
Young Writers Society

Apprentice Games (Open, Starting)

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:20 pm
KindredSpiritBee says...


I woke up to the painful tug and pull of a needle, and the worried face of Mr. Mathias Redwyn. He was here? Was he the one that helped me? Did he know that Lilly got through? That Lilly was here? I wanted to explain what we were doing here, that it was Lilly's idea, she had really wanted to do the games and I couldn't let her enter alone. So I joined. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, that I had failed her. I couldn't live very long after that wound, not even if they were, in fact, sewing me up. I had to be bleeding on the inside, somewhere. I wanted to tell Mathias all of those things, and even more, but I couldn't find the strength to even open my mouth. The world went hazy once again as I blacked out.

((Ok, guys, just a couple of things I want to make completely clear. From here on out there are no more doors that lead to the next level, they are just portals. But you still need a key to get through, you just don't need to have it in your hand. The keys are different for each level, they have been made differently for each level so a key for level 1 won't take you through to any other level, regardless of how many you have. There are 36 levels, up until we get down to 50 or so we're going to keep going down majorly in numbers. There isn't really a time limit, its just the people who have keys that can go through. One more thing. There is a cheat for getting through the doors, I mentioned it on our disscussion thread but I'm gonna put it here so you all know. Any number of people can get through on one key, as long as there is only one head. Someone can travel with another as long as they keep their head down through the portal, making this entire thing possible. 'Kay, sorry about the length, I Just wanted to make that clear))
Llamas do not have six packs

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Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:11 pm
LostMagi42 says...

Mood: Calm
Side of heart active: Light.

When I had calmed down, I went back to the infirmary. I started healing wounds again. Then I left and went to the small tent where the major injuries were taken care of. I saw that most people were fine, but there was one person who was in need of stitches. I walked over and healed the guy, then I went around taking care of anyone else who was in need of healing.

((OOC: I just wanted to say that if you were planning on killing that guy off, my healing can have failed.))
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:25 am
Redfang18 says...

Artemis Darkrai

It took me ages to mend my pouch, but it took even longer to re-concoct my lost potions. It was perhaps the middle of the night when I managed to restore the potions I lost. However, there was one potion that couldn't be saved. The healing potion that was for emergencies only. The healing potion was the only potion I needed when I was hurt. Since I didn't pack the ingredients to make another, my chances of staying alive are suddenly minimal.

Spoiler! :
*I forgot to mention that he has a sense of reliance on the potions he himself made, so I thought maybe showing everybody this character's weakest point.*
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:44 am
LostMagi42 says...

Mood: Pleased, Sinisterly
Side of heart active: Dark

I smelled a chemical smell in the air. It must be that fire mage, I thought, and I then laughed at the thought of an evocator that had to use potions for healing and stuff like ading heat to the flame. Yes, Sorcerers do get more raw power, but it should still be an easy substance to add heat to.I used the shadows from the alleys to bring me to the mage's abode. I slipped in to the place and walked over to him.

"I am here to try to make a peace treaty. I am sorry for the loss of your potions, but you have replaced them. Seeing as how I sometimes switch to being a cleric, I would like to put in some healing and protection potions, which my.... slightly less powerful self has to use. I would also ask for an alliance, which I would have offered earlier, but I was in a senseless blind rage for some reason, but I believe that we would make an unstoppable team together, so what do you say? And really, no offense meant about that using potions makes you weak. In fact, I believe that it just helps with your spells, just like the earth." I said this in what I believe to be a very persuasive tone.

((OOC: Redfang: the word evocator is a very common term Ive heard for fire wielder, please let me know if it upsets you Redfang.))
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:27 am
Redfang18 says...

Artemis Darkrai

The offer of a peace treaty and an alliance sounded very tempting, but something was telling me that this person was playing my weaknesses. True I was weak when it comes to potions, but to combine forces with someone who has the vital potions that I needed for this game would mean I had the upper hand for the time being. Suddenly I remembered who this person was. This person was the same guy who I stole a key from and lost my only healing potion to. I decided to draw the line, that way I could secretly double-cross him when it comes down to some contestants that included us. I asked hotly, "If you're going to make an alliance with me, you're not going to spear my potions pouch just like you did last time, right?"
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:41 am
LostMagi42 says...

Mood: Normal(if there is a such thing)
Side of heart active: Light
"No, I would not. And I expect it would last until there were, I dont know, 30 people left. After which we would part and go after others or each other. this pact would be to get ourselves a better position when we go our own way, and so neither of us dies by the other for the time being, which was bound to happen sooner or later. And I gain from this energy, which would otherwise be wasted, as I presume we are about even when it comes to spellcasting. it would just be wasted energy, as we would both parry each other. this prevents a waste of energy and it helps compensate for our damages." I said this in the most serious voice I could manage, rubing my burn as I spoke.
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:25 am
icebender28 says...


They had little inns set up, just for the contestants! How nice! I smiled and sat down on my bed and looked around the small room. Zera was sleeping in the room next door. Apearantly there was some issue with her sleeping in the same room as someone else. Oh well.
The room was small. It could hardly fit the bed in, and it was a miracle how it fit in a small bedside table. I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair was tangled and I was covered in dirt. Just how I like it. My shirt was torn and covered in blood. Just how I don't like it. I took it off and began wshing it in the sink, and then the blood off of my chest.
I looked up to the sound of a door opening, and blushed. Zera was blushing too.
"Uhhh..." She said, ducked her head and left.
I stared after her. Well that's gonna be awkward tomarrow morning. I thought and went back to cleaning off the blood.
Once it was all off i laid back down on the bed, and smiled, closing my eyes. There's something about a nice soft bed after a long day that made me happy. And reminded me of cake. I wondered if they had cake here. I sat up and walked out the door to go see.
I walked down some crickety old stairs to the kitchen. There was a little old lady there, cooking something that reeked of rat puke. trust me, i know what that smells like.
"Umm, excuse me? Do you have any cake?" I asked. She turned and looked at me and smiled.
"Well don't you got some muscles on you!" She shouted with a booming voice in an outragous accent. "Of course I have cake, dear." She turned and grabbed a large plate off the counter, with an extremely delicious chocoalate cake on top. "How big a peice?"
"How about all?" I said. i was joking but she took me seriously, shoving the plate into my hands.
"There you go. Now off to bed! I've seen the next challenge and it looks like you're going to be needin' your strength!" She pushed me out the door and closed it behind me.
I shrugged, took a bite of cake, and started heading back to bed. Maybe Zera will want some. I thought and headed towards her room and walked inside.
She turned, in a bathrobe, her mouth opening and closing, but nothing coming out. (Don't worry, she's got pajamas underneath! They're just pink, so...)
"Oh! I uhh...brought some...I should....uhhhh..." I stuttered and set some cake on a plate that was sitting on a table next to her bedroom door and left hurriedly. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it.
I cannot believe...I just did that. An image of her beutifully wet hair and shocked eyes flashed in front of my brain. I shook my head. No John! Not cool! I walked back into my bedroom and spent the rest of the hour eating cake and trying not to think about Zera. Or about home. or the Games. So basically everything that he could think about was...
Man, her room was a lot bigger than mine. But that would lead to more thoughts of Zera, therefore he resined himself to it and couldn't get her eyes out of his mind all night, even while he slept.

(Tell me if this isn't okay! :) )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:25 am
Redfang18 says...

Artemis Darkrai

I knew there had to be some kind of bite with this strange dog. I looked at my pouch. The potions I saved and re-created were merely sleeping potions and those that can change the color of my flames. The healing potion that I couldn't save nor restore was a special kind that took three years of my life to get the ingredients that made it. I clentched my fist at this memory. The key component of the potion I lost was the scale of a silver dragon, which took me three years to find and get. I still had the burn on my back as a constant reminder of my daring attempt to steal just one measely scale. I decided I've drawn a very good line to put between me and my temporary partner. I released my fist and said coldly, "Then we have a deal. However, if you dare to double-cross me before the numbers are reduced, I won't hesitate to burn you to ashes. Am I clear?"
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:06 pm
Rydia says...

Mathias Redwyn

The town came complete with inns so I led the way over to one, feeling grim and hopeless. The boy was still not awake. The rooms were free thankfully; I hadn't thought to bring any money into this game. I laid Darian down on a bed and locked him into the room before taking Lilly down to get us some supper. She was reluctant to go but I told her that Darian was sleeping. I didn't like lying to the child but it was the best I could do.

The food was basic but better than nothing. Lilly didn't seem to agree.

"Don't they have any chicken?" she asked, pulling a face.

"No, but if you eat it all up, I'll tell you a story before you go to sleep." Those were of course the magic words as anyone with children knew. So when we were done eating, I took her back up and settled her down on the bed opposite Darian.

Did I intend to sleep? No. I intended to lock them into the room and go out in search of some keys. I would have to sleep on some level of course, but I'd rather get safely ahead before I took my rest.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:21 pm
LostMagi42 says...

Mood: Normal
Side of heart active: Light

"We are clear. and if you try to backstab me in the same way, I will not hesitate to wrap you in a sphere of hardened lava and slowly cook you until you are dead. then you will become one of my zombie minions. So, I believe we are clear and that we have come to an agreement." I then left after we shook hands, and curled up in the darkness for a good nights sleep.
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:16 pm
Redfang18 says...

Artemis Darkrai

As much as I hated to make deals that could mean the death of me if I pull off my double-crossing, I had to shake on it. I set my pouch in my shirt and went to sleep. In truth, I didn't trust that zombie-making person, but I had no other option but to combine forces with him. As I slept, I thought over what I bargained for. If I double-cross him now, I'll end up a zombie. He'll be burned to ashes if he double-crosses me now. It was obvious that neither one of us plan to double-cross each other until the numbers are reduced, so that's something I'll have to wait on. My mind was restless on this bargain, but I had to make myself sleep on it. I downed a small swallow of a sleeping potion to help myself rest. The potion was disgusting, but I needed my sleep if my temporary partner and I were to make it through the scavenger hunt.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:12 am
VuzzyCat says...

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!


"You've made it to level two," the voice had said. I lay in bed with my eyes closed, unable to sleep, still thinking over the day. How in the world had I wound myself up in this mess? Oh ya, that's right, Nella. Why did I talk myself into this? Because I love Nella then I do my own life.

I sit up and open my eyes. And that thinking is the very reason I'm going to die. I get off my bed and walk over to the window. It's a clear night out; the moon is shining full. I lean against the window frame and fold my arms, listening to the breeze rushing through the opening. A rock clutters past my window and lands on the ground. I stick my head out and see a shape on the roof.

I smile and climb out my window, carefully manovering until I reach the roof. The black figure is sitting, looking at the moon, comepletely unaware of me. I creep up next to them and sit down.

"Nice night, isn't it?" I ask. Nella nods.

"It's beautiful," she whispers. She leans over and rests her head on my shoulder. We sit there, silently listening to the quiet town.

"Nella," I say softly. "You know you're going to have to kill me."

"No, I'll die first," she says, almost asleep now.

No, I'll die first, I think before Nella is asleep...
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:24 am
icebender28 says...


I yawned and stretched. Morning light flooded through the open window. I sniffed. Lilacs? i walked up to the window and looked out to see a large feild of lilacs. i smile slightly. I loved lilacs. They were my favorite.

I went and changed into the same clothes I was in yesterday and went over to John's room.

He was sleeping soundly on his bed. I gritted my teeth, grabbed a water jug, and dumped.

He screamed. "Gahh! What was that- oh. I overslept." He stared at me sheepishly, still not wearing a shirt. I blushed and grabbed it, about to throw it at him, but saw the tare.

"Crap." I thought, and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. He would have to play the games without a shirt.

I blushed more. This was going to be awkward.

(Sorry it's so short! I just wanted to get everybody posting again! :) )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:11 am
Redfang18 says...

Artemis Darkrai

I rose from my rest, my mind still uneasy from thinking over the alliance I made. I put my pouch in my vest, that way I wouldn't be double-crossed before the numbers were reduced. I still needed my potions to stay in this competition. I wasn't willing to give up that easy. I was no quiter, but I was an excellant sneaker at the best of times. I stole three healing potions from other mages and stashed the potions in my pouch. Who said I couldn't steal from those who aren't a part of my alliance? I had almost nothing to lose when it came to stealing, but I'm never caught red-handed. No, I got away with it easy. It was like taking candy from a baby.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

A ruler leads by example, not force.
— Sun Tzu