
Young Writers Society

Hunted 3 *Invite Only!*

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:36 pm
LastPaladin says...

Tiaan: Medical Tent

It was confusing jumble of thoughts in her head. She had snogged another girl, even though she still wanted Sally, and the girl had kissed her back -- not once, but twice. After she was brought back by some guy yelling at them, she decided to follow to apologize. She had learnt at an early age to always respect the head of a dwelling. it was how she came to stand outside Medical Tent with Annie gripping her hand.

Breathing heavily she pushed the flap open and entered.

Within a second she saw the guy from before ready to explode, looking around she glanced someone in a semi-comatose state. Before anyone could say anything she remembered something walked over ruefully. It didn't take a genius to realize the fool been poisoned, but they were treating him as if he was just ill. Not only was it wrong but it would most likely kill him.

A voice growled behind her, "Make yourself at home will you..."

Spinning around she sighed before speaking quickly, "Yes I'm a lesbian, yes I was kissing a girl and yes you deserve a apology, but all the niceties will have to wait, you're treating him wrong."

When she heard no answer, she continued, "He's been poisoned, this isn't the flu..."

Chaos broke out in tent, with people exclaiming in horror and starting to panic. Meanwhile the guy from before replied, "How can you know?"

Sighing she walked up to him and whispered quickly, "At this point doesn't matter, what matters is you start treating him differently. I'm sorry for being taken from my home, but he will die if you don't get over yourself, whoopdy doo I was making out with a girl, we all react to situations differently. If you want an issue then go ahead, but I've seen what weak poisons can do, this isn't weak."

Grudgingly the guy replied, "My name is Tarrion."

"Tiaan -- now we've got that established retrace his steps."
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:50 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Maiara | Duncan & Maiara's Hut/Medical Tent:

After Tarrion left, I heard Duncan talking to Sophie. I groaned and threw back the blanket. What the hell was he doing? I stared at him. He was sitting on the bed, talking to her. She giggled. It made me smile....but then I cringed. Tarrion. What was I going to do? I had to tell him....but if I disappeared like Domi... Don't think that, Maiara!

I sighed and got up, heading for the door. "Mai? What're you doing?" I glanced back at Duncan and then at Sophie on the bed. And I made up my mind. I had to tell him, even if he freaked out.

"I have to tell him, Duncan," I muttered. "What if I get kidnapped like Domi? They have to know..."

Duncan sighed. "Fine," he muttered. "But try to tell him gently. Ryder is sick and Tarrion is already freaking out over the newbies outside."

I blinked, frowning at him. "New People?" I asked and he nodded, smiling at Sophie. "Alright...." I took a deep breathe, trying to calm down. Once I was sure I was a bit calmer and less likely to freak out, I left the hut and headed for the Medical Tent. Several of the new people stared at me, including a boy with brown hair. I tried to ignore them as I entered the Medical tent. "Tarrion?" I called as I pushed back the flap. And then stopped dead.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:26 pm
SisterItaly says...


I blinked, looking to Annie, then this... Tiaan girl. Ryder groaned again and I absently placed one of my cool hands on his burning forehead. Camp was hectic now. All the serenity we had gained, gone in a moment. It seemed everything liked to dump on us at once
"Annie... you and her?" I asked, had she finally gotten over Ky... that guy?

She nodded and I stood, hugging her. I was so happy for her, I wanted her to move on. So frankly I didn't care if she moved on to a man, woman or even a beast. Alright, perhaps not a beast. That would be a bit much, but I did indeed want her to move on. I pulled away and smiled.
"I'm so proud of you," I whispered.

Why was I in such a mushy mood? Perhaps Sophie's birthday and Ryder's sickness were mixing my emotions into a big confused heap. I needed to get out of here, it was getting too crowded for my liking.
"I'm going to see about these new comers. Tiaan seems to know what she's talking about and I need some air."

With that I was gone. I didn't want to see if I was excused or if someone had wanted me to stay. I debated going to get the baby from Duncan and Mai. No, new comers first.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:49 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

It wasn't until she was gone that I realized her real question.

Are you over him?

I couldn't nod or say yes to answer that, because the truth was no--no, I wasn't over him. I could lie to everyone and say that I was, but inside I knew I could never totally forget about him.

All I wanted to do at the moment was crawl in a hole and be alone, but I knew I couldn't leave Tiaan here--it might frighten her too much. But I couldn't believe Tar had put me in charge of the new group. What was I supposed to do, show them how to run away from everything that scared them?

It was then I realized what I was really doing.

I had been running from the fact that he was dead, I admitted it, but I was also running from the fact that I couldn't have done anything to stop his death. I blamed myself for everything bad that happened in this camp, though there was no way I could help keep bad things from happening. I was running from the fact that I couldn't let go, and I wanted to believe more than anything that I could, anytime I wanted to. But even Tar--the brother who didn't understand me at all--understood that nothing could ever make me let go of him completly.

There was also something else I realised, standing right there, looking in the direction Domi had gone, though she was far out of sight: I was running from him.

I couldn't think his name anymore without crying, so I had just ignored the fact that he even had a name. I was getting tired of just running from everything that made me cry, or scared, or mad...or happy.

I glanced back at Tiaan, who seemed busy enough to not notice me if I left, and hurried out of the medical tent, ignoring the newcomers who were trying to stop me to ask me something. Anyone else could handle that, not me. I rushed out the front gates, going from walking fast, to full out running. Where was I going? To the one place that made me saddest--to the place where everything had ended--and most of all, away from the others.

I had one more thing to run from while I was still being me... the future we all knew would be coming--death.


Had I known it would happen? Of course. Had I hoped she wouldn't? Absolutly. Had they deeserved it? More than they knew it. I had a feeling disobeying orders from Samantha now would have serious consequinces--and not just stalking beasts to find out things about them like before. Death might be the only punishment Sam was handing out these days. I wasn't so much of a follow-my-own-rules-and-do-what-I-like-just-because-I-can kind of guy anymore. I was the guy who followed every order Sam gave me, and disagreed when I absolutly knew something was wrong. I couldn't afford to die right now--not before those damn kids.

Hands behind my back, legs spread slightly, I looked like a soldier. Face strait, eyes on the two dead supervisors that used to work for Sam.

No, there was no disobeying her now. I had nothing left to do--no other options left for me--but to follow every order she gave me and not screw up at all.

I loved her, and I didn't want to give her any reason to kill me as well. I was Damon Salvator again, the man who was the best at everything and killed anyone better than him. I was the man who shouldn't be doubted, the man who had the ability to do whatever you asked him to. I was Damon, and she was Samantha. That seemed to be it anymore. We loved each other, but it didn't seem to effect us the way it had at first.

>Sorry this is so sucky. I'm a little sick and I don't feel good. Also, excuse any misspelled words, I'm exhausted.<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:46 am
jemjive says...

I am so sorry for not posting in like forever. I have had SO much homework and now I have exams coming up. Uuuughh. Well, here it goes. Correct me if I'm wrong!

DUNCAN - Maiara and Duncan's hut

Mai had left to go check out the new people leaving me alone with Sophie and my thoughts. I don't think it was a good idea, I really started to think.

What if something happens to her during the pregnancy? What if she is kidnapped like Dominique was? I couldn't stand to lose her. I witnessed what it did to Tarrion and I don't want to go through that. What if I'm not a good father? Am I even ready to be a father? What if I can't handle a baby right now? With one look at Sophie's face some of my fears were dissolved, just seeing her cute, chubby, baby cheeks and hearing her playful giggle reassured me. Babies didn't scare me, losing Maiara did.

Sophie's innocent babbling pulled me out of my own head, she was already half way acroos the hut. Better practice this dad thing now Duncan, there isn't much more time.

GEMMA - Outside at camp

The bundle of sheets from mine and Ryder's bed were now in flames. Bedding wasn't exactly something we had alot of but burning ours was a necessary precaution, we couldn't take any risks. As I made my way over to the medic hut I noted some new people. When the helicopter flew over I knew that new people must be coming, but I had no idea they would be here this fast. They were mostly just standing around, I stopped for a moment and turned to walk over to them. It couldn't hurt to know their names and get an impression.

"Hi, um, I'm Gemma." I said.

No response. All I recieved were a few forced smiles. The impressions were up to my inferences. There was a dark skinned girl with perfect hair and makeup who didn't look all to happy to be here, hopefully we could change that. We really didn't need that attitude around camp right now. Next to her was a guy hunched over a notebook scratching away busily. There were a others, I didn't have much time for analyzing but one thing was for sure, they all had a sense of fear in their eyes. It was a look I knew the look well. The tall blonde guy cleared his throat. "Seth's the name. I'm sure you were wondering."

"Nice to meet you, Seth." as politely as I could manage. This guy reeked of alpha male, something I wasn't too fond of. He would find out quick that stuff didn't work around here.

"Gemma!" said Domi who was suddenly behind me, "Ryder woke up for a while."

"What?! Why didn't someone get me sooner, I've got to-"

Domi cut me off, "Gemma, just relax a moment. He was saying your name, I know he wants to see you but just be careful okay? He's still pretty bad, the rash is almost worse."

I nodded, breathing deep to make the sting of tears in my eyes go away. Domi wrapped me up in a light hug and sent me in the direction of the medic hut.

As I approached the hut I heard voices, Tar's, Annie's, and an unfamiliar one. Sure enough, as I entered Annie, Tar and a nervous looking Maiara were conversing with a girl with flaming red pigtails. "What's going on?" I asked, walking over to Ryders cot.

"Gemma." said Tar, "This is Tiaan, she doesn't think that Ryder is sick. She thinks he has been poisoned or has come into contact with something poisonous."

"Like what?" I asked. One of my hands was now wrapped around Ryder's, I was absent-mindedly rubbing the other on the leg of my pants.

Tiaan spoke up, "We don't really know that. We are going to try and find out by retracing his steps."

I laughed shakily, "I might have just made that tough. I kind of tore apart our hut and burned the sheets." I finally noticed the itching in my hand and rubbed it on my leg harder. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my arm. I gasped as I looked down at my hand. It was covered in bright red splotches.
Your motor's unstable,
Your like an

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:14 pm
eldEr says...

*will post for the others later*


There was so much going on at once... Tiaan was talking, Annie had-- well, she had vanished. Again. Gemma was staring intently at her hand-- which was bright red. Just like Ryder's entire body. My stomach twisted, and I was about to say something, but Maiara caught my attention.

"Tarrion, I nee-"

She was cut off by a groan from Ryder. I glanced back at her, and then to my brother, and then to Tiaan. Gemma was still staring at her hand, and by the looks of things, Ryder had noticed. He had stopped groaning and was staring, too.

Maiara tried again. "It's im-"

This time, she was cut off by something Tiaan said. Something I completely missed. At that point, I was praying that my body would melt into the floor, making it impossible for anybody to tug at me from any direction. Of course, that was impossible, and I was stuck standing upright, trying to focus on something, anything.

Was I going absolutely insane? Perhaps. And it just had to be on a special day, too.

"Tarr-" She hadn't even gotten my full name out before Ryder let out another groan.

I made up my mind right then that I couldn't stay in this hut for another second. I would not stand here and watch my brother while he was in pain. It was making me want to start crying-- and I couldn't afford to do that now. So, before Maiara had a chance to start to ask again, I whipped around to her. "Yes?" I asked, voice hoarse.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked quietly. "Alone?"

That did not sound good. I frowned, but nodded slowly. "I need to get out of here, anyways," I muttered. Something told me that this would not be good.

got trans?

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:30 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Maiara | Outside the Medi-tent:

I hadn't been able to get a word in...until now. Now I had his full attention. And I didn't know what to say. I fidgeted as we wandered away from the Medi Tent. Tarrion seemed tense--then again, that was his brother in there who was really sick. I swallowed, turning to face Tarrion and fiddling with the hem of my shirt. I still felt sick--what if I got kidnapped?

"I don't mean to freak you out," I began slowly. Tarrion watched me, waiting. I could hear the others behind me, new and old. I tried to ignore them. I had to tell him, so he knew. Almost too quiet to hear, I whispered, "I think I'm pregnant." Tarrion froze, not seeming to hear me for a moment. I blushed, head down and waited.

After a long moment, he stuttered, very quietly, "W-wh-what?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:53 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Here it is. HAPPY? You have forced me to write quick horridness that Seth would be ashamed of.*


Seth approached Nailah carefully bending his head forwards slightly so she could kiss his jaw where Tarrion had hit him. He unleashed one of his greatest weapons his eyes, by catching hers with his own. None could look into his sparking jade eyes and not become mesmerized. He suspected she had the same idea for she met his eyes with her own milky brown ones with unblinking confidence. She was defiantly a harder nut to crack. Seth however knew it could be done since he planned on quickly moving his face so that her lips touched his. He wondered what her lips tasted like. She tilted her face away and made a huffing sound.

Feisty, she was definitely very interesting. Seth had never experienced rejection before. It enthralled him. He would win her affection soon enough.

Another one of the locals approached. They were like roaches constantly scurrying out of the shadows. This roach happened to have a pretty face although it was ruined by a scar that extended across her jaw and neck. Seth shook his head. It was a shame, that such a pretty thing had been so ruined. It was like a beautiful painting marred by a splotch of paint made by a careless brush. The painting ruined by the mark and all of its previous beauty lost to the glaring imperfection. She was not worth more notice then a simple introduction. She was probably dying to hear him speak anyway so he obliged.

And yet another roach scurried over, but Seth was pleasantly surprised to see that it was the dark haired from before. The one he had mentally catalogued as adorable. She was talking to Gemma, but Seth didn’t register any of the words as he looked her up and down. She was by far the best looking roach in this cease pool.

The girl gave a strained smile to all of us.

“I’m Dominique, nice to meet you.” she said with fake cheer. Seth noticed that she was focused on Nailah as if Micah and I were not completely there. She only gave the two boys furtive glances.



“Seth. We are humbled by you presence my lady.” Seth bowed dramatically, took her hand and planted a kiss on the back of her hand. She made a yelping noise and pulled her arm away. Seth smiled. Oh these people, at least they’d keep him amused while he stayed here.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:14 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

If you ever give up fighting for life, fight for love. That was what my mother used to tell us. The only thing was, how could I fight for love when my love wasn't the kind of love you had to fight to keep? Or even the love I wanted?

I was beggining to confuse myself and I tried to clear my head, focusing on how I ran.

My legs pushed themselves, the muscles relaxing and then pushing again. My bare feet ran over the bryers and logs and I didn't even feel it. Even my arms took part in helping me run. I was fascenated with how my pale skin looked over my bones, how my muscles shown when I used them.

The day had passed very quickly it had seemed. I had lost myself in the sun so long I didn't realise it had gone away. My running had long slowed to a steady walk and my breathing was slow and paced. I was studdying my hands, clenching and unclenching them. My bones and muscles were the only thing I had been thinking of for the past few hours.

A steady drizzle has started by the time I reached the edge of the forest and stepped onto the beach. I stared out beyond the water, gazing at the land far off from where I stood. I knew if you swam far enough down under the water, you would find the remains of a helacopter. The scar on my left side--about an inch wide and two inches long--was from where the now dead supervisor had stabbed me. The stitches had ripped several times but it finally healed. So many memories from this place and most of them had happened when I got here three years ago.

A low growl from behind me made my heart stop and my body freeze. I turned slowly, reaching for my dagger at the same time. I knew what was there, and I knew what it ment. But could I stop it? Could I kill it alone? I had done it so many times before, now was no exception.

Glassy eyes stared at me from beyond the bushes and I crouched down as if to say come and get me. It jumped out and my only choice was to move out of the way as it slid into the cold water. Any other person would have been slowed by the night with no light to see, but I had done this enough before so I knew I could do this.

When the beast threw its head in my direction I knew it was about to charge. I headed for the trees, climbing quickly, hoping it would try to get me. I climbed higher when its teeth came close to my feet, and then I jumped.

Landing on the beast's back, I clung to it's fur as it tried to fling me off. I drove the dagger into his neck, sliding off one side of it and dragging the dagger with me, ripping it's skin. But the beast wasn't done yet and I knew it.

I fell on my side when my feet hit the ground. I didn't want to get up, I shouldn't have. I should have just laid there and let it kill me, but I didn't. I got back up and jabbed my dagger in between its eyes. Yelping, it backed up slightly, but then bared its teeth more. This most definatly wasn't like the others. Tougher, bigger, angrier.

With a sigh I ended it. I stabbed his eyes, deep enough so that, when I pulled my dagger out, the eye came with it. The beast dropped right there, blood covering the ground from all of the wounds. Blood loss seemed to be one of the only ways to kill them, but there were easier ways.

Exhausted, I fell to my knees at the edge of the water and sighed in relief. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew my cheek was on the ground and I couldn't open my them.

>sorry about the gorey part. I posted! Though!<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:08 am
SisterItaly says...


Fear, fear was my first instinct. I didn't like being touched in any way shape or form. Everyone on the island knew that, everyone on the island respected that. So why would he touch me? My palms were sweaty and I was nervous. Then it crossed my mind... he wasn't from the island. He didn't know.

"I'm sorry," I said to the surprised new-comers, "I just like my personal space... a lot."

Now this girl... she seemed right uptight. The way she stood and analyzed us... It made me want to crawl into a corner. It looked as if she was seeing if we were worthy to be in her presence. I hardly payed mind to the other two who were there while I analyzed her.

Soon enough my attention turned back to all of them, not just the girl. Who was probably craving attention.

"Well, seems we're going to have to get some new living arrangements set up... at least until my brother gets better." I heard another groan from the tent... he would get better. Right? he had too.

Now the question was... where to put them until then.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:26 pm
aweqs says...

Spoiler! :
Right I've posted.
Happy now?
I didn't think so.

Nailah | The Fort

Seth leaned his chin at me, expecting a kiss from my plump lips.

"Ugh," I said, scowling at him. He was so sleezy- how could anyone think they could get away with lines like that? What sort of feeble, wretched girl would fall for lines like that?

A girl- who could of been pretty, but the harsh, ugly scar which crossed her cheek stopped any chnace of that- walked out from a hut.

"Hi, um, I'm Gemma." she said,awkardly. There was a silence.
What an pathetic attempt at conversation.

I heard footsteps coming from the previously-groaning-hut, ( no suprise- it must of been getting pretty crowded in there) so I opened my eyes to see a charming, dainty looking girl standing in front of me. I realized quickly that she was the mother of the gross baby. She was really quite attractive.

My eyes narrowed. All my life I had clung onto the fact that I was beautiful, and that I was the most attractive. Always.

The dark-haired girl and Gemma talked for a second, but I didnt catch what they said.
Gemma returned to the hut.

“I’m Dominique, nice to meet you.” Dominique said, with a warm bus almost feaful smile.

"Nailah." I replied, against my will.

"Micah," said Micah.

"Seth. We are humbled by you presence my lady.” Seth said in his awful, slimeball way.
Jealousy squizzled up my throat as I saw Seth bow dramatically, then saunt over to her with that same flirtatious smile he had approached me with.

No, I wasn't interested in him, but I was used to boys being obsessed with me.
No, I didn't plan on helping him, giving him anything, but I wanted any admiration, or fascination of his, focused on me.
I needed his attention.
I needed everyones attention.

I sniggered under my breath when the girl stepped away from the over-confident Seth, with a yelp.

Seth smiled, amused.

Dominique's face dissolved from fear, to pity.
"I'm sorry," I said to the surprised new-comers, "I just like my personal space... a lot."

Then she stared at me, analyzing me. What the hell? What sort of person can just gawk at another without any sort of embarrasment?

I just glared at her; I was developing a migraine.

She looked away.

Well, seems we're going to have to get some new living arrangements set up... at least until my brother gets better."

I became aware of the new groans from the tent... whoever was in there wasn't getting any better. Not that I cared.

"Where do I sleep?" I demanded, rubbing my temples as I stood up.

"Sleeping arrangements haven't been made just yet," she said flatly.

"Ughh," I groaned, plopping down onto the log placed by the fire.

This place is my actual, personal idea of hell.

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:33 pm
eldEr says...


My gut was twisting so much by this point, that I felt like the pregnant one. So many memories came back with that one comment, along with some old fears that I had managed to keep locked up and well-concealed. I had been the one to watch the helicopter take off, the one to stumble back to camp absolutely destroyed, begging everybody to search every square inch of the island with me. I had worried every second that she was gone, scared for her life. The baby-- I worried about it, too, but my mind was too frazzled at that point to think of what it actually meant to me.

That wasn't even a fraction of the memories, but that's all it took to make me want to panic. What if the same thing happened to Mai? What if she managed to stay safe, only to die giving birth? What if the baby was born with a disability that we couldn't treat properly on island?

I started pacing, trying to unsuccessfully to calm myself down before I spoke. "This is why Genma and Ryder have stuck to kisses for so long!" I would have been shouting, but the last thing I needed was for the new-comers to hear. My tone was obviously angry enough, because Maiara made a strange, yelping sound.

I stopped pacing and looked up, tone softening slightly, but not by much. "Mai, what if something happens to you?" It came out as more of a hiss than a question. I continued without even giving her time to answer. "Don't tell anybody else. Especially not the new comers. If those freaks in white were to overhear us somehow... Just don't tell anybody."

"Duncan already knows," she said quietly, looking down at her feet.

I swore under my breath, resting my head in my hands. It took me a few moments to realize that if Duncan was the father, Duncan was one of the first people that needed to know. "Don't tell anybody else then. Unless you're having a hard time, then I suppose Domi would be able to help..." Good lord I was going to develop a twitch pretty soon.

My head was suddenly whirling again, and I stopped talking entirely. Lack of sleep due to sheer terror I couldn't find the source of, Ryder being poisoned, Maiara's apparent pregnancy, a group of new-comers (one of which I already hated)... why couldn't this have all waited until tomorrow? Or better yet, never happened at all? This was my daughter's birthday, and not that she cared too much at her age, but I had wanted to make it some-what special. It was probably almost noon-- past noon, even, and I hadn't even played her so much as a song.

Guilt, fear and anger all at once. A very bad combination, especially for a man who's gotten near to no sleep all week.


The urge to vomit was almost over-powering. That rash... it was on Gemma's hand. If there was one thing in the room that I was capable of processing, it was that Gemma could not feel the way I felt. If she ended up like me, I would kill myself. Assuming this hadn't killed me already.

The girl was giving orders-- and it was making my head hurt. What was her name anyways? Bea? No, it started with an N. Or... maybe it was a T. Oh for crying out loud, it doesn't matter. It really didn't. Maybe if I made it through this thing, it would, but I was too busy worrying about Gemma and trying my hardest to swallow the pain.

"...lots of water," I blinked. The nameless girl was talking again. To who? Tarrion had just left... to Domi? I blinked, trying to look around the room. No, she was gone, too. It was Gemma, then? Gemma was the only one in here? "Make him puke..."

"Gemma first," my voice was weak, probably hardly even audible. Apparently not, because Tiaan kept talking. I stopped listening then, wanting to reach out and grab Gemma's hand, but knowing that it would probably be a ridiculously stupid idea. It would hurt her, and what if by grabbing her other hand I only infected that one?

And then the red-head asked something about Annie, and then I had to close my eyes. The room was spinning again. When they opened, the girl was gone.

"Gemma?" I blinked to clear my vision, taking a few deep breaths. If she had answered, I hadn't heard. "I'm sorry."


I looked over at Damon, and couldn't hide a bit of a grin. Typical soldier-stance, and he looked good in it. Of course, I probably found it attractive because it was an obedient pose, one that screamed, I will do whatever you want whenever you want, no question asked. I liked that.

I thought of kissing him, but that would probably be just a little too... not right, considering I had just killed two men. And was now giving almost no thought to the fact that their bodies were bloodying my building. My smile turned to a frown.

"Get Mark in here to clean this up," I ordered, though it wasn't nearly as cold-sounding as it would have been had I been talking to any other Supervisor. Damon was a special case. Sometimes, I liked that, and others, I hated it. He made me feel one of two things. Amazing and powerful, or light-headed and weak.

"And then meet me in the monitor room again." This time, I did kiss him. On the cheek as I passed, trying not to think of the fact that I wasn't thinking twice before shooting people. It was almost disturbing. Almost.

got trans?

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:25 am
LastPaladin says...

Tiaan: Outside the Campsite

She wasn't even sure why she was rushing through woods, the foliage raping her face as she tried to swat it before it struck her, but there was so much undergrowth. Yet even as she crashed through the maze of plants, more scratched and tore at her top and jeans -- like paedophiles pawing her body with such veracity. Growling in frustration she flew into a rage and forced herself through the tangle, ignoring the stings, the eager sticks trying to wrest her from her clothes, she grimaced as she flew through the jungle.

Finally she came to a path and groaned and she checked herself over. Her jeans were torn so much they looked like shorts, her legs decorated with a ballet of scars -- much like if someone had decided her leg was cutting post for emo kids. Her top was fairly okay, with most of the damage in arms and legs.

There didn't appear to be anything too deep, but even then there was worry what if any of these were poisonous; that was one thought Tiaan tried to clear from her memories. Would that kid even survive? Hell would any of them, they were worse off than the kids from Lord of Flies. Worse still she was a lesbian alone with one bisexual girl who appeared unsure... Samantha may had been shy -- but she was certain of attraction... She wondered about her, whether Sammy knew she had been kidnapped. Was she denying herself because Tiaan wasn't there to guide her.

Was she arrogant to reason that Samantha couldn't handle such a change without her?

Was she wrong to move on so quickly? She had practically moved on to the bases without any warning -- she was up at the batter without a bat, and she really had no idea was she wrong.

Standing back up, she started to move down the path listening to the forest; it was alive, but was it deadly? The kids appeared terrified but of what, well except people snapping people's wrist, humans were scary, but not as scary as say the creature she had seen that night. Time and time again she tried to tell herself it was human, but those eyes, empty, devoid of any emotion but hatred, those deep pools of tar blocking out any light. No human could be that dark.

Why was she thinking of that now? It had happened when she was young, it didn't play any part in this madness, so why even think of it? But she couldn't forget those eyes, those raging eyes, eyes filled with pure hatred taken from Hades. Those eyes.

Those eyes haunted her, every single night, she saw those eyes staring at her. Those eyes snarling at her. Those eyes following her. They had haunted her ever since she saw them, so much so she had to see people's eyes behind shades before she could trust them.

The blackest of souls could never radiate the aura from those eyes.

She was flung out her thoughts -- partially by force, partially by her volition as she saw she had come to a beach.

Looking around hastily, Tiaan saw a figure unconscious next to a shape she never saw, a canine looking beast which had been thrown into a blender with a wolf and dog, then for good measure add essence of 'Holy f*ck are you freaking mad!'

Approaching the body she sighed as she realized it was breathing. Then it hit her it was Annie, she looked exhausted, smiling she looked the sky before saying, "So this is your game huh?" then as an after thought she added "You're too romantic for your own good."

Bending down she carefully lifted the girl -- being total tom boy helped with this as she had done more strenuous activity, including climbing, running, swimming --- falling and general rough housing.

Carrying her carefully she mumbled as she walked back, "Well sleeping beauty, looks like our fate been decided. You ready for madness?"

With no reply, she walked back down the path hoping she could find the fort again as she carried Annie.
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:27 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Seth- New Tactic

Never, in his entire existence had Seth had to use a different tactic other than just being present. This new development both annoyed and intrigued him. He sat down on a log next to the fire pit and began sketching; nothing in particular at the moment as he was far too busy thinking to work on anything of importance.

A plan formulated in his head. A plan to insure that one of the girls would be his. Which when he didn’t really care at the moment since obtaining one would only be temporary then he could taste the sweet fruit of the other later. This of course would take a shift in his actions. The direct approach was infective and a simpler touch would need to be implemented. What was that silly notion? Beauty was skin deep and girls liked a good personality. He supposed he could try that. Women liked sensitive men apparently.

He addressed Dominique. “I’m sorry if I have offended in you in some way by touching you.” He shifted gears. “I believe I saw your child not too long ago. Congratulations, my mother always said bringing life into the world was the greatest gift to humanity. Looking at that child reminds me how true that statement is.” He allowed the practiced lies slip of his tongue like honey. “My mother…” He allowed fake tears to fall down his cheek. “She died birthing my sister. At… least she died happy. Happy knowing she gave back to the world three times,” He let the tears flow harder and covered his face as he let his body shutter with sobs. “I’ll never see my family again will I?” Honestly he did not care, but it seemed appropriate for the situation.

It was slightly ironic that it had been his sister that had taught him fake crying. She had been daddy’s little girl and always got her way. Seth watched her closely and learned to use the same tactics to manipulate his mother. He had not used the skill in awhile, but he was glad he was still capable. Most people looked so ugly when they cried, but he knew how to twist his face just right to look anguished, but stunning at the same time. Of course he had his face covered now and was unable to use the full affect, but that mattered little. To an outside observer he was a scared, broken, teenager right now, albeit still strikingly handsome. “I don’t want to find a place to sleep here. I want to go home.” He continued to sob.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:35 pm
SisterItaly says...


I bit my lip and looked up to the boy. Despite being older then him, he was still taller. I couldn't bare to see someone crying, especially someone younger then myself.

"P-please... don't cry. Don't give up hope," I placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it gently.

He didn't seem to be consoled. In fact he seemed to be even more upset. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around him. He seemed to calm down a bit as I rubbed small circles on his back. I was truly uncomfortable, but he was upset and it was in my nature to be motherly.

"Don't give up hope... I know someday we'll all get off this island. Then you can see your family again, you just have to stay strong," I mumbled.

Then I couldn't help but wonder, what would happen if I did go back? Would Tarrion take me with him? Of course he would... the real question was would his family accept me? A poor girl from the dirt-city of the island. I sighed and patted his back again.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

To have more, you have to become more. Don't wish it was easier - wish you were better. For things to change, you have to change, and for things to get better, you have to get better.
— Jim Rohn