
Young Writers Society

Alethia (Open/Beginning)

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:23 am
Sassafras says...

Jerreus Fling~

Arwen went away and I sat on our new shelter's floor. With nothing to do I got terribly bored terribly quickly. I tried playing in the snow outside but that got mind numbing with the first ten seconds. Without Arwen there to play with - without anybody to play with - I had nothing to do. I tried talking but with nobody to listen I just sounded crazier than usual.

Arwen was taking forever. I laid in the snow on my lonesome, my hair spread out all around me, turned a darkner red because it was wet. The snow seeped into my clothes and I started a competition with myself to see how long I could go without shivering or sneezing.

Arwen was taking forever. I phased into my wolf form and ran around, making paw prints in the snow and chasing off the stupid animals wandering around. That got old after a very short minute.

Arwen was taking forever.

Arwen was taking forever.

"Dammit," I screamed. I got up off the ground and stormed off to find Arwen. I refused to stand this torture any longer. That's partly why I never stayed away long when I ran away from the pack, I needed at least one other person around me or else my boredom ate me alive.

I found her quickly enough, kneeling by a lake and gathering ice for water. I walked up to her calmly and grabbed her shoulder, trying to get her attention.

"Arwen!" She jumped away from me suddenly, falling away from me and onto the thin ice. Holy shit, no.

"Jerr get off me now!" I raised my hands and backed away from her slowly. Whatever that was, I'm not sure. Did I hurt her? What?

"I don't understand," I mumbled to myself.

Arwen was in the middle of the lake now, on her hands and knees panicking.

"Jerr. Do not get on the ice," she warned. I rolled my eyes at her and took an angry step forward and clenched my fist at my sides.

"No shit, Arwen! I'm not stupid. You're the one who needs to stay still!" She stopped crawling and looked back up at me, her eyes deep with fear. "Just, stop okay. I'll get you off, okay. Just wait, please." I could hear her whining out on the ice.

My chest heaved and I nearly pulled my hair out running my hand through it so many times. I dug a path into the ground from pacing back and forth in the same space so quickly.


"I'm thinking, dammit!" I swore under my breath and fell to my knees, clutching my head in my hands.

"Jerr, the ice is cracking! Please hurry." I jumped up suddenly and ran into the forest, searching in the trees for anything that looked long enough for Arwen to grab onto. "Where are you going," she shouted after me. "Don't leave me here!"

"Just wait," I shouted back, hoping I could get back in time. I found some vines in the trees and grabbed a bunch before running back to the lake. I could see the cracks in the ice now. Arwen was crying, I could tell by the shaking of her shoulder and the sobs coming from the middle of the lake, but I didn't want to actually realize it.

I tied the vines together and prayed they would hold. Luckily, the vine rope I made reached Arwen and now I just needed to pull her off. She grabbed onto the end of the rope and I phased and grabbed the other end in my mouth. I was stronger in Wolf form. With a last silent prayer I turned and ran in the opposite direction, pulling Arwen off the ice.

Dear God, we haven't talked in a while, but please don't let Arwen fall in. Please.


Oh no, this is long.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:16 am
Redfang18 says...

{Reise, don't be afraid of long posts.}
Silver Cutthroat

I grunted and gave up. If I couldn't win a fellow vampire's trust, then it's useless trying until I earn it. I just walked away, disgusted. Trust was hard to come by these days. Ever since Sarah's death, I had to live by my own rules. I was heading off to the mountains when I saw a bulky figure. My eyesight moved in on the figure, then I gasped. It was one of the injuried werewolves. I raced to the wolf as quick as my speed can allow. Grabbing the vine, I helped the wolf pull his companion out of the lake and onto the snow. I accidentally slipped and felt something sharp pierce through my chest. Luckily the sharp object didn't get to my heart, but it rendered me helplessly weak. I couldn't make out what pierced me. I was losing consciousness and couldn't get up from the snow. Without warning, I blacked out where I was laying.

Spoiler! :
FYI, Silver's just out cold. There's still a lot of questions to answer about him.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:35 am
Iggy says...


"Do I have to chase him down?" She groaned.

"Yes." Persephone nodded.

Mason sighed and strolled to the lake. "Hey, priest. Sorry for my bitchness." She stopped to see him passed out. "Uhm, hell-looo?" When he didn't move, she poked him. Then she picked him up and carried him back to the others, the dog following.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:36 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬

Jerr wasn't strong enough. I was slowly inching towards the edge, but the ice was making horrible cracking noises, and becoming weaker by the second.
I knew I was going to die.
But then Silver came. He pulled the end of the rope, and I skidded over the edge of the river. I toppled onto the ground. Solid ground. I fell forward so quickly that the Vampire lost his footing, and toppled onto the shards of ice. He struggled before going limp.

"Hey, priest. Sorry for my bitchness." Another Vampire, I think it was, walked into the clearing. I imediatly stepped back, onto the ice, but I jerked my leg back and phased. I shuddered on the floor, and bowed my head. If she was working for Narissa, would she recognise me if she was sent to kill us? "Uhm, hell-looo?"

She prodded him, then picked him up and dragged him away. Jerr started to follow, but I growled softly in the back of my throat. I hesitantly got to my feet, still shaking. I waited for the vampires to dissappear out of sight before we walked back to the cave. I collapsed on the floor, exhausted, and put my head in my hands.

"God, I'm an idiot," I said, letting out a shuddering breath.

"Did I hurt you?" Jerr asked, phasing back into his human form.

"No... it was the same river. Do you remember Tristan?"

"Yes. He was ... annoying," In truth, he'd been nasty to Jerr, even if I asked him to stop. "He died, didn't he? He drowned in the ... river ..." He trailed off, eyes wide with realization. I nodded.

"I was with him. It was after you'd left because he called you a Omega dog," I winced, it didn't sound like something nasty, but Omega was the lowest of the low in the Wolf heirarchy. "I had an argument with him. I told him you'd be a better Alpha than him... he called me a ... anyway, he said sorry, and he wanted to play on the ice. I told him no, but he went on. The ice began to crack, and I crawled out to help him. We both fell in,"

"Is that how you got your scar?" Jerr asked. I traced it idly.

"Yes, I cracked it on the ice."

"Is that ... is that why Perviz wouldn't let anyone see you? He kept you in the far corner of the cave, didn't he?"

I nodded, "He kept me there until I recovered, and I'm suprised you didn't notice the scar that suddenly appeared on my face,"

"We were young,"

"We were young," I repeated, smiling. I paused, remembering the snow fight we'd had out side. We'd been so happy. "God, I'm sorry. I acted like a maniac." I crawled over to him, and hugged him hard. "Up for another snowfight? I'm so gonna win this time,"
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Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:35 pm
Demoness says...

Maya Keenan

“You have got to be kidding me!” Maya growled when the caravan, once again, stopped. She stumbled on to the back where the doors stood open and Venom lay dumbfounded in the hay on the floor. “Here I thought being aided by a 500 year old vampire would be in my aid… curious how wrong one can be don’t you think?” Maya glared at Venom with her dark, piercing eyes and spoke with a voice filled with sarcasm.

“I just… they… I… I’m sorry Maya.” Venom stuttered and looked frightened. Maya frowned, a vampire scared by the weakest of all sirens… much you’ll see before you go crazy, Maya thought.

“This isn’t working… I can’t wait this long!” Maya shrieked out the last word and stomped her foot in the ground. This wasn’t what she’d planned… this wouldn’t work. She had to snarl herself into the midst of Narissa’s some other way. But how?

"Cutthroat... he does not ally with Narissa, but he's powerful. She wants him... so we need him." Venom said, half suggesting, half deciding.

"I need nobody!" Maya snarled. But she knew she did, she needed to find the Snake-tattoo'd vampire, do the thing she hated most; Apologize, and finally... she had to convince him to help her.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:01 pm
Sassafras says...

Jerreus Fling~

I hugged Arwen back, not as hard as she was hugging me but it was a hug nonetheless. She still had that nasty scar and I refused to do anything else to hurt her, it seems I've been doing a lot of that these days.

"Up for another snow fight? I'm so gonna win this time."

I smiled down at her and messed her hair a bit and laughed a little when she batted my hand away.

"You just nearly died," I chided her lightly. "You need sleep, you crazy wolf."

"Sleep is for pansies and weak people."

I laughed and shook my head, turning my back to her and laying my head on my hands. I could hear the night animals starting to come out and make noise outside and it was a rather comforting tune. Today had been hectic and I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and dream. The moon would be out soon and once that happened I would change anyway. It shouldn't be to far away now, the sun was sinking lower and faster.

I closed my eyes and sighed, my peace lasting only a few seconds before I was drenched in a bitter cold. I jumped up and swore like a sailor, shaking like something mad to get the cursed snow off of me.

"Dammit, Arwen!" She turned and ran away, out of the cave, and I followed behind her, grabbing her arm and pulling her to me. I grabbed her waist with one arm and pinned her hands behind her back with the other.

"You don't listen," I growled through my smirk. She stuck her tongue out at me and tried to wiggle away.

"I did ask, but you said no," she replied. I shook my head and squeezed her tighter.

"Last time I checked, no meant no." She stopped struggling and looked up at me, her eyes wide and amazingly colored in the light of the descending sun. I stared back at her, uncertain of what to do. My face was suddenly really hot and with it came a sort of tingle in my cheeks; and just like that I knew I must have been blushing. I never blush. Never. "I.. umm..."

She blinked slowly and opened her mouth to say something but, before she could even utter the first syllable, I let go of her waist and her arms, letting her fall back into the snow. She landed with an "oof" and glared up at me. I gather my hair in my hands and pulled it into a ponytail, unsure of what else I could actually do.

"The moon's gonna be rising soon." It was obvious, yes, but something had to be said to fill the awkward air.

"Right," she mumbled. She got up silently and brushed herself off before walking past me. I suddenly remembered something she said and smiled widely to myself.

"Oh, Arwen?"

She turned around.


"You still didn't win."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:44 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬

I scowled half heartedly. I will one day. And I'll win the play fight we have. The air felt awkward and tense. I continued to walk back to the cave, and soon heard the crunch of snow as Jerr followed me.

My mind drifted briefly to the Vampire. Silver. I owed him and Jerr my life. When he recovered, I would thank him. I would. I settled inside the cave and curled up in a fetal position on the hard floor. My hair fell into my face, but I closed my eyes and brushed the hair out of my eyes. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

"I thought you said sleep was for weak people?" Jerr said.

"I changed my mind," I mumbled sleepily. "I need sleep as much as I needed cofee when I was seven,"

Jerr laughed. "Not alot then."

"You'd be suprised," I mumbled, yawning. My hair fell into my face again, but I was too tired to notice. I felt a hand brush it off my face. Jerr? I stirred sleepily. I was probably dreaming. I fell into a deep sleep, thinking about Jerr and the feel of his hand on my waist and on my wrists, almost like I could feel them now as I was pressed up against the cold stone floor, like the imprint of a ghost's touch. The sounds of the wilderness, the animals and the wind caressing the trees was like a nightime melody, until the moon rose, bathing us in ribbons of silver light.

We phased as one. The wind had a unfamiliar bite too it.

As if a storm was approaching.
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Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:18 pm
Demoness says...

Neo Venom

“Over there!” Venom yelled and pointed at a cave. They’d been walking through the woods for hours and Venom had watched Maya grow weaker and weaker but it would’ve been impossible to travel with the caravan through these woods. After leaving the caravan at an empty road where someone would find their hostages and either free or kill them they’d taken the horses and road off to find Silver. They hadn’t gotten much response though, people didn’t trust them… a vampire and a siren… allies. It didn’t scream safety and so they’d had to travel a far bit before they got someone to talk. At a pub a drunk, old werewolf had said something about people of his kind had allied with a vampire and nearly got killed. He’d sent them to talk to the sirens since apparently they were involved in this. Venom had seen how much stronger Maya seemed to get the closer to the water they came but still she had refused to go with him and talk to the sirens. Venom hadn’t figured out what her deal was yet but her weakness had something to with the water that was supposed to give her strength. Venom had therefore gone to talk to the sirens himself, he had expected to be met with fear and disgust but these sirens had some stupid trust for vampires like him and they’d told him all they knew, he barely had to ask. The sirens confirmed that both werewolves and Silver had come here but that they’d taken off to the frozen lake a few miles away. Maya knew where it was so she led the horses away on crooked paths until the found what they’d been looking for. Venom didn’t have to go close to sense what had happened. His eyes registered vampire blood on the ice and there was a strong smell of wet dog in the air and the large crack in the eyes made what had happened even clearer. From there all they had to do was follow the smell the werewolves had left for them to track but it lead through the forests, and up towards the mountains and here they’d had to abandon the horses and start walking. Finally they’d reached their goal. Venom glanced down at Maya, her face was wrenched with pain and her eyes were tortured. But he didn’t have time to keep up his concern for Maya because from the darkness in the caves echoed the growl from a threatened werewolf who seemed to be prepared to do anything to protect his mate.
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:46 pm
Redfang18 says...

Just to remind everybody: Silver's out cold and needs that shard out of his chest.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:50 pm
Demoness says...

I those wolfs could let Maya and Venom in I'm sure they'd be delighted to make Silver a favour since they are in great need of his help :D (My Damonfriend who's stolen my username... WHERE ARE THOU? You need to move your wolves away from the cave!!!!)
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:51 pm
Pundit says...

sorry, dropping out.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:04 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Should we run? Or...?

Arwen ¬

I could smell vampire in the air. And the flowery, chlorine smell of a siren. I heard Jerr growl menacingly. I snarled as the vampire with black hair slowly came up the hill, a siren following him. We needed to run, or fight. We had no choice but to stay as wolves- it was night, and the moonlight held us in its grasp. I flicked my tail and pointed my ears.
Should we stay and fight Jerr? My body language asked*. (OOC: *: They speak using body language, so...)
The Vampire sped up, quickly closing in. I raised my hackles and flattned my ears down, baring my teeth. I'd give him one warning. If he didn't go, I'd attack. I snarled, but the Vampire and Siren continued. Jerr launched himself forward. The Vampire toppled to the ground and they started to fight. I ran.
I could smell the Siren. She was weak away from water.
I jumped at her, and she fell to the floor. I snarled at her, snapping my teeth in her face. I howled, and the Vampire stopped fighting with Jerr. I growled at him. The warning was clear.
Stay away from us, or the Siren gets killed.

(You can take it form here. But after this "fight scene", we'll say the Werewolves find Silver, that OK?
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Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:31 pm
Iggy says...

(Mason took Silver back to the campsite after he passed out, the wolves will have to find us.)


"Holy shoot!" Persephone gasped when Mason gently laid down Silver. "How do we get that shard out of his chest?!"

"Hand me your tweezers." Mason ordered. She took the tweezers from her sister and carefully removed the shard.

"Here." Persephone took a small vial of water out of her pocket and waved her hand over the top. The water flated out of the vial and swirled in her hand. She placed her hands over the wound, and healed him.

Silver groaned and opened an eye, wincing in pain.

"Hi there." Mason said, smirking at him. "Seeing as I saved your life, you owe me."

"No he doesn't. She's kidding." Persephone smiled at Silver.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:43 pm
KindredSpiritBee says...

Am I allowed to make another character? Cuz, well I made a crappy one who is very shallow and basic and I was wondering if I could make a more believable character
Llamas do not have six packs

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Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:10 am
Sassafras says...

Jerreus Fling~

First of all, it was way to early in the morning, or rather way too late at night, for what was currently going down. I was tired, I was hungry, and I was horribly confused. I snarled and snapped at the vampire I was currently struggling with. He was strong, but if I got get my mouth close enough to that pale neck of his well, he'd either be dead or in too much agony to even open his eyes. He better hope it turns out to be the latter.

Suddenly he stopped moving and I was diving in for the kill, taking advantage of his stillness, before I realized what happened. Arwen had a siren pinned down and, with a second glance, I noticed a look of horror on the vampires face.

"Please," the vampire suddenly begged. "Let me explain." He loooked at Arwen and then up at me. I nodded but made no move to remove my teeth away from his neck. One wrong move, buddy, and it's all over for you.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that life's going to launch you into something great, so just focus and keep aiming.
— Unknown