
Young Writers Society

The Haunted Plantation (Finished.)

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:58 pm
ladcat13 says...

Dayna Thorion

Nick had needed help organizing search parties for June and Jorden, so I'd helped him organize them. I'd also followed Meg and Nick around as they insisted on searching. Watching them chat quietly, I felt an old pang of envy and grief. But I hid it, becasue I was also happy for Nick and Meg. They had something special, and they didn't even know it. I traced the scar on my face. I'd been like that once.

That whole day, I felt both happy and tormented. I kept it to myself. I would only be the bodyguard here, since I was the only one with guns. I had all four on me at all times. The handgun and the three tiny pistols were all loaded and the safeties off. Guns seem to be the only things that scare these ghosts.

After everyone else has gone to bed, I stay up on a self appointed patrol. I don't dare go to sleep, in case I remember again. Meg and Nick had awakened those old memories. If I go to sleep, I will relive them in my dreams and I can't bear the pain of that.

I meet Kamria as she is coming out of the hallway that holds Nick and Meg's room. She has her first aid kit in her hand, so I stop her.

"What's the matter? Trouble with Nick and Meg's wounds?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"No, it's Hanorah. She, too, has been hurt by the ghosts now. She was chased and she fell down the stairs. She's got a head injury and her hip was damaged. She just woke up for the first time and had some lunch earlier today. But now she's asleep again. Nick and Meg are watching her." Kamria fills me in.

I nod to her and go to Nick and Meg's room. I tiptoe in, so not to wake Hanorah. Unfortunately, my "tiptoe" is 99.9% silent, so Meg and Nick don't hear me coming either. I startle them, and Meg shrieks a little. Hanorah stirs and moans a little at the noise. She doesn't look so good. In fact, neither do Nick and Meg. They seem tired.

"You two should go to bed. You are injured and you need your rest. I will watch her. In fact, she can come to my room and have my bed. I will not use it, and she needs better than a couch." I offer. Nick seems reluctant, but I insist. He relents.

"Will you need help carrying her?" He asks. I chuckle softly.

"You forget, mi amigo, that you are injured and I am not. I will have no trouble carrying her," I say. It is no effort for me to lift her. I am careful not to jostle her wounds. "Oh, and Nick, will you tell Kamria that I have Hanorah? Also, she has no need to stop by and check Hanorah because I can change her bandages." I tell Nick. He nods as he helps Meg up. As I walk out, I feel that pang of grief and envy again.

I settle Hanorah in my bed and pull up the armchair. Sarge comes and sits beside me. he sniffs my hand. An idea comes to me as he does so. Sarge is a trained service dog, and he has saved my life multiple times before when I had... emergencies. Maybe he can find out what else is wrong with Hanorah. I guide his nose over to the head wound, for that is the most likely cause. He sniffs it, but moves on without protest. He snuffles all over her face, but stops at her neck and licks it. He seems concerned. I look at the spot, which is right around vertabrea C3. I push aside his nose and probe Hanorah's neck with ever-so-gentle fingers. I am not surprised that she has a spinal injury, after a fall like that. Oh, luck! The vertabrea is not broken, just offset. I could set it if I had equipment, but I cannot risk it right now. I decide to leave it until morning,w hen Kamria could help.

I sit there and watch over Hanorah, but my mind is really somewhere else. I am thinking about Nick and Meg. I grow drowsy. Suddenly, I am aware of another presence in the room. I look up and it is the redheaded girl that tried to help Hanorah. But still I don't relax. The ghost speaks.

"Why do you try to forget him?" She asks plaintively.

"Get out of my head" I growl

"No. I died for my love. I have been dead a century, and I cannot join him in death. You have a chance to live and heal. Why do you seek to forget, yet at the same time, you nurse the wound?" I face her in surly silence. A wave of drowsiness hits me.

"Get out of my... head... you..." I try to resist the sleep, but my head slips down and falls on the edge of the mattress. "Hanorah..." I whisper. The redheaded girl whispers in my mind:

"Do not worry. I will watch over my friend Hanorah. Sleep, and remember him."

The dream is, at first, pleasant. The redheaded girl is there, pulling pleasant images out of my memories. The day we met. The time he saved my life, on tour. The time I saved his. Long walks on the beach, the bar where we both go roaring drunk. That one night, on our honeymoon, when we rented a cabin on the sea.

But when she pulls that cabin up, the memories get out of control. The fire, the chaos, and he's still in there! The firemen pull me struggling out of the wreckage. They try to treat the scratch on my face, but when I realize that he's not coming out of the cabin, he's never coming out...

After that episode, I can't serve the military. I am medically unfit. They can give me no more than a purple heart, an honorable discharge, and a service dog. At first, I hate Sarge. I believe that I do not deserve to live, not when I escaped with so trivial an injury as the scar on my face, while he never escaped at all. But Sarge pulls me out of my depression, stops me from suicide.

I am shaken awake, and it is morning. I have been crying in my sleep, and the ghost is gone. I silently curse her. When I look up at the hand that shook me awake, I realize that it is none other than Hanorah.

Spoiler! :
Take it from here, @Hanorah

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:56 pm
Hanorah says...


Dayna's face was tear stainedman unusual sight.For the first time she looked off her guard,un focused,weak.

'Are you ok?'I asked,worried.

'Fine,I'm..fine'She was shaking slowly.

'No you're not come on,what's wrong?A problem shared is a problem halved,and if you want me to keep it as a secret..my lips will be forever sealed'

She relaxed abit,but not fully,she nodded and shakily told me about her dreams.

'Were you...'I asked

'In love?yes'She breaks down crying uncontrolably and I hold her,I felt my shoulder getter wetter by the second,I never thought that Dayna would be the one I would have to comfort,she was so so...I don't know.I couldent explain it,but I knew that it would take a while for her wounds to heal,physical pain can never be as painful as emotional.

She cried for forty five minutes and I held her in my arms,she seemed so insecure,I knew that I would have to look after her now,not the other way around.It was oblivious that soon meg and Nick would end up together,and I think that make matters worse for her.

'I..I think I'm going to stay here for a while until I get myself together,please don't tell anyone?Please?'

'I won't,do you want me to stay?'I asked softly.

She nodded her head and then she decided that if she was going to unload these memories,she might unload them all.

She told me everything about him,for some reason never mentioning his name.They seemed like the perfect couple,they had had so many adventures,he had even saved her life.When she came to the fire and the cabin,she broke down again cryin uncontrolably.

'Its okay,it's okay'I held her again,her dog was whining,it looked like he'd never seen her before like this.

My neck was sore from hugging her for so long,but I ignored it.Dayna was slowly drifting off to sleep.

'Im sorry,I should have gone back'she mumbled'Im so so sorry'

I felt a pang in my chest,unable to imagine what she has been through,she has tried for so long to keep her shield up,but I think she knew that one day it would all come out.

She opened her eyes slowly.

'Im sorry,I'm meant to be nursing you,not the other way around'

'I'm fine,I feel better'I lied.

She feel asleep after that knowing she didn't have anything to worry about.The red headed ghost appeared beside me and just sat there,watching.

I looked over at her,my brow furrowed.

'This is how you feel?'i asked her.

She nodded a small tear ran down her face.I looked at Dayna,then back at her,they were definatly strong people,I don't know how I could live if the love of my life was taken away from me.

'Im sorry'I whispered softly,almost silent.'Im so so sorry'
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:28 pm
ladcat13 says...

Dayna Thorion

Spoiler! :
Sorry I keep posting back-to-back, but I was on vacation and now I kinda have to catch up. Thanks for being patient!

It feels good to release. The pressure in my chest loosens, though I doubt it will ever dissipate. I am disgusted at my own weakness. Yet at the same time, Hanorah may have prevented another episode. And as long as we keep it between the two of us, I am sure we will be fine. I doubt she'll tell on me. I do have a reputation to keep up. The big tough mercenary turns out to be a victim of tragedy, and epileptic to boot!

Yes, epileptic. I wish it was as simple as that. It began the night he died. I had my first attack on the beach, when I realized he was dead. It's not even the standard kind of epilepsy. I've never had a serious head or spinal injury. But sometimes, if I am in excruciating emotional turmoil or if my body is totally exhausted, it triggers an enormous headache. The headache proceeds a seizure, and if I don't get my medication in time, I'll just collapse on the ground in a fit. The seizures are not life-threatening, as long as I don't hurt myself. That's what Sarge is for. He'll warn me even before the headache comes. If I can't get my medication, he'll try to find some one who can. If he can't get that, he'll try to get someone with medical expertise. He can tell about people, and he knows a competent doctor when he sees one. If that fails, he will get me somewhere safe before it happens. He'll prevent me from hurting myself and also prevent others from hurting me. I rely on him for many things, emotional as well as physical. We've been together for nine years now. That's how long since I was honorably discharged, and still the wounds are raw.

Spoiler! :
Everyone pretend that you don't know that! That's for author's ears only, not for the characters'.

I slip off into a more peaceful sleep, one that is not haunted by nightmares or dreams of any kind. Just unbroken blackness. It takes me a long time to wake up, and when I do, it takes me even longer to remember what it was that I urgently needed to tell Hanorah...

Shoot! Her neck! All of a sudden I am awake and lucid. My heart leaps to my mouth when I see my bed in empty. Crud! With her hip, she can barely walk! If she puts too much stress on her neck... I leap out of the chair and dash out the door, Sarge immediately on my heels. I was so stupid not to tell anyone! Now I'm the only one who knows, and she's missing!
Last edited by ladcat13 on Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:48 pm
StoneHeart says...

Spoiler! :
Hey, here's my post (Lad, Hanorah, you need to chill on the posting, I'm off-time as is). Sorry if this is a monkey-wrench, notify me if it's too much trouble.

|Ivan Summers|

If the June girl had seemed weird and slightly crazy, then the other one was . . . what was the word? Oh, right: Overboard.

Nobody had ever referred to Ivan as vaguely 'sexy', and he wasn't feeling exactly gratified by the sudden 'first'.

He sighed and leaned back against the wall of the hallway. Better living here with some slightly odd people than back with an out of control father and house-full of servants who 'served' him by forcing him to do what they said.

His father hated him. Nobody was here to argue with that fact. His father hadn't wanted children, and when Ivan's mom had died. . . . Well, he'd just kind of stepped away from his family. He hadn't wanted anything to do with Ivan.

And so nobody had had anything personal to do with Ivan ever since then. He liked to see himself as tough, as not-needing anybody: The truth was that he was very good at that. But a good life is made up of balance, not concentrated perfection.


He glanced up, careful to cut his want to twitch a hesitant smile, and saw a thin, pale girl looking up at him. Crazy until proven otherwise.

“Are you June's roommate?” the girl persisted, not fazed by his lack of a reply.

He looked away from her,” yes, I'm Ivan.” Probably wouldn't kill anybody.

“Have you seen her lately?”

He returned his glance back to her,”now that you mention it I haven't” he said, hoping his voice sounded scathing enough. Why would I care where someone who virtually attacks me is?

“I hate to bother you,” she said,” but, would you mind helping me look for her? My roommate's missing too”

Missing now is she? He was half-tempted to say no, and managed not to say something like 'you bury the body'.” Fine, but only for a while,” he muttered finally, standing up to his full height and pacing down the hallway. Should I ask you to go ahead? As ghost bait?

Ghosts . . . he wasn't quite sure what to say. One of his, er, 'tutors', had always said that the government used the media to make it impossible for, should it exist, anything supernatural to be seen by humans. But he'd been a communist, so that didn't count.

Survive this and you'll be able to BUY this mansion, he muttered to himself, peeking into random doorways, from the idiot who gave you the money for saving it for him. But seriously, what did Cal expect to get from this. Well, he's just giving me, he knocked on a rooms door and then shoved it open at the lack of reply, a chance to break away from my. He glanced through the room. Stupid. The door slammed shut. Drunken . . . father.

A face seemed to melt out of the wall in front of him, forming into a tall, pale man, floating a couple feet above the floor,” get out of here! Now!” The figure hissed.

Ivan stared at the figure for a moment. Maybe the commie was right? He ended up saying something really intelligent like,” I'm not good with introductions . . . you are?” before the ghost screeched at him and hurled a vase at him.

There was a violent smash and the ceramic pot shattered against Ivan's rock-hard palm. Outside the girl screamed and pounded on the door,” you sound like her.” he noted to the ghost.

The 'ghost' suddenly reached out a half see-through hand and picking up a stool hurled it at him. He caught it easily and spinning it around, used its own momentum to shatter it against the wall.” you have a name?” he asked.

“LEAVE!” the man screamed again, raising his hands over his head. There was a soft whoosh and then everything in the room seemed to shift; bed, dresser, cabinets, stools, table, everything . . . seemed to be slowly floating into the air.”Or suffer my wrath!”

There was a violent crash and the room imploded on him.

The mysterious ghosts whole 'destruction of Ivan' plan would have worked quite perfectly if he hadn't thrown the bed first. As it was he found himself, slightly stunned, with his face pressed rather roughly into the polished wooden floor, the bed lying on his back.

“Get up,” her ordered himself, but winced as he tried to move. Bruises.” Painful, but not harmful,” he muttered to himself, slowly getting his aching fingers under his chest.

There was a soft creak and the bed rose, bit by bit. Suddenly a pair of fingers appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the bed supporting it for him. Blinking he rolled out from under it.

Looking down at him was the last person he'd expected. The June girl, holding the bed over her head easily, standing in the middle of the wrecked room, the other girl form earlier (he had to get her name) standing behind her.

He winced but straitened as she lowered the bed.” Thanks,” he muttered, turning slowly and heading for the doorway. Someone else could clean up the mess. He hadn't made it after all, even if he had caused it.

“What?” he glanced back at the June girl, looking up at him, her hands on her hips. Was that outrage in her tone?” Thanks? That's it? I help you out of a situation like this and you tell me 'thanks'!” she stepped toward him threateningly.

[/i]What do you want? A pat on the back and a 'good job'[/i]. ”Uh. . . . Thanks. I guess.”

She narrowed her eyebrows,” what happened here.”

“A ghost attacked me” Did that really sound as stupid to him as it did to her?

She looked impressed and looked about the room,” I didn't know they could do this . . .” she muttered softly.

Ivan shrugged,” up till now I didn't know they existed. So no huge surprise.”

“I'm getting out of here!” screeched the pale girl, stepping toward the shattered doorway,” I didn't sign up for this!”

Ivan raised an eyebrow,” what where you expecting? A holiday in the tropics?”

The girl glared at him,” not this!” she growled.

“Well,” June said,” my karate teacher always told me that if it doesn't kill you then it builds character.”

“Mine said that it made you stronger, but yeah.”

The first girl looked between them bewilderedly, and then throwing up her arms, stalked out of the room. Ruin really.

June watched her leave,” you know karate?”

Ivan pursed his lips,” a bit.”

June looked at him curiously, her eyes glinting,” good. You might need to sometime here.”

“I can't hit ghosts.”

Slowly June raised a hand,” a ghost didn't do that.”

Ivan followed her pointing finger. There on the wall, above a hole that must have been hidden by the bed, was a row of seven long black scores in the wood. Claw marks.

Spoiler! :
I'm seeing if I can gently soften his character. Plot twist as well. We can see where it goes . . . I just think we need something more physical to FIGHT! Also, I think we need Cal to WANT something in here. Seriously though, guys! You're posting too fast. I write a post and by the time I'm done with it three people have already posted and it's too late to fix my post . . . you asked for this. (Hanorah, Lad, it really helps to let at least three other people post before you jump in again).
For I who am poor have only my dreams
I spread my dreams under your feet . . .

. . . tread softly for you tread on my dreams.

We are masters of our silences, and slaves of our words

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:00 pm
ladcat13 says...

Spoiler! :
Yeah, sorry. But I just had to catch up a little. I normally don't do that and I don't intent to do that again.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:16 pm
ShadowHunter says...

I had secreted myself into the library for some time, ignoring my body's demands for food. There was so much new information in this one room that I would have been content to stay in here until I starved. Curiosity got the better of me when there came a great crash from inside the house. I put down the book I had been reading and made my way to the door. So far I had met no one else in the house, they always seemed to pass me by. That was why I loved librarys, there was never any lack of privacy in them
I figured that if I could stay in one place long enough, everything wrong with the world would just disappear. I quickly sliced out of the room and started to explore more of my new home.
It is not the dark, but the unknown that we fear.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:43 pm
NicoleBri says...


I was walking down the stairs when I immediately spotted a new person. "You are?" I ask with a smile, all I knew was she was definitely a gorgeous girl. "Rowan. You?" she replied. "I'm Kamria." I say with a smile. "Welcome to the plantation, I hope you enjoy being with us." I say. "Show me around?" she asked. Nodding I began walking.

It seems like I show everyone around, I stop by the first room. "This is Nick and Meg." I tell her. She smiled and they all shook hands. "Hi." Nick said. "Hello." Meg also said.
"Hey! Nice to meet yall." Rowan replied. "This is Rowan." I tell them. They both smiled and I saw their hands meet. I ignored it and just walked out but immediately walked back in. "Where is Hanorah nick?" I asked. "Oh Dayna told me to tell you she is going to watch over her." he replied.

I sighed with relief and walked back out. Luckily I spotted people walking in the hall. "Ivan and June, this is Rowan." I say as I stop them. June smiled and shook her hand, so did Ivan. "Nice to meet yall." Rowan told them. "Same to you." Ivan replied. Then they walked off.

"Hanorah? Dayna?" I ask as I knock on the door. I heard someone walk over to open it and it was Dayna. "Please be a little quiet, Hanorah is sleeping." Dayna said. I whispered, "Rowan this is Dayna." I say. They shake hands and I point over to the bed where Hanorah was sleeping. "That is Hanorah." Rowan smiled and we both just left. "There are others you didn't meet but for some reason they aren't in their room. You shall meet them when they appear." I say with a smile. "Your room is there." I say pointing across the hall from me. "It is a one bedroom room, so you get to be alone, like me." I say and laugh.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:13 am
ShadowHunter says...

"Your room is there." she says pointing across the hall from us. "It is a one bedroom room, so you get to be alone, like me." she comments laughingly.

"Thanks for showing me around." I replied, my eyes crinkling as I smiled.

"Sure thing!"she said, returning my smile before entering her own room, leaving me to my own devices yet again. I slowly make my way to my new lodgings, wary of anything that might be inside. I fling open the door quickly, thinking that I will take anything in there by surprise, but the room is empty except fore some sparse furniture, the only light coming in from a window.

I chastise myself for being so foolish and tell myself that I will sleep for a few hours until nightfall before retrieving my bags from the library. I step forward and a smile spreads across my face, the wood flooring is perfect for dance, how very convenient. I kick off my shoes and do a few practice turns. The floor grips my feet perfectly, slippery enough for me to make several rotations, but sticky enough so that I don't fall flat on my face when I try turns a la seconde. After a few more practice exercises, I slip into the bed and fall into a dead sleep straight away.

When I wake up, all light is gone from the outside. I crawl out of bead and stumble across the room to the light switch. After I flick it on, I turn around and see a red-headed girl floating there. I let out a small shriek and tumble to the ground in an ungraceful heap.
Spoiler! :
Yes I did spell seconde correctly in the second to last paragraph. It is a ballet term for the leg to be off to the side or in second position. A turn a la seconde it when you turn with your leg out to the side. Tuning a la seconde can also called turning in second. I highly recommend you look it up on you tube, they look amazing when done correctly, and it will give you an accurate depiction of what they look like.
It is not the dark, but the unknown that we fear.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:10 am
Hanorah says...


I decided to leave Dayna asleep,she didn't need to stress over me anymore,she had to take care of herself.

Walking down the stairs was the biggest struggle ever,I had to hop down them,tripping twice.I may have been complaining about my hip,but as painful as it wasn't it wasn't anywhere near as painful as my Neck.

I found it very hard to move it,and whenever I tried I was in excruciating pain.

'Oh hi Hanorah'

I turned around,it was a girl I had never seen before,she had black hair and blue eyes.
How did she know my name?

'Im sorry,but do I know you?'I asked puzzled.

'Oh sorry,Kamaria introduced me when you were asleep in Dayna's room'She explained.

'Oh it's nice to meet you'I shook her hand.

'You too'She was holding a book.

'You like reading?'I smiled

'Love it'

'Yeah,imma bookworm to'

'I'll see you later,I'm going to the library'She smiled and left.

I limped to the kitchen to get some breakfast,everyone else was there except Dayna.I bent down to get a box of cereal,my neck got even more sore with every inch I went down.
When I got back up I heard a click and bit my lip so hard that it broke the skin,I didnt want to scream,not in front of everyone,please don't make me scream.I couldent come across weak.
'Hanorah!'Dayna shouted running in,out of breath,'Your neck'.

'Yeah I know,it wrecks like..'I started before I collapsed into someone arms,I've got to stop doing that.I don't mean to find trouble,trouble always finds its damn way to me.
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:56 am
ShadowHunter says...

I was trying desperately to put on a brave face after seeing that goat. I didn't want everyone else to know. I had no way of knowing if this was the first sighting of her, but I had no intention of being called crazy by everyone else in the plantation.

I was going to go to the library when I ran into the girl, Hanorah. After tellin.g her that I was headed off to the library, I started to walk over there, then turned around and followed her, telling myself that I was being a super creeper. I arrived just in time to see Hanora collapse into another girl's arms. I could feel all my senses go into overdrive as I started to panic.

"Did you know that Jake the Ripper is on record for only having killed five women, but some people believe he make have killed as many as seven girls." Everyone in the room looked at me as if I had grown a second head. I slapped my hand over my my mouth, mortified that I had said that out loud.
It is not the dark, but the unknown that we fear.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:56 pm
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ladcat13 says...

Dayna Thorion

I heard that Rowan girl spit out some random fact about a murder, and I thought it was weird, but I really had to focus on Hanorah.

"Kamria! C'mere!" I yelled at the crowd as I crouched down next to Hanorah. The girl who caught Hanorah turned out to be Meg, and it looked like she was in pain from her own wound, and trying to hold Hanorah. She began to set her down, but I stopped her.

"No no no no! Don't move her! The slightest twitch now could send her into a coma!" Meg froze, but her lip was trembling. "Here, someone take Hanorah from Meg before she collapses, too. Ivan was nearest, so I beckoned him over. He smoothly slipped his arms under Hanorah's shoulders and made the transfer without the slightest hitch. I sighed in relief. Kamria was at my side then, and I told her about the crooked vertabrea. "I swear to god, I heard the click from all the way over here! It's vertabrea C3. I didn't do anything to it last night becasue I didn't have any equipment, and I didn't expect her to wake up before I did. Grrr, I was so stupid!"

"Well, cursing yourself is not going to help now. At least you found out which vertabrea! Now we know what's wrong. Now all we have to do is find out where the vertabrea went and put it in place. Simple as setting a bone!" She told me. I shook my head.

"No, it's not that simple. We don't know which direction it went, and we don't know how far. We can't afford to try to find out by touch, because we could pinch a nerve. We need x-ray equipment!" I argue. Kamria looks worried.

"I'm don't know neuroscience! Nerves are such a touchy subject." She frets. I nod.

"I would know. I think the best thing we can do right now is not move her. We could get Sarge to check it out, but I'm not sure how much help he'll be..." I offer. Kamria nods.

But for some reason, Sarge won't go near Hanorah I am puzzled and impatient. I look back at Hanorah, whose breathing is shallow. We're loosing time! Just then, the red headed girl appears above Hanorah's inert body.

"I can help. How is her spine supposed to look?" The ghost asks. The gathered watchers are staring at her in shocked silence, so I know others can see her. I give her a mental image of a correct spine, and all of a sudden there is a sickening click. I sigh in relief. Kamria gently probes the area and smiles.

"Yes! She'll be alright!" I yell in triumph. I help Kamria bind Hanorah's neck in a splint of sorts while Ivan holds her still.

We are about to lift her and take her back to my room when she moans. Her body stiffens and her jaw clenches. Sarge goes nuts! I curse.

"Set her down, now! Someone, go to my room and get my backpack. Ivan, get me something wood that she can bite!"

"Dayna, what's happening? Why is your dog going crazy?" Kamria says in a panicky voice. I bite my lip. I am choking on the words, but for Hanorah's sake I have to come clean.

"Hanorah... She's having a seizure. Sarge knows because he's a seizure dog. I need him just for this purpose. I have medication, and I fully intend to share it with Hanorah." I say quietly. Even so, people hear me. And there it is. The look they give me, the look of wariness and disgust, like I'm a ticking bomb ready to explode. I hate that! That's why I lie about it.

Just then, Ivan is back with my backpack. I know exactly where to find the meds. I take out a caplet and shake it, to stir up the liquid. It's in liquid form so that it's easy to force through clenched jaws. I grab a glass and fill it in the sink. Pouring the liquid in, I beckon Ivan over. He helps me open her mouth a bit and pour the liquid in.

"Come on, swallow... Swallow..." I mutter. I mare awarded by the sight of Hanorah's throat move under the bandage.

She calms down before she gets into the convulsions. Ivan, Kamria and I stay on the kitchen floor with Hanorah until the seizure is over. We then move her back to my bed.

She has another, milder seizure, later during the night. I treat her quietly. At this point I am just sad and resigned. Because on her second seizure, she's officially epileptic.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:17 pm
NicoleBri says...


Everybody seemed to be getting hurt in this plantation. Especially Hanorah and Meg. I got hurt but not as bad as either of them. I was happy to be able to help Hanorah and my room mate. I sat alone In my room until I heard a scream. Everyone was in a circle down in the main room. "What the hell is going on?" I ask and then look and see that Hanorah had fell to the ground. "Her back bone is out of place." Meg told me.

A few moments had passed and then a red headed girl ghost floated down and helped fixed her back. I sighed with relief. All of a sudden she started to have a seizure. "This is so much to take in." I mumble to myself. I had to get a break and so I walked off. I probably looked like a bitch though.

Walking into the kitchen I just sat in a chair, Cal was definitely wrong. I couldn't be a leader of this little group, Kamria and Dayna knew more than I ever did or would. I didn't have anything to say and I couldn't think either.

"Nick?" Meg said. I turned around and she was standing there in the corner. I just stared at her. "Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded but didn't say anything. "I just don't understand why Cal put me in charge when yall know so much more than I do and ever will." I say. She just chuckled. I'm not sure if it was because I'm right or she just had to laugh at how ridiculous I sound.

She sat beside me and we started talking more about where she came from. All of a sudden we heard a piano start playing an old tune. There was a door in the kitchen I never thought to even open. I opened it and it led to a bedroom which Is where the piano was at. "I wonder whose this was." I say to Meg. She was just standing their in awe.

This room wasn't too big but definitely not small. "I just want you to know. I like you a lot. You seem awesome, at least since I met you." I told her. Her face was flushed from embarrassment. I took her hand in mine and we were walking in the room together.

When I stepped inside the piano immediately stopped playing. "Is someone here?" Meg asked. Nothing happened. This place was definitely full of activity. I sat on the soft bed and dust flew off of it. "You shouldn't sit there." Meg said. "Why not?" I ask.

"Because it looks like no one has been in this room in ages, the ghost spirit who owned this room might get mad..." she replied.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:36 pm
NicoleBri says...


"Epilepsy?" someone asked. I turned because the voice didn't sound familiar. I seen a person that was a shadow figure. I couldn't make out a facial feature. "Who are you?" I ask as I walk towards it. My job was to keep everyone safe so that's what I tried to do. It looked at me and just shook its head. "dammit who are you?" I ask. I feel my body shaking. I immediately get a chill down my back.

"you need to leave." he said a little loud but being calm. "No. I cant and I wont." I say without a fear in my words. "You will regret this." he said and disappeared. I immediately fell to the ground. My body begun to shake heavily. "Please someone help." I say but no one is there.

I feel pain going all through my insides. My head was bleeding and no one was around to help me. I felt as though I might die. "Someone help her!!" Meg screamed running up to me. I heard feet shuffling and then I think I just blacked out.


I seen my body laying on the floor, everyone was now huddled around me. I was breathing. "What is going on?" I say. I was happy that someone was actually helping me, at least trying.

I just stood there waiting to see what would happen. All of a sudden my body stood up by itself, like nothing ever happened. "I'm fine I'm fine." The person in my body said. "What the hell is going on?!" I ask. No one could hear me. I was getting frustrated.

Trying to get someone's attention I waved in front of their face and everything. Nothing seemed to work. "Sarge!" I immediately say and start floating towards him. He looks at me and barks.

I pet him and he just lets me. What do I do???? I think to myself.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:24 pm
umaima says...

June Rutherford

"Are you sure she will be alright?" I asked Dayna worriedly

"I hope so, you guys can go and sleep though, I will be by her side so don't worry"

We all went back to our rooms except Van was not to be seen.

And you are worried why? He doesn't care about you June, don't waste your time

I heard someone saying but when I turned back I found nothing.

You are wasting your time

Suddenly there was a clash I heard from my room. I rushed in and found things on the floor and again, why does this has to happen to my room only.

The thing that got my attention was Ivan sitting in the corner of the room with his head down and Kamria trying to comfort him.

"It's okay" she says to him and when she looks up to me she smirks and then hugs him.

I slowly exit the room, I don't know why but I just didn't like it there. Seeing Kamria and Ivan together wasn't the most pleasant site so I just decided to ignore him for today, or maybe them.

I went straight towards Hanorah's room.

"Hey, can I sleep with you tonight" I asked as I entered the room. Hanorah was lying down that time.

"Sure" she said "come over here, I have no one anyways"

As I tuck in the bed I ask her "So what happened to Kamria"

"Don't know but she is acting strange after that incident this evening" she says "By the way why the sudden exchange of rooms"

"Don't ask, I don't think I have the answer to that, sometimes I... act strange" I said looking at the ceiling

Spoiler! :
So Kamria got possesed by the ghost right
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:43 pm
ladcat13 says...

After I let Hanorah back into her room and June joined her, I felt a little more comfortable. I went back to my room and phoned the pharmacy. I needed to fill out another form for my meds, so I could give some to Hanorah. It was then that I noticed that Sarge was missing. Dammit! This is the very worst time for him to make off, now that both Hanorah and I need him. I finish my order and go to look for him.

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

Remember, a stranger once told you that the breeze here is something worth writing poems about.
— Shinji Moon