir." he replied.

I nodded and turned back to the crowd, "And now! I bid you all," she's going to hate you, "Farewell."

Everything went away in a blur. The world spun for a moment, and I was suddenly in a empty street. I heard the yells of the crowd nearby and walked in the opposite direction. I knew where I was, I'd walked these streets plenty in my youth. I retraced the steps I'd made as a child and set out to the very edge of the district. It wouldn't be long until I reached the forest.

"Oh," I said, biting my lip, "she's going to hate me."
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:40 am
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Shady says...

Yamani- Queen of Hearts

I collapsed on my bed, panting, trembling, covered in sweat-- grinning like a lunatic. The effort it took to haul the explosives to the statue, set them up and set them off, then run away, had taken about every speck of energy I had in my body. A quick glance in the mirror showed my deathly pale skin, and no matter what I did I couldn't make my arms stop shaking. It was worth it. Blowing up that statue was one of the most rewarding things I'd done in a long while.

Far more rewarding than kicking Haigha or Minerva out of the Heart-- stop it. Now. Don't think about them any more. Not another thought. I closed my eyes, exhausted.

I stiffly pushed myself up to a sitting position, groaning gently, as I realized that I hadn't moved since I flopped down on the bed. I cracked my neck, and groaned again as I clumsily brushed my hair out of my face.

My hair and my face felt nasty-- greasy and slightly damp. I grumbled under my breath as I stumbled across the room, to the basin on my dresser. I splashed water on my face, suddenly yanking me out of my stupor. I gasped, blinking the water out of my eyes, blindingly searching for a towel.

Glaring, I dried myself off and looked in the mirror. Idiot. You've always hated getting wet as soon as you wake up-- yet you insist on washing your face first thing... mm, at least it's easier to be grumpy, when you wake up like this. I looked better than when I fell asleep. I'd regained some of my color, and I wasn't trembling any more.

I jerked a comb through my unruly hair and wrestled it into a ponytail, then looked down at my clothes and grunted. They were very dirty, and my legs felt mostly numb from sleeping in the jean pants. My feet felt awkward and heavy, still laced into my boots. I sighed, rubbing my eyes, then shrugging. I didn't have anyone to impress.

I walked down the hallway into the kitchen, and grunted at a girl cooking some food. Everyone knew me well enough by now to know how I looked when I first woke up-- and what demands to expect. I didn't like talking, and I always wanted a canteen of water-- and she quickly complied with my unspoken request. I nodded my thanks to her, grunting, and stumbled outside into the forest.

Not really sure where I was going, I decided to take a walk to wake myself up. I, slowly, started walking through the woods, being careful of my footing as I slowly sipped my water. I eventually regained my balance and sense of direction, and sped my pace up, until I was going at a brisk walk, the cool air feeling nice in my lungs and against my face.

I threw my hands on a massive fallen tree blocking my path, and leaped over it, throwing myself in the air with every speck of strength I could muster. I landed on the other side feeling invigorated, if mostly drained of my strength, and stumbled forward. I stopped short when I saw the outline of a person standing in front of me.

My blood ran cold when I saw who it was. "What the f*ck do you want?"

He started, seeming surprised, as he started to turn toward me. Without waiting for a response, I swung my fist at his jaw as hard as I could. The blow took every speck of energy out of me, and made me stumble into the tree he was standing in front of.

I nearly yelped with the pain that shot up my side. I managed to bite it off, though, and whirled around. I pressed my back into the tree for support, clenching my fists. "Get the f*ck out of my forest, you slimey roach."

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:34 am
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veeren says...

Lord 'Lordie' Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

Before I could speak I felt her cold knuckles hit me so hard that I stumbled on to the floor. I ran my fingers across my jaw and felt as if I might have chipped a tooth. Oh you dirty little-

"Just as gentle as ever I see." I told her, getting to my feet.

She scowled at me, but the look was more pained than I had remembered. She was using a tree to hold herself up, and the way she stood made her look even worse.

I raised my hands to show her I had nothing to hide, "I'm not here to cause any trouble."

"Then you can turn right the f*ck around and go back to your little wench." She spat.

"Oh come now, we haven't seen each other in years. A little catching up won't hu-"

"Shut, the f*ck, up."

I narrowed my eyes and tried not to smile. It was almost odd knowing that the hate she felt for me wasn't the same I felt for her. Back when she was in charge and I was the one clawing my way to the top, this wouldn't have been the case though. I understood what she was going through, and it couldn't make me more happy.

"Come now, don't be so hostile."

I tried to take a step forward, but faster than I expected she swung her fist at me again. Without thinking, I closed my eyes and let the world around me fade. Not a moment later, I was behind her watching her stumble into the empty grass in front of her.

She straightened up and turn to me, scowling, "You and your bloody magic."

This time I couldn't resist, I let out a sigh and smirked at her.

"I'm going to tell you one last time to get the hell out of my for-"

"Or what?" I cut her off.

She looked surprised.

"You kill me?" I chuckled, "I doubt it. Even if you were in proper condition, you couldn't do anything without your little lackeys at your side to come to your rescue. But look here, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. No one at all to hear your screams for help."

"And what do you think you're going to do exactly? You wouldn't put your hands on me, much less kill me."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

She looked me in the eyes, "I know you, Lordshire. I know how you get things done. And you don't do the dirty work yourself. You get your stupid, little, idiotic lackeys, to do it for you."

I shook my head, "Fair enough. But I told you, I didn't come here to cause any trouble."

"So just what the hell was so important that you had to come all the way out here yourself?"

I sighed and studied her face. It's not going to work, "I came here to make you an offer."

Her eyes narrowed and she bared her teeth, "You dare come here to bargain with-"

"I came here, to offer you a way back into the castle."

She gave me a look of pure confusion.

You know, it just might work after all.

Spoiler! :
To vypsies, if you wanna make a post feel free to message me so I can tell you what I had in mind xp
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
— Homer Simpson