
Young Writers Society

Dark Beginings

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Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:26 am
Kitty says...

>>>Thanks! I was getting a little confused. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!<<<
A room without books is as a body without a soul.

Merry Christmas Yall!!

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Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:09 am
Bella says...

**Jai, forget what I said in the DT. I like the way you did that so far. I don't know what to post quite yet, but I wanted to say that**
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:28 am
sylverdawn says...

*Yeah thnx, just one thing Fire, the dragon can change his size, most of the time hes small enough to ride on Rain's shoulders*

Rain glanced up as Fire took to the air, his mind voice reaching back to her. 'You know I hate inns Rain, the humans act like i'll eat them if they so much as sneeze. I'll sleep in the woods tonight.'

Shaking her head Rain walked past the wide eyed innkeeper and entered the common room. She glanced around and saw the others were already there, she was the last to arrive. Quickly Rain walked over to a table by the fireplace, half hidden in shadows. She studied the room's residents.

"It's almost eery, so many mythcal creatures in the same place at the same time. I've only seen one or two others before today." Smiling Rain grabbed some bread from the middle of the table and started eating.

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Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:32 am
Kitty1 says...

"Ugh. I'm hungry." Kitnea complained.

"Why don't you just eat one of the horses." Snow asked sleepily.

"I don't like horse. It's to tough." Kit griped. "You two can go into the forest and find something. I am going to be a human for a while." Kit transformed into her humanself and walked out of the horse stalls. Snow and Cloud ran past her a lightning speed and into the forest. She turned the corner and walked into the inn. Kitnea walked up to the corner and ordered the lamb stew and a room.

"We don't have any more rooms, ma'am." The inn keeper said as he looked up from the cash register. Kit growled at him and his eyes widened as cat ears popped up from Kit's head.

"No room?" Kit growled questionally showing her pointed, white teeth.

"Oh! Did I say n-no r-room I meant we have an e-extra one!" He said with a fake smile and turned to make the stew.

"Good!" Kit said happily as the ears disappeared. The inn keeper turned and handed her a room number and a bowl of stew. Kit layed to gold coins in front of him and walked away.
Hey yall! Um, Kitty isn't going to be on for a while due to personal reasons and asked me to take over her storybooks that she made and joined for now. I am her sister. So that is why so I will help her out.

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Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:32 am
seeminglymeaningless says...

** I'm glad that seemed to help you guys some! ^^ **



"So," The red-haired Kender continued, "So, we could use another robber for our little gang." Here he punched the orc in friendly manner, but immediately sucked on his bruised knuckles.

Kahlak'tisht considered the green-eyed Kender's suggestion, "Nah - it's bad enough having you underfoot."

Flint stood up as the orc began to start walking, "Can't we at least buy a horse so I don't have to walk?"

"Are you to weak to walk?"

"It's just that your steps are so much bigger than mine."

The orc rolled his eyes.

"Or I could ride you - "

Kahlak rose one scaly brow in repressed anger, "RIDE ME?" He roared.

Birds flew from the surrounding terrain.

"Well, yes, you know, sit on your shoulders, or maybe you could carry - "

"I will not be ridden like a pony!" The orc cried.

The Kender scoffed, "You don't even look like a pony. You look more like a crocodile. . . or a snake."

Flint did not even realize that his honest words were making the orc's blood boil.

Reaching into his pockets, the Kender withdrew a piece of parchment, "Actually, you look rather like this. Is he your cousin?"

Kahlak'tisht snatched the parchment from Flint and scanned the piece with his reptilian eyes, "Where did you find this?" His voice was astonished.

The little creature shrugged, "No clue."

"That's a minotaur." Kahlak said, "And this is a map of the King's Labyrinth."

Flint chewed on a twig he had found on the ground, "As in a maze! I love mazes! Do you think we could get lost in it? I love getting lost!"

The orc rolled his eyes, "Now that we have what looks like half a map, it seems the path to the dungeons will be easier navigated."

"But can't we get lost just a little bit?"

Kahlak tucked the map of the Labyrinth's chambers and halls into his jerkin, "Let's get moving. We'll stop when day becomes night again."

Kahlak started walking again.

The Kender withdrew the other half of the map from the bottom of one of his pockets, "Hey, do you want - "

"No, I will not let you ride me, now come on."

Shrugging, the Kender tossed the other half of the map away into the bush, and hurried after the lumbering orc.


****If any one of you want to try and get into the King's Keep, just retrieve the other half of the map, and then join us when we [Kahlak and Flint] get to the Labyrinth. Just helping you guys along, if you are stuck ^^ ****
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:56 am
Kitty1 says...


"Ugh. The rooms are horrible!" Kit complained to Snow and Cloud after they had joined back up with her from their hunt.

"Well, there's always the horse stalls." Cloud said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Kit yelled sarcastically. "Where do you think we are going?"

"Well sorry! I was only trying to help!" Cloud growled.

"Yeah. I know." Kit said as she patted his head.

"Wait. What's this?" Snow asked calmly as she pulled out a peice of paper from the bushes with her teeth and handed it to Kit. Kit studied the map. Her eyes brightened as she noticed what it was.

"T-t-this is half of the map t-to the King's Labyrinth!" She yelled joyously. The two tiger's eyes brightened also.

"Does this mean that we are going on another adventure?" Snow asked. Kit nodded and turned into her regular were-cat form.

"Ready?" She asked the tigers. The tigers yowled in agreement and sped off down the dirt road with Kit in between them.
Hey yall! Um, Kitty isn't going to be on for a while due to personal reasons and asked me to take over her storybooks that she made and joined for now. I am her sister. So that is why so I will help her out.

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Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:33 pm
Light_Devil says...


Flint bobbed along, about 10 metres behind the reptillian.

"Are you sure you won't let me ride on your shoulders?"

Kahlak turned around and yelled back, "Oh yeah sure, I'll let a kender ride on my back like a po-"

He was cut off by Flint jumping onto his shoulders, "YAY!!! This fun, THANX Kahlak!"

The orc's left eye twitched as he said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?"

Flint looked down and patted the orc on the head, "You're giving me a ride, LIKE A PONY!"

Kahlak closed his eyes and counted to 10. No, that didn't work

He grabbed hold of the kenders cloak and threw him off. Flint landed on his feet like a cat and said, "That was fun! CAn we do it again?"

Growling the orc replied, "NO! Sarcasm dosen't seem work on you does it?"

The kender tilted his head sideways, "Sar-cas-im?"

Kahlak sighed, "ARGHHH, YOU STUPID THIEF!"


Kitty1's sister, please do not meet us before we get to the King's Castle
"Eat, Drink, Play"- National Pub Poker League
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
You wanna go to sleep? Click this --> http://qinni.deviantart.com/art/Timeles ... -102881379

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Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:50 am
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Billy says...


Dakto sat down at the table with Tanis, sparing the Drake a suspicious glance before turning back to him.

"There's something I don't quite trust about that girl." he muttered.

The half-elf looked amused.

"You mean aside from the fact that she set your pants on fire?"

"I'm not kidding here, Tanis. She flew to the town with Arastone, but shows at the inn a while after her. Moreover, when she does show up at the inn, she goes straight to a table in a shadowy little corner, as if she's trying to hide from the rest of us."

Tanis shook his head.

"You're overreacting. Chances are she wanted to avoid you and Senra because she set your pants on fire, and you're just looking for another reason to dislike her."

The Stormlord took another look back at her.

"Even so..."
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:11 pm
sylverdawn says...

Rain took a bite of stew studying the room, finally she'd have enough waiting. "Okay why don't we get this started. Personally I want to know why so many mythical creatures are in the same place at the same time. It's just strange. And it's dangerous, I had to leave my home country just because of the rumors going around."

"What rumors?" That was Senra, the others were looking just as confused.

"You guys havn't heard. The new King in Tihr, is an extremist. He's got the army targetting magical creatures. War is brewing, and now there's a rumor going around that he found some sort of ancient weapon."
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:43 am
seeminglymeaningless says...

*** Excellent point, Sylverdawn! I really think having so many magical creatures walking together is very unusual. I think everyone just got carried away. . . So, if anyone wants to change their character to make the story more believable and stuff, please do so. I mean - at the moment everyone in the Inn are like the members of a circus ^^***

<Completely nonobjective third-party member with absolutely no interest in the matter of this story ---- the InnKeeper>

The InnKeeper overheard the womans comment, and said, "Oh aye. . . The new king of Tihr, King Meaglywn, is set on obliterating any and all magical creatures."

All eyes swung on him, and he nervously swirled a dirty dish towel inside an equally dirty mug.

"How many have been killed?" This came from Tavis.

"Hundreds. Luckily we're in Wihr country, and the King Meaglywn's men aren't allowed open borders - thus you're safe here."

"Kahlak and Flint can't have known. . ." A Drow elf muttered.

All eyes turned to him, and the mage beside him explained, "Kahlak's an orc, and Flint a Kender - while the orc isn't magical - orcs are about as magical as rocks - the King might target him for fun."

"And as for the Kender - Kender's have much magic. . ." Rask finished.

"Why should we be worried about them?" Tanis snorted.

"Because they were planning on breaking into the King's Keep."

". . . And Meaglywn's ancient powerful weapon will be in it!" The Avain's eyes were wide.

The InnKeeper set down the mug, "My wife is a herbalist, if King Meaglywn ever takes over my country of Wihr, she'll be burned for being a witch. I'll do whatever it takes to help you take control of the Weapon."



Kahlak tore the scrap if paper from the marking post that indicated how many leagues till they reached the country of Tihr. His eyes scanned the paper and he growled.

"Can I see? Can I see?" The Kender practically bounced up and down below the orc. Kahlak thrust the paper at Flint, who proceeded to read it out loud,

"Magical Creatures, Dead or Alive, 50 gold crowns a piece, Courtesy of King Meaglywn and his Queen Ionthe of Tihr."

The Kender shook his head, "That doesn't sound like fun at all."

"No. It isn't. As soon as we cross the border into Tihr, we can be captured or killed legally. . ."

"That really don't sound like my cup of tea, Kahlak - I don't mind if you fancy dying, but I would like to - "

The orc groaned, "Oh just be quiet!"
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:59 pm
sylverdawn says...


I clench my hands into fists, green and gold flames licking up my arms as I struggle to control my temper. "Meaglywn may have just bee crowned King, but he's been killing those of the Lore in secret for decades. He wants to wipe. Us. Out. And he's all but suceeded with my race. As far as I know, i'm the last of the Drake's. And the only reason I live is because my parents disguised me as a human."

I finally get control of myself and the flames go out. "If you're gonna pull one over on the slayers, then i'm in. This could be, amusing."

(sry all i've got)
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:05 am
Bella says...


I cringed at the Innkeepers words. 'Obliterating' did not sound like a good thing.

"Don't worry," Rask murmured, putting his hand on my arm comfortingly. "They won't get us."

"How do you know?" I asked, my pessimism kicking in.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:24 am
Maybe says...


"Well, for one, I believe that we're smarter than the King."

"So, he's got a whole army. We can't fool a whole army." Bella pointed out.

"That may be so, but we could always mislead them..."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:46 am
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Bella says...


I nodded, knowing that he had a good idea there.

"What about the others....the orc and kender?" I asked, picking at what was left of my meal.

"What about them?" Rask asked bitterly. "They tied you up and left you for dead, why are you even thinking about them?"

"I know we had plots for revenge and all...but I'm slightly worried. Perhaps we should...tell them about the king's plans?" Rask gave me a hard look, obviously not pleased with my soft spot for other people.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:00 am
Maybe says...


I gave Bella a hard look. "Let someone else tell them."

"But that someone else may be the King and his army."

I shrugged. "So? Bella, they left you for dead. If it weren't for me, you would be dead. Leave them to their own fate just like they left you to yours."
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.
— Groucho Marx