
Young Writers Society

Wonderland Rift 2 (closed/started)

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Sun May 19, 2013 1:33 am
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DeadPeter says...

Spoiler! :
Please don't read if easily offended and/or in love with your character.

Popeye Shenaia (The One Eye Dead Guy) - A spy from high in the sky.

These Wonderlandians were weird, too much kiddy affairs for my liking. I mean, this Queen, this current Queen that is, goes from hating to loving her husband faster than lighting strikes the earth from up above. All that and she spends her time torturing people in the kings basement, like she doesn't get enough screaming done when she's alone with that gorgeous hunk of a husband (if you know what I mean ;)). Maybe that's why her mood changes so often you'd think she was Bipolar; she'll be dancing in the flowers one minute and holding a knife at her husbands throat the next. Oh, and don't even get me started on the king himself, thank goodness for there only being one of them, he's more conflicted than a transgendered cross-dressing monkey trying to decide what to wear on a hot winter day. I swear if he gets drunk just one more time, he might just go to the podium and tell the whole country that the Queens are actually alive and he lied about what happened five years ago.

And the Queens are a whole other problem. For one, this Red Queen lady decided her husband only wants power, when it was just five years back he showed his loyalty by staying at her side even after she was run off the throne. And now she has him wandering about, probably trying to find a branch high enough to hang some rope from, thinking about where he went wrong. If the man didn't find out he's having a kid, I don't know what would've kept him going. Not to mention his girl is a disaster. Broke his heart and cut him with the very ring he put on her finger. I'm surprised she didn't turn green and start flipping buildings over.

Now for the White Queen, man has she gotten soft. Too worried about her precious little kids to have any fun these days. I mean, she was too busy watching Tom and Dick, Harry still being on the way, to even give Haigha cool tattoo again. But maybe that's because of her killjoy husband. If there's anyone less fit for the White Queen, it's this guy. Anytime she wants to do anything dangerous, he wants her to think about it. Way to ruin the fun buddy. Yet low and behold, three bedroom accidents later they're inseparable.

And who can forget all these assassins and soldiers running around? From dropping classified files in the forest to poisoning the king, these guys have no respect for authority anymore. Next they'll be interrupting the kings bath to use his bathroom like it's common practice. Just look at these two lovebirds in the forest, pretending they want to kill each other, hiding in caves and what not. I can almost bet that sooner or later they're gonna kiss and make up, ditch the royalties they already work for, and go off on their own agenda. Not to mention their egos will probably make them want find others to join them as well.

And then there's that spider boy man thing. Who knows what he wants. He's busy killing guards on his way to the castle, then busts out and starts a game of checkers with the king. Like who does that? Then he wants to go out of his way saying he doesn't want anyone to die. Hmph, the nerve of that guy.

Forget it, no use in me complaining. I'll just sit here in my comfy seat in the sky, watching everything with my one eye, and if that's not the truth then I'm not the dead guy named Popeye.

PS There cat woman 2.0 floating around the streets doing Lord knows what (pun intended).

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Sun May 19, 2013 7:16 am
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Pencil2paper says...


Walking back towards the castle, I took the long route, wandering aimlessly so to not arose any suspicion, just in case Luna was still watching. I felt bad for having betrayed her, but then again, she'd tried to kill me once as now she's working for the Whites. You just can't trust an assassin, can you? Trying to shake this from my mind and to reassure myself that I was truly on the right side, that this was necessary, I looked at all of the people on the bustling streets of Wonderland City: the happy couples, the children playing, people laughing and eating and wearing fine clothes. And I thought to myself: none of this would have been possible if not for Lordshire and I. I was truly on the right side. But then I saw her. She stood out like a sore thumb, the little raggedy girl with her dirt-streaked face. Her eyes were bigger than her stomach which was shriveled up, making her impossibly frail. You could count her ribs from a mile away. But what was even stranger about her was that in her miserable state, with her ragged clothing, she wore a beautiful, ornate mahogany necklace, probably worth a ton. It seemed vaguely familiar, as if I'd seen it before. But I couldn't place it.

"Hey there, little girl. What's your name?" I asked, crouching down so that we were at eye level.

"Lily, sir." She said shyly.

"Where did you get this necklace from?"

"A friend." She said, taking a step back. "She said she'd protect me."

"So where are you headed from?" I asked, smiling a little.

"The castle. I was dropping off a gift for the Queen. Isn't it great news?" She asked, smiling widely.

"Indeed it is." I say, my own smile getting bigger.

I turned to go, but I turned right back around again, my conscience getting the better of me. I might have helped to overthrow the Hearts- and wanted to kiil and in fact did, but I wasn't heartless. "Are you going to be ok? Is there anyone looking after you?"

"My friend. She's a really nice lady. She asked me to bring the gift she got to the castle for her. She said she'd look out for me."

"I'm sure she is."

Satisfied, although still doubting my judgement, I walked on towards the castle to tell Lordshire the good news.

• • •

Waiting patiently for the soldier to come back from Lorshire's room to tell him of his arrival (not even the leader of the military comes in unannounced) I was greeted with silence, no response at all for hours. As soon as I was about to say something about it, everything went apesh*t crazy, people running this way and that, saying something about Lordshire and alcohol. Now, this wasn't a regular occurrence, but I was expecting something more along the lines of 'Lordshire is drunk and making a fool of himself in public' or 'Lordshire's drunk and he threw up all over the kitchen and the huge feast they were going to have tonight' or even 'Lordshire got drunk and thinks he's battling Yamini and is chasing people with a sword.' But no, it was much worse than that.

After things had calmed down a bit, I pulled one of the soldiers aside and asked, "What the hell is going on here?"

"Lordshire's been poisoned sir. By a drink that was a gift to him and the Queen."

"Is he... dead?" I asked in all gravity and sincerity.

"I don't know sir."

"Take me to him, now."

"Sir, I must protest-"

"Take me there, now. I must know. And I must speak to the Queen. Immediately."

• • •

Rushing down the hall, I threw open the door to the throne room, which was empty. I checked Lordshire's room next, to find Regina and a hopefully just unconscious Lordshire on her bed. It was clear that Regina had been crying, her eyes red and swollen.

"Regina?" I asked gently. She looked startled, trying to regain her composure. "Is he.. alive?"

"Yes." She said, wiping her tears away angrily. "What do you want?"

"Look, I know it's soon, your Highness, but I think Lordshire may be incapacitated for quite sometime. I need to tell you about a personal mission Lordshire sent me to do. And with Lordshire gone for a little while, I need you to take his place in the mission. In Lordshire's top desk drawer, there is a paper with code words on it. It also has instructions on what to do in response. Please read those and wait for my letters. You won't be seeing me for a long time. I will be infiltrating the Whites' HQ. I think that's who did this. But we have to learn more. Please wait for my letters."
Last edited by Pencil2paper on Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Mon May 20, 2013 7:08 am
Omni says...

Mercury Sevun Ruiz

Taking my time, I wiped off the makeup covering my scars as I recalled the events of earlier that day. There aren't many times where I hide my face from public, but going to a funeral? That would be one of them.

Two funerals to be exact. I went to two funerals and learned a lot of things. Humanity was one of them. People die. People die for other people, for other things, for other beliefs, but they still die.

I will never be able to stop fighting, to stop killing. It is in my blood, the lives of others tainting my veins, but I now know pain from losing someone close to you.

Another thing I found out was the location of the files. What was so important with those papers that made them so valuable? It doesn't matter, orders are orders.

Or are they?

I shook that thought out of my head as I took off my formal clothing to reveal my bare skin. I was small and frail, even though everything was muscle. I looked dead, and coming from someone who's seen multiple deaths. I shook my head and geared up.

It was going to be a long night.


I found the area fairly easily. That was one of the abilities hardwired into my brain. And when something happened that was drastic, it was ingrained in my head for a long time.

It was different, though. I knew something was wrong the moment I landed. For one, a storm had started to roll in. Storms are never good news. Two, there was a person there, looking through the files, and she had the corpse's rifle.

I felt shivers down my body as I pulled out a dagger. Disrespecting the dead was not something high up on my "liked" list of things to do. I aimed, quietly and deadly, I threw the weapon. The person raised their head in just a fashion that the deadly weapon just grazed their cheek, allowing crimson liquid to trickle down onto the ground.

The person stood up and I immediately found out who they were. Blair, an assassin that made sure that most people didn't know about her.

"May I help you?" She asked cockily, seemingly waving the rifle and the file in front of her.

"The file, hand it over." I said, reaching out my hand.

She jokingly mulled it over, as if mocking me, and then said, "You want this, come and get it."

I was already on a time constraint, and she was just being annoying. I had no objection to her doing her job, assassins know to stay away from each other, but apparently she didn't get the point.

"I don't have time for this?'' I said, pulling out another knife. Flicking it mercilessly at her, I moved around, expecting her to fire the rifle. Instead, she grabbed it out of the air.

"Not bad," I whispered.

She smiled and her mouth moved, but I didn't care for any chit chat. She wanted a battle, I'm gonna give her a war.


I moved around the trees, letting the rain cover my sloppy tracks. She thought this was a game, but it was far from it. She wasn't half bad with daggers, but I was far superior.

I stopped, my vision went dark. A canteen slowly filling up with water. A small slit in a lonesome tree. Blood. Loss.

Everything returned to normal, and Blair wasn't there anymore.

I snuck around, and found a small canteen on the forest floor.

Spoiler! :
Well, that's the end of the post. I'm tired, so if this post sounds horrible, that's because it is. LH, just make sure to win somehow and torture me or something. Eh, I'm too tired to type anymore, so you gu
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Tue May 21, 2013 10:41 pm
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crossroads says...


I woke up with a start, frowning to make the images from the dream go away. Fire, crying and memories of the previous king, and headless princesses sending their armies after my family. I realised I was gripping Lordie's shirt hard enough to almost make a hole in it, and I let go of it with a sigh. For a moment, I wanted to wake him up, smile and remind him we haven't yet signed all the cards - then all the memories of the previous day returned, and I knew I couldn't make him wake up, even if I tried to. I bit my lip not to make a sound as my stomach hurt again, and slowly got up, leaving to my room to get new clothes.

With a silent sigh, I sat down on my bed, as I felt the world spinning around me. How did I ever grow to care so much? Recalling what I'd said to the loyalest of my men the day before - or was it two days? Three? I couldn't tell anymore - I got up again, quickly scribbled a note on a piece of paper - Don't talk about your coming mission, I've told you what you need to know! I fear I am being spied on. - and returned to the bed, staring at my hand hiding the paper. Should I have told him it was Erillian who was spying on me? Or, better yet, his little spies, not even humans?
I heard the back door to my room opening and he stepped in. I look like a mess, don't I?

“Good morning, Ny,” I said,” I trust you slept well." Unlike myself.

He smiled, taking the note from my hand as I reached to him. "Indeed I did, though I fear that the same could not be said of you.” Is it really that obvious? He turned serious as he read my note.

“Indeed it could not, we had a bit of a hustle last night in the castle,” I said, speaking words yet feeling like I was only listening to someone else doing it. "But it would not interest you. However, I would like to know how well your mission went.."

He frowned and nodded, giving me a brief summary - as expected, his mission was a success, and I was looking forward to telling Lordie about the assassins we now had on our side. If you ever do speak to him again.. I felt like breaking apart from the inside, glaring at the window but not even caring what's the weather outside.

"Ny," I sighed, not even sure what I wanted to say. What if he doesn't wake up? What if there'll be no King, will you still be loyal to me as your Queen? I'm not even of royal birth..

He took a deep breath.” Is something wrong?”

My throat hurt - probably from all the crying and bad dreams, just like my head and everything else. "Yes..no..maybe, I don't know," I admitted, giving up. "I just – just want things to-- I want.." Stop with the f****** tears already. "don't kknow what I want anymore." I don't care about the throne and whatnot. I want my husband back. And if that doesn't happen..what will I do then?

He reached and took my hands in his - I didn't even know how much colder my skin was than usually, though it wasn't rarely that everyone around were warmer. "Regina, remember," he said gently, and I couldn't help but feeling much yunger than I was again. "If you ever need a friend, I'm here.”

I smiled at him, though I didn't quite feel like smiling. "I know, and thank you for that," I said, letting my hands slide from his fingers. It was late, though it was only dawning - too late already? "But you'd really better be going.”

He nodded and stood up, following my example. ”Ah, well then, I guess I will be a-seeing you.. After this mission of yours.”

Please don't get yourself killed or hurt. I need you by my side, probably more than you're even aware. Before I got time to think, I gave him a hug, and he carefully returned it.” Take care, Ny.”

"You too, Regina."

It was barely a minute after he left, through the back door he came through as well, as the door suddenly slammed open and Jubiah - Lordie's captain of the guard or whatever, I never really payed attention to titles - stormed in.

"Regina?" He asked, and it wasn't until I looked at him that I realised I had tears in my eyes again. S***. Stop crying. "Is he.. alive?"

I wiped off the tears, wondering if all the respect I managed to get from people in the castle has already crushed. You don't show weakness like that. I couldn't make myself tell Jubiah about the details. "Yes. What do you want?"

"Look, I know it's soon, your Highness, but I think Lordshire may be incapacitated for quite sometime," he said. I need to get to that doctor. Why is everyone holding me back? "I need to tell you about a personal mission Lordshire sent me to do." He sent you to a personal mission? I glanced at Lordie. Was there something he didn't want me to know? Or just didn't think it was important? "And with Lordshire gone for a little while, I need you to take his place in the mission." Don't talk like he's dead. But do tell me about that mission, while you're at it. "In Lordshire's top desk drawer, there is a paper with code words on it. It also has instructions on what to do in response. Please read those and wait for my letters. You won't be seeing me for a long time. I will be infiltrating the Whites' HQ. I think that's who did this. But we have to learn more. Please wait for my letters."

I nodded, frowning a little. I had sent Ny to do it already - but then again, Lordie didn't know of Ny, no one did.. I looked through Jubiah's memories, focusing on the conversation he had with Lordie before.

"Good," I said. Should I tell him about Ny? I smiled a bit instead. "Thank you - and good luck. I believe I don't need to warn you not to take any unnecessary risks. I shall inform the King about what I hear from you." Most likely. More or less. He inclined his head to me, turned and left, and I shook my head. I wonder how Lordie would react to this. He never approved of me doing things behind his back.

I stopped before the wardrobe, as if frozen. Past tense. You're thinking in past tense. I turned back to the bed, gripping the shirt on my chest. What the hell, Regina?
Finding the dress and looking at myself in the mirror, I almost laughed hysterically. Sleepless night was practically written over my face. I was pale as death, with dark circles around my eyes and traces of tears on my cheeks - I wiped them off, wondering just how many more times will I cry before that war ends. Or before the baby is born. I slammed my fist at the mirror. The f***, Regina. You haven't cried this much in your whole life. Get together and act as the god damn queen you are.

I left my hair falling on my chest, running my fingers through it to make it a bit messed, before I took a hooded cloak from the closer and looked at myself again. I didnt look like a queen anymore; I looked like a girl belonging to a completely different world. Like a girl I used to be.

I walked back to Lordie's room and approached the bed, gripping the hold of his shirt again as I sat down next to him. He hadn't moved all night, and seemed more dead than sleeping now - it was almost physically painful.

"Don't you dare die while I'm gone," I hissed. "Because if you do.." I made myself not imagine it. If you do, I'll cry a river and torture every incompetent guard who let it happen, take the throne and raise an army, and burn down whole of Wonderland along with those damn princesses. "..just don't die."


Even looking like I belonged there, walking the poor parts of the city with no guards to accompany me was more terrifying than I thought it would be. You're the queen. You have no reason to be afraid. I hugged myself, trying to find some kind of street sign to tell me which way to go. I haven't stepped off the castle grounds in years, knowing more than well that the world around wasn't safe for me anymore. No matter how many people loved Lordie, there were always others who wanted to kill him, even if they didn't work for one of the Queens - and now I was rather sure he'd do a lot more to get me back safe if someone threatened me, than it was the case back when we married. He'd do nothing if you didn't manage to get to that doctor. I bit my lip, walking in a relatively random direction, following what I've picked up from the memories of people.

I looked to meet the eyes of the people in the streets - the elderly and those who looked like they've been through a lot, knowing they would've met a doctor at one or the other point in their lives - but memories I found there only made me feel worse. I felt like telling them all who I was and letting them do what they wanted, and that strange guilt wasn't about not understanding, it wasn't about being lost among them.. It was about realizing how alike we were, and recalling where I'd be if there wasn't for Lordie needing a wife nearly five years ago. I straightened my dress as I passed next to the old kindergarten my father had worked in. It was no more - now it hosted an orphanage, but I was fairly sure there was no one who really took care, and it was more of a hideout for all kinds of homeless. I didn't belong to that world, not anymore. I'd had my share of it. I deserved to be where I was now. I made sure to make my moves and get myself even further than others planned to get me. So why are you feeling like this right now? I almost laughed at myself.

The dogs jumped at me out of nowhere, barking like crazy. I tried to turn around, but there was too many of them - one of them pushed me to the ground, and I couldn't find a voice to scream for help. No. Don't hurt him - wait a couple of moths and eat me when I'm alone, but don't hurt my- Loud whistling cut my wild thoughts, and I slowly looked up, meeting a tall figure eyeing me with something far from welcome.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Are you Garion Thornbranch," I asked, recalling what I've found out about him before, "the doctor?"

He sighed. "People call me Thorn. What do you need?" He frowned as he helped me up. "And I don't do births. Leave that to a real doctor."

“I have a doctor for that," I snapped automatically. My mind was a mess - I had found the right person, I was sure of it, but I had no way of knowing if he would help me. “I need you to deal with something else," I stalled, feeling my words as blades in my throat. "With a poison. I was told you’re the only one who can.”

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" He asked, but my attention got caught by a woman appearing behind him. I'd never seen her before - but meeting her eyes told me all I needed to know. Yamani's cousin. Loyal to the Queen of Hearts, though they've had a fight.. I had to put a frightening amount of strength into just staying still and acting calm. If he was working for the Hearts..

"She's Lordshire's witch," the woman - Minerva, if I got the name from memories right - said, pulling out a knife. S***. My hands automatically crawled to the baby, and he stayed calm, as if sharing my fear. If someone attacked us..if something happened to us, and if I survived, I could've never come back to the castle. Losing Lordie would make me want to destroy the world - losing the baby would make me want to kill myself.

"No!" I snapped from my thoughts as Thorn shouted it. He was now standing with his back turned to me, and a knife was stuck into his chest. For a moment, I felt my hopes shattering - but then I realised he was still talking, and seeming more annoyed than even in pain. "No, just let go of it. I'll pull it out.. Inside. And don't worry, I'll be fine." He looked at me, then turning back to her again. "Maybe you should go.. And come back later.. To fetch your knife."

She didn't seem too shocked with the fact she'd just stabbed him. "If it wasn't for that b**** you wouldn't have been forced to heal Yamani in the first place," she spat.

I froze. Perhaps letting her go wasn't such a good idea. I almost snickered at the thought, but managed to keep my face expressionless. My plan worked, didn't it? I knew from Minerva's memories - her precious queen was alone and hurt, and she gave in to my manipulation. I forced myself to put my mind where it belonged. If that's what it takes to get this guy cure Lordie, I will apologise a thousand times and never tie another person in those dungeons.

"I'll heal anyone who asks for it, no matter how little they deserve it," He said, and I closed my eyes for a second. Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. "Now go.. Please?"

I glared after her as she left, turning back to Thron as I lost her from my sight. Then I took off my hood, figuring it was useless to keep hiding my identity here.
“Yes,” I said. "My name is Regina Lordshire..but I’m not here as the Queen." I took a breath before continuing, trying to ignore the blade in his chest and wondering what it was that got him exiled. "I- we- need your help.”

He just looked at me for a few long moments, then sighing and frowning slightly.
"You can tell me all about it. Inside. I need to do something about.. This," he gestured at the knife, and I nodded absentmindedly. "And I do think I earned myself a 'thank you'," he muttered, letting me enter before him.

Tell me you can save him and you'll earn yourself whatever you want.

“You.. probably saved both of our lives," I said, not wishing to show just how important he was to me. If they knew how much they could get, I knew, people never settled for less. I couldn't have afforded showing him how much I cared. "Thank you for that."

I watched as he walked to the sink and pulled the knife out, and couldn't help but glare as the wound healed on its own. Having a man like that on one's side.. For a moment, I imagined him in the dungeons. Like a canvas which always gets clear and white by itself. Over and over again. I wondered if he felt pain - judging from the way he seemed to want to pull the knife out as soon as possible, he had to feel some at least. "So, how did the king get himself poisoned?"

“He drank something,” I glanced away, knowing I could cry again if I met his eyes and hating myself for that. He won't die. Stop imagining that. “He hasn’t moved all day and night. My doctor thinks he’s unconscious. She said you are the only person she knows of who can cure him.” I looked up, meeting his eyes. “Is it so?”

"Maybe." He emptied his bag, putting the potions and instruments on the table before taking the other ones and putting them in the bag. I knew enough about nursing wounds - it was necessary to know along with how to inflict them - to be able to tell he surely took good care of Yamani. For a moment, I found myself almost glad to know I hadn't killed her. Then her threat to my kid flashed through my mind again, and I felt my anger burning again. You will die eventually, little red b****. Just dare to come close to my family.

"I'm going to ask you for a favour, though," Thorn said. "Actually, I'm going to ask you for two favours."

I let myself slip into his memories this time - just enough to be able to tell some basic facts, though I couldn't ignore the strange feeling it gave me. Those memories are too long. There's too much of it. No one remembers that much.

I did my best to keep my voice emotionless. “Favor, is it? You could consider yourself lucky for not being in the dungeons of the castle right now, for even setting your foot in the country you were exiled from. Not to mention assisting an exiled princess.. but as I said, I am not here for all that. As you wish - I can make your name disappear from the list of the exiled.” I frowned, figuring from his face that I got it right. However.. “I can’t say I have an idea of what the other favour might be.”

"Yes," he muttered, and it was hard to tell if he was more angry or annoyed.. or neither of those. "It is indeed lucky that I'm not in the dungeons.. Though that would've saved you the trouble of getting here.The other thing.. When we walk back to the castle, I'd like if we took a slightly longer way. There's something that you, as the queen, should see."
I met his eyes once more, this time wishing to see every memory of his. How is it possible that a person-- Pain pierced through my head for a second, as thousands of images flashed before my eyes. He was everywhere - and seen much more than any other human had.. I almost smiled - almost. His memories were amazing, and I was sure he didn't even really recall seeing all of that. I've never tried going through memories of someone who lived for centuries, though, and it made me feel lost and strangely vulnerable. I focused on the present, or past so close to it that it could've barely been called past. Maneuvering carefully enough, I could've seen the memories from only seconds ago - as close as I could get to reading minds. He wants me to see the Poor District. Just like Erillian.. Perhaps I should really do something about it. He didn't like me - but I didn't care. I needed him, and I knew now that I was able to get him. How long has it been since you left? A few hours? I felt as if my blood was turning into ice - or fire, I wasn't really sure which would describe it better - as I thought of Lordie again. Calm down, Reggy. You don't want to cry in front of him - or in front of anyone, for that matter.

"My husband is dying,” I said. “I - we - can’t waste our time on looking at the place I was b- I know very well," I corrected myself quickly. "You come with me to the castle - taking the fastest way possible - and I’ll make sure to do whatever you want for the Poor District.”

"Fine," he sighed again. "But if you decide to suddenly change your mind, then I'm not going to help you again. In fact, I'm not going to help your kid, or your grandchildren, or your.. Well, you get it," he took his bag and opened the door for me again, with a little smile which had nothing to do with happiness. "Shall we?"


I watched as he made the assessments, taking trips into his mind whenever I'd manage to catch his eyes. His three dogs, who entered the room along with us, lied on the floor around, but I didn't really pay attention to them. I never really liked dogs - though after that invisible grinning annoyance, I could've hardly say I was a cat person either - but my mind was busy with more important matters. This man, Thorn..he could've been valuable to us. To think no one will try to make a move again and attempt to kill one or all of us would be stupid - and if he was able to cure everything.. I bit my lip. Let's see how this goes. Just bring me my husband back.

"He'll be alright," he said, sitting on the bed and taking Lordie's hand. "Some way or another."

I closed my eyes for a second as he said it. If he had said he wasn't able to help him, I would've lost it. I would never forgive myself for listening to the doctor's words as she told me to wait till today before calling him. I knew now that I could never find another person with such abilities, especially not in time, and if he'd said he couldn't do it.. I'd have found a way to stab him in a way he can't cure. Even if it wouldn't really be his fault, I wouldn't care - I'd lock him in my dungeons and I'd keep him there for as long as I'd be able to keep cutting.

Calm down, Regina, I warned myself again, as someone knocked on the door. I didn't like thinking that way - the ideas of what if buzzed through my head too often lately.

"excuse me for a minute," I said to Thorn, then letting out a deep sigh of relief as I left the room. A guard was looking at me. "..what?"

Another guard held a box in his hands. "These are the unsigned cards," he said. "And there's a bunch of more gifts.." I glared at him, trying to figure if he was f****** kidding me. "..in the.." I frowned, and his voice got almost soundless "..Throne Room..? Your doctor thinks you should take a step away now."

I felt my hands clenching into fists. If I were you, I'd leave my sight right now. Before I decide to stab you to death right here in front of your King's room.

"I don't care what she said," I hissed. "Leave them in the damn throne room, not like anyone's bothered by it there. I'm busy. Leave me alone now."

Thorn cursed me in some surprisingly imaginative ways as I slid in and out of the room again and again. As I walked in, I wanted to see him curing Lordie. But then seeing him trying one thing after another and failing, made me just wish to be away and look at anything else.. And as I left the room, I felt like I've left Lordie alone and would decide to come back in - and so over and over again.

I wasn't even mad at Thorn as he threw a vase at me - though I was fairly sure Lordie wouldn't be happy to see it broken - and in the end I took my doctor's advice and sighed as the doors of the Throne Room closed behind me.

The throne itself still looked the same, unaffected by the fact its king was lying there unaware of the world. I walked up to it, and passed my hand over the wood again, startled as the door opened again.

"Your highness," I didn't even pay enough attention to the man to be able to tell if I knew him, "the people have heard. Crowds have gathered in the square.. They want to hear their king is alright."

I glared at the throne absentmindedly. I was never adressing the people without Lordie - and even then, I was but his shadow, a figure in the background to play a Queen with a nice smile. But things have changed - I've figured that more than once already, haven't I?
"Very well," I said, letting him lead me out again and straightening my dress as I walked. There was something almost thrilling behind all the worry and fear, as I stepped outside. They all turned silent, looking at me, waiting for my words, seeing me as the highest authority.. I could get used to this. If only the price could've been something other than Lordie being hurt.

I didn't really want to talk to them - yet on the other hand, rumors were already there, and any kind of lie told by a Queen was a better truth than the gossips spread in the streets.

"My fellow citizens," I said, for a moment surprised by how strong my voice sounded. I heard the questions being shouted, and raised my hands to make them quiet down. "Yes, what you've heard is correct - someone indeed had dared to send a substance which threatened my husband's life." I knew they didn't know about the Queens - I could even read through the memories of some looking directly enough at me to make sure - but that didn't mean that the two of them didn't know of the situation in the castle.. I didn't like the idea, but I was fairly sure the sisters had their spies. I smiled. So, let's play, then. "Fear not, however - our King has been through a lot and I'm confident he will recover.. Eventually." For the first time, I was grateful for being able to drop a tear so easily lately. I wondered how far I should go. Saying he was dying might get the Queens right at our door, but the commoners - I almost smirked at the word - could get in the state of panic..perhaps even try to enter the castle to make sure. Saying he'll soon be fine, however, might make the Queens realise they must send stronger poison, and the next time we perhaps wouldn't have as much luck as we did now. I sighed. "It's hard to tell. In times like these, the support of all of you means so much to us - and in my own and my husbands name, I thank you for it." I gave them one of my smiles, knowing there was no one but a few spiders who'd figure it was nothing but a mask. I will need to make that visit to Poor District worth my time later. So I might as well start playing the lovely queen now. "As your Queen, I can ask you to come to me with every suspicion or piece of information you might have - prove it right, you will be rewarded. As a wife..as a mother," I put my hands over the baby again, "I can only say I care about my family, and now need your help to keep my strength. I can't promise you that your King will be alright - but I can swear I'll do everything to make it so." I inclined my head to them, suddenly just really wanting to disappear from their eyes again. I've been outside way too much today. "Thank you," I said and turned, letting the guards close all the doors behind me as I returned to the Throne Room.

The same guards gave me same worried looks, and I wondered for a moment if they thought I was crazy or were afraid of me - or both. Probably both. And they're not far from right, are they? I sighed as I approached a pile of gifts, making myself busy just so I'd kill time.

I barely payed attention to what I was unwrapping. Things for the baby, toys, fabrics, more toys.. What kind of idiot doesn't see anything suspicious in a bottle of alcohol being sent for a baby shower? I glared at a creepily pink suit I pulled out of some box. He will not be wearing that. Not even if his father will like it. I thought to the future, imagining my little dark haired boy running around the castle, with a crown on his head, safe and protected, learning how to take his father's role one day. I wonder which one of the Queens sent the whiskey. I bit my lip. I doubted it was Yamani - from what I saw from her cousin's and Thorn's memories, she wasn't even awake and well for long enough to think of it and send someone to deliver it. Besides, if it was her, I was fairly sure she'd make sure to gift us with something that'd poison us both. I wonder where you are, White Queen. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Are you as charming as your sister? Can you hold your screams as long? I smiled for myself as the baby kicked a little.

"Everything will be alright," I muttered. "Daddy will be alright, and they will be dead before you're born." I took a little box, like the ones I held my rings in, from the now small pile, furrowing my brow at my name on it. "We should think of a name for you. I might tell your father today that I think you're--" "For: The Little Freak" I glared at the match for a long moment, only remembering to breathe as my chest started hurting. That little b****.

I felt my own heart racing as I ran my finger over the one drawn on the match. I'll wait until you have the little freak, then burn it in front of you. Her voice crept into my mind again, and I closed the box, gripping it in my hand. I knew exactly what she was doing - I knew it so well that I found myself grinning, almost congratulating her. I was the one manipulating minds - back since the days Erillian and I played with the guards of previous rulers in the streets of the Poor District - and finding something with what one could manipulate me was never easy, I made sure of it. Recently, though, so much has changed..and now it was enough to send a match to make me feel like my whole world is turning to ashes. I closed my eyes, shoving the box in one of the numerous pockets on my dress - it was the only good side of those damn new dresses, I could've put a whole lot of things in the pockets - and wrapped my arms around me. I wanted someone to talk to. I wanted for my son to be born, so I could leave him guarded and go to deal with the Queens myself. I wanted Lordie to be awake, to tell me no one is going to hurt us. How can he tell you that? Look how well it went for him. I leaned my back against the wall, looking at the throne but not really seeing it. I couldn't have relied on Lordie to protect me and the little one, not while we were still technically one person and when I had so much to do. He had a kingdom to run, and his own life to watch over. And one can't say he's even doing that good enough, or today would be entirely different. I sighed. I never before felt so alone between the castle walls, not even back in the days when Lordie didn't care, and I wondered what the guards would do if he did die. I now knew he wouldn't - I was sure, because I saw how determined Thorn was to cure him and I knew how powerful he was - but I also knew that a king would have to always watch his back, and he wasn't doing it. Perhaps I should have Ny watch over him. I shoved that thought away. Ny was busy as it was already - and besides, having him around all the time, even if I wouldn't actually see him there, would be too..distracting. I almost laughed at myself, recalling the way he talked to me before he left on his mission. He cared, I knew he did - just like Erillian, though they've both seen the worst of me, and I didn't understand why. I've read his mind enough times to know he wanted to be my friend, and more than once I wanted to be able to put down my queenly posture and tell him what's troubling me - but I knew that'd never end well. You don't have friends. You have enemies, dead friends, servants and lovers. Out of the four, I almost hoped Erillian would become my enemy. And Ny? I didn't like thinking of him as of a servant. If he thought of it five years ago, I'd have nothing against having a lover.. I blinked, and actually laughed this time - silently enough so the guards on the other side of the door can't hear me.

Then I put my hand over the pocket which hid the match, and turned serious again. There was no time to think of friendships and sharing secrets now - now I had more important matters to attend, matters which considered not only myself, but two - or one and a half - people I cared about more than anything else. I approached the window, looking out at Wonderland City, wondering where the Queens were and if they've heard about my little speech already.

"You picked a wrong person to play with, princess of Hearts," I muttered, feeling my lips curling into a tiny smile, as I covered the baby with my hands once more. "They think your mommy is the evil queen, my little prince." I'll wait until you have the little freak, then burn it in front of you. I frowned. "Well let's have them meet the evil queen, shall we?"

"Your Highness." I turned to the guard, and he flinched. Good. "His Majesty is awake."

I let the smile appear on my face this time, though I kept it cold. No more crying. You're the one protecting, not the one needing protection.


Thorn lied on the floor, and the guards ran to him automatically, carrying him out. The room was rather dark, the window opened and cold air started to creep in, but I wasn't paying attention to all that. I waited till the guards left, absentmindedly nodding as someone asked me whether to give him a room, and then approached my husband as the doors finally closed.

Lordie was standing by his bed, looking at me with a strange expression I couldn't quite read, and - much to my surprise - hugged me as soon as I got in reach. Closing my eyes, I just hugged him back, letting myself relax for the first time in days. I wanted to cry - but I couldn't, not anymore. I wanted to yell at him and to stab him, and at the same time to just never let him go. Perhaps I should chain you to something, I thought, as he separated us and looked up and down at me. There must be a way to keep you locked somewhere despite of that teleportation ability of yours.

He smiled a wide smile as I met his eyes. "Reggy, dear--"

I cut his words by slapping him - or better said, my hand practically did it on its own, following my way of thoughts and acting sooner than I managed to stop it. His smile vanished for a second but then appeared again, as he raised his eyebrow at me.
"What was that for?"

"Being an idiot," I hissed, not sure if I'd rather frown or smile myself. "You promised to think of us before doing something stupid." He looked down, and I gripped his face and made him look back at me. "We were worried sick. I don't know what I'd do if there wasn't for Thorn.. I thought you wouldn't wake up. I thought you'd leave us alone."

"I wouldn't.."

"It's not exactly your choice to make." What part don't you get? I'm not planning on telling you now what I've said while I knew you couldn't really hear me. "You're the King and they're alive and you could've died."

"But I didn't die," he noticed. He seemed tired - as tired as myself, at least - but incredibly cheerful at the same time. He was looking back into my eyes, and I didn't even feel like running through his memories. Perhaps he noticed a hint of feelings I was trying to hide, because he turned serious at last. "I didn't die, Reggy."

I slid my hands down to his chest and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Well you came damn close to it," I muttered. "Are you even aware of what that'd mean?"

"Sure..you'd have to take the throne yourself and I'd miss the Queens being tied up down there a couple more times."

If I ever get my hands on either of them, they will never leave the dungeons again. "Our son would grow up without a father," I said. "You think I'd be able to raise a king alone?"

He grinned down at me again, one of his brows raised. "Son?"

I shrugged. You're a real artist in avoiding the point, aren't you? "Intuition, I suppose," I said silently, closing my eyes again. I could sleep forever.

With an old song which my mother used to sing to me, I finally smiled with an actual desire to smile. He's fine - we're all fine. Though the night was yet far, and though I knew all three of us needed something to eat despite of my sudden desire to sleep, I just knew there'd be no nightmares when I close my eyes again. Regardless of whatever the princesses did. My family is safe. And if you come close and try to hurt it again, I will make sure you don't see another day.

Spoiler! :
Forgive me for the lack of Brae and Rook - I shall see to fix that one of the following days c:
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed May 22, 2013 11:06 pm
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veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

"You should rest," a voice called.

Oh, so people are here now.

"Tell me what happened to him." A second voice came, Reggy?

"He drank some poisoned whiskey." Couldn’t you say apple juice or something? "He's alive. I think he's just unconscious."

"You think. If you don't know, who does?" Why so harsh dear? "Well, fix him."

"I… can't." On second thought, yell some more. “There's just one person I know, who might be able to help him."

"Who? I'll send for them." Please do.

"His name," the woman said, "is Garion Thornbranch. Legally speaking, he shouldn't be found in Wonderland, but-"

"But he is in Wonderland," Reggy said, "In Poor District… But you don't think he'd come if asked by a guard." Oh right, eyes and powers and stuff, "I'll go. Prepare me my coat and-" That’s right, you’ll… wait what?

"Oh, no." Thank you,"You can't go now." If I could make a mental ellipsis, this is what is would sound like.


"He will be fine till tomorrow. You can't go like this. You must come down, my lady. Sort your thoughts, sleep. Keep him company while he's still-" Handsome, of course.

"Still what? Alive?” Had to say it, didn’t you, “Can your exiled friend bring back the dead? How can you possibly ask me to-"

"Regina." She sighed. "I don't know. I'm sorry… but I don't know much of poisons, and I've never seen one such as this. I don't know what it's doing to him, but he needs you now. Stay by his side, and calm yourself. For the sake of the little one, if you don't care of your own health."

There wasn’t much noise after that. I heard some shuffling, hopefully not caused by Reggy getting angry and stabbing the lady, and heard someone settle down beside me. Oddly enough, I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t worried about someone trying to hurt me, or trying to kingnap me, or even sticking a ‘kick-me’ sign on my back. I was calm, relaxed even. I wasn’t being distracted by the world around me, not by any sight or touch.

Maybe it wasn’t because I didn’t have to care anymore.

* * *

"Stop it," What? "Stop hurting. Please… just calm down." Oh, it’s Reggy.

"It will be alright. Don't be afraid… mommy is just worried." About your husband, right? "It will be alright," Promise? "I promise,” Good. “I won't let your daddy die. We will go to that doctor - we will get the cure. We will take care of him, just he takes care of us and like we will take care of you." She shuffled towards me a bit.

Just like he takes care of us. I would’ve been smiling if I could feel my face. Like we will take care of you. Yes, just like we’ll take care of you. We’ll make sure you grow up in a world where we won’t have to fight this silly battle, and you won’t get caught up in any childish war. We’ll take good care of you.

* * *

"I suppose you can't hear me," Better than usual, actually, "I don't even know if you know I'm here."

My heart felt heavy for a moment, "But I am. I will find you that cure, and you will be alright." That’s why I love you, dear. "Whatever you're feeling, just hold on till tomorrow, alright? Just… just don't… just don't die. I would never forgive you if you died." I’m sorry, but that’s not really in my control right now, is it? "I would never forgive myself." You’re not in control either Reggy, please don’t stress yourself over me.

She was quiet for a while, hopefully sleeping; Anything but worrying.

"I need you, Lordie," Why haven’t you shut your eyes yet? "You're my King, one and only thing that makes me the Queen, I don't even know where I'd be if there wasn't for you, I can't be who I am without you." You also wouldn’t be weeping right now if it wasn’t for me. "I need you. I love you. I couldn't live without you. Don't leave me alone!"

Had I only been able to feel it, the grin on my face would’ve stretched passed both ears. To think this woman, who I'd done nothing for but stick in a dungeon to hurt those who disobeyed me, would care about me so much. And what had I done to deserve it? Gone and got myself poisoned, that’s what.

No, perhaps it was actually because I had Reggy by my side.

* * *

It wasn’t until a while later that I actually felt like I was completely alone. It both annoyed and delighted me. Delightful in the fact that I knew everything was calm around me. There was no struggling, no fighting, no war; everything was peaceful. I was annoyed at the fact that I couldn’t seem to sleep. This state of immobilization would be so much easier on me if I was able to drift out of consciousness once in a while. But no, I was forced to remember every bit of it. I remembered every footstep, every shuffle, every door opening, and every conversation.

If there was one thing I couldn’t complain about, it was the freedom to think. For the first time is so long, I’d been able to reflect on myself and not have to worry about what we’re going to do in Wonderland, or how to make the people hate me less. I could think about all the things I cared about, like beating the spider king in that checkers game. I’ve never lost a game in my life, and I didn’t plan on it happening anytime soon. I also cared about the death of the Queens. The day I hear about the death of the Queens is the day I will lock myself in my room with a set of my favorite liquors all day, telling Reggy I was doing work of course. Oh, and how could I forget about Reggy? Of course that goes without saying. I wouldn’t be anywhere without my dear Reggy, she’s probably breaking her back trying to get me cured right this moment. She’s the only person I care for that care’s for me back. Well, except for

The sound of the door opening, followed by several feet ad… paws?, interrupted my thoughts. Someone was nearby me now, and they weren’t happy. They made a few grumpy noises before finally speaking.

"He'll be alright," Who’s he speaking to? I’d never heard this voice before, "Some way or another."

There was a knock on the door, "Excuse me for a minute." It was Reggy’s voice this time.

The door opened and shut and the man spoke again. "Really now, how can she be sure that I won't just cut your throat?" Because she’s not stu"Oh, right… Mindreader."

I heard him shuffling with some items nearby. He better not be touching my things.

"Now be a good little king and swallow," I felt a tingling in my throat, my first sign that I was actually alive in a long time. I felt warm inside. It took me a moment to realize that it wasn’t my medicine that was making me feel that way.

I was given drink after drink, none of which made me feel any better. Well, I felt sick, if that was a good sign. I almost wanted to vomit everything back out, and I still couldn’t decide if my numb body or my willpower holding it back.

"Serves you right." The man said, another concoction slipping down my throat.

* * *

After what seemed like no time at all, I could sense the frustration rising in this guy’s voice. He was much more hostile than I thought, slamming things down, throwing things; it almost scared me to think he had company in the room.

"Oh, come on!" He yelled as he threw yet another object.

It’s okay, mister medicine man. I know you’re trying your hardest, maybe you should just take a nap. I heard him fumble around a bit more. Of course, no one listens to the king in this castle anyway, now do they?

* * *

From what I could tell, it had been hours. He shifted from various positions every so often, probably to get more comfortable. Even the door opened and closed every once in a while, mostly by Reggy’s hands. I even felt like laughing every time he made fun of her, or even me. At first I was a bit upset, but after I realized Reggy was putting up with it I figured she had her reasons for trusting this man, so why not enjoy the entertainment he provided?

"Wake up, you bloody freaking useless moronic idiot..." You are definitely partying with me from now on, "Wake up, you bastard."

"Wake up," he groaned. Almost as if his words had power, I opened my eyes.

The light blinded me for a second, and I shut my eyes again. I squinted and opened them again, slowly this time. I sucked in a deep breath with my mouth and squeezed the man’s hand.

"It's about time," he muttered.

I squeezed his hand harder and sat up, ignoring the painful spinning in my head. Using all the energy I could find, I pulled the man up and hugged him as tight as I could.

"I think I earned a 'thank you’." He managed to choke out, before fainting.

I set him down on the bed and finally got a look at his companions, his four legged companions. “Tell your master, when he wakes up of course, that the king is in great debt to him.”

Some guards walked in at the sound of my voice, and the dogs faced them, almost menacingly.

“Gentlemen, take care of this man.” I said, pointing to the doctor.

“Would you like him to be sent to prison or the dungeon?” One guard asked.

“Wha- No. Not that kind of taking care, I meant make sure he’s okay. Get him to where he could have plenty of rest.”

“Yes sir.” They replied and lifted him on their shoulders.

As they left the room, the dogs following close behind, I realized I wasn’t alone. Although the pain in my head eased, my eyes could barely stay open, my stomach wouldn’t stop grumbling, and I couldn’t get myself to stop smiling. I had to blink a few times after the door closed to realize that Reggy was standing there, looking at me, a mix of joy and disbelief in her face.

As soon as she was close enough, I grabbed her and gave her a bigger hug than even the doctor got. She hugged me back, and I felt her tenseness ease up. You won’t have to worry about me again.

"Reggy, dear-" I started, but got cut short after a sharp pain cut across my face. I like the numbness better, "What was that for?"

"Being an idiot," she hissed, trying her best to look angry, "You promised to think of us before doing something stupid." I tried to look at my feet, trying to make myself stop smiling, but she raised my head to meet hers, "We were worried sick. I don't know what I'd do if there wasn't for Thorn… I thought you wouldn't wake up. I thought you'd leave us alone."

"I wouldn't…" I was on the verge of a laughing fit now.

"It's not exactly your choice to make. You're the King and they're alive and you could've died."

"But I didn't die," I said. Reggy was adorable when she cared. She cares, fool, stop messing around. "I didn't die, Reggy."

She rested her head on me, "Well you came damn close to it. Are you even aware of what that'd mean?"

"Sure… you'd have to take the throne yourself and I'd miss the Queens being tied up down there a couple more times." I wasn’t worries about her not being able to survive in the least. With me around, she only had more problems.

"Our son would grow up without a father," she said. "You think I'd be able to raise a king alone?"

I raised an eyebrow and grinned, "Son?"

"Intuition, I suppose," She said silently.

I could tell she was tired. I was tired, but my giddiness overwhelmed my need for sleep. And apparently, so did my need for food. Reggy looked at me as my stomach grumbled, and I already knew what she was going to say.

“Why don’t we all go get something to eat? It’s been a long… um…”

She smiled a tired smile, “Almost two days.”

“Yes, a long two days. Why don’t we have a nice meal and get some rest?” I said, making my way out the door, waiting for her to follow.

I felt her presence behind me as I walked sown to the kitchen, the same presence I felt at night while I couldn’t move, and the same presence I would hope to feel when my- our son took my position as king.

* * *

As we ate, Reggy filled me in on everything I’d missed, which wasn’t much. She’d made an announcement to the city about my illness, which actually surprised me. She usually watched on as my shadow. She also told me of all the wonderful gifts we’d received for the baby. ‘All the toys and gifts and…’ and everything sounded too pleasant. I could almost tell something was troubling her, but I was too exhausted to push her for information. Besides, if I really needed to know, she would tell me, right?

“Maybe we should sleep now.” I said, finishing the last of my grand meal.

“I think that’d be best for both of us.” She told me.

We got up and made our way out of the dining room. I held the door for her, “And this time I promise,” she walked through the door, “I’ll never leave you alone.”
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Thu May 23, 2013 12:47 am
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CowLogic says...

Spoiler! :
Here's a hastily written set-up for Slim's post...

Franklin Extinct (The Dodo Bird)

Some people tell me that I’m a minimalist. Well, I can’t argue with that. Well, I could, since I am quite the debater, but I have no drive to debate this theory. And of course, one of the staples of being a minimalist is that you are also a light packer.

So when I returned from the brambles of the woods at the Hearts Caves, I was carrying nothing but the clothes on my back and a boot in my hand. The other boot was on my foot, although it made things quite inefficient on my trek over to the campsite because I was walking all lopsided. In fact, when I first undertook the effervescence to walk around, I ended up going in circles in some kind of bastardized version of a Caucus Race. And it’s been a long time since I ran a Caucus race.

The think about that kind of race is that the finish line is subjective. So when the left side of my brain and my stomach couldn’t figure out which foot one, stocking or boot, I decided to move on.

I had a bit of a bump on my noggin from an odd incident where I was trying to find a trail, and accidentally ran into a huge web of spiders. Don’t get me wrong, I like spiders, and even if they don’t like me, they ain’t gonna be able to do nothing about it on account that chemicals don’t do nothing to me. Was that a double negative?

Anyway, so I went into these webs and they all started vibrating like guitar strings and somebody goes, “BOO!” Startled me so hard that I took a beating on myself when I proceeded into the nearest oak.

Anyway. Some people call me a minimalist. So I came out from the brush with a boot in my hand and clothes on my foot. Clothes on my body, rather, and I emerged right in front of the royal cave. I am a natural navigist, whether it be from my minimalism or not.

The first person I saw was Dormouse. He was sitting there smoking his barbituisms as always, and he looked as relaxed as a… um… could be.


He looked up lackadaisically. “Why, hello there, Franklin. Care to join me for a late-day snack?” he asked, extending the pipe.
“You’d be wasting it on somebody who wouldn’t get any of the effects anyway, Dormouse. Have you seen Yamani? I have accomplished the assignment!” I pulled the boot onto my left hand, then, noticing my error, quickly put it back on my right hand.

His eyes narrowed a bit. “Assignment?”

“Yeah, I found out the important information. Regina Lordshire is pregnant.”

The mouse exhaled a cloud of hashish. “My friend, you have missed quite a bit.”

“Where is my queen satiated?”

“Well, she is quite satiated. But I don’t think you know what that word means.”

I snorted. “Of course I do. If I didn’t my name would have to be not mine!”

“Well, she’s situated in her cave. But her mood leaves something to be desired.”

“Naught to fear, Dormouse.” I jutted out my chest. “I am a MINIMALIST.”

And with that, I ran into the caves, tripping over the ledge.
The course skin of a thousand elephants sewn together to make one leather wallet.

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Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:37 am
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AlmondEyes says...


What the hell am I doing here? "What the hell am I doing here?"

I pace outside of The Tavern, biting my nails. A habit I thought I had gotten rid of years ago, but apparently not.

"Trouble?" I had asked.

"You got involved. That makes you both trouble and in trouble." he had said. "I'll be at the tavern at around eleven o clock tonight. If you feel the need to contact me about anything, you know where I'll be."

"Why would I need to contact you?"

"Because I'm charming." Erillian had said, smirking. "And also I can pay for drinks. You'll find I'm a lot more likable when you're drunk."

I rolled my eyes. I honestly didn't know what to make of that. As I made a another circle in front of the door, too drunks came stumbling out.

"I f*cking hate spiders." one said.

I frowned. Spiders?

"They're everywhere. No getting around them" The other said. I could hear the first man as he made his way from the bar.

"One of the blighters was in my drink. Have you ever drunk spiders?"

"Damn spiders," the other muttered.


"There's a 'bug' on every wall of every castle. You just have to know where to look."

A 'bug" on every wall. I shook my head. Rex had done it again. Someone had spiders on every wall of every castle that mattered, and now I knew. I just didn't know who. Now was the time to find out. I pulled the door open and stepped inside. Everyone turned to look at me as I walked over to the, including Erillian, who had this annoying grin on his face as I took to a stool.

"Don't," was all I said. "Just don't."

He laughed. "That could mean so many things. What exactly don't you want me to do?" His stupid grin remained there, taunting me.

"What I want you to do is tell n why the hell i'm here and what the hell you want with me." I glare.

"You are here because I'm charming." he said. I suppressed the urge to punch him. "I don't really want too much from you, just some quality time. I'm not as complicated as I look, not all of the time. It's to my understanding that you are here not because I want something, but because you are curious." his grinned changed somehow. It went from annoying to almost cold, like the triumphant grin of one who thinks he's in my head.

I shrugged. "So I am curious. You invited me here for a reason, and I doubt it's for that half assed reason you just have."

What the hell was he playing at? Did he actually think he could mess with my head, or was he just drunk?

"You overestimate me, Luna." he said. I noticed he hadn't touched his tankard. "I really just want to talk. You interest me. Confuse me, even." a spider started spinning a web across his cup as he watched, uncaring.

That certainly wasn't what I was expecting. I interest him? Confuse him? Maybe he was drunk. Who knows how long he had been here before I had arrived. Hm. I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear as I watched the spider spin it's web. "Why do I interest you? Why do I confuse you?"

He grinned his annoying grin again. "Well for one thing, you are very pretty." Why was he acting so strange? "And for another thing, you are trying to kill people. I can't really have that. Yet you have a certain... kindness that doesn't befit an assassin. This interests me. And confuses me." He still didn't touch his tankard, which now had a full web spun on it. The spider began spinning another web in the handle of the tankard.

"Is it such a surprise that there are still people in this horrible place can show kindness? And of course it would confuse you. You're a man. Men don't understand how women work." I smile.

"I will not claim to understand people, much less women. What confuses me, is just you as a whole. You go out of your way to do what I least expect of you. For example, actually showing up." he gestured to the bar. "But I understand kindness. Killing people is not what will end this war. And that is my aim." he seemed to ponder for a minute, as a spider crawled almost unseen up to his ear, and he seemed to almost nod, and smile mischievously, in approval. The spider crawled away.

Hm. Wonder what that was about. "The reason it confuses you, is because you don't know me, Erillian. And how do you plan on ending this war?"

"I don't know you yet, Luna. I aim to get to know you. As to ending the war, I have no plan." he said simply. A moment later there was a yell.

"Spider!" someone yelled. "F*cking spider!" A man jumped up, spilling beer all over himself, and overturning his stool. A spider crawled away, towards our table, and under it. Erillian laughed silently, as the man left in a huff. He might have muttered something like "nice one," but it could have just been a grunt. The spider had gotten onto his shoulder, and was now crawling into his jacket.

So it was him. He's been spying on the Royals with his spiders. He's also been screwing with people in he bar to keep himself entertained. How sweet. "How do you plan to end this war with no plan? And furthermore, what makes you think you'll ever get to know me?"

"If I want to know something, you'll find I'm very well informed. Furthermore," he said, a hint of mockery in his tone as he grinned at me through his tinted sunglasses. "my plan involves not killing anyone. You'll be pleased to know that so much of this ending the was is more like preventing war. We're not at war yet. That's what I'm trying to do. My plan is to, quite simply, succeed in doing so."

"Even if you are 'well informed', I doubt you'll find anything on me, since there's no one to gather Intel from." I say.

"There's always you, Luna." He grinned again. What shocked me most was that there was no malice in his tone. He sincerely must expect me to play along with this. "You interest me." he said innocently.

"You think I would actually tell you anything about myself, just because you're curious?" I shake my head with an incredulous laugh.

He just looked at me. "Well, kind of. That's how friends work, right? I'm sorry, I don't deal with people often enough. I know when they are enemies, usually, but it's hard to tell if someone is enjoying your company or not."

He turned to his tankard, which was covered in spider webs, and swirled it thoughtfully. I let my eyes wander over him. Black certainly did suit him. Tall and muscular with broad shoulders. The stubble on his face showed off his strong chin and square jaw. An attractive feat on his part. He had his hair pulled back in a ponytail. It was actually quite long, once I got a look at it. Hm. I also took note of his scars and tanned skin, but couldn't see his eyes under his red tinted shades. I looked at the Black Cowboy hat rimmed with silver for a moment. I had never been fan of them, but it did work for him. Taking note of the shot gun, I have a sip of the glass of water that had been put there when I arrived, only before looking in it to make sure there were no surprises.

"What makes you think we're friends?" I finally ask.

"Ignorance, mostly." he laughed. "But hey, I offered to buy you a drink, didn't I?"

"No." I said flatly.

"Oh," he said. After a short awkward silence he asked, "Would you like one?"


I wasn't one for drinking much. I preferred doing something else that didn't evolved destroying my Liver. Like killing a child molester. Therapy for the soul. The thought made me smile.

"Well there. I offered." he said. "Still though. You interest me. Out of respect, I really don't want to get to know you through my friends, rather from you."

"You have friends?" I raise a doubtful eyebrow.

That would certainly be a shock if he did. He grinned again, and a spider crawled from his pocket. And then another.

"I've got millions of friends." he said, removing his glasses, reveailing deep silver eyes, wild and bright. "In all places." More spiders seemed to pour from him, before retreating back to the folds of his clothes.

I'd never seen anyone with eyes like mine, and they were so beautiful. I had t ak a deep breath before speaking again. "Human friends?"

"Oh. Not so much." he said. He put his sunglasses down on the table.

"Why am I not surprised?" I smirk at him.

He looked up and grinned. "Nobody really befriends someone in all black, who wears sunglasses, carries a shotgun and a machete, and walks with a wake of spiders behind him. I expect you've guessed who I am by now."

"I guess that would be true, except i'm not nobody," I smile. "And no. I haven't guesses who you are. Should I have been?"

I thought he's told me who he was, but apparently, he was holding something back.

"No idea? Fine." he said. "You can continue to call me just Erillian, though if you insist on formalities, you can call me Erillian Blackguard. That is my full name, title disclosed." He leaned back in the booth.

I frowned. Was it something I said? "I'll just stick to a first name basis, and why don;t you tell me who you are?"

"I will, depending on how bad you want to know?" he said, grinning annoyingly again. Once more, I had to fight the urge to punch him.

"I honestly couldn't give two shakes of a Rat's ass, but," I glanced away for a moment, trying to fight the smile forming on my lips . "I figure there's reason for your asking."

He obviously had to be important somewhere, just not here, although even if he were, I probably still wouldn't have know who he was. Hm.

"I'm surprised. I thought you'd know. An assassin has to know who the spies are, don't they? I'll tell you only that I am a king, the king of a kingdom far away, and that I'm only really passing through and noticing this civil war that's beginning to erupt." he paused, as though he himself was confused with what he had said.

I didn't say anything. Instead, just stared at him. He held my gaze, with those silver eyes of his. I was momentarily mesmerized by them. I was the only one with eyes so uncommon, and to find another person l with eyes as unique was quite the feeling, though I doubt his eyes glowed like mine did on occasion. Finishing the rest of my water, I stood up. "It was nice talking, but I have a few things to take care of."

Erillian lifted his tankard to me. "Until next time."

I smiled and turned to take my leave. Until next time, Spider man.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:05 pm
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StoneHeart says...

|Nylan Aramasphere|

The hawk glided through the air, its long black wings outstretched, its sharp golden eyes looking down on Wonderland City spread out below, the three sections showing out by variations of the colour caused by the thickness of the ash level. The rich section was white and golden, the merchant section was dark slate-grey, and the poor section was a sickening light grey, the colour of feet of ash poured onto the houses and streets.

Even from that height the hawk could see individual people scurrying about the streets. And through it's eyes Nylan could see everything he needed to.

Another quick order and the hawk tilted its wings and banked into another air current that sent it flying through the air for the edge of the city.

Nylan blinked and then with a quick twitch of his mind switched his consciousness to the mind of another bird, an eagle, flying steadily over the forest outside the city. The birds would notify him if they found anything vaguely suspicious, but he kept his mind on top of things should they miss anything.

He cursed to himself, shifting slightly in the ashes covering the roof of the house in the poor section that he was sitting on, and shifted his mind to a peregrine falcon drifting on a trade-wind over the harbour. First order of business was to find the opening to the red HQ. If he could find the opening then he could take down a soldier, get a uniform, and fit himself right in.

The falcon obeyed his orders and swept over the harbour twice, but saw nothing worthy of note, other than an ancient cargo ship with an odd number of people on it. Ny passed it off as a peasant home.

He sighed and shaking his head, switched back to the eagle. The instant his mind made contact his eyes saw what the eagle saw. He smiled to himself in triumph. Down below him, hidden out at the edge of the city, was a massive cave with a half a dozen men standing about the entrance. That had to be it.

Suddenly one of the men randomly raised a bow and let an arrow fly. Too late Ny tried to bank the bird out of the way, and the arrow severed his connection.

His eyes snapped open, showing him the deathly grey poor section once again. After the failed assassination attempt on the king Regina had obviously been kept away from Ny, so he had decided to simply go out and follow the queens orders as best as he could.

“Hey! You up there.”

Ny glanced over the edge of the roof and saw a pair of massively built men looking up at him. Peasants by their dress.” What?” he called down.

“Uh, what are you doing up there?” one called one of them, pushing his long black hair out of his eyes.

Nylan growled to himself, he didn't want trouble,” I'm busy,” he called,” leave me alone!” He stepped away from the roof.

“Uh, mister?” the man called again.

“What!” he called.

“You're on my roof.”

“Oh,” Ny felt vaguely embarrassed, he had jumped over to another roof to this one, seeing as it seemed more steady. He looked back down at the man, lying half-down so as not to bend the sheet metal roofing,” Sorry, I didn't notice anyone lived here. Give me a moment and I'll get down!”

“Don't mind,” the man called up,” I'll just open the hatch and you can come down the right way!”

Nylan was vaguely wary, but he decided to go down the through the house. He could take down these two men, no matter how big they were. The two men disappeared and a moment later the hatch into the third story of the house swung open and the black haired man appeared.

“Just come on in!” he said, easing Ny's fears with his easy tone.

Nylan grabbed up his pack and jumped in after the man as he went into the house. He looked at the man, his face hardly visible in the dim light of the torch he carried. He looked a bit more decent than most in the area. Behind him stood the other man who'd been down on the street, obviously his son, and past them were two younger teenage girls, and an older woman.

The man nodded friendlyly,” I'm Koth,” he held out a hand,” this is my son, Han, those are my wife and daughters.”

Ny hesitantly took the proffered hand.” I'm Nylan”

“What are you doin' here?” asked Koth's son, Han.

Nylan frowned at him,” that's my business I'm afraid,” he turned back to Koth,” if you want to point me to the stairs then I'll be moving on.”

Koth smiled nervously,” the stairs are there,” he pointed to the rickety looking stairs behind him,” but . . . who are you?” He looked almost frightened at Ny's weapons.

Ny smiled thinly,” I'm from the castle. On business for the queen.”

He saw Koth and his sons faces harden, and they stepped out of his way. He felt a twinge of sadness at their fear of him. It would have been nice to be a greeted in friendlier way. A few quick moments and he found himself standing out on the street once again.

He shook his head, he'd thought that Regina was loved by the people. He thought she helped them. . . . Apparently not, if one judged by Koth and his family's reaction to a mention of her. He sighed.

Turning, he looked up the street. A quick tap back to the eagle and he knew what he had to do. Half a mile directly north of the Northwest Tyrants Tower. The Tyrants Tower was hardly three miles away. He'd need a horse, and that would mean a quick visit back to the castle. . . .

Spoiler! :
Okay guys, here's my post for Ny, if you have anything you need him for then meet him in the castle stables. If there's anything wrong here, or contradictory, then let me know!
For I who am poor have only my dreams
I spread my dreams under your feet . . .

. . . tread softly for you tread on my dreams.

We are masters of our silences, and slaves of our words

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:21 am
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Shady says...

Yamani- Queen of Hearts

I shut the door, grunting, disgusted, and moved along the shelf over my head, looking in each little container as I came to it. I moved to the bedside table, stumbling slightly, and ruffled through the papers in the small drawer. I sighed, slamming the door shut, moving to my closet to look in each pocket of each coat.

"Where's the food? I know I had food in here. I had...I had...jerky. Yes. I had jerky. Where did it go? Someone must've took..." I frowned at the corner of my desk, trying to grasp my thoughts. "Took...who took...I'm hungry."

I sat down on the edge of my bed, tapping my fingers on my leg, frowning, trying to figure out a way to get to the kitchen without being caught. I didn't want anyone to know I'd been smoking, and it was always obvious. I giggled too much.

"Screw it. I'm starving to death." I stood up and cautiously peered out into the hallway. I pulled my head back into the room and considered what I saw. It'd been empty. I peeked my head back out, and looked again.

I'm kind of like a spy. I tip-toed down the hallway. The High Spy.

I giggled, putting my hand over my mouth as I crept into the kitchen. The High Spy on her first mission-- to conquer and banish the munchies, once and for all.

I snickered to myself, spotting a bag of tortilla chips. I grabbed them and started eating. "I'll banish them one chip at a time."

"Banished." I giggled. "I'm 'banished'. It's really not so bad."

I considered a chip, savoring it, each chip the best chip I'd ever eaten in my entire life.

"Are those good?"

I looked up guilty, my mouth filled with chips, eyes wide. Franklin gestured at me, smirking. I looked down, and realized I had an arm around the bag and was hugging it close to my chest. "Er...yes."

I cleared my throat, quickly letting the bag fall to my side, then I offered it to him. "You want some?"

"Nah, I'm good." He grinned.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged, continuing to eat the chips, careful not to look so enamored by them. I leaned against the counter. Don't let him know you're high...be careful. Act...not high. Unhigh. What is that? Low. Try to act low.

I giggled at the thought. I'm low. I'm so low, I'm lower than low. I'm...bottom. I've got friends in low places, where the whiskey flows and the beer washes my cares away. And I'll be okaaay-- no singing. I'm low. I never sing. Not even when I'm low. Especially not when I'm--I'm hungry.


I looked up. Dude! It's Franklin! "Hey Franklin. Mr. Extinct. Though really..."

You can't be extinct. Extinct means dead. If you're dead, you can't be alive. And you are most certainly...

"Though really...?"

I looked at him and blinked.

"You're back."

"I am."

"Did you... find anything?"

"Regina Lordshire is pregnant."

"Yeah." I giggled.


"Yeah, I knew the witch was knocked up."


"Yeah." I cringed and rubbed my side.

"So...what have you been up to?"

Don't remind me. I've had a bad week. I'm smoking to forget. "I've had a rough few days."

"Why don't you tell me about them?"

"Meh...the witch caught me, gave me a dose of the medicine I handed out as a kid, sent me back nearly dead. I got healed. Then sent away both of the people I've ever cared for. How about you?"

"Slightly better."

"I'd certainly hope so." I moved through the cabinets, grabbing a roll, eating it as I looked for more food.

"Well, is there...anything you want me to do?"

"Nah." I turned my back to him, slamming another drawer. "Where is the good f*cking food?"

"What food do you mean?"

"The...the..." I thought a moment. "Cookies. There were cookies."

"They're right there."

I turned and followed his finger to where he was pointing.

"Thanks." I murmured as I walked around a stool, to the bag of cookies.

I ate several cookies, each better than the last one was.

"Well...if that's everything...?"

"Yeah. You can go." I said, waving dismissively. "Thanks."

He murmured something and left. I glanced around, alone again, and slumped against the counter.


I turned towards the slightly angry voice, startled. Minerva stormed in.

"Oh, hey Min." Minny...Mani... we even sound a lot alike. I giggled.

Stopped short and glared at me, leaning close to my face. "...You're high."

"No." I'm lower than low. I giggled again.

"You are."

I am...I'm da High Spy. I giggled again. "...I am."

"Yamani." She sighed angrily. "You're the f*cking Queen."

"I am." I lifted my chin playfully. "Yamani March-- Marble! Yamani Marble...Queen of Hearts."

I stared at her a long moment, wondering if she noticed. She noticed.

"March?" She frowned.

"I am da High Spy." I giggled. "We spies go under many aliases."

She wasn't amused. "Yeah...well, alias is all it'll ever be, I guess, since you decided to be a dumb ass and send him away."

I felt a pang of anger. I need more. I turned and started looking the drawers, sure that I'd stashed a small bag of it somewhere. Even a single pipeful would work. Anything, just so that I didn't get angry again. I knew if I got angry, I would think of Haigha-- and then I'd start crying. Again.

"What are you doing?" She snapped. "Stop! Just...stop...fiddling with stuff and look at me."

I swung my glare around on her. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" She snarled, her eyes wide with rage.

"Yeah. Just chill...take a puff of the peace pipe, if I can find any more." I dug through that drawer, slamming it shut, annoyed. I need more.

"You don't need anymore." She sounded close to snapping. She slammed something on the counter. "You need to get a grip."

I need to get a grip? You're the one who's drunk as f*ck. I glanced at the bottle she slammed on the counter. I'm just high. I can still function perfectly well.

"You need to-"

"Get a grip on what?" I sneered. You need to stop ordering me around. "Your empty bottle?"

She stared at me. "I've had a rough night."

"Oh. Have you?" I snarled, having trouble believing what she was saying. I feel so bad for you.

She gave me a tight smile, and I realized what she was doing. She was just trying to get on my nerves. I didn't have any left to humor her. "I would-"

"Have you been betrayed by the person you trusted most? Did you spend a day with that evil bitch hacking you up?" I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking about the shitty end to my shitty day. Traumatizing, after the day I had. "Have spiders just trashed your f*cking room?"

"No but-"

"I don't really think you have that much to drink over then." I fingered a large scar on my shoulder, from the hag burning me. Of course Min had things to drink about. We all did. I should apologize. I opened my mouth to do so, when a sharp blow to the face broke off my train of thought.

My head snapped around, and I saw Minerva, her hand still raised. She slapped me... I stared at her dumbly a moment, letting her blow sink in. Instinctively, as I realized what she'd done, my fist raised to hit her. I forced it to stop at my side. No. Don't hit her. Don't...hit her.

She cringed, turning her head to the side, expecting me to hit her. Well, yes, you certainly deserve that.

"I suggest." I said through clenched teeth."You don't do that again."

"Why? Because you're so big and bad?" My temper was quivering. My self-control wavering under the weight of my temper."You're nothing. You're just... just... just..."

I'm what?

"Nothing." She jabbed her finger in my chest. And where does that put you, I wonder?"And we're both deluding outselves thinking you're ever going to climb back on top. Haigha's lucky he got out when he did."

Before my self-control had a moment to speak in her defense, my fist was on the move. It slammed into her cheek with such force she fell backward, into the counter. I grabbed the shoulder of her dress as she fell backward. "F*ck you, b*tch."

She frowned, rapidly blinking back tears, still trying to glare at me."Afraid of the truth, Yamani?"

I just didn't think you'd side with that bastard.

She yanked on her dress, and I let go. I snapped my eyes up to her face as she started taunting me again."I mean, it's been five years, and nothing's happened. Miranda? Still alive and well. Happier than you are, I would bet."

She fell flat on her a**, like the drunkard she was, grunting. I grabbed the front of her dress again, so angry I couldn't even think of a proper threat. I jerked her to her feet and pulled her close. "You ignored my suggestion once. Don't be a dumb *ss."

"How come you can insult people, but I can't?" I slammed her into the wall.

Because you're not me. I've seen more sh*t, and dealt with more assh*les than you even knew existed. I've been punched, and stabbed, and burned, and felt more pain than you know it's possible to feel. That's why. "Because I can beat your f*cking *ss."

"That would be a new low for you, yeah?"

She managed to kick the part of me that Reggy had stabbed, and Haigha p*ssed on. I slammed her into the wall again."You have no idea the low I've hit recently."

I have nothing left.

She pushed on my shoulder weakly. "Let. Me. Go."

I grinned rabidly and dropped her, letting her fall flat on her a**, not bothering to try and catch her. I watched her as she struggled to her feet, me turning back to the drawer. It's...It's gotta...f*ck. I'm not in the mood, now.

She stood up, not sure what to do. Still looking to me for direction, Min. I hope you realize that. "Go sleep it off or something."

"I think I'll go take a f*cking walk, Mani." That's a good idea. I wonder if you can, though. You're drunker than h*ll. "I'm leaving. I'm tired of this sh*t."

"I'm surprised you lasted this f*cking long." I leaned against the counter, suddenly exhausted. "You left everyone else you said you were with."

She stared at me a long moment, searching for a response. She couldn't argue. I shouldn't have said that. "B*tch." You sound surprised. She stormed away. I stared after her a long moment, considering following her. I finally shook my head. She'd be back. And I'm not in a very good mood to be patching relationships.

I laid my head on the counter and closed my eyes, resting for just a moment. I was so tired. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. I was tired of living. Of thinking. Of trying.

I was exhausted. Trying to sleep. Someone prodded me in the side. It hurt so badly. I started, a wave of pain rippling across my entire body. A soft voice. Suddnely I was falling. I landed on something hard, and didn't bother to move.

"Princess." The same soft voice. I couldn't place it. Couldn't be bothered to open my eyes to see who it was. "Princess."

"I'm the f*cking queen." I muttered out of habit.

"What's a queen without a king?" Cold laughter. "And what's a king, if he doesn't know that?"

/Haigha...he was going to be my king...and he knew it...he knew it...he knew what he was doing.../ i was sweating. Panting. My body so weak.

Suddenly I was jerked to my feet. My eyes snapped open. Haigha was sitting on the throne before me, a crown on his head. I grinned, my heart leaping even though my body still hurt so very badly.

"Haigha!" I started toward him. "I made it! I lived! I'll be okay. /We'll/ be okay!"

I looked down at my pale arms, still streaked with red gashes, still oozing blood. "I'm not as pretty as I used to be...but I'll heal. I'll get strong again. We'll get strong again...and then we'll make our country strong again."

I looked back up at him. "Isn't that great?"

"An ugly queen is no queen at all."

I stared at him a long moment, his words not penetrating. "Haigha! You spoke! You said a whole--"

His words finally hit me. They hurt. "W-what?"

"I don't need you anymore, Miss Marble." He lifted his chin. "And I never wanted you."

I woke with a start, looking my balance, falling face-first into the edge of the counter. I yelped, crumpling to the ground limply. I rubbed my chin, glaring around at the empty kitchen. I groaned, rubbing my throbbing head, my tongue heavy.

I pushed myself to my feet and staggered to the waterbucket, dipping a cup into it, drinking several cupsful before the heaviness in my mouth started to go away. I stumbled to the window and peered out. It was still full night.

I pressed my face against the cold glass, sighing, my breath fogging up the window in front of me, my mind wandering, trying to find someone else to share the blame. I didn't want to blame Minerva, even though she abandoned me, when I needed her most of all. I couldn't blame Haigha...it was my fault for trusting him. I couldn't blame the hag. It was my fault that she even had the opportunity.

Not my fault. It was spider boy's fault. I clenched my fists. D*mn that f*cking spiderboy. He tricked me. Lured me out into the open. It's all his fault the witch hacked me up...can't believe I was actually going to talk to him..he's going to pay...just as soon as I can find him again...

I remembered what I'd said. We'd meet the night after I blew the statue up. It's your turn to walk into a trap. I drank another cup of water and briskly started down the hall, my balance returned. I walked to the armory and filled a bag with explosives. I glanced around. I'd need another. I dumped the extra magazines out of a second dufflebag, and filled it with C4 charges, thinking a moment, before I slid a carton of matches in my pocket and picked both duffles up.

They hurt my sides so badly. Made it hard to walk. To move. To breathe. I clenched my teeth and my fists, my fingernails digging into the flesh on my palms, and forced myself to go on. Everyone thought I was weak. Everyone thought I'd given up. That I'd gotten soft, and afraid.

F*ck them. I stumbled out of the caved. I don't need them. I don't need Haigha. I don't need anyone.

"That should do it." I stepped backward, looking at my handywork. There were enough charges placed around this thing to bring down the castle. I could've taken down the castle. But I won't do that. I just need to do a bit of fumigation, and run all those roaches out of it-- then I'll take my throne back.

I hid behind a large bolder, peeking my head over it to watch. I pulled the box out and lit a match, pressing it to the end of the fuse, watching as the glowing cherry moved down the wick briskly, getting closer, closer, closer...

The force of the explosion knocked me backward. Deafened me. I instinctively threw my arms over my face and stayed like that, until the ground stopped shaking. I clawed my way back onto the boulder, and saw the big, impressive statue reduced to a pile of rubble.

I walked to it briskly, grabbing planks of crates that were demolished in the explosion. I laid them in front of the still-burning rubble, crossing the tip, making a nice, big Heart. Grinning, I glanced around and hurried back to my caves.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:25 pm
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megsug says...

Spoiler! :
There's some drug stuffs in here. Just a warning~


I stumbled into the caves, singing under my breath so it sounded more like a hum, "But I only liked the upper part. I did not like the tail. I... I... um... D*mn. Forgot it." I held the mostly empty bottle up to my face. I would regret it in the morning. If I was still alive. I had the vague idea that it was eating through my intestine right now.

I glanced around, wondering where I was. I tipped the bottle up, glowering when the trickle stopped, and blinked as I turned a corner. "Yamani!" And, it's not like any- no. It's not like most of this was her fault, but she was standing there, and she was the one who made me go back to Thorn the first time, and she was standing there, and I was more drunk than I had been in a long time.

"Oh, hey Min."

My eyebrows shot up as she giggled stupidly. She wasn't... I leaned close, studying her. "...You're high."

"No." She did that giggle again. It irritated already frayed nerves.

I narrowed my eyes, my head swimming somewhere between complete rage and numbness. "You are."

That giggle. "...I am."

I was fighting for a pothead. I was giving my effort and my sanity to this... mess. "You're the f*cking Queen."

"I am. Yamani March- Marble! Yamani Marble... Queen of Hearts."

I frowned. Perhaps if she had caught me before the second half of the bottle, I would have felt sorry for her. "March?"

"I am da High Spy." The giggle. "We spies go under many aliases."

I forgot how stupid she got sometimes. "Yeah...well, alias is all it'll ever be, I guess, since you decided to be a dumb ass and send him away." I smirked as I saw the flash of anger. I could get to her, and I knew it.

She started messing with something, and it riled me a bit that I wasn't getting a payoff. I was sure Haigha was the right button to press. "What are you doing?" I demanded and when she didn't reply, snapped, "Stop! Just...stop...fiddling with stuff and look at me."

She glared at me, and I smiled coldly. "What's wrong with you?"

I blinked. "What's wrong with me?" I wasn't the wanna be ruler getting high, throwing her fiance out... God, I couldn't even think of what other stupid sh*t she had done... I suppose I couldn't blame her getting caught by Regina on herself...

"Yeah. Just chill...take a puff of the peace pipe, if I can find any more."

I stared at her as she dug through a drawer, twitching as she closed it with a bang. "You don't need anymore." I ran a hand through my hair, slamming my empty bottle on the counter. "You need to get a grip. You need to-"

"Get a grip on what? Your empty bottle?"

I stared at her. "I've had a rough night."

"Oh. Have you?" The affects of the 'peace pipe' seemed to be fading fast. I seemed to have stumbled upon the correct button.

I gave her a tight smile. "I would-"

"Have you been betrayed by the person you trusted most? Did you spend a day with that evil bitch hacking you up? Have spiders just trashed your f*cking room?"

"No but-"

"I don't really think you have that much to drink over then."

And I don't know why that pushed me over the edge when anything else could have, but before I could think about what I was doing, with the part of my brain that was still functioning, my hand shot out, and I slapped her.

Slapping was probably not the best way to go with Yamani. I watched her stiffen, felt myself get ready for the hit, and... nothing happened.

"I suggest," she muttered, somehow not moving her teeth, "You don't do that again."

"Why? Because you're so big and bad?" My common sense voice seemed to be very quiet tonight. "You're nothing. You're just... just... just..." Damn alcohol. "Nothing." I poked her in the chest. "And we're both deluding outselves thinking you're ever going to climb back on top. Haigha's lucky he got out when he did."

I didn't see it coming. I suppose I thought she'd restrained herself once, she'd continue to do so.

She didn't. She hit me with a closed fist which I decided was probably much more effective than a slap as I stumbled back. I would have fallen on my *ss, but she grabbed the front of my dress and spat, "F*ck you, b*tch."

I frowned, blinking rapidly as my eye throbbed. I tried to narrow my eyes. "Afraid of the truth, Yamani?" I sang softly. I yanked myself out of her grip as her eyes snapped. "I mean, it's been five years, and nothing's happened. Miranda? Still alive and well. Happier than you are, I would bet." I tried to keep my balance but fell. I looked up at her, feeling dizzy. "Oof." And suddenly I was on my feet again as Yamani yanked me up.

She pulled me close. "You ignored my suggestion once. Don't be a dumb *ss."

"How come you can insult people, but I can't?" I winced as she pushed me against the wall.

"Because I can beat your f*cking *ss."

"That would be a new low for you, yeah?"

She slammed me against the wall again, and muttered, "You have no idea the low I've hit recently."

I shoved against her shoulder uselessly. "Let. Me. Go." I fell on my *ss when she dropped me with a sickly smile. I struggled to my feet as she returned to the the drawer.

"Go sleep it off or something."

"I think I'll go take a f*cking walk, Mani. I'm leaving. I'm tired of this sh*t."

"I'm surprised you lasted this f*cking long. You left everyone else you said you were with."

I stared at her, reaching for anything to say at all, but I couldn't because that was on the mark, right at the center of truth. All I could think of was, "B*tch" as I stormed away.

Except I had nowhere to go.

So I spent the night, jumping from bar to bar, wandering around aimlessly. Well, not quite aimless. I avoided places. I made sure not to stumble towards Thorn's place. I hated myself for thinking of it as his place. I completely pushed the caves out of my mind. They had been my home for five years, and I had practically enjoyed my life there. At some point in the night, I slid down a building wall and fell asleep.


The ground woke me up. It shook and seemed to be in a fairly threatening mood because it growled. My eyes opened for a moment, but it was too bright; my eyes shut on their own. Looking around blearily, I tried to remember how I had gotten here. When it all came back, I just laid my head back and sighed, squeezing my eyes closed. "F*ck." Slowly, I opened my eyes again, shading them against the sun as I looked around blearily.

The alley was a place I would have normally avoided. It reeked of bad habits and the consequences of them. I couldn't decide if I liked being there or not. I thought I deserved it, but at the same time, I rebelled against being here, chastising myself, my circumstances for putting me here.

Part of me wanted to face my troubles, perhaps hit or stab them if necessary. The other part shook the bottle still clutched in my hand thoughtfully, just wanting to forget them all over again.

Part of me wanted to move, but most of me really wanted to stay here. Those two parts were the only parts to come to a consensus. I sat up but didn't move.

The other parts argued loudly, making it even harder to think and concentrate.

I cradled my head, hoping the pounding would stop so I could at least hear what the parts were saying.

Now, what woke me up?

I blinked at two men, Throne guards it looked like, ran past me, making way more noise than was necessary.

But... Wasn't it from that end of the alley I had heard something?

Breaking the treaty, the part that wanted me to move made me heft myself to my feet, while its cheated ally screamed in outrage.

I stumbled against the wall, putting a hand out to steady myself.

My feet were heavy. The part that wanted to stay put must have put rocks in them or something. I staggered down the alley, feeling as though I was going to cough up my stomach soon. I stopped at the mouth of the alley, wincing at the sudden bright light. When I finally understood what I was seeing, I laughed, but I had to stop sooner than I would have liked because it made my head roar.

Lordshire- or his gaudy statue, it's close to the same- lay in a ruined mess. I almost started laughing again when I saw his oversized head grinning at me.

Who had done this service to humanity?

I saw the heart then, and then the form, hurrying undetected in the shadows. Yet a different part of me collapsed with pain as the other aimed a gun at her head. I didn't have a gun, but it didn't really seem to care.

I just stood there, staring at her as she disappeared. If I hadn't left, I probably would have done that with her. We would be laughing with each other as we ran. I turned away slowly.

And as the parts of me clamored, trying to make a decision, I made one. I was going to shut them up. I was going to forget again. I looked at my bottle, sloshed it beside my ear. I was going to need something more.


I couldn't find anyone selling something I was interested in. I had to go all the way to the harbor and then I didn't have enough money, but some people will give away anything for a willing piece of *ss. I hit up as soon as I was done with the b*st*rd, and he'd given me my fee.

It's a good trip.

I stared at a building. I seemed to leave myself and be the building.

Tired of standing. Standing tall. Look over the city. See the shadow of places you'll never be. You don't really want to leave anyways.

I like the building. Maybe because I don't have to be me with all my raging parts declaring war. I'm ready to be it. Maybe forever.

The building has one job. It cannot change its mind. It has no decisions to make. All it does is hold people and look out daydreaming about distance.

I lean into it and sigh, closing my eyes. Open them.

A window.

Who knew windows were so deep?

I'm ready to explore the thoughts of all mediums of construction, but I'm distracted.

A kid is laughing. I turn toward the sound, frowning, study the harbor. There.

Old man, two kids. I know the old man. Somewhere... somewhere before I was a building.

I hum to myself, approaching slowly. I should know this place, maybe even these kids... Except I don't know any kids. Can't really stand them. Too loud. And I can't remember how I got here.

I look down at the sidewalk because I kind of feel like it's moving beneath me.

Strong, dependable, but cracked with time. You stretch everywhere, know everything. You see the whole city in a glance, but you has one path.

No choices.

I should have been made of concrete. Another laugh.


I go closer.

The old man's showing them something, bent down, not looking towards me. I could do something, but I don't really know what. I'm only the sidewalk.

I'm almost on top of them. I can hear them, but for some reason, I can't understand what they're saying, and then, I hear a cry. My head jerks up.


Can go anywhere. Just choose a direction.

I don't like the boat.

Someone is still yelling. There are words, but I don't really understand... They're not nice, whatever they are. I look up at the deck of the boat. Things started to fall into place. Miranda was there, yelling. Some man seemed to be trying to calm her down, and the third person...

Somehow, I forget about the building and the sidewalk.

I stumble forward. "You son of a b*tch!"

She had been right. Oh my f*cking god, she had been right, and I had yelled at her and mocked her and accused her.

Insults ran through my head, but I couldn't seem to decide on just one. I opened my mouth, ready to use all of them. I was rudely interrupted by a bang.

A bullet.

Two choices. Hit or miss.

I jump back. If its target was the ground, it hit. I don't think it was though. I stare up at Miranda. "Hold on! I don't-"

Another shot.

I turn to run, not ready to deal with Miranda, not when I can only stare dumbly at her lips moving, wondering what's coming out. I must not be going fast because there's a third shot, and I'm pretty sure it decided it would hit unless the ground really was the target.

Pain rips through my shoulder, and I scream but keep going. If I linger, one of these bullets will decide its target is my head. I duck behind the building I was just a few moments ago. I lean against the wall, breathing heavily through gritted teeth. My shoulder burns and throbbed angrily. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears burned at the corners. I hear voices and push myself off the wall.

I run for what seems to be an eternity, and, eventually, my shoulder is just a dull throb. My footsteps become a beat. I start to calm down.

The city.

Spreading, throbbing with life, yet never moving. A red dot is Minerva. She moves, but you're not one to pay attention to a single being. You watch as these silly beings squabble. Your heart still trembles from an explosion, but you're not too worried. Such things happen. Something will soon replace it. You watch, fingers stretching out as more come, and accept.

I stumble to a halt, air coming in painful gasps. My back is wet, hot, and sticky. I lay down, empathizing with the cobblestones.

The murmurings of myself arguing with me are beginning again, but they're muffled by a fog. Of drugs or something else. I don't know. I don't care. I close my eyes. Minerva is a red dot again.

The city listens to dogs bark.

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Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:26 am
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AlmondEyes says...


"Shhh...." Dad hushed in my Ear. "Everything will be just fine."

I pushed against his chest, trying to get him off off me. "You hurting me Daddy!"

I tossed and turned in bed,trying to get the memories to go away.

No one had been home that night. Mom and Lini had gone away to spend quality time together. That left me and Dad alone in the house for the next few days. Something I had been dreading since they'd told me about te trip.

"God your skin is so soft," he touched my neck.

"Daddy please stop." I cried, completely terrified. "I don't understand!"

He pinned my wrists above my head and laid down on top of me, his eyes swirling with the foulest hunger i'd ever seen before. "It'll all be over soon."

"What do you-"

A scream of pain tore through me, thrusting me from my nightmare. Everything crashed to ground around me the sound grating against my nerves. Panting like a Dog in heat, I wiped the cold sweat from eyes and looked around. I was back in my bed, back in my cave, and no one was here. With a sigh, I pushed my sweat soaked hair away from my forehead and got out of bed to take off my now sodden night clothes before running a cool damp cloth over myself. So the nightmares finally came back. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I wasn't. They'd been long over do.

As I finished cleaning myself off, I got dressed and decided to go out for some air. I didn't bother putting my hair up. Didn't see any reason to. After checking the traps around the cave, I made my way out to a little meadow I liked to meditate in. The night air was cool, a slight breeze wafting through the trees and grass. For the most part, it was quiet out, except for the creatures scurrying about on the ground, weaving through the tree and flowing through the Sky on their merry way. The moon had risen in the sky, pregnant, and bursting with light. As the Meadow came into view, something caught my eye.

I saw the outline of a silent figure freeze, carefully stepping closer to the tree it was beside. I slowed my pace, then stopped completely. I moved to the nearest tree, making my way up and onto a branch without so much as a sound. I watched as she moved stiffly from one tree to the next using them for support. Finally she stopped, sighing loudly. "I know you're here. You might as well come out."

I smiled before flipping to the branch of another tree, and dropping to the ground in front of her. I loved being an assassin. "Are you lost?"

"Ah, it's you." She crossed her arms, glaring at me in the darkness.

I almost laughed at her hostility, but opted for an amused smile. "Ah, did you miss me?"

"Actually, I haven't given you a second thought." She stretched her back, favoring her right side. "How's Sister Dear treating you?"

Hm. Wonder how she knew about that. Instead of answering her question, I snapped my fingers, my face looking as if i'd just remembered something. "That's right! Well, I remember. And don't worry about that. I know it's because I kicked your ass the last time we met, so I won't hold it against you."

She scoffed. "Please. Minerva was the only thing that stood between you and the worst beating of your miserable life."

"If that's what you tell yourself," I smirk. "then I'll go along with it, though lying to yourself isn't very attractive. You should do something about that."

"If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it." She snapped.

"Somebody feeling crabby?" I clucked. "That's not very becoming of a Queen-Whoops!! Did I let that slip?"

"Aw. Someone's being cute." She sighed irritably.

"Someone's being a b*tch, and I must say i'm enjoying myself." I smile sweetly. "I can see why you do it so much."

Hm. This really isn't like me at all, but what the hell? I was having fun.

"Anything for your happiness, Deary." She started walking again.

I moved in front of her, which wasn't much of a problem since she was shorter than me and moving like an old granny. "You seem to be having some difficulty moving about."

"Mind your own d*med business."

"Excuse me for making an observation." I shrugged. "If you wanna walk around like a wounded puppy, you go right on ahead. Just don't blame me when you get caught like that. Royal or not, you're still a woman."

"What do you care?" She wiped her forehead.

I shrug. "I never said I did. I'm just stating a fact."

"Mm." She leaned against the tree again, breathing slightly heavily.

I look at her for a moment before saying, "For someone so smart, you can be pretty damn stupid."

"Tell me about it." She murmured, so quietly I barely heard her. "Good to know you think I'm smart."

"Oh. I just said you were smart, but I don't think you are." I blinked.

"You are such a b*tch!" she snapped. "You know that?"

"Takes one to know one."

"...Did you really just say that?" She snorted.

"It's true," is all I say. " and you know it is."

There was no reason for denying what we both knew was true. Though I didn't give a damn either way.

"Yeah. I know I'm a b*tch. I just don't care." She pushed on my chest. "Now move!"

I grabbed her arm, twisting it around her back before forcing her against a Tree. I hated it when people touched me. "One thing you should know, is that I don't like it when people touch me. Bad things happen when people touch me."

She drove her elbow into my side, jerking away, stumbling, barely catching herself on the tree before she would've fell flat on her back. "I don't like when people try to stop me."

We started each other down for what seemed like an eternity. I didn't really like being around people when the Moon was full. I was always more irritable, and this bitch wasn't helping anything. Plus the fact that my hair turned. People always stared. Like she was doing right now.I smirked at her curious expression and and licked my lips provocatively. "See something you like?"

Moon light broke through trees, hitting us both. My smirk shifted into a flat out smile when her cheeks went beet red as she bristled and looked away. "What do you want?"

"Just to see you squirm," I smile wide.

"Keep dreaming, b*tch." She slid away, pale, not looking so good.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh. "Would you prefer me seeing you squirm, or pass out?"

"I'd prefer me seeing you bow at my feet."

"It looks more like you'll be passed out at mine," I snort.

"B*tch, please." She panted, her voice starting to sound as weak as she looked. "I am just fine."

"Oh yea," I nod sarcastically. "The sweat on your eyebrow, pained look on your face and pale skin make you look radiant in the Moon light."

Laughing was the last thing I should have been doing, but I almost couldn't help myself. She looked like a mess. The dark smudges on her clothes,the ones on her face beginning to smudge from the sweat on her face, and it almost a comical contrast, against her pale skin. The burns and one her hands and neck did nothing to help either.

"I've had a rough week." She lifted a shoulder, seeming to follow my eyes, and pulled her hand up into her sleeve. "Give me a break."

"How about wrap for your burns and broken Ribs?" my right eyebrow slides up.

I gave a mental head shake. Royals and their pride.

"No." She snapped.

"Wow. You really are stupid." I finally laughed. "How the hell were you even running Wonderland? I'm surprised you're not already dead, but you probably will be soon from internal bleeding."

What the hell was this girl thinking? Did she want to die? Hell. All she had to do was ask me.

"I ran-- run-- Wonderland, because I'm one of the few people who actually understands how her people work. Think. Act." She wiped at her brow. "Refusing to baby myself has nothing to do with my competence to rule."

"So dying out here when the buzzards can pick at your dead body is competence?"

"I ain't dead yet." She smirked. "Sorry to disappoint."

"You will be soon, and don't worry. If I wanted you dead, you would be dead." I smirked back.

Several different ways came to mind, and I considered all of them. Snapped neck, slit throat, asphyxia, crushed wind pipe, crushed skull, crushed rib cage, punctured lung, etc.

"Ooh, scary."

"I'm not trying to be scary," I shrug. "Just honest. Something you lack."

"Just what do you think I'm lying about?"

"I never said you were lying about anything," I shake my head. "just that you're not honest"

"Now you're just trying to play cute."

"Not at all." I blink and shake my head.

She was really starting to get on my nerves. Resisting the urge to knock her out was almost unbearable. The girl was about to keel over, and thinks she can just walk away? Pride was always the one Sin you couldn't beat. Pride got people killed all the time. It looked like she was next.

"Look, I'm tired. Just leave me alone."

"To die?" I turn to leave. "Fine then. Have fun."

"I will."

I doubted that. Only after a few feet, I slowed to a stop and sighed. Damn me and my sometimes kind hearted nature. As I move out of sight, I turn to the tree beside me and climb up to watch her.She took a deep breath, gathering her strength, and started to walk away without another word.

She started walking rather briskly, glancing around, trying to keep her eye on me, but as we got closer to the cave, I guessed that I slipped from her mind, because she started favoring her right leg, panting. She struggled to make it all the way to the caves, but managed it. A moment later she disappeared within.
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:31 am
Shady says...

The Dormouse

I sat on a stump, looking at the city of Wonderland-- no more than a spot in the distance. I sighed, thinking about all the royals. They were immature fools. All of them. I got so tired of them, sometimes. They made me want to lie down and take a nap...even though they always came stumbling along and woke me up.

Yamani has gotten herself healed...after getting herself nearly killed...after going off on a mission that she knew was dangerous...but going anyway. I sighed again, grabbing my pipe, taking a long puff, letting it relax me. It was really the only thing that kept me sane, with the madness that surrounded me.

As if on cue, there was crunching behind me, and I turned to find the Queen herself meandering onto the knoll. She was heavily armed-- guns and blades strapped to every inch she could reach of her body. I wondered how accurate she'd be with the guns. I knew she didn't practice with them much.

She was panting, trembling. So pale. She looked so very weak, and the sweat on her brow said she was. It really wasn't all that far from my perch to the caves. The previous week she could've made it without getting winded. Now, it looked like all she could manage. She was so tired she wasn't paying attention. Didn't see me.


She leapt to the side, whirling around, pointing a gun towards my middle. I lifted my eyebrows. She sighed, lowering her gun. Touchy, are we? "Honestly, Yamani, must you jump like everyone else? It's been give years, and I'm not that startling."

She sighed, rubbing her face. "You just...surprised me."


"...What are you even doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same." I'm usually out here. It's quiet...you're usually wherever there's people to should at.

"You could." She snarled. "But I'm the Queen, and under no obligation to answer your questions."

"A bit touchy, aren't we?" I clicked my tongue.

"I can be touchy if I want!" She snarled. You're not going to yell at me. "I'm the--"

"Queen, yes, yes, I know." I interrupted. "You may be as impossible as you wish."

"Thank you." She seemed relieved that I wasn't telling her to calm down. I don't see why people tell you to calm down...that just feeds your fit.

"The question, though, is 'why'?"

"Why?" She repeted dumbly.

"Yes, why." I answered, knowing I was going to set her off. But we'll be moving towards the calm after the storm... "Why be so short tempered, when there's so many other good ways to be?"



"...Well...if you're sure about that."

"Don't start!" She glared at me.

"Mm..." I looked at her flatly. Don't try to exercise your so-called authority over me, Queen.

"What does that mean? 'Mm'?"

"It means...mm." And I don't have to explain myself to you.

"That means you think I'm being a kid."


"So you think I'm unreasonable." You are.


"You think Haigha was a better leader."

"No." So that's what's getting at you?

"Then what does it mean, then?" She snapped.

"...It meant, 'mm'." I answered. "You really should listen to what people actually say."

"Don't tell me to calm--oh..." Like that...


She sighed angrily, winding down. "Well say something then."

"Well, how about you sit down?"

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Fine. Then I guess you're going to stand?" I'd issued the challenge. I'd offered both options. Now she couldn't defy me by standing.

"I'll do whatever I like." She snapped, sitting down.

"As you wish." I didn't smile. I merely looked at her as she sat, continuing to lose her steam. She really was tired.

"...Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing with all these weapons?"

"No." You're just trying to bait me into asking, so you can bellow at me. No.

"...You're not going to ask me who I'm planning to kill?"


"Oh...good. 'Cause I wouldn't tell you anyway."

"Of course not." Not if I asked. I've got to wait for you to come around yourself.

She hesitated, glaring at me. "It's really none of your business."

"I never said it was."

"I can do whatever I please."

"Because you're the Queen?" I supplied.



"There you go again, with your 'Mm's."

"How would you like me to answer?" I asked. I'll answer however you like. If you'll only stop bellowing at me.

"I..." She glared at me hard. "I know what you're doing. I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing."

You are. "That's fine."

"...You don't care what I'm doing?"

"I thought you didn't want to tell me."

"I'm not going to." She was silent a moment. You're going to tell me, very soon. "But...you're not the lease bit curious?"

I lifted my eyebrows. Curiosity gets you eaten by cats. "Mm."

"It's because you think I'm boring."

"Not at all." I might, if you were anyone else. But, really, your adventures shouted in my ear make them so much more exciting.

"I'm not."

"I didn't say you were." Never a dull moment.

"But you were thinking it."

"You don't know what I'm thinking." At that moment, my words echoed my thoughts. I guess she did know what I was thinking, just now...Mm.

"Sure I do. You think I don't actually do anything interesting. You think I've gotten soft."

"Of course not." You're fascinating. Especially now that I've heard all these wild ideas you're coming up with.

"Good!" She snapped. "Because I haven't."

"That's good to know." Of course you haven't. You're not the "soft" type.

"I'm still an enemy to be reckoned with."

"You are?"

"Damn straight. I'm going to kill Lordshire and his hag...and sister dear, while I'm at it."

Of course you are. You're going to win...if you play your cards right.

"You think you'll live long enough to kill them all, if you charge in there half-cocked?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, amending myself. "..though heavily armed."

"They don't scare me."

"I know they don't." I didn't ask if you were afraid of dying. I asked if you thought you'd survive. Big difference. "You're the Queen of Hearts."

She hesitated. And now to cool her off.. I handed her the pipe. "Wild Hearts can't be broken."

She frowned, but took the pipe, nodding, determined. "That's right."

She took a long draw, sighing, letting her shoulders slump as she let the breath out. She wasn't going anywhere. She was my little pothead, and she'd stay right here with me until she was higher than the clouds. Then she'd think she was going to sleep, but really raid the kitchen instead.

"However, there's nothing shameful in a strategic approach." I said, finally forcing the conversation to a more serious note."Perhaps one that'll even keep you alive, to enjoy the throne you enjoy so much."

"I don't even care about the throne." She rolled her shoulders, hogging the pipe, like she always did. "I just want Wonderland to thrive."

"As a true Queen should."

"Mm." She sighed, finally relaxed. Now you understand why I say that? "What do you propose I do, then?"

Finally."Psychological warfare."

"Which means?"

"Regina is pregnant."

"I'm aware." I thought you might be.

"Threaten her baby, and you threaten a piece of her." I paused and watched her. She laid a hand over her stomach protectively, not seeming to notice me watching her. Is there a second Queen pregnant as well? "Threaten her, and you threaten Lordshire."

"But I wouldn't hurt her baby." She argued, shaking her head. "It's not the kid's fault it has horrible people for parents. It's not like it could choose."

I smiled. There is the very reason why I love you so much, Mani. You've got a temper like nothing I've ever seen before, and a mouth that's constantly running-- but your venom is very controlled. Well measured. You hurt just who you mean to, and no one else.

"I know, and you know, that you'd never hurt a baby-- any baby-- but they both think you hate them enough to hurt their baby."

"Empty threat." She was a quick one."Get in their heads."

"Psychological warfare." I answered.

She did some quick figuring. "I can do that."

"Of course." I had no doubt.

"I've got an idea."

"I thought you might." You've always got ideas.

She sprang to her feet and stumbled toward the caves. I smiled, watching her stagger back from where she came, giggling, her hands out to the sides for balance. She was so adorable when she was high. The smoke suppressed all the bad things-- her stress, her temper, all her bitterness. It let the good in her come out. I wished she'd smoke with me more, even if I knew why she didn't.

I shook my head, lighting the pipe again. She was loyal, when she decided to be. Enough so not to smoke. That's more than I'd do...for anyone, really. I heard some rustling in the bush behind me and turned around, to find someone clambering out of the undergrowth. I crossed my legs, watching him lazily.


I let my gaze drift up to his face. I knew him. “Why, hello there, Franklin. Care to join me for a late-day snack?” I offered him the pipe.

“You’d be wasting it on somebody who wouldn’t get any of the effects anyway, Dormouse." Too bad. "Have you seen Yamani?" Many times.

"I have accomplished the assignment!” He fumbled around with a boot, looking very proud of himself.

I narrowed my eyes. He was a loud gent. What is this? “Assignment?”

“Yeah, I found out the important information." Do tell. I took another puff. "Regina Lordshire is pregnant.”

Old news. I watched the smoke swirl into the air as I blew it out. “My friend, you have missed quite a bit.”

“Where is my queen satiated?”

I smirked. “Well, she is quite satiated." In fact, higher than I think she'd like you to see her. "But I don’t think you know what that word means.”

He snorted. “Of course I do. If I didn’t my name would have to be not mine!”

“Well, she’s situated in her cave." I rolled my shoulders, wondering how long the effects of the pipe would last her. "But her mood leaves something to be desired.”

“Naught to fear, Dormouse.” He stuck out his chest. Oh, you're very proud of yourself. “I am a MINIMALIST.”

"That's nice, dear." I mumured as he tripped into the cave.

I sat for several long moments, enjoying the feeling in my limbs, the twitching. I remembered the very first time I'd smoked, way back when I was a wee mouse, just starting to experiment with the freer things in life. It'd been the highest I'd ever gotten. Pity. It was wasted, on a young pup. I could really enjoy that, now that I know what's going on.

After a while I stood up and lazily made my way to the town, not really sure where I was going. I merely wandered around, listening to whatever I could hear, seeing whatever came before me. Eventually, I found myself standing outside of a tavern. Where broken Hearts come to mend. I shook the thought from my head. That wasn't true. Not anymore. Now, this was a neutral tavern. Politcs forbidden. Smart landlady.

I pulled my cloak over my head and walked in. It was too hot for a cloak. But people tended to react...badly, when they first saw me. Because a large mouse is the strangest thing you can see in Wonderland these days...

I stopped when I saw Haigha sitting stiffly in the corner. Oh, look who it is... Sitting opposite him was... Oh...How very interesting. The Kings of White and Hearts were sitting down to a pint together? Now this was something I wanted to see. I walked to the bar and sat for a moment, watching them.

Haigha seemed to be trying very hard not to move. Brae, on the other hand, was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently, his eyes flicking around, like he had something he wanted to say very badly, but was trying to restrain himself. Fascinating.

"What for you?"

I turned towards the barkeeper and shook my head. "Just a word with my friends, thank you."

We need to talk...you two are probably the two more influential men in the entire kingdom, yet neither of you are playing it up. I slipped off the stool and walked toward them. They both looked up at me as I approached, and tensed.

"Hello, my friends." I said, letting my hood fall back slightly. Haigha's eyes filled with recognition. Brae frowned, like he had something he wanted to say to me. I smirked. "If you two aren't busy, would you like to join me for late afternoon tea?"

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:58 pm
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Alvarin says...

Spoiler! :
Long over-due post here.. Sorry about that >.> I hope this will make this will get WR going again :)

Garion Thornbranch (The Talking Door) - The castle --> His place
I cursed as I woke up to a blurry, painful world. It felt as if I had a rat in my head, trying to eat and dig its way out. I tried sitting up, but found that I couldn’t even move, and since it made the rat in my head even more eager to get out, I stopped. How long had it been since I fainted from using my powers? Probably yea.. Oh, wait. You fainted when you fixed up that other royalty. They really ought to learn how to take care of themselves. One poisoned and the other one cut to pieces. Wasn’t there supposed to be a third one?

My thoughts were getting more and more obscure, until everything disappeared for a moment. When I opened my eyes again the dogs on the floor had moved. I felt a bit better, but the rat was still there, and I still couldn’t move. Once again I closed my eyes, and let the world disappear. The next time I opened them I was able to sit up and look around. I suppose I should be happy I’m not in the dungeon. The room looked familiar. Refurnished and with other tapestries on the walls, but definitely the same room I stayed in all those years ago. The view towards the northern mountains was exactly the same, and I still detested it.

I tried to stand up, but the world spun around and I found myself laying on the bed again. Not yet. One of the dogs whimpered, probably worried about me, so I tapped the side of the bad with my hand, making him come over and sit down so that I could pet him. More sleep was probably a good idea, but I didn’t want to sleep, not here, at least. I had some things in my bag that could help, but that would only make my headache worse, and it was just barely bearable as it was. No, you need sleep, not potions.


One of the dogs barked, and a moment later there was a knock on the door. This time I managed to stand up, though I had to lean against the wall to remain standing. From now on I’m going to hold back more. Can’t be walking around looking like a freaking zombie all the time.

“What?” I asked as I opened the door, in a tone that was more annoyed that I intended it to be. I frowned slightly as I realized that it was the face of the queen I was looking at. “How’s your husband?” I asked instead, leaning heavily on the doorframe. Last thing I remembered before fainting was of him hugging me, so he should’ve been alright.

“Thank you,” she said, stepping into the room as I moved aside. “You saved his life.”

“Suppose I did,” I muttered, leaning my back towards the wall. Maybe a potion wasn’t such a bad idea. “Do something about the poor district.” I wasn’t sure why exactly she had come to me now, but I might as well get straight to the point. That had been the only reason that I had agreed to help her.. That, and the fact that I had decided to help everyone, so I was going to keep to that decision.

She smiled a bit, then turning her back to me. “How does it feel to be in the castle again? Is this room suitable enough?”

She’s avoiding to answer my question. I glared at the mountains outside the window. It was stupid that a few mountains could make me so uncomfortable. “I never liked the castle much, nor the people who lived in it.. What does it matter what I think of the room?”

“If you don’t like this one, I can offer you any other..one with a different view, perhaps.” That mindreading thingy was giving me the creeps. She turned back to me. “I would like you to stay in the castle.”

I raised an eyebrow. Stay in the castle? “The poor district?” I repeated. I wasn’t going to stay, and I sure wasn’t going to help them again unless they finally did something about it. “It’s the only real reason why you have a rebellion at your hands. Do something, and I might consider staying.” But the gods know I need the money..
“We have a rebellion at our hands because two girls believe blood is what makes someone worthy of a title. I gave you my word. I tend to keep my promises - that said, you’re now as free as any other citizen of Wonderland to walk its streets.” She glanced at my eyes, and I glared back. Stop that. “It would mean a lot to us if you stayed.”

“If people weren’t unhappy with the way you rule, they wouldn’t support those girls. I no one supported them, there wouldn’t be a rebellion,” I muttered. It took a bunch of idiots to overthrow a regent, not just two. “If I stayed, would it be as the court physician?” The dogs needed food, and so did I, but it still didn’t feel quite right. Now, she had said that she usually kept her promises, and countless people would get better lives if someone fixed the poor district, and ended the rebellion. “Last time I tried that, it didn’t go very well. I tend to speak my mind, and kings usually don’t like it when people.. Give critique.” That was a nice way of putting it, but it was basically what I done the time I got myself exiled.

“I’m not a king,” she said simply, smiling a bit the next moment. “In fact, I admit I’m rather interested in your mind. And as for your position, yes, I believe getting you as the court physician would be one of the best things recently happening in this castle.”

“My mind?” I frowned. Did I even want to know why? You do realize that you’re just sounding creepy? “If I am to work here, then I have some terms. I’ll still help anyone who needs me, and you, your husband or the guards shouldn’t interfere. I’m free to go where the heck I want, when the heck I want, and so are my dogs. Oh, and if I see you’re not doing something to help the poor district, I’ll quit.” I smiled mirthlessly. “Thoughts on that?”

“You are a fascinating person,” she said, seeming somewhat confused. “It would take me weeks to go through all the memories you have..and I would prefer to hear about the past from you instead. I believe you know this land better than anyone, and it’s been quite a while since I’ve last walked its streets..” She licked her lips. “I’m not asking you to pick a side. Help whomever you want; we will each deal with people our own ways. I have my own terms, however. You will work for me, answer to me and keep whatever you witness in the castle for yourself. I will help the people of the poor district, but I will not ignore nor show mercy to our enemies living there. Inside the castle, when I decide someone is not to be healed, you won’t do it.” She mimicked my smile. “Thoughts on that?”

My memories are not for you to be fascinated by, so stop looking into my head. I’ll answer whatever questions you have, as long as it isn’t about me.” I looked away, hoping she wouldn’t see the memories that flashed by before my eyes. Memories of my home, and the burnt down ruins left of it. “I’ll help whoever needs it, like I always have.. And that does include the poor bastards in your dungeon. Waiting for them to get out just gives me more work, and I find your handiwork particularly exhausting.” This time I didn’t smile, but kept a grim expression, thinking on the many wounds on Yamani.

“It’s not my problem you choose to get yourself exhausted for the sake of others,” she cut. “The bastards in my dungeons are there for a reason, and that is something I can’t agree on - if you come close to them, you might find yourself unable to leave.”

“And you might find yourself with a dog on your ass,” I muttered between clenched my teeth. Did she really find their pain that enjoyable? Only the thought of torturing someone made me nauseous. “I didn’t make an exception for your husband, and I’m not making an exception for them. Whatever they’ve done, no one deserves that.” Well, maybe some people, but I was fairly sure there was no one like that in her dungeon. “Put me in a cell if you want, but I won’t really be able to do my work from there.” I shrugged lackadaisically.

She grinned, stepping closer. “I am acting as your friend because I chose to,” she said. “I find you to be a precious asset, and wouldn’t like you to see me as your enemy. But I won’t let you stand in my way of dealing with things. Keep away from my dungeons, unless I say otherwise, and I will keep away from your memories.”

I snickered. If she actually did put me in a cell.. Well, then it would just make it so much easier for me to make up my mind. “We’ll see about that.”

She left, and I was able to gather my thoughts and calm down. I wasn’t sure this was the best decision, but then again, I could always just leave.. And I was going to do just that if nothing changed in the poor district.

I let a guard show me to a room facing a different direction, and then left the castle. If I was going to work as the court physician again, I’d need my things, at least the most essential. I could probably ask the queen to supply me with what else I needed later, ‘cause I didn’t want to take everything from my place. People would still need me in the poor district, so I would keep my place there as it was.. I’ll probably end up spending more time there than in the castle anyway.


As I approached the door I realized there had to be someone there. The dogs weren’t acting like they usually were, they seemed too excited. I couldn’t see anyone around, so I assumed that they must’ve let someone in.. Either that, or someone had given them some sweets.

I opened the door silently, and smiled a bit when I saw Minerva sleeping in an armchair, with one of my dogs curled up by her feet.. I couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved. Seems you weren’t too angry with me. I swallowed, realizing what kind of reaction I’d get when I told her that I had accepted Regina’s offer. Why have you let yourself care? I knew I shouldn’t. It was bad enough that I had let Rook and Knightley get to me. Me caring for someone never led to anything good.

As I sighed quietly, the dog’s head snapped up, and he gave me a guilty look. You know you’re not allowed in here if I’m not here.. Once again I realized that I had to do something about my pack. They weren’t supposed to let people in. He quickly jumped out of the bed as I glared, and then turned towards Minerva to wake her. I almost stopped him. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep, and I knew our next conversation wouldn’t be.. Nice.

She stirred, but didn’t open her eyes. "Just a second, baby." I raised an eyebrow. Are you talking to the dog now?

The dog tried again, and this time woke up with a start, falling out of the chair. I couldn’t help but chuckle. A klutz indeed. She cursed at the dog, and then look up at me, her eyes widening slightly, before her look turned into a glare. "I'm glad you're in a good mood,” she muttered as she pushed herself up. Actually I’m a bit too happy to see you. I shouldn’t care.

"You let the dog in," I noticed with a smirk, and you’re adorable when you sleep.

"It was quiet," she said softly, searching my face for something, but not seeming to find it. "I just wanted some noise." Yes, I suppose you’d need some sound. It takes time to get used to silence. I frowned a little, even though I tried not to. She was too young, and she wouldn’t remain young for very long.. At least not compared to me. You shouldn’t care.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked. "Is Yamani that bad?" I didn’t want to argue with her, not really, but maybe it was for the best? If she left now, then I wouldn’t get any closer to her. I wouldn’t have to watch her grow old, I wouldn’t have to grieve her death.

"I was..." She stopped herself suddenly. What? "...Coming to get my dagger,” she said instead. “I might run into some trouble today." So you’re going to do something stupid?

I wanted to ask her what she was going to do, I wanted to tell her not to.. I wanted her to stay here with me. No, stop. "It's over there somewhere," I said and gestured towards the counter that I had put it on.. Or had I just dropped it in the sink?

She started searching, and the silence reminded me of my dull headache. I put my bag on the table, not bothering to unpack it. I was just going to pack up some more stuff and then go back to the castle anyway. Back to the castle.. You’re not really making much progress. "...I'm sure the Lordshires treated you right.”

I turned towards her again and shrugged. Better than expected. "Actually..." My voice trailed off. I didn’t want to tell her, because I knew she wouldn’t forgive me, but at the same time I wanted her to walk out of my door and never come back, before I got any more attached. She sighed, and I forced myself to focus. Just say it already. If you don’t you’ll regret it later. "She offered me a job," I said simply.

She knocked a bowl to the floor, and I couldn’t help but wince slightly. Luckily it was empty, but some of the stuff I had here wasn’t good to get on the skin. "You didn't accept, of course," she said with a nervous laugh.

"I did." Go ahead and hate me.

She froze, and I knew I probably looked the same. "...What?" she said, her voice barely audible, as she got up, the bowl in her hand. I half expected her to throw it at me. She might’ve looked calm, but I knew it wouldn’t last much longer.

"Minerva, she's going to clean up the Poor District. I don't have a choice." I did have a choice, I supposed, but not one that I wanted to take. The best way to help the people of the Poor District was via the already reigning king and queen.

She slammed the bowl down on the counter, and laughed. It wasn’t a nice laugh, and it made me frown, stirring my anger again. Seems this will be easier than I thought. "You think she actually means it? Who wouldn't want a healer, Thorn? If I would have thought of it first, I would have promised to help every f*cking pauper in this city!" The big difference is that you don’t have the means to do so with. What did she take me for? I wasn’t such an idiot that I’d fall for some falls promise. "How are you going to preserve your precious neutrality now that you've sold out to Regina?"

I felt my inside go cold, and I felt almost disgusted. You don’t even know me.. Why was I stupid enough to let myself care for someone like you? "First, I don't act for neutrality,” I started, struggling to keep my voice calm. “I act for the people. Not people like you or Miranda or Lordshire, but people like Rook..." Who I found without any memories and working for you. "Before the Hearts got at him." I tied my fists, but forced myself to put them behind my back. I wanted to slam my fist into the wall, but I didn’t want to show her how angry I was. Instead I started pacing back and forth. "Now," I said before she had time to interrupt, "I like to think I'm the kind of person that gets things done." I leered at her, even though I knew I shouldn’t. It was beneath me. "As you should know. Tell me, should I throw my chances in with you and your precious Yamani because you say Lordshire and his wife are devil's spawn? Or, should I accept a current ruler's offer, so she might actually get something done?"

She didn’t answer. Of course she didn’t. She didn’t have any proper argument, and she knew it. All she had was some silly old grudge, and greed. I shook my head.

"Can't make a decision again, Minerva? Perhaps, it's because you know that none of this mess has sh*t to do with the Poor District. When the queen-" I held up a hand as she frowned.. "Excuse me. When the current queen who actually holds power restores the Poor District, what will Yamani and Miranda be doing?"

Once again, she didn’t answer, but this time she knew exactly what to say, but she didn’t want to admit it. Miranda and Yamani never cared for the people. All they wanted was the throne, and as long as they got it, it didn’t matter how much they made their people suffer just to achieve their own selfish goals. The reason Wonderland was in such a state was because there was an almost constant civil war. One idiot would bring down a ruler, but before anyone had time to rebuild the country another idiot came and tried to take the throne. It was no better than how the North used to be.

"Ten points for the Duchess!” I exclaimed. “They'd still be fighting this pointless war, if you can even call it that anymore."

"Of course it's a war!"

"You don't know s*** about war!" I shouted, finally losing my calm. She had never even seen a proper war, where people died by the thousand, where people were even turned against their own families. "You're either blind or stupid or crazy if you refuse to see the people suffering because of this damned..." My voice trailed off when I couldn’t find a word that suited the pitiful bickering of the three parts in Wonderland.

"War?" she suggested with a smile that made me want to turn the dogs on her.

"Neverending catfight!" I snapped. "Nothing gets accomplished! You just kill people and... make me work more and piss Lordshire off! You're too young to recognize that it's childish! All of you!" No, I need to calm down. Before I say something I can’t take back. Why doesn't she leave already?

She frowned, and I knew she didn’t understand. She didn’t understand who I was, and she didn’t understand what a real war was like. "We're old enough to poison Lordshire," she pointed out.

"More work for me!” No, I need to stop. “I'll say that I would probably have already f*cked you and bid you a good day if it wasn't for the fact that your dear cousin poisoned him. We wouldn't be right here talking about it because I wouldn't have gone in the first place." F*ck. I can’t believe I just said that. I didn’t normally get that angry, not with anyone.. She just had that effect. She made me lose control.

She stepped back, looking hurt, and she had the right to be. My brain was finally starting to work again, but it was too late. She turned towards the door. "Well," even her voice sounded hurt. If you wanted her to hate you, you’ve done a great job. "I believe it's time I... bid you a good day. I think we should skip the first part tonight." I didn't want her to leave. I needed her to leave, but I didn’t want her to.

"Minerva," I murmured, leaning on the door to keep her from leaving, even though I knew I shouldn’t. "Don't leave like this."

"Please,” she whispered as she looked up at me, "just let me leave." I hadn’t heard her plead like that before, and I had been the one to make her act like that. This was what you wanted. You wanted her to hate you, to leave you.

"Minerva, if you ever need me, send a dog for me. They'll still hang around here,” I managed to say. Don’t apologize, just let her go and forget about her.

She looked me in the eyes, trying to look angry, but didn’t manage to cover up that hurt expression. "I won't need you."

"But-" I instinctively put out an arm to stop her from leaving. No, don’t do this. You should be burning all bridges. "If you do, I'll help you."

"Thorn, let me go." She was crying, actually crying. It didn’t seem like something she would do. She was too tough to cry. Good, now I’m not just an idiot, I’m a great jerk as well.

I looked at her for a long time, watching the tears running down her face, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. "Fine. Go," I said as I pulled away.

She tore the door open and walked out. "Why would I want the help of a f***ing Throne?" She didn’t look back at me, instead she just ran off. I wanted to be able to smile at her childishness, but I couldn’t. I just stood there with the door wide open, watching as she disappeared behind a corner. I didn’t want her to leave, but she had to. If she hated me, then it would be easier for her to get over me.. But I don’t want to be alone.

“What the h*ll am I thinking?” I muttered before slamming the door shut. I hadn’t thought something like that in quite some time, and I knew I shouldn’t. I had already wasted too many years on pitying myself. I wouldn’t let myself slip back into that. No, I’d go on like I always did. I’d pack up some stuff now, and then go to the castle and make sure I uphold my end of the bargain. For the good of the citizens, and all that.


When I was back in my new room in the castle, I found myself unable to relax. Unable to think properly. My dogs watched me with bewildered expressions as I paced back and forth. Yes, I’m being weird. I had behaved like an ass. She had been an idiot, sure, but I was out of line. I made her cry, actually cry. Not that I should care. I didn’t want nor need her in my life, and now I was rid of her. I should be.. Well, maybe not happy, but I should be relieved that I didn’t have to see her die. I had seen too much death already, and I didn’t want to see her die. Oh, just admit it. You care.

“I don’t care about her,” I said loudly, startling the dogs. I sat down with a sigh, my feet actually aching from all the pacing around, a curse slipping from my lips. “And even if I did it would be too late now.” Too late. I should just sleep and try to forget about her. I needed rest anyway.


I couldn't sleep, even though I tried. For a while I considered making a sleeping draught for myself, but I decided not to. I had never liked the strange dreams those tinctures brought with them. Instead I paced some more, to once again lay down to try to sleep, and then pace even more. I watched the shadows in my room grow longer, and then shorter again, and even though I knew I should be tired, I wasn't. Round and around in my head twirled thoughts of Minerva, doubts of the decision I had made, worry for her, curiosity over Rook and Knightley. Round and around. It's this place.. Has to be. I've never liked it. Maybe I should go back to my place again? Maybe she'll.. I cut that last thought before finishing it. That wasn't why I wanted to go back. It was the castle. Large and ominous. Yes, the castle.. And I have to feed the dogs.


When I saw the calm dogs laying around the broken old skyscraper I felt strangely disappointed. I shouldn't have, but I did. Why would she ever come back after that? I sighed as I entered my room, and started cleaning, since I didn’t know what else to do. The place was a mess. Not that I usually cared about that, since it was always a mess, but of some reason it was suddenly bothering me, so I cleaned. I cleaned until I finally felt sleepy, until the whole place was cleaner than it had ever been before, until my dogs started barking and howling like crazy.

For a second I thought they were hungry, but I quickly realized that that wasn’t the case at all. They barked differently when they wanted food. I hurried outside, immediately being met by one large furry dog who barked at me, and didn’t stop until I followed it. We went through several narrow alleyways, and a group of soldiers, whites, ran past me, shouting among each other. They’ve hurt someone again. Idiots. I had a strong hunch that the dog had found the injured person that they were looking for. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too bad.. And preferably the person was still alive.

The dog became more eager for every step, until we turned a corner and it ran up to a person laying in a dark puddle. A ice cold hand gripped my heart. I couldn’t breathe, and the ground seemed to be disappearing underneath me. “You idiot.”

I suddenly stumbled forward, forcing my reluctant legs to move, and then kneeled down beside her, not even caring about the blood. I felt for her pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when I felt the weak fluttering pulse underneath my fingertips. I could save her. As long as she had a pulse, I could keep it beating. I didn’t move my hand from the skin on her neck as I turned her around inspecting her wounded shoulder and upper back. She was lucky her head hadn’t been blown off. I carefully touched her wounded shoulder, making sure to just stop the bleeding and create new blood. I’d have to take her back to my place to remove all the lead pellets before healing her.

Slowly I lifted her up in my arms, making sure to repair every blood vessel as soon as it was torn by the movement. “I’ll fix you up in no time,” I cooed, hoping that she’d hear me. As if trying to answer me she shifted, ever so slightly. “Be still, we’re almost there.” I hoped she wouldn’t wake up. If she did, she’d be in pain, a lot of pain, and when I started picking the pellets out it would only get worse.

Haigha March (The March Hare) - The Whites’ HQ --> A tavern
When I heard the lock in the door turning I was still standing in the middle of the room, trying not to touch anything but failing no matter what I did. My clothes had an unexpectedly long history, and it was making my head hurt, feeling as it was expanding, pounding and aching. How that man, Brae, managed to live his whole life like that was beyond me.

The door opened, and I tensed instinctively. If it was Miranda, then I would surely be killed, and I wasn’t going to let myself go down that easily. Not now, not when I knew Yamani was pregnant. To my surprise, it wasn’t Miranda, but Brae that opened the door, gesturing for me to follow him. I did so without protesting, worrying what he might try to do with my powers.. Not that there was much he could do, unless he wanted to kill himself or the people around him.

I followed him out from the rusty old ship that the Whites apparently had taken refuge in. I didn’t quite understand why he didn’t bring any guards with him.. Or at least a weapon? If I wanted to run I could have. And do what now? try to make your way through the city without touching anything? I couldn’t even make myself walk properly, flinching for every step as new memories forced their way into my head.

As I looked around, concentrating as best as I could, I realized that we were headed back to where we met. Is he going to kill me himself? He didn’t seem the type.. But then again, I was the enemy. Not long ago I had had every intention of blowing him and his family, as well as myself, to pieces.

He stopped suddenly, and I almost tripped trying not to walk into him. The whole history of a person jammed into my head.. I didn’t want that. I took a step back, watching as he pulled my notepad from his pocket, and then a pen. Did this mean I would have to talk? The thought of talking almost made me cringe. I had wanted to be able to for so long, but not like this.

”It won’t last forever.” I almost let slip a sigh of relief, but kept quiet by habit. He looked at me as if he expected an answer, but I just nodded silently. ”We can’t stay here,” he frowned slightly, and then scratched the we and replaced it with I. “Is there a way to control this?” I realized why he couldn’t stay. He was afraid to hurt his family. Aimable enough, if he hadn’t been married to Miranda.

I shook my head again, and then reached out for the notepad, hesitating for a moment before taking it from him. I winced as images, sounds and smells rushed into my head. I took me a moment to gather my thoughts enough to remember what I was going to answer. ”I’ve never dared to try.Last time I used my voice was when your wife killed me. Don’t talk, don’t cough, don’t sneeze, don’t sigh.” I showed him what I had written, and his frown deepened. ”How long will it take for our powers to switch back? I can’t hear myself think.” I underlined the last word. I really couldn’t. My own thoughts were constantly being drowned out by the memories of everything around me. I gave the notepad back to him.

He bit his lip. ”You shouldn’t be fighting it,” he wrote. ”Let it all just flow through your mind, and just don’t let yourself get lost in someone or something else’s memories.” He looked up at me. ”And don’t touch me.”

I nodded. I don’t want to touch anything, I thought, trying not to scowl. Just flow through my mind? That was impossible. I wasn’t even trying to fight anything. I was just constantly being bombarded with memories, that all flashed by at a speed so high that I couldn’t make out anything of it. Actually losing myself in them would be too easy, I was already having trouble thinking clearly.

I threw my hands out, raising an eyebrow and looking at him. I wanted to ask what we were going to do next, where we were supposed to go, and hoped I had made that relatively clear. Most of the people I knew found my expressions easy to read, but that might be because they already knew me.

He seemed somewhat confused, or surprised, for a moment, then running his fingers through his hair.
”I can’t tell for how long this will last. We should find a place to stay at.”

I gestured towards the city. I knew one place, a tavern where even someone hounded by the Thrones could get a good nights sleep.. And a belly full of wine, which I sensed that I would need if my head didn’t clear soon. To my surprise he nodded, and then followed me as I headed through the poor district. I would’ve expected him to suspect me of trying to lure him into a trap.. I probably should’ve. Then again, I wouldn’t know what to do on my own. If his powers got the best of me, I wouldn’t be able to deal with it on my own.

We walked in silence for a while, and I tried my best not to touch anything or anyone, feeling my headache grow for every step I took. When I glanced at Brae I saw him biting his lip, not looking particularly happy. At least he could think properly. This should be like vacation for him.. Though constantly having to worry about who you might hurt by sneezing wasn’t particularly fun either. I held out my hand to him, and he looked at it, frowning. When I did a writing movement with my other hand he handed over the notepad.

”Don’t worry. I won’t let you destroy the city,” I wrote and showed him with I smile I hoped to be reassuring. He raised an eyebrow, and didn’t smile back at me. ”If it looks like you’re about to cough, I’ll just knock you out.” I realized too late that most people wouldn’t get that as a joke. Yamani would, but she wasn’t like most people. ”Seriously, don’t worry.”

I gave Brae the notebook as he reached for it. He hesitated a bit before writing: "Is this how people feel all the time? I can't tell anything about anything. How can you handle everything being so empty?"

I wish I could feel empty. Anything would be better than his powers, but for him it was probably like any of the other senses, and one that he took for granted. I took the notepad back. ”One can’t miss what one has never had,” I pointed at my blind eye, but I can imagine what you’re feeling.

I gave the notepad back to him as I looked up ahead, spotting the sign above the tavern that I had been headed for. I walked inside, greeting the owner with a nod.

“Long time, no see,” she said with a slight smile. I had been there a few times before, apparently enough times for her to remember it. “You look like you need something strong. Whiskey?” I nodded, then held up two fingers. “Sit down, I’ll have them right out.”

I sat down at a table in the corner, instinctively stopping myself from gasping as the images of one to many bar fights forced its way into my head. I took care not to touch the table, having a hard enough time to dealing with what I was already feeling.

”Whiskey isn’t a very good idea. It’s old.” I stared at the notepad, not quite able to understand. my mind was too busy with everything else. Old. I rubbed my temples, frowning at the headache. Old meant many memories.

I picked up the pen, wincing ever so slightly. Who could’ve known that a pen had so many memories. ”Then what am I supposed to do? My head feels like it’s,” the words slipped from me for a moment, before I managed to focus again, ”bursting at the seams.” I quickly put the pen down on the table.

He hesitated for several moments, before taking off the locket around his neck and handing it to me. As soon as I touched it my thoughts got louder.. Or rather, everything else in my head quieted down. I felt better, and found it easier to focus, but my head was still being invaded by all sorts of things.

”When our powers switch back, I need that.” I nodded, recalling the cutting pain in my head from earlier. ”And you know, you could use your voice now.” He smiled a little, and I realized it was probably the first time I saw him do that, though he didn’t look happy. More like he was simply confirming a sad fact.

I frowned. I knew I could, I just wasn’t sure I wanted to. Before there was nothing else that I would’ve wanted more than that, but that was only because I wanted to talk to Yamani. To tell her how I felt and how much she meant to me. If I went to her now.. Judging by the way she had looked at me back in the HQ, she would hurt me if I tried to approach. ”I shouldn’t let myself get used to it.”

He didn’t write anything else, and I tried practicing on letting the memories just pass by, but it only made it worse. Or maybe you’re just doing it wrong. I probably was. When the whiskey was served I just stared at it, wanting to swallow it all in one swoop, but apparently that wasn’t the best idea.

"Hello, my friends." I turned towards the familiar voice, just to see the strange Dormouse reveal himself. I smiled wryly. Somehow, this felt like the perfect opportunity for him to show up. When he was most unexpected, that was. I wanted to ask him about Yamani, but knew I shouldn’t.. Not yet, anyway. "If you two aren't busy, would you like to join me for late afternoon tea?"

I glanced at Brae, who nodded. I wasn’t sure if he was nodding at the Dormouse or me, but I took it as a sign that tea was okay. After all, tea didn’t have to sit on a shelf for twenty years to taste well.

The Dormouse raised a paw to call for the barkeeps attention. “Three cups of tea, please. Valerian root, if you have that.” I had never heard of that tea before, but then again, I wasn’t an expert on it.

I couldn’t help but feel curious to why the Dormouse would join us. ”Why are you here?”

"I feel it is time that you gentlemen and I have a rather grave conversation." He leaned back, and laced his fingers, if one could call them that, over his stomach. A grave conversation. As he kept silent I felt myself grow worried. Had something happened to Yamani? "But, tea first."

"Who are you again?" Brae wrote.

"Again? We've never met." I frowned slightly. I wasn’t too fond of his way of talking.. And I really wanted to know what was so important.

[/i]"You obviously know about me - and I could tell I know about you as well.. neither explains why you're suddenly sticking your nose in my life."[/i] Yes, I suppose I felt the same way, but I wouldn’t say that to the Dormouse.

"Ah, you want an explanation for why I am suddenly 'sticking my nose' into your life? Very well. There are many reasons,” as always “,the main one being, your wife."

He glanced at me, but I just shrugged. I didn’t know what was going on any more than he did. He then turned back to the Dormouse and narrowed his eyes, glaring at him for a moment before writing. "What about her?"

"I'm certain that you know about your own wife. Miranda, formerly, Marble-- White Queen. All that fun stuff. The one whose pride is contributing to the destruction of Wonderland."

I stopped myself from smirking. Yamani is just as proud. I didn’t quite like the thought of the sisters being a bit similar, but they were. There was no denying it. I looked at Brae when he began writing again. His pen moved so quickly it threatened to go through the paper. An argument with the Dormouse never turned out well, for anyone. I tapped the edge of the notepad, careful not to touch him. As he looked up I shook my head.

The Dormouse watched us, and then began again, turning to me this time. "Your wife,” wife “,of course, being the Queen of Hearts. The woman whose pride only rests when she's high."

I clenched my fists instinctively, but forced myself to calm down. She was proud, but it was something I liked in her.. Wait, high? I frowned. I had told her to stop smoking, and I had thought that she really had stopped. What was that even going to do with our child?

"So now you're enlightened us about who our wives are, it would be appreciated if you just got to your point." That word again. Our wives. Yamani wasn’t even my fiance any more. She had thrown the ring in my face. I tapped my finger on that word and shook my head once. She hates me. Brae gave me a long look, but I ignored him. She can’t stand me, she doesn’t even want to have me around.

"My point? My point is that you are easily two of the most influential men in all of Wonderland. You can sway the opinions and actions of the Sisters-- and you've done nothing to dissuade this senseless war."

I bit back a laugh, instinctively. I knew I could laugh now, but somehow the thought of actually hearing myself laugh was strange.. More than strange, it scared me. "It's not my decision. I've sworn to support and protect her no matter what she does. If she wants the throne, I'll help her get it." I could’ve forced Yamani to stand down, to let it go, and I’d be a lot happier if I had, but she would never be content just sitting about while someone else was on the throne. Her throne.

The tea was served, and I carefully picked the cup up, trying not to wince as I drank. I could barely taste the flavour of the tea with all the memories of the other drinks that had been served in the same cup that streamed into my head. It did calm me down a bit, and for that I was thankful.

The Dormouse sighed, sipping his tea. "You've so much to learn, dear boy. " No. I’d never break my oath. I’d never fail her.

Brae wrote quickly, but not with anger as before. "With whatever due respect I should show you, what do you know about what we're doing and not doing?"

"I know quite a bit, actually. A rodent of my size and disposition is rather.. inconspicuous, if I wish to be."

"As you wish. So I suppose, in your knowledge, you have some advice to share as well?" Of course he had. He always had advice to give. Often cryptic and hard to understand, but still good advice.

"Hm...more than there is time to. However, I will comment about the matter of loyalty and support."He took another sip of his tea, and I did the same. My headache was easing.. What kind of tea was it exactly? "There is a distinct difference between supporting your queen, and supporting a war."

"I am supporting my family and its interests. And all that goes with it." I just wanted Yamani to be happy. Safe, of course, but most of all happy. I didn’t care one bit about the throne, but I’d follow her to the death to get it for her if she asked me.. No, she doesn’t even need to ask. I’d do it anyway.

"Then you, sir, are considerably to blame for this war. You've got the trust of your wife, just as she has yours. As a soldier, you obey without question. As a husband, you discuss matters with your wife. Discuss. Dissuade."

I took the pen from Brae. "Yamani and Miranda aren't the types to be dissuaded," I wrote with a slight smile.

"Funny. Yamani always said that she'd never love anyone - and you changed her mind on that."

I frowned. "I obviously didn’t change her mind on anything." I wanted to know how she was doing.

As the Dormouse said something else I stared at my hands, not quite listening. I just needed to touch him, and I’d know all about how Yamani was doing. Without another thought I reached out, petting the Dormouse on his head. It turned out to be a mistake, as thoughts and memories bombarded my head. These were much easier to understand than the memories of a shoe or a teacup. Every memory had a proper thought.

I tried to look for Yamani, tried to search the memories through, but I had to yank my hand back as my head started pounding with a sharp pain. Images still flashed through my mind, as I tried to concentrate on the teacup on the table, staring at it and hoping that the pain would just go away. It didn’t. It didn’t ease, and my head was threatening to explode.. Or at least it felt like it.

I stood up suddenly, not even bothering to tell them where I was going. I needed some air.. Anything that would make it stop.

Miranda Lutwidge (The White Queen) - The Whites’ HQ
I watched from deck as my husband led my sister’s boyfriend outside, and kept watching them until they were too far of for me to see them any more. I wished I would’ve just killed him when I first saw him. Then Brae wouldn’t have to leave, and I wouldn’t, for the hundredth time, have to tell my children that their father would be back later, even though I didn’t know that for sure. It felt almost as bad as lying.. Well, not that I minded lying to my children, to keep them happy, but lying to myself wasn’t as much fun.

We had been in Wonderland for quite some time now, yet it felt like we weren’t making any progress at all. Blair had disappeared, during a simple mission. I could only assume that she had found something important, or had simply betrayed me. The latter wouldn’t surprise me the least. I had been betrayed enough times to know I couldn’t just expect my soldiers to stay loyal to me. No, ‘cause that would be faaaar too much to ask for.

I frowned, walking inside again. I had a freaking fleet at my disposal, and yet I felt completely powerless. All the waiting and sitting around was getting on my nerves, but I knew I couldn’t just leave, not with my children here. The HQ had already been attack once, and it would surely happen again.

“My Queen!”

I glared at the soldier who had almost run into me. “Yes?”

“We’ve received reports that the ki..” He must’ve noticed that I was playing with the strap of my shotgun, because he quickly swallowed and continued. “That the usurper, Lord Lordshire, has recovered from the poison.”

“Do you know how?” I asked in a velvety tone, imagining his head exploding.. Not enough to make it actually explode, of course, just hopefully give him a little headache.

“There have been rumours about a healer, my Queen.”

“Gather a team and go look for that healer. I want that person in a cage by tomorrow.. Or possibly a grave.” I narrowed my eyes, looking up at the big man who seemed oh, so afraid of me. “Don’t bother coming back if you can’t even accomplish that.”

He hurried to get away, and I took the opportunity to vent some of my frustration, by kicking on a wall. I felt better afterwards, but my foot did not. Wasn’t Luna supposed to be the best of the best, or something? Useless like the rest of them. There didn’t seem to be any other solution than a full scale attack, though I didn’t want to initiate that before talking to Brae first, hear if he had any other ideas, but I didn’t even know when he would come back.

As I passed another guard I gestured for him to come with me, and he immediately followed. “Send after Luna, the assassin, and do it quickly.” I was going to give that haughty little girl a piece of my mind.


That morning I couldn’t find Alice and Lewis. I went to their rooms to wake them up, but they weren’t there. I asked as guard, who claimed Adonis had already been there, but when I went to his room and the places he usually was, he wasn’t there. As I ran around in the ship, looking in every nook and cranny, I felt the panic rising and my heart racing. Had someone taken them all away, or had they got hurt or.. I shook my head. Surely, Adonis wouldn’t betray me now? Not after all these years?

Finally I ran outside, finding all three of them on the dock, looking at some bloody plant growing in the concrete. I tried to hold back on the curses, since Alice and Lewis was there, but I found that I couldn’t. Why had he taken them outside without even telling me? He knew how dangerous it could be. I told him to get inside, right away, and they were all on their way when I spotted a woman glaring at my children like an eagle would glare at a mouse.

Aiming my shotgun at her went by instinct. “Don’t get any closer,” I warned her, but she kept staggering towards them. The closer she got, the more familiar she looked. “I swear I’ll shoot your brains out if you so much as touch them you..” She glanced up at me with a confused expression, and I finally realized where I had seen her before. Minerva. She betrayed me. When I finally had started trusting her, she betrayed me and went to my sisters side instead. That steam that I had managed to let out came back, stronger than before. Burning me on the inside and fighting to get out. "You son of a b*tch!"

I pulled the trigger, not hesitating for a second, but she managed to stagger backwards. One more carriage, I had one more, and this time I was aiming for her head. I heard her say something, but I didn’t care. She could lie all she wanted. She had betrayed me once, and that was one time too many. I never forgive, so she was now useless to me.. More than that, she was a nuisance. I fired again, but she staggered suddenly to the side, almost as if she was drunk, before turning and running.

No, you don’t! Focusing on the one thing I knew very well, guns and ammunition, I pulled the trigger one more time, and this time I see the spray of blood when I hit my target. A grin crept onto my face as I watched her stagger away. Now if that doesn’t kill you.. I felt my shoulders dropping as I suddenly felt calmer than I had in quite some time. That was one enemy gone, one less to hurt me, the children or Brae.

As Lewis and Alice ran to me I swooped down and picked them both up, glaring at Adonis as I did so. I’d yell at him later. For now, I was just happy that I had been there, to protect the ones I loved most. This was the second attempt someone had made to take them from me. “I’m never going to let that happen,” I mumbled into Lewis’ white hair.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:48 am
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Pencil2paper says...

Jubiah Roost- the Jubjub bird

Rushing back from the castle after visiting Regina and the incapacitated Lordshire, I knew that I needed to get out of Wonderland City as soon as possible. I wasn't in immeadiate danger, I wasn't worried that someone was out to kill me in Wonderland City, I wasn't even concerned that Luna would see me going to the castle after speaking with her. No, I was concerned that word would get out that I was back or that Caleb would see me and ask me to come back and to tell Lordshire- or at this point, Regina- that I just couldn't do it. I was afraid that I'd cave in and come home again. But I couldn't do that. At the moment, Wonderland was more important than my love life. But I don't know for certain I can hold it above Caleb's happiness. Not again.

Running away from these thoughts, I walked as fast as I could through the streets, bumping into passerby but too encompassed in my own thoughts- or my determination to not think these thoughts- that I could not be bothered to excuse myself.

Eventually, I found myself on the very outermost edge of the city, where the cobblestone was at least broken up if not nonexistant. I kept walking, aimlessly yet with the single determination of gettingas far away from the castle as possible. Eventually, with the castle just a speck in the distance, I stopped at a small inn, ancient and dalapidated, to spend the night. Luckily, I had the money to pay for said room, both given to me by Lordshire in case my mission required it and some from my own funds.

As I walked up to the man at the front of the room, who I could only assume was the owner of the inn, who was a crusty-looking man, stooped and stoic, looking for all intents and purposes like a pissed-off gargoyle.

Eying the bag of coins that I carried with me, as well as my military uniform, he said to me, "'Undred 'er nigh." A hundred bucks a night, while the sign above him said only fifty. But I was in no mood to argue, and I handed him the money with not so much as a grumble before trudging to the first empty room I could find. I collapsed on the bed without even lifting the top sheet, which was covered in dust that was probably as old as the place itself. Withing minutes, I was out.

* * *

Waking up to the weak morning light that filtered through the cracked shutters falling off their hinges, I got up, groaning at the creaks and aches of my body from sleeping on that 100 dollar rock of a matress. I walked into the main lobby, where the same decrepid old man stood.

"Sorry to disappoint ya sweet'art, but this ain't no 'ed 'n break'ast. Alsa, ya owe me anotha 'undred. Stay afta fi' 'n i's anotha nigh." Great, I thought to myself as I shelled out the money. Disgusted, I walked out the front door, headed back to the City once more, to seeif Luna wa there. I was beginning to feel that this inn, so far away from the castle, had been a bad idea. Too late now though.

I trudged back from the inn, heading for the Tavern to see if Luna had come back with news yet. I was pretty sure she wouldn't trust the messangers that I had at my disposal (technically, they were on Lordshire's payroll). When I finally reached Wonderland City, i was exhausted. Clearly, I wasn't twenty anymore. Stepping into the Tavern, I saw no sign of Luna, but I did see her sister, Lini, behind the counter. It was awfully early for a drink, but already the tavern was full to the brim of wasted patrons, either drowning thier sorrows or celebrating Lordshire's poisoning.

Slowly, I edged back to the corner of the room, listening to the loosened tongues spilling out information on Lordshire's almost-killer. It wasn't much, but there was some truth to what they said among the drunken jargon.

"Whoever poisoned that a$$clown 'as my 'ack. I'd give 'em a big ol' kiss ri' 'ere, ri' now."

"Wh's t' ay this fella ain't a chick? Girls love them some 'oison. Fact, just the otha day I saw this 'oman givin' this ratty lil" girl some booze, sayin' 'take this t' the castle fer me, wontcha?" A bottle a booze fer t' baby? 'N I 'ear Regina don't drink neither. Don't nobody send them a bottle sept if they knew 'boit Lordshire." By this, of course, they meant his fondness of all things alcoholic.

Glancing around the bar to occupy myself and to try to keep from punching these traitorous b*st*rds, Lini caught my attention. Or rather, her bare neck caught my attention. Looking for all intents and purposes like Luna's double, she recalled to me the pendant that little girl was wearing. The unplacable pendant. But it wasn't so unplacable anymore. It belonged to none other than Luna. With no evidence, I somehow came to the conculsion that Luna must have poisoned Lordshire.

Taking one last glance at the Tavern, I stepped out again. Luna wasn't there, and I don't think I could see her without trying to kill her at the moment anyays. And I didn't exactly fancy dying. Because I'd be dead if I tried.

Once again, I trudged wearily towards the inn, ready to end the day even before it really began.

Spoiler! :
Your move
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:31 pm
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Shady says...

The Dormouse

Spoiler! :
You can thank Ri. She gave me the idea. c:<

Spoiler! :
The two of them looked at each other, and Brae nodded. You're taking orders from Miranda's old man, now? I resisted the urge to lift an eyebrow and question it. Instead, I slid into the seat opposite them and flagged down the barkeep. "Three cups of tea, please. Valerian root, if you have that."

It earned me a curious look from Haigha. I allowed myself a small smile. Of course, he wouldn't know the pleasant effects of Valerian root. Not many people did. It tasted badly, and could be rather surprising, if you didn't expect the calm that followed drinking it. Not very popular.

”Why are you here?” Haigha wrote.

"I feel it is time that you gentlemen and I have a rather grave conversation." I answered, leaning back, lacing my fingers over my abdomen. I paused a long moment, letting each of their minds run wild, worrying them about god only knew what, before continuing. "But, tea first."

"Who are you again?" Brae wrote.

"Again? We've never met." Haigha frowned at me. He never had liked me as well as Yamani did. He wasn't patient enough for the way I talked. That thought nearly made me smirk-- Yamani being patient compared to...anyone, really.

But she was. Her temper was short, but her mind longed for knowledge, for wisdom-- and she recognized that I could give that to her. That I would give it to her, if she calmed herself and allowed my rhetoric to take its course. I'd been alive for many years. I knew what I was doing.

"You obviously know about me - and I could tell I know about you as well.. neither explains why you're suddenly sticking your nose in my life."

"Ah, you want an explanation for why I am suddenly 'sticking my nose' into your life? Very well. There are many reasons." I answered, sharply. Rude people. And when I'm making an effort to improve your life, at that. “The main one being, your wife."

Brae snapped his head around to look at Haigha, who lifted a shoulder. He turned back to me, glaring. "What about her?"

"I'm certain that you know about your own wife. Miranda, formerly, Marble-- White Queen. All that fun stuff. The one whose pride is contributing to the destruction of Wonderland." Two could play in the game of impoliteness, if that was what he wanted.

Haigha seemed amused, but kept his face neutral. Good. Your wife is nearly as bad.

Brae was furiously scribbling on his notepad, glaring at it. I wondered what names he'd call me. How much of a tongue lashing he wanted. But Haigha stopped him. Wise lad. I addressed him, when I spoke again. "Your wife.”

He flinched at the word. Wife. Of course. She's not your wife yet, is she? No matter. You two acted like an old married couple. "Of course, being the Queen of Hearts. The woman whose pride only rests when she's high."

Haigha clenched his fists, glaring at me moment, before forcing himself to calm down. His face was neutral only a moment, before he frowned disapprovingly. That's right. I got her high.

"So now you're enlightened us about who our wives are, it would be appreciated if you just got to your point."

Haigha finally tapped his finger on the word 'wives', unable to stand it any longer, and shook his head once. Ah, but she was. What are the vows? Just a protocol followed, to swear to do what you were already doing for one another. You were her world. Why do you think you got her pregnant? She's not the type to give herself to just anyone.

"My point?" I forced myself to continue on the question presented. "My point is that you are easily two of the most influential men in all of Wonderland. You can sway the opinions and actions of the Sisters-- and you've done nothing to dissuade this senseless war."

"It's not my decision. I've sworn to support and protect her no matter what she does. If she wants the throne, I'll help her get it." Haigha wrote bitterly.

The tea was served. I picked up my cup, taking a long drink from the tea, as much as I could without being impolite, and sighed. Oh dear. Your youth is showing, I'm afraid. "You've so much to learn, dear boy. "

"With whatever due respect I should show you, what do you know about what we're doing and not doing?" He annoyed me too. From what I'd observed, I thought I'd like him considerably more than I liked Miranda-- but he was rather distasteful as well.

"I know quite a bit, actually." I didn't bother to keep the sharpness out of my voice. "A rodent of my size and disposition is rather.. inconspicuous, if I wish to be."

"As you wish. So I suppose, in your knowledge, you have some advice to share as well?"

I was rarely offended, but Brae came near it. I am a Dormouse, of course I have advice. Sound advice. Contemplated advice. What do you take me for, a field mouse?

"Hm...more than there is time to." I forced myself to stay calm. It would be no good to let any of these foolish humans to influence my behavior. I had to lead by example. "However, I will comment about the matter of loyalty and support."

I took a sip of tea, looking between them. Haigha was letting the tea relax him. Brae wasn't. "There is a distinct difference between supporting your queen, and supporting a war."

"I am supporting my family and its interests. And all that goes with it."

"Then you, sir, are considerably to blame for this war." I answered, staring him down. The fellow was getting on my nerves, even with the help of the Valerian Root. It was probably a very good thing-- for him-- that I'd chosen it. "You've got the trust of your wife, just as she has yours. As a soldier, you obey without question. As a husband, you discuss matters with your wife. Discuss. Dissuade."

"Yamani and Miranda aren't the types to be dissuaded," Haigha wrote, smiling slightly, as if he was giving me some news. I had news for him.

"Funny. Yamani always said that she'd never love anyone - and you changed her mind on that." Poke where it hurt.

He frowned. "I obviously didn’t change her mind on anything."

"You fool." I muttered quietly, glaring at him as he stared at his hands, looking like a scared little puppy. Suddenly a flash crossed his face. He had an idea. What are you-- Before I could finish the thought, he stretched his hand out and pet me on the hed.

Outrage surged through me. He...he pet me. "I am not a dog to be petted!" I snapped. He wasn't paying attention. He stumbled outside, gasping for air-- and Brae followed.

"Good riddance." I rubbed the fur of my head down, glaring at the door after them, my temper still flared. The two of them could make the best among us behave like small mouses-- because they behaved like small children. And human children were enough to turn a body's stomach any day. Humans were hard enough to to tolerate when they'd 'matured', let alone when they felt the need to defy you. To pet you.

I turned and started out the other door of the tavern, and head back up to the caves.

Spoiler! :
Be thankful I took mercy. :smt029

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

Time is not your best friend - unless you use it wisely.
— Marco Pierre White