
Young Writers Society

A Dance for the Wounded Butterfly STARTING/ACCEPTING

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Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:07 am
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emoticon220 says...

((Gleek, Thank you! well done. Sorry, I've been a tad distracted by other things lately. ))
Max told me he'd tell me what was the matter after the show, hugged me then went out to the ropes.
Do you know why those two were crying? asked Natalia, I suggested that they tell us, before we go and ask. She said that we could help them. There was a feeling in the bottom of my stomach that something was wrong.
"Maybe, Natalia. Maybe."
We went out by the door and watched the boys. Eris hit a man in the face with a waterballoon then did a few flips. Max landed on his feet, but Eris landed back down in the net.
Max Panicked and Natalia and I ran out to them. Natalia shook Eris and Max yelled his name. I stood watching. I ran for a phone. Max, carying Eris reached me before i could get to it.
"We have to leave. We have to leave now." Max went into his dressing room. I followed and pulled him to me.
"Whats wrong?"
"I'll tell you when my brother and I are out of danger. Our father was in the crowd with a cop at his side. If he finds out that my brother and I were in the cirque for the past four years, then it's off to prison with my brother and me."
"Oh gosh, Max. Where are we going to go? Wheres Natalia, I'll go with her to get out things and we'll leave."
I ran out to find Natalia still sitting there and Ringmaster headed our way.
I knelt down by her and whispered to her,
"Were going, come on." She stood up and we ran to the dressing room.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:24 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

Adaline dragged me into the dressing room and began packing our stuff. Shortly after, we met the boys outside. "Were are we going to go exactly?" Adaline asked, panting. I was at loss for words, so I didn't know what else to say. The Ringmaster was heading our way, followed by the man who Eris hit and some policemen. I tapped Adaline on the shoulder and pointed to the people heading our way.

(Sorry if it's short and that I took a lot of time.)

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Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:15 am
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Redfang18 says...


I packed all that I could pack, including Mother's piccolo. Putting the bag on my back, I got Morgan on my shoulder and joined the girls. I said, "We have to get out of here before the cops show up."
Adaline asked, "Where do we go?"
I answered, "I know just the place. Big Brother and I used to go to the library when we were kids. We can hide there. Our father never went to the library with us and our mother. The library is the only place where we'll be safe."
Natalia scribbled, But what about your brother? Is he alright?
I answered grimly, "I don't know. All I know is that he's not looking very good. Now let's get before the cops see us." It was then we friends ran off to the city library to hide.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:32 am
emoticon220 says...

"Where do we go?" I asked as Max packed his things then hoisted Eris on his shoulder.
"I know just the place. Big Brother and I used to go to the library when we were kids. We can hide there. Our father never went to the library with us and our mother. The library is the only place where we'll be safe."
Natalia asked about Eris. She was very concerned I could tell. We all were, we were just kids. We ran off to the library and ducked inside. Looking quite odd in our cirque clothes we hid in the back among some chairs, hidden by a wall and 2 bookshelves. Max put Eris down and let him lean on the wall. I grabbed Max's hand and put it to my lips, feeling his pulse beating. I was scared. Scared for Max and Eris, Scared for our lives. Mostly, though, that I would be separated from him. I began to tear up. The tears soon fell and I hiccuppedwith sobs, burying my face in Max's chest.
"What are we going to do?" I cried. "Max, Im so scared. I don't want to lose you." I took a breath, "Max...I...I love you." I put my arms around him and cried.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:44 am
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

I started nursing Morgan while Adaline and Max talked. I take out a cloth from my bag, and wipe the sweat off Morgan. I put the cloth down and walk over to Adaline and Harmonia.

"You two need to change your appearances," I instructed. Harmonia looked at me with a confused face.

"Change your appearance, as in a disguise, but permanent," I explained.

"But how?" Adaline asked.

"Dye your hair orange and cut it or something," I suggested.

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:03 pm
Redfang18 says...


Natalia sounded serious when she said we had to change our appearance. I looked at Morgan. So far since we left to run, he hasn't moved. I went for some scissors and tied both Morgan's and my own hair up. I gave the clippers to Adaline, turned around, and said, "Go ahead, Adaline. Hack it off. It's been four years since my brother and I had our last haircut."
At first, she didn't want to do it. She protested that she liked my hair as long as it was.
"Just do it, Adaline. For the sake of my brother."
Morgan stirred and groaned, "Max." He opened his eyes and stared at me in the eye. "Max, you got us this far. I know you think this would repay me for those four years we've been hiding, but the debt isn't repaid until we're sure it's safe." He looked at Adaline and nodded. "Hack it off, Adaline. Do it or I will."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:20 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

Adaline started cutting Harmonia's hair whilebcomplaining that they didn't need to do this. I sigh and walk over to them. "Focus Adaline, you don't want Harmonia to go bald do you?" I asked her. Adaline shook her head and shut up. I took a deep breath.

"Now what do we do about the color?" I asked. "Even though your hair is cut, they can still recognize you," I continued. I look in all the bags and take out the leftover coins I found and started counting.

"Good, we have enough coins for hair dye," I announced.

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:01 pm
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emoticon220 says...

Natalia told us to change our appearences, the handed me scissors. Max put his and Eris' hair up so I could cut it off.
"But...I like your hair." I said to Max.
"Just do it, Adaline. For the sake of my brother." It was all too much. I was scared, confused, and feeling very alone at the moment. Suddenly Eris moved, "Max" he said.
"Max, you got us this far. I know you think this would repay me for those four years we've been hiding, but the debt isn't repaid until we're sure it's safe. Hack it off, Adaline. Do it or I will." I cut. I started with Max.
"We don't need to do this." I said. Then Natalia asked about color. "Even though your hair is cut, they can still recognize you."
I dropped the scissors on the floor and without a word walked away. I walked about 3 shelves away and sat on the floor pulling my knees to my chest.
Why is this happening? I asked myself, It's because of you, Its all because of you. If you hadn't run away like the Child you are this wouldn't have happened.
"But...Max?" I said aloud quietly.
What about him? All you've done is cause them more hurt. I would not cry. I had cried enough.
"No, You're wrong." I whispered. "You're wrong. I love him. He knows that."
But does he love you?
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:03 pm
emoticon220 says...

(Internal battle. Her mind vs her heart. Shes not hearing voices, Just to clarify)
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:47 pm
Redfang18 says...


After Adaline cut Max's hair short, he did the same to mine. I could tell he was uneasy with this idea, but I patted his shoulder to let him know I was with him all the way. I dug into his bag and found Mother's piccolo. Taking a breath, I played with passion. As Max went to find Adaline, I kept playing. The one I played for wasn't Max, but Natalia. I played for her. My heart sang with the piccolo for Natalia. I wanted Natalia, but did she want me in return?


Adaline was crying, but I understood why. She was in love, like I was. What took me by surprise was that I heard her say that she was in love with me. I almost choked. She wanted me, like I did her. I held her close to my chest and planted a kiss on her cheeks and forehead. I whispered in her ear, "I love you, too." I kissed her again, affectionately this time.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:08 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

I walked over to Morgan, who was playing his piccolo passionately. I waited until he finished his song and turned to me. I was holding my street clothes and the coins.

"Is there a bathroom here?" I asked. Morgan got up, but I put my hand on his shoulder and guided him down.

"Just tell me where to go, you need rest," I said. Morgan sighed. "Fine, go straight through that door over there and turn left," he instructed me, while pointing to a door. I smiled in thanks and followed where he directed me.

I closed the door quietly and walked to the bathroom. I quickly change out of my costume and into my street clothes, which contained a light blue skirt with a pale pink blouse. I slip the coins into the pocket of my skirt and walk back into the library.

"I'll be right back," I said.

"Where are you going?" Adaline asked, worried.

"Relax, I'm just going to a place I know to get dye, for Morgan, Harmonia, me and you," I said as I walked outside the library and closed the door behind me.

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Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:38 am
Redfang18 says...


I laid there against the wall, waiting for what was needed to hide the four of us. Max came to my side, an unmistakable look that meant being in love planted on his face. I raised a brow and asked, "What happened to you, Max?"
Max sighed and answered, "I'm in love, Morgan. I'm in love with Adaline."
I brought the piccolo to my lips and played passionately, a smile creeping on my face as I looked at Max in the eye.
Max got serious with me. "Don't play Mother's piccolo just to tease me, Morgan. You know I hate it when you tease."
I kept playing, this time with my eyes closed.
"Quit teasing me, Morgan. Don't make me have to smack you."
I kept playing, regardless of Max's threat. I could play the piccolo all I want, couldn't I? I played without a care, but with Natalia on my mind.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:12 pm
emoticon220 says...

Max kissed my cheeks and forehead. "I love you, too." He kissed me again, with a passion. Then, he went back by his brother. I stayed behind the shelf. Natalia passed, dressed in street clothes and walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?"
"Relax, I'm just going to a place I know to get dye, for Eris, Harmonia, me and you," She left and closed the door. I could hear Eris playing his piccolo and I walked over and sat close to Max.
"Shes going too far with this. If she thinks shes touching my hair shes crazy. We don't have to change, we just have to leave" I whispered into his ear. I put my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. He hugged me and I smiled, putting my lips against his neck, feeling his pulse beat against them. I let go of him and took down my hair. It was long, falling down my back with ease. I sighed. Natalia would take control, no matter what I said.
You can't win against her, no one will listen to you. Hush.
Or what? You'll cry? Weakling. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't.
Thats why you don't make the plans, your emotions run you. I was right.
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
-Wallace Stevens

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:48 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalia Romerto

I successfully obtained the dyes, and began making my way back to the library. I opened the door, and closed it quietly. I hold up the bag.

"I've got dye! Adaline, be excited! I got you a pretty color!" I say happily. Adaline looked up, with a scared expression.

"Don't be scared Adaline. I won't hurt you or anything. Plus, the dye doesn't hurt either," I assured her. I take the dyes outside the bag.

"Okay, I have orange for the boys, blonde for Adaline, and red for me," I announced. I give the red dye to Adaline.

"You can do my hair, and I'll do yours," I say with a smile.

(Hope this is okay!)

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Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:28 pm
Redfang18 says...


I ceased playing and looked at Natalia. Max and I made a face when she said she chose orange as our new hair color. We hate color orange. I said, "I rather be a redhead than have orange hair."
Max said, "I second that motion. Natalia, you could've asked us what kind of color we wanted our hair to be before jumping to that conclusion."
I put the piccolo away and tried to get up, but Max pushed me down. "Max, let me get up."
Max shook his head. "You have to rest more, Big Brother."
I groaned. Sometimes I hated when Max orders me around, but I love him as a brother anyway.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

The first draft is a trip to the amusement park. The next drafts are returning there as a safety inspector.
— SunsetTree