
Young Writers Society

Harmony High - Sequel

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Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:57 pm
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Better late than never :P Though this'll probaby be my only post for nect few months. I figured I might as well post once.

"Stressful but o-" Avery begins but is cut off by the ruckus of three different guys entering the living room. I recognize one to be Will, and the other Ashton, but the guy with the dirty blond hair, not so much.

They all come to a stop as they see Avery and I. An awkwardness descends upon the air as I look from them to Avery.

They stands around looking at each other, and Avery just looks away. I scracthed my head at a loss, and clear my throat. "Hey will. It's been a while sice I last saw you."

"Yea," he nods with a small smile. "A lot has happened sone you've been gone."

"So it would seem," my eyes flit to the rock on Avery's finger before turning back his way. "so are you oing to introduce me to your friend?"

Will opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Ashton.

"This is Tristan, Tristan this is the lovely Luna Wenchester." he looked at me as he spoke, his eyes admiring my legs, which were left exposed by the black skirt I was wearing.

Tristan stepped forward and held his hand out to me. "Hi. It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise," I smile as I take his hand.

He had a firm hand shake, which I liked. I let go of his hand and crossed my legs, noting the way Ashton's eyes watched.

An awkward silence set in around us again, and I did't know what to do this time. I stood up and turned towards Avery. "I'm gonna grab a btlle of water. Want anything?"

"Um, no," she shakes her head without looking up. "I'm good, thanks."

I turn to make my way into the kitchen and open up the fridge, hunting down something to satisfy my thirst, when the big hand of another person closed around the door. "Need any help?"

"No thanks," I turn and smile at Ashton. "I'm a big girl, so I think I can handle it on my own.

"You sure bout that?" he moves closer.

I put a finger to hi chest to halt him and say. "I'm pretty sure."

He holds his hands up and back away with a little smirk on his face. I shake my head and turn around to grab a bottle of water and closing the fridge. Ashton leans against the giant Island behind him and studies me as I open my water and take a sip. I look at him through my bangs as I close my water and setit on the counter. "Is there something I can help you with?"

He just shakes his head. "Just enjoying the view, and my, if it isn't lovely."

I almost laugh, but instead, shake my head. Ashton comes to stand before me, and I realize just how tall he is when I have to crane my neck up at him. He places his hands on the counter, trapping me against it, and looks me over. "So why don't you tell me something about yourself."

"I have a few black belts in martial arts," I say as he pulls a lock of my hair away and twirls it around my finger. "I love to sing and dance and play music. I work a french resturant, as you, and am currently on beak from NYU for my Mother."

"Impressive resume," he nods.

"That doesn't explain why you're so close," I say.

"That doesn't explain why you're not pushing me away," he counters.

"True enough," is my answer.

"I'm not threat to you anyway," he says.

He was right abou that.

"You wouldn't be a threat to me even of you wanted." I smirk.

He smirks back. "Self confidence. I like it. Sexy."

I laugh, but say nothing. He was quite the character, if I did say so.

"You do realize how beautiful you are, right?" he continues to play with my hair.

"I'm not vain or anything like that," I shake my head. "but yes."

"Do you realixe how alluring your long dark hair is?" he holds it up to me. "Or your long legs you keep dangling around like fish bait?"

His thumb glides over my lips, and I can't help but look at his.

"Or those lovely lush, scarlet red lips of yours that I would love to taste." his thumb lingers.

I pull on my lower lip as his head moves closer to mine. What do I do? Let him kiss me? Is he going to be my first kiss. It too late to think about anything t the soft brush of his against mine. I sigh into his mouth and lean into him. He wraps his hands around my waist and lifts me onto the counter, and the let his hand wonder over me, making me shiver. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer my nails digging into his, kissing him harder, biting his lower lip.

"Damn girl," he chuckles between kisses. "you're a bit agressive."

"So it would seem," came another voice, and we jump apart.

"Hey Lena," I clear my throat as I slide down from the counter, tryin to calm my uneven breathing . "what brings to you to these parts?"

"Just came to get a bottle of water." Lena watches us as she opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.
Instead of leaving, she stayed, opening her bottle and taking a drink, all while looking at us. I cleared my throat, tucking a lock of hair that had loose and took a drink of my water.
Ashton stuck his hands into his pockets and cleared hit throat before saying, "I think i'll go find the guys."

Then he was gone. I stood there, Lena staring straight at me.

"Hi," I finally said.

She nodded, but said nothing. Great. We sat there in silence for probably about a minute, but felt like forever, when she finally spoke. "So you two seemed awfully chummy."

"Yup," I nod as I begin backing away. "So this has been nice, but i'll see you later."

Befor she can answer, I turn and scurry out of the room back to Avery, thinking about the tingle Ashton's kiss left on my lips. And what a kiss it was. What a kiss it was.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:17 am
Nike says...

Jane Wills

There was something I never did. It was exercise. Never did I once exercise in any way, shape, or form. But today I decided I should run. Maybe to get more fit. Or to just contemplate to myself. Either way, it was happening.

Ever since that talk with Emmett, I've felt more at ease because our relationship was stable. There were no secrets or awkward silences. Everything was out. Except for. The thing I didn't want to talk about.

I stopped right in front of my house, looking at my watch. Two hours. Two hours of running? How did that happen?! No wonder my heart was racing this quickly and I couldn't catch my breath.

"Aye," I heard someone say.

Pulling out my earphones, I looked around and saw my mother. A short woman with black hair that could just be the mother of the year at this point.

"Yeah," I asked, walking up to her.

Ever since I came back from Germany, she's been the nicest. She understands me again and that just made me smile. We were back to motherly love.

"Have you spoken to your brother lately?" There was a concerned look on her face. No wonder. She hasn't spoken to him in years. Literally.

"Nah, not ever since the leave. Sorry ma." I smiled, patting her shoulder.

"It's alright." she looked defeated. "I made coffee, it's in the kitchen. I'm gonna run out and talk to Lesley. I'll be back."

With a nod, I ran inside the house and watched her leave.


I finally met up with Sarah. We decided to go see 'This Is The End' at AMC. It was amazing to finally be with her and to see this movie. God. This movie was the bomb.

"Sooo, how was Germany?" Sarah said, extending the o to the point my ears hurt.

"Nice actually. It was the best time in the world. Did you not read my e-mails?" I laughed.

"Nah, I have a life Janey." she chuckled. "Kidding, I read a little. I've just been having too much on my plate. I feel real bad not even speaking to you and blowing Lena off." her face got sad.

"It's okay. I hope, I mean. Lena is a little... she has a heck of a life too." I tried to explain.

"Right... I feel sorry for her. I tots over reacted to the Will sitch. I don't even like him anymore."

That's when the room got dark and the movie was starting to show. We shut up, chomping down on our large popcorn. Life was great. Other than the fact that my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID. Oliver.

"Oh great," I sighed, looking at Sarah.

"Jane, can you not flash that phone around." Sarah whispered.

"Sorry, I have to get this."

If I didn't answer, he would call again and again. I had to get it so he could shut up. I stood up and walked down the steps, watching the screen eagerly. I didn't wanna miss Franco and Watson.

As I stepped through the door and into the light, I blinked. Answering my phone, I sat down on the bench next to the room.

"What Oliver." I hissed.

"Welcome the attitude." he laughed.

"Whatever, I was just in the middle of watching this great movie."

"You're at the cinema? Really? That's so boring!"

Rolling my eyes, I switched the phone to my other ear.

"Oli," I urged.

"Sorry Jay." now he got serious. "I just wanted to say that I am going to England now."

That's when my heart dropped and my mind whirled. He was leaving. Back to home. So early though? He always stayed here.

"But, you just came back from Europe. I thought you go every summer?"

"Well, it looks like I found a way around that, huh? There's nothing keeping me here, right? No friends, no life Jay. All the girls I could just screw, not have. I'm really better off in the EU even though my life will come to nothing."

That talk reminded me of Germany when I yelled at him. I guess lesson not learned.

"Of course." I was quiet.


Silence again. Awkward and terrible.

William Franco

I was downing my fifth beer of the night, watching everyone be happy but me. It was a terrible time for me and I just wanted to be back in Cali, not here in Connecticut.

"Ash, where are you?" Luna asked as she pranced into the living room, drunk as hell. I swear she was about to trip on hardwood.

He, yet again, hooked up with another girl. At least he was getting some here.

"Aye, Luna." I said, standing up from the couch.

She looked over at me, expectant. I swear, she was gone.

"What Will?" she hissed my name.

"Ashton went out to the back." I pointed behind me to the back yard. "Enjoy."

I watched her walk past me with the goofiest smile on her face. I headed toward the front door, hoping to just sneak out and go home. But as I walked, I saw Lena sitting on the stairs, talking on the phone.

"Dylan, please listen to me." she urged.

I Froze, looking at her from my spot. I was eavesdropping but only for a good cause, I cared.

"No... that's so not true. I don't know where you heard that from. I'm not here to be with anyone! No! Dylan!" I spot some tears escaping her eyes.

"Listen to me for once! Will was the past. I'm not in love with him anymore. It's just you and me."

My heart stopped. She didn't love me anymore? I didn't think she loved me at all. But when she called me this morning, it sounded like she had something important to tell me. Guess it's not so important after all.

"Okay, fine. Fine fine fine. Don't believe me. Why would you not believe me?" she asked, anger sneaking into her tone.

There was a five minute pause of her listening and me waiting.

"He sent me what?"

Again pause. I could hear myself catching my breath. I sent her what?

"A letter... that doesn't even make sense. I have never seen a letter from him."

A letter. I sent her a letter. What fucking... letter. Dammit. I remember now. I was drunk one night with Emmett, before he left to Harvard. I was complaining about how much I loved and missed Lena. He told me to write her a letter. I fucking wrote her a letter and sent it to her and she never even read it, her boyfriend did.

"Wh-what?" she stuttered, looking shocked.

I couldn't breath. My heart was racing as I watched her react to what he was saying. Why am I doing this? Torturing myself?!

"I, I can't believe this." she paused. "He wrote that. Why did you even read this to me? Dylan, if you want us to be together, why would you tell me this." a short pause of him talking. "Cause you love me? That makes no sense!"

"Okay look, you're right." Tears started streaming down her cheeks again as she smiled. "It's true. You're right. I found the best guy in the world but I still choose to love that fucking idiot Will."

I don't know. I felt both sad and happy at the same time.

"I'm so stupid." she whispered.

I decided to show myself, so I took a few steps toward her and caught her eye. She practically dropped the phone.

"Dylan, I gotta go."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:55 am
winterbites says...


"Gahh, Ricky... All I was saying is, she was a nice girl!" I yell to my 'boyfriend'.

"Oh, you want to date her now, Andy?" he says getting in my face. The party was over, Ricky and I left early anyways. I met a really cute... wait what? I didn't say cute... No, course not. girl; Elise. She seemed pretty nice and chilled. She had this cute goofy smile, oh, gee, what is happening to me? But she was nice. I don't think Ricky liked me talking to her, which is leading up to this conversation we're having in my bed.

"Andy, I talking to you!" Ricky has his arms closed and his foot tapping my leg, "I said 'do-"

"Yeah, Rick... I heard you." I cut him off, "Why would I need a girlfriend, when I have you?" I say, half cold half nice.

"Ain't you just the best boyfriend ever?" he says, pulling me close to him. Ricky rest his head on my chest looking up at me, his dark eyes looking into my blue ones, "do you really mean it though, Andy?" he ask, circling his finger over my half exposed chest.

No "Of course I do baby." I plaster on a fake smile. Rick smiles back and lightly kisses my chest, "Ricky..." he looks up at my through his eyelashes, "Not to night, please." I put my hand on the back of his neck.

"Let me guess, headache?" he says coldly.

"I'm just, not in the mood tonight," I whisper, "Its been a long day." I whisper.

"Can we cuddle?" he bites his lip.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" I smile softly at him. He nods and scoots closer up my body, so he can rest his head in the crook of my shoulder. "Goodnight, Rick." I whisper, but he had already started snoring.
I've got you under a spell and I don't think I'll be letting you out~ If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do, Get Scared.

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:09 pm
ChocoCookie says...

Spoiler! :
I'm so sorry guys! First off, I couldn't make the time to post and secondly, I know I've been online quite a few times and I still didn't post was because either I had to go do something or I just didn't know what to post. So sorry!!!


I couldn't believe this. A letter? From Will? This sounded more and more senseless to me and Dylan was more than mad at me now. I didn't know how to mend it. He was a great guy. But I don't know why, even after a year, I couldn't forget Will. I just... Why is it that whenever I think about him I have love and hatred for him?

And now he was in front of me, and me... As always, whenever I meet him, I'm always lost for words.

I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath. This will work. I know it will. I had to know. How life was leading him. I give him a small smile as he walks closer to me but he keeps his distance. He sits down next to me.

"So... Everything alright?" he asks. I knew he had heard everything.

I shake my head. "Dylan saw the letter you sent me." I told him, straight on the face.

There's a chilly silence between us. I knew Will was thinking hard. "Anyway. I want to know when you sent me it. How come I didn't ever come across it?"

Will was silent for a while but he knew he had to tell me some time. "I'm sorry, Lena... But that was a long time ago. I guess just after the day you left for Switzerland. The time when-"

"I told you, Will. Everything's over and I told you not to contact me. I told you everything. And look where your letter had put me now."

That took a lot of difficulty to tell him. But I meant it. Whatever it is, if I liked Will or not, I had decided long back that I didn't want to spend my life with him. Dylan was the right guy for me and now that, that relationship was on its way to drown, I had no hopes.

"I was drunk! I-I didn't know what I was doing. I'm sorry if I created problems between you and Dylan. I'll explain it to him."

"No, I don't think that's necessary." I spoke. Dylan wad convinced. Maybe too much. "He's not going to believe either of us."

There's that stupid silence again.

"So, how's life for you? How's your girlfriend doing?" I ask.

"Good. Cali life is great." he replies.

"Right." is all that comes out of me. "Will... The reason I called you here was..."

"Is it that thing Elise was screaming at me for? She's got some nerve." he shoots back. I don't know if he was pissed but I think I could understand that.

"She's my best friend, Will. And part of it is about that."

"So, are you here to ask me if I'm hooked up with Kristen?" Will says, slowly figuring it out.

I nod. "It was troubling me. The part where Elise was off limits but I... I kind of didn't expect that you would actually take her home."

"Lena, you thought I didn't move on, didn't you? Like you, I did. I have my own girl but its not Kristen though. It was for the sake of Avery."

"Oh." I gulp. "I'm... Its my fault. I misunderstood you."

"But the funny thing is, both of us knows we've never moved on. We're still stuck in that traffic." he chuckles and shakes his head.

So, he still.... loves me? Somewhere in me was really happy. Couldn't feel anymore better. I look down at my feet. Now, I didn't know what to say. I really didn't.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:39 am
Sunshine says...


I hand my sister a hot chocolate and wonder; How the heck did we get here?

Lacey is rocking Melody's chair with her foot, and I'm lugging around my college books in my tattered bag I've had since Sophomore year. She looks dragged down and stressed, while I couldn't feel lighter or brighter. I feel like this is a reversal of roles; I have a life going the right way, where she has a decision to make at every corner.

Lacey takes a sip of her hot chocolate. "How's Jane?"

"Great. We had fun at the party last night; and both of us were good. It's so good to see her so happy. How's Allen?"

She ignores me. "So you're happy too?"

"Life is great." I look at her, then, for the first time since I sat down on the raggedy couch in Allen's apartment. Her eyes sag more then usual, more like the way they did when she was in the midst of her Post-Partum. There is no sparkle, just a tired old glean. "...Unlike yours. What's wrong, Lace?"

My sister doesn't answer me, picking up Melody and swaying her back and forth. The baby is restless; she hasn't been off breast milk very long. Lacey tried to be a good mother, following our own mother's advice, and continued on as long and possible. She's only seventeen, though. She couldn't handle it for very long.

"Hakan," she says so quietly, I could have sworn she said something else. "He contacted me, and I went to talk to him. I went with Allen, but he left."

I take another sip of my hot chocolate. It's still way too hot, and it scorches my tongue. I want to ask her if she did anything, but I can see the tiredness in her eyes. If she had done anything with Hakan, there would have been a sparkle, a small one, in their depths. "You love Allen."

Lacey scoffs quietly. With Melody in her arms, everything she does is quiet. "Of course! I just miss being that carefree girl, you know? The girl that I was with him. I've always been heavy with Allen."

"That's all? You swear to me that that's all?"

Lacey should be getting offensive by my condescending tone, but she only kisses Melody's forehead. "God, I hope so."

I finish off my chocolate, drowning a large portion of it down my throat. "I love you, sis. I hope you know that. Always."

"What are you, Snape?" Lacey glances at her watch. "I know, Emmett. Call back from big ol' mighty Harvard and check on me more, kay? Then I might love you more."

I smile. "Sure thing, Lacey." I stand up, putting the cup in the kitchen. When I come back, Melody has fallen asleep in Lacey's arms. Quietly, because I'm curious, I ask, "Do you regret not giving her up? I know you were planning to."

Lacey looks up. "No. I love Allen for allowing me to keep her."

"He's a good guy."

"Yeah," she smiles, "I know."


I'm in the grocery store, picking up bagels and flowers, when I run smack into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

I look up from picking up the bagels that were knocked down, and I freeze; what in the world?

Can be anyone. Emmett needs more social interaction.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:37 am
ChocoCookie says...


I didn't know what Lacey thinks about nowadays. She rarely talks to me much after Hakan started contacting her. Long back, the days that I cannot even remember now, she used to be that girl who used to talk, express her feelings and everything else. But now she didn't feel that around me. And whenever I looked at Melody, I didn't feel like the father I was supposed to be.

My life is screwed up. I didn't know how to live up to Lacey's expectations.

I take a sip of my coffee and scan through the documents. They were some documents Lena had passed on to me a few months back which I didn't take a look at. And I totally forgot about it and remembered only after she rang me up yesterday.

My phone rings and I peep over it to see the screen ID. The number seemed unknown but I decided to pick up.

"Allen speaking." I say.

"Allen? Hey, its Avery."

I froze. I never believed she would call me any sooner. I mean, I did receive the wedding invitation from her but I never knew she would call me personally. No, Allen. It might be of something else too. I saw my hands tightening around my phone.

"A-Avery? How are you?" I ask, happier than ever. Its been so long. After that thing with Jane...

"I'm doing good. I heard you're a father now. Congratulations." she complimented.

"Thanks. I guess, you're going to be all married now. Got the invitation."

"Yeah, I called you to inform you about that. The date for the marriage has changed. The marriage is tomorrow."

Wait, what? So soon? "Oh, right..." I had no right to question her. "Well, that's great news!"

"And I just wanted to personally convey the message. Bring Lacey and Melody along! It'll be fun to meet the both of them."

"Yeah, sure." I tell her. She was one of the girls who had gone through a lot. Almost like Lena but... I couldn't compare both of them.

"Well, then. Take care. I should go now."

"Right. I guess, bye then." I say and hear her saying too. I cut the call and look up the ceiling.

Avery's getting married.

I take a deep breath. If I had treated her right, she would have been mine now. But I guess she deserved to be with someone better. And so did Lacey but I had to take it. I'm not that drunk, bitchy teenager anymore. I have responsibilities. I knew how to treat a girl. But my ways weren't working on Lacey either. So, I've learned to believe I've never been a good guy.

I look up at the clock. 11 PM. It was late in the night. I close my laptop and get my car keys. I drive back home slowly because there seems to be no traffic today for the first time in years. Driving through a highway in the that slow pace was kind of boring but I liked it.

In half an hour or so, I pull my car into the driveway. I see a car that I haven't seen before. I frown. Who could it be at this hour? I ring the door bell and Lacey opens. She gives me a small smile.

"God, I'm so tired. Avery called today to-" I turn my head to see Melody.

With her real father. What.The.Fuck.Is.This.

Spoiler! :
Is this okay? I think if Hakan gets to know about Melody, it would create a lot of drama. If its cool with you Sunshine. Or I can take it off if you like...
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:06 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" I cry out, as the guy in front of me drops the bagels he was holding.

"Its alright. No problem." He says while picking them up. When he looks back at me I frown. Huh...I recognize his face but...

"Avery?" He asks puzzled. I smile.

"Yeah, hey...and your um..." I continue staring at his face trying to link a name to him. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh come on Avery. You invited me to your wedding and we had AP biology, math, and U.S history together." He says, his voice sounding just a bit agitated. I continue staring at him, waiting for him to just tell me who he is. He rolls his eyes again. "Its Emmett." I can practically hear him attaching dimwit to that sentence.

"Ohhhhhhh!" I cry out, while launching myself at him. Like everyone else around me, he's caught by surprise by my hug, but soon un-tenses and hugs me back.When I pull back I smile at him.

"Sorry dude! How are you? And I didn't recognize you. You've gotten..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence. Emmett had been attractive back in highschool, but he still had that awkward gawkiness that most teenaged guys have. Now he's matured and the effects are...hot.

"Eh things have been...a tad weird. But nice. I guess." He shrugs then looks at me. "Your wedding is tomorrow isn't it? What are you doing here?" He asks gesturing towards the meat aisle. I rub my temples and sigh.

"Its all so stressful. And amazing at the same time. I mean... have two beautiful twins...and a fiancè about to be husband. I'm so happy but..." I stop when I realize i'm babbling. "I'm so sorry. I don't wanna bore you."

"It's fine." He says nonchalantly. "I have all day." He says. We start walking past the meat aisle to the checkout lines.

"Anyways," I begin "Hows...um Jane? And your sister Lacey?" Emmett shrugs.

"Both are good. Melody is just amazing." He shakes his head, and I can almost feel the love for his niece evaporating off of him. I grin brightly at him.

"You should ask Lacey if Melody and my little ones can have a play date. They've only been around each other and adults up to this point. It would be fun." He nods with a smile on his face.

"Yeah I think that i'll ask her. But it was nice seeing you." He says, shifting his grocery bags and extending his hand for a handshake. Come on. When have you ever heard about me shaking someones hand? I grab him for a tight hug then smile at him when we separate.

"I really do hope to see you and everyone at the wedding tomorrow. Do you know exaclty where it'll be held?" He nods.

"Yeah, I looked up the place and it seemed pretty fancy. Your probably gonna leave your father bankrupt after this." He says with a laugh. I just shrug.

"He'll be fine. I'll se you tomorrow then." I wave and begin walking across the parking lot back to my car.

Back at home

"We're getting married tomorrow babe." Leo says climbing into the bed beside me. I watch as he turns off the light and I hear the clack as he puts his reading glasses onto the nightstand. I snuggle next to him and lay my head on his chest.

"Then i'll be getting my surgery done a week after." I say quietly. He tilts his head down and kisses my temple.

"You'll be fine. I promise." He says, then hugs me closer. I pull back to look up at the dark outline of his face.

"If i'm not...you'll...take care of Colton and Caitlyn right?" I hear my voice crack. He hugs me closer.

"Their my kids too V. Of course I will." He kisses my temple again.

"And...if Will changes his mind about wanting them...you won't let him have them will you?"

"Is that what you want?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Yeah, it is. It's not fair that he just gets to pick and choose when he wants to be a father. I've been able to hide it really well but...I fucking hate him. I don't care if he wasn't ready for it. Colt and Cait deserved a father. But he just wanted to be a little pussy and opt out. I was scared as shit. But you didn't see me get an abortion because "I just couldn't be a mother at that moment". Its fucked up Leo." I shake my head in disgust. "Just kiss me so that I can get that son of a bitch out of my head."

I feel Leo shift and then his lips softly touch mine. But they don't stay there like I expect them to. He trails kisses down my chin to my neck to my chest then to my stomach then down to my navel. I shiver as I wait for him to hit the gold mine. Yep...I definitely picked the right guy in the end.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:48 am
Sunshine says...

@ChocoCookies: A-ok! We needed to get something going with them anyway. :)

Lacey Lopez

After Emmett leaves, I go into hyperactive mode.

My brother's words echo through my head; he's a good guy. I feel that familiar shutter of guilt as I lay Melody down for her nap. He has done so much for myself and my baby, and what have I done for him?

While Melody naps, I clean the kitchen and the bathroom, and when she wakes we make hand art that I hang on the fridge. There is only one other piece of Melody's art on the fridge, and I think this new one 'To Daddy'' makes it seem so much more full.

I just started feeding Melody her macaroni and cheese (the child won't eat much else) when the door bell rings. Though my brother left hours ago, I still think it is him; he is the forgetful type, and has often come back to get something he left.

I yell, "Coming!"

Afraid Melody would choke on her tiny slices of food, I scoop her into my arms, ignoring her squeals of protest. "Shh," I coo, "It's just Uncle Emmett. You'll be back to eating your food soon."

I plop her into her chair in the living room, and open the door.

It is not Emmett.

"I went to see your parents." Hakan says calmly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

My mouth goes dry and I force out a "What?" while simultaneously trying to shove Melody behind the couch.

"The baby. Melody. That's such a you name, you know. I like it, though. Melody."

Shit. I knew I should have told my Mom I lied to Hakan instead of telling her I "didn't want him to be apart of my babies life, and he respected that". It was a damned lie, but what was I suppose to do? My Mother would have been let down if I told her I flat-out lied to him.

My foot falls away from Melody's chair. "Hakan, I-"

"Can I see her?"

In those words, I am reminded again; this isn't just some ex-boyfriend knocking at my door. He is the hazel eyes that went to my baby. No matter how much I squint, I will never be able to turn them into Allen's blue.

I don't know what else I can do, in the face of those eyes; I let him in.

He walks past me, but I move to Melody first. She is in my arms, tightly wrapped in the warm coils. I am her only true parent, and I will protect her with all that I have.

"This is Melody Saravia. She is my daughter, and your daughter, and Allen's daughter too."

He is captivated by our daughter, placing his large finger on her face. To my surprise, she grabs his finger and swings it around. Normally, she is not so great with strangers. Even strangers that are technically her father. The two look at each other, hazel eyes meeting hazel eyes, and I feel like an outsider.

The spell is broken when he finally realizes that I have spoken. "Allen's daughter?" He looks up at me, having knelt to be face-level with Melody.

"This is Allen's apartment." I allow some peevishness to come into my voice. "Allen's my boyfriend. He was there throughout my pregnancy, and has been there for Melody and I ever since."

"But she's my Baby?" I nod. He looks at Melody, and then back at me. "Why did you lie, Lacey? I would have done all of that. I was suppose to do all of that." His voice isn't angry, just sad.

I sit down on Allen's old couch, and Hakan sits besides me. If he was Allen, I would lace Melody in between us, but I do not trust Hakan with my daughter. I did not trust him with a baby at all. "How much did my parents tell you?"

"Not much. I was just making a delivery through town, and I thought I'd say hello. Karon and I talked for awhile, and when we were done she asked 'Are you going to go see Lacey and Melody?' I had to ask who Melody was, of course, and your Mom knew what was going on by that point. She's an honest woman, Lace. She didn't lie. I was pissed on the way here, but then remembered what the old Spirit Grandmother used to say, back on the res."

He doesn't need to say the words, as I know them already. " 'We are our own mistakes, and we have our own ways of making up for them. We blame others, we spare others; but we do it all of love.' "

We are both quiet for a moment. "Were you trying to spare me? I know you think I'm childish and wild and free, Lacey, but I could do it. If you'd let me be a Dad, I could be one."

I tentatively hand him Melody. "Start by getting to know her first. I've got to go get her food."

And for the next four hours, that's what he does. I make myself scarce, for I do not want to talk to Hakan, for fear of tricking myself into the idea that this is how it has always been, that he has always been the Father.

When the door opens for the man I love (rather than, perhaps, the boy), I give him a small smile. I want to hug him, throw myself around his hips like the girl he has never known me to be.

"God," he says, "I'm so tired. Avery called to-" That's when he sees Melody, falling asleep in Hakan's arms. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He marches into the apartment, with me flying after him. This feels like an 'Oh, shit' moment all over again. I made myself accept that Hakan has a right to know Melody; but I don't think Allen will feel the same.

"Allen," much to my dismay, Hakan hands me Melody with a familiar touch, "nice to see you again."

"And I repeat." I have never seen Allen boiling, simmering with such anger. His voice is cool and collected, but I know that he s not. "What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

Hakan opens his mouth to, no doubt, respond in some stupid way. I step in the middle of them. "Hakan found out about Melody and came here." I explain. "He has the right to get to know his d-" I pause before I can finish the word 'daughter- "descendant. He was just leaving."

My body and the babies are pressed up against Allen's, and that allows him to relax.

"Actually," Hakan cleared his throat in a way that makes me know that trouble is coming, "I can't."

This causes me to whirl, as angrily as I can with a baby in my arms, around to face him. Now I am just as close to him as I was to Allen, and I have to force myself to yank away. "What do you mean 'you can't'? I said you can get to know my baby, but that doesn't mean-"

Hakan interrupts me. I'd forgotten how much I hated that about him; he was always interrupting me. Another tally mark for Allen. "It's past eleven o'clock. I have an hour ride home. I was hoping you would let me stay the night. I guess I forgot about Allen, and it being 'Allen's apartment'."

All the spare affection I had laying around for my Childhood love cracked. Allen appears behind me, his hands adding another wall around Melody and I. We are so protected here, and it is as beautiful as it is hideous.

I start to say "Hakan-"


I look up at him Allen, mouthing 'What do you want to do?' He shrugs, but I see the pain in his eyes.

"I'd like to feed Melody, just once." He says.

I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around Melody even tighter.

My mouth says "Fine" before my brain can say What are we going to do?
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:21 am
Nike says...

William Franco

Lena looks at me for a moment with a face that's both surprised and happy. I thought about what I had just said and realized, I said we both still have feelings for each other. But I thought she'd know that by now? Maybe she didn't.

"Lee..." I stopped myself. She wanted to be with Dylan. I shouldn't say it. But everything in me wanted her to know. I wanted to be with her so badly... But my heart can't take it right now. It's the wrong time. We are perfect for each other at a very bad time. When will it be a good time for fucks sake?!

I look from the floor to her face. She was staring at me, I guess waiting for me to. Say something. Waiting for me to finish my statement.

"Uh, I'll just say it." I smiled. "Lena, I'm still in love with you. I thought it was obvious... I guess not."

She was silent, just stared at me. Then she glanced anywhere but at me. I guess she was debating on what to say.

Just a beat later I heard something come from behind me, some sort of bang. Turning my head, I saw Kristen. She didn't have the best look on her face. It was one that could kill. It made me nervous for just a second. I stood up, straightening my shirt. Lena stayed seated.

"Hey Kristen, like eavesdropping?" I smirked.

"Whatever." She hissed. She can't possibly be mad I'm not talking to Avery. I mean, she is getting married tomorrow.

"Why don't you go back to your Ashton? Have some fun there."

A smirk grew on her face as she walked away. I haven't spoken to Ashton in a long while. He's been pretty a-wall. But I guess life is life and it sucks. Gotta live with it.

I turned around and saw that Lena was gone. Shit. Sighing, I headed back out the front door and toward my pick-up. Once I unlocked my door and hopped in, I saw her again. She was leaning against her car, looking at the sky. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she hopped int her own car and started her engine. I started mine up and followed her.

She realized I was on her tail once we got to the main road. Turning into a gas station, we parked in the parking area. I took my key out of the ignition and looked at her.

Spoiler! :
you can finish this Choco ;)

Jane Wills

"Hey, I was hoping to catch Avery." I said into the phone.

"Sorry, she's at the market right now. What did you want to tell her? I can tell her when she comes back." Leo, Avery's fiancé said.

"I was just wondering if anything changed about the plans? Since you rescheduled the wedding tomorrow... Is it going to be at the same place?"

"Yeah, yeah. Same place different time. Sorry for that." He laughed. "Thanks for asking though. You're coming with Emmett, right?"

"Yup. I'll see you tomorrow I guess...?"

"Mhm, see you Jane. Have a nice day!"

I hung up, placing my phone on the kitchen counter. My mom was at the stove, flipping something in her pan. It was her day off from her job for once and it was just for me and her. A good day for once.

"A wedding, huh?" My mother smiled, looking at me.

"Yeah, and a big one. It's like a high school reunion!"

She placed the item from her pan onto a plate, now I saw that it was fish, salmon. Mmmmm. Going back to the stove, she flipped some more over. I got off the bar stool and walked by her, watching her cook. I'm so happy we're back to normal again.

"You're taking Emmett? That's good honey. I'm happy you're going to a wedding, they're fun." She winked, bumping her hip into mine.

I laughed, doing the same.

"You should come too! You can be my plus one."

"Right, cause Emmett was invited as well. But thanks honey, I'd rather be an old cow at home."

"You are not an old cow." I smiled. "It wouldn't be your thing anyway. I'm gonna go to my 'work meeting', 'Kay?"

"Mhm, enjoy."

My work meeting was actually a Skype call between three people. Demetria, Oliver, and I. We we just gonna go over what we would do next year when we got back to Germany. That job was hacking at me for forever.


That meeting lasted about an hour, thankfully. Once I finished, I ate dinner with my mother and we went dress shopping for the wedding. Yes, a little too late but at least that was done. We got home, exhausted from the fittings. I took a shower and was comfortably sitting on my couch when the phone rang.

My mother answered it, not knowing who was on the other line.

"Hello?" She asked.

A few beats later, I saw her face change. A look of happiness, recognition, and sadness mixed into one. Each emotion spreading in five seconds.

"Oh God, Howard." My dad.

"I miss you baby, where are you? Are you still in Germany on that business trip? What's going on?!" My mom was n a roll of nervousness, I could catch her vein sticking up in her neck, it made my heart jump.

A moment passed of her listening and me waiting. Just watching her made me want to cry. Or to die. Either way the feeling in my stomach wasn't pleasant.

"What are you saying to me Howard?! Are you drunk? Honey, we need to work this out. I love you so much! You can't divorce me!!!" That was that. From one second she was seething with anger and the next tears we jumping out of her eyes.

"Howard. What the fuck is wrong with you!?" She never swore. In her life.

The next thing I knew, she threw her phone at the wall behind us, the glass screen falling apart as it hit the wall. She fell to the ground, sobbing. I jumped off the couch and hugged her tightly as she cried and screamed. Poor mother. That sick bastard. That's worse than a text breakup. I will take care of him myself.

"Jane?" I heard someone call for me, a familiar voice.

Turning my head, I saw Oliver at my front door. Since when was that open?

"What do you want?" I asked, hugging my mother. She looked up and saw him. Pulling away from me, she stood up, wiping her eyes.

"You guys should talk, I'll just be in here. Jane, I know you want to take care of me... But you have to." She knew me too well.

I followed him out the house, shutting the door. I still had view of my mother through the window, so I kept my eye on her.

"You were right."

"Aren't I always?" I replied.

"I am a stubborn, ignorant, self loving Brit that doesn't know life. I'm so sorry to put you through that." His face was sincere.

"Thanks... I mean. Thanks you finally noticed."

The tension was solid, filled with awkwardness and defeat. Coming from him. Definitely from him.

"You and Emmett are good for each other. You guys can take care of each other. Forget about me, please. I won't ever change."

"What do you mean? You were the one who liked me, not the other way around."

He smiled, that smile that made me smile. It was instinct.

"I guess I'm trying to tell that to myself then."


I looked at the ground, avoiding his eyes. They were hypnotizing you know. Very hypnotizing. I couldn't be mad at him, ever, but sometimes it snapped in me because he tended to annoy me.

"Jay, I really can't believe this." He suddenly said after a moment of silence.

Looking back up at him, I saw the way he was looking at me. It was like he was staring at a painting, something s beautiful and emotional, it made me feel the pain he felt. The way he looked at me made me feel wanted and... Loved. The way Emmett made me feel, but much stronger. Which is not the best thing to be thinking right now.

"Can't believe what?"

He didn't even let me say anything else because he moved a few inches closer, closing the gap between us. I couldn't breath. Everything in me jumped and jitters, ready for what was coming. He shut his eyes and I followed, eager to feel his lips on mine. I wanted to taste him. Finally, our lips clicked. Something in me heated up, begging for more. I pulled him closer, feeling his soft lips graze mine. He opened my mouth and I let his tongue in, letting it dance with mine. God was he good at this. He grabbed my waist, trying get me closer than I already was. It was getting hot and I couldn't stop kissing him.

Once we pulled away, I just realized what had just happened.

"Fuck!" I hissed.

"Jane..." He said, unsure if what was going on.

"This didn't happen. It couldn't have. I didn't want my relationship to be ruined. I fought for him. I love him. This couldn't have happened."

"Cut the fucking crap. It did happen. And you know it, you let it, you wanted it." He was back to his normal self.

"Don't do this to me Oliver! This was an accident!"

"How could it be an accident if you wanted it to happen? We both did! And we let it. You cannot deny that! It's the fucking truth."

"Why do swears sound sexy when you say them?" I accidentally spit out.

"There it is." He smirked.

Shit shit shit. I can't do this. No way in hell.

Spoiler! :
I might not be on due to Internet problems. And should I make Oliver his own character?
Last edited by Nike on Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:40 am
Nike says...

I feel like I stir up too much drama lol. But that's life I guess. :P
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:10 pm
MikeyG says...


"When will she land?" I ask Kristin. I've hidden my excitement and now seem calm.

"She's already landed. She should be here in a few minutes..." Kristin says her eyes searching through the recently landed crowd. I can tell that she's nervous but excited by the way she keeps tapping her foot and wringing her hands. I take one of her hands and put it to my lips. As I do she stares at me, her eyes vulnerable and wide.

"What if...what if she doesn't feel the same anymore?" She asks quietly. I shake my head and smile at her.

"I don't think s-" I'm about to say, but am cut off by a shriek. Suddenly my hand is ripped from Kristins as a petite little gorgeous girl practically tackles her. Like when I say petite I mean petite. The girl must be 5'0 max. And suddenly I watch as Kristins face erupts into a smile that i've never seen before. Its so pure and genuine and just...beautiful. And then suddenly their kissing. Like hardcore making out, right in the middle of everything. Seriously just going at it. When they separate Alsoha looks at me and smiles widely. Okay...this has never happened before. Seriously never. But I feel the need to either propose to this girl on the spot or throw her on the ground and have some of the most passionate sex i've ever dreamed of. And then she giggles and I can practically feel my heart melting and turning into honey.

"Your Ashton...am I right?" She says, her french accent making her voice sound even sexier than it already is looking at me with those wide brown Bambi eyes. I want to nod or say yes but I almost feel frozen. Kristin rolls her eyes, and breaks her embrace with Alosha, only to look at me and put her arm around her waist.

"Yes, he's Ashton. He's also one of Averys close friends and one of her recent fuck buddies." Kristin says with a wink. At first Alosha raises her eyebrows in question but soon her face melts into a warm and sexy smile.

"Mmm Avery. Its a shame she's getting married tomorrow. I really wish I could've gotten a taste of that." Alosha says. Kristin rolls her eyes.

"No, you don't. She's my cousin." Kristin says. Alosha just shrugs and averts her eyes to me.

"Are you going to speak to me at all while i'm here?" She asks, frowning. Suddenly I feel horrible for making her frown and nod my head. She looks at Kristin suddenly for confirmation on something and then when Kristin nods and smiles, Alosha takes two small steps towards me and then tilts her head up to look at me. Her eyes begin searching mine, and when she finds whatever she wanted she smiles.

"You know," She begins softly, her eyes still on mine while her chocolatey brown finger trails down my chest "I've been leaning more towards the lesbian side since i've been with Kristin. But..." she says, even quieter now and only a breath away. "You make me want dick again." I can feel my heart banging a mile a minute and myself growing hard. And then suddenly her lips are on mine, and she tastes like expensive wine and I think that i'm in love all over again. And then suddenly shes backing away and smiling at me. She grabs Kristins hand, who happens to be smiling, and flips her hair over her shoulder. I kinda wish that her hair was still in a wild halo of curls i saw on skype.

"I like you Ash." She says with a smile. "Now grab my bags." And then she turns around with Kristin and begins walking towards the airport exit. So I grab her bags and begin following them.

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Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:59 pm
Nike says...

Spoiler! :
Is anyone writing?
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:32 am
Desticakes101 says...

Spoiler! :
the next post i make Avery will be preparing for the wedding. either i'll post for Kristin or someone else can go *shrugs*
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:33 pm
Nike says...

Olivander Dylan Hemingway
Spoiler! :

Kissing Jane felt right. It felt real. I never felt this way about anyone before. She's special, and I needed her, badly. I felt mortified leaving her in her position, but I couldn't stand her bickering about how much she loved Emmett. It made me hurt.

"Oli! It's so great to see you again!" my sister, Izzy said. I had Skype on video. I had to speak with someone.

"Hey, at least you're in Europe. Having fun, not in damn 'Merica." I said.

"Don't be so down on yourself. What's been going on? Last time I spoke to you you were happier."

I swallowed hard, looking anywhere but at the screen. Her blue eyes just blew up everything in me to be honest. She was my sister after all. But this was something I did want to talk about but at the same time did not.

"Oliver," her voice was stern. I looked at her again and smiled weakly.

"Iz, I fell for the wrong girl."

She was silent for a moment, I guess thinking to herself.

"Is it that Jane?" her voice was quiet.

I nodded, wiping my hand on my face in distress. Why do I do this to myself. Why. The fuck.

"You told me she had a boyfriend. You should've stopped yourself."

"Yeah! I should've! Before I kissed her!" I yelled, looking straight at her.

"You kissed her!? Oliver! You're better than that."

"But it felt right. She kissed me back..." I calmed down.

"It doesn't matter how it felt. Sorry brother, but it doesn't. She still wants to be with her boyfriend, doesn't she?"

Nodding again, I hissed 'Emmett' under my breath. My heart was racing and I couldn't control it. Not being able to have what you really want is a pain in the ass.

"All American girls are like that, aren't they?" I barked.

"All people are like that, no matter where they're from, dimwit. You can't blame America for everything and you know that."

"Right, I gotta go." I waved.

"Okay, bye."

"Ciao," I shut my laptop.

That's when the sudden urge to tell Emmett hit me. These things are never good but I always accomplished them. He needed to know, being the boyfriend, right? He deserved to know. And maybe, it could bring Jane to me. Why am I splitting a very good relationship?! She put it upon herself anyway.


This was Emmett's house. I knew not only by sometimes coming over her to pick Jane up, but also because I came here often to see if she was there, to surprise her. Ringing the doorbell, I took a few deep breaths. Are you ready?

The door opened and a girl come into view. A beautiful girl that slightly resembled Emmett. Must be his sister.

"Hi," I started.

"Hello?" she had on a questionable face.

"I'm Oliver." I stuck out my hand. "And you are?"

"Lacey," she shook it, a little more comfortable.

"Is Emmett around?"

"Yeah, I was just about to leave. I'll get him for you though."

With a smile, she rushed up the stairs to find the victim. I would so be the one doing this. Some regret, but in reality, he would find out. It was bound to happen, and why not from the guy she kissed? The best idea yet!

I saw her come back with Emmett. A tanned guy with curly hair. He looked Native American, as did his sister. So similar to each other. What did Jane see in him? He was handsome and all... but he wasn't me.

"Hello." I smiled.

He looked at me, unsure of who I was.

"Oliver," I added.

"Oh," he smiled now. We shook hands. "Why don't you come in? Jane isn't here yet."

"No, I'd rather be out here. I've got to run, but I just thought I should tell you something."

Giving me a curious look, he stepped out with me and we stood there in silence for a while. I couldn't get up the nerve to actually tell him what had happened. I didn't know why, but I just couldn't.

"What did you want to tell me?" he asked.

"Right, I'm throwing this party at my place. You should stop by. This Saturday at two." I said with ease.

A bit surprised, he nodded. I guess my tone sounded more serious than 'party time'. Well, I had to improvise.

"Yeah, I'll stop by. Thanks for the invite. You couldn't send me one though, you'd rather walk door to door?"

"More formal."

"I see,"

"Right, that was all. I'll see you around!" I waved.

Walking down the steps, I reached my car and drove off. I am such a chicken.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:10 pm
ChocoCookie says...


Why did he have to follow me? Couldn't he just have gone home? I mean, now that we know we both love each other... But that doesn't even mean things are going to be alright. I got out of the car and walked to Will. He was leaning against his car, looking down at his shoes. I don't know why he can't even look at me now.

"Will... You should go home. Its getting kind of late." I tell him, ignoring the fact that he was following me on the main road.

I see Will gulp a few times. He folds his arms and faces me.
"Lena, do you think I... I like Kristen?" he asks all of a sudden. Damn it, he really thought I left because of that very reason, didn't he?

"I'm not jobless to make false assumptions. I don't think of you guys that way. Though the way Kristen was pissed did not really seem that she likes you talking to me."

He nodded. "Has things between you and Dylan-"

"You think? After knowing everything? No. Its not going to work out anymore." I say in a quiet voice.

Will comes closer to me, wraps his arms around me to give me a hug. I was a little surprised but I let it be. I didn't have enough courage to tell him not to. And he knew how much I loved his hugs. I slowly wrap my hands around too. We stand there for a while and then tear apart but he still has his hands around my waist. And then it came... Like those days, all over again, his lips touched mine, the same taste that I had experienced long back. His hands went through my hair, like he used to do it. I loved every bit of it.

He smiled and that stopped the kiss. I smiled too, looking at his goofy smile. He was... something else.

"Do you want me to drop you home?" he asks.

"Who's going to drive mine then?" I shoot and he chuckles.

We say good-bye and head back home. I didn't know what I was doing. But Dylan and me were never meant to be together. He was most of the time away. I liked Will. And my heart was telling me I was doing the right thing.

"Wake up, you party pooper!" Elise's voice screamed through my ears. I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head. She pulled it off. "Hey, its Avery's wedding today!"

I shoot right up and stare at her, so bloody furious. I look at the time. 9 AM. Shit, shit, shit! Avery had told me I had to reach there by 8.30 AM. I am the worst best friend a best friend could get.

"Why didn't you wake me up before?!" I tell Elise, getting my clothes off. I run into the bathroom, take a quick shower and put on the dress Avery gave me.

"You need to do your hair!" Elise says, fidgeting with my hair but I wriggle it off.

"I'll do it at Avery's! Get the car key's, fast, Elise!"

She throws them to me and we run out of the house, jumping into the car. I drive up as fast as I can. Thankfully, I'm there.


I didn't know what the fuck was really happening now. Lacey had just agreed that Hakan could stay in the apartment. I mean, this can't really be happening right? My worst fears aren't coming true, are they? That... Lacey was going to go back to Hakan and I wouldn't even get to see Melody?

And what the fuck was it being 'Allen's apartment'? Lacey had all rights over it too!

I roll my eyes and go to the room, banging the door hard. Fine, let them have their 'real father and mother with their own baby' moment then. My phone rings again but I cut the call. I wasn't really in the mood now. And tomorrow was Avery's wedding. How was I ever going to explain to Lacey about that now that she's all googly over Hakan?

I change my clothes to a shirt and trousers. Washing my face, I looked at the mirror. Maybe I'm just taking this too hard. I check to see who called. I'm a little shocked after what I saw.


My sister. After what, 15 years? After she ran away with her so-called boyfriend. And now, she calls me after leaving Andrea and me. She knew we didn't have anyone but her. I click the call button and I hear Cassie's fresh and lovely voice.

"Allen?" I hear her voice say. It was shaking, almost like she wanted to cry so bad.

I didn't say anything. I waited for her to talk.

"I'm sorry, Allen. I know its not easy to forgive me. But at least talk to me..." she says.

"Cassie, what do you want?" is all that I'm able to say. I was fucking done with her. I didn't want to hear anything from her. I decided long back that I didn't have two sisters but one.

"How are you, Allen?"

"I don't have time for this, will you tell me why you called?"

"Oh. Is Andrea there?"

"Cassie, Andrea does not know the truth. In fact, she doesn't even know she has a sister. She was small when our parents died. An infant. You ran away almost a week after. I've hated you for my entire life. Why do you even care so much?" I scream back.

"You have every right to hate me. I'm paying for it now... If I could just see you guys..."

"No! Don't. I don't know how you got hold of my number but I don't want you to call me ever again. Just... We've learned to live without you. Its better that way." I say, and cut the call after that.

No, I'll never forgive Cassie. I keep the phone on the table and sit on my bed. There's a knock on my door and I see Lacey entering. I look down at my feet. Lacey sits beside me on the bed.

"Allen, I'm sorry... For spoiling everything." Lacey says.

I take a deep breath. I look at Lacey. I give her a small smile and take her hand.

"Lacey... I don't even know how to react to all of this, now. Hakan knows about Melody. And... it almost feels like I've lost. I've been such a loser, haven't I?" I chuckle, my throat tight. I wasn't a guy who would cry much but this time, it wasn't like I could control it.

"No, don't say that..." Lacey spoke, squeezing my hand.

"Why not? Its the truth. You know it too."
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ding!
— spearbass